Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hypori Hit and Run [Imperial Remnant T2 Dominion of Hypori and Excarga]

The order had come down. The time was now. The droids had punched a hole through the enemy CIS fleet and now it was time for the ground pounders to go in guns ablazing. The shuttle carrying Lucien took off with a lurch. The man stared out the viewport as his platoon milled around doing nothing in particular. The navy had truly given the CIS hell. Their ships lay everywhere broken like toys. Lucien's shuttle bounced a little as it passed through the debris field.

“Man, the navy really gave ‘em hell,” A trooper said merrily.

“Roger roger,” Replied a Commando droid in it's monotonous voice.

“Oui, c’est bon,” Lucien said in his peculiar accent.

The shuttle encountered little resistance, but as it passed through the planet's mesosphere enemy AA turrets opened fire. The vessel shook vehemently and Lucien clung to his safety harness with both hands. They were elite veteran troopers, but that did not mean they were not afraid of death. Men all over had formed their own ways to remain calm in times like these. Some prayed, others fidgeted with whatever they could find, but Lucien merely counted.

Finally the AA fire became less and Lucien let out a long breath he had been holding for some time. The shuttle descended to the ground and Lucien ordered his platoon to exit the craft. The fifty commandos exited single file then divided up into their respective squads. They were to link with the 93rd regiment and punch a hole straight to the foundry. Once there the little droid would take care of the rest.

“Alright men, let’s move out!” Lucien bellowed.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Cicero Tiro"]

She watched the man emerge from the inside if the half destroyed shuttle. He didn't give her a chance to say a word. It just furthered her impression the man was a liability. They had barely made any move and already he didn't listen to her almost resulting hmin his death and now he had ran off. She didn't know about him but she had a task to do. Her troops had started to advance and there was a lot if city to cover before reaching the designated spot for the command base to be set up. "Twenty seventh squad, move up and follow the Knight. Make sure he doesn't get himself killed or mess up the mission." She said through the com as it would come through more clear.

She had waited by the crashed shuttle for her own troops to safely advance. The artillery was slow but they are also command bases once set up. Still they had to get through half the city to a river running thought the center. There was a clearing large enough for more troops to be brought in by air. The walkers had now began to climb over the rubble firing heavy shots into a wave of droids her troops had been using large chunks of still standing walls as cover. As for Sanya she had began to move up with haste. Her sword was firm in its grip as she charged over the mound of rubble and then leaped down into a slide for cover. A droid lent over to shoot at her but the sword had sliced through the weak neck joints. Her guard had followed suit getting close in with their sabers. For non force users they were well trained in many arts of fighting. All sections of her military, penumbra and herself had trained them. Her gurad was more than proficient at dealing with old droids. Charging in on the other side came super battle droids. They began to reinforce the enemy line and causing trouble with wrist rockets. "Focus fire on the super battle droids." She said taking cover again been pinned down. A pink glow with a whistle flew over her casing an explosion close to her. Rubble would hit her and the shock wave was enough to make her fall into the wall from her crouched position.
The battlefield was still fresh and Cicero noticed too few bodies lining the ground. The city stood before him like a small urban metropolis. The architect had devised for the streets to curve, so that the city was made up of multiple large circles. Kind of like giant cul de sacs. But, Cicero's true target lie beneath the sprawling city scape. A droid factory which even now churned out thousands of droids to fight for the rogue CIS cause.

Cicero switched to Soresu form as the first of the battle droids rounded the block. They fired countless blaster rounds with deadly efficiency. Acting as shield for his troopers, Cicero deflected the bolts back at the machines. From behind him Cicero's troops opened fire and slowly they advanced as Cicero moved forward. Someone lobbed a grenade and a group of the droids exploded in a fiery explosion. Finally Cicero was among the enemy ranks. He switched to Shi cho form and began hacking away at the nearest droid. A fountain of oil erupted from the machine as it was cut cleanly in half.
Location: Droid Foundry
Allies: Mandalorians and their employer
Enemies: Imperial Remnant
Post 1

Strider looked to the skies of Hypori, even from the ground and with out enhanced vision of his T Visor, one could see the brilliant zips and explosions of lights that highlighted the naval battle cascading above. AA batteries and artillery strikes shook the world in the distance from where the old warrior stood. Was all a symphony to the mandalorian. He had been on many campaigns, conquered his share of the galaxy and killed more then he could count. The battlefield was much as home as his homestead back on Mandalore. More now, that the planet along with his homestead are in ruins.

