Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Rebel Yell Chapter 3 | TAC Invasion of EotL held Mon Calamari and Lothal

Tags: Laphisto Laphisto , Sayno Clawe Sayno Clawe


Epo-1, R5-T399, The Freebird, Lightsaber

Shem flew above the battlefield, his eyes looking out for a particularly powerful target. He had seen them, visions swirling in the darkness of his sleeping mind. The visions had guided him here, prepared him for an enemy that he only could feel the power of. Now he searched, lingering in the skies waiting for his moment. Then it was all clear.

A winged man leapt from tank to tank on the Imperial Front, blowing back artillery with the Force. That was his mark. The Jedi Knight swooped down, his talons gripping down atop the AT-AE that the winged warrior had managed to defend last. There was clear power in his stance, but what was the man even fighting for? He certainly didn't look to be imperial. Shem let out a sigh, crossing his winged arms as he stood down the Force Warrior.

"Draconic man," he spoke. "I've been looking for you."

Behind enemy lines. That was a good way to get someone's attention.

"I've had visions of your strength come to me," the Rishi stated plainly. "As a Jedi, I must express that I've come to negotiate first and foremost. In other words, I'd like to have a discussion with you. Considering the fact I'm well within your defensive line with little options for any defense of my own, I'd say you'll find such a conversation to be a peaceful one."

And hopefully he could go about this while keeping his cards close to his chest.

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Will Smash Heads for Beer
Objective: III - The March Home
Location: Aboard the Imperial Hammer, in the hangar bay, en route to Lothal.
Equipment FAE/A-11 Imperial Stormtrooper Armor, IG-16 Blaster Carbine, IG-14 Blaster Pistol, x4 Thermal Detenators

FINALLY Ami was on a mission.

No longer trudging the muddy waters of Sancutary with Myri Dara Myri Dara she was now on the Hammer on her way to kick some serious ass on Lothal. Ami checked her Blaster Combine, giving it a good slap before staring at her partner. It was one of those walking tanks, Imperial Paragons as what they were called. Pompous pricks who wear power armor making them look like men in refrigerators carrying comically oversized guns. It would've been hilarious if the Paragons didn't make the rest of the Imperial Army look bad.

"Hey Tiny!" Ami called out to Dieter Kovasch Dieter Kovasch she wasn't sure if Paragons outranked Stormtroopers but she liked to feel that she can treat these walking arsenals as casual as she can. Best to give this self righteous guy what a Stormtrooper can do on the field. "You done talking to your men? Because Carrot Top's ship is going to land on the surface ETA....."

Ami shrugged. "Right now." She laughed. "Come on let's go!"
Location: Propaganda Room, Rebuilt Imperial Complex - Lothal
Objective: III - The March Home
Sub-Objective: Endure an Interview
Tag: V Val Valerson V Val Valerson

“...Two, one, and live!”

"Thank you for joining us today, Baroness Bella. We appreciate you..."

Bella listened in attentive silence as the reporter started the interview, opening his remarks by contextualizing the apparent fascination that seemed to have developed around her background, before following it up with a question. For her part, the Togruta nodded and held her gaze in a wide, focused set. It stood to reason that the better she answered Val’s questions, the faster she might be able to get back in the cockpit. Fortunately, she wasn’t expecting anything hard-hitting—just the standard puff interview that would be replayed across various Imperial-aligned networks to keep people’s minds away from the war.

A war that Bella hoped to be fighting sooner, rather than later.

“First, I must say that I am truly…humbled by the fascination regarding my past affiliations.” Bella began, her tone almost gushing as she spoke. “That said, I flew for the Agents of Chaos during an early stage of my life, one that was defined by rebellion and…the admittedly childish need to challenge authority for its own sake, without any care as to the results.” She continued, her words carrying equal parts truth and falsehood. “While the Agents of Chaos were a learning experience for me, I now realize that my political impulses at the time were often misguided. Fortunately, with reflection comes wisdom, and I have come to learn that Imperialization represents the best way to efficiently and fairly allocate society’s bounty of resources. We live in a galaxy marked with so much conflict, corruption, waste, and needless destruction wrought by Force religions, cartels, and so-called independents. What we need to correct this disturbing trend is order. That is the promise of the Empire and it is my promise to you, as well.” The Togruta finished.



Allies: N/A
Neutral: TAC
Enemies: Valmy Tomo Valmy Tomo


Large spawling wings with silver flight feathers continued to beat against the air for some time, eventually the woman arrived at tangle town. The Valkyrie could see pillars of smoke rise into the sky from an even further distance and even heard the sounds of shelling an warfare. Something fun surely was happening in that direction but the stop today was a little personal.

She saw the field turned to masses of muddied boot prints and rows of decapitated citizens. She landed amongst the bodies assaulted by their smell of decay and rot with flesh barely holding onto the skeletons. Each one held their heads in their lap, tough amongst them all not one child could be seen nor a teen on closer inspection.

As if unphased by the sight or smell Rafaela just moved forward towards the town charred black. Every step left a slightly cleaner imprint as the soot clung to her boots. The Valkyrie walked these streets as if she knew them, and she did quite well, it was different when she last saw it in daylight. Now it was eerie with nothing but wind rushing through the silent ally ways.

Eventually the woman arrived at a particular domicile. It was perhaps one of the few to have been untouched from untold destruction that happened a while ago. Her size morphed a little shrinking her frame down to a height that was more comparable to an average human before using power to slide open the doors.

