Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Mustafar: Legacies | EE/AC/BotM/GA Juncion of Mustafar/Jaminere/Ord Bostadus/Mechis III (SGHW)


Objective: Defend the Bastion, Slaughter the Interlopers
Location: The Streets
Allies: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran , Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr , Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr
Enemies: Jas Katis Jas Katis , Dylan Marsek Dylan Marsek , Elaena Kessia Miran Elaena Kessia Miran
Engaging: Jas Katis Jas Katis / Open

The time for battle had come. The enemy dropships had landed, their contingents disembarked to begin moving into the city. They moved like soldiers, with precision and accuracy, checking their corners and scanning the ground ahead for mines and other nasty surprises. All told, Ronar was mildly impressed. They knew what they were doing. But, truly, how many of them were real warriors? How many of them had faced down death? He had trained in battle since he could barely walk. His weapons had comforted him at night and defended him in the light of day. How many of them could say the same?

<< Sir, Commander Orr, Ronar, this is Mercy! In the city, based on the drones, I see only Eternal Imperial units and mercenaries working with them. Based on my data, they have worked with the Eternal Empire before, so you have to reckon with groups who are working with each other well. >>

Hidden in a building, accompanied by the Violet Wolves, Ronar watched as the enemy squads made their way through tight alleyways and open streets. A smile was on his lips as he gripped the handle of his cortosis sword. He still hadn't named the weapon since he'd obtained it before the battle on Tython, but it had long ago been baptized. Perhaps Storm of Vengeance. Was that too much?

<<This is Ronar,>> he said over the communicator, <<I have engaged the enemy. Glory to the Scar Hounds.>>

Ronar turned to his Wolves, who between them held the corpse of an unlucky enemy soldier, who had made the terrible mistake of ranging too far from the advancing line. He looked to be some kind of scout or sniper, armed with a sensor array and camouflaged armor, but now he wasn't much of anything. His body was covered in slash wounds, and his head hung limp, the neck snapped. Removing the man's combat knife, Ronar smiled as he carved a sigil, a simple fist, into the unfortunate soldier's skull.

In a battle like this, the war of the mind was just as critical as the war of the weapon. If these soldiers knew they were safe, that they were protected, that they could advance with impunity, they would form an impenetrable wall slowly creeping onto the Maw's defensive positions. However, if the sense of safety was shaken, if the soldiers realized that it was the defenders who could strike with impunity, it would make them collapse and draw into themselves, leaving cracks in the wall. Cracks that the small ambush teams under Ronar's command could exploit to the fullest.

Gripping the body with his cybernetic right arm, Ronar gave a mighty heave and threw it out the window, smashing what glass remained. The body careened through the air and slammed into the ground right in front of an advancing column, blood covering the street. And then Ronar was gone, Violet Wolves in tow, running to the next objective. Ronar's smile grew with every second.

He would make these excuses for warriors see death around every corner and in every shadow.

He, Ronar of the Scar Hounds, would fill their hearts with fear.

Aleem Qel Droma

Location: Outside Castle Vader, Platform

TAG: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust

Aleem pressed forward, he cut into shields of the Mustafarians, the saber causing hreat molten orange streaks that rent asunder the black iron walls. He dug his long sword into one large warrior who with his shield tossed Qel Droma back. The Ashlan Crusader rolled on the ground as a pike blade descendant, the tip digging into plateform. Aleem rose back ro his feet, both hands gripping his saber hilt. The Mustafarian growled as he plucked the metal blade from his lower abdomen and tossed it at Aleem. The Postulant dropped low to the floor, the blade spinning in a full circle above his head, and hitting a Crusader who was engaged in combat. The giant Mustafarian beat his chest with his black gloved gauntlet, and then took his pike and charged. Aleem rose into stance with his yellow blade crossing his eye line, the tip pointed at the enemy. As the Titan Mustafarian drew near, The Postulant pivoted his feet, and once in the furnacecof his wrath, Alem dropped lower and sweeped, his blade passing behind his left side in Iron Tail, and cutting the Massive Mustafarian from his lower thigh to his underbelly.
The Mighty One fell like a Reek at follow gallop, a streak of orange fading to black, as its leg hinged apart. Aleem quickly moved to felled titan with both hands, dug his sabee blade into the head of the Gianf. The saber crackled ss it dug thrpugh the wrapped mask, flesh, and skull, and then straight through into plateform itself.
With a graceful move, the Ashlan Crusader removed the saber blade and then stood, he saw as Crusaders and Mawites began to collide. The battle rang with clanging of blades, and the mountains of fire erupted like great geysers, spewing rock and fire like mortars upon them. Ash fell upon Aleem, who began to walk with purpose towards the frontline, he eyed Castle Vader, a fortress of fables, where the dreaded Sith Lord of yore dwelt, and carried out the will of an empire. Now it was to be the site of dark and evil ritual that would summon what, Aleem did not know. What he did know is he was part of the holy cause to stop it, to drown darkness in Light.
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The Unchained

Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass

Loadout: Mandalore's Lament, Regret, beskar'gam


Mustafar... a world of fire and darkness, once called home to none other than Darth Vader himself. It was where Solipsis had declared his dominion over the Sith during the Great Sith Schism, declaring himself the true leader of their unholy ilk. It was here that Khamul had fought the Death Watch, a fateful day that gave him the clarity of purpose. Without that fateful day, he may have never ascended to the role of Mand'alor, destined to bring his people back to their former glory. In that aspect, Fortress Vader was as important to the Demon Mandalore as his new home among his people...