The hound of keldabe, a name he was infamously known for through out the galaxy. A named man of the mandalorians with a long history to match his age while he had seeded the galaxy, one star port at at time. Had produced an army of bastards and one would think one how adamant he was drilling the younger mandalorians on defense and armor he would of listen to his own advise and covered up.

He wasn't alone on this rock and dust filled world. A small contingent of Mandalorians, like himself, had been hired to protect the foundries against the expansion of the Imperial Remnants galactic reach. Credits were credits and the mercenaries of their calibure were not ones to gawk at such opportunities in their current situation. This could of been a easy nest and roost job, but it seems the droids were not holding up the lines as well as expected. Field reports were coming in, giving information of Imperial rallying to make a push towards the foundries themselves.

"Alright vode! Seems them clankers are not going to hold" His deep resonating voice rasped with each word from his injured throat "Gonna be earning our pay today!"

The old man turned from looking into the distant battle field to look back at the large open blast doors of of the foundry's industrial loading bays. His fellow mando'ade were loosely gathered in that location, in all sorts of pre battle rituals. The imperials were in for a rude awakening, to test their military against the likes of the galactic elite. They were going to learn a lesson on what it was meant to be a true warrior.
Location: Droid Foundry
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: Imperial Remnant

Nolan racked a fresh power cell into his MC-76 railgun and stepped up beside Strider. The old dog still had some fight left in him, Nolan was proud to be by his side in battle again. It had been ages, well, centuries for Strider. He looked like he'd just gone twelve rounds with a Russian boxer. Nolan walked towards the entrance and gave his father-in-law a nod. From there he ignited his repulsor pack and flew to the rooftops. From a perch on the foundry stacks, Nolan had a perfect line of sight right down the middle of the area below. Any Imp who came down this way was about to be a Polluck painting on the ground.

With the Imps moving in, he'd give the Vod below as much help as he could.

[member="Strider Garon"]

Drof'del Tavor

Soldier for Hire, Mando at Heart.
Location: Droid Foundry
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: Imperial Remnant
Post 1

Drof'del observed the brief meeting between [member="Nolan Detta"] and [member="Strider Garon"], he stood behind them looking in the distance at the battlefield.

Strider Garon said:
"Alright vode! Seems them clankers are not going to hold" His deep resonating voice rasped with each word from his injured throat "Gonna be earning our pay today!"
He chimed in "Typical, leave it to the true Mando'ade, Kote will be with us today sir."
Drof felt a rush of adrenaline and got "battle high", he was hyped up more than a junkie on spice. He unholstered his blaster carbine, the weapon that used to belong to his father. He carried that and his family name with pride.

He had to prove himself today and thats what he is going to do.

Drof snapped his head upward and saw [member="Nolan Detta"] taking an overwatch position.
I need to do that, im no good up close

He nodded at Garon and sprinted back toward the foundry and found a fire-escape ladder which led to a balcony to the front of the facility. He shimmied up the ladder quickly and went to a nearby railing that was covered in reinforced metal. He peered up and settled his carbine against the railing and looked through the scope
"Where is my quarry?"
He was as ready as he would ever be.
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
Location: Droid Foundry
Allies: Aka'liit/Mandalorians
Enemies: Imperial Remnat
Gear in bio

This was Briika's first mission with the Faithful since giving birth to her and [member="Vilaz Munin"]'s daughter. The seasoned baar'ur was no stranger to battle conditions, but needless to say she was a little nervous. Though as soon as the blaster bolts began to whiz by her helmet, the butterflies in the silver-armored medic's stomach would subside and her mandokarla would come out in full light. The golden blonde's last conflict was when the Mandalorian Clans invaded Kashyyyk to free the Wookiee planet from the grip of the Galactic Republic and bring the pubs to their knees. That was a good day for the Mando'ade, though now the proud victory had been sullied by the destruction of Manda'yaim.

[ Nothing like a nice little turkey shoot to get the blood pumping, huh vode? ] Bree quipped through the shared comm channel with [member="Strider Garon"], [member="Nolan Detta"] and [member="Drof'del Tavor"].

Being a verd first, Briika tucked in behind the front line warriors and gave them a gloved thumbs up. She usually did clean up as Bree was a good shot, and watched their backs in general.

