Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Operation Downfall: Carida [One Sith vs. Republic]

LOCATION: Carida Spaceport
ALLIES: [member="Hion the Herglic"]
ENEMIES: Hasjo Hallu Rosa Mazhar [member="Turin Val Kur"]

Evidently they hadn't noticed him, which left the Sith Knight standing there rather awkwardly. No matter. Hasjo was the ideal target, the way he looked in comparison to Cale, it seemed like they were ,want to be enemies, like their avatars had been drawn by the same arti-imeanwat. Raising a free hand, a wave of force energy was flung at the green skinned Jedi in the form of a force push. But he wasn't finished.

Assuming a Djem So stance, the Sith leapt forward with a Falling Avalanche attack on the Jedi, bringing the blade down from over his head in a two handed grip just to give the attack the extra strength. He tried not to overcommit to the blow and succeeded to a degree, but if Hasjo was fast enough he could get out of the way and get a strike on Cale's back. Probably not a heavy one, but it would hurt like fething hell.
High Orbit over Carida
On Board the Leviathan

Allies: [member=Popo], [member="Sarge Potteiger"], [member="Aaralyn Rekali"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Banshee"], [member="Rexus Drath"], [member="Darth Shara"]

Admiral Nai smiled as a fresh Republic fleet reinforced their position. Antiques or not, the One Sith ships had numbers to make up for their poor performance. "Contact the Republic fleet. Coordinate our maneuvers. Have our remaining ships take cover behind the Fondor. We'll let the new Republic ships deal with that half of the fight. Let's finish up the fight here. Recall our corvettes and have them take position up around the Fondor and reinforce its shields. I don't want our flank being exposed again." With one flank secure, the Protectorate fleet would be able to concentrate on finishing up the remaining Sith Forces. "As soon as all available hypervelocity guns are ready, I want them punching holes through those Star Destroyers."

Under the cover of the Fondor's shield projector, and with its own shields hardened and reinforced by the Leviathan, the Protectorate fleet turned and began a renewed assault on the haphazard Sith formation. As the fighters continued to engage and occupy the Sith fighters, the bombers began making attack runs on the lagging Sith ships. Interceptors hung back and engaged any craft that came too close to the Leviathan, chasing them off or destroying them but not pursuing. They were not easy pickings. Trained and disciplined, they flew their craft well and would not be led away into a trap. Defensive was not the same as afraid. "Have our the bulk of our fighters break off and regroup with the fleet. I want all bombers to engage those damaged Sith ships. All flak cannons; target the enemy fighter formations as soon as our fighters are clear." Naturally some of the Sith fighters would try to pursue the fighters, but anything less than an all-out assault was veritable suicide. And even if they attempted a total assault, they'd be fighting hundreds, if not tens of meters from all manner of point defense and quad laser turrets.

Inside the ship, Ayden slipped his duster back on, feeling the leather stretch over his shoulders while he pulled the gauntlets over his forearms and gave them a few experimental tests. The fitting was a little tight, but he still had his freedom of movement. He walked through the halls of the flagship without escort and without a specific destination. He let the Force guide him as he walked. Wherever the enemy decided to try and strike, he would be there to stop them.

Faintly through the Force, he felt a presence approach. It took a moment for him to recognize it through the din of battle, but there was no mistaking it. Though they had only ever met once, Ayden memorized her signature. She was utterly unique and interested him immensely. He wasn't entirely sure why Aaralyn Rekali was heading for his ship, but he sent an order up to Admiral Nai. "We've got a Jedi on approach. Tag the dropship and make sure it gets into the hanger."

One Leviathan-class Super Star Defender - Defending the fleet
Two Antilles-class Star Defenders
- Sword of Ihaer - Targeting Victory-class Star Destroyer (Banshee)
- Osarian Justice - Targeting Victory-class Star Destroyer (Banshee)
Two Belsar- class Command Carriers
- Breath of Innehes - Targeting Sith Fighters and Fury-class ships
- Wings of Grace - Targeting Sith Fighters and Fury-class ships
Two Indomitable-class Star Defenders
- Aurelius' Judgement - Targeting Scythe-class battlecruiser (Banshee) - Minor Hull Damage
- Light of Corell - Targeting Scythe-class battlecruiser (Banshee) - Minor Hull Damage
Four Warden-class Heavy Cruisers
- Spirit of Rhommamool - Targeting Scythe-class battlecruiser (Banshee)
- Fallen's Burden - Targeting Scythe-class battlecruiser (Banshee)
- Redemption - Destroyed
- Endless Vigil - Destroyed
Four Stalwart-class Heavy Cruisers
- Everest - Targeting Scythe-class battlecruiser (Banshee)

- Winter's Night - Disabled
- Nomad's Retreat - Destroyed
- Breaker of Fate - Targeting Scythe-class battlecruiser (Banshee)

Two Sentinel-class Cruisers
- Pillar of Dawn - Targeting the Dragon's Breath
- Eye of Duihr - Targeting the Dragon's Breath
Two Shield-class Cruisers
- Shield of Corellia - Disabled
- Shield of Fondor - Defending the fleet
Ten Blockade Runners
- Nova (Five Corvettes) - Protecting the Fondor - Two Destroyed
- Nebula (Three Corvettes) - Protecting the Fondor - Two Destroyed
Fleet Total: 25,000 meters

