Lucien Galtier
The order had come down. The time was now. The droids had punched a hole through the enemy CIS fleet and now it was time for the ground pounders to go in guns ablazing. The shuttle carrying Lucien took off with a lurch. The man stared out the viewport as his platoon milled around doing nothing in particular. The navy had truly given the CIS hell. Their ships lay everywhere broken like toys. Lucien's shuttle bounced a little as it passed through the debris field.
“Man, the navy really gave ‘em hell,” A trooper said merrily.
“Roger roger,” Replied a Commando droid in it's monotonous voice.
“Oui, c’est bon,” Lucien said in his peculiar accent.
The shuttle encountered little resistance, but as it passed through the planet's mesosphere enemy AA turrets opened fire. The vessel shook vehemently and Lucien clung to his safety harness with both hands. They were elite veteran troopers, but that did not mean they were not afraid of death. Men all over had formed their own ways to remain calm in times like these. Some prayed, others fidgeted with whatever they could find, but Lucien merely counted.
Finally the AA fire became less and Lucien let out a long breath he had been holding for some time. The shuttle descended to the ground and Lucien ordered his platoon to exit the craft. The fifty commandos exited single file then divided up into their respective squads. They were to link with the 93rd regiment and punch a hole straight to the foundry. Once there the little droid would take care of the rest.
“Alright men, let’s move out!” Lucien bellowed.
“Man, the navy really gave ‘em hell,” A trooper said merrily.
“Roger roger,” Replied a Commando droid in it's monotonous voice.
“Oui, c’est bon,” Lucien said in his peculiar accent.
The shuttle encountered little resistance, but as it passed through the planet's mesosphere enemy AA turrets opened fire. The vessel shook vehemently and Lucien clung to his safety harness with both hands. They were elite veteran troopers, but that did not mean they were not afraid of death. Men all over had formed their own ways to remain calm in times like these. Some prayed, others fidgeted with whatever they could find, but Lucien merely counted.
Finally the AA fire became less and Lucien let out a long breath he had been holding for some time. The shuttle descended to the ground and Lucien ordered his platoon to exit the craft. The fifty commandos exited single file then divided up into their respective squads. They were to link with the 93rd regiment and punch a hole straight to the foundry. Once there the little droid would take care of the rest.
“Alright men, let’s move out!” Lucien bellowed.