Last time, she did not really get to look around but with the Lost so thoroughly distracted their eyes surely would not turn to this place, even if they did she did not look like the woman she was. "Let's have a look shall we," the Valkyrie said softly and walking around the room inspecting everything more closely. Most of it seemed like the kind of junk people usually filled their homes with, yet she looked carefully and moved things that caught her eye to take before going.

The woman planned to take jewellery as perhaps Galatea would someday like them and books that might provide some interest. In the bedroom by the pillow was even a small blanket that had a sense of familiarity. The fabric was pink and soft but seemed kind of old too, it was only when it was paired with the photos laid on the side did the woman realise the familiarity to the item. In one photo was a man and pregnant woman then the other photo of her and her mother.

She hesitated as to take them or not, It was not as if she wanted them but she could not deny a possibility of questions down the line from her daughter or any other children she may have eventually. Walking back towards the main room to put everything into a bag, the floorboards wobbled and jolted a little.

"Huh?" She looked down at her feet, at the rug that covered this spot. Rafaela put the rest of the stuff together before going back to pull away the cover. Her hand gestured pulling up the boards to a hidden basement. Without second thought the woman dropped down into the square hole all the way to the bottom.

Dim light flickered on illuminating the room in a warm gold showing the woman something she might've overlooked had it not been for returning. "My, my, mother guess I know who the hunter was in the family," she said looking at the long list of tally marks and the multitude of bounty posters hung around the edge. It made the Valkyrie feel a little nostalgic for her early teens. "Clearly you too where more suited to taking lives than creating it."

A set of armor sat on a manikin towards the other side of the room, it was mostly light stuff save for the chest plate and gauntlets. The woman noticed too that in one of the legs where missing or rather burnt away by something that was not fire. On a work station just to the side of the armor displayed a folded up energy bow on a stand. Her hand glided over the weapon never having seen one modified like this before. "Still, I'll never be you, you decrepit hag."

The woman lifted the weapon from its stand and found a way to attach it to her belt at the back. Now she knew this was here, this place will be cleared out at a later date. Rafaela Climbed the ladders back up to the top and hid the entrance once more. She'd done what she came to tangle town to do, for now it was worth checking out what was happening in the city.

Loosening the straps on the bag to the most it could go, she used the force to help her insert both wings through the holes and over her shoulders before returning to a more normal height for her. While thirty minuets ago this place was quiet she felt as if that was not so any more as the woman left the building and began following her senses to check out who'd came.

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Objective: III - The March Home
Location: Outskirts of Tangletown, Lothal
Equipment: In Bio
Callsign: Face
Entourage: Spike, Whiskers, two redshirt squadmates
Tags: Rafaela Pellax Rafaela Pellax


It was back to action and Valmy loved it. The squad hitched a ride with the Crusaders and were assigned to a platoon sent to the farming valleys of Lothal. Though Valmy considered herself more a tigger-gal than a tactician she was made privy to some plans as a squad leader, and it was pretty blatant that the Empire was focusing on protecting the stuff they could bleed from Lothal, not the planet or the people on it. That wasn’t a horrible idea, Valmy had never been a bleeding heart anyway. She did her job, got her pay and then found ways to turn pay into play. She enjoyed the action of her job and that was what she was hoping for with this assignment.

She was happy to have Spike and Whiskers along for this mission. She wasn’t sure if the squad from Drognar would become a permanent thing or not. Blue and Wings had been seen around Voss from time to time, but seemed to have other assignments at the moment. As interesting as those two were, the one Valmy really missed was Flag. Being the squad leader wasn’t really what she signed up for, but the Imperial Auxilia must have been stretched thin and the command bonus was not something that Valmy would turn down.

Valmy had spent the entire descent flirting with the new squadmates. There was nothing about either of them that particularly drew Valmy’s attention to them, flirting was sorta just how she went about breaking the ice. Her discomfort as a leader had made her flirtations a bit more overt and perhaps crass, but the Auxilia was a group of mercs with a steady paycheck intending to incentivise loyalty. Crassness wasn’t going to get under their skins. And with these two it seemed like there was a certain degree of invitation for it to continue.

The flirtations stopped quickly when Valmy’s peripheral vision caught unexpected movement on the scanners. This area near Tangletown was supposed to be a deadzone. Were there enemies there? Whatever was on the scanners disappeared before Valmy could bring the question to the “commander” of the regs on the dropship. As the dropship touched down Valmy’s eyes drifted to where she had seen the unexpected activity. ”Alright squad form up. We’re going for a ride.” A smirk formed on her face as she saw an armored speeder being unloaded from the dropship. ”Whiskers, go procure that vehicle for us.” The rodent-esque fighter gave a nod and started walking off.

”Names are too hard. Got a good thing from the last squad leader so we’ll keep it going. I’m Face, this is Spike and as you heard the other one is Whiskers,” Valmy looked the two newbies up and down and hummed in thought. The young female got a smile from Valmy, ”“You will be Delight,” this got an odd look from Spike, though Valmy paid it no mind. ”And you’ll be BoomBoom,” Valmy continued looking at the male who seemed like he might be able to pack quite a punch. At that point the speeder with Whiskers behind the wheel pulled up alongside them. ”Delight and BoomBoom,” Valmy announced to Whiskers as she jumped into the seat next to the driver, pointing to each in turn. The rodent driver gave a shrug at first, but then nodded to them as they and Spike climbed into the backseat. ”Head towards Tangletown, we’ll start our exploration there,” Valmy ordered and they were off.


