Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Here Comes The Freedom Train (The Republic Invasion Of Korriban)

Talon Vosra

Dromund Kaas
Objective: @[member="Iella E`ron"]

Talon's knees bent slightly as he prepared to face the Jedi. His eyes squinted slightly as he focused on her eyes. She was calm but not as calm as Watts had been on Metalorn. Talon felt the force in his very bones long for release, for an avenue to be directed to. Talon held it even as it surged inside of him.

Focusing his thoughts and adding to his words with the force he began his usual Dun Möch technique.

"Thats right firebrand," he said "prove to me that you're a Sith waiting to happen. Come and take your pound of flesh."

And with that the seeds were sent and he would see if they would grow. However, he hoped they wouldn't it was strange but as much as he felt like fihhting his heart wasn't in it. He knew he had to do if for his men but what purpose did it really serve. He wondered what his father would have said to hear him speak so cruelly.

'Is this really you Talon?' He thought but as to the answer he wasn't sure.


Well-Known Member
@Nico Minuro Ike @Kiskla Grayson @Syn @Iella E'ron @Rasu Gan @Ronin Wendigo

It has seem after the one hell of ride down with transport all but jostling round like one wild gundark. And air round them rumbling with sound of battle all the way down in . Soon after exiting the transport mix in with the rest of the troops it was easy enough for most miss him. With old skill learn out on the road he blended in and lay low out their radar as he pull away accessing or using the force. Instead he relied more so on his other skills as he pick up the blaster. Shoot his way thru and look round to realize they were in some sort ship and with that in mind it hit him.

Ship means engines......and if he knew his ship take that out would certainly slow it down.And maybe just maybe knock out some its defense just enough for them get the upper hand. So moving on note how ahead the others were getting heavy resistance and one break off to the side. He then move on with the others stay on the sideline out line and out sight he figured. Best not rock the boat and give away what little advantage he had. Moving on he notice a small junction box ahead to which he heads off towards. Break out small datapad he had on him Ronin break into it. Tap into their system to perhaps locate ship schematics and while he was at it drop in few sticklers in the mix. A nice parting gift before he plug out.....having had the good sense to put into use some nice nifty tricks he learn from couple of slicer he happen to book passage with in the past. At that time with bit more better idea where to go he slowly began try make his move to the ship engine room.
Vulpesen's hands tightened around the steering device as he brought the ship between the gun fire. "No good, we'd get shot out of the sky before we could even think about landing." He flew the ship higher to escape some of the closer range weaponry. "I'm thinking we jump, or shoot down in an escape pod." To be honest, he enjoyed the idea of crashing in with a pod, blowing a nice hole in the walls of that academy. Dramatic entrances were always fun to enact. @[member="Gherron Vael"]
Gherron nodded in approval at the second option. "Escape pods it is. Where are they?" He looked around until he noticed the hatches in the back. Walking over to one, he opened the door and stepped inside, waiting for the other Jedi.

On the KA-BOOM bridge....
@[member="Vinyata Nicashii"]

Blade dancing to a beat of Soresu kept him alive while he moved with his squadron of troops against the Sith forces meeting them, wave after wave, on the bridge. Continuos streaks of ammunition being thrown from both sides filled the air above and around the Sith Academy standing dauntingly in the distance. A'donari paid it little mind. Within the front line meant you were a target. The soldiers number every opposing army counted off as a casualty. No one expected a Jedi to stand within these ranks. Why would they? Suicide wasn't a smart decision and they were supposed to be smart. Typically they'd be right but when the Republic had decided on this war they knowingly threw countless lives away.

"Push them back!" A'donari screamed with a sense of calmness in his voice. The edge of the bridge was approaching. His men were pushing them on their heals. A horrible gut wrenching twist in the force gripped his body causing him to shudder. This scream did hold the emotion coursing through his body. "Move!!!! The BRIDGE ISN'T S....."
Close to a hundred men had already gotten off of the bridge. The hundred standing by him couldn't say the same. HSSsssssssssssssss..... time seemed to slow in his mind. The lightsaber was extinguishing to his palm while all around him the bridge was descending. Reaching out with the force he gripped onto the steal frame of the section he was on holding it in place. "AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhhHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!" a got wrenching scream released from A'donari's gaping mouth due to the strain on his body. 'His men would not die here. Everything he was as a Jedi, as a man surrounded him. They were fighting and dying for him!'

