@[member="Mia Monroe"]
I agree wholeheartedly. Being a major fleeter, I absolutely love these changes. The balancing of all of the armaments and complement in the hangar is outstanding. Now those creating ships will actually have to think about the usefulness, logic, and realism behind their submissions. These new changes are also bound to have a major impact on tech development threads, all of them being positive as quality will need to be increased. Just knowing that fact makes me want to go ahead and start doing some threads to build some tech and actually flesh out the strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities of my vessels.
Now from a fleeter's standpoint: This system based on weapons and hangar capacity will even the playing field. Now all of these jacked-up, unbalanced ships will randomly barge into a fight and be like: "Awww yeahhh n00bs, my stuff is bigger and better, plus I got buttloads of fighters to use with my axial superlaz0r and 7,000 heavy quad turbolasers." Just writing that made me cringe. The balancing of weapons and fighters will make all fleet combat easy to calculate and give the members room to wiggle. For instance:
Fleet A:
Star Destroyer A - 1,500m
- Armament: Heavy Guns
Turbolasers (700)
- Warhead Launchers (100, Proton Torpedos)
[*]Complement: Heavy Guns
Fleet B:
Command Carrier B - 1,800m
- Armament: Heavy Fighters (Carrier)
Turbolasers (60)
- Flak Cannon Batteries (75)
- Quad Laser Cannon Batteries (100)
- Point Defense Emplacements (125)
[*]Complement: Heavy Fighters (Carrier)
- Fighters (100)
- Bombers (68)
- Gunships (20)
- Dropships (20)
- Ground Assault Vehicles w/ Landing barges (50)
Combat Analysis:
Fleet A: Star Destroyer A
- Strengths:
Capable ship-to-ship combatant, deadly against larger vessels
- Heavy armament
- Quite possibly boasts a fairly large crew/passenger count
- Smaller size aids in sublight maneuverability and speed
- Dwarf-sized complement
- Minimal point-defense and fighter protection
- No tractor beams/gravity wells
Fleet B: Command Carrier B
- Strengths:
Large complement coupled with sizable ground assault force
- Armament fairly balanced, leaning towards point-defense, highly effective against enemy fighters/bombers/gunships
- Good at keeping enemy vessels at bay with fighters/bombers/gunships
- Larger size makes it lack in sublight maneuverability & speed
- Basic heavy weaponry, will need support vessels to engage hostile ships without using space complement
- Lack of Ion/specialized weaponry, making specialized missions more difficult
Now just look at that simple to follow and easy to calculate scenarios and options. I think this entire system will just make fleeting a much more intense and rewarding experience when commanders actually have to command!
Omg yes, you'll actually have to work to win. Now I'm not saying that you fleeters don't work to win in fleet battles, I'd just love to see some more unconventional tactics to even out these basic strengths and weaknesses.
Keep at it, Staff team. You guys are cooler than the other side of the pillow!