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In My Opinion, This Is Niche Mentality & How It's Killing Smaller Factions

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watch how easily I make this IC:

Ryan Korr picks up phone

"We've had some premonitions from our Jedi about an attack from the Galactic Empire. What does the SIS have?"

"We have some criminal assets?"

"Ok who?"

"Well several months ago the Coratanni and Zareca Cartels were operating on Rishi, but they've had to fly under the radar ever since the Empire set up shop there."

"Excellent. Put them into play"

*rebellion proceeds*

And somehow, this makes a world of difference?
Samka Derith said:
There was no coordination between the First Order and Galactic Empire on the timing of this invasion
Isamu Baelor said:
I can't read your mind. I have no idea what your intentions were. I will not claim to know them. I'm not saying it is, but it looks like it.

I will now utilize these two out of context posts to display how this can indeed work both ways.
This problem is systematic, and it's up to the community to fix it.

That's fine, but some is a very small percentage as witnessed by a nice comment from [member="Taryc Ap'Irae"]

[member="Isamu Baelor"]

You're right. You can't read my mind. You can't know my intentions. You can however hover over my name in Discord or on Chaos, click the little envelope and write me a message going "Hey, I think this is a bit shifty, can we talk about it?"
Slevin Thawne said:
You can however hover over my name in Discord or on Chaos, click the little envelope and write me a message going "Hey, I think this is a bit shifty, can we talk about it?"

@ Admin Discord Chat:​
I wonder why they think that way...

What Staff Is Going To Do About The "Clique" Problem
Posted by Tefka, 02 August 2015 · 251 views

Absolutely nothing.

We're going to do absolutely nothing, because it's not a problem.

It's not an issue. It's not wrong to have friends. It's not incorrect behavior to not like someone and stay away from them.

It's called society, and its very imperfect, unlike your dreamworld where everyone loves your ideas.

It just happens in communities. We get bigger, several smaller communities form within. Everyone likes doing whatever they like, not everyone is going to be on board with what you want to do."

Then why didn't you come to me?

[member="Isamu Baelor"]

I understand what you were trying to do, and I agree that it's pretty much what I do as well. If I was looking at this from the outside in I'd probably ask my closest friends whats happening, take their word, shrug and move on.

But if every time I did something ICly I had to stop and explain myself to everyone on the board I really wouldn't ever get anything done. I'm more than happy to talk and explain myself when people come to me and ask, but part of the problem is people don't. They make assumptions and fall to preconceived notions. So as Tef said, it is a board problem.
I've only recently gotten back and have Rped a few times before but I find it very hard to find a group or people to post in. I feel that it's fairly hard for new members to really fit in with a group except for the one or two people in these factions that help the new people along.... which is few and far between. It may be just my experience but that's my experience with these clicks.
Ryan Korr said:
It's not wrong to have friends.
I still stand by my statements there... lol. Niches are unavoidable. It's how we can avoid niche wars is what I'm aiming at - friends just faction hopping to attack each other, especially on the massive level as dictated in the first post.

Except in your opening post of this thread I was a very large cog in the machine that was directly pointed out as breaking said machine.

You went to one side but not the other, and that's as much of a problem as anything else.
Tefka said:
I still stand by my statements there... lol. Niches are unavoidable. It's how we can avoid niche wars is what I'm aiming at - friends just faction hopping to attack each other, especially on the massive level as dictated in the first post.
Yeah, not the part I thought was key.

Ryan Korr said:
It's not an issue.

Why didn't you go to all these writers first before posting this? [member="Tefka"]

Why didn't you take the time to hear both sides of the story?
The Last Son

Really? This has to be a debate? Its not a debate.

Yes, Tefka probably could have said what he wanted to say a little more fluid and smooth, yes its difficult to tell intentions of people over the internet, when its difficult to do the same thing IRL. However, does this really need to be a debate over

"Guys, you are looking a little fishy, sooooo imma call you out on it."
"Well that makes us look like jerks"
"You look fishy, and I am telling others how I see it. What they think is up to them."
"Still, You make it look like we are the problem."
"You aren't the problem, its the actions you took."

Its very simple. You made a decision that looked weird, and when someone is calling you out on it, instead of saying. "Okay my bad, I can understand, and will try to be better and learn from my mistake." You start throwing the blame at the poster/other factions/other instances? Really people. This is just a critique of what has recently happened. If you are mad at someone calling you out, then maybe don't put yourself in a situation where you could be called out.

