Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Moonlight Lekku

There was something a little bit awkward to such a small little act. Maybe it was because when Trextan had offered the earbud, Choli had lifted her eyes and met his. Ah, he was close. Which normally would have been fine, but the whole medley of interactions that had led them from her catching him in such an embarrassing situation to stealing food and now sitting here made her a little bit more aware.

"Thanks." She managed to say, taking it and slipping it into her ear. Her hand at the same time went pushing her hair back, tucking the dark strands behind the shell.

"We can switch it up by episode three if you like."
Heightened awareness was shared. It had been an interesting – and painfully embarrassing - evening. She was more than just a name and a face now (and the dispenser of occasional blunt advice). Somehow the embarrassing situation before had ended up with him getting a soft kiss and a heartfelt thanks.

She wasn’t a curvaceous girl, but proximity made him rather aware of the physical differences. How her hips stuck out such that their shoulders brushed on one side of the bed and their legs on the other.

“You don’t owe me… by the way,” he blurted out. “If you hadn’t been so blunt I probably would have hurt myself on Skor rather than save anyone.”
"Hmm?" The humming came to a stop, hazel circlets glancing back up at the teenager with the too long hair and the deep brown eyes. That sense of awkward tension came back.

"Oh." Her mouth turned into a small circle, followed by a twist of her lips as she ruminated over what he had said. A small shrug and she added, "You never know when you'll need some cover fire in the skies or a pilot." Easier to just make a joke.

"Or to break out of another hospital." She continued the tease, despite the fact that her face darkened another shade.

"Just take it."
Trextan wanted to say something amusing in reply about how he would use the favour, but nothing came to mind.

"That's fair. Taken as intended," he replied. Actually there was somewhere he wanted to go that would require a pilot, but that could be broached another time. Now was for... now. He was well aware at this distance of the darkening of her cheeks. His eyes were deep brown, framed in golden cognac, framed by errant strands of messy hair. They lingered longer than was necessary before returning to the datapad.

Surrounded by the spoils of their raid, sat hip to hip, he raised his knees so the datapad could be rested comfortably to watch the show.
So there they sat in semi awkward silence. The heat on choli's face waned after a few minutes, and in time she was completely engrossed in the history of the Lightsaber. At least what its of truth actually were there.

"There are far too many gaps," she ended up finally saying aloud. "Yeah there was the protosaber but they aren't getting the crystal bit right." The host had mentioned that crystals were specifically cut to fit a lightsaber -- it mentioned nothing of the Force or how one had to imbue it
Trextan took it as an opportunity to turn back to face Choli. The warmth had left her cheeks now. She'd become quite absorbed in the show and almost seemed surprised to find him so close still.

"A little too much footage of people swinging sabers in bad robes to CGI backgrounds for show too," he added. "I was actually thinking of changing out the artificial crystal. That thing... that came from a dark place."
That prompted an immediate draw of attention from the small datapad screen over to Trextan again.

"How did you even get one?" She asked. The earlier expression she made when he had first made mention of the lavender blade and the crystal his hilt housed had been due to the strangeness of someone using an artificial crystal instead of a real one.

"Was it made for you?" An easy and safe topic. Well, until Choli shifted and her shoulder and hip bounced against him once more.
"I was closely supervised at a forge," he replied. There had been so much heat in that room. No fires, just heavy ceramic tubes to hold the intense pressure and heat. It had been enough to singe hairs at a distance. There had been so much anger and emotion in that place. Raw hatred poured into the forge. Trextan suddenly recalled that he had learned to silence certain memories to make it easier to hate Jacen.

"Not good memories," he reflected, coming back from the reverie. Instead his mind focused on how warm Choli was where they met. "I think I'd like to get rid of it and go and find a crystal that's grown somewhere peaceful."
That was so strange. Choli had read a bit about the Je'daai, about the forge that they had back eons past on Chloe's datacrons. Strange to hear that Trextan had basically forged his own crystal. She brought her palm up to rest her chin on it, fingers tapping on her cheek.

"Well crystals grow everywhere." She told him, at least tossing him that bit of info.

"Not just a peaceful place."She shook her head, "The galaxy isnt like that."

"The Force just creates where it likes. Dantooine, Ilum, Mygeeto, Kashyyyk, Tatooine. Some are crystals... others are pearls." She knew that a Krayt Dragon pearl could work much in the same as a crystal.

"Some even use little nuggets of ore."

