Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Rebel Yell Chapter 3 | TAC Invasion of EotL held Mon Calamari and Lothal

Objective: III - The March Home
Location: Lothal, Sector Aurek, Storage Facilities
Enemies: TAC
Friendlies: EoTL
Tags: Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih | [OPEN, currently no opposition.]
Dieter Kovasch

(Before the arrival of Phoenix Command)
"Hey Tiny!" Ami called out to Dieter she wasn't sure if Paragons outranked Stormtroopers but she liked to feel that she can treat these walking arsenals as casual as she can. Best to give this self righteous guy what a Stormtrooper can do on the field. "You done talking to your men? Because Carrot Top's ship is going to land on the surface ETA....."

Ami shrugged. "Right now." She laughed. "Come on let's go!"

"Ha, Tiny. I like it! Suits me better than Breaker, yes no? Stick with me, we'll have lots of fun." He said running out of the Stork. The chainguns and lasers did most of the work for the moment. The sounds of blaster fire only rang out a couple of times to hit stragglers and those that weren't taken out by the Stork's impressive anti-infantry weapons. They were safe for now but the sounds of war were all around them and they were more than likely outnumbered and encircled.

Most of the stormtrooper platoon had made it out of the stork, only one of the spider walkers had made it out fully, its commander looking out his copula. "Breaker! Where do you want us, north or south!"

"South! We cover the north with infantry for now. Set up on building, give us some spotting." Dieter replied. "And tell other to head north."

The commander gave a thumbs up and closed his hatch going back into the belly of the walker, as its legs began to climb the wall of another facility gaining the high ground. There were a few vehicles and crates left by civilians who fled from the fighting. He motioned to his platoon to begin moving them to give greater cover for this area. They would have an easier time moving things in their powered armor. Dieter moved to the Crusader lieutenant and trooper sergeant-major.

"Change of plans, we need to move our targets fast, I suspect that we are going to have very little time. I hear much more fire than we were expecting." He said looking at the numerous terrorist bodies around him. "Have your full platoon, begin acquiring the targets."

"I was just about to suggest the same thing. I feel something gnawing at the nape of my neck, the force is trying to tell me something. I think we'll need more troopers. I'll send a scout to forward command on a speeder to requisition a platoon or two, if they can spare it." The Crusader LT. replied.

"Copy that." The stormtrooper sergeant-major said turning around to his platoon. "Everyone inside, we need to secure our objective hard and fast. Let's GO!" with his orders the platoon of 40 troopers moved into the building, a few blaster bolts rang out encountering resistance on the inside hearing a few troopers yell "CONTACT!!"

Dieter turned around walking back to his half of his unit, with Tamora leading the other half, he only had ten troops to command on this flank. He moved to their makeshift barricade and set himself up, taking in the silence before the storm. He removed his helmet and hooked it on his belt, revealing his chiseled chin and meticulously maintained "five-o'clock shadow." He took out a large cigarra that he had tucked inside his pauldron. He took a stance as if he was about to use his rocket pack to take off, turning on the afterburners, only to reach the cigarra behind him and light it. He turned off the rocket pack and took a long drag from his freshly afterburner-lit cigarra.

One of his squad replied, "Sir, you know those things will kill you eventually. Sir."

"Yes, yes. But you know what may also kill me? Terrorists, so I'd like to enjoy little quiet with new friend." He said gesturing to Amiggie. He held out the cigarra to her, "Would you like drag? It will not bother me if you say no."


Dieter would be more than halfway through the cigarra by now and was itching for some action. He heard a loud whistle from up ahead; the commander from the walker was poked out of the cupola waving at him and his troops. He held up some combination of arm and hand gestures then closed the hatch. ask and ye shall receive.

"Sir, he said about thirty soldiers are coming our way. About thirty seconds too."

"Ah, good. I thought they forgot about us." Dieter said flicking the cigarra away and placing his helmet back on. "Contact, direct front, platoon-sized. Get ready!"

As if on cue, the enemies began to round the corner taking cover where they could moving up methodically, knowing they were about the be engaged. What they didn't expect was a large spider walker above them. A heavy bolt from the walker's laser cannon hit the ground spraying rubble everywhere. "FIRE!" Dieter yelled as he pulled the trigger letting off a burst of bolts in the direction of the hostiles hitting one in the chest. Bolts from his squad mates were hitting targets as well all things seemed to be going well until there was another blast, but from behind this time. He heard Tamroa through comms,

"Contact! Holy chit is that a fleet too! Nevermind, focus on the infantry!"

(enter Phoenix Command)

Dieter looked up and sure enough, there was a terrorist fleet above them, they hadn't engaged the Crusader fleet yet, but it was inevitable. However, like Tamora, he needed to focus on the infantry in front of him. Then he noticed the larger hangar doors of the facility opened up with troopers using heavy equipment to carry out crates and sheets of their objective: refined doonium. Not the ore from the mines, this stuff was ready to be used and it would be used better in the Empire's hand than a bunch of coalition forces. They began to load it up on the stork as the firefight intensified.