And now, the enemies of the Maw sought to tear that from him.

He stood upon the balcony, overlooking the advancing forces of their enemies below as he cursed them under his breath. How many more would he have to kill before they understood the futility of their actions? The answer was truly incalculable, as the Unchained's foes seemed as determined as ever to bring about the end of the Maw. They had been emboldened by their victory on Tython, and the Demon Mandalore would use that fervor against them, until none stood in his path.

His attention drifted into the distance, catching a distant presence within the Force. Though an unknown individual to the Unchained, there was something familiar about the signature.


His jetpack roared to life, projecting Khamul's armored body into the air as he sought his new prey.

Another servant of Ashla, doomed to be put to the sword of the Unchained...


Lehvi had never felt a planet so thoroughly corrupted by the Bogan. In theory, he knew it was truth- places like Korriban and Ziost had had centuries of the SIth and their ilk festering. But he had never set foot on those worlds.

But here he was, on Mustafar.

The Akk Riders has been deployed all over the world to break the Maw, but Lehvi found himself alone, riding atop his akk dog towards the imposing Fortess Vader. The once distant building had become a looming edifice that dominated the skyline, jutting upwards. As he got closer, he weaved through battles, allowing Julip to trample the foes underfoot or striking out with his blade.

Then the Force whispered a warning and Lehvi stopped. A armored man in a jetpack was coming his way.

Mandalorians. Among the elite of the elite, the galaxy's finest warriors. As far as Lehvi knew, while many opted to stay within the borders of the enclave, others preferred to live among the galaxy's many factions- including, apparently, the Maw.

Lehvi stopped Julip, dismounting and igniting his lightsaber in challenge, relishing the opportunity to do battle with the warrior fast approaching.

Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze
Location: Gahenn Droid Factory
Objective: Scout the factory, and sabotage Maw Objectives if applicable.
Allies: Eternal Empire, Eternal Empire Allies
Enemies: The Maw, Maw Allies, Kybo Ren Kybo Ren

'Dammit!' Rolin cursed inwardly, seeing the big bastard make his way up to the main level, looking all over, left, right, center, and up. No one looked up dammit! That was supposed to be the point. Holding in a groan, Rolin quickly began to weigh his options. Fighting the man would be suicide, what with him able to call his men with but a word. He knew he couldn't handle all of them at once. Their transports were still too far away, he'd have to get closer if he wanted to damage them in some way, at least for a distraction. He could go back and try to deal with the grunts first, but the big bastard will see him any second with the way he's looking around.

Rolin sighed. Kriff it.

With a push aided with the force, Rolin leaped away from the wall, sailing over Kybo Rens head, landing in a roll, quickly getting back to his feet before sprinting towards their transports. It was very stupid and reckless, but sometimes doing that was enough to catch your enemy off guard, right?

Igniting his lightsaber, Rolin reached out with the force, several blobs of magma rising from the molten pits. He then flung them to the magnetic turbines of the transports, using the very ships as cover as he did so.

Aleem Qel Droma

Location: Outside Castle Vader, Platform

TAG: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust

Aleem moved to rejoin his comrades, when great rocks of fire began to fall from natural canons of the fiery mountains. He watched in horror as several Crusaders were hit and thrown, their armor melting, and boiling into pools of gold. Was this the work of dark siders? Had someone with a command of Bogan made the mountains drop fire on his brothers?
The Postulant had not met Sith, save for his mother a Krath Sorceress, and her prietesesses. However, the Krath were a fringe cult, not like The Rule of Two or Rule of One. Aleem began to feel something that he had not felt since the drop, fear.. the place was rank with it. It tried to take hold of him, especially while watching his comrade’s own golden armor boiled them alive.
Aleem began to chant to himself, “Darkness is a lie, There is only Light. Fear is lie, There is Faith!
With this he began to take steps forward, his legs heavy, as if chains had shackled them to the platform.
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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Try to stop the ritual
Location: Fortress Vader
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Closed
[ Valley of Death ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid was really different from most people. To Kyrel, this may have seemed such a peaceful conversation, but the reality was that for the red-haired woman, the battle began the moment she entered the room. For most people, the conversation wasn’t particularly eloquent, talkative, but the woman was an assassin, an agent. She has already learned a lot from how her opponent speaks, how he moves, how he acts.

The red-haired woman was like a predator, a big cat. Or rather, a perfect predator; infinitely patient. That’s why she didn’t have a problem with having to talk. In fact, most of the time she won a duel and a fight without having to take out any weapon. She usually won with words. Her words were at least as dangerous as her blades.