[ Oya! ] she exclaimed enthusiastically as they began to move out.

Drof'del Tavor

Soldier for Hire, Mando at Heart.
Location: Droid Foundry
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: Imperial Remnant
Post 2

Drof had scanned the horizon, admiring the explosions and the blaster bolts whizzing in the air. This was the first major conflict he had been a part of. He was proud he has gotten this far, and could only go further from here.

He chuckled at his comrades remark and replied
[Got that right vod! This will be like picking off womp rats back home, Kote be with us all!]

Drof made note of her position and shot her a thumbs up and gave one more reply [Oya! Hunt well vod, lets see what we can do today]
Location: Droid Foundry
Allies: Aka'liit ([member="Briika Tor"], [member="Strider Garon"], [member="Nolan Detta"], [member="Drof'del Tavor"])
Enemies: The Imperial Remnant

Alright vode! Seems them clankers are not going to hold!

The Behemoth's nostrils flared in response to the news. In truth, Malok was not entirely surprised that their mechanical employers were unable to fend off the Imperial Remnant. If that were the case, the Aka'liit would not have been hired to defend their foundries. Now, while the sheer weakness of their kind left a sour taste in Malok's mouth, he was grateful. Without their lack of strength, they would not have a source of credits. Without their failure, the Aka'liit would not know success. It was a circle of life moment if ever there was one. A half-chuckle escaped Malok in response to the train of thought and he rose from the dusty ground.

Previously, he was seated upon the dirt.

Previously, he was exercising per the direction of his Master.

With his eyes closed, the Behemoth conjured the mental image of a single face. It was nearly identical to his for a divine lack of age or scars. Upon its brow was a circlet of gold, adorned with a ruby at the center. Crimson bands were interwoven into its fur. Two amber eyes stared back at Malok's psyche. This his brother. This was his flesh and blood. This was the object of his fury. The Darkness fell mightily upon his shoulders with every passing second. It infected him with its presence - empowered him with its might. Fire burned within...Malok was ready for battle. When the call from [member="Strider Garon"] came, his eyes were alive with fury.

"About damn time." came his thunderous growl over the comm, pinging [member="Nolan Detta"], [member="Briika Tor"], [member="Drof'del Tavor"], and Strider simultaneously.

With but a whim, Grond kicked up dust as it lifted off the ground. Its beautiful form soared into his waiting grasp, bleeding crimson as its repulsors and shockwave generator rods came to life. What's more, Malok then slapped his left shoulder plate, kicking on the affixed shield generator. Yet another crimson glow emanated about the Behemoth, this time forming a half-sphere about his person. This form of protection would not prevent all forms of damage from reaching the simian...but it would allow him to get up close and personal.

His battle cry was not a word of Mando'a.

It was not a word of Basic.

It was deep. Guttural. Primal.

And into battle did Malok charge.

[ 1 ]
Location: Droid Foundry
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: Imperial Remnant
Post 1

["Shooting? C'mon ner vod'ika, we can just blow the enemy to pieces,"] Kad said to his sister [member="Briika Tor"] with a grin hidden by his helmet. Of course Briika would hear the smile in the tone of his voice. Despite the fact Kad was a drunk, blowing things up made him happy. The depression of being a lone, and having outlived his sons, was quieted by the spirits, but also by the resounding sound of his explosives. His enthusiasm for destruction wasn't going to be curbed today.

His attention turned to the rest of the group and settled on an old friend and someone he still considered a relation. [member="Nolan Detta"].

["Cover me and keep them off me long enough to set a surprise for them,"] he asked indicating the faltering line.

Everyone knew that Kad loved his explosives. He wasn't called Dr. Boom but those who knew him for no reason. There was an itch to make things go boom, and before anyone could reply, Kad was digging in his pack to find the explosives he wanted to set. A few track mines and claymores should do the trick. The only problem was the time it took to set up. Some easy tripwires could be set up, but they were easy to detect.

Keeping to anything he could hide behind, Kad made his way to the front lines. For now it was stable enough to allow him the time he needed to set some explosives. The line was about to faulter and the verd wanted to buy his team more time.

[member="Strider Garon"] [member="Drof'del Tavor"]
Location: Droid Foundry
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: Imperial Remnant

Nolan heard the call of an old friend, [member="Kad Tor"]. They were family, now more than ever, they'd both lost so much, and with their return to the Aka'liit, it was time to ring true the sounds of war.