He looked at Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih fighting bravely beside him. "Hey Carrots, how are you with blades? If you rush out there I'll get in front of you and you can use me as shield. We need to end this fast and move to the next OBJ."
Tag: Bella Bella

"Mr. Valerson, this is quite the hyperspace leap you are asking me to take. How can you be so confident that this so-called recording isn't a complete fabrication?" Bella questioned, cocking her head to the side. "Any Jawa with a computer and a good vocabulator could have synthesized it, using centuries-old technology, no less." She continued. "Perhaps it might lend your claim more credibility if you stated your source." The Togruta challenged, raising an eyebrow as she did.

The Chiss doesn't balk at her challenge, facial expression unchanged as he looks at his datapad. Something new had come on.

Somebody had messed up. Didn't do a proper vetting process. Thought this would be just another washed-out tabloid reporter asking about what make-up that the pilot preferred.

"You know as a journalist I have an obligation not to reveal my source, especially when their life is potentially on the line if an unstable Emperor lashes out. Now, the context of this recording to me is unknown apart from the fact that it was delivered at his inaugural speech." Valerson was scummy in the way he did business, but in no way does he outright lie, "The reason that I'm confident that this wasn't faked - not only because I trust my source - but because it perfectly matches with what has recently been observed of the Emperor's behavior. War correspondents attached to the battle over Mon Cala have just reported that the Emperor has made yet another speech."

This time he turns his datapad over to Bella to play another recording.

"Baroness Bella, you can check Imperial communication channels to confirm this unless you believe that a Jawa with a synthesizing vocabulator could have hijacked the Emperor's flagship. This was not spoken in a closed room. This was entirely public for the entire Galaxy to see. The Emperor is the Empire. How can you be so confident that this Emperor will bring order and not conflict, corruption, waste, and needless destruction?"
"Commander Clawe to Phoenix Command, we need straffing runs on enemy defensive line. Target AAA walkers and Mass Driver AT-TEs."

Phoenix Command


Fleet Composition

Ship NameNumberSquadron CountIntegrity
B-Zero Heavy Starfighter/Bomber Squadrons22 per squadron||||||||||
SS Ebonray Assault Interceptor Squadrons28 per squadron||||||||||
SS Phantomray Stealth Assault Interceptor Squadrons14 per squadron||||||||||
HF-2 Jair Kyr'am Heavy Fighter Squadrons18 per squadron||||||||||
Tuitio Support Boat14 per squadron||||||||||
GAMS-346 Astrocat Blockade Runner10||||||||||
Sarlacc-Class Snare-Bearer10||||||||||
Blizzard-class Heavy Starcarrier110 squadrons (VIPERS)||||||||||
Aranar-class Orbital Defense Battlecruiser10||||||||||
Great Mother Shark Amphibious Ship of the Line10||||||||||

Grax Tolwin (Communications Officer):
"Phoenix Command to Commander Clawe, be advised, air support is inbound. SS Ebonray Assault Interceptors, SS Phantomray Stealth Interceptors, and HF-2 Jair Kyr'am Heavy Fighters will begin strafing runs in 3 minutes. B-Zero Bombers will follow up shortly after with a precision strike. Coordinate your ground forces accordingly."

Zane Harlock (Security Officer):
"Kip, take point on this. Commander Clawe, we're holding one B-Zero squadron in reserve. The rest are on their way to neutralize those AAA walkers and Mass Driver AT-TEs. Expect heavy support from above."

Kip (Pilot):
"Copy that, Command. All squadrons, prepare to engage. Ebonrays, Phantomrays, Jair Kyr'ams—begin your strafing runs in 3 minutes. B-Zero Squadron, get ready to follow up with your bombing run. Let's make sure Commander Clawe's forces get the support they need."

Gibit (Weapons Specialist):
"Yub nub! Weapons ready—time to give Commander Clawe the cover he needs!"

Last edited:


Location: Bridge of the Imerial Hammer arriving in orbit above Lothal
Tags: DM Player-Slayer DM Player-Slayer


”Admiral Rimmer we have signals incoming from hyperspace,” the comms clone informed the Strike Fleet’s commanding officer.

”Friendlies?” the XO questioned making Rimmer laugh. He didn’t share much with his staff at this point. They hadn’t earned his trust and faith. There was no support coming from the Imperial Navy to Lothal. The orders were to grab what they could and if it appears that the rebels would take the planet make things a little less aesthetically pleasing.

”Negative. They’re definitely foes. Sensors. Give me numbers, designations and headings as soon as you have them,” Rimmer ordered knowing that the crew could at least follow orders effectively he expected the report sooner than later and he was correct. The enemy fleet was not terribly large. But it didn’t need to be to be effective for the rebellion. There was not supposed to be anything beyond local support for Lothal due to the brazen attack on Dac.

Imperial Triumph is to take the Hunter, the Predator and the Annihilator along with half of the Imperial Patriot’s fighter contingent and meet our new friends,” Rimmer told his XO. Most of the fleet’s crews were clones and Rimmer had yet to learn all the names and/or designations, so he found it easier to formulate a plan and have the XO deliver it. ”They’ll likely get a few licks in on our allies on the planet, but after that we’ll keep them busy.”

”Aye Admiral,” the XO responded and started working on his datapad. ”Why are we staying put?”

