Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hypori Hit and Run [Imperial Remnant T2 Dominion of Hypori and Excarga]

Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
Location: Droid Factory
Allies: Aka'liit/Mandalorians
Enemies: Imperial Remnant
Post: 2

[ That's why you're the blower upper and I'm the picker offer, Be careful out there, ner vod'ika. I'm not planning to clean you off the pavement anytime soon, ] Bree quipped to [member="Kad Tor"]. Her younger brother sometimes got a little reckless in his endeavors, and she wasn't sure just how much sauce he'd had already this day. The Goran's increased drinking was a problem, and Briika knew the core reason for it, though dealing with the issue in the midst of battle wasn't the way to fix it. Perhaps [member="Artemis Lux"] could help her with an intervention in the future.

[member="Vilaz Munin"] came up beside his wife and opened up their private channel, continuing an old tradition of bantering with her that was started on their first raid together before they became a couple. The Tor had pledged to always watch his six, and up till now had always followed through when she was fighting along side the rugged Concordian.

[ Of course I do, Vil'ika... Someone's got to push you in the hoverchair, ] his loving wife quipped back, then she readied her "Kath Hound" shot gun for the on coming fight. Anything that got past the front line one the first pass would be game for her until verd went down, then it was show time.

[ Roger that, Stri'buir, ] the golden haired medic replied to [member="Strider Garon"], who was acting as their warmaster this mission with Mand'alor beside him. Oh how she'd like to know what they were discussing from the looks of their posturing.

[member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Drof'del Tavor"] @Malok @Agenor Dyre
Location: Droid Factory
Allies: Aka'liit [member="Briika Tor"] [member="Kad Tor"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Drof'del Tavor"] [member="Malok"]
Enemies: Imperial Remnant @Taylor Swift
Post: 3

Nolan thanked the gods that his visor was tinted to 100% as the orbital strike in the distance. Droids were doing their part, wasting the Imps ammo. His scope found a target, the viewport of a walker. One shot to weaken the viewport, another to eliminate the pilot. And a third hit the controls. The walker careened into a building and down onto the Imps unlucky enough to have stood nearby.

The next target was getting the gunners on the artillery. They would cause the most damage. Nolan took a couple potshots to gauge the range. The next shot would strike the first gunner in the leg. He fell out of the seat, screaming, like a child. It was a game for Nolan. Let's see who he could hurt the worst, without killing them. The 7.62 kinetic rounds shredded limbs and severed heads, it was bloody glorious. Like a painter, Nolan retouched the inside of the other walkers and artillery pieces. It was like shooting fish in a barrel. A large barrel with tons of really easy to shoot fish.

Then a few sensors went off in his helmet. He looked up, there was a star, in broad daylight. Someone was charging a weapon up there.

"I think we've got more than just a load of Imps to worry about, Vod. I'm picking up some massive energy readings up in atmos. We may be losing a few percentages in pay." Nolan contacted the entire unit.

Nolan took a few more Imps out that seemed to be surrounding one smaller woman in particular. She must be someone important. Deciding to make note of it, he zoomed in and snapped an image of her face as she ordered the men around. Interesting, silver cylinder on her hip. Jedi? Sith? Either way, she was a good target. Nolan moved from the smoke stacks and flew down to a rooftop off center and lined himself up with what looked like her personal guards. They'd be the next to fall.

Drof'del Tavor

Soldier for Hire, Mando at Heart.
Location: Droid Factory
Allies: Aka'liit
Enemies: Imperial Remnant
Post 4/20

Drof observed [member="Nolan Detta"] fly down from his overwatch position. He was still dropping foot soldiers here and there when he noticed a figure, that looked different from the other soldiers.

Kriff, who was that? The word: HVT came to mind. Nolan must have flown down to get a better chance to hit her or her bodyguards. He piped up on the comms channel
[[Anybody see that female down there with a bunch of spooks?]]
I guess it didnt matter, they were still an enemy.

Drof figured that his superiors could make the call on what to do with her, so he focused on crippling the Imperials' forces any means necessary. He noticed in the distance there was an AA battery--how fun.

Nolan had already taken care of them--How nice of him
There were walkers dotted across the battlefield like jacks.

He noticed in close proximity to one of the walkers was an Imperial Shocktrooper, carrying demo equipment. He would wait for the trooper to load a rocket before he would take a shot. First shot missed hitting behind the prepped trooper.