Hanger Craft:
---Twenty-four OS-G1 Fighter Squadrons - Regrouping
---Nineteen OS-G2 Fighter Squadrons - Protecting the Fondor
---Ten OS-B1 Bomber Squadrons - Engaging damaged Sith ships (Banshee)
---Seven OS-B2 Bomber Squadrons - Engaging damaged Sith ships (Banshee)
---Eight OS-I1 Interceptor Squadrons - Engaging approaching Sith fighters (Banshee)
---Seven OS-I2 Interceptor Squadrons - Escorting bomber squadrons
---Eighty-Four Peregrine Gunships - Engaging approaching Sith fighters (Banshee)
---Thirty-Six Inimica Gunships - Engaging approaching Sith fighters (Banshee)

8 Strike Corvettes - Escorting bomber squadrons
---Ten OS-G1 Fighter Squadrons - Regrouping
---Six OS-G2 Fighter Squadrons - Regrouping
---Sixteen Inimica Gunships - Engaging approaching Sith fighters (Banshee)
LOCATION: Plateau near Cardia Academy
Objective: Force Sweet RAcket Justice on any and all Jedi. Force them to sit on their glow sticks. Lets have some fun!
Talon Vosra, Tugoro Taidarious, @Kiyron

Faces of helmeted soldiers who's bodies were being instantly slammed backwards into the ground when the blasts from the turret fire killed them was historical. The blank dumb face on their helmets was killing him.

The Mando blade now fitted in left palm dug deep into paralyzed frack bag giving a place to grip allowing Racket pivoting control. By throwing his weight around on the guy's back moved the turret into perfect kill shots all around the battle field. Fire began to pepper the body of the soldier in front of him causing the carcass to shake violently vibrating under Racket's feet. Hell, when a single gun drops thirty soldiers in your vicinity you'd take notice. Like the forcy who was running at him full sprint. Eyes caught sight and his ass flung to the right to get a shot of on the guy.
Jabbing siring hot pain struck RAcket's snoot. What he didn't know was that a soldier had flanked him from behind. The shot he got off had been aimed for the back of his skull but when he shifted his ass the shot hit the back of the soldier's helmet ricocheting back across his face leaving a massive open gash showing the two rows of sharp teeth running down the length of his skull. Blood splattered and ran from where the skin had just been blown off.
A milisecond later. Maybe it was a milisecond the world spun and things got fuzzy. A blast of energy slammed into the turret hitting the gun and dead body shooting it back into Racket sending him backwards into the dirt.
Something within RAcket snapped.
Rolling over on his side. Blood drenched. Eyes bulged. Mando blade sheathed. Blaster palmed left hand. Rolling the trigger sent bolts at the Jedi. Simultaneously right hand grabbed thermal detonator. His eyes pin pointed before arm released in a split second. The thing sailed in between the short distance between them. Not waiting. Aimed. Fire. Blaster bolt hit the thing dead on sending an explosion ripping outwards. Shrapnel from close range would rain down. The three seconds it had taken for this to take place felt like an eternity. Feet scurried the ball of fur to the right before the shots from enemy forces began to rain down on him. Soldier rushed him. Dumbass. Legs released Racket into the air. Blaster bolt barely missed under his right leg. Empty hand gripped the mando blade whipped it at the guy. Blade dug into forehead. Blaster holstered. Feet hit guys shoulders. Hand gripped the blade. Dead body fell backwards. Kicked off hard. Racket flew two feet across to the next soldier. Guy ducked under his kicks. Body whipped spinning around. Blaster palmed again and unloaded in his face.
(ooc Insanity mode Racket is two times faster than the Racket speed below)
LOCATION: Plateau near Cardia Academy
Objective: defend
Allies: Republic
Enemy: Sith

"Whoa more dropships Alpha, incoming on east flank."

From his blasted out FP Alpha watched through his binocs as another load of dropships approached. The Sith were pushing hard but so far they had held the line. And Alpha did not intend to lose this place.

"Hand me that PLEX launcher trooper." Alpha stated flatly, dropping the binocs to their sling. The Plex launcher came over to him, and he shouldered the tube, flipping off the safety’s with his thumb. As the dropships roared and danced through the fire, his eyes squinted and grew narrower. The sights lined up and his finger ever so gently squeezed the firing lever.


A high yield rocket ripped across the battlefield and into the sky.


Fire and smoke blossomed like a deadly lotus from the sides of the lead craft as she sputtered out of control. The dropship weaved and careened end over end. Sith soldiers either jumped or fell, flaming silhouettes against a bloodred sky.

"Nice shot."

"Not good enough." He stated blankly as both hand worked to unsling the heavy Rotary cannon at his back. The massive repeater gun came to bear and Alpha waved to the rest of the Platoon.

"Concentrate heavy weapons on the LZ. Lets kill em before they get close!"

A massive wall of blue plasma rpounds began to streak towards the LZ of the Sith ships. Alpha rammed the trigger back, muscles bulging as he struggled to control the repeater. Round after round spat from her rotating barrels, stitching a path of death across the plateau...
Location: Carida City. Skyscraper, basement level.
Objective: Escape
Allies: The Sith
Enemies: [member="Canal Tal'Verda"] and Republic Troopers
...Ronan had pried open the turboshaft doors at the bottom of the shaft itself and made his way into the basement of the skyscraper, he knew that troops on the first floor would likely be on their way to intercept him but it hardly mattered at this point, where he felt he'd made good on his escape though he may have allowed himself to relax just a little to soon. Within a short amount of time after he'd entered the basement he'd have heard the advance of footsteps behind him, someone running, and with a bit of a mutter he'd quicken his own pace allowing him to make time through the basement level of the building while he searched for something in particular. As he went there was gunfire behind him and Ronan would dash around a corner defensively just a little to late...