”I informed you that we’re not here to win the day. We’re here to make things hard on the rebels.” Rimmer hated being questioned, maybe this clone would prove capable and the Admiral would be able to share plans beforehand and eliminate these questions. ”Inform Knight Angar that we are instituting Plan B.”

There was another nod from the XO who then turned and nodded to the comm officer. The Imperial Triumph along with three of the Quarren Corvettes and six fighter squadrons moved away from their current position to intercept the new invaders. ”Bring Imperial Paramount, Imperial Patriot and the Berserker in tight formation with the Hammer and inform the other captains I want minimal losses. We’re to be a distraction to the enemy fleet, this is no suicide mission. If they need to retreat to save resources they have the ok to do so.”

Again the XO relayed the Admiral’s orders via datapad. The Triumph made a straight assault on the enemy’s Aranar-class battlecruiser releasing missiles as soon as it was in range. Two of Quarren Corvettes targeted the other battle cruiser (Aegis) while the Annihilator targeted the carrier. The fighters from the Patriot along with those from the Triumph entered into dogfighting to occupy as many enemy fighters as possible.


Knight Sule Angar landed as the commander of the only Stork to land anywhere near Capital City. She hadn’t been allotted a large number of troops as the lower hold was filled with an AT-AT Walker The ground thumped as the walker exited that dropship and following orders positioned itself on Lothal’s main highway. ”As soon as enemies are within range open fire. Keep the guns pumping until the walker falls. It’s not leaving Lothal whether we win this battle or not. The rest of you fight hard. If the line is lost, retreat to the Stork for evac.”

”Ma’am a message from Admiral Rimmer is incoming,” Sule was informed. She gave a nod and moved to the comm to get the message. She gave a low growl at the news that an enemy fleet was engaging allies on the planet. It was more likely than not that they were too close to Capital City to become a target, but the Admiral had dispatched half his fleet to distract the enemies. That meant Plan A was no longer feasible.

”Thunder Squad. The Admiral is enacting Plan B. Fan out and start marking targets. I have a feeling we’re not much longer for this planet.” Sule called out and eight highly trained special forces clones quickly put their helmets on and rushed off into the city.

  • Strike Fleet mobilizes to engage Phoenix Command
    • Imperial Triumph - Engages Aranar-class Orbital Defense Battlecruiser
    • Hunter & Predator - Target Aegis
    • Annihilator - Targets Blizzard-class Heavy Starcarrier
    • Accompanied by 1 squad of Hund fighters and 5 TIE-Viper squadrons from Imperial Patriot who engage rebel fighters
    • Rest of the fleet reconfigures formation
  • On the planet Crusader Knight Sule Angar orders heavy walker and troops to stand pat at the main expressway to Capital City while special forces start marking targets

Kaska Bastee



Objective: III | The March Home
Location: Hovertrain tracks leading towards a large Dooniun mine, Lothal
Outfit: Battle Armor
Equipment: See Bio
Tags: Zoltidas Zoltidas


Armies were on the move in the rebellion over control of the planet Lothal. Imperial dropships had arrived more in protection of the planet’s resources than the population. Not even seeming to make an effort to control the area. Perhaps they knew that the spirit of Lothal was not one to be bent to the will of an Empire. Perhaps holding the planet politically was not worth the squeeze. They could send armed personnel to mines and farms and let the people have their freedom. While the Empire took the people’s stuff.

Kaska knew that free people needed more than just knowing that oppressors were not looking over their shoulders every second of every day. The Lothalites would need fair access to the food they grew and the ability to turn their natural resources into credits and other things that sustained life in these times. In a quest to ensure some measure of this would occur Kaska had left her Coalition allies on their advance towards Capital City and along with sixteen soldiers followed hovertrain tracks towards a Dooniun mine. A place where one of the Imperial dropships landed. A place they were likely trying to secure future holdings, or at the least pilfer what they could while they held tenuous control of the planet.

As she and her troops advanced Kaska felt the vibrations of the train moving along the tracks she was following. She turned to look over her head, but she knew that the train was coming from the mines, not the city. What the train brought with it was a question. ”Train incoming. Position yourselves for intercept.” Kaska called out to the soldiers and waved with her hands. Thankfully the soldiers seemed to have been a group from some time, not just thrown together for this mission. They moved in precise movements and appeared ready for the train.

Kaska held her Enforcer pistol in one hand and her lightsaber in the other as she watched for the train. The train was moving quite fast when it was finally visible and she gritted her teeth. ”Hold tight,” she told herself. None of the soldiers could hear it. ”Open fire!” she called as soon as their weapons would reach the train. Even if the train carried precious cargo, Doonium was quite durable, it would survive. There was no response from the train as blaster bolts peppered it. The train kept rushing along the tracks. ”Get ready to take…” as if anticipating the timing several of the soldiers were up and charging before the order could be completed. And then a sense of dread hit Kaska hard.

”NO! Back away! Clear room!” she couldn’t wait to see if the soldiers heeded her warning or even had enough time to get clear. Kaska leapt as clear to the side as she could, and when her feet touched ground she closed her eyes expecting to hear the explosion. Instead she heard the familiar sound of a lightsaber coming to life. Louder than most she had ever heard. Kaska’s eyes turned in the direction of the sound and saw the centaur charging at her. Kaska took several shots with her pistol before she ignited her own lightsaber and waited patiently to answer her adversary’s attack.


