With a heave and ho he had made a great deal of process in the time that had passed. A whole three steps, and at this rate, he could expect to be at the right point within the hour. Give or take a few years. "ARRRRGGGHHH!" he screamed, a haven of sweat dripping from his body as his leg jolted out, trying its best to make a slither of progress. It was getting easier or harder depending on the standpoint. Once he got momentum, he was good. Though getting momentum is difficult when your bones are about to snap into small cubes.
After a brief pant of pain and struggle his leg finally reached the floor, a hail of yes and profanity erupting around him as he started to bounce up and down, losing all momentum as he realized his mistake, "GODDAMNIT YOU SON OF A BI-" his voice quickly turned from then on into a mangled bush of curses and expletive language that is not appropriate for the board.
As he finished up he turned to see some white haired women looking at him, escaping from the brush, he looked them up and down, "Hmmmmm.... you don't look like a survivor of the crash..." he said as a smile twisted and coiled over his face. If they weren't a survivor they were a rescue party. His shoulders shrugged, he hadn't had much fun since he landed here, other then the brief journey into the swords psyche that still rested on his side, occasionally pulsating of burst of darkness from its very core.
"Well that's too bad. I was hoping at least somebody else would still be alive. But what can ya do other then rebuild and take over the natural populace." he said as he chuckled aloud, getting back to dragging the heavy crate, to no avail, "Dammit, all those..." he paused for a second, looking to his wrist to see his imaginary watch was pointing to a small plate of Rancor meat, "Oh, its dinner time already. Well that was a lot of I don't know amount of time spent." he said as his fingers wrapped around the rope, getting back to the heaving as he continued talking.
"Oh wait. I didn't answer your question did I?" he said as he paused, letting loose another curse as he realized he had just wasted all the zero momentum he had just gained. "Lemme rectify that," he said as he dropped the rope, taking a few steps forward before tossing his helmet to the ground, a heavy amount of sweat dripping from both the helmet and his face, with trickles of blood mixing between each droplet.
"Ahem, my name is Thraxis," he said with a bow, before quickly snapping his body back up, "And from what I know, I am probably the last person left alive. Everyone else went there own way in groups of two I think. Except Star. She ran off by herself because apparently," he paused directing a digit to the large hole left by the monster, "Whatever that was, was too scary for her." he said with a clap of the hands and a shake of the head.
[member="Lumi Snow"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Dominik Borra"]
[member="Daak Dakaara"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Denn Ralto"]