"I've got you covered, Vod. Keep your head down, it's gonna be raining lead."

Taking aim with the railgun, Nolan dropped two Imps with the heavy kinetic, 7.62 rounds. Pieces of their armor splintered all over. Gaining confidence with each pull of the trigger, Nolan rained hell, bullet by bullet. These Imps weren't prepared for a fighting force that matched them in lethality in only a quarter of their armies size. Shells dropped from the smoke stacks of the foundry where Nolan was perched. The heavy railgun recoiled steadily against his pauldron. Death was the only victory these Imps would achieve this day.

[member="Malok"] [member="Drof'del Tavor"] [member="Briika Tor"] [member="Strider Garon"]

Drof'del Tavor

Soldier for Hire, Mando at Heart.
Location: Droid Foundry
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: Imperial Remnant
Post 3

Drof saw one of his comrades making a run for it and hearing chatter over the comms

Kad Tor said:
["Cover me and keep them off me long enough to set a surprise for them,"]

He felt a sinister smile brush across his face and he replied to him
[You got it vod, give em haran!]

Drof noticed another making a charge for battle- a behemoth of a character, running swiftly with weapon in hand, he smiled and came back on the comms channel
[Hey big guy, save some for us!]

Time for business.
Drof glassed over the horizon and saw one Imp making a run toward [member="Kad Tor"], he took a shot and unfortunately he didnt hit exactly where he wanted to, he still hit center of mass, dropping him to the ground.
It was these moments where Drof developed somewhat a different personality, as if he wasn't really Drof'del Tavor but someone else. He hugged his carbine closer and murmured to it
"c'mon cyar'ika, lets make our mark today"

Each passing moment Drof felt hysterical with pride and battle-lust. At times he caught himself humming Vode An, a song his father taught him long ago. Time passed on and he was too far gone, he almost wanted to compete with [member="Nolan Detta"] in how many they each could eliminate, but there could be time for that another day. He was here to fight with his fellow vode and earn credits.

This was good. Drof'del felt- wanted and complete for the first time in a long while.
@Malok @Briika Tor
Location: Hypori Sky, roaming around Droid Foundry
Allies: Mandalorians, Credits.
Enemies: The Remnant

The Mandalorians would hear the thunderous explosion of an object breaking the speed barrier as the Argo flew past by the Droid Foundry. Despite its majestic and fully in control appearance on the outside, the Argo was in complete chaos inside. The new pilot, a young man dubbed The Intern, was still learning how to fly the damn Mandalorian gunship.

"Slower, slower, go back around now. Ugh." Dyre watched it all unfold from the co-pilot seat. "Hay, give me eyes on the ground."

"Yes, Cap'n." The lady responsible for the sensor and scanning suites replied before reporting. "The Remnant's consolidating their forces and attempting to overwhelm the Mandalorian forces with numbers."

"Hit it up, Intern. We're going on a run right across that foundry. Kan, guns loaded ?"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Light 'em up as soon as we are in range."

"Understood, Captain!"

The Argo twisted in the sky and made it a turn around to return to the Droid Foundry where the forces of the Mandalorians were defending against the encroaching masses of Imperial stormtroopers. The status report that Hay transmitted through the terminals did not look too good for the Mandalorians, despite their bravery and boldness, numbers were still a pretty intimidating factor.

:: Dxun One, take cover from collateral. Over. :: Dyre warned the Mandalorians through their secure channel as the Argo came to a halt in mid air above the Droid Foundry. It hovered in circles as the six gatling cannons tore at the Imperial lines giving the Mandalorians a temporary breathing space.

"Boogies, captain, coming in at high speed from the North." Hay reported the appearance of Imperial Air Force.

"Alright, enough. Get us out of here, let's focus on eliminating these TIEs first." Dyre ordered and the Argo's engines roared as it maneuvered away from the Mandalorian battlefield.