No I'm not stating that you have a problem with me. You're my friend and I have no problem with you personally either.

I even understand the point of this thread as I told Isamu and yourself. What we did looks crappy, and I understand that. I'm just trying to illustrate the point that before you made this thread, and before the Empire even Messaged you(or you went to them im not sure on that) no one ever tried to talk to us.

A core tenant of when I was on Staff was that when members had issues with one another they should have a conversation before turning to staff, we never had that conversation. No one talked to me, no one talked to Natalia, no one talked to any of the other people mentioned in this thread. That is my problem. This thread was thrown out here making half a dozen people look poodooty in the eyes of anyone that saw it, and none of those people were ever spoken to beforehand by either Staff or the people who apparently wanted to Raise the Issue.

I understand you're trying to paint an issue and I understand what that issue is and that its bad. I'm not disagreeing with it, I am simply stating that it probably could have been averted or at least reduced.
Ryan Korr said:
Why didn't you go to all these writers first before posting this? [member="Tefka"]
Great question.

I won't go into specific detail, but this is not the first time I've witnessed this, not the first time it has been reported, and not the first time I've wanted to specifically speak out about it. The Site Owner raising this as an issue is a significant point of discussion, and the systematic problems that it finds inherent within the community is also significant.

This is hearts and minds. This is a way of thinking.

These last few months, I've witnessed several incidents similar, this is simply just the largest example I've ran into. It seemed like the best time for discussion. It still feels like the best time for discussion. If the GE had posted this, they'd be waved off as tin foil hats and yelled at for not talking to the opposition and even possibly be accused of breaking victory conditions that have yet to even take place.

If you thought there was a conspiracy involving Staff members, but had no idea where it stopped - would you feel safe discussing it? People don't feel safe discussing this, and they don't feel like they had a voice, but they were angry and that anger goes somewhere.

Here is where it goes, and here is where they can feel safe to discuss it, because it's the Site Owner raising the issue.
Well, heres my two cents.

I've been on the forums for about 2 months now, and in that time have moved from pretty much noone to the owner of a faction I have absolutely nothing to do with. Why am I incharge of them? Because after discussion after discussion, they came to realize they needed someone else leading them that was not only capable, but unbiased.

So, that being said; I don't care about things like the mandalore rebellion. That has an entire IC basis that makes it interesting.

However, being the new guy on the block I gotta say this isn't some big conspiracy. Do I think the GA has it out for the GE? Perhaps, but that's neither here nor there, the fact is that this is an actual issue. I'm in nearly every discord server I can be at this point, and I see people joining rebellions for OOC salt related reasons or some spiteful instance that happened months prior. Be it a way to get two attacks in one months, or simply steamroll a faction you think you dont like, I see it nearly everywhere.

I hate to say that the OOC tensions on the forums are bad, but they aren't good. People are doing this and they aren't hiding it, and the only reason I'd imagine these people even might be is because they're staff related and understand its bending rules. My opinion might not mean much, but I think its safe to say the entire community needs to rethink just what it is they are doing on this board.

First and foremost, its imaginary. I know, I'm being that guy, but at the end of the day people need to realize that this is done for nothing more than fun. Nobody is going to lose anything other than a color on an imaginary map, from and imaginary universe, with imaginary characters. This is all very time investing, but we all need to come together for the enjoyment of all this; and avoid all the salt and stupidity over such silly things.
Tefka said:
I won't go into specific detail, but this is not the first time I've witnessed this, not the first time it has been reported, and not the first time I've wanted to specifically speak out about it. The Site Owner raising this as an issue is a significant point of discussion, and the systematic problems that it finds inherent within the community is also significant.
Fair enough, which begs the question:
Did you go to these writers when these prior issues occurred?

Tefka said:
If you thought there was a conspiracy involving Staff members, but had no idea where it stopped - would you feel safe discussing it? People don't feel safe discussing this, and they don't feel like they had a voice, but they were angry and that anger goes somewhere.
What you did is paint a bullseye on the Galactic Alliance. This is not a discussion, there are assumptions being made - by both sides - and "I told you so" galore.

I have had at least one writer - a writer who was not involved in this incident - come to me and tell me they no longer want to participate in the upcoming invasion of Hoth because they are anticipating that this is a declaration of open season on treating Alliance writers with disrespect at worst and casual disregard at least.

Because who cares what happens to all those metagaming Alliance writers.

One faction. One brush.

It's an unfair characterization that has a disparate impact on Alliance writers, some of whom may be new members participating in their first ever invasion.
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