For all her usual carefree bravado, Valmy had taken the command assignment seriously and had done a bit of study on Lothal, which is why she was able to pick Tangletown as their starting point. But she had sworn that the holonet had claimed Tangletown to be the "Food Basket of Lothal”; what they found on approach were only signs of destruction. ”Minimal life-signsss Face. But whatever happened here wassssn’t part of the resscent rebellion.” Whiskers nodded his agreement.

”Populous rebellions don’t usually destroy farming communities,” Delight added in which made too much sense for Valmy to ignore. Also made her wonder how Delight happened to become part of their little merc outfit. It wouldn’t matter in the end, who knew if they would even run into each other ever again after the mission.

”You said minimal life-signs???” Valmy questioned looking over her shoulder for more information from the Tiss'shar.

”Likely wild life…” the reptilian responded before looking at his sensor output again. ”Sssomething bigger…” Spike hissed and pointed in the direction of what could be just about anything.

”Not wild life,” Whiskers added as he sniffed the air.

”Mark the location for the squad,” Valmy ordered with a groan as she hopped out of the speeder and readied her rifle. ”Whiskers and Spike have the right flank, Delight and BoomBoom have the left. I’m going in straight ahead.” With that the squad of mercenaries advanced into the desolate town to face an unknown. It was all quite exciting for Valmy.
Location: Grassy plains, Lothal.
Objectives: Behead the snake. (Eliminate Sayno Clawe Sayno Clawe )

Her orders came straight from the high command of the Empire, she was to infiltrate the enemy battleline and fight her way to the enemy commander. A suicide mission for all it appeared. Tibera had made a name for herself as a specialist in these kinds of missions, jumping into the midst of the enemy and disrupting them. It rarely ended the battle outright, but she did have a knack for causing chaos. These sorts of special ops were good at diverting enemy resources away from the front, and Imperial commanders could use that.

The sterile white drop pod quickly fell from the heavens, her body buckling as the pod shook. With an almighty thud, chunks of soil and rock flying from the newly formed crater beneath the durasteel entry vehicle. The seal on the pod doors let out an airy hiss as it opened, allowing Tibera to enter the fray. She'd landed in the middle of nowhere, and had to consult a mapping unit to know where she was. According to live data feeds, the advancing force was not far, and their commander had to be near.

The merc walked toward higher ground, unaware that she was being watched. One of Sayno's Ravens was above relaying her every move back to the command center. As she walked it wasn't long before she came across some of the TAC's rearguard. veteran soldiers who were tasked with preventing operations just like hers.

The smart move was to try and stealthily sneak by, such footpading was beyond Tibera. The squad of soldiers ahead of her would have to meet their end. She loaded her Disruptor with a fresh energy cell and began firing on the enemy. One of the energy bolts turning a combatant to dust immediately, which alerted his comrades. It wouldn't be long now before the commander's forces would have to pivot some kind of quick reaction force.
It was months ago when the massive beast was abducted from his homeland or mirial and into the possession of the imperials. For months he had been in the facility, strong and formidable enough to escape but apparently lacked much of the braincells to execute. But there was one lady he grown quite fond of, he saw her everyday, she was not as mean to him as the other imperials were trying to tame him - most who ended up under his foot. Although Sicarus was a mere 5-6 foot compared to his 301, the large beast showed remarkable carefulness around her. Even as there was a massive anti-force bubble around him as it was his means of nourishment, it surprisingly excluded his master.

He couldn't quite understand what the lady mounted atop his head spoke, but nevertheless, he stood on the massive starship, waiting to be deployed. Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate

Objective: 3
Allies: N/A
Neutral: TAC
Enemies: Valmy Tomo Valmy Tomo

For all her usual carefree bravado, Valmy had taken the command assignment seriously and had done a bit of study on Lothal, which is why she was able to pick Tangletown as their starting point. But she had sworn that the holonet had claimed Tangletown to be the "Food Basket of Lothal”; what they found on approach were only signs of destruction. ”Minimal life-signsss Face. But whatever happened here wassssn’t part of the resscent rebellion.” Whiskers nodded his agreement.

”Populous rebellions don’t usually destroy farming communities,” Delight added in which made too much sense for Valmy to ignore. Also made her wonder how Delight happened to become part of their little merc outfit. It wouldn’t matter in the end, who knew if they would even run into each other ever again after the mission.

”You said minimal life-signs???” Valmy questioned looking over her shoulder for more information from the Tiss'shar.

”Likely wild life…” the reptilian responded before looking at his sensor output again. ”Sssomething bigger…” Spike hissed and pointed in the direction of what could be just about anything.

”Not wild life,” Whiskers added as he sniffed the air.

”Mark the location for the squad,” Valmy ordered with a groan as she hopped out of the speeder and readied her rifle. ”Whiskers and Spike have the right flank, Delight and BoomBoom have the left. I’m going in straight ahead.” With that the squad of mercenaries advanced into the desolate town to face an unknown. It was all quite exciting for Valmy.

Rafaela kept moving, now that she didn't just sense them but also heard the speeder enter the silent ruins, followed by a woman's voice giving orders. It left her to wonder if this had something to do with what was now happening in the city, which cracked with thunderous bangs. The Valkyrie's curiosity led her closer to these people, knowing there were five of them thanks to the verbal commands she overheard.

