Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Galactic Alliance dominion of Devaron and Aleen

Noire Vanya Tal

[member="Cathul Thuku"]
PharmaTech Industries

[ - thereafter it has been said that --]

I paused in my delivery, falling quiet. The brunette Companion gave a slight forward bunch of her brows in concern.

"Is everything alright, Adema?"

I processed the message I had picked up through open comm and quickly relayed it forward.

[ I have intercepted a message. ]

Noire gave a nod. "Play it."

[ To all GADF units in range, this is Therapy Command: we are requesting reinforcements on Aleen. The Aleena insurgents are about to overturn our positions! Deployment priority to the capital and the Great Seal: set up security perimeters around the royal palace and the Great Seal respectively. Also ground attack aircraft patrols must be set up, too. ]

The companion's eyes went wide.

"There are insurgents on Aleen. " there was a slight inflection in her tone. "If it has to deal with the Great Seal."

I confirmed that it would not be a favorable situation.
Location: Devaron, Montellian Serat
Objective: Support commerce
[member="Tai Fa"]

Saffron gave a small smile, one that didn't relay much beyond her pleasant demeanor. With things moving politically, it was hard not to become involved in one method or another.

"We wait and see," she told him, keeping her face forward. As they entered the building, she saw how the tension would ease away from Vnut. Perhaps things were a bit safer here.

"But one must always be ready." she added, "Anything could happen that could drastically change this world and how we may be able to interact with it. For now, what we've done is observe."
Location: Devaron, Montellian Serat
Objective: Support commerce
Allies: [member="Saffron"]

That was a respectable approach, Vnut supposed.

Lord Fa had always been more of a meddling quality than a wait and see personality. Perhaps it was the Sith inside of him that refused to just sit on the sidelines, waiting for something to happen or perhaps he was just a control-freak. It mattered little, both approaches had a certain sense of sense attached to them, depending on the situation enfolding itself.

ATC was taking the path of the least risk and could probably afford that, because who was going to mess with that gigantic commerce concern?

Not even the Alliance would be silly enough to do that- not when they had their hands full on the First Order and other Imperial influences in the Outer Rim. They had enough on their heads to start another war, but this one a trade one.

"I can see merit in both approaches, I suppose." Vnut responded carefully. Personally, in this situation, he preferred Fa's way. If only because he was a bear of action and sitting, waiting, looking... that wasn't his way.

And just like that they stood before the doors that led into Lord Fa's office.

"Lady Saffron, it was a pleasure, I will have to leave you now. I wish you good fortune in the talks to come."


He chuckled to himself before stepping into the van, gathering himself somewhere in the back. He actually enjoyed Ajuma' sassy atttitude. If the stakes weren't so high he'd probably pick at her a little more. His lightsaber was tucked under his jacket and he had a blaster pistol holstered to his lower back. Old man Jed gave him his old lightsaber, one which Rebel often times called janky. Jed simply told him if he wanted better he'd build his own. Every time Rebel would think about their mission, he'd just roll his eyes. He sighed to himself while waiting for things to take off. He tried to get himself not to worry too much about what was going on...he didn't want to mess this up.

He was lazy, but he hated making mistakes in front of people...

When they came to park, He looked out the window..."So that's the bunker eh?" he thought to himself, before long he'd heard the footsteps of someone approaching their vehicle. His senses were just naturally acute and he was so adjusted to them that he didn't seem to think that it was slightly unnatural.

He turn his head to see who it was likely before any of the others, apparently they couldn't park here.

He looked to his bestie Ajuma and Xena, He leaned forward slightly and softly spoke "Should we just go on ahead..." His next words we softer though the others would be able to make it out "We can circle back around..."