The Dark Side tried to force it's way in. "NOOOOOO!!!" another scream released as he focused deeper within himself. On @[member="Ben Watts"]. A'donari was stronger than that. The words of his training came back to him; Through the Light Side of the Force I am whole. Through the light Side I Am Strong! "AAAAAAAaaaaggghhhh!" before lifting his arms to his hips, as if carrying the bridge, and heaved his arms up towards his head. The section his feat was standing on lifted angrily before violently being thrown forward. The effect launching A'donari and the soldiers surrounding him towards the solid ground that the bridge had been connected to in front of the Sith Academy.

Steph Zenima


Hey now, you'd be surprised by how well Zenima was managing to keep up, I mean, of course it was with the aid of a certain cardio-muscular package but hey, when you're a five foot two space junkie then what was a little aid in the field of battle? Run faster? Hit harder? Why not. Why not Zoidberg?

She held no care for what planet they were on, what the objectives were. The woman was here for one thing, to fulfil one craving and one craving only. Violence. Excitement. Possibly explosions. She wasn't noble, she didn't want galactic peace, she just wanted to fight, to maim and to kill.

She gripped her sledgehammer like it was her dance partner at the galactic dance-off and they were going for gold.

They smashed their way through the field, a path of brutality. Blood splattered, giblets soared, fragments of bone and teeth littered the trail that Steph made, there may have been a touch of collateral damage but that was just to be expected. You can't stop this Havoc Train.

@[member="Lan Raegin"]
Setting Ace as the primary pilot once more, Vulpesen moved into the escape pod with @[member="Gherron Vael"]. "Ace, Fire all the escape pods one we get in position. I want to reach the main building, so try blasting us into somewhere near there." The Ashlan Wolf barked in understanding as Vulpesen closed the pod. He wanted as little of a chance as possible to get shot down and multiple targets would make it a lot easier to get down unscratched. Belting in and preparing for the drop, Vulpesen started to relax himself. "Knock knock." One telepathic command and Ace swooped down, sending them off, ejecting the jedi from the ship and straight down to the academy's wall.

As they finally crashed into the building, Vulpesen couldn't help it. From the depths of his soul and the front of his mind, he opened the pod with a roar. "I CAME IN LIKE A WREEEECKING BAAALLLL!" Leaping out of the transport, Vulpesen landed among the rubble caused by the entrance. "And that Mr. Vael, is how you make a first impression." In his head, Vulpesen could hear Ace's report from the damage. Each of the the three pods and crashed into some place on the temple, causing three craters where they had once had walls.

Ava Solborne


The amount of meditation, the lack of thoughts had driven Equa a bit crazy again, but not like he had been before. The last time he was crazy, he heard voices and did things he regretted. But now he had a plan. He knew he won't succeed, but he tried anyway. He was about to perform a powerful ability which was most of the times irreversible. But it was all to help @arc Xavior Talus who was in trouble.

He tried to use Sever Force.

It was considered as one of the most powerful Force abilities there is. It destroyed a person's connection to the Force and blocked them from using it. And now Equa wanted to use it on the Sith near the group, especially on @[member="Mikhail Shorn"].

He concentrated and hoped all the meditation he had done will make it easier. His mind was almost empty of thoughts. Only this one thought, imagination, flew around his head. He concentrated on blocking the Sith's Force usage, but he was not sure how to do it, which was also the reason why he stopped trying.

He fell to the ground because of using too much power and just used a lame Force Wave ability and sending it towards Shorn.
Somewhere else random on Korriban like a tauntaun carrying a small green child on his back

After a narrow escape Darc ceased his force speed to a full stop. He gathered his breath and looked around the red sanded desert. He searched his pockets for his space granola bars and pulled two out, offering one to @[member="Tefka"]. It was appropriate since it would help to ease his nausea. He opened his own and took a bite and his portion as he surveyed the area.

"How far exactly off course are we Master Tefka?"

