Figured, since this is a thread for people to post suggestions on how to solve the currently discussed problem, i would chime in. Mostly because i havent seen anyone mention what came to my mind (or if they did i am blind and missed it). Sure, as [member="Isamu Baelor"] has said communication is key. A lot of the time, communication, just mentioning something in a agreeable, friendly manner heads off issues before they start. But the issue with that is, you did something already that required you to communicate 'hey, i didn't mean to be a shutta' and then explain in some degree what you actually meant.
See, from where i look at it, the problem isn't really communication. Not really. Its attitude and thinking before you act. Being 'nice' isn't something you should do AFTER you already made yourself look mean in your actions. In the few instances i have PVP'd for example, the whole three times, i always ask myself while making a post 'how does this sound'? What implications are being given off from how i am acting? From what it seems like to me, it doesn't look like anyone really... Thought about that here in this case.
The best preventative measure isn't communicating that you didn't mean to do something, or that 'no i didn't mean it like that'. Its making sure that before you even do anything, how you act doesn't give people a reason for concern or a reason for worry. That is not anyone elses job but your own. And in the case of a person organizing a faction and directing a bunch of people to do a bunch of things, its their job to make sure what they tell people to do doesn't come across in a bad way to others observing how the faction is acting. Remember, all those people outside your group likely have utterly no idea what is actually going on. I have seen a certain few groups where things were directed in such ways that were not so thought out. More so off of Choas then on Choas, as my experince on choas is almost strictly on a character level. Not a map level. Messing around in less then three or four invasions/rebellions/doms across multiple characters doesn't really count i don't think.
But yeah. [member="Slevin Thawne"] to bump in between you and Isamu, communication is what you do when you have already failed at thinking through how what you are about to do will look like. And sure, even with that people can still find issues. People absolutely -love- to find issues if we all haven't noticed already and i am certain we all have. But in the end, if you want to not have an issue with people going and pointing fingers, make sure how you do things and why doesn't give anyone reasons to raise fingers in the first place. Just my thoughts on it though.