[member="Trextan Voidstalker"] | [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"] | [member="Xena Amonali"] | [member="Liliane Lancaster"]​
Blue Team
Post: 06

The second batch of food was collected and the driver heading back towards the entrance. The two other latches popped open, with one of the men crouching behind a container while the other slipped out the front driver's door as well. Audren already had Ny up on his shoulders, where she'd popped off a rusty grill that allowed air circulation when the facility wasn't on lockdown. She was in quickly, barely managing to wiggle into the vent. There were no laser grids inside, nor were there most of the other defensive measures they'd prepared for, just a couple sensors. Easily defeated by the suit she wore. A couple additional mesh grids, made inconsequential by the monomolecular blade she carried.

The woman found her way to a junction and connected her datapad to the wiring there. The program she ran performed a basic comparison against what it had been pre-loaded with, then quietly pushed an update into place. Essentially, the central government had a warning set up that if the bunker locked down, they would be notified. It wasn't just a one-sided program though, the computer on the other end routinely pinged certain points of the bunker's systems. It was like they didn't trust their own people or something. The update couldn't block outside communication, that would raise an alert for the government. What it did instead is prevent the outbound signal for lockdown from being sent, then shifted the status of the virtual checkpoints to always return the expected return. A horribly bad idea when it came to long-term security, but ideal for the infiltrators.

In the minutes that the woman was in the vents, the delivery driver returned to his van and drove away. Along the short road to the gate, the fourth man slid out the back carrying a long rifle. By necessity, it was a Verpine shatter rifle, near-silent and without a flash to give it away. He set up in a way where he could hit any of the external positions with minimal change on his part, then waited.

Below the vent, Audren and the Rodian he was with waited as patiently as possible. Once the sliced update was completed, he felt the sense of accomplishment roll through the woman's presence and tapped the Rodian's shoulder. They hugged the wall, moving slowly to avoid motion sensors, inching closer to the lone entry portal. Inside the vents, the woman was moving for a similar location, she'd meet up with them inside.
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Red Team
Allies: [member="Joza Perl"], @@Rethgis Earua, [member="Chalim Vern"], [member="Elpsis Elaris"]

Dax followed the small team out of the brothel, hands in his pockets, the slugthrower strapped to his hip clanking on occasion as his knife was jostled by it. The Rogue nodded towards Elaris, having met her on occasion on the battlefield. A worth adversary, Dax had seen the woman turn battlefields into blazing hells. She was the kind of person you wanted on your side. Dax went over to stand next to Ivan, "Guess we're on our own my friend." he said.
Green team

"Sorry sir. We weren't aware that we couldn't park here." Xena spoke in a very soft, surprisingly childish, voice. She gave the trooper a small smile before moving to step out of the vehicle. "These two were just dropping me off. I live just over there." Her hand pointed off to a nearby alleyway that would be perfect for a homeless person, which she certainly fit in terms of looks. Her golden eyes looked down a bit, some of the scuffed dirt on her get up made the whole thing just that more believable.

The trooper gave them all a bit of a look over. He had an odd feeling about them but he put it up to just nerves. With a bit of a sigh he nodded his head motioning them to move on "All right. Get going then." he sounded actually tired, maybe he was. It seemed like the guard was not a night person. He waited until the others made their way off before going back to his post, leaving Xena to walk to her "home."

The girl pulled up her commlink, turning it on before casually whispering to herself "Come around to the back of the alleyway. We can set up there, makes it less obvious." With that she moved inside of the alley to prep for their man on the inside to open up the door. She hoped that he hadn't back stabbed the group for more credits. He sure as heck seemed like the type to do that. She was unaware that the younger guard was watching her, something about the girl sparked a bit of worry himself. He may be young but he had a niece around Xena's apparent age, to see the girl on the street it tugged at his heart a bit. The whole thing reminded him as well about the incident where he had to fire into a crowd, seeing a kid drop from his stun bolt, spasming on the ground. The trooper shook his head once again before standing back at his post.