And Kyrel seemed a great and perfect target because the man was happy to talk about what his plans were. It was as if he was glad and happy that someone did not attack him immediately, but talked to him. The Empress knew she had surprised many with this. That’s why they usually keep fighting with Zach as a disguise while they talk to each other. The fight, the dance was just a diversion from reality. Most people only paid attention to the deeds, not what was happening in the shadows.

Last but not least, it told the woman, who is the one who could be a valuable ally in the future.

Well, Kyel Ren was not one of them. Because the man hated the Sith, she hoped he might have different views. But he only wanted to kill everyone and recreate the galaxy. Regrettable. She hoped she could find someone like she or Zach were.

”Pity. I was hoping you were more than this nonsense view.” she told him, there was a hint of regret in her voice.

She put her hands on her hips as she looked at the glowing runes. The gesture revealed that she still did not want to attack. She was actually curious to continue and end the ritual. Or maybe just how much the man spoils it and whether the ritual consumes him himself as well.

”And yet, with what do you want to revive the Galaxy after your plan? If you devour everything, there is nothing left but ashes and emptiness. Maybe with the undead? With creatures from the Netherworld?” she asked him.

That was the point where Ingrid started thinking, and where Tacitus hadn't done it. The former Emperor believed so much in the superiority of his own plan that he did not even think that if the Eternal Empire or the Wardens of the Shroud destroyed the Force, everyone could die in it. She wondered what Kyrel Ren thought would happen next. She knew the Sith wanted to shape the Galaxy into its own image, full of Sithspawns and nothing else living creatures, just what they can control. Even Adrian wanted that, partly.

She could see the lights, she could feel the energies that had intensified her hunger again. Ingrid played for a moment with the thought of absorbing all the energy and draining the Nexus before opening the portal. That would be fun. But there was other fun here, she took off her helmet and hung it on his belt. It was just a textile, so it went easily. Then she moved, it was so fast it was hard to follow her, and stopped in front of Kyrel, right in front of him, looking into his eyes with her blue ones.

”You should be more careful if you want to live.” she said, almost purring, and her eyes gleaming like the predator played with the prey.

She then stepped away from him, then walked to one of the monoliths, ran her hand along the runes with an elegant motion, and finally her hand stopped above one, a reinforcing, focusing rune concentrating the Force in one place. She looked back over her shoulder at Ren's knight.

”How about, if I break this focusing rune?” she asked in a satisfied voice as a predatory smile appeared on her lips..

She played with the man like a cat with the mouse…



Aleem Qel Droma

Location: Castle Vader, Platform and Med Zone

Aleem made his way with heavy steps, and saw a crusader on the ground, the boiling hot gold of his armor melting into his chest and face. Aleem dropped down and took off his cape, he wiped the hot gold off which like honey stuck to the scarlet fibers and dried, making it heavy.
The Wounded Crusader shouted,
“Ashla! Ashla! Aaahhh!”
The Postulant saw some boiling gold was on his face, and with a quick motion he took his saber, igniting the golden blade and began to cut the flesh covered in the gold. The man screamed from the severe pain, and then Aleem laid his hand on the wound and closed his eyes. Balls of flame seemed to slow in the sky, and the explosions of the magma rock seemed to freeze in place like orange and grey shrooms. A topaz blue light graced the cheek and jaw of the Wounded Crusader, and where a bright red layer of oozing underflesh had been tan flesh replaced it. Aleem then placed his hand at the tors, and healed with the Force what he could, the wounds were many, so he could do only so much. Then casting aside the Midas cape, the Postulant took the Wounded Crusader by the arm and hoisted him up.
Hold on to me brother! You shall not perish on this platform! Ashla is with us!
The Wounded Man’s face was solemn, he clung to his savior.
Aleem carried the man across the platform and down some steps to a zone that medics and priests had set up to heal and preform last rites. Aleem helped the Wounded Crusader to a cot, and a Medical Droid began administering some pain killers via injection. As Aleem began to walk away, the Wounded Crusader cried out,
“what is your name?!”
The Postulant turned and said,
Aleem, Aleem Qel Droma.
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Communication "verbal" <<technopathy>>

Objective: Enter facility and steal some secrets
Tag: solo mission, open to dm

Loralora interceptor swoop
Gei Borugu Electro Spear
Light Saber (peony colour blade)
Laser Lance
Q7 encrypted data-spike

24 x Nuetralizer Model 2

Akemi barely reacted to the angry barbs thrown at her from her sister and let let her get her words out, she had gone through the wringer herself dealing with the number lost at Tython and she knew Alessandra Io Alessandra Io better than anyone. <<You can pretend to be angry at me, I'll let you slice of a limb with those lovely Chakram of yours if it makes you feel better?>> she smiled teasingly but with absolute adoration. <<Then once you are done that we can talk? I will hold you while you cry those photoreceptors dry?>> she watched as the blades whizzed by, tracking their movement and habitually analysing their performance. <<Being angry does not appear to effect your combat effectiveness, that's something at least.>>

Within her own body she looked around at Nuetralizers nearby, two of them were playing catch with an ancient data core. She scowled at them and shook their head. "Dont think because there is nothing here to kill you can slack off!" they looked as sheepish as a Model 2 could before packing the core into its protective casing.