She pulled her wings tight against her back, hiding the rucksack, and concealed the obvious lightsabers between her feathers. Sekitangara, however, was too big, but its auxiliary could pass as a sheath for some well-cared-for vibro-sword. The Valkyrie began to move to her right, keeping a wide berth around the five. Through a gap in the charred alleyways, the woman caught a glimpse of the one who could be called either BoomBoom or Delight.

The woman was certain they had not seen her as they passed by, but she waited a moment before nimbly moving further behind with a spot in mind. Rafaela moved in the direction the squad had come from until she came across their vehicle. The seven-foot-four woman approached the vehicle and extended her hand, crushing the repulsors underneath. Before it could crash to the floor she made sure to stop it in time, so minimal sound was made just yet.

Rafaela wrapped her left hand around the auxiliary and then began to move back in the group's general direction. The Valkyrie knew this little town well, and she headed for a long clearing that once held food stalls selling produce and wares. Mostly, it was because this spot was out of sight of their vehicle. Bringing two fingers up to her lips, she let out a loud, sharp whistle that echoed around the ruins before dropping her hand to rest on the hilt of her weapon.

"I am not hostile, and I know you are here!" she said, speaking loudly and clearly to be heard. "Five of you, at least. Understand, if you attack me, I'll fight back. I am a good enough hunter to take down at least one prey, even if they wield weapons instead of fangs and claws." The Valkyrie was purposely underselling her own strength to lull these people into a misconception of her ability. Mostly, it was to draw them into believing that her occupation was something quite common.


Objective III: Take the Capital City
Location: TAC Forward Command Outpost
Allies: The Tingel Arm Coalition
Opposition: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas
Armour: Field Apparel
Weapons: Lightsaber & K-16 Bryar Pistol


"Then come with me. I shall introduce you to my best scouts. There may only be five of them, but perhaps together, you'll reach the Outpost to the East while the bulk of our forces keep the Imperials busy," Rossisai Linsla replied to Balun Dashiell, pausing to glance at the other Rebel Leaders before motioning for him to accompany him out into the open air once more.

Linsla's escort, four heavily armed Rebel soldiers carrying blaster rifles and adorning urban battle armour, followed the pair out of the Command Centre, Balun looking ahead to the Reconnaissance Squad some distance away, still preparing for their assignment.

Many of these Rebels had been stationed on Lothal before the Tingel Arm Coalition's arrival, somehow operating under the nose of the Empire of the Lost. Balun couldn't help but wonder what price the stress of such an endeavour had cost them, the fatigue that might have already weighed heavily upon their shoulders set in before the real battle would eventually surface.

"Before the Coalition arrived, exactly how bad was it here...-Governance under Imperial rule, I mean?" Balun asked curiously. He had been told stories from other Coalition Soldiers, experiences of former battles, recon operations and information gathering. Still, there was always a part of him that knew the bias that every man and woman out there was capable of. Bias was a natural and unavoidable part of life, even for the Jedi, who held bias towards the Sith Order and vice versa.

In most cases, they are earned through their shared and bloodied history, while others are taught and ingrained through the raising of future warriors, soldiers and politicians. Depending on your place of birth and the opinions of those who raised you, bias was easily influenced. War was no different. Two sides, justified in their minds.

Balun slowed in his pace; however, his gaze darkened as something gnawed upon the edge of his mind. "Wait a moment..." he urged Linsla and her rebel escort. He couldn't understand where the sudden danger was coming from, yet the Force called to him and his gut feeling told him to act; "Rossisai! Get down!!" Balun threw himself forward; the ethereal energies flowed through his body as he ran at her with unnatural speed, grabbing the man and pushing them both to the dirt just in time to feel the air zip past his face, followed by an echo of a single round being fired from somewhere not too distant.

"Sniper!" one of Linsla exclaimed, calling to everyone within earshot.

"We've got a casualty here!" someone else announced while Balun pushed himself to his feet, grabbing Rossisai Linsla and forcing him towards cover behind a rebel armoured personnel carrier, a ground transport.

"Stay down; they're likely targeting officers!" Balun told the man. Rank no longer kept him polite as the situation had become a matter of life and death, potentially impairing the leadership and coordination among their troops.

The Sniper fire had sent the base into a sudden frenzy, a siren now sounding across the Forward Outpost, calling their troops nearby to take up defensive positions and fire back in the direction the shot had come from. Their fire was sporadic, however, and it wasn't difficult to tell that the sniper's whereabouts hadn't yet been identified.

"Get word to the Protectorate and Commander Fynch Fynch 's division!" Rossisai Linsla shouted across the clearing towards one of the officers taking cover at the entrance to the command room, "No reinforcements, tell them to dig in. Warn them of possible sharpshooters!".

"We need to get you back in there!" Balun interrupted Linsla, looking across the yard to Command; the building held far better cover than their current position. Turning back to the troopers taking cover with their blaster rifles locked and searching the distance for movement, he yelled out to them, "Give us covering fire!" and soon ignited his lightsaber with a flash of copper energy being streamlined from the blade emitter, the hilt tightly gripped within his left hand. At the same time, his right moved to take Linsla's arm.

"Let's move!".