Objective: III - The March Home
Location: Outskirts of Tangletown, Lothal
Equipment: In Bio
Callsign: Face
Entourage: Spike, Whiskers, two redshirt squadmates
Tags: Rafaela Pellax Rafaela Pellax


The voice seemed to enjoy the news of rebellion. Valmy guessed it a she by the sound, it seemed rather gleeful in the suspected bad news this was for the Empire. ”Beast? Eh, I’m not so sure. Haven’t so much as heard a growl personally. And the Empire seems quite content to let the beast play in the yard.” Valmy called out in response with a bit of a smirk on her lips. Playful was her natural manner. Even if beneath the playful words she was trying to zero in on a target that may or may not need to be blown out of existence.

”She’sss right Face,” Spike remarked as he and Whiskers closed the distance between them and the squad leader. They wouldn’t get too close though. They were still in hunter mode, closing ranks and hunkering down would be counterproductive.

”I can smell the death in the air, Face. There’s nothing here to fight for.” Whiskers stated as he moved to be able to aid the other two at the speeder if needed. It was clear that he favored leaving this place rather than hunting down the shadowy voice.

”Fights build character Whiskers,” Valmy retorted with a chuckle. The voice then stated that she believed she had family in the mass grave. Valmy didn’t hold a soft spot for much. Family was certain something that only hardened her soul. ”Thought mom left something behind for you?” Valmy called out tauntingly. ”Hope you didn’t think that a sob story of a dead parent was just going to make us let you leave. We’re hired guns. We’re here for the credits and the excitement, not the cause.”

”Husband huh? Well I don’t pry into the secrets between lovers. I suppose if you aren’t here to join up with the rebellion and you aren’t protecting something that I can turn into the Empire for credits, that impasse isn’t quite as bad as I thought.” Valmy thought she was keying in on where exactly the voice was coming from. She couldn’t be sure, there was something that told her there was a trick echo or something that was playing with her ears’ tracking abilities. ”So let’s just see how much fun we can have…” she took her best guess as to where the voice was and pulled the trigger on her rifle.

Ruus Kote

Strill Securities Alor'akaatse


Friendly Units:

Units in Reserve:
  • 2 Strill Securities Jurkad Verde Shere'shoy Mechanized Infantry companies
  • 2 Strill Securities Jurkad Verde Kad b' Marev Armored Battalion companies
Ally Tag(s): Fynch Fynch | Sayno Clawe Sayno Clawe | DM Player-Slayer DM Player-Slayer | Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell | Shem Spinner Shem Spinner | Tingel Arm Coalition and Allies
Enemy Tag(s): Laphisto Laphisto | Hammer of the Lost Hammer of the Lost | Dieter Kovasch Dieter Kovasch | Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih | Empire of the Lost and Allies

Apologies to anyone I missed on both sides.



Buy'ce gal, buy'ce tal
Verbor'ad ures aliit
Mhi draar baat'i meg'parjii'se

Kote lo'shebs'ul narit.

Usually, running around with rebels was not what Ruus and his verde did. That was for the rammikade like his ba'vod. They usually needed him and his when there was a war to fight, or some horrifying monster that needed plenty of firepower to understand what the word usenye meant, and they were very good at that. This was a war, however, a war to take back a planet that was the home of the man who'd brought the Tingel Arm Coalition together. A home he had to leave behind. Now that, was something they had all felt. What he would have given to die fighting to save Breshig if it had meant the planet didn't fall. So when the alor and his direct alor, Aran Netra, had asked him and his to help take back Lothal, how in haran could they say anything else but "shab yes" in response?

The Adenn Kyram's hangar bay was a hive of activity as squadrons of fighters, bombers and transports all stood ready for launch, waiting for the word to go. That was entirely dependent on Alor'ad Kal Netra leveraging his new command into position so they could launch under the cover of nagnol gas countermeasure rockets. Not the first time he was jumping into a fight with Kal watching over him, and he wagered the younger warrior would be doing so long after he had either died in battle or retired. It was at that moment that perhaps fittingly that Kal's voice filtered through his buy'ce's speakers, "Alright vod, we've made it in system but your approach is going to be choppy. Multiple enemy vessels are on station so don't count on orbital fire support too much. Maybe a missile here and there."

"I'll go convey the good news," he deadpanned back in response. Kal's comms conveyed its best impression of his snort as a mess of static. "Just hurry up and kill the shabuire, would you?"

"You just let me worry about the shabuire in orbit, there's plenty planetside for you," fired back Kal. The corner of Ruus' mouth tugged into a lopsided smile under his buy'ce.

Ruus terminated the connection, shaking his head as he made his way to where he left his battalion commanders, 2IC and Commander Fynch Fynch . "Good news, the Empire of the Lost is taking our assault on Lothal seriously."

"That's the good news?" asked Aamer, Kad b ' Marev Armored Battalion's CO, with a quizzical expression flickering across his features. Mirta and Walon let out a chuckle in response. "What's the bad news?"

"I'm so glad you asked, vod," he said with an amused snort. "Orbital fire support's going to be limited. Nothing we haven't dealt with before." Truth be told, they almost never needed it, he just hoped that this time wouldn't be the exception.

