Pandeima said:
In some manner or fashion, an "arms race" will still end up happening between the factions. It depends on IC reactions to events and OOC variance between faction leaders.
Well of course factions will still try to better one another, but it shouldn't be as quick as it's been happening on the board. I've been here for seven months, and seen three generations of ship lines unveiled by the major factions, largely in an effort to keep up with each other. Furthermore, it wasn't a reaction to one fleet outgunning another but rather one guy noticing "Hey, that guy has better ships than me" OOC and going to fix it.
IF there would be an arms race it should be reactive to IC events, not OOC events, which is what the previous system was promoting.
If the guideline is that, regardless as to how many people attempt to "one-up" one another, they can't go any higher than the guidelines. If I make a ship, 2km long with 850 heavy guns(turbolaser/ion cannon mix), and someone else makes a ship with 900(the limit for a "heavy" command shipp), is it really oneupsmanship if he and I are both following the rules, and he has more guns on his vessel than I do? I can choose to make a new ship, or edit the one I currently have, to the 900 guns, but it's going to remain there as an equal with his ship, not a superior. I don't see any reason why such a system wouldn't prevent oneupsmanship if people choose to not build ships with the max gun count for their type right away.
As someone who studies the factory like a hawk, and you should know this as well as much as you study it, everyone was trying to one-up each other with ships. With everyone wanting to be the best, no one is going to put out an 850 gun ship when they can put out a 900 gun ship instead.
Pandeima said:
I haven't seen much updating or turning-over of technology done in several factions... The Empire's still using first-generation technology in its fleets(the Anemoi-class Corvette and the occasional Invictus-class Star Destroyer are excellent examples.
Go look at how many ships of the same class we have in the Republic, Sith Empire, and Omega Protectorate, know that some ships were lost to the purge, and then tell me ships weren't being oversubmitted.
Pandeima said:
As for the part about multiple Star Destroyers - what's to stop someone from making 18 Star Destroyers with the new rules on ships?
Honestly, nothing is. However, for the most part, people aren't going to resubmit the same design when there's nothing to gain, and even if they do for RPJ's it a much easier to approve to deny by looking at the tables instead of leafing through tons of previous ships and seeing what precedents you have.
Pandeima said:
I appreciate the thought staff went through in wishing to open the doors to other people, but with no offense, wouldn't an entire simplification of the system make it easier for everyone to make tech? You're talking about wanting to open the doors for the rest of the member base, but the only modifications made were to the ship template. Vehicles, droids, armor, and weapons have remained exactly the same. I like the idea of standardization via categorizing ships in classes that have an upper limit to what can be done with them, but mandating such things causes people to take, to quote @[member="Coryth Elaris"], the cookie-cutter approach.
For the most part, weapons, droids, vehicles, armor etc aren't faction oriented, and thus there isn't a huge desire to get ahead of the curve so to speak.
Most entries in such categories are simply unique entries for the "I want my gun to work this way" type of things, which are much easier to judge for the most part because most people can see the effects of something on the human body a lot quicker than they can a fictional ship.
Pandeima said:
Then use the table guidelines as a cap. Tell people "You can design your ships up to this line, but you can't design them any further." That will halt an arms race in its tracks. With regards to "repaints" of ship specs - considering the minimal amount of variation for each ship type, that's going to end up happening anyways, regardless of the results.
Then everyone does forced dev threads(Which are usually crappy) to meet the caps and nothing changes. If we're gonna put caps we might as well make people start at them, because we know they're gonna end at them after how much one-upmanship was done in the past.