Objective: III - The March Home
Location: Imperial Information Network news room, Lianna



What the hell is going on here? I used my family’s clout to bulldoze my way to control the content of the Imperial Information Network. And in no time we have Sith destroying Imperial planets. Mandalorians spreading propaganda about border skirmishes. And now there is an open revolution in Lothal in concert with an invasion of Dac. The stories should be writing themselves. My people should not be struggling to put content on the Network. Sure I would expect the simpletons to need to have a bit of embellishment and Imperial twist to be added by me. But not something like this. It was time to lay down the law.

I slammed my hands down on the desk and stared down my “writers” and “producers”. ”Who the frack is V Val Valerson V Val Valerson and why the frack are they interviewing Baroness Bella Bella live from Lothal? I glared around at empty expressions. One brave soul started tapping on his data pad. I wasn’t sure if I should reward this one for at least taking initiative or damn him for waiting until I asked the question.

Before I could decide the man nodded his head, turned his data pad for me to see it and spoke up. ”Independent journalist. Looks like he may or may not have been black balled in the GA for some story that went over the line. He’s been a tabloid guy since then.”

Great, just what I farking needed. Some tabloid hack who needs clicks to keep his cam powered running loose in my territory. On top of that if we let this go and the spin is that the Empire is the bag guy then the Emperor will find fault with my job and I can kiss all thoughts of Administrator of Communication goodbye. ”Alright, someone start digging into him hard. Dig into his past stories that have been less than truthful and give me ammunition for when he says something I don’t like.”

The man who presented the reporter’s bio was quick to act. He would get praise for today. It wasn’t like I was looking for too much independent thought. Someone who knew when to jump when told was a good thing to have. Teaching this one what I wanted so I didn’t have to ask for it would probably take time. But hopefully it would be worth it in the end.

I turned to the rest of the group. ”I want boots on the ground now! On Lothal, on Dac. We’re getting scooped on our own turf. You fools are making me look bad! Get moving. NOW!!!”
Horsey Imperial Crusader Captain


Objective: III | The March Home
Location: Dooniun mine, Lothal
Equipment: Tags: Kaska Bastee Kaska Bastee


The NCE-131/c Heavy Dropship "Stork" made landing right next to the Dooniun mine. From what Zoltidas was told it was one of the largest on the planet, and key to maintaining a continued flow of to keep the Imperial Navy growing by leaps and bounds. Though the Chironian was not one for admiring a starship, he had to admit that the “Stork” was an impressive one. It was built with the proper purpose in mind after all, getting the pieces best capable of bringing success to the Imperial Crusade into the proper place to make the biggest difference. And the design made sure that the Crusaders got where they were meant to be.

With squire Oola Ven Oola Ven assigned to the defense of Dac, Zoltidas was forced to take a more hands on approach. At least that was what he thought would happen. It was the case when boots and hooves first hit ground. He gave out assignments to each part of his contingent of clones. Where they should be. What needed to be done to secure a large landing area to bring in a transport ship to get all the Dooniun off planet without having to transport to the spaceport. Which group was responsible for holding surface civilian administrators busy while others went into the mines to keep work going. Then Zoltidas received a report of a small group approaching from the direction of Capital City. They appeared to be following the train line, which would bring them to the mines sooner than they would be fully secured. Zoltidas would need to take action.

That would mean leaving the bulk of his troops in the command of the highest ranking clone present. It was not something that Zoltidas liked to think about. The clones were capable tools, but there was a reason why Crusaders were put in charge of them. They lacked the ability to improvise. ”You four,” Zoltidas pointed at the nearest clones with no concern if they were supposed to be grouped together or not. ”Grab that crate of explosives and load it into the front car of the repulsortrain. I trust that one of you can run the train and one of you can rig the explosives to a trigger?” The clones looked at each other and all four nodded. ”Good. I’ll be in the rear car. You’ll get a buzz on your comm thirty seconds before you are to blow the train. Whether all four of you are clear or not I don’t expect to wait for my explosion.”

In no time at all the clones had managed to ready things as ordered and the train was rushing along the tracks towards what Zoltidas assumed were foes. As they got closer he could feel a strong presence in the Force. Not quite pure of heart, but certainly looking to be a beacon of light as compared to Zoltidas’ desire to command. With the presence was a small contingent of their own version of Zoltidas’ clones. When he judged the distance between the train and the enemy at thirty seconds apart, the Chironian tapped a button on his belt giving the signal to start the countdown.

”Time for action!” Zoltidas growled to himself before he opened the train car’s side door and jumped out. As his front legs hit the dirt his great saber was in his hand and sprang to life with a loud snap-hiss. Orange blade held in front of him he charged towards the enemy, yelling a war cry and being sure to stay out of the blast radius of the coming explosion.


Objective: III - The March Home
Location: Outskirts of Tangletown, Lothal
Equipment: In Bio
Callsign: Face
Entourage: Spike, Whiskers, two redshirt squadmates
Tags: Rafaela Pellax Rafaela Pellax


As Valmy continued to stalk forward she noticed that Whiskers and Spike on her right seemed to have slowed, but BoomBoom and Delight were still advancing. Valmy stopped and turned to look at the non-human duo. She knew Whiskers had an advanced sense of smell and Spike was running the most advanced sensors of the group. Delight might have shown insight into the social motivations, but it appeared she and BoomBoom were just running basic gear. Valmy noticed that Spike and Whiskers were glancing around in varying directions. ”The prey is on the move…” Valmy whispered to herself and started to examine her surroundings guessing at which of the many hiding spots in the destroyed town.