"Not something we'd have to deal with if that Fenn's artillery was here," snapped Mirta without missing a beat. Of course, he expected nothing less from Shereshoy Mechanized Infantry's CO after having served with her this long.

"We're trying not to reduce the city to rubble," he said, pointedly looking at Mirta. "Trying, Mir'ika. So Fenn can sit things out till he figures out how his new guns work."

Walon chuckled while Aamer just smiled at his jab at Mirta's subtlety, or complete lack thereof rather. Before Mirta could protest, however, Kad's voice came through his speakers again, "Alright vod, your window's coming up. K'oyayci."

"You too, vod, I'd hate to have to explain to Nyles what happened to his ships," he said, earning a hearty laugh from Kad in response. "Alright vode, Alor'ad Netra wants us off his ship, let's not keep him waiting." Without needing to be told twice, the assembled personnel headed off for their ships. Ruus jogged towards the open bay of I'dadr 1-1, easily crossing the distance and scaling the side of his command tank before slipping in through the commander's hatch.

Ruus ran through a quick check of the tank's systems, exchanging a quick nod with Ghes and Jintar. He didn't have long before he saw the transport's ramp shut. There was a momentary feeling of weightlessness as the repulsors raised the craft but it quickly subsided. It returned for a moment as Dinua's transport took its place at the pressor catapult of the A'den Kyram's hangar bay. Fighters fell into formation alongside their transports as they made their way toward the planet. Despite this being far from his first planetary drop, Ruus always found it difficult to discern whether it was his cybernetically augmented reflexes that made the trip seem longer or whether it was simply last minute jitters from the adrenaline slowly starting to pump through his system.

Their wide approach took time, but eventually, he could see the city in the distance on the main tactical display fed by the Manda battlenet. Their approach took them right over the waterline, likely well below the depression of most defensive guns. Almost immediately, anti-sensor missiles accelerated away from the Jai'galaar-class Fighter-bombers with them, a missile per bomber, twelve in total, four per target, all aimed for what looked to be anti-air walkers ( Laphisto Laphisto ) according to the sensor feed of the assault transports conveying his verde.

"Two minutes, brace for final," came Dinua's voice over the gunship's intercom a few precious moments later. Ruus could now see their LZ through the transport's optical feeds.

He quickly raised Fynch Fynch , knowing better than to wait for when they'd landed, "Commander Fynch, once we're on the ground, it'd probably be best if you stay behind us. We'll draw fire for you so you can do your thing." Ruus didn't get long after he'd hit the transmit button, the transports began opening fire at port side opposition, sending hails of armor-piercing high explosive rounds at hostile positions before launching nagnol gas countermeasure grenades to cover their landing. The ramp dropped down, the sound of the hydraulics being drowned out by the sounds of battle outside.

"Mando'ade," he said over formation wide comms. "It's time to earn our pay!" Jintar took that as his cue, as did the drivers of the other vehicles as tanks and IFVs of the combined mechanized and armored forces pushed out of the transports and out into the port, weapons blazing at anything that dared to broadcast a hostile IFF.


  • Strill Securities naval formation arrives in system to drop off ground forces.
  • The formation detects hostile ships, uses nagnol gas countermeasure rockets to cover deployment of ground contingent and accompanying units.
  • Ground contingent takes the long route from orbit around the capital to make a port-side water-skimming approach.
  • Jai'galaar-class Fighter-bombers engage Laphisto Laphisto 's AAA walkers with anti-sensor missiles.
  • The transports engage any forces at the port before covering their landing with nagnol gas countermeasure grenades.
  • Ruus' forces disembark and push into the port proper with the intent of getting into the city.




Allies: N/A
Neutral: TAC
Enemies: Valmy Tomo Valmy Tomo


As the shots rang out, the Valkyrie was more than prepared. She partially drew her saber from the auxiliary, intercepting the shots that would have landed. The pink blade burst with fiery energy as the blaster rounds were absorbed rather than reflected. At the same time, Rafaela didn't stay in the same spot and dashed for a space between buildings, moving out of the long open stretch. "Suppose I can't turn down a bit of fun either," she shouted enthusiastically.

They were on the same side and could vaguely sense each other's movements. "Also, who said it was a sob story? I didn't like the woman. I doubt she wanted me to have anything I took. But since she's dead, that makes her stuff mine. Oh, by the way, I thank you for becoming prey, but only five of you will entertain me long enough for a warm-up!" she shouted filled with confidence and a smirk on her lips. Rafaela faced the wall and jumped up, then higher again. Her long black wings with silver flight feathers spread wide, allowing her to glide closely over the tops of the small buildings, which varied between two to three stories.

Rafaela had a good sense of where the one who shot at her was. She landed atop the building the woman had taken cover behind and pulled her wings in tight, knowing that some would have definitely spotted her due to her enormous wingspan. Without a second thought, she stepped over the edge while fully drawing her blade.

The flat pink-red beam, covered in fiery energy, hummed loudly as the woman fell and landed with a meaty thud. "Hey there, so it's my turn," she said with a big grin on her lips, unable to restrain her own enjoyment of the fight. Now, Valmy Tomo Valmy Tomo could lay eyes on the giant Valkyrie. Rafaela stood tall, her dark wings clinging tight to her back, dressed in simple garb. Her ruby eyes, now locked onto the human, seemed to glisten even in the shade.