His passive senses remained active as he looked about. In the distance he could see more structures but couldn't make out a good view of them due to the minor sandstorms Korriban's surface tended to have regularly. He bit his granola again chewed pensively, then noticed his wrapper had some bug with a skimpy outfit on. The paladin peeled off the creature and dangled it in his fingers.

"I don't remember the box ever saying it came with a prize inside."

He shows Tefka the odd looking tinkerbell thing.

@[member="Evangeline Sage"]
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
@[member="Rasu Gan"], @Iella E`ron, @Talon Vosra, @Ronin Wendigo

Syn looked to Rasu and then heard Iella while he moved and went more towards the engines. "Ronin go with her now, we're not going anywhere alone." It was less the alone then they were on a five kilometer ship and that could get you lost if you weren't careful as the blade sliced through a soldier and he went into the hallway. Looking at Rasu with a nod of his head the jedi master was running through in bounding strides while the force pushed into his lungs and muscles to sustain him. A full run to the heart of the ship and the engine room his senses expanding more and more for the ship. Whatever was happening on the planet below he wasn't to worried about they could handle it.

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
@Everyone At the Valley of the Darklords
(3rd paragraph and below is where things will defiantly need to be read​
P.S: Sorry if I ignored someones post, I had a lot to scan over when I got back)​
@[member="Darth Voracitos"] @A'donari Cinn @[member="Tefka"] @[member="Selena Halcyon"] @[member="Mikhail Shorn"]

Krag wanted so much to reach out and rip the very spine from the ghostly apparition, but he was frozen in his seat like a statue outside the academy. He grunted, growled and tried to roar but it was to no avail as the mystic figure spoke to him through his own head. Every word that was spoken was like a razor grinding its way through his skull, making it impossible to ignore the will of the Shadow Emperor. The more that the dead Emperor spoke, the more Krag became aware of the powers held by this ghoul of the force. So magnificent was his power that it was near blinding to the Graug Emperor and as the beast looked into the eyes, he could feel the aura of death and see the malevolence that lay within the power that bound Vorcitos to the living world. For once in the entirety of his life, that has always been tainted by the dark arts, Krag felt fear from the darkside of the force.

It was confusing, rage fueling and life spinning to have had the one constant comfort in your life spun around and used to strike utter fear within you. It was no easy task to scare Krag, but Vorcitos was doing quite the job at it. Krag had been tamed, for the time at least, as the dead emperor spoke into his mind with a voice that could shatter what little sanity Krag had left. The worst of the verbal attack came when the Shadow Emperor commanded Krag to not allow Korriban to fall, or as he called it "My house". So horrific was the volume that Krag would have keeled over in pain if he were not frozen to his seat as he was, a set of screaming banshees would have been a nice downgrade in volume when compared to the Shadow Emperor's words. With the commandment seared into Krag's mind and its echo still pounding his ear drums, the dead Emperor whispered uncomfortably in his ear.

"I'm deathless Krag, and I can hold a grudge for a long, long time. You could just as easily become my new Ashin should you fail today... I don't want that Krag, thus as insurance, I grant you an ounce of my own strength. Use it wisely, or it shall be the last time you hold any degree of power again." With that, the apparition was gone...but something else had begun to change. As the cold grip around Krag disappeared, the beast began to feel a new sensation of power that pulsed through his veins. It was foreign, yes very foreign but the presence was certainly of the Shadow Emperor...and it was a power that Krag had never felt before. Krag was powerful in the arts of fire shaping and had perfect his technique, but he had always been weak in mentalist abilities. However, with the new power gained from the dead Emperor, Krag could sense that many aspects of his force identity were changing.

Krag's laugh began as a snicker and then a booming chuckle and finally it became a throbbing laugh that was amplified by the force. The laugh was deep, dark and would crush through the skulls of every Jedi and Sith in close proximity to the Sith Academy. Standing from his throne, Krag could feel a new source of power stampeding through him and it felt good. The Sith Emperor took his time, striding casually to the Valley of the Darklords. The beast ignored the gunfire that rattled the temple and instead walked towards the place where he had last felt the presence of the little green one from Coruscant.