:: Dxun One, this is Argo Actual. The Imperials seem to be lining up heavy pieces of artillery deep in their lines. Looks like they don't feel like overrunning you but flattening you to the ground. You either get your shebs up and run or you get someone to disable them somehow. Can't see how that can happen with the numbers they got on their front line. :: The captain notified the Mandalorians below before he added. :: I can't get close to these artillery's position without being torn by Anti-Air Cannons. I am sending all the data I have to your buckets. Unless you disable the AAs I can't move in to help. Over and Out. ::

The transmission that the captain of the Argo sent to the Mandalorians below would give them access to the data that Argo's scanners gathered. It was a snapshot of the heavily numbered front lines of the Imperials in their attempts of besieging the Foundry, with Anti-Air pieces lined up a click away from the Field Artillery that was getting set up to lay waste upon the warriors of Mandalore.

[member="Drof'del Tavor"] | [member="Nolan Detta"] | [member="Kad Tor"] | [member="Malok"] | [member="Briika Tor"] | [member="Strider Garon"]​
Location: Droid Foundry
Allies: Aka'liit ([member="Agenor Dyre"] [member="Drof'del Tavor"] [member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Kad Tor"] [member="Malok"] [member="Briika Tor"] [member="Strider Garon"])
Enemies: Imperial Remnant
Post count: 1/20

While the Mandalorians were fractured and broken ever since the dreadful day that Mandalore collapsed to natural terrors, they weren't destroyed. Where were they now all of them? They all simply went on their separate ways. Some became a lone wolf, taking the obvious profession of a bounty hunter or a mercenary and fighting for the will of others in return of riches in whatever form it was. Others focused on their clan and family, being self sufficient and allowing peace to flow in their veins.

One particular group of Mandalorians, comprised up of individuals of different clans and backgrounds, all came together as a whole and settled on Onderon's infamous moon. They were known as the Aka'liit - or for those that didn't comprehend the Mandalorian tongue, the Mandalorian Faithful. They were, in their own mind, true Warriors of Mandalore. They were unlike those that only cared for themselves and their clans, and not rally at the Sole Ruler's call. They all cared for one another, looked out for each other's back, and indeed followed their Mand'alor's steps. Yes, some did offer the opinion and guidance to the leader, but at the end of the day they followed whatever ruling Mand'alor the Exiled made.

"You got this old man's six, cyar'ika," the Munin playfully asked to his beloved Bree via an encrypted comm channel that the two had shared since the Loronar raid that during Mand'alor the Resurgent's age of rule. It had been a while since the golden blonde had given birth to their daughter Kayra, and there was some worry in the Mand'alor how his wife would perform. Did he trusted her? He did and he knew she was a capable warrior, but there was always that feeling in him when the two were on the field of battle.

Meanwhile the Mand'alor settled himself on the front lines of the Aka'liit's defense forces within the droid foundry, his rifle fully prepared and aimed at where the Imperial forces would push and force their way in. Many other warriors on the front lines did the same. They readied turrets, explosives, and other weapons at their disposal. Their client was paying them a fortune, and the Faithful wouldn't haven been here if they were cheap.

Missions like these were what the Aka'liit needed to go back home.
BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. The sound of artillery wracked the distant mountain side followed by large explosions that rocked the Mandalorian lines. Lucien waited patiently with his platoon of commandos in the hastily erected Imperial defenses as the artillery opened fire. Spewing volleys of death forth into the enemy lines. Soon the call would come to charge the enemy and push towards the foundry. Already the 93rd regiment had sent forth a company of scouts to probe the Mandalorians. The results were catastrophic with the scouts running into heavily armed and defended enemies. They were unprepared for such stiff resistance. As a result the scouting company had been riddled with casualties and few of the men made it back alive.

But, that hadn't even been the first wave of Imperials. As soon as the artillery stopped the Mandalorians would be rushed by thousands of Imperial Stormtroopers. Despite this they were heavily outnumbered by enemy droids. But, this was not a problem for the superior training of the stormtroopers. The real problem was the Mandalorians guarding the Foundry. But, Lucien and his squad had the key to the whole shebang. They just had to get past the Mando’s first. Once they made it into the factory they could turn the droids on their Mandalorian allies and swamp the Elite Warriors with sheer numbers. The 93rd was going to punch a hole through the Mandalorian lines and insert the Commandos into the foundry itself.