Given that her armor was on the Drepane and she hadn't brought all her sabers, it felt like she had fun little handicaps. For the Valkyrie, this was just training. In that very moment, her body naturally moved into stance as she charged forward. The woman swung her long lightsaber, its tip boring deep into the building in a horizontal slash aimed at shoulder level.


"Commander Fynch, once we're on the ground, it'd probably be best if you stay behind us. We'll draw fire for you so you can do your thing."

"It won't be long," Fynch insisted. "The Lothal Protectorate was built on the foundation of military service. We trained soldiers with little more than scrap for a hundred years. The instincts never leave you."

And neither did the network. As they hit the ground running, laying down gas to cover their entry, Solarus Fynch drew an item from within his military coat. A simple emergency flare. He struck it across the side of the dropship to light it, lifting the object into the air. Through the smokescreen a faint red light began to shine through. It didn't take long for more flares to respond. Buildings across the capital began to glow with red lights, the flares of brothers and sisters in arms. A rumble began to fill the streets, shaking the windows. Hidden from the carnage, behind doors that were sealed away before the Empire of the Lost invaded after their failed negotiations with one of their moffs, connected to the sewage tunnels that lay below the city. Walls became doorways, crumbling apart to let the remnants of the Protectorate's airforce free.

Fifty ships in total roared to life and rocketed into the sky, twenty-five Death Seeds and twenty-five Y-TIEs. This was all that remained of the Lothal Protectorate's navy, hidden away in reserve while their home was destroyed. Pilots were all veterans, former Riflemen from the Protectorate in her glory days eager to take to the skies one last time. A glorious death fighting for the freedom of their home.

Their comms linked up with Phoenix Command.

<This is Tombstone 1 to Phoenix Command. We're gonna take the heat off your six, give these bastards hell.>

An older man spoke over the comms, one who's face would never be seen on the other end. His voice was gruff, a thick military accent in his tone.

<Just like the good old days. Stick to your squadrons and show'em what we're made of.>

Tombstone Company split off into ten squadrons of five, split between Death Seeds and Y-TIEs. Two squadrons of Y-TIEs pushed ahead, flanked by two squadrons of Death Seeds. Armed with proton torpedoes, the ugly bombers made a run over the Imperial Triumph, engaging the vessel from it's right port side. Ten torpedoes drop. The Deathseeds in turn fanned out around the vessel, firing on the vessel's weaponry.

The remaining squadrons fill in around the rest of Phoenix Command. One Death Seed and one Y-TIE move to cover the Aegis, the Blizzard Class, and the rebel squadron respectively.

<We're gonna take the brunt of their fire. I figure a hell of a lot of us are gonna die too. That's okay. Keep pushing your objective. We've served our time. Lothal's been good to us. Don't let her burn a second time.>

There's a pause in the radio chatter for a moment.

<Let the Commander know it wasn't his fault when all of this is over.>

On the ground, Fynch followed Ruus closely, catching up to the Mandalorian Warrior. A Plasma-caster was mounted on his wrist, courtesy of an old deal he had made with Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla on behalf of the Protectorate.

"I'm moving with you, Kote," he stated. "I must stand down death once more."

Tombstone Company:
  • 10 Squadrons emerge from the city (5 of 5 Death Seeds and 5 of 5 Y-TIEs)
  • 2 Y-TIE squadrons engage Imperial Triumph and drop proton torpedo payload.
  • 2 Death Seed squadrons fan out around and engage Imperial Triumph.
  • 1 Death Seed and 1 Y-TIE squadron reinforce Aegis.
  • 1 Death Seed and 1 Y-TIE squadron reinforce Blizzard Class.
  • 1 Death Seed and 1 Y-TIE squadron reinforce Rebel Squadron.

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Phoenix Command

Fleet Coordination and Combat Actions

  • Engagement Command: Vipers are engaged, prioritize enemy fighters targeting Phoenix Command's forces.
  • Air Strike Coordination: Ebonrays, Phantomrays, and Jairs to conduct strafing runs with B-Zeros held in reserve until the skies are clear.
  • Reinforcement Acknowledgment: Commander Clawe is informed that allied reinforcements have arrived, adding heavy support to the battle.

Tactics and Maneuvers

  • Flanking Maneuver: Ghost Vipers execute a flanking maneuver on the enemy TIE Vipers, boxing them in between the air strike team and 120 Ghost Vipers.
  • Final Convergence: Ghost Vipers split into two waves to converge on enemy fighters from opposite sides, creating a crossfire and overwhelming the TIE Vipers.

Communication with Allies

  • Ally Support: Thanked newly arrived allies (Lothal Protectorate) for their timely arrival, with a cheeky tone and encouragement to join the battle.
  • Support Boat Deployment: Tuitio Support Boats are redirected to assist the Uglies (Death Seeds and Y-TIEs) in their bombing run and provide cover.