Walking out into the sands and dusts of Korriban, Krag rolled his shoulder to fix a crooked shoulder plate of his powerful Sith armor and scanned the dunes of the planet. His good eye passed over familiar figures such as the throne breaker, Dragonsflames and...yes...the green one. The little weakling had climbed aboard the back of another warrior and was fleeing the scene of a shuttle crash, but that was not going to happen on Krag's watch. Harnessing the new powers given unto him by the Shadow Emperor, Krag reached out with the force and gripped Tefka with a cold hand of the darkside. Violently, the beast ripped his hand back and aimed to throw the little green creature off of Darc's back and send him tumbling in the direction of the new Dark Lord.

The Dark Ace

@[member="Darth Vulcanus"] @[member="Tefka"] @[member="Mikhail Shorn"]

All he did was sit there. Regaining his strength was the reasonable action Ace thought of. Krag was the angry kind, or so he had been told. Didn't seem like the one to just idly sit and allow others to do everything. Liked to smash good. Dark Ace looked out his peripheral to the throne, then to his chronokeeper. Still that tub of ash sat, wasting men and resources. The whole Council could just walk in here and then maybe he would take action when it was to late? Which would be hilarious to watch as they destroyed him, cinder by cinder, ash to ash. Ace closed his eyes and imagined the scene, he smiled lightly. The concentration on his own whimsy was broken broken by the big E. He had finally stirred and began to chuckle. Ace opened his eyes and looked up round the edge of the pillar. Only seconds latter to be assaulted by the Force, unlike last time where it was empowering, this was debilitating. Ace stumbled, tossing up the defenses of his mind to ward himself. Being so close to the source he was incapacitated while Krag laughed. It didn't last long though, and good that it didn't for his defenses were breaking. Krag took off, Ace was slumped down against a pillar recovering. "I'll need to be more careful around him, maybe ask the karker not to attack me too".

The Dark Ace, being the good resenting soldier he was. Carried on with his duties to observe the goings on of Korriban. Which meant follow the leader. On their way out of the academy Ace made sure to grab his cape robes. A little added protection for the outside climate and a signifier of his allegiance upon inspection if required. Preservation before all. The lithe ambassador kept close as not to loose sight. Not so to draw any ire of Krag, but he knew what he was here for. So hopefully he wouldn't take slight with him tagging behind. Finding something to beat of would also do good to distract any ill feelings of his presence. The Dark Ace traveled in to the dunes with him, still at a safe distance. There were people out here, he could defiantly feel them, certainly who Krag was after. And of course he was right as they came upon them, his largeness wasted no time in attacking the small one who suspiciously looked like one of the toys from McYoda's. Dark Ace took watch of the coming battle from atop a dune. His clothy cover blew in the wind, black, red and silver twisting back to and fro. Best seats in the house.

Lord Ghoul

OOC: Some of you have been having a hard time reading my posts and understanding what my attacks are. I find this regrettable as I try to make it as easy to understand as possible, but for clarity's sake I have underlined, bolded, and italicized the portions of my posts that are attacks, or previous attacks. Sorry for the inconvenience. /OOC
Valley of the Dark Lords
Chasing after Darc and Tefka
@Tefka @Darc Xavior Talus @Joshua DragonsFlame @Simone @Rasho the Hutt @Leina Snowfire @Equa Dominator @Evangeline Sage

After the Force Pull, Shorn felt the rage and aggression of Rasho the Hutt as the enormous being slammed into a fireball that had been meant for Mikhail and went on to attack Dragonsflame. Seizing the opportunity, Mikhail rose to his feet. Cybernetic fingers tightened around his beskar knife as he watched Darc and Tefka continue to retreat.

He nodded to the Jedi Knight nearby, who was apparently trying to use Sever Force. Shorn could feel the weaves coming together, but the Jedi Knight seemed to have difficulty actually performing the technique. He gestured with a nod at the fleeing Jedi Masters. "Was it something I said?"


Failing in the Sever Force technique, the Jedi Knight unleashed a telekinetic wave. Mikhail merely extended his hand and countered it with his own blast of telekinesis. Using telekinesis against Mikhail Shorn? Yes, brilliant idea. When would these people ever learn? He wondered. His own shockwave met Equa's. This Jedi did not have the power of Tefka, so instead of the shockwaves canceling each other out and erupting in a blast of overpressure, Shorn's shockwave simply overrode his opponent's and kept going straight at the Jedi with enough energy to send the man ragdolling through the air.