[member="Rebel Sunka"] | [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"] | [member="Trextan Voidstalker"] | [member="Liliane Lancaster"]​

Elmont Block

Your focus determines your reality
Post #3

Zee spotted the official enter the bar – an unassuming looking Duros male. He was about to tell the Jedi when the customs official immediately left the cantina.

And before Zee could mention it, the Jedi was standing.

“That was him wasn’t it?” he challenged.

Zee nodded and was planning to end his involvement there and then, and so was surprised that the Jedi grabbed him by the collar and dragged him along. “I said, yes – that’s my end of the deal taken care of.”

The Jedi gave Zee a scowl. “He was spooked by someone or something. Alone I’ll not get anything from him. I need you.”

They walked a couple of streets but they were quiet and peaceful. But then, Zee noticed the blue-skinned Duros heading into a nearby alley and walked alongside the Jedi to find where and why the official was headed.
Objective: Stir up the insurgency and brewing conflict and test a new Sithspawn
Post: 7/?

Enemies: [member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Noire Vanya Tal"]

She gave a smirk behind her mask as an open comm over emergency military channels called for aid in dealing with the attacks. By the time any significant force arrived, it would be far too late to undo the damage done by her Festerers and the insurgents. Still, she did sense the five Festerers at the Great Seal come under attack, one dying immediately and the others suffering severe damage. How unfortunate, it would seem the GA rep with the broom had arrived at the Great Seal as she doubted anything the Aleena people could muster would be sufficient. That was always the problem with adopting a simplistic way of life, more advanced things will render that moot and she knew there was nothing in the Aleena arsenal strong enough to hurt her Festerers. like that. At the Great Seal, parts had been damaged by the acid and explosives were being placed to finish it off, while half of the insurgents present fired at the Twi'lek on a broomstick.

The Festerers that had been attacking the Kindalo had regrouped at her location, waiting for transport back to the lab on Tynna for post-operation analysis by her master. There were some things that needed to be approved on, more notes to take on their capabilities, and so on. To her, and her master, that was more important than anything else that might be accomplished today, even their supposed goal.

In the capital, the insurgents had broken into the palace, with the security trying to stop the attack as best they could. Unfortunately, they weren't prepared for the Festerers. Six meters might not seem like much, but the acid was doing its work. Guards lay dead, half dissolved or shot. Some insurgents had died of course, but they were going to be martyrs to the cause... and as if to underscore that, an even larger groundquake began that would shake much of the capital. The king and his retinue were being rushed, not seeing the Minister of Finance had pulled out a holdout blaster pistol and was preparing to shoot the king.
Location: Devaron, Montellian Serat
Objective: Support commerce
[member="Tai Fa"]

"It is a pleasure, Mistah Vnut." the young blonde woman replied, giving an incline of her head in respect and gratitude.

"I enjoyed our little discourse," she added with a soft smile. The doors of Lord Fa's office was at her back. All she would have to do was enter. However, Saffron took a moment to add, "Namaste, Mistah Vnut. May Inari's light shine upon you."

A small nod and the young woman turned towards the doors. Within seconds they slid open to reveal the chamber within.

Noire Vanya Tal

[member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Eldaah Aderyn"]
PharmaTech Industries

I observed the Companion as I awaited her orders. It would make no logical sense to attempt to aid the Galactic Alliance. After all, it was a large government entity with plenty of resources. Why would a lone Merchant ship go and aid--

"Set course for the capitol." Noire said quietly.

"And send word to the local Merchant Fleets within the sector. We have contracts with the local security Private Military contractors that can come in to lend aid."

Of course, all i could do is simply do as requested. However, I saw no sense in it. Organics were rather stripped of logic.

[ As you wish. ]

[ [member="Liliane Lancaster"] | [member="Rebel Sunka"] | [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"] | [member="Xena Amonali"] ] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Dax Fyre"]

Before they could even make for the alley the doors to the bunker snapped open. Trextan opened his eyes wide incredulously. Of course they would open now. The trooper walking away from them didn't seem to pay it any heed. The doors probably opened and closed all the time to allow people in and out. Trextan took half a second to look around at the others and then he drew his blaster pistol.