Damage and Defensive Responses

  • Damage Acknowledgment: Imperial Triumph and corvettes (Hunter & Predator) inflict significant damage on Phoenix Command's Aranar-class Battlecruiser and Aegis. Annihilator's assault on Blizzard-class Heavy Starcarrier causes armor breach.

Ramming and Boarding Preparation

  • Target the Flagship: Concentrate fire on the Imperial Hammer Flagship to prepare for a ramming maneuver by Mother Shark.
  • Boarding Readiness: Boarding teams are ordered to prepare for immediate action following the ramming maneuver, with Zane Harlock leading the charge.
  • Weapons Focus: Gibit commands all guns to target weak spots on the Imperial Hammer Flagship, clearing the way for the Mother Shark's ramming maneuver.

Phoenix Command to All Units:

Vipers are engaged. Prioritize enemy fighters targeting our forces. Cover the Ebonrays, Phantomrays, and Jairs during their strafing runs. Adjust tactics as needed. B-Zeros are on reserve until skies are clear. Strafing runs will commence in approximately 7 minutes or less.

Commander Clawe; Be advised, the cavalry's arrived. Allied reinforcements have entered the battle zone. Expect additional heavy support in the skies and on the ground. Coordinate with them for maximum impact.

Phoenix Command, out.

The skies above Lothal lit up as Phoenix Command's Ebonrays, Phantomrays, and Jairs clashed with incoming TIE Vipers. Sleek black ships darted through the night, trailing cerulean light like falling stars.

Ghost Vipers flanked the enemy from behind, their green bolts cutting through the darkness. Trapped between the air strike and 120 Ghost Vipers, the TIE Vipers appeared outnumbered and outmaneuvered, facing what seemed like an unstoppable onslaught.

In a final move, the Ghost Vipers split into two waves, converging from opposite sides. The night sky became a kaleidoscope of red, blue, orange, and green as they boxed in the enemy fighters.

The TIE Vipers, outnumbered and overwhelmed, might find it difficult to break free, seemingly ensnared in a web of firepower.

Grax Tolwin (Communications Officer):

Ruus Kote Ruus Kote "Phoenix Command to newly arrived allies—Thanks for dropping in! Just in time for the fireworks. We've got plenty of bad guys to go around, so grab a seat and enjoy the show... or, you know, help us blow them out of the sky. Much appreciated!"

Sayno Clawe Sayno Clawe "Phoenix Command to Commander Clawe—Calvary's here, big boys are joining the party! Fifty ships just popped up like they never left. Got some Death Seeds and Y-TIEs from the Lothal Protectorate dusting off their cobwebs and heading into the fray. Should be a good show."

(After a moment, Grax switches to the allied channel with his usual cheeky tone.)

Fynch Fynch "Phoenix Command to Protectorate—Welcome back to the skies, old-timers! We'll try to save you some targets, but no promises. Thanks for the backup—now let's show these Imps what Lothal's made of!"

Grax Tolwin (Communications Officer): "Phoenix Command to Tuitio Support Boats—redirect to assist the Uglies! They're pushing hard, and we need to keep them in the fight. Provide cover and support; make sure they reach their targets!"

Kip (Pilot): "Tuitios, you're on escort duty. Keep those Uglies safe and ensure their strikes hit hard. We've got their backs—let's give 'em the support they need!"

As the battle raged in orbit, the Imperial Triumph unleashed a relentless barrage against the Aranar-class Orbital Defense Battlecruiser. The ship's shields flared under the onslaught, struggling to absorb the powerful blasts, and several sections shimmered as the energy dissipated. The Hunter and Predator corvettes zeroed in on the Aegis, their combined firepower tearing into its defenses.

Meanwhile, the Annihilator directed its fury at the Blizzard-class Heavy Starcarrier. The impact of the first volley sent tremors through the ship, and armor plates were ripped away, exposing vulnerable sections to further attack. Despite the damage, the Starcarrier pressed on, her crew working tirelessly to maintain her position in the battle.

Grax Tolwin (Communications Officer): "Phoenix Command to all units, concentrate fire on the Imperial Hammer Flagship. We're softening them up for a ramming maneuver. Mother Shark is ready to dance!"

Zane Harlock (Security Officer): "Boarding teams, hold tight! As soon as we're in, we hit them fast and hard. The Shark's gonna make this look easy!"

Gibit (Weapons Specialist): "Yub nub! All guns, target their weak spots! Let's tear through their hull and clear the way for the Shark. Time to show them what we can do!"
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High Commander of the Lilaste Order