...wherever the soldier on his tail had come from he'd fired a lot of rounds and even with quick reflexes and having heard him come up from behind Ronan wasn't able to avoid everything as the sound of gunfire erupted. Ducking behind a corner Ronan would have grimaced, a bullet had caught him in the back of the left arm right before it transferred into his shoulder, he was bleeding and pain had started to jolt through his body due to the sudden system shock but he didn't stop moving. It would be beyond stupid to have stopped now. As Ronan moved he'd shrug off his sniper rifle, allowing it to hit the floor, and reach back to check himself with his right hand. Another grimace but at least the armorweave had provided some minor protection. Bringing his hand back around revealed blood, red and obvious, coating his palm...

...he could heal his would but it would take time. Bullet wounds were beyond minor but in this case not more than moderate which meant his naturally accelerated healing would have been able to assist him but it would likely take an hour or so before the wound was completely regenerated. Nothing that would really help him at the moment...

...well aware that he was still being followed Ronan would dash down different corridors, different hallways, so that he wouldn't be an easy target as he searched out what he was looking for down here in the basement. There it was. A Maintenance Room. A lot of these skyscrapers had maintenance rooms in the basement levels where all the machinery and power systems were hidden ensuring the building stayed operational. Rushing the door Ronan would barge through it and disappear into the machine filled room, it was loud, noisy and there were plenty of moving things which meant that tracking him would be more difficult...

...there was no time to breath though, he'd use the machinery to his advantage as he moved throughout the room looking for the reason he'd come here...

Nisha Decrilla

The lightning barrage stopped as soon as it became apparent it was not hindering Ashin, her left hand snapping down to seize the saber staff in both hands as Ashin’s stance shifted, giving her a moment to adjust, reassess. A sharp nudge in the force and the hilt split. She had always favoured twin blades, now was not the time to rely on lesser skills. She needed everything she had and then some to survive this.

Her right leg slid back and she twisted away to her left as the dual phase extended towards her, the point of the saber scoring across her breast bone, the stink of burning flesh filling her nostrils, but she gritted her teeth against the pain. Her left hand came up igniting the second blade in a hoizontal defence above her head clashing with the incoming gimer stick.
Right saber moved to smack the dual phase away from her, pushing it outwards, giving her enough space to twist again and bring that right leg forward to kick Ashin’s nearest knee.

[member="Ashin Varanin"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Anaya Fen"]

Good block.

Ashin's gimer stick had met a high backhand guard, and her sabre had scored a grazing hit before being warded away. That kept her weapons out of position to intercept Anaya's rising back leg. Her sabre turned off as it whipped down behind her. Ashin's current stance was a horse stance, feet parallel and wide, hips square, knees bent, symmetrical, with Anaya at her two o'clock. That made the targeted knee the right one, the stiff one. The arc of Anaya's kick slashed down, around, and up again at that knee.

And Ashin's stance collapsed -- partially, precisely, as if she'd taken an even more crippling hit than intended. The downward motion, the counterclockwise pivot, were the geometric cost of dropping her knee to meet the kick with a potent knee strike. Her stance became asymmetric, her right side's weight on the ball of her foot, heel off the ground. Pain exploded through her leg as a Sith Lord's kick connected with her knee -- not the vulnerable side of it, not the breakable kneecap, but the hard striking surface above the cap. From that impact, which might just cause Anaya some brokenness in the footish region, the Sith Lord's foot might skid a little up Ashin's thigh. The goal here was to jar Anaya off balance at the moment of her success.

Because Ashin, having turned slightly to the left in the process of moving her knee, had brought up her deactivated sabre in the small of her own back with her off hand. And now turned it on again.

Two metres of starfire punched out at waist height, aiming to score a line across Anaya's left hip. A hip that, of necessity, supported all the Twi'lek's weight while she launched that right kick and recovered from its impact.

Ashin's right knee buckled a second later and slammed into the earth, twisting Ashin a little farther left, gimer stick still upraised on guard. That put Anaya at her four o'clock. A bad position for Ashin to be in, though the moment mitigated that. Anaya couldn't step farther behind her to kill her, or the sabre aimed for her hip would cut her in two at the waist.

Rosa Gunn

Cairda Spaceport
Allies: [member="Hasjo Hallu"] [member="Turin Val Kur"]
Enemies: [member="Hion the Herglic"] [member="Cale Gunderson"]

Rosa closed her eyes as he loosed another scream, prepared for the affects this time, the healing was faster and she held her footing. She felt the flicker of emotion in Hion. She had failed him, she hadn't been there when the Jedi turned on him. She pressed again against his mind hunting for cracks. She no longer spoke aloud.

I understand, your anger Hion. You were betrayed by the Jedi, as was I. But this is not the answer and I will not let you do this.

She found an opening and slid through it, seeking to draw memories of Kira to the forefront of his mind, looking to shatter his resolve.

I can help you.
LOCATION: Carida Starport
ENEMIES: [member="Hasjo Hallu"] [member="Rosa Mazhar"] [member="Turin Val Kur"]
FRIENDLIES: [member="Cale Gunderson"]

Orcus reveled in his triumph as he sent machine-clad Jedi flying backward, only to have his celebration cut short as a permacrete wall exploded and another of the accursed Oath Breakers leapt into the fray. A sudden pressure on Orcus' jaws forced them closed with a clacking of teeth. Large eyes deeper than midnight turned upon the new foe, pitiless in their sudden fury.

A nearby Sith leaped in, no doubt from another of the landing shuttles, and engaged the Jedi who Orcus had slammed back, leaving the Herglic to face only two opponents.