As she scanned the buildings Valmy thought to herself that if she was going to continue to take squad leader bonuses she would have to look into one of those bio-implants so that she could have comms and sensors wired into her like an HUD of a helmet. She would never agree to wear a helmet. The destruction of the vehicle was done expertly by the unseen opponent and not noticed by any of the squad. Valmy searched in vain for signs of movement or something else, periodically giving a glance to either side. Spike and Whiskers seemed in the same position as Valmy, but Delight and BoomBoom continued on towards the original destination.

A loud whistle had Valmy’s rifle raised and her grip on the handle tightened. Her finger wanting to flex and pull the trigger it rested on. She looked to Whiskers and Spike knowing that they had heard it and nodded for them to move forward. She looked back to BoomBoom and Delight, glad to see that they had now stopped their forward movements and Valmy waved them to follow. She still wasn’t sure where the whistle had come from but she knew that BoomBoom and Delight were certainly going in the wrong direction.

”The sssspeeder!” Spike hissed loud enough for Valmy to hear. Valmy looked at their vehicle and shook her head. She was going to catch hell from that army commander, but she wasn’t in his commander organization, so Valmy shrugged that fact off. The fact that they would have to walk to wherever they would hitch a ride off planet was more concerning.

Valmy locked eyes with Spike and shook her head. ”Delight. BoomBoom. Check on the status of the speeder.” If they decided not to follow orders it really mattered not to Valmy, they’d get a damage assessment sooner or later. She was immediately refocused on finding the source of the whistle. Which came in the form of a loud voice.

”“We have orders to secure resources,” Valmy yelled out, still not knowing where she should focus her attention. She signaled for Spike and Whiskers to fan out and continue the search for the “enemy”. ”Things don’t have to get violent. We’re not Imperial diehards. Here for to collect a paycheck. Credits spend a lot easier when you’re alive. We’re here because of the rebellion that’s risen in Capital City. I get the impression you’re not part of that. But at the same time, my check will be docked if I let some independent make off with valuable resources. So we might be at somewhat of an impasse unless you can prove you’re not a thief or a rebel.”

Objective: 3
Allies: N/A
Neutral: TAC
Enemies: Valmy Tomo Valmy Tomo

”“We have orders to secure resources,” Valmy yelled out, still not knowing where she should focus her attention. She signaled for Spike and Whiskers to fan out and continue the search for the “enemy”. ”Things don’t have to get violent. We’re not Imperial diehards. Here for to collect a paycheck. Credits spend a lot easier when you’re alive. We’re here because of the rebellion that’s risen in Capital City. I get the impression you’re not part of that. But at the same time, my check will be docked if I let some independent make off with valuable resources. So we might be at somewhat of an impasse unless you can prove you’re not a thief or a rebel.”

It seemed as if these were not soldiers of the Empire but still hired killers for credits. The information about the ongoing events in the city sounded quite intriguing. The more the woman spoke out loud, the closer she seemed. "A rebellion, you say? My, the Empire sure did wake a beast, didn't they," she spoke aloud, hiding the amusement in her tone.

Rafaela kept her senses sharp, more clearly focused on their leader. Her eyes eventually spotted the person searching with a raised weapon. "I don't think you'll find any resources of value around here. Just a mass grave on the other side of town." Once more, she struggled with the urge to reveal her true self.

"I believe my mother is among them. I just came to see if anything survived now that things seem to have calmed down." Rafaela did not move from her spot but kept a close eye on their movements, wondering when the others would show. Even if they did not, one wrong move and this place would once again turn into a hunting ground.

"Also, I don't carry identification. Not even a birth certificate—it's all cinders, I'm afraid. Hmm, actually, I could think of one place that has my records, something my husband would've set up... but that place is a secret." Her hands remained ready to draw her blade in an instant at the first sign of the woman's finger squeezing the trigger. "So, does that mean we're at an impasse?"


Phoenix Command

A small fleet descended gently overhead, the ships positioning themselves with calculated precision. Onboard the bridge of the Aranar-class Orbital Defense Battlecruiser, the command center was a buzz of activity.

Grax Tolwin, the Ugnaught Communications Officer, monitored the encrypted channels, his nimble fingers dancing across the controls as he coordinated with allied forces on Lothal. "We've got their positions locked, Command," he reported.

"Good work, Grax," responded Zane Harlock, the Queequeg Security Officer, his eyes scanning the tactical display. "Keep an eye out for any unusual activity. These Empire types are always up to something sneaky."

In the engine room, Fizz the Squib was furiously working to optimize power output. "She's purring like a nexu in the sun," Fizz muttered to himself, ensuring the ship's systems were running at peak efficiency.

Meanwhile, Jek the Jawa, Chief Supply Officer, was busy overseeing the deployment of critical supplies and munitions to the frontlines. "Utinni!" he exclaimed, satisfied with the smooth operation.

Kip the Chadra-Fan, the fleet's ace pilot, grinned as he powered up the fighters. "Ready to dance with the devil, eh, Gibit?" he called out to the Ewok Weapons Specialist, who was busy loading up the ship's armament.

"Yub nub," Gibit replied with a nod, his tiny hands expertly handling the advanced weaponry.

As the fleet moved into position, the Great Mother Shark Amphibious Ship of the Line and Aranar-class Orbital Defense Battlecruiser prepared to provide much-needed air support to the embattled forces on Lothal. They were ready to unleash a devastating barrage on the enemy walkers attempting to flank the Lost Battalion.

The skies above Lothal were about to be set ablaze with the firepower of Phoenix Command.