"Kriff, come on cyar'ika, work with me girl"

He adjusted his elevation and took another shot, it was a hit. The rocket spat fire and shrapnel killing the trooper and shredded the right leg of the walker. Power supply was failing the walker's right side and it limbered sideways until it fell into a cloud of dust.

Drof knew deep down that the battle would get harder the closer the Imperial Remnant got.
[member="Briika Tor"] [member="Malok"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Agenor Dyre"] [member="Kad Tor"]
Lucien and squad ran quickly across the decaying battlefield. Holes pocketed the earth and rubble had begun to pile up everywhere. Buildings lay strewn like broken toys. Stray artillery shells exploded around them. It was hell. After what seemed like hours of running Lucian finally found cover against a section of broken wall with his squad. His lungs were on fire and the adrenaline flowed freely through his veins. He took a moment to check and make sure the astromech droid had made it. It rolled up and bumped into the side of his leg. It gave out a series of beeps as if in confirmation of Lucien's unspoken question. He patted the droid atop its bulbous dome “Oui, c’est bon!” Lucien replied.

He peaked around the corner and spied a group of Mandalorians sitting around a holocom. He had caught them in the middle of a briefing. He withdrew a grenade and put a finger to his lips jokingly shushing the rest of his comrades. He primed the explosive then lobed it around the corner. “GRENADE!” Came a shout, followed by a muffled boom. Lucien and a trooper from his squad rounded the corner. A Mandalorian had hopped on the grenade, saving the rest of his comrades. But, it was all for naught as Lucien and his own trooper raised their weapons and fired. Laser fire raced towards the mandalorians. Penetrating armor, flesh and bone. Riddling the warriors with red leaking holes.

Three of them fell to the ground while the other two had managed to get to cover. Lucien and his commando followed suit and took cover as well. They laid down suppressive fire while the rest of his squad moved from behind the wall and found their own cover. A Mandalorian raised his gun over his pile of rubble and blind fired, while the other actually stood up and took aim. Lucien did the same, but he was faster on the draw.

Two shots one hit the standing Mandalorian, the other shot hit his blind firing compatriot’s gun. The Mandalorian crumpled to a heap while the other who had been blind firing discarded his now useless weapon. He withdrew a large blade and charged the Imperial commandos, who in turn hosed him down with las fire. “Clear!” Lucien cried out in his peculiar accent. He and squad continued onwards. They were now one step closer to the foundry. He just hoped the rest of his platoon was faring just as well.
Action: Engaging [member="Lucien Galtier"]

The Battlefield was Hell.

The cries of men racing towards their demise filled the Ma'alkerrite's ears as he charged. Each thunderous step brought him ever closer to the horde of ivory-clad troopers who ran towards the Foundry. Malok was ready. His rage was his ally. He-BOOM! The ground left the Behemoth...He did not know what direction was up or what direction was down. From above, the calm before the storm had been discharged - turbolaser fire heralding an even larger blast. It was immensely fortunate that Malok was not vaporized by the initial strike...yet as he laid in a daze, his mind was taken back.

He had been here before.

Not on Hypori...but the victim of fire from above.

He, once, rebelled against his sibling. They marched on his former home. They were obliterated by fire from the heavens. One by one, the volleys tore apart his men. One by one, his hopes were eviscerated. It was that day that the Prince of Ma'alkerr ceased to exist. It was on that day that Malok had come to be. The memory slowly faded from his eyes, replaced initially by a persistent ringing. The explosion had caused his ears to scream in protest...and his vision was blurry. Not again. Malok grit his teeth.

Not. Again.

He forced himself to his feet.

Never. Again.

A roar erupted from his lips...and the Force heard him.

Malok thrust forth his hand and Hatred leapt from his grasp. It sang across the battlefield, spanning several meters in seconds. Crimson. Angry. Electric. The assault was aimed at the first soul that met the Ma'alkerrite's amber gaze - A Commando who had fleshly slain a cadre of Mandalorians. Malok did not know if his fledgling lightning would strike [member="Lucien Galtier"]. He did not even know that he was capable of this. Yet in that didn't matter. He was out for blood - out for vengeance upon a brother who had crushed his very soul. The Commando wasn't the culprit, but for now...he would do.