The last of the shells fell upon the enemy lines and sirens began to wail from the Imperial command post. The charge was to begin. Men all across the battlefield vaulted over the Imperial defenses and ran towards the enemy lines. The battle was beginning in earnest now. Covered by e-web fire the 93rd made their advance. The noise of the battle was now at a roar as blaster fire rang out, explosions rocked the earth, and the screams of the dying had begun to fill the air. Lucien addressed his platoon while they were still in the trenches. “Bien Garcons, For the Emperor!” was all he said and then he vaulted over the top, joining the mass of men charging forward. He was followed by his platoon and they ran forward hunched low to avoid blaster fire.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Lucien Galtier"] Ξ [member="Vilaz Munin"] Ξ [member="Agenor Dyre"] Ξ [member="Drof'del Tavor"] Ξ [member="Nolan Detta"] Ξ [member="Malok"] Ξ [member="Briika Tor"] Ξ [member="Strider Garon"] Ξ @Cicero Trio Ξ [member="Tanomas Graf"]

The vollys of shots exchanged over her head while she was pinned down. Her guard had spread out into near by ruins of buildings to also avoid the fire. Her hand pressed against her ear to block the noise out one as she contacted the fleets above. "I'm requesting an orbital bombardment. We are struggling to advance past the overwhelming droid forces." She said as her head peaked over to see dozens of droids. With a quick breath she launched herself away from the piece of wall as a rocket struck it making it even more rubble. As she leaped back her sabersheild would ignight it's ice blue surface. Taking the series of shots taken at her. Droids were cold and calculating. Perfect war machines but they lacked imagination and the drive like organics did.

When her feet landed she looked up to see green turbo laser fire rain down. The ground shook violently as every single one hit the ground. Rubble flew high along with the body's of droids. Once it had stopped it left an advantage. "WALKERS ADVANCE. STORM TROOPERS PROTECT THE ARTILLERY AS IT CATCHES UP. PENUMBRA WITH ME!" Her voice carried as orders had been made. As penumbra and her guard regrooped they began to jog lightly onto one of the open highways with barriers scattered across it. No more droids had showed yet but it was to soon to tell how far they'd be or how many more would be coming to the fight. Now though the true threat had show it's self projected onto every building she could see.


"I commend you all making it this far... Imperials, but you will never make it past the thousands of battle droids that lay in your way. You will never capture these facilities." It said in it's cold artificial voice. "You see the droids are but cannon fodder to slow you down. To weaken your forces. The mandalorians and I will see to it your graves will be this world for my true weapon is yet to emerge."

The projections would dissapear as the ground began to rumble from deep down under. Something was happening. Something that would weigh even further against the imperial remnants ground assault. But that droid underestimates them. The men and women of the imperial force will show that mechanical scutta that they are a foce not to be triumphed with. Droids that are aicent and a bunch of broken men are no match for the imperials.

Sanya's mask
Royal circlet
Sekallien Grand Master Robes
Tactical fighting blade
Saber sheild

Arachnid-AT X4
Yoma-AB X2

Penumbra unit

Sekallien royal guard (in development link will take you to Google docs)

Keyan Mastigar


Thousands of warships waged a massive battle over the planet of Hypori, Imperial Star Destroyers were at odds with Confederacy cruisers with a countless number of fighters engaging in dogfights that at times included hundreds of these one-man, or no-man in the case of the droids, snubfighters. Rear Admiral Cardan's command ship, the Praetor IV-class Star Battlecruiser Torturer, sailed through space trading fire between Munificent-class Star Frigates and Providence-class Carrier/Destroyers; Soon the battlecruiser would begin broadsiding a Recusant-class Destroyer, its dozens of turbolaser batteries piercing the shields of the droid ship even though the powerful cannons of the destroyer was battering its hull.

An explosion rocked the Torturer when one of its bridge shield towers erupted in a plume of flames, destroyed by a director turbolaser barrage from a Munificent-class idling above them. "Sir! We've lost our bridge deflector shields!" Lieutenant Praxon yelled from the crew pits causing the Rear Admiral to turn from staring out of the viewports. Gromm abruptly brought his arm up to shield his eyes while a white light blinded the crew, a result from the Recusant-class being obliterated from the Torturer's own armaments. "Intensify the forward batteries, bring the Tartan Patrol Cruisers up to keep those droid fighters off of us!" Cardan barked.


It was hell.

Thousands of stormtroopers and various other specialized troopers charged towards the droid foundries; AT-ATs, AT-STs, IFT-Ts, and 2M repulsorlift tanks advanced, firing their laser cannons at the swarm of droids trailing out of the foundries at an alarming rate. Behind the lines, barrages of turbolasers fired from groups of SPMA-Ts. HAVw A6 Juggernauts rolled down hills, firing missiles.