"Hey!" shouted the second trooper on duty, but Trextan had already fired a stun shot right into the back of the trooper who had come to make them move along.

"Blue team! Red team! We are moving on the bunker now!


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Eldaah Aderyn"], [member="Noire Vanya Tal"], [member="Cathul Thuku"],

It seemed that the King of Aleena stood alone.

Over the rage and noise of battle there was sound of metal feet and swishing of cloaks moving in behind him.

No, he was not alone.

Objective: Laminanium development, stopping insurgency, saving the King.
Post: 1

The cloaked and armored droids came to the King's side, there was five of them, all clad in organic looking Vong-formed armor, all equipped with their chameleon cloaks, magnetic revolvers, lightsabers, and all kinds of other useful gadgets. There were rebels there stirred by some sort of malignant force, fighting alongside Sith spawn, which would give them a hint towards who was behind it. It was not the first time the machines would face Sith spawn.

It was not the first time they would foil their plans.

Ironborne looked to his right, he was standing nearby the Iron Knight, the main HK unit in charge of their squad and other assets. He looked over his commander's visage, tall, almost skeletal Phrik-forged flame, armed and armored with the latest of Abregado technology, two red lights of his photoreceptors bled through the organic layer of his biot armor. Ironborne saw the Knight raise his arms, contorting them into arcane sigils and the Greycloak did so as well, along with his other brothers.

The droid threw out gravitational anomalies, using the Grav-Gloves built into their biot suits. The Minister of Finance was the first to go, as he would swing the holdout blaster towards the King some unseen force would yank on it with all the strength of a war droid, trying to pull it out of his arms and down to the floor where it would be crushed,

"Such treachery."

Ironborne heard the main HK unit say,

"Typical Sith work."

He added, pushing out his arm towards the closest Festerer Sithspawn.

The weird creepy little being was about to spit acid in their direction when Ironborne took hold of his maw with telekinetic grasp, throwing a gravitational anomaly within its mouth, pulling on it as if a black hole just opened inside it. The spawn's jaw closed as acid came pouring out, filling its own mouth, spilling out through between its fangs like someone trying to hold their vomit at a house party gone crazy, dripping down to the floor harmlessly as all of its momentum was lost, burning its own lips, face, and mouth in the process. Iron borne would shoot his other hand up, another anomaly was sent through the Festerer, launching it upwards to slam it into the ceiling above them before pulling it down to slam the thing back down to the floor, that should have been enough to incapacitate it if not kill it outright.

As the insurgents moved towards them still in attempt to overrun the King, Ironborne was about to move into action and punch the ever-loving lights out of one when the Iron Knight grabbed him right from under Ironborne's nose and pulled him up into the air in his strong Phrik hands.

The insurgent thrashed and squirmed, attempting to escape from the droid's grasp when the organic membrane that covered his faceplate retreated, revealing the crimson glowing eyes in all their dangerous glory.

"Look into my eyes."

Ironborne heard main HK unit command, the insurgent could not help but look into them as he attempted to escape, his photoreceptors begun to glow in a multitude of colors and lights, starting to spin and twirl wildly as the Hypno-Gaze built into his droid eyes activated,

"And sleep."

The main HK unit gave another command and Ironborne saw the insurgent's body go limp and slip into unconscious as if by some sort of spell. He saw the Iron Knight drop his limp body to the floor before looking back to the King,

"You are under our protection now."

Iron Knight informed him before going back to the work of dealing with all the chit going down in King's vicinity, looking to Ironborne he would say,

"Give our forces protecting the Great Seal to strike."

Ironborne nodded, sending out a transmission,

"Move in."