Smiling despite the constant pressure on his jaw, the Herglic craned his squat chin down until his twin blowholes faced in the general direction of the two. You see, while Orcus certainly used his mouth to talk, the blowholes often issued forth the distinctive hauum that tended to punctuate or precede his sentences. Thus, he could expel the air from his massive lungs through the holes atop his head. At the moment, staring into those blowholes was the equivalent of looking into the barrel of a cannon.

The Dark Ocean's currents roared through him and Orcus poured all of that wrath into a wordless blast of percussive force, propelling air from his blowholes in an overpressure shockwave that rippled outward toward Turin in a variant of Force Bellow.


Not as powerful as when he used his mouth, but certainly strong enough to send an individual flying through the air and potentially hit something nasty, like the permacrete structures that surrounded them. In any case, continuing to apply pressure to Hion's jaws did not appear to be a viable option for the Jedi.

Almost immediately after he loosed the bellow and the shockwave rippled forth, Rosa returned to assault his mind, tugging at memories of his master. Kira Liadain. The Herglic's eyes widened, if such was possible, and utter rage filled his being. This Jedi sought to manipulate him with KIRA? The woman who betrayed him on Coruscant, who helped bring about his demise! All he'd wanted was peace, but instead of siding with him against his attackers Kira had turned her false sense of Justice upon him. How dare she!

This Jedi did not truly understand what the Dark Lord had done for him. True, he held little skill with the Force aside from Bellows, binding the will of animals, and physical enhancement techniques. And true, he could not defend his mind from skilled telepaths, nor utilize telekinesis save to lift pebbles. Yet, he was now and forever loyal to the One Sith. He was not about to betray the being who had rescued him from the flames of the Netherworld.

Pure fury suffused his being at her attempt and he became enraged, a Firaxian shark who smelled blood in the water. He drew upon the pain of the Jedi's betrayal, upon the hatred and anger he felt toward them, and most of all he drew upon the agony of death, remembering its sting. All these primal, negative emotions rippled through him as he utilized the power of Dark Rage. His vision tunneled and the power of the Ocean thrummed in his veins.

He charged [member="Rosa Mazhar"] with a speed that would seem impossible for a being of his size. Not the agile bounds of a Vornskr, but the full-blown ferocity of a lumbering Reek with lowered horns. Enhanced by the Dark Rage, Orbalisks, and his own natural prowess, his might was terrible to behold. Orcus swung his greatsaber in a wide arc before him. Intending for its length, nigh double that of most sabers, to ward away any parrying blows before he crashed into her, intending to run her over and flatten her with the sheer bodily mass of his charge.

Thoughts whispered through his rage.


asjo had been too distracted to notice [member="Cale Gunderson"]. Power surged through the air, slamming against his plating. He was once more thrown through the air, spiralling out of control. He heard the durasteel plates scratch against the pavement of the floor. A heavy thud followed this as the meaty metalloid Nautolan slapped to the ground. He felt the being, he was getting closer and closer. He twisted his neck and saw the being come falling down upon him in the move only known as the Falling Avalanche. Hasjo knew this move well, he had achieved near mastery in the form at a younger stage in his life. The Exotic Weapons Master brought his lightsaber to kneel at a 70° angle. The blow connected viciously. His teeth snapped. The enemies lightsaber slid down the length of his blade before he twisted into a 140° angle, an attempt to throw his enemies blade out of his grip. All the while Hasjo had laid pinned to the floor, but not any more. He focused on the force, feeling out for it. He released his left hand from his two-hand grip of his lightsaber and sent out a force push past his feet, forcing himself to be sent sliding across the floor away from his opponent. Hasjo raised his feet and curled his back, rolling onto his feet and straightening his posture. He raised his blade before his face and performed the Makashi salute to his enemy. Lastly he took position. With his left foot forward, and his right back. His right hand griping his single-bladed lightsaber thrust forward at the ready, his left hand held behind his head, balancing himself. Leverage. Position. Advantage.
[member="Daella Apparine"] [member="Popo"]

Slowly the turbolift came to a halt many levels down from the bridge. It took some time to travel down; time his thoughts turned to the past actions of the commander. Daella was now apart of the One Sith. That fact did not change his opinion of her. Whether they were some sort of allies through the verbal agreement made on Echidna or not. His hatred was still to stand, and it demanded action. Cypher did not take rash actions on those feeling though. He had the chance to attack her on the bridge, in the shuttle. Cowardice was not binding him, Daella was a powerful user of the Force. Cypher was not. And Sith weren't known to hold back like Jedi. In a one on one straight fight; she'd most likely break his neck before he had a gun aimed. The hanger was still hundreds of meters from his current position. The awaiting Reaper Fighter his ride off. Still he held where he was, just outside the lifts he exited from. His tongue licked his lips, thirsty for revenge.

Traveling opposite from where he intended to go now, a plan in mind. Cypher switched frequencies on his wrist comm to preset known Republic codes. Hopefully one would receive his call and patch him through to Popo. A quick look around no crew were evident, all off at their battle stations. Clear to proceed he sent his message. "Any Republic ship. If you can hear me. Emergency patch through to the Star of the Republic. I'm holding critical information that needs to get through".

"Unknown transmission confirm your identity and location".

"Identity negative, aboard Pellaeon. Patch me to the SotR's bridge now"!


here for your dad
WHERE: Carida City
WHO: [member="Sciath"]
WHY: The Galaxy's Most Casual Kidnapping

Like a child she was seated and strapped into the speeder.

Staring at the piece of croissant the woman finally popped the all-butter pastry into her mouth. Immediately she was hit by disappointment. It had been built up so much, like it was the food of the gods, the wait, the anticipation and now this, a flaccid croissant experience. Clearly they had just been baked from frozen, not the fresh experience as promised.

