Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In My Opinion, This Is Niche Mentality & How It's Killing Smaller Factions

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Slevin Thawne said:
Yet here you are in your opening post insulting me and insinuating that I'm 100% meta'ing everything I do and that I have some evil plan to keep small factions down even though I run a small faction right now. So yeah I'm aware how it looks to some people, I'm also aware how it looks for the Board Admin to "call out" a bunch of people without ever talking to them.

For the record though, almost everything that happens on Chaos suffers from some form of metagame. People teleport around the galaxy to get to fights, people bring -the exact- army/fleet/equipment list to contend with either the environment or another writer's actions in particular.

Most of it is meta.

But also, most of it is done with the intent of "oh hey, look at that thing that happened... I could totally do a response thread to that."

"That might be fun. With who?"

"My seventh alt and this random group."

"Oh man, I haven't played with those guys in a while! I think I might have an alt that could slip in there."

"Really? Awesome. This is gonna be great!"

Just because it's meta doesn't mean it was done with poor intentions.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Alas, I'm among the implicated. I can't really speak to other people's decision-making processes, but here's how it went down for me.

- I make a Hutt character.
- I toss him into random threads for kicks; threads get slow.
- Someone mentions the Underworld is livening back up and maybe shooting for a Rebellion.
- I don't ask too many questions because, hey, sounds like a perfect time to Hutt. It's the Empire? Cool. I contemplate jumping in with a character who's got motive to make a mess, but opt for the Hutt.
- I hammer out a silly short post negotiating with Kowakian monkey-lizards, and click 'join' on the Underworld.
- I get back to work. Check Discord, find a thousand messages here and there. Discover I'm the ace of spades or whatever.
- I spend like five minutes trying to decide if I'm offended or dispirited, then spend like ten minutes trying to figure out the extent to which I'm in the wrong here.
- I realize Tef's got maybe half the facts but is pretty much right.
- I apologize to [member="Tanomas Graf"] and will make sure all future shanking attempts are unimpeachable. I'll also make sure my attempts to shank staffers and veterans are more visible and inclusive.

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm

Poor form.​
Tefka said:
Now, the Galactic Empire gets a little tin-foiled hat near the end, but I don't see it as ill intent or conspiratorial - just a bunch of friends who like writing together - but yes - it's very metagamish.
[member="Slevin Thawne"]

I will remove the "insult" (it was meant as a joke), and I don't think anyone here believes anything you do is 100% meta.

Again, I don't believe the Chaos Illuminati exists. If it did, I'd be at the head of it.

I just believe a particular large group of friends aren't well aware of what their actions 1) look like to the community at large and 2) are doing to help stagnate and ostracize smaller groups of friends.

I wasn't referring to the actual "Insult" in the thread, I understood the joke and took it well as a friend, hence the gif.

The insulting part to me was this

Tefka said:
Proxy factions that have zero IC basis
No one ever reached out to me, or Natalia(that I know of) whether or not this had any IC basis. You did not, The Empire did not, no one. I don't like it when I'm accused of something with no evidence or backing and I find it insulting that people just assume I have some sort of malicious intent. The Underworld "faction" was inactive, yes, but as I said, I and multiple other people have been active. If anyone had actually come to us and asked, we could have easily provided links just between Natalia and I where we mention The Empire itself and why they are an issue for us.

I'm here to RP and tell stories I think would be neat, not to kark people over.
I am one of the implicated as well.

However, the story of Staff Factions and Hating New People falls apart at me. I've been around maybe a year and change, I'm on mobile so not going to check atm. I've RPd in nearly every faction, from Primeval to the old GR to a brief stint in the First Order to the Galactic Alliance.

Now, if Staff Factions existed and hated newbies, how do you explain me? My writing is ok and getting better slowly, and I had only heard of TGC from people here. This is actually the very first Star Wars board I've ever written on. I came here from a Star Trek simm.

That's all neither here nor there. Does meta happen? Yes. Is it solely the purview of the GA? Hell no.