Then Shorn began to chase after Darc and Tefka. Shooting himself forward with telekinesis, he bounded across the ribald terrain. Jacen Cavill could use Force Flight and had inadvertently taught Shorn the same in their battle on Coruscant. Mikhail did not feel like arriving to the battle exhausted, so he instead took running leaps and propelled himself through the air, landing with a heavy thud each time until he slammed into the ground ten meters away from the gathering fight.

His breath came heavy and hot. He was incredibly grateful for the cooling system inside the armor, otherwise he would have died from heat exhaustion a hundred meters back. Winded, but still ready for a fight, he surveyed the group with his pale blue eyes. @Krag had exited his hidey-hole and stood opposite Tefka and Darc. The colossal Graug ripped Tefka off of Darc's back with a vicious tug in the Force.

Shorn licked his lips and glanced between Krag and Darc. He was tempted to join the Jedi. Not join join them, but.... He stared at Krag. Years of hatred for the Sith flared within him, twisting his gut. His left arm - his flesh and blood arm - trembled. Images of crushing the Graug's bones hung in Mikhail's thoughts, tantalizingly crisp and filling him with a sense of rage. But then his eyes turned back to the Jedi. Pompous, self-righteous. Shorn's mouth twisted beneath his helm. The Sith were monsters, but they didn't try to hide it. Jedi though?.... Pent up frustration found a new target. It wasn't because he hated them so much as he found them irreconcilably irritating.

A gauntleted hand rose and Mikhail wrapped his telekinetic will around Darc's throat for the second time that day.

The Thronebreaker muttered under his breath. "I hate heroes."
Just inside the Sith academy- Crash landing with @[member="Vulpesen"]

Shaking his head softly, Gherron climbed out of the escape pod, igniting his lightsaber almost immediately afterward. Looking around, he kept his guard up for any with that might have came to see the racket. Logic said that they were all out fighting, but he didn't just rely on logic. He knew that somewhere, there would likely be a few apprentices hiding out, or even some archivists struggling to delete everything in case the Jedi won the day. "We should scout it out, check for any stowaways." Looking back to the knight, he raised his eyebrow in question. "But, you're the one pulling rank around here, so you decide."

Vulpesen looked at the apprentice and readjusted his robes. We need to take care of perishable things. "I Doubt our presence has gone unnoticed and I would very much like to reach the archives before everything gets destroyed." Vulpesen's choice would be unsurprising to anyone who had met him on previous missions. He was a keeper of knowledge and as far as he was concerned, that was the prime goal unless things were going to explode otherwise. "Now then, lets get moving before the welcoming party arrives." He doubted they had long, and he was fairly sure that they would meet opposition fairly soon, but he'd prefer to make some ground before that moment happened. Ace's scanners would have a hard time breaching the walls, and that left Vulpesen to rely on his senses and not his watch dog. Still, Vulpesen had managed without the wolf before and he could do it again. Starting his dash through the hallways, Vulpesen kept his hand drifting near his saber, prepared for any coming conflicts. @[member="Gherron Vael"]
Nodding, Gherron took point with his lightsaber and looked at their surroundings. There were a few flights of stairs from what he could see, but judging from the outside, it was far beyond just having two floors. "We should split up. For each floor, i'll take the left, and you take the right." Beginning to walk toward a flight of stairs, he continued to use his senses to his advantage. "And don't worry about me being too weak, i'm long past overdue on my promotion."

"Sounds good to me." Taking his first steps upwards, he took a look back at @[member="Gherron Vael"]. "And I hope your right, considering we're about the same age." It was an approximation due to his looks, but he was fairly sure it was accurate. In any case, he was fairly sure that a mission like this would leave the current apprentices as Knights. Continuing onward, Vulpesen opened up his senses to search for any sith, or artifacts to run into.
Valley of the Dark Lords
Encountering the Sith Emperor
@[member="Mikhail Shorn"] @Darc Xavior Talus @Joshua DragonsFlame @Simone @Rasho the Hutt @Leina Snowfire @Equa Dominator @Evangeline Sage

All joy from the Jedi Master's face disappeared the minute Tefka laid eyes upon the Sith Emperor as they entered the Valley of the Dark Lords.