Internally the woman black-listed the cafe, hoping that the motley crew of wretches back at the scene would demolish it. Although knowing their type, they'd be more content to fall in love with the building instead. Well, you know what they say: You want to level a small cafe? You gotta do it yourself.

Let down by brunch the woman took the second piece of croissant and sighed. Being kidnapped did not at all phase her, there was zero fear.

What of? Imprisonment? Ha. Torture. Good one, I love it. No really. Death? About time too, mortality seemed to take a rain check every single time they were supposed to have a date. She waited, and waited, and when it didn't come and candles had been reduced to sad little waxy stumps Evelynn paid for her bottle of wine for one and left.

The prospect of being killed did not bother her, now it simply amused. When would he finally come? The long awaited embrace. Not today, girl. Rain check.

I have to inquire, where exactly are you taking me?

Rosa Gunn

Carida Spaceport
Objective: Put the Herglic to sleep
Allies: [member="Turin Val Kur"]
Enemies: [member="Hion the Herglic"]

Rosa's eyes snapped open as the negative emotion roared through him, hitting the empath like a tidal wave. All of it was familiar and pulled at the chords of her own darkness, time seemed to freeze around her, the cacophony of blaster fire, explosions and songs of dying men faded into nothing as the little box in her heart opened. The Jedi code held no sway over Rosa, it lost its meaning when Mikhail sucked her daughters life out of her. She lived by a different code, one that asked to to protect the weak, to offer shelter to those that had none, to help those in need and above all, to kill monsters. Her code did not specify anything about light or dark, so when the darkness slipped form the box she did not fight it. A girl appeared on the battle field, dirty blonde hair and dark eyes, she smiled at Rosa, and Rosa smiled back. Then she was gone, and the world returned to full volume.

Hion was charging, fast, but Rosa was faster. Turning on her heel she bolted for the rubble, force giving her speed, muscles rippling as she bent at the knee for a force leap that carried her to a ledge above, she landed, toes barely clinging to the edge, before pushing off again somersaulting backwards over Hion and coming to land in a crouch three feet behind him. Their minds were still linked, she could feel his rage and it crashed upon her just like the sea would in a storm. Rosa had been in hundreds, and she had outlasted every one.

"Rage all you want, Hion. Your storm is nothing I haven't seen before." The cracks were easier to find a third time round and she pressed through his mind planting a very firm suggestion that now was the time to rest. The smooth cylindrical hilt of her lightsaber slid into her hand.
Location: Carida City; Skyscraper Basement
Objective: Pursue sniper and neutralize him
Allies: Republic and Co.
Enemies: [member=Ronan Dyre] One Sith and Co.

The clone and his men didn't stop moving even after the fire rounds. He heard something drop to the floor and noticed it was the hostile's rifle and he also saw blood on the floor. He didn't stop to investigate and continued running, following the signature on his HUD and reloaded his Czerka assault rifle with another mag of 30 BASIC slugs. At least he wounded the target which meant he could be harmless and he no longer had his sniper rifle that one of his Ori'Ramikad his in one of the garbage cans of the basement. After following the sniper he had led Canal and his men to the maintenance room. "Concussion grenade at the ready," he said to one of his troopers. As soon it was ready Canal opened the door and the trooper that had the grenade threw it inside the room and Canal closed the door so they wouldn't be affected by it.

Once they heard it go off Canal went inside, had his rifle at the ready and yelled out, "Surrender and you'll live," and continued walking in the room and was followed by the rest of his men as they went inside one by one. The clone commando wasn't in the mood of sparring hostiles but he had to say something so the sniper could surrender himself.
LOCATION: Carida Starport
ENEMIES: Hasjo Hallu Rosa Mazhar Turin Val Kur
FRIENDLIES: [member="Hion the Herglic"]

He didn't have time to fight it, nor did he try. With ease Hasjo twisted his saber from his hand. He watched without a care as the black cylinder rolled off the platform and his foe gained distance. "Our order is burning Hasjo, this fight is already lost." He stated coldly, it hadn't been his choice to be like this, a single phrase had changed him without consent but now that he was here he understood. Hands going to his side he pulled the two hilts from his side and twirled them in his hands before igniting them.

With a snap-hiss a cobalt blade sprang to life in either hand. These weren't trophies, he hadn't looted the corpses of his fallen brothers and sisters, these were his, he'd made these years ago, just a fifteen year old boy, face stuffed with bread, trying not to miss the shuttle to Illum. He missed those days, the lines weren't so blurred to him then, but now he saw what needed to be done. No matter what the cost, order would be brought to the galaxy.