Location: Droid Foundry
Allies: Aka'liit ([member="Briika Tor"], [member="Malok"], [member="Strider Garon"], [member="Nolan Detta"], [member="Agenor Dyre"], [member="Drof'del Tavor"]
Enemies: Imperial Remnant
Objective: Carry
Post: 2/20

He chuckled when his wife quipped back at him which was common whenever they were out together on missions like these. It would soon be followed up with a serious sentence that went along the lines of, "Stay close to me, ner cyare. I can't afford some plastic boy harming you." Oh, that would only unleash a violent Mand'alor alright. There was nothing preventing harm coming to him, her, or anyone in this type of profession but he was always making sure nothing too serious came to touch his Briika.

If anything, he'd made sure to use Strider as a means of shielding Bree after making a comment that the Munin hated to hear. "And I promise you that I won't die today, Strider," was all the Mand'alor said to his compatriot in an irksome tone of voice. Was he a jealous type? Not at all, but the Munin did disliked it when someone was trying to act all smart with his beloved wife. Especially with a man like Strider that was infamously known to have pleasure with all kinds of women for one night and then planted seeds of his countless bastards. No way was Vilaz ever going to allow the Garon near Bree when he wasn't around.

But now it was time to focus back on the battle.

"Copy that, Nolan. I read them as well." What could it be? Was it something to fret about? If so, what good would it have been since the Faithful in the droid foundry. Their enemy before them was the oncoming wave of Imperial personnel with hopes of conquering the droid foundry.

"Ni kar'taylir darasuum gar, Briika," the Warrior said to his significant other, in their native language, in their private comm channel. Another common thing for them to say each other before a battle started. "Alright, boys and gals. Let's teach these stormies how to shoot with a blaster," and was greeted back with enthusiastic yells. Slowly were the Imperials advancing which the battle droids did a good job of.

"Malok, make sure you leave some of the first wave for us. I'd hate to have my thumbs twiddling for someone to shoot me."
Location: Droid Factory
Allies: Aka'liit
Enemies: Imperial Remnant
Post 2/20

Kad rushed to get his charges set. There wasn't time to be meticulous, which is really where P is for Plenty came from. With a few of the verda watching his back, Kad got to work and placed the explosives where they were certain to make the biggest impact. The Mandalorians could be considered outnumbered, but as [member="Strider Garon"] obeserved, the Remnant should have brought more troops.

The large, ferocious warrior that was [member="Malok"] had rushed past him. He was hungry for a fight, and might serve as a distraction for the rest of what Kad needed to do. When the work was finished he ran back to regroup with the others. He pulled out his carbine and smiled under his helmet. The green color had its meaning, duty. Odd that Kad would still wear the color after having abandoned his home. It was not something he wanted to be known for, so today was his redemption.

["Strider, the call is yours when I blow them to the afterlife... and if anything happens to Manda'lor today, which I doubt... I will be taking care of ner vod'ika."]

The jest could be heard in Kad's voice. The two had always had a relationship in which one fed the other. In truth Kad thought Strider was an honorable man for the most part. He just had a lot of surprises running around the galaxy, one of which had spurned Kad's niece. Kad was still bitter about the fact Aden thought he could walk back into Mesh'la's life, but as he told the golden haired niece, family was everything. If they could make things work they had to try.

Kad took his frustrations out on a few of the troopers that were charging the line. He wasn't just good with demolitions, but the functional alcoholic managed to pick troopers off without wasting his ammunition. The idea was to allow them to advance to a certain point, then hold the meat bags long enough to blow them sky high.

[member="Briika Tor"], [member="Nolan Detta"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Drof'del Tavor"]

Keyan Mastigar


"Reactors charged, Sir!" A lieutenant yelled from her station. Captain Keikodi turned to face the viewports, looking out of the bridge at the planet of Hypori. "Target the sensor marker, Full Power Ignition." He growled, the crew tensing up as they prepared the Firebrand to fire; The main viewscreen would change to a magnified view of the field of battle, a reticule moving over the location where the Imperial commandos had placed the sensor marker for the SPMA-Ts to batter the area in turbolaser fire. "We are in position, Sir. Ready to fire at your command." Keikodi's first officer said, walking between the crew pits up next to the captain. Keikodi deeply breathed:

"You may fire when ready."