A shrug, then her face went scrunching up. "Chloe always said that one will know what is right for them." Then she gave a half chuckle, "But she also said the Gods had a plan."

"She's really into the old Corellian Gods." She explained, giving a small sigh as she leant back against the headboard.

"For her they are one in the same with the Force." This was easier, talking about Chloe and everything else. Made the fact that Trextan was super close a little less obvious, even if her knee accidentally bumped into his in her shift.
"Sounds like she taught you a lot," Trextan replied. "No idea where Master Viulous is now. He told the Acolytes to stay and fight on Coruscant whilst he ran away as the Alliance troops came in. Hell of a man." The young shook his head and sighed. It almost felt like a naughty treat to speak that way. Anyone caught speaking ill of a master in the Valley of Lords had been punished harshly.

"I think what I meant to say is that I'd like to go and build another lightsaber somewhere peaceful. That one... that was forged in anger.

"You know, it seems you and I took interesting paths to end up here. Sat in another dull hospital ward watching documentaries." He grinned. A simple, innocent grin. A smile of someone who suddenly felt freer - confined to this ward of all places - than he had in some time.
"Yeaah well... crashing tends to do that." She added wryly, speaking on how such circumstances had resulted in her being here. Granted, it wasn't the first, or likely the last time she'll end up seeing the inside of a med-bay, not with what she did.

Little did she know that Janes had set up a transfer towards another unit that would make her life a bit more interesting at Rogue Squadron.

"I'm sure you'll find a place though. Sullust alone has crystal caves apparently." He was smiling more, the corners of his eyes squinting is mirth. Odd, to think of his background and where he was now.

"Don't you find it strange being here?" She make a little finger gesture all around. Not just the medical facility, but… here in the Alliance.
For a moment his face creased in confusion as he assumed she was referring to the very immediate surroundings: the bed they'd taken up and covered in food.

"Yeah," he replied. "A great deal in fact," he added, nodding. "Never mind the saber crystal I'm still not sure what my place is. But the people here don't seem quite as the sith described. And I feel like I've done some good. We freed slaves, I found the scarred. You and I got a lot of people out of that town before heading into the city." He met her gaze then, his smile suddenly much smaller. There was an awkward pause before he looked around at the room.

"Jacen isn't right about everything. But he isn't wrong about everything either I suppose."
"Why do you call him Jacen?" Well, she could kinda get it, but... wasn't he still his father?

It was evident that there was just confusion at the use of Master Voidstalker's first name. Then again, coming from a place where Choli didn't even know her parents, maybe there was a disconnect. A difference in perspective.

"Or did you always address him by that?"
"I called someone else dad for a long time," Trextan replied. "I was very young when my mother moved in with him. I didn't see Jacen often after that and not at all after the sith took Coruscant."

The smile had vanished now. He didn't look disturbed however. He'd grown quite fond of Choli in a very short time and was willing to be more candid than before. He was also more willing to look back with less emotion clouding his view.
"Oh." Well that made things a little strange. Well at least for cho it felt a tiny bit foreign.

However, at least she understood a bit more. Nonetheless she immediately added with a sheepish smile," sorry, sometimes my mouth runs away from me," there was a little ping pang sound as the earbud fell out of her ear, prompting the girl to duck her head and search for it.
"It's alright, I don't mind," he replied. It was nice to have some conversation. He felt more at ease talking to someone his own age with their own interesting background.

Her search was a brief interlude that let a spark of an idea catch light.

"So...You...Or Chloe know good places to find crystals for sabers?"
"Huh?" Hazel green eyes went peering up at Trextan, strands of dark brown hair falling over her left eye.

"Oh." It clicked. The straight slash of chestnut brows went scrunching forward. "Yeah. I mentioned a few a minute ago." He likely didn't know that.

Another shift and she brought her knees up close to her chest, forefinger and thumb playing with the earbud.
Her almond shaped eyes gave a bit of a narrow, the girl adding slowly," Depends on who you are asking... or trying to butter up." She added, slowly tracking where he might be headed to.

"If you want something, just ask it." Her right hand came up to brush the strands of hair away from her face. Typical Cho, so easy for her.
"I didn't even get to add the 'and you owe me a favour for...' bit!" He protested. "But we could work out some place to go to find another crystal. Maybe you too if you. If it ends up being the right place and time for you."

He looked almost contemplative at that. Sometimes it did feel like the Force had its own will, shaping events. Other times it felt as if it were a cruel trickster. It suddenly seemed easy to relate to the idea of gods in the Force.

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