Surging forward Cale swung out for Hasjo's head halfheartedly before snapping into a spin and bringing both the blades towards the torso of the Jedi master who stood in the path of the Dark Lord's vision. He would either convert or fall, that was how it had to happen, there could be no more mercy, he couldn't let this one leave like Tallia. Hasjo didn't mean the same thing to him.
LOCATION: The Leviathan
ALLIES: [member="Ayden Cater"]
ENEMIES: Visions in the head...
[SIZE=10pt]"Transport Delta 7-3, You're clear for landing...Welcome back." A rather bland voice echoed through the cockpit as the transport made it's way through the chaos that was the space around both Carida and the Leviathan. Under the protection of the Leviathan and the newly arrived Republic fleet, the transport was able to make it safely into the hanger bay of the OP Flagship and without any "followers" so to speak. Before the ramp was even done lowering, Aaralyn was already jumping out of the ship and moving through the massive hanger bay. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]She had to find [member="Ayden Cater"] and atleast tell him what she saw, even if it wasn't going to come true, he had to know that she wasn't some crazy just trying to stalk him around. Hell, one might have gotten that perception after their odd meeting the first time, although...he didn't seem to give off that impression. He appeared more stunned than anything else, unable to believe really what he was seeing. She sighed heavily and shook her head. ~Focus...~ Yes, focus indeed. Find Ayden and then worry feelings and emotions. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Those were small details, right? Or were those the reasons she was up here in the middle of the chaos. ~Am I crazy? I could get killed...and for what?~ She stopped herself in the middle of the corridor and looked around, there was a few people moving here and there but really there wasn't anyone around. ~I'm up here because of how I that wrong? Admit it Aara, you got upset when you saw him get killed...~ Her hands clenched into fists, the sound of leather and metal grinding as they did. She could only bit her lip and close her eyes as she fought off the vision that taunted her. Over and over, the sound of the saber igniting and the piercing of the energy blade through different layers of material and eventually flesh and tissue before ending the life of Ayden Cater.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]She grit her teeth, and continued to squeeze her hands tightly into fists. ~No, focus...don't let it get to you...~ The sound of crates lifting off the ground echoed in the large hanger bay, the sound of metal groaning as it bent ways it wasn't meant to surrounded her as the Force came to her, it inadvertently responded to her emotions. The raw power of the Force bent the world around her, the sound of a few people yelping in sudden surprise and scurrying away didn't catch her attention. She was too absorbed in the moment. She couldn't detach herself from the vision, over and over. Electrical conduits and lights exploded around her, sending splashes of sparks in different directions. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]~Ayden!~ She cried out through the Force, a rippling cry that echoed through the stars. The energies of the Force she was generating would create a rippling disturbance in the Force, the true nature of her Vahla roots combined with the spirit of a Dathomiri warrior were something to be recognized. [/SIZE]
LOCATION: Carida Starport
ENEMIES: [member="Cale Gunderson"]

Hasjo kept his guard up as he watched his opponent. He could feel the emotions flooding through this man. "[background=#080808]Our order is burning Hasjo, this fight is already lost.[/background]" Hasjo looked towards his helmet. Past the pieces of connecting armour that protected him. They looked as though they were two sides of one coin. Good and Evil. This man had referred to it as 'our' Order. He steadied himself, shouting over the chaos and confusion that had erupted around them. The Herglic nearby battling others, stormtroopers and marines collided in the hallways below. The wind picked up, causing his arid cloak to flap furiously in the breeze. "It doesn't have to be this way!" his voice was lifeless, monotone, devoid of all emotion. He sounded more droid than organic sentient. That was the price he had paid for defending the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. A price he willingly paid, and would pay again if the hour called. He required a vocal synthesiser to speak for him. The twin blades burst to life, and Hasjo halted in his speech. Cobalt blades. Maybe there was a chance. He brought the blade vertically at 90°, the blades collided, saving his head from decapitation. This was the moment that he lived for, the storm. Like swimming the surface during one of Glee Anselm’s mammoth hurricanes. He yelled over the sound of crashing plasma, "Together we can win. We can survive!" Cale reared his blades and struck out again, Hasjo twisted his body to the left, bringing his feet in tight. He curled his hands around the hilt of his blade and brought it downwards vertically at an identical angle. As the plasma once more snapped together furiously, cobalt on cerulean, he asked of him "Please." He pushed against the blades with all his might, attempting to disengage the stalemate, "I am not your enemy."


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Daella Apparine said:
Once the Republic ships began to fire upon the One Sith’s fleet, Daella’s face lit up. She saw the spear of Republic ships rushing toward the Unity without slowing down their acceleration.

Stop reverse thrust!” she yelled as she held onto the railing before her.

As [member=Cypher] quickly departed, Daella gave no farewell. She remained focused on the situation.

An overview: The One Sith’s initially fleet took up a flat, discus-like shape with the flat end facing the Republic’s fleet. Essentially, it would be as if a circle. In the center was the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer Unity along with a Torment-class Star Destroyer and several Nebulon B frigates. Several of the Scythes along with the majority of the rest of the Nebulon B frigates lined the medium lines. In the outer edges of the circle were the majority of the Scythes.

The Republic fleet initially focused on the Unity. The Star of the Republic and Heart of Coruscant rushed toward the center. The rest of the fleet surely followed close at tail.

Now, the One Sith’s fighters and bombers that had not yet left their hangars poured out into space. With two-and-a-half times the amount of starfighters than the Republic, it might have seemed to be a swarm. The fighters flew in two different directions. Those from the outer half of the One Sith’s fleet flew outward. Those in the inner half flew toward the center. They did so without being prompted by Daella.

Generally, throughout the immediate area of space, One Sith fighters and Nebulon B frigates focused as the point defense against Republic bombers and fighters. Yet, the capital ships of the One Sith were light on fire.

Yet at the center, the Unity shook as if it would crumble. The Heart of Coruscant locking its tractor beams on the ship stopped any acceleration forward as planned due to the Heart of Coruscant’s extreme forward inertia. It also made lateral movements more of a game of chance.

Daella noticed the Star of the Republic heading toward the Unity. The bridge was in chaos trying to work out a solution. Daella’s eyes darted around the holomap.

Noticing a Nebulon-B with a flashing red indicator, Daella said, “Have Nebulon-B #3 move to cut off the tractor beams!