"Commence Primary Ignition" The Chief Gunnery Officer announced throughout the ship from the weapons control room; dozens of gunners, technicians, and navy troopers would pull levers, press switches, and enter commands on their consoles. The CGO turned to face the control room at large and gave the signal for a technician to begin the primary firing sequence by grabbing and pulling a latch that made an audible sound in the room. Tributary beams blasted through their firing tubes, converging in pairs of eight until they surged out of the concave dish mounted on the front of the star destroyer. The intensified proton beams were funneled into an invisible force field and combined into one, powerful, laser that launched at incredible speeds towards the planet of Hypori.

The beam impacted on the floor of the desert with a loud CRACK, but the sound was soon drowned out as a massive explosion of fire and debris was scattered outwards quickly, hitting anything and everything that was in their way. This cloud of death would move hundreds of meters in both directions before settling down; smoke and steam still visible until they moved to show a sizeable crater where the entrance to the foundry had once been. Captain Keikodi grinned grimly "Give the reactors a few minutes to cool and charge them again for another subsequent Full Power Ignition." He ordered, satisfied that the weapon could crack earth as it could hull.

[member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Lucien Galtier"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Agenor Dyre"] | [member="Briika Tor"] | [member="Drof'del Tavor"] | [member="Kad Tor"] | [member="Malok"] | [member="Aut-X"] | [member="Cicero Tiro"] | [member="Strider Garon"] | [member="Nolan Detta"]
Lucien smiled as the last of the Mandalorians fell. They aren't so tough after all He thought to himself. He and his squad moved from cover and began to make their way from the bombed walls that had shielded them. They watched as turbo laser fire rained from the sky and raked the enemy lines. The Navy was surely giving the Mandalorians hell. Lucien merely marveled at the beauty of the destruction that was laid out before him. Then as he snapped out of his stupor he noticed something horrifying. A green star had taken up the daylights sky and Lucien knew it meant death for all. He and his squad had to get the droid into the foundry… Otherwise it would be Omega all over again.

The thought brought up horrid memories of fear in him. Memories of how the Republic had left he and his squad for dead, surrounded by Sith forces. They had barely made it out alive… Now it seemed the Empire had the same idea, but he would not die like this. Lucien knew he would complete his mission. He was once more taken aback as the last of the barrage landed and he spotted a behemoth of a creature go sprawling through the air. It landed with a large thump near Lucien and squad. They drew their guns and aimed at the thing as it got to its feet.

It stood a towering 7 feet tall. Its nostrils flared in anger and hate seemed to fill its very being. It raised a hand and an arc of lightning raced towards the Commandos. It wracked Lucien down to his very bones. Immense pain wormed it's way into everything. A couple of his squad mates let loose with their EE-4’s. Firing on full automatic unloading everything they had, as Lucien was tormented by the crimson lightning. When it stopped Lucien fell to the ground. His body felt weak, his bones like jello and he was unsure he could stand. He reached for his EE-4 and through sheer adrenaline managed to stand on shaky legs.

Then it happened. First a great beam that nearly blinded the commando. The earth shook like it had been taken by a giant whose fury knew no bounds. Lucien was thrown aback from his standing position and rolled on the ground three meters. He felt something break as he skidded across the barren earth. A rib maybe, he thought to himself. He got up on hands and knees and coughed up a bit of blood. Lung punctured, hard to breathe… How much longer could he hold out he did not know. But all he had to do was get the droid into the foundry then he could give up.

A great mushroom cloud had begun to form where the blast had shook the earth. Lucien picked himself off the ground and saw that the rest of his squad was doing the same. He could not tell what happened to the massive simian that had blocked their path, but that mattered little. He just had to make sure the astromech droid was okay. He surveyed the area and found it buried beneath a pile of rubble. It was slowly digging its way out and Lucien ignored it. He had to make sure the ape was dead now that he knew the droid was okay.


Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Gromm Cardan"] Ξ [member="Strider Garon"] Ξ[member="Briika Tor"] Ξ [member="Lucien Galtier"] Ξ [member="Malok"] Ξ [member="Vilaz Munin"] Ξ [member="Kad Tor"]

My mini bosses - [member="Nolan Detta"] Ξ [member="Drof'del Tavor"]


Sanya heard the twang of metal as a shot impacted with the frame of a walker before a second had fired, that one had managed to brake through the small viewport. The trooper inside suffered injury to his shoulder making the walker begin to turn to wards the building. Although the copilot managed to grab controls before impact. "Jada?" "Yes milady?" "Scopes up we ate been sniped out here."