Phoenix Command


Fleet Composition

Ship NameNumberSquadron CountIntegrity
B-Zero Heavy Starfighter/Bomber Squadrons22 per squadron||||||||||
SS Ebonray Assault Interceptor Squadrons28 per squadron||||||||||
SS Phantomray Stealth Assault Interceptor Squadrons14 per squadron||||||||||
HF-2 Jair Kyr'am Heavy Fighter Squadrons18 per squadron||||||||||
Tuitio Support Boat14 per squadron||||||||||
GAMS-346 Astrocat Blockade Runner10||||||||||
Sarlacc-Class Snare-Bearer10||||||||||
Blizzard-class Heavy Starcarrier110 squadrons (VIPERS)||||||||||
Aranar-class Orbital Defense Battlecruiser10||||||||||
Great Mother Shark Amphibious Ship of the Line10||||||||||

Aranar-class Orbital Defense Battlecruiser and a Great Mother Shark Amphibious Ship of the Line move in to position to provide The Lost Battalion ( Sayno Clawe Sayno Clawe ), with Air support and ready to unleash a barrage on the walkers trying to flank them ( Laphisto Laphisto ).

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Location: Old Industrial Zone, Outskirts of Capital City - Lothal
Objective: III - The March Home
Sub-Objective: Assassinate the Civilian Rebel Leader
Tag: Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

Ivixa gave a sharp exhale as the Jedi pushed her target out of the way at the last possible moment, thereby moving the rebel chief clear of the bullet which had been marked for his skull. Instead, the projectile struck the ground and splintered into tiny shards, a few of which ripped through the throat of an unfortunate Rebel soldier standing nearby, causing dark crimson fluid to spill out from his neck in spurting pulses as he fell to the ground. While the tiny Asa’nyx took a small amount of pleasure in the fact that her bullet hadn’t been entirely wasted, the soldier’s death was irrelevant to her mission. Thus, the sniper shifted her crosshairs to the nearby APC, knowing that her target was behind it. For a moment, she contemplated leveraging her rifle’s scope and penetration power to shoot through the vehicle entirely. However, that line of thought was quickly abandoned. The amount of shots that she might need to fire would increase the risk of revealing her position, all for a plan that did not guarantee the neutralization of her target.

Nevertheless, having only fired a single shot thus far, Ivixa was fairly confident that her position remained undetected. The cloaking systems in her armor not only kept her invisible, but they also neutralized the sound report and muzzle flash of her shot. Still, the sniper was not ready to push her luck. She needed to move.

And yet, Ivixa sensed that she might still have one more chance.

Moments later, Linsla and the Jedi ran out from behind the APC to make for the command center. Immediately, Ivixa silenced her thoughts and settled her crosshairs over the skull of the rebel chief, the feral glint in her yellow-hued gaze the only tell as to her intention.

In that regard, the sniper didn’t hesitate.

After suspending her breath and adjusting her aim to compensate for the atmospheric conditions, she squeezed her rifle's trigger between heartbeats. On cue, a Void Stone-laced projectile exploded out from the barrel, flying towards Linsla’s skull with blistering velocity and lethal intent, threatening to blow through the rebel chief's skull should it strike.

Ivixa waited a split-second to confirm her potential kill, but not a moment longer. Remaining cloaked, the tiny sniper gave a sharp grunt before collapsing her rifle and placing it over her back. Then, she made her way down from the ore crawler, moving towards the complicated industrial architecture of the refinery complex below in the process.

What came next could only be decided by luck and fate.

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Tags: Bella Bella
Objective: Interview

"Now that's interesting," Valerson scribbles absently on his datapad. Later security holotape analysis could only identify handwriting so intelligible that presumably, only the reporter could decipher, "You say that your promise and the empire's promise to us is order. I'm sure our audience would like you to talk a bit more about what order is to you. Because it's no secret that the coronation of Emperor Velran was in no way peaceful or orderly. Several dissenting Moffs have disappeared off the chessboard. You must also be aware of his... unique behavior that some might argue is unbefitting of a leader of a major Galactic Power. If not, here's an abridged recording recovered from his inaugural speech:"

He draws out an archaic tape recorded from his jacket's pocket. So ancient that no slicer in the Galaxy could have hacked it.


Valerson looks Bella clean in the eyes. He's not very Chiss in body, but his eyes betray their typical cold hard stares. He's a broken reporter, kicked to the curb for finding out the truth, but he's not out of the game yet.

Besides, drama and controversy drive up viewership. Nobody's going to watch some boring two-bit celebrity give their thoughts.

"How can you be so confident that this Emperor will bring order? How can you continue to proselytize your promise and be sure that the conflict, corruption, waste, and needless destruction wrought by those you oppose will not run loose under his leadership? Because in such an absolute system that your Empire has created, the Emperor has become the state. His word is literally the Empire and practically none can oppose his edicts."
Location: Propaganda Room, Rebuilt Imperial Complex - Lothal
Objective: III - The March Home
Sub-Objective: Endure an Interview
Tag: V Val Valerson V Val Valerson Geldard Deldith Geldard Deldith

The easy, calm expression which had initially colored Bella’s features shifted into a tight-lipped frown as Val questioned her answer. Narrowing her gaze, the Togruta casted a brief glance off-set, only to find that the propaganda officer (if there had been one assigned to begin with) was nowhere to be seen. In that, she could only wonder if this was some kind of test or if something else was at hand.