The order was quickly relayed. The Nebulon, while being smaller than the Pellaeon, managed to cut off just enough direct line of sight between the Heart of Coruscant and Unity that the ship managed to regain control of lateral movement. The Nebulon had begun to crumble at that moment, though. Its debris would only contribute to further inhibit the Heart of Coruscant’s tractor beams on the Unity.

Fire the right engines at emergency output!” yelled Daella as soon as she got confirmation that the Unity had more freedom to move.

Then, the Unity’s right engines turned on at full blast. The bridge quaked once again as the ship began to take evasive maneuvers by turning toward its left. The helmsman made further minute adjustments in order to calculate the Star of the Republic’s trajectory and what the Unity needed to do in order to avoid a collision. Daella kept her eyes glaring outside of the viewport. After a long blink, they turned a bright, dark side corrupted red.

The helmsman counted down the seconds until impact. Five seconds. The shaking of the Unity continued. Four seconds. Three. The holomap showed the Unity’s trajectory to be at the edge of what they would need to escape. Two seconds. The indication that the Unity would avoid collision wavered back and forth from predicting collision and evasion. One second. The bridge was definitely clear of immediate danger, yet the Unity was on the edge of the gray-zone and safe-zone.

At what seemed to be the last millisecond, the Unity managed to clear enough distance to fly by the Star of the Republic without a collision. The Star of the Republic flew by what seemed to be meters - though the distance was probably much greater due to the scale of space.

After avoiding an extremely dangerous situation, the thrusters of the Unity were killed - forcing it into inertial drift and quelling the quakes. As the bridge began to settle down, gasps began to go off throughout the entire room. Daella looked up to the holomap. A smirk drew itself across her face.

We’ve… enveloped the Republic,” said the sensors technician in disbelief.

Breakdown: The One Sith’s fleet initially took up a flat, discus-like shape with the flat end facing the Republic’s fleet. Then as the Republic’s fleet charged forth at flank speed, the center used reverse thrust to inch away. The middle sections slowly backed off, yet not at a noticeable rate. The outer sections hardly moved - relative to the Republic fleet, of course.

Over time, this turned what was a circle with the flat side facing the Republic into a three-dimensional cone.

Up until the last moment, [member=Popo] had the Republic’s fleet focused on the Unity. With the shape of the cone, the Republic would have been funneled into the center on the assumption that they were retreating. Daella assumed that such was the reason for their pursuit. She also knew that taking the command and control was a likely goal for the Republic fleet to take.

Knowing this, Daella had the One Sith’s fleet begin as a flat circle facing the Republic with the Unity as the bait. Now, minus the Star of the Republic, the Republic’s ships were caught in a cone with the more numerous One Sith ships forming the walls of the cone. A classic double envelopment maneuver.

To put it in simple terms, it was as if the fleet battle was a game of rock, paper, scissors. The Republic’s fleet was an ellipsoidal rock. The One Sith’s fleet was the paper to smother the rock.

This omnidirectional surrounding presented several advantages that Daella hoped to exploit. The first was that it would be fundamentally confusing. The second was that it divided the Republic’s direction of fire. The third was that the Republic, which might have had its shields strengthened on the forward side, now had to protect itself from nearly all directions.

A fourth advantage that Daella knew off and hoped to exploit was one created by Popo’s orders himself.

Flank speed.

Full speed and flank speed were distinctively different. [member=Popo] clearly ordered for the Republic’s fleet to accelerate to flank speed, and Daella recognized this through her knowledge of Republic ships. While the speeds of flank speed were definitely greater than full speed, flank speed suffers from two major faults:
  • The consumption of fuel can lead to an over eighty-six percent reduction in fuel efficiency in some models of ships.
  • It also wrecked the engines and power generators of ships that used flank speed.
Such defects were inherent in flank speed - thus justifying the distinction between full speed and it. Full speed provided a much safer means to travel at high speeds. It preserved the engines’ life while using reasonable fuel efficiency.

In the modern galaxy, the use of flank speed was likely to be minimal. Even the ancient means of nuclear powered ships had no practical use in flank speed. Fifty percent output of a nuclear powered vessel had the ship going at nearly the same speed of one-hundred percent output - just without the added damage to the engine and motor as one-hundred percent output did.

Therefore, the Republic’s ships were likely to be overheated and extremely susceptible to damage in Daella’s opinion. Now with the Republic’s fleet enveloped, the Scythes that populated the outer edges of the initial circle had a good angle at the potentially volatile engines of the Republic.

Commanders of the Sith fleet had been told of Daella’s plan in the beginning. Therefore automatically, the Sith fleet sought maximize their position. The ships at the side of the three-dimensional cone turned toward the Republic fleet and drifted forward to limit the amount of safe space. Starfighters not on point defense began to escort bombers to wreak havoc. As the capital ships of the One Sith focused their shields forward, they were able to freely aim their turbolasers and missiles at the rear part of ships - or their front if that was weakly protected. The Sith were more numerous by capital ships and boasted similar fire power with a supposedly superior position.

Daella would have appeared to be aiming for the Republic fleet's annihilation with such a tactical maneuver.

Throwing out her right arm forward, Daella gave a single, calmly voiced word as her command, “Fire.

And indiscriminately, the One Sith attacked the Republic fleet.

Location: Passing Sith Fleet
Objective: Engage the Sith Fleet
Allies: [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Cypher"] @Republic Forces
Enemies: [member="Daella Apparine"] @One Sith Forces

The ramming attack had missed, but all was not lost. Popo watched as the One Sith fleet attempted to envelop the Republic ships and smiled at the result. His ships were going far too fast to successfully envelop and there was enough space between ships for the Republic fleet to slip through with relative ease.