More shots came from the distance injuring one of the men riding atop of the artillery and a second man who went up in flames. She had no idea why there was stormtroopers integrated into her military when they should be with the artillery but she wasn't going to argure the extra hand. "PENUMBRA GET COVER. A-AT MOVE BACK INTO THE CITY FOLOW US BY COVER. Y-AB FOLLOW THEM." Her hand would make signals as if like a language to her guard. She was telling them to move under the giant concrete highway.

Right now she's playing decoy. To be the distraction her men need to advance. "Penumbra don't peek your heads out. Not until you sisters have located them." Although the snipers made the mistake of probably shooting four times from the same spot. Their accuracy wasn't so grate either. Droid or manda they stand in her way. Her objective to destroy, not capture. Droids feel no pain but the mando's. She wasn't going for blood unless they wear the mark of house verd. Sanya had friends and acquaintances who where mandalorians. If they found out she was killing them, they'd probably get mad and end good ties.

She put the front of her mask on covering her face then pulled the hood up over her head as she began to walkr in the direction of the shots. Putting her arm in front the saber shield would ignight ice blue. In ways she missed the use of her lightsabers. But she could no longer hold those ones for personal reasons. Instead she held a tight grip on the swords hilt.

Sanya's mask
Royal circlet
Sekallien Grand Master Robes
Tactical fighting blade
Saber sheild

Arachnid-AT X4
Yoma-AB X2

Penumbra unit

Sekallien royal guard (in development link will take you to Google docs)
Location: Droid Factory
Allies: Aka'liit [member="Briika Tor"] [member="Kad Tor"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Drof'del Tavor"] [member="Malok"]
Enemies: Imperial Remnant [member="Sanya Val Swift"] (Target)
Post 4

Nolan watched as the walkers and a large portion of the simp forces pulled back and around the buildings to the far side.

"Enemy is trying to flank us on our left. They're bringing a few droid walkers." Nolan called to [member="Strider Garon"] over his encrypted comm.

Bringing his MC-76 railgun back onto the woman who was leading the charge, she now had a shield and sword at the ready. Nolan looked her over and picked his shots. The first went for the shields metallic center, the second aimed just to the left of the shield, where the woman's right shoulder would be. The next four would be center mass, aiming to keep her on the defensive. And there would be impact at every attempt at deflection. The magnetically energized rounds wound impact with extreme kinetic force, making it difficult for anyone to withstand without faltering.

Nolan knew what this woman was instantly, he could sense it. A dirty Force User, one who'd learn that her "power" meant nothing.

Drof'del Tavor

Soldier for Hire, Mando at Heart.
Location: Droid Factory
Allies: Aka'liit; [member="Briika Tor"] [member="Kad Tor"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Malok"]
Enemies: Imperial Remnant; [member="Sanya Val Swift"] (Target)
Post 5/20

A blinding light caught Drof by surprise, a weapon of immense power just opened fire on them with extreme accuracy--this was too close for comfort
[["What.The.Kriff was that? Our objective will be destroyed if that thing recharges"]]
Drof closely observed [member="Nolan Detta"] and he was gunning for this mysterious woman- Well, an extra hand could'nt hurt- he thought to himself.

While Nolan was gunning for center of mass, Drof picked his shots lower, as to hit her legs/feet as a distraction which would hopefully allow Nolan an open shot.

His shots would stray off and hit near her feet. Dust kicked up around her from the impact of his shots.

Alright lady, that was enough warning shots--eat this aruetii

Drof turned an elevation turret on his scope and took aim once more--his finger hugged the trigger and let a shot ring out. The shot flew toward her and barely hit the side of her foot- not enough to cause pain but it did have a scorch mark--the woman remained unmoved. He glared at the woman in frustration

Who does she think she is?
She calmly walked their direction--in the face of battle......something didnt feel right but Drof'del wasn't sure what was amiss..
The serpent was Lightning.

For so long had it laid silent within the Behemoth. Coiled. Quiet. Content. It did not stir, nor did it hiss...not until this very day. As the heavens parted and the wrath of the Remnant rained down, the serpent felt itself threatened. It felt as thought it had been backed into a bared its fangs to the world, hissing angrily as Malok weathered the initial volley. It reared back, preparing to strike in return. Ah, the Commando...what a poor fate this one had. He was innocent. The equivalent of a hiker who took a wrong step forward. Yet Malok saw him...the serpent saw him...