The Great Seal wasn't that special of a structure, it was merely a golden disk, probably one of many on the planet, that could have always been resealed and rebuilt by someone who knew exactly its purpose, like for example HK, but if it could have been preserved then all the better. Suddenly infantry drones and intelligent droids sent by Abregado would move in against the Festererers and insurgents attempting to damage the seal. The drones would strike them first, using their blast-staves to either shoot through or knock into unconscious any that would stand in their way while the droid commandos from the Iron Company would move in to deactivate the explosives they have noticed.

The engineers and technicians sent in would have few years of experience behind their belt, serving during the Bando Gora campaign, equipped with their thick Power Armor from Protectorate days, there would be few explosives in the Galaxy they would not be able to deactivate, and hopefully they would have element of surprise on their hand with a sudden strike of well equipped forces and since half of the insurgents seemed to have been busy trying to take down Cathul from the skies.

It was time to end this silliness.

[ [member="Liliane Lancaster"] | [member="Rebel Sunka"] | @Rhen Qel-Droma | [member="Xena Amonali"] ] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Dax Fyre"] | [member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

"You have got to be kidding me!" the Devaronian uttered out, annoyance cutting across her features.

That trooper fell with a flop, but he wasn't alone. That was the problem.

"A little pre-mature there KID" she shouted, as half a dozen more storm troopers came pouring out at the sight of their comrade unconscious on the floor.

[ What is that. Halt!]

Was really the only warning the group received before a volley of blaster fire went at them all.
Location: Aleen
Objective: Fend off the Aleena insurgents
Allies: [member="Oscar Grant Paxon"] [member="Noire Vanya Tal"] [member="HK-36"]
Enemies: [member="Eldaah Aderyn"]
Post: 10/25

After Cathul successfully used Electric Judgment on those carapaced creatures, she came under heavy fire from the Aleena insurgents, but most of those insurgents thought that a riderless broomstick was as good as useless. Also, they were somewhat untrained, and so their fire was erratic at best. But, for all the headaches, or perhaps because of it, her erratic maneuvers allowed her to make it so that the fire hits the beskar'gam, rather than the broomstick itself: she was lucky in that sense. If some lucky shot did, in fact, hit the broomstick, she would be swat out of the sky and forced to rely on telekinesis to absorb the shock. Of course there were dents in the armor. But it took her some time to realize that she is up against the limits of her own computational power due to these headaches: the Great Seal might have had some acid marks, and she would need to avoid using Electric Judgment again. Perhaps shotgunning Force-stasis on each of the remaining carapaced creatures, that is, the Festerers not killed by her first round of chain-fired Electric Judgment, would render them catatonic and buy time for the rapid response teams to come to the Great Seal and deal with the Aleena insurgents. And yet time is of the essence: the Force-batteries are soon running low.

"Therapist Actual, come in!" the rapid response team commander told Cathul.

"How long until you arrive to the Great Seal?"

"Two minutes and closing, Therapist Actual. The other rapid response team has already arrived in the capital"

Hopefully the Force-stasis shotgunned at the Festerers will allow the security guards to hold out for two minutes, she thought, while still attempting to draw her lightsaber for what was to come next. And the rapid response team would help her out: her lightsaber skill really is not much. Provided, of course, that she can hold out that long.

On a beach in an itty bitty, blue and white poka dot bikini ( which doesn't do much cause she's all gangly and flat as a board.)

Myra gave a slight squint of her eyes, shoving her surfboard onto the sand upright. The sun was high, the waves were amazing, and there was salt in the air. The pre-teen gave a small plop as her bag fell at her feet into the sand. Her momma and Aeri Vyn were taking care of setting up a new fancy Biodome station up by the Shipwright's Trace. Which was all fine and dandy, but Myra wasn't too interested in that.

It seemed that [member="Judah Dashiell"] was also here doing some work on some energy ocean project. There was the small hope that [member="Makai Dashiell"] might show up as well, seeing as he was fixing to help his pa with his project. For now though, there was some fun to be had.