That said, the Sith had set up a cross fire, but such a move worked both ways. With the Sith all around, albeit briefly, the Republic had a target rich environment and little risk of friendly fire. The crossfire from the two fleets was intense and the explosions and laser fire strobed through the bridge viewport before him. Here and there, damage reports and losses came through as the Star of the Republic jolted occasionally. As the Fleet punched through, the Star jolted roughly, making a few of the officers around stumble slightly, though Popo didn't move. He'd turned off his repulsors and was firmly planted where he was. Looking at the readouts, Popo knew it was time to give orders.

"Cut all power to engines, reroute it to the retrothrusters. Helm! Bring us about one-eight-zero degrees to port. Comm officers, relay the same to the rest of the fleet. All guns are to target the Pallaeon and are to fire at will. Cease fire on my order or the Sith Flagship's destruction. Someone give me a status report!" called the Hutt.

A technician sent him the data he'd requested and Popo read through, his face impassive. Casualties where heavy, but he knew they'd given as good as they got. Two more Jabiim corvettes were gone and another Metellos was breaking up. The Star had taken hits to her shields and engine areas, but the engines had only dropped roughly ten percent. The Heart of Coruscant had fared well, though had taken more damage than the Star. Her engine output had dropped another ten percent, making a total of fifteen percent engine loss. One of the Watts classes was done, drifting through space with no power, gutted by enemy fire. Another was crippled and limping, most of her armament shot away, but keeping pace. Four of the Altiers were debris fields, wiped out in the crossfire. As he finished up the report, Popo saw it update, showing that one more Metellos carrier had fallen to enemy fire and a Taboon carrier corvette had taken damage, shutting down the reactor and removing it from the fight entirely. All taken as the fleet shifted as per his new orders. A high cost, but an unfortunately necessary one.

As he read through the report, the Republic fleet turned to face the Sith. The fleet still maintained its original vector, but now their bows were pointing at the Sith fleet, power outputs to full. More fire rained at the Sith ships, primarily the Pallaeon. Popo knew if he could cripple the ship, he could possibly force the Sith to retreat entirely. The trick was he had to get through the armor and shields.

At this point, a comm tech approached the command dais.

"Sir, unknown transmission incoming, requesting to speak with the Star."

"Patch it through to my personal comm. Use one of the new encryption codes to mask it," the Hutt stated. He picked up his commlink and turned it on. "This is the Star of the Republic. Identify yourself."

The Hound

Location: Carida Starport
Allies: [member="Rosa Mazhar"]
Enemies: [member="Hion the Herglic"]
The whale's attack surprised him. He had never met one of his species before, in fact he didn't even know they existed. Cursing under his breath as he lowered his head and blasted another powerful Force Bellow, he threw himself to the side with a Force Push, flowing like water through the air and around the giant whale-man, his metal boots skidding on the permacrete. He was glad he had dodged the attack as it rumbled past and slammed into the wall behind him, leaving an impressive dent.

Harassing and keeping the whale-man known as Hion distracted for Rosa was proving more difficult than he thought it would. Pulling one his lightsabers from his utility belt and igniting the silver blade he tossed it , the hum of its blade cutting through the air as it flew through the whale-man. When the blade struck the Orbalisks and bounced away he was a little shocked when the armor squirmed beneath the blow and nothing more. "What in the Hell...?"

There was no time to sit in awe again. Using the Force he propelled himself around the giant, tossing weak and medium strength Force Pushes and Pulls in an attempt to further distract him for Rosa's mental assault.
Location: Carida City. Accessing the sewers of Carida City
Objective: Escape Republic Troops
Allies: Sith
Enemies: [member="Canal Tal'Verda"] and Republic Troops
...the maintenance room was large, and Ronan was well hidden, filled with various forms of machinery that ensured the skyscraper remained operational with power, sewage and air circulation to name only a few of its system. Of course not everything was located in this one room. There were other systems elsewhere. While he remained hidden, using the machinery for cover, Ronan would have heard the door to the room close indicating it had already been opened and instinctively he'd drop down onto a knee...

...the concussion grenade would explode inside the maintenance room and shock Ronan who remained concealed. As the standard concussion grenade had a radius of roughly four meters it wasn't a lot of room to work with unless it was thrown directly into a group of targets however that didn't meant the aftershock didn't rattle Ronan. When the grenade exploded he knew he had to act fast and even though his vision blurred momentarily, hazy after the grenade exploded, he remained low and moved using the cover that all the machinery provided him so that he could remain unseen...

...the sound of a mans voice not long after the explosion, even it seemed distorted as Ronan's ears rung a bit, indicated that the troopers were entering the room in search for him but the Assassin wasn't fooled when the voice he heard professed he would live if he surrendered. No chance that was the truth; Ronan hadn't started doing this yesterday. He moved deeper into the room, turning his head to look as he went, though what he was searching for still remained a mystery...

...he kept low, moving, almost down on hands and knees before he finally saw what he had been looking for. It was his exit. As explained earlier these rooms housed various different systems including those that dealt with sewage. Moving quickly, quietly, Ronan would only wince when the pain in his shoulder got to him but before long he was overtop a grate that had been set into the floor of the room and sliding his hands down into it he'd lift. Tensing his muscles Ronan would lift the grate before it began sliding to one side, noticeably seeing as how it'd be difficult to move it without making some noise, before he dropped it creating an audible -clunk- and wasted no time in using his exit...

...the entrance into sewage disposal, leading to the underbelly of Carida, was filled with all kinds of filth but Ronan didn't take a second thought before diving in, downwards, towards the sewers and his escape...

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