They struck.

As electric fury did the serpent fly - launching itself from the outstretched fingers of the simian. Its energetic form soared forth...Its fangs found the Commando's body. It's venom - a cacophony of electric agony - wreaked havoc upon him for only a few seconds. Yet for the victim, this often felt like a small eternity. Relief did come, however. The Commando was not alone on this field of battle, and thus did his squad open fire. A volley of blaster bolts riddled around the Behemoth - some striking the earth at his feet whilst others crashed against his personal shield.

The counterattack was as if hands had pried the serpent off of the Commando's body.

Yet, just as the serpent was robbed of existence...just as the lightning ceased to be...the wrath of the Remnant was made clear. Malok didn't see this one coming and was immediately thrown off his feet. The explosion rattled his bones, shorted out his shield, and sent him sprawling into the dirt. The impact left him momentarily dazed as debris and heaps of earth fell down upon him. He was not dead...he would definitely require a bacta bath later...


The angry curse hissed past clenched teeth. Sheer grit brought the Behemoth back to his feet, using his Hammer as a leg to stand on. The world was topsy-turvy for a moment, yet anger soon brought clarity to his body. His nostrils flared - a wrathful breath filled his lungs as he sought out his victim. He could not see much in the cloud of dust that now clung to the air...but he could feel. Malok did not know the specifics, for only raw emotion did he perceive, but the Commandos felt fear in the pit of their stomachs. As if old wounds were being picked at.

Malok's mouth formed a wicked grin.

The Force - that vile serpent within - bent to his whim. With but a rotation of his wrist did the billowing cloud find fresh fuel to persist. He used the elements to his advantage, masking his physical presence against the slow-approaching squad. He then readied Grond...and waited...Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. The boots drew ever closer...Malok swung. The sheer might of his muscles, coupled with the strengths of his hammer, saw one of the Squadmates sent airborne. What was meant to shatter stones and ore - Repulsors and Shockwave Generator Rods - collided into the soldier's ribs mightily.

He yelped as ascension gripped him.

Malok did not stop. He whipped Grond back over his head and raised the weapon high. [member="Lucien Galtier"] was the target: his very head being the object of the Behemoth's attention. A blow with that much power, with that much added oomph would surely reduce any man's head into jelly. Only an instant stood between the Commando and an untimely demise.
Post: 1
Objective: Pew Pew

The sound of the blaster fire ringing through the facility was unmistakable. Dead bodies fell like flies after their mating season had ended. The armored men marched through unaffected, and undaunted. The leader at their head was Ardgal, the towering general's twin blaster pistols gave precise, lethal shots with accuracy that was unrivaled.

He didn't care who or what he killed, the general had his last bits of humanity scrubbed away with Project: Madman. War had brought him to Hypori, corporate war. Someone wanted someone else's factory cleared out so they could have it. All that mattered to Ardgal was the money.

One of his men tagged a soldier as they pressed forward. His body jerked to the ground. Hand over hand, this victim tried to crawl away to safety behind some crates. The warrior coldly dispatched him with a single shot to the back of the head. Silence covered the room.

"Clear, I am seeing no other--" Ardgal's statement was cut off by a rumble on the earth. "What was that? Sit rep, now."

"Sir, we are showing Imperial Remanent Fleet, in orbit," Virgil, one of the officers, said after a moment, "They fired a droid facility, heavy orbital bombardment," Virgil paused again, tilting his head to the side in a private conversation within his helmet. When he spoke again his voice carried less of a detached tone and a more familial tone of care, "Sir, intel reports show Aka'liit forces were on site."

"Prepare to re-enforce, we will pick up any survivors," Ardgal ordered, his tone sharp with power, "Commandeer anything that moves here, we will grab anyone who survived. Radio in, high encryption, tell anyone left we are on our way and they need to just hold on. Ask what they need most from us right now."

"Yes, sir."

[member="Malok"] I [member="Drof'del Tavor"] I [member="Nolan Detta"] I [member="Gromm Cardan"] I [member="Kad Tor"] I [member="Vilaz Munin"] I [member="Briika Tor"]
Lucien clutched his side as he made his way through the rubble. His squad had begun to pick themselves off the ground and had regrouped on him. They made their way over the rubble strewn stretch, and past blast marked walls to where they had once battled the giant Simian. As they made their way over Lucien noticed one of his squad mates had not gotten up, He bent over to check the man’s vitals, but knew he was dead. He shook his head. “What a waste,” He said as he yanked the man’s holo tags from his neck.