She commented again to Alessandra, <<our brothers can be so uncouth can't they sometimes, next thing is they will be listening to their favourite music while dropping from orbit?>> she raised an eyebrow, trying to illicit a humorous response from her sister. Her Q7 spike pinged her that it had now recovered 80% of the remaining salvageable data, she could feel the work of Onrai Onrai fighting against her.

<<So, my love, my work here will be coming to an end soon, one of the maw's trained monkey's appears to be erasing the data, so i wont be getting it all unfortunately. So once you have decapitated whatever lucky sith you are dancing with, you ARE coming back to my ship. Understand me Sister?>> Akemi did not give the impression she wished to be negotiated with.

<<And remember, you are always useful to your family, you jusy need on this occasion to let us be useful to you.>> family was everything to Akemi, as it was to all of her kind, and family looked out for eaxh other.

Pa'Kar Sang

Pa'Kar rubbed his breath mask's chin thoughtfully as he watched the Final Dawn vessels break formation. "No," he muttered, "Changing formation." The Ackbar Slash, Capping the T, or whatever you wanted to call it, was a bold move. Especially so considering it left part of the Final Dawn's flank open and their Interdictors vulnerable. He wasn't intending on running though and as it stood he had more to lose letting those star destroyers through his line.

"Order the Concords to cut off their advance. V formation, we'll make up the point. Tell the tractor beam teams to prepare the projectors. They're trying to cut straight through our formation and we're going to welcome them with open arms..."


The tractor beam of a Starhawk was a marvel to behold. It was less a single projector and more a devastating array of halting power. It was said that hundreds of years ago, the first Starhawks had used their projectors to topple an Executor-class Super Star Destroyer. Duck had never seen a ship that big, and as far as he knew nothing made for war had been made that big in hundreds of years despite the average size of what was considered a "Star Destroyer" increasing.

Duck wanted to be a shipwright. He had so many ideas and loved starships. He'd been the odd one back home on Botor. You'll be a pirate or a brigand ain't nothing else for you! It didn't matter to his father that those were essentially the same thing. His brothers had taken to that life well though until the Alliance had come through, but Duck? Duck was going to work at KDY.

"Duck! You daydreamin' again?!" Duck turned, his massive furry arms nearly knocking his officer over. Duck's voice came like a rumbling avalanche.

"Sorry sir," he said. The old man with waved a hand.

"Don't matter to me none. We got orders from up top. Prep the array. Get your team in order. Looks like we'll see some action after all." A wide ursine grin split Duck's muzzle exposing rows of sharp teeth.

"Yes sir!"


Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Aleem Qel Droma


Amen & Attack

The Grand Marshal's lightsaber ignited as he rose from the landing, a harbinger of the coming of the Light. Moments later, other luminous blades joined his as they began to press their assault. The defenders of Fortress Vader found themselves on the back foot for a moment as the Crusaders pressed forth, cutting down several before they had time to coordinate their defense. Heinrich himself eliminated several of the Mawite forces as he led the Ashlan charge, his holy blade acting as a beacon for the others to follow.

"Keep pushing, my brethren! For Ashla, for Tython! Don't give them any space to regroup!"

As they pressed the attack, Heinrich could see one of the newer faces of the Crusade cutting his own swath through the enemy lines. A young man with the name of a legend, willing to prove his own devotion to the Crusade and their beloved goddess. Today, he would be baptized in the fires of combat, and Ashla willing, would see another day.

Heinrich's gaze quickly shot toward the sky just in time to see the molten rocks falling upon them, prompting him to push two of his comrades back. Some of the others weren't so lucky, having no time to get out of the way of the burning rain of death. As several of them fell, Heinrich's attention once again fell upon Aleem.

"Get moving, I'll cover you!"

His blade spun in an arc, deflecting several blaster bolts as Aleem pulled the other Crusader to safety. The Grand Marshal managed to keep the enemy fire at bay, until another rock came falling from above. Quickly disengaging his lightsaber, Heinrich turned his full attention to the rock, catching it in the air as he held out both hands. The heat began to wash across his face as he struggled to maintain his distance from the boulder, his feet firmly planted in the ground as it remained suspended in the air. Then, with all his strength, Heinrich called out to the empyrean, launching the burning boulder toward the Mawite defenders. The cries of the Ashlan forces were soon echoed by their enemies, each side screaming in agony as their flesh burned.

Heinrich motioned for the others to follow as he reignited his blade, breaking out into a sprint as he led the charge once again.