Objective III: Defend the city
Opposition: The Tingel Arm Coalition/center]
Equipment: Broad Saber, LO-56A MKII, armor
Forces: Tarrians sword [576 soldiers] alongside the 201st Mechanized Company
AT-AE MKII [14. 6 MassDriver, 3 with LO-21/AAA 2 with LO-22/AP 3 with LO-24/AT]
Laphisto. talking with Shem Spinner Shem Spinner
Laphisto felt Shem Spinner Shem Spinner before he landed. His lone ear perking upright as he turned around to face them. He had expected a confrontation. But when the avian spoke, laphisto gave a small chuckle, his eyes flashing with a teal blue as he peered into the man through the force. poking and gathering thier alignment to teh force. Almost as soon as he had landed the LO-27 LMG next swiveled to face the force user, the Lilaste soldier ready to put several decent sized holes through them - or least attempt to- that is until laphisto held up a hand and spoke, his eyes still glowing with that teal color "stand down sergeant. If he was going to attack you would have been the first casualty." flicking his gaze back up towards shem the teal blue glow faded and Laphisto immediately reached his free hand up in a wince grabbing at the bridge of his nose and shaking his head softly " how can I help you master Jedi?" laphisto kept his saber ignited. They were in an active war zone, after all, and he might need to step in once again to prevent more deaths to his men.
" If you are here to collect on my sentence, I must inform you that Matsu Ike Matsu Ike of the Silver Jedi concordat already granted my freedom. I am no longer a prisoner to the Jedi order." perking his lone ear once again laphisto turned around, facing his back to the Jedi, either as a sign of trust or arrogance remained to be seen, but not soon after, laphisto reached out with the force sensing the rocket barrage once again. With a small frown, laphisto reached forwards once again, this time he was prepared for them.

With a small grunted growl, Laphisto pulled seven of the rockets off course. Slamming four of them into each other and having them destroy themselves. With the three having their darts and payload, veered off course into the dirt or wall. While the main gunners of the AT-AE walkers fired a mixture of rotary guns and blaster cannons at the other missiles, destroying another nine missiles. Causing four missiles to hit their targets. Two of the struck walkers ricocheting the darts due to their angle. While an AP walker and a Mass Driver walker took direct hits. The frontal section of the AP walker going up in flames. With the cockpit being destroyed. The walker fell forwards, and the infantry began to poor out and scatter among the remaining walkers.

Dusting himself off slightly, laphisto cleared his throat to speak " no-" and imeediatly his hand rushed up towards his head with a wince and a small growl eyes forcing themselves closed, face and head twitching slightly as his Battle Precognition, flashed visions acrossed his mind causing him to wince slightly before then shaking his head and blinking a few times. holding a finger up towards the jefi " one moment." pulling his vambrace over he clicked open his comms " AAA walkers face your guns north west 75 degrees, machine gunnsers prepare to take out a barrage of missiles heading for our walekrs. " Turning back to Shem laphisto gave a small bow towards the jedi " my apologies, where were we?"

Lilaste Forces
Frontal Force:
Shields | Hull | Remaining #

[AT-AE MKII] [Mass Driver]

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataSensor Jammed
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataHeavy Damage
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataDestroyed

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker Data
Weapon Data
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker Data
Weapon Data
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker Data
Weapon Data
Heavy Damage
[AT-AE] [AP]

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker Data
Weapon Data
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker Data
Weapon Data
Critical. cockpit destroyed
[AT-AE] [AT]

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker Data
Weapon Data
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker Data
Weapon Data
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker Data
Weapon Data

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataLeg Crippled
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataLegged out of battle
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataHealthy

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Tank DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Tank Datapowered down
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Tank DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Tank DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Tank DataPowered down
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Tank DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Tank DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Tank DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Tank DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Tank DataPowered down
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Tank DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Tank DataHealthy
[SF] Tarians Sword

Technical dataTotal Number
Infantry Data519

with the main missile threat done with the AT-AE Walkers continued to hammer the enemy cougars. Lobbing EMP and Cryo/thermal shells into their shields with the MSW's following up with APCBC shells. the duality of the shots aimed at taking down the shields and them immediately pummeling the armor with heavy hitting cryo/thermal and armor piercing shells. the Cryo/thermal-based shells designed to quickly freeze and then quickly heat the metal weakining spots for the Armor piercing shells to punch through the armor. and destroy the tanks.

as the Ion burst shells began to rain down upon AT-MSW and HT900 tanks would be resilient, but a few of them from the constant barrage would lose their shields and subsequently power down the drivers quickly trying to restart their main systems to get back into the fight heavy slug rounds from main cannons and heavy machine guns rained down upon the enemy formation. as the mass driver and MSW walkers began to fire the AAA walkers began to turn. a few of the walkers climing themselves against the side of the wall to get a better elevation/ depression on their main gun to fire offesivly against the fighter bombers deployed by Ruus Kote Ruus Kote . the slug thrower chain guns spinning up and unleashing a torrent of rounds towards the missiles and bomber craft . with the early warning, only five of the designated twelve missiles went off. the three missiles smashing into the side of the walker that was still spinning out of control. until it managed to fall down the wall. Tumbling along its side and then smashing into the floor below. and the other two smashing into the side of a mass driver walker

the wall shook and vibrated sending cracks running along the formation the AT-AE walker's magnetic feet auto-locking onto the floor as an automated mag locks engaged keeping the walkers secure and preventing the walekrs from falling over. over the comms Commander tarian spoke out " incoming fighters. if any of those birds go down i want a medical team dispatched to find the pilots and make sure they are alright. take them into Order custody before the EOTL can get their hands on them."

Rear Flank:
Shields | Hull

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Speeder DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Speeder DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Speeder DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Speeder DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Speeder DataDriver knocked out
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Speeder DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Speeder DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Speeder DataCrashed/ destroyed
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Speeder DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Speeder DataDamaged stabilizer
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Speeder DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Speeder DataDriver knocked out
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Speeder DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