Slowly, but surely the Company Lucien had led from the Republic to countless other Empire’s were being diminished. This platoon was all that was left of the original commandos that had been born from the Republic and Lucien was fast starting to doubt that any of the others had even made it. He feared he and this squad were the last and only surviving remnant of the people he used to call brothers and sisters. Whether this battle was to be their doom though had yet to be decided and now, now they had a job to do. So, the commandos would keep calm and carry on.

They made their way past the fallen corpse of their former comrade and rounded another bend. As they did so the Simian struck. A vicious swing wrought with anger caved the point man’s chest in and he went rolling to the side. A crumpled heap. The Simian reared back with it’s hammer to strike once again, directly at Lucien’s head. Lucien dove to the side and cursed himself as he landed.

He coughed up more blood and his chest was seized by a fit of agony. “Fire!” Lucien cried during his coughing fit. The last of the Republic Commandos fired on the Great Ape with deadly efficiency. Lucien slowly picked himself off the ground and ordered his men back with a wave of his hand. Slowly he and his men would attempt to put more ground between them and the massive warlords great hammer.

Location: Droid Foundry
Allies: Aka'liit ([member="Ardgal Raxis"] [member="Malok"] [member="Drof'del Tavor"] [member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Kad Tor"] [member="Briika Tor"] [member="Strider Garon"])
Enemies: Imperials
Objective: Carry
Post: 4/20

Never in his career as a warrior and veteran has he felt the earth quake at suck violent magnitude or heard the beast of a blast that the whole world could hear. Reports were being sent not just to him but to all Mandalorian warriors that were all here on Hypori, and the reports were very grim and gloomy. A grand energy beam was shot out from the stars of Hypori and slammed itself on the terrain of the planet, sending chunks and debris of earth in multiple directions including the droid foundry. It was a storm; a storm that had no estimation of when it would come to its end as the Mandalorian never had any intel of this weapon.

Acting out of instinct, Vilaz pulled himself and Bree to the ground with the Munin's body shielding his beloved from any possible debris that could harm her. "Sorry, ner cyare," he simply said to his wife. Heck, there were some other Mandalorians doing something similar.

Then the storm began to calm itself, and the Mand'alor got himself up and helped Bree get on her two feet.

"I want the ships ready for us to get the hell outta here. We were pretty lucky that it didn't hit us, but I'm not gonna hope and see a second time won't. Move it!"

The Mandalorians began to move, but double time. They began loading their shuttles with priceless equipment, but they knew they wouldn't be able to salvage everything. For the Mand'alor, his own comrades were more important than some materials or a job that he knew wouldn't be worth continuing. Not with the mysterious weapon that the Imperials had.

He sent out a signal for all Mandalorians to immediately come back to the foundry at this instance.



The space battle above Hypori raged on violently. Aut-X's fleet continued to try and keep the enemy contained, exchanging torrents of turbolaser fire with the hostile droid fleet. Vulture Droids engaged Vulture Droids. Munificents engaged Munificents. It was utter chaos. The enemy were formerly comrades in arms to Aut-X, but now he considered them nothing but traitors, aligning themselves with the corporate ties below instead of their former Supreme Commander, made even worse now they waged open war against him. "Intensify all firepower! Annihilate these traitors!", the droid shouted, a hint of uncharacteristic anger in his tone of voice. The volleys of turbolaser fire from his fleet grew more rapid and vicious, now enacting a full out assault upon the enemy instead of mere containment.

Debris and wrecked ships from the battle above began amassing in the atmosphere, falling down towards the planet below violently. Their impacts, while thankfully missing the majority of the infastructure, grew dangerously close the Mandalorian-occupied Droid Foundry below...

[member="Briika Tor"]
[member="Vilaz Munin"]
[member="Lucien Galtier"]
[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
[member="Drof'del Tavor"]
[member="Nolan Detta"]
[member="Sanya Val Swift"]
[member="Gromm Cardan"]
[member="Kad Tor"]

Enemies:Mandos and the hairy ape.