The Unchained

Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass

Loadout: Mandalore's Lament, Regret, beskar'gam


The Crusader ignited his weapon as the Demon Mandalore made his approach, a reminder of the futile defiance of the Light. Khamul landed ten feet in front of him, staring the man down through his glowing mask. A few moments were spent in silence as the Unchained sized up his opponent, doing a best to get a read on his abilities. The Akk dog at his side told him enough to know that this man was no untrained fool, though he wondered just how powerful the man was. In the end, it was a small matter... no matter the strength of this man, Khamul would bring him down as he had countless others before.

"You know... this doesn't have to end in violence, Crusader. You could simply bend the knee, and embrace your own power. Free yourself from the shackles of belief, and know true freedom."

His hand reached for Mandalore's Lament, drawing it from his belt, though he hadn't yet ignited its abyssal blade. He let his words hang in the air for a moment, searching for any sign of weakness within his opponent as he took two steps forward.

"Something tells me that you aren't the type to listen to such wisdom. After all... how can one blinded by such bootlicking devotion allow themselves such freedom?"


The black and crimson of Mandalore's Lament came to life, whirring at his side in a swirling void of darkness. His weight began to shift, taking his usual starting Juyo stance as he readied himself for a fight.

"A shame, really. If you would only open yourself to the darkness, you would find that there is so, so incredibly much to discover."

His mask began to pulsate with a vibrant red glow, signaling the conjuration of the darkness within himself. His breathing was calm as his cold, masked gaze remained on the man before him.

"So, shall we begin?"


Aleem Qel Droma


: Castle Vader

TAG: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust

Aleem saw the Grand Marshal Faust return the moltan mortar to the Mawites, they now marred as the Ashlan Warriors were. The Postulant saw his Superior stand triumphant, holding his blade of Light, and giving the command to push forward.
Qel Droma took up another lightsaber hilt from his belt, this one a Crossguard. He ignited the threefold blades, the long blade sprung with a hum and then the two vent blades which completed the cruciform weapon. He held the hilt with the long blade down and the pummel resting on his chest. He closed his eyes and offered a prayer, and then rejoined the conflict. Aleem came to the Grand Mashal’s side, and dipped his golden blade of energy into the enemy, the edge bearing Mawite after Mawite into the ashen earth.
Aleem would defend Heinrich, even if it meant his own death. For the Postulant believed not only in the man, and the cause, but that his leadership, and shining example would save many more Crusader lives.



Location: Mustafar
Ship: ANV Tython
Tag: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Pa'Kar Sang Nexo Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard

"This is Admiral Draellix, my forces are still holding enough of the station to extract our prisoners, the evacuation should be completed shortly. I can remove the evacuees from the area of operations once they are clear." - Isla Draellix

Izah Heard the words from the Ashlan Admiral but offered no verbal response, and instead made a mental note of it while Pa'Kar Sang continued to coordinate the fleet as a whole. Their opening barrage had specifically picked out several major targets and dealt considerable shield damage, but she wasn't going to get overconfident because of it. The Final Dawn's ships were moving, altering formations and with the firepower their ships had to offer, she knew this battle was far from over.

Three of the Maw's Star Destroyers then broke off and formed a line to strike against the Alliance forces. Izah's gaze immediately narrowed, but before she could utter a single word, Admiral Sang addressed the fleet again.

"Order the Concords to cut off their advance. V formation, we'll make up the point. Tell the tractor beam teams to prepare the projectors. They're trying to cut straight through our formation and we're going to welcome them with open arms..." - Pa'kar Sang

Izah turned the gaze to helm and nodded, "Alter our current course and form up with the other Concords. Position us on the front-left side of the V-formation; the Consolidator behind us," she ordered and within seconds, the two large vessels began to move so the Task Force could spearhead through the enemy's attempt at breaching the Alliance formation. But as expected, they weren't the only side throwing large amounts of firepower at the enemy.

The ANV Tython, which became one of the leading Concords, was taking hits as well, causing the ship to heavily vibrate along in response, "Status?" Izah requested.

"Shields are still holding, Captain," Commander Darek said in response.

"Very good, stay in formation and maintain our offensive pressure with the Consolidator. That line of Maw ships must be shattered,"





Tags: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard Pa'Kar Sang Izah'zore
Ship: Jedi Vector

Nexo continued his maneuver of orbiting the FDS Sovereign as it ignored his transmissions completely, which he had expected. There was little that could be done to prevent a conflict. And just as the Jedi Knight was coming to terms and formulating a more offensive battleplan he saw the signature flash of superheated plasma soaring towards the Sixth Sector Fleet from the Alliance-Ashlan lines. The battle had begun in earnest it seemed with Admiral Sang levying the first blows. As the Brotherhood fleet began to maneuver into another formation and the hangar's began to empty of starfighters, Nexo, knew that the peril he had put himself in being within the fleet's formation was mounting. A critical, lethal, blow could come from any number anti-starfighter weaponry aboard the capital ships of the Final Dawn, or being overwhelmed by hostile starfighter squadrons.

