"Opportunity missed!" He called back with a roll of his eyes at his own stupidity. A touch of colour came to his cheeks too. She had meant to amuse him, but she had certainly distracted him. The Justicar knew he was just bluffing when it came to the banter, but he wasn't aware choli was too. There was a spark in her eyes that would have made his knees weak had he been upright.
"That's what she said!" Called the Rogue as if to have the last word.
"Okay, hands by your sides, head straight please."
Trextan's mind mostly returned to his immediate situation when the lights passed overhead until the machine loomed over him.
Soon the lights were fading to be replaced by the smooth interior of the tube.
His chest already felt tight when the machine started to buzz. The smooth wall of the tube was just inches from his head. It was the fact that he couldn't even raise his head and look down, let alone sit up that had his pulse racing.
A speaker crackled. “Nice and still please Trextan. You're moving your hands and arms and I wanted to check how those breaks have healed.”
The noise of the machine intensified and his heartbeat seemed to try and match it. He felt cold, clammy. Oh Choli would have thought him a prize fool right now. He squeezed his eyes shut. He wanted to be somewhere else. Back on Skor he'd decided that too. Once a path was trodden once, it became easier to follow. He took a deep breath and simply left.
“Is he sleeping?” Asked a doctor, looking at the scans, cameras and vitals.
“Looks that way. Heart rate is now below normal. Likely a Jedi meditation thing. Poor lad, really doesn't like this.”
The field of wheat swayed gently with the breeze. It flowed around the pressed circles where living beings touched the Force. Trextan walked through it, running the flat of his palms over the tips of the grains. Choli was right there, visible yet intangible.
There was a veil between here and there. One that she, as every other living thing, straddled. His perception shifted and he could almost see the waiting room she sat in. Trextan sat in the chair next to her. No one saw him.
"Hi", she would feel as much as hear the gentle brush of his greeting.