All of the people listed in the OP are people I consider my friends, and I've read thousands of posts of them, from combat to dev threads. They take hits fairly, they play with anyone who asks them for a thread, and they are THE most inviting and inclusive people I have met on this board. Period.
As indicated in the OP, my problem isn't with the people. I know all of you, have hung out with many of you IRL, and I've yet to be murdered/poisoned. And I know the group, the names are all very familiar to me. This group has joined me in countless of my endeavors, ranging from the Mandalorian Clans all the way back to the origin of the Galactic Republic when I played as Teferi Efreet.

It's how your actions look to people who don't have the friends you have. Please don't assume that I do not understand what is actually going on.

I've been doing this too long for that.

I understand there is no evil conspiracy to undermine smaller factions, but I do understand why it looks like there is one.
I'm going to have to agree to an extent with [member="Taryc Ap'Irae"], as I can fondly remember my first months here on this board being spent with [member="Cira"] and playing SWTOR with her and [member="Alric Kuhn"]. [member="Ashin Karrde"] helped and continues to help me understand ship submissions. While I haven't worked with or written with the former two so often that I know them closely, I do feel as if I know Jon enough to say; kark no. So I don't think it's intentional at all, because I just find it hard to believe that they would.

Now about... the other end of this.

Metagaming happens, it happens a lot - and it probably happens a lot more than we would like. Can it be upsetting? Yes. It's hard sometimes to not be upset by it, but as I've been learning over the course of the past few weeks. Do your best to talk with the other writer and work it out, or just roll with the punches. Suck it up and roll with the punches, I'd argue that there is hardly some grand scheme to keep newbies out from the board. If anything as [member="Tefka"] mentioned maybe they (these 'Rogues') were not aware, clearly.

Otherwise, all I can say is, take your punches - talk with the other writer if you can, if you cannot or the situation cannot be resolved between you two, go to your faction staff and escalate it from there.

Edit: Like 3 posts were going up while I was writing this, my bad, Tef.

*sits in the corner*
Assuming that there wasn't OOC back rooming politicking between First Order and Galactic Empire to kick off that invasion in the first place, then backing off when they realized the multiple invasion ally rule would hurt them more than help them.

There will always be an OOC element inherently ingrained in the IC. Especially with how OOC negotiations for invasions have become.


Kick the hornet's nest? Get stung.

It's great that you understand that, and I understand it too, But I also need you to understand that your post made all of us look like jerks and next time you should try to frame things in a more neutral manner.

That was my issue.

Tanomas Graf

Ryan Korr said:
Assuming that there wasn't OOC back rooming politicking between First Order and Galactic Empire to kick off that invasion in the first place, then backing off when they realized the multiple invasion ally rule would hurt them more than help them.

There will always be an OOC element inherently ingrained in the IC. Especially with how OOC negotiations for invasions have become.


Kick the hornet's nest? Get stung.

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
Slevin Thawne said:
I'm here to RP and tell stories I think would be neat, not to kark people over.
From an outsiders perspective:

I can't read your mind. I have no idea what your intentions were. I will not claim to know them.

However, this looks like OOC retaliation for an IC invasion.

I'm not saying it is, but it looks like it.

A number of GA alts suddenly joining a fairly inactive faction, then dogpiling onto the Empire's dominion?

I think for a lot of people, it look like an underhanded tactic to get back at the Empire.
Ryan Korr said:
Assuming that there wasn't OOC back rooming politicking between First Order and Galactic Empire to kick off that invasion in the first place, then backing off when they realized the multiple invasion ally rule would hurt them more than help them.

There will always be an OOC element inherently ingrained in the IC. Especially with how OOC negotiations for invasions have become.
Actually no.

There was no coordination between the First Order and Galactic Empire on the timing of this invasion, I am certain [member="Tanomas Graf"] can verify. It is not rocket science for Graf's Imperials to look at the GA being in a war on the other side of their territory and believing now is the time to strike. It does not, and did not, require the shadow-y hand of the First Order to pull the strings. It is realpolitik in action.

Please do not sling mud at another faction with absolutely no basis whatsoever in the future.
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