The Jedi Knight reached down and clasped his lightsaber hilt from his hip and then placed it forward into a small, rectangular, compartment. When he withdrew his hand from the compartment a force field activated with a faint blue glow. The weapon systems had been activated. Nexo gripped the flight controls with both hands now "To fight ignorance through knowledge." he whispered to himself as he angled the nimble Vector towards hangar of the nearest ship still deploying starfighters "To act as the guardians of life." Nexo leveled the bow of the Vector towards the hangar and discharged the dual laser cannons of his fighter towards the enemy squadron in an attempt to destroy or disable a lead starfighter and therefore create a pile-up of starships at their most vulnerable moment "To bring light to the darkness." Nexo pulled both hands back on the T shaped levers on each side of the cockpit which made up the Vector's flight controls. In doing so the Vector pulled a sharp upward angle and pulled away from the capital ships direction.

His partial recitation of the New Jedi Order's code helped center his focus on the tasks at hand and to drive doubt, and hesitation, from his mind.

Action Summary
Nexo attempts to cause a pile-up of starfighters leaving a capital ship's hangar to lessen and/or delay additional starfighters from joining the defensive screen.

Equipment: AKraB Vibrodagger, Corporis Skin Suit, Feverwasp Particle Blaster Pistol, Survival Kit
Allies: GA
Enemies: MAW
Tags: Khione
Ok, now Ari knew she had to be in some kind of heat-induced nightmare - her little songbird (though the little in the nickname didn't seem appropriate now that she could see they were close to the same height) she'd fought over Tython and Foerost just happened to be the one downed across the ridge? Either she was being delirious or the force was trying to play some sort of evil trick on her. At least Ari was able to take her down before her own wings were clipped. The opponent didn't seem to be actively hostile at this point, her blaster was ought - but that was very well expected given their sworn oaths to opposing powers. Ari tightened her grip on her vibrodagger, but declined to actively try anything, yet. This blasted heat would probably kill both of us before we could even touch each other."

"It seems, little bird, that you and I are the perfect opposites. Two sides of one coin, locked in a dance we'll never be able to break out of."

Ari took a seat, reaching into her survival bag for some more water and her Emergency Beacon. Waiting a few moments for any sort of response, Ari thought over what she could get out of this conversation - if anything - that would help her get in this other young woman's head, understand why anyone would serve such violent and, frankly, objectively evil masters.

"I'm not dead so you certainly can't be all bad - how does the best pilot in the chaos end up in the service of the Maw?"
4th post





Beskar Brodie-Helm
Durasteel Cuirass
Fragarach-Model Heavy Disruptor Pistol
Beskar Romphaia
Rusty Old Fairbairn

Allies (BOTM/NSO): Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Ronar Ronar Erion Justeene Erion Justeene Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr

Attackers (EE/GA/Hex): Jas Katis Jas Katis Elaena Kessia Miran Elaena Kessia Miran Dylan Marsek Dylan Marsek




<"This is Ronar,">
The sword-wielding prodigy, the one who was loyal to a fault from the offset, the one who saw the transformation from brother to leader in the same day.

Barran could sense his presence nearby, and though his Force-abilities were still fledgling at best, it was enough to know he wasn't alone against the enveloping menace; enough to know that despite all the Scar Hounds were up against, the loyal Ronar would be there to keep the Sith Pureblood's subordinates at bay, or at least for long enough that Thomas could get a proper fight out of his opponent this time. A worthy sacrifice to make, and one that was even easier for the young Tri-Lunar initiate to accept, and with the fight for Mt. Geran considered, the one-eyed Woad was quite willing to accept that denying Ronar such glory would be a slight on the lad's already-growing reputation.

<"I have engaged the enemy. Glory to the Scar Hounds.">

<"Glory to the Scar Hounds indeed, brother. But if you see their leader, leave 'im to me! Anybody else, an' it's fair game as far as I see it.... Show the Pureblood's subordinates the true meaning of horror, become the shadows they flinch at. Bloodhound going dark!">

Finally drawing his sword, the infamous Romphaia Thomas laboured over from the moment he completed the Mongrel's greatsword, the brutalizing potential could be seen with ease; and in Barran's time embracing the both the harsh, biting cold weathers of Rhigar and the heavy gravity of Camp Crucible in preparation for his next fight, the level of ease with which he was becoming accustomed to it had changed almost every aspect of his training as a result. The unshakable, loving faith in the Avatar of Rebirth, the rising baseline-power, and his ancestral access to sword-wielding evolution would be enough in the beginning, but the endurance, conditioning and fatigue-training would take up the lion's share of his third visit to Mar'Zambul, forging an entirely new sort of warrior.

And in the image of his legendary mentor, the Bloodhound would attempt to match the cybernetic strength and speed of the Mongrel through the power of his training, his experience and his determination in seemingly-implausible contrast. Embracing the pains, strains and tears expected of one who would embody such loss and sacrifice in his own way, Thomas was honouring the expectations of his master as well as he could after such a short span of time preparing for their enemies, taking on every callous, bruise, bump, scrape and cut to awaken every last drop of potential - and all as an ode to the jaw-dropping achievements of the Warlord who set him on this path.