Grabbing her bag, the young girl dug into her pack. Out came a dark blue wetsuit. Time to wiggle into this.
Location: Devaron, Montellian Serat
Objective: Support commerce
Allies: [member="Saffron"]

Vnut looked at the little lady in front of him, before returning the gestures by an inclining of his head in respect.

Didn't say much else than that though. Instead he retreated back down the corridor, there was always more work to be done and especially on Devaron. The whole situation was a nightmare for those who dealt with security- didn't matter how good Lord Fa was at negotiating deals and the sort.

It was gonna blow up in their faces, if they didn't watch out.

"My good friend Saffron.
I am happy you came.
How was your long trip?"
"Not too unpleasant I hope?"
The patient voice of the Thirriken would filter through the room and reach her, as the door closed behind her. It was an open office, lots of room and with some focus on positioning.

Feng Shui and the sort.

There was reality behind it though. The Force flowed better, if you managed to grasp the details behind placing the objects in your room in better ways.
Teyr | Teyr Rift | Salacia Consolidated

Makai stood against the railing of the large research vessel and looked down into the deep water. Wet stood was half off, the arms tied against his waist. The sun was high in the sky, glittering across the ocean and warming his back as he continued to gaze down into the dark colored water.

He had already been down into the depths and found it fascinating,although due to pressure and temperature the journey had to be done inside a deep-sea research vessel. He still found a chance to get in the water though,Makai had helped the crew with the vessels' oxygen and power lines during the dives. His Dad was currently down at the bottom of the rift, directing crews that were collecting samples. Something about oceanic energy and green energy futures.

Makai reached into his wetsuit and into his shorts, grabbing his comm to send a message to [member="Myra Elspeth"] . Makai had heard from Dad his friend and her mother, [member="Danger Arceneau"] were on planet. The Dashiell Men had yet to see the Arceneaus but he was certain they would cross paths sooner or later.

Hey Ellie, on Teyr. Rumor has it your Ma is too, what about you? We're at the Rift doing some research. Maybe we can meet up for dinner if you're on planet?


[ 11 ]​

The situation had quickly turned into madness. With troopers all around the group, it was difficult to really understand what was happening, so one had to use instincts as much as possible. Like that would be an issue for a Jedi... Even though Lilian wasn't the best at using the Force, she still had enough skill to use it in combat wisely.

This situation needed it to be used, so that's what she did.

One trooper, wearing the very same armour as the others but with a red marking on his shoulder (was it blood?), came right for the woman, shouting: "KARKING TERRORIST SCUM!"

She didn't know people would get so aggressive about such stuff. They weren't terrorists, though. Ever after the First Order's and Alliance's battle on Kaeshana, the thought of the faction's members as being terrorists triggered the woman a lot.

The woman knew how to control her temper, though, so she didn't start to taunt the man and turn to the Dark Side or anything, but she did feel slightly disturbed inside, which she could easily put into her aggressive moves. Quickly kneeling down to avoid getting shot, she raised her weapon out in front of her, targeted the trooper, and then pulled the trigger.

While she might have been a lot more defensive and calm in a lightsaber battle, she was not quite as peaceful in a ranged fight.

[ [member="Rebel Sunka"] | [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"] | [member="Xena Amonali"] ] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Dax Fyre"] | [member="Trextan Voidstalker"]​
Location: Devaron, Montellian Serat
Objective: Support commerce
[member="Tai Fa"]

Saffron's attention turned to Thirriken. The warmth in her eyes grew and her smile broadened.

"Lord Fa," she began, quietly ambling forward to meet the Thirriken halfway. "It is a pleasure to see you." and she meant it. Genuine affection and respect lingered within her eyes.

"No, there was no trouble at all," a hand went reaching for wings wing, giving him a warm squeeze. "Mistah Vnut was most helpful. I was perfectly safe."

"Tell me, how have you been?" they had much to discuss. PharmaTech was pushing forward it's botanical line and would hopefully, be building another site upon Devaron.

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