A group of four Imperial commandos jumped out of a Sentinel-class Landing Craft a few hundred kilometers above the field of battle, in the nick of time due to the fact that the craft was blown up by a duo of droid starfighters mere seconds after they leaped.

Two hundred meters; their training on the floating cities of Kamino led up to this mission, even falling towards the ground at a frightening rate they were together as they were for most of their lives.

One hundred meters; They simultaneously pulled their chutes, floating steadily down near the entrance of the foundries, in the middle of tens of thousands of battle droids. Three of them covered the backs of the squad technician who activated a sensor marker and stabbed it into the ground.

The battledroids noticed them after a short while and began firing; The commandos were good at dodging blaster bolts but they were not that good, their shields fell and soon after so did they. "AAAAARRRRRGHHHH!!!!!" The last survivor, the squad leader, roared with a minigun tearing down the lines of battle droids until one caught him in the back, then two, then three.

"Target confirmed..." The words flowed out of his mouth as the life left his body; the commandos had been together for most of their life, and now the brothers would be together in death.

Seconds afterwards, green turbolasers began to impact the ground, the sensor marker had provided a target for the SPMA-Ts to lock onto and begin barraging the droid armies. But the sensor information wasn't just for the artillery, it was for something far deadlier in orbit.


"Target confirmed, Captain." A lieutenant said, listening to the squad of clone commandos die. Captain Keikodi did not show any feelings on the outside, but there was a catch in his throat as he said; "Charge the reactors for Full Power Ignition.". The Conqueror-class Star Destroyer's concave proton beam cannon was charging up to fire at full power, massive energy readings would be detected from it.

The Mandalorians wouldn't know what hit them.

[member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Lucien Galtier"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Agenor Dyre"] | [member="Briika Tor"] | [member="Drof'del Tavor"] | [member="Kad Tor"] | [member="Malok"] | [member="Aut-X"] | [member="Cicero Tiro"] | [member="Strider Garon"] | [member="Nolan Detta"]
Location: Droid Foundry
Allies: Mandalorians and their employer
Enemies: Imperial Remnant
Post 2

"So it begins!" Strider whisped to himself as he watched the imperial forces leap from their protected positions and charge the field like warriors of ancient battles of old. There wasn't much needed to be said. Preparations were made, his fellow mandalorians all knew their place and their role in combat. For most of them, this was ingrained since childhood. A hand full of mandalorians, some tin cans to hold off the onslaught of imperial cannon fodder. Wasn't exactly a favorable odds......... The imperials should of brought more.

The mandalorian marksmen were popping off rounds giving [member="Kad Tor"] some cover fire while he set up his toys. But, it was the Ape like beast that was thrusting to engage the imperials in personal combat that stole the show for Strider. He stood their in awe at the sight for he sure as hell did not want to be on the receiving end of that bundle of joy. Comms to his eye in the sky opened up and he could hear [member="Agenor Dyre"] field report. Was not what the old man wanted to hear, but it also was not a surprise to him. if this wave's charge fails, they will risk the collateral damage to smoke the mandalorians out from the foundries. "Copy that Argo Actual! If you see an opening take the shot. We cannot be more of an assist for we are gonna be thigh deep in imps. Dxun one out!"

FEK!!, he snarled in the confines of his helmet. Game plan doesn't change. "Let em come! Lets see how many of them we can make die!" The old man's voice rippled over the squad channel. Plan was simple, draw them into the killbox and use the foundry to limit the imperials numbers from bearing on them.

He looked at [member="Briika Tor"], imagining her distinctive cheek bones and beautiful golden hair. Only if she could be his. "Bri'ika! Save those you can when the time comes. Mobile injured are to evac to the Avril, those that cannot be saved will be remembered!"

Cold were his words, but they wrung true. Strider disengaged the safety off his EE-3 carbine and readied himself for the wave to get in range. Hopefully that Ape knew to only skirmish and then draw back instead of slugging it out the death. Time will tell, for he wasn't the on that trained the creature so he just had to trust the mandalorian had survival instincts.

Strider walked up to [member="Vilaz Munin"] defensive position. "You know vod, I promise you that if you die here today. I will make sure she is taken care of"

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