I will always pray to my darling Rebirth, but I still fight for the Mongrel.

The safety of his children, their assured survival, this is all that matters now.

And there it was.

The last piece of the puzzle, the last element of the very catalyst that galvanised the one-eyed Woad, an urge so strong that faith often fuelled it more than any other driving aspect to Thomas at the time - the basic, soul-deep urge to protect the next generation.

Even through the risks of being mind-invaded, of being found out to be working against the interests of the Mawite majority, and against the interests of the Omnist hierarchy, the Bloodhound had found a comfort, a reassurance in the very blade he was wielding in these moments. The bright, fiery glow of the distant bubbling lava-fields would highlight this comfort as the red-hot world around Thomas illuminated the shine of the Beskar's smooth finish, making the strange beauty of it all the more enthralling as he began slicing at the embers in the air. Throwing simulated sword-strikes with an ease that would become a duellist's nightmare before long, Barran began to remember a few sparring-yard flashbacks from his first life, working through a nasty nosebleed as minor corrections were made to his footwork, heedless as he unleashed blow after blow on the embers around him until the bleeding stopped.
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Location: Sith Cave, Fortress Vader
Allies: Maw/Sith
Enemies: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

It was odd for Kyrel not to have a blade drawn at his throat as soon as the meeting began. Instead, he stood before the Eternal Empress herself. The room itself flooded with dark side energies, the runes on both the walls and the black monoliths had shown brightly. He didn’t even concentrate on the cave’s power fully. If anything all of it had shown that the Master of Ren was just getting started. All the while he was happy to explain what endgame he truly sought since his resurrection.

Just as he suspected, she spoke of how she hoped for something more, did she not understand? She was very similar to he was, and still he couldn’t expect others to realize his vision of seeing the galaxy, perhaps the Force itself die along with life itself. In a way he thought that he would be repaying the Force for ruining his life. He spoke again to answer the question of what he hoped to fill an empty galaxy. “Perhaps, maybe I want to be alone… Monsters might make excellent company but no Jedi, no Sith, no will of the Force… just emptiness, a void… Only death would remain.” He said as he focused on the energies he could feel on the very palms of his hands.

Despite the intense energies, the dead man felt slightly uneasy around the Empress. He had heard of her reputation, and still he couldn’t let his guard down in the face of civilities. She was up to something, he felt something off deep within his black bones. She removed her helmet as he focused on the dark side locus that surged, the red beam in front of him was small, slowly gathering in strength like a spark that would ignite into a blazing inferno. The monoliths focused energy, and the monoliths themselves roared, and crackled with sparks of red energy as Kyrel was starting to heighten the focus.

Then the red wolf had made her move, while she expressed disappointment that the two didn’t share the same opinion, he watched the red headed empress go in front of him, watching as he felt her energy reach out to the room. He felt her hunger growing, and she knew that he couldn’t retaliate in full. She took hold of the focusing time directing all the energies from the stone, to the monoliths, to the runes all over the Sith cave. Kyrel panicked for a moment, his eyes widened a little before hardening into a deep scowl. Meeting her gaze with his own. He would have to watch his next words very carefully.

He spoke calmly, his demeanor completely stoic, as if not to give away how much he needed the ritual. “I wouldn’t do that… One, doing so would stop me from letting the door show you deeper… Show you inside yourself, what you seek… What you may not know what you could find. You’ve wandered the Netherworld, but whose to say you haven’t seen all the secrets, solved all the mysteries.” He paused for a moment before continuing. “Secondly, you destroy the rune and while you close that door, trying to stop what can’t be undone will have disastrous consequences for us all… I either continue now, or you stop me… Just know in doing so you might kill me, yourself, and perhaps my forces and all those sent to stop me… What is it gonna be Empress?” He said explaining coldly the options here, his hands focused on the energies he knew he couldn’t hope to stop her, warning her of the consequences might be a way to see the door open again.

Kybo Ren

Pirate of the Stars, Knight of Ren
Location: Gahenn Droid Factory
Allies: Maw
Enemies: Everyone else, approaching SIA groups, Rolin Doan Rolin Doan

With a push aided with the force, Rolin leaped away from the wall, sailing over Kybo Rens head, landing in a roll, quickly getting back to his feet before sprinting towards their transports. It was very stupid and reckless, but sometimes doing that was enough to catch your enemy off guard, right?

Igniting his lightsaber, Rolin reached out with the force, several blobs of magma rising from the molten pits. He then flung them to the magnetic turbines of the transports, using the very ships as cover as he did so.

Lava roiled and burst forth, and Kybo whirled around to spot a scrawny figure sailing over head.

"Got you know, you rascal!" he roared. So this was the scamp that had been eluding him and his men. Igniting his blade, Kybo moved with a speed that beyond what his size size would suggest. In under a second he was on Rolin Doan Rolin Doan , but before he could strike, the young Initiate reached out with the Force, sending lava flying in large chunks, smashing into and melting through many of the transports on the south platform. Fortunately, the procedures used to pack up the explosive raw materials around the platform had been followed; none blew up under the extreme heat as yet, but he knew better than to push his luck.

