[SIZE=11pt]Objective: Survive and Escape[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Post: 3[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18pt]Some time ago...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Although it had been the quietest month since the end of the rebellions, Marjorie could not shake an overwhelming sense of dread. The Halefjord Company post had been, for all intents and purposes, a low-key station. A small outfit of soldiers was all that was necessary to keep watch over the small, private spaceport. Shifts were generally flexible and the risks, with the exception of the occasional blaster fire here or there, were minimal. The bombings had long-since ceased. The raids on supplies and stores, completely quelled.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]So why, then, did the Praexium see fit to assign a notorious hard-ass to oversee operations at a low-risk, low-value location such as Halefjord? Why did it have to be Elena Malore, whose reputation of draconian policy and strict discipline remained a particularly unfavorable water-cooler topic? Whenever a disagreement with a superior occurred or whenever gossip and drama spread throughout the company, the prevailing phrase of comfort was, "Well, at least we don't have to deal with Malore."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Truth be told, Marjorie had no sympathies for the Praexium agenda. She was an administrative assistant long before the sickness and the rebellion. The work suited her naturally. She was organized and good-natured. A people-person by all accounts. But it was the loss of her father and brothers to the disease as well as the Praexium’s abduction of her lover that pushed her to join. In doing so, she told herself, she would hold out for a short time longer until such a time as she could manage an escape.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Her stationing at Halefjord, then, was a relief. Most of the day-to-day work involved administrative tasks with one or two easy patrols. But all of that was about to change. She, along with her fellow soldiers, stood in two orderly lines in front of the entrance of the Halefjord Company building. Ten feet away, an armored vehicle's front-hatch descended into a ramp, revealing the darkened depths from which Constable Elena Malore would emerge.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]The woman was escorted by three others, each markedly perfect from their stride, to their uniforms, to each individual strand of hair. Constable Malore took the lead, with confident and deliberate steps toward the two lines of the Halefjord company. Then, she came to an abrupt halt.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Silence. A chilly breeze washed over the company while Constable Malore's equally frigid eyes landed upon Marjorie. Instinctively and almost imperceptibly, a shiver traveled through Marjorie's body. At that very moment, Malore had picked her victim.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]"New to the weather, Ms..." Elena said. Marjorie didn't respond. Instead, the mused tones of a ChompWhite advertisement sang through the air. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]"[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Chomp [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]right[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]! ChompWhite![/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]" [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]A twitch of agitation flashed on Elena Malore's hardened face. She stomped up to Marjorie and stopped just in front of her. Her blackened eyes stared right through Marjorie's soul. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]"Implication, Marjorie," Malore commanded, "requires contextual inference." She stared hard at Marjorie, whose trembling had grown much more noticeably. Malore turned away from her and walked down the center of the two lines.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]"Civility is paramount. It is our nature, as the fairer of our dimorphic pairing, to rise above our baser instincts. It is what separates us from animals. Civility is preceded by manners and it is by means of contextual inference that we ascertain the appropriate manners to maintain proper civility.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Malore paused at the end of her speech and turned around sharply, glaring back at Marjorie. “That means, Marjorie, that if a person offers an ellipsis at the end of a name inquiry, the appropriately polite response is to offer your name!”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Elena stomped over to the quivering woman and stood face to face with her. For a moment, Marjoie caught something flashing on Elena’s face. Was it a smile? This woman was clearly enjoying the torture.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Elena must have noticed her own smile. She immediately hardened her face. “Now, Ms…”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]“Uhhhh….M-m...Marjorie, Madam.” Marjorie’s voice quivered out.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Elena froze, stared hard at Marjorie, then nodded approvingly. “Ms. Marjorie. I see this company has some work ahead of itself.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]The stalwart Constable made her way down the lines again, inspecting. “You’ve grown sloppy. Half of you are slouching. Some of you have wrinkled uniforms.” Elena tugged at the fabric of a woman’s top, pinching the wrinkled portions.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]“Civility must be met with decorum. You will settle for nothing less. We will make a woman out of you. Is that clear?”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]“Yes, Madam!” The group shouted in a fearful unison. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=18pt]A shorter time ago...[/SIZE]
A palpable silence permeated the chamber-like office of Constable Elena Malore, who stood robotically at the perfect center of the room. She had spent the past five minutes sizing up, or rather downsizing, her recent guest who, much to her apparent agitation, seemed smugly unfazed. Surrounding her were two other women, with Marjorie standing at her best attention at the door.
Kip Ridel, meanwhile, was assessing the larger game. He was piecing together the game set out before him, learning the rules. Learning the moves of each piece. Most importantly, he noted the subtle twinges on Malore’s face the more he politely bucked her authority.
You have a very nice building, Ms. Malore.” Kip said with a cocky smile.
“It suits.” Elena said, passively and unblinkingly. “Kip Ridel. The Confederacy of Independent Systems has a number of qualified diplomats at their disposal. Yet here you are.”
Kip laughed with genuine amusement that rang awkwardly in the still air. “
Ah, yes. It seems some of the qualified diplomats are having quality discussions with a few of your superiors. Sadly, your call was answered solely by me. So here I am.”
“Here you are,” Elena echoed with a hint of a tsk. “Such an odd man. I expect that you understand our circumstances.”
Awareness and understanding has such a fickle line, Ms. Malore.” Kip replied.
Elena Malore crossed her arms. “No doubt you have offers and remedies.”
Thoughts and opinions, Ms. Malore.” Kip said. “
But we’re not at the stage of offering.”
“Pity.” Elena spat back at Kip. “I’m disappointed, to say the least.”
It was my understanding that negotiations were off the table.” Kip replied.
This time it was Elena’s turn to laugh. She scoffed a few single “ha”s, with a brief echo of laughter from the other women in the room. “Typical of your kind, unable to discern what is appropriate in spite of what is said. And, as usual, woefully underprepared. Have you come all this way to waste my time?”
Marjorie’s warning echoed true. There was little for Kip to offer. Malore was looking to make an example out of him, and all measures she was succeeding.
Cloning.” Kip stated firmly.
Elena detected the chip in Kip’s bemused tone. She was getting to him. She walked toward him, sizing him up coldly, before passing right by him. “Make your offer, and I shall decide about whether or not I should punish you for wasting my time.”
Kip’s facade had, indeed, crumbled. His eyes spoke business and his smile shifted into a firm line. “
The Confederacy of Independent Systems had a vote recently to allow cloning for economic purposes. I imagine the restoration of your male population would have dramatic economic boons.”
“I see,” Elena said, passing Kip from behind. She turned around and faced him squarely. “And I imagine, for their generosity, that the Confederacy hopes to tax some of our - how did you put it - economic boons?”
Nothing is free.” Kip replied.
“Indeed.” Elena added, stepping uncomfortably close to Kip. “I have decided…that you have wasted my time. As you eloquently put it, nothing is free and time is money. How do you expect to compensate me?”
Kip could feel the tension between him and her as tangibly as a Jedi does to the force. His eyes made a gesture of sizing Elena up and his smile returned to his face.
Instead, Elena scoffed and turned, walking away from him. “That’s what I expected. Typical. Marjorie. See Mr. Ridel to floor three. Prepare him.”
Prepare?” Kip inquired.
Elena stopped walking and turned back toward him. “Of course. Animals should not be allowed to run free. It isn’t proper.”