Darth Vulcanus said:
Krag reached out with the force and gripped Tefka with a cold hand of the darkside.

Tefka remained upon the shoulders of @[member="Darc Xavior Talus"], seemingly unaffected, his eyes fixated on the newest Dark Lord. He whispered to Darc, from far away, and they began running in the Sith Emperor's direction at full speed with Mikhail Shorn close behind. "YOU'RE BIG," the little Jedi yelled from afar. "I'LL GIVE YOU THAT."

Leaping off of Darc's back, the brother of Teferi Efreet quickly closed the gap between himself and Krag as he sailed through the air. Tendrils of electric energy began surging from the green Jedi's skin, strength emanating as Tefka extinguished his lightsaber.


He landed only a few meters away from @[member="Darth Vulcanus"], and the world around him erupted in a chaotic blast of telekinetic, electric energy. The terrain was ripped asunder and scorching white hot light permeated the air, threatening to both burn, blind, and violently throw the Emperor off his feet. This same blast's area of effect would reach the distance of @[member="Mikhail Shorn"] and @[member="Darc Xavior Talus"] as well, rending the very ground beneath their feet and attempting to knock them both violently away from the Jedi Master and the Sith Emperor, abandoning Darc to the Sith that had given them pursuit.
Rasho the Hutt said:
@[member="Tefka"] @[member="Darc Xavior Talus"] @[member="Simone"] @[member="Rasho the Hutt"] @[member="Leina Snowfire"] @[member="Equa Dominator"] @[member="Mikhail Shorn"]

"You know," said Rasho to himself as he slithered into the path of @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]'s fireball, "for being the largest person here, I feel decidedly overlooked."

That white-hot fireball from that pyrokinetic specialist met a broad chest armored with vonduun skerr plate. Rasho dissipated the heat with the Force, slithering through the sand toward the monologuing DragonsFlame. His lightstaff rose into a double-handed grip across his body.

He was gradually losing his taste for banter, for the sake of focus.

Lightning coalesced around the blades of his lightstaff, and leaped out in twin arcs, one for DragonsFlame's head and one for his feet. Should one wish a clearer mental image, one might assume that the lightning arc from the leftmost blade had gone for the head, and the rightmost for the feet. As of yet, however, he still held the lightstaff horizontally in front of him as he advanced towards DragonsFlame. Sand dunes sloughed away from his armored bulk; he plowed through all opposition and did not intend to stop until he ran over the pretty young Master.
"Blast" The Jedi Master muttered as Jabba The Fatt Rasho The Hutt got in the way of his blow toward Mikhail. Quickly, Mikhail fled, and Josh gritted his teeth. Salvation for his fellow Jedi Diana would have to wait, it seems....

But that would come later. For now, the hutt, which he didn't know could wield anything besides a drum of chicken, was advancing toward him with some kind of light staff. When it slashed at him, Josh reached into the Force, switching to Ataru as he backflipped away from his opponent, buying himself some time. A small amount, but enough nevertheless.

Two blades. The thing had two blades on the staff. Two sides that he could hit him with. Two against one wasn't good odds for Josh... Which was why he'd brought his old lightsaber along.

Quickly, a hiss emitted from his former primary lightsaber, as the blade soared toward his hand and ignited. It had felt like an eternity since he had used it, yet it had only been since after the last invasion. New in one hand, old in the other, Josh felt complete as he brandished both, grinning as he felt a little more confident.

He waited for him to get near... Then struck. Like a lightning bolt, Josh slashed at the Hutt's head with one blade, slashing with another toward the shoulder, repeat but in reverse order.. Planning to strike first and fast, and keep his opponent from mounting too much of an offense to begin the duel.

Riz Carter

Detective - Planetary Division
Valley of the Clustercuss

@[member="Tefka"] @[member="Darc Xavior Talus"] @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] @[member="Simone"] @[member="Rasho the Hutt"] @[member="Leina Snowfire"] @[member="Equa Dominator"] @[member="Mikhail Shorn"]

Eyelids fluttered beneath closed lids as her semi-conscious form was held by one of the giants. Molten-gaze widened and she struggled in his fingertips. “Hey, hey! Let…me….go.” Tiny hands pushed against one of his massive digits.

Then all kark broke loose.

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