Kybo reached out with the Force himself, and his superior mastery allowed him to catch the last few lava chunks before they hit, instead redirecting them back into the lava fields. Unfortunately the young Initiate had taken cover among the transports.

<"We've got a runner!"> he yelled into his comms, before resuming the chase. He knew the Warden would be looking out for Kybo, likely watching the gaps below the transports for his feet, so he instead used the Force to propel himself up and onto the roof of the nearest transport. It was easy for him to spot the Warden from here, and he struck from on high, falling onto Rolin like a mighty cannonball, lightsaber in hand.


Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Aleem Qel Droma


Amen & Attack

His blade found purchase in the shoulder of another enemy, cutting through muscle and bone until he brought the Mawite down. Heinrich quickly pulled the blade from the fallen marauder's corpse, enabling him to deflect two more oncoming blaster bolts before they could reach their target. His movements were smooth, as if he were moving like a flowing wave of light through the treacherous oceans of darkness upon the cursed ground of Mustafar. He had rarely found himself so in sync outside of his time with Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir and Geiseric Geiseric , as the trio had become quite the unstoppable force. Yet, he found his stride nonetheless, though part of that was due to the familiar presence of his dear friend.


He knew not where upon the planet she was, but the fact that she had joined the fight warmed the Grand Marshal's heart. He had spent the past couple of weeks in the company of Eina and her husband, the famed Shield of Ashla, in an attempt to make up for lost time. So many missed opportunities, yet all had been regained due to Ashla's interference on Tython. Heinrich found himself rejuvenated, perhaps closer to his old self than ever before. He said a silent prayer, knowing that Ashla would keep both him and his dear friend safe within the chaos of this fight.

Not long after he gave the order, the brave Aleem had rejoined the fight, springing to the Grand Marshal's side in an effort to defend his flank. Heinrich took a brief moment to lean in toward the man as he continued to deflect oncoming fire from the enemy, a warm smile producing itself upon his face.

"Your fervor is admirable, Postulant. The Maw is a cunning enemy, however. Stay close, and keep your wits about you. Ashla will keep keep us safe through this day."


Location: Mustafar

– Have I truly ever left you, Valery Noble? –

There was the familiar voice again, echoing to her as the masked figure stepped into the open and drew his own weapon. Valery's eyes focused on him instantly, but she offered no verbal response to his question. Ever since Selvaris and the Dark Sanctum on Wizar II, the Shadow Hand's presence had been buried within her mind, which made it easy for her to feel his presence and know when he was nearby, but it also came with a constant uneasy feeling in the Force she couldn't rid herself of.

Whenever he was close, darker whispers could penetrate even her Shadow-trained mind, and so she could never truly feel at ease in his presence. Valery didn't need to feel that usual peacefulness in order to fight back and resist him though — she would always meet his corruption with her own intensity in the light, and today wasn't going to be any different. But as another Darth Ptolemis materialized, she did understand this battle was going to be different than those from the past.

He had changed, and his desire to kill her had only grown more powerful.

Another 2 copies formed moments later and surrounded her position as thunder tore the sky above asunder, reminding her of a time long past when she was surrounded by beasts within the jungles of New Cov, and her face was scarred for life.

"I thought looking at one of you was bad enough," Valery quipped, but it was hard to hide the discomfort she felt as the 4 masks focused on her, and mouthless whispers began to fill the void of silence. She drew her lightsaber up, closed her eyes, and after drawing in a deep breath, the battle finally began as all 4 of them jumped her position at the same time. To combat them while being surrounded was going to be hard to keep up, even if coordinating several apparitions would be tough for any Sith to maintain as well. But Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis was no ordinary Sith, and so she had to prepare for the worst.

Her violet blade hissed against crimson several times while she used her agility and speed to just barely escape several otherwise crippling attacks. She tried to jump away to different higher points, and position herself so they couldn't surround her, but all her efforts were only pushing back the inevitable. Another jump meant to bring her to a more secured position was attempted, but this time the real Shadow Hand saw right through it, and his crimson blade clipped her leg, resulting in a yelp from the pain. Valery was brought off-balance by it as well, and hit one of the stone walls hard, forcing her down to the ground for just a second while she tried to regain her composure.

She was bloodied and hurt from the strike and fall, the 4 Shadow hands moved to engage again, and there was no room for her to move around anymore to avoid them. So finally, she tapped within the fire that had ignited inside of her and waited for the 4 figures to draw near. Her hands came out and slowly, the temperature around her began to rise.

"Let's find the real you..." she gritted her teeth and within an instant, turned her focus on the air around her. She channeled the Force and attempted to rapidly rub the molecules together to create a raging inferno that swirled around her, and lashed out at the apparitions, as well as the real Ptolemis.

She had to take away his advantage, and this was the only way without completely destroying the ruins.


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