If anything Sathona preferred to get the job done as soon as possible. So when the call was given that The imperial Remnant wanted Hypori who was she to ask questions.. It wasn't long before she arrived on the ground after the way was clear. Only to be shot and with a volley of blasters... she hated being shot at... It ticked her off.. Once that fuse was blown she couldn't help it. Dropping the spear she held within her grasp, she let her anger fuel her.

A womb of teeth, now torn asunder' thus sending limbs through the shell of her origins- only to have phalange cringe at the sudden rush of oxygen funneling into her figure. . .this acting as the catalyst to a molten sensation upon the surface of her underdeveloped anatomy, smoldering muscles begin to emit a thick steam exhaling from every crevasse. . . Lungs struggling to adjust. .

' B R E A T H E . . . '

Vigorous pupils transition into ivory, only to be capsized by the lakes of churning white.

While incisors gnash against one another, repetitive inhales trigger a plethora of scales flesh to paint across her being like a canvass; and slowly the finalized image inched its way into reality. To sheath features bestowed unto her by her gracious creators, horrific flesh coiled it's serpentine frame upon her. . .

' B R E A T H '

Taking in the battle ridden land, she stepped from her ship that she had conveniently crashed near the foundry and made small strides wide . . .one singular appendage reached out and snatched up the nearest Mandalorian and sent him hurling in the direction of the Ape over her comrades heads.

Fingers twitches momentarily, it wasn't long before she reached down and grasped the spear she had arrived with.

A bloom of smoldering bewilderment; she elevated her jaw in disgust as phalange lessened a connecting seize on steel to send it propelling towards the fleeing mongrels. Twisting upon the pinnacle, orbital designs weave and maneuver betwixt the frame. It wasn't long before she harpooned the male, allowing her index finger to apply the slightest of resistance .

[member="Malok"] | [member="Lucien Galtier"]
Desmond was ushered into a Lambda class shuttle. He had fought in the battle for space, but now he and purge squadron were needed on the ground. The team of agents boarded the shuttle and Desmond took a seat, strapping himself in with the safety harness. The shuttle departed from the Indominator and Desmond could see through the canopy windows the battle that still raged outside. Desmond wiped a bit of grease off on his pants nervously. It was one thing to fight in a TIE it was another to trust your life into the hands of another as you floated through space.

The Lambda shook violently as enemy fighters harried the vessel. But, purge squadron remained calm. They were veterans and trained professionals. An escort of TIEs assisted the Lambda in its effort to break through the enemy fleet. They did their job well and it wasn't long before the Lambda class shuttle entered atmosphere. The shuttle grew red hot as it flew to the surface below. Clouds parted and revealed the planet scape. It was ugly, but what stood out most was a giant smoking crater. “Put us down there,” Desmond said over his com. He sent the coordinates of the crater to the pilot and the ship swooned as the man obeyed orderers.

Desmond looked to @Ashley Myth’rand and spoke “This is your first mission with Purge squadron,” he said knowingly “I expect you to follow orders,” He cried over the roar of the engines. The ship sent down and the ramp lowered. Desmond and his squad exited the craft. All around them the earth was black. The smoke was toxic and Desmond ordered his squad to put gas mask on. Their orders had been simple. Find a droid and if able get it into the foundry....
Location: Droid Foundry
Allies: Mandalorians and their employer
Enemies: Imperial Remnant
Post 3

Strider stumbled to his feet. The concussive blast of what ever that was wrecked him good. "Did someone get the ID Plate of the banfa that ran me over?" He mumbled into the open comms. He took a few deep breaths, painful as they were his ribs were not broken and his lungs were not callpsed. Those were good signs. He could see out of his peripheral vision that his Mand'alor, who was standing beside him a moment ago had jumped onto his wife using his body as a shield. Both were moving and rising to their feet as well. Good, that was the last thing the mandalorians needed was another leadership squabble.

"Seems the imps don't want to play nice!" Strider relayed to [member="Vilaz Munin"]. The leader was already making preperations for retreat. Solid plan, the droids were failing an their lines were broken if not completely obliterated into oblivion. The old man connected to the Avirl through slave controls. The heavily customed transport ship was still operational. The blast had no effect on her location. "Vilaz, the Avril is close by and ready to go! Believe its safe to say this battle is lost!"

The words of defeat were always painful. But, that was the nature of war. The many decades of experience, Strider knew that you could not win them all.

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