Regardless, the cameras still appeared to be recording. For all intents and purposes, Bella was live before an audience of millions, if not billions of viewers. She was being scrutinized, by friend and enemy alike.

“It is expected that whenever leadership changes, the personnel change as well. To claim that those Moffs were somehow ‘disappeared’ is perhaps a…loaded characterization.” Bella began, regaining her composure as she spoke. “It might be more reasonable to assume that they were simply reassigned and replaced with those better able to fulfill their duties in accordance with Emperor Kilran’s expectations, rather than implying that they suffered some dark, ominous fate.” She explained.

He draws out an archaic tape recorded from his jacket's pocket. So ancient that no slicer in the Galaxy could have hacked it.


Bella blinked, pink-hued features visibly twitching under the bright studio lighting. Indeed, the Emperor’s insane, maniacal nature was more or less an open secret, as it was a fact that Bella herself was aware of. Regardless, the Togruta sensed the direction that the interview was going, and knew that she could not allow the Chiss’ narrative to go unchallenged.

In short, it was time to attack.

"How can you be so confident that this Emperor will bring order? How can you continue to proselytize your promise and be sure that the conflict, corruption, waste, and needless destruction..."

“Mr. Valerson, this is quite the hyperspace leap you are asking me to take. How can you be so confident that this so-called recording isn’t a complete fabrication?” Bella questioned, cocking her head to the side. “Any Jawa with a computer and a good vocabulator could have synthesized it, using centuries-old technology, no less.” She continued. “Perhaps it might lend your claim more credibility if you stated your source.” The Togruta challenged, raising an eyebrow as she did.

“And even in the unlikely event that this is real, where is the context?”
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Tags: Laphisto Laphisto Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen Shem Spinner Shem Spinner
The Lost Battalion Unit Comp:
Iron Men Mechanized:
x3 Tiger Walkers
x7 Puma IFVs
x10 Bobcat Walkers
x5 Skycat Speeders
55 Rebel Troops
Tiger Claw Armor Company:
x2 Command Tiger Walkers
x7 Panthac Light Tanks
x5 Bobcat Walkers
x10 Puma IFVs
x7 Cougar Medium Tanks
Fynches Finest Marine Company
130 Marines

The next action was simple.

Keep up the pressure.

Bobcats began firing side mounted rockets, the same CHOMP rockets that had fired in the first salvo, specifically engaging the AT variants of the enemy AT-TEs. They couldn't be kept on the battlefield for long. 20 rockets fired off, while the Bobcats opened up with anti material particle cannons opened up on any infantry it could get it's sights on. The rear mortars opened up in sync, firing ion airburst rounds into LO-HT900s to try and knock them out of the fight temporally.

The sound of a Cougar cooking off rocked the battlefield, as Hammer Turbolaser batteries opened up in sync with chainlasers, targeting the AT-MSWs with heavy firepower. While the unending sound of ricochets off the seigurium hulls rattled the men inside, they had trained for this. Sayno had personally trained each man to do their job under fire, efficiently as possible.

Pumas seemed to fair the best, any time a shot would come in, it would be cause the gunner to dip the turret and hide behind a Cougar hull. Ion autocannons never stopped, slowly chipping away at the AT-TE shields as best they could. There was no real targeting strategy, just one of the ten picking a target and committing until it's shields were down, before moving onto the next one. Coupled with the turret mounted grenade launchers that were more or less being used as makeshift mortars to lob HEAT grenades at the side of hulls, and it was an unrelenting thunder of guns.

The twin Tigers in the rear were met with flanking speeders, which were immediately preyed upon, not by the Tigers, but by the rear guard of Panthacs that opened up with chainlasers to try and rip the speeders in two, all while continuing to rain down mortar fire on the wall.

Sayno watched from within his Command Tiger, the slow progression a frustrating silence.

The trio of Tigers currently taking on the AT-SWs on the right flank would be met with heavy shields, and point defense lasers that deployed and seemed to take out the enemy missile barrage in short order. Mass Driver Cannons opened up with Seigurium Darts as well, fired at mach speed towards the legs of the walkers one by one, while the same anti-material blaster cannons that the bobcats sported opened up on the hulls. The particle bolts that didn't pierce the enemy shields, exploded and rocked the shields further.

They needed further support. They needed to take out those flanking walkers.

"Commander Clawe to Phoenix Command, we need straffing runs on enemy defensive line. Target AAA walkers and Mass Driver AT-TEs."

Slowly, the infantry advanced behind the line. Mortar teams began zeroing in on enemy defenses, firing heavy HE rounds on the wall itself, to try and collapse the fortification under the walkers that stood atop it. Daring teams of rebel engineers pushed forward, trying their damndest to get close and plant explosives on the wall.

Underneath the ground, the support unit Deep Purple began sapper operations, slowly working it's way towards the wall. They'd bring it down, one way or another...

Vines flow and stalks lean

Sending leaves past their boundary

Subtle rebellion

The rear guard didn't expect infiltration, but they certainly had been trained for it. The attack by Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen had drawn the attention of a rear Skycat, an APC that weren't exactly designed to deal with heavy armor, but could engage infantry if need be. They turned their particle cannons towards the infiltrator and prepped the fire.

"Hold your fire!" The commander called over the PA.
"Imperial agent, you're outgunned. Why fight for the Empire when you could fight for something worthwhile?! What do you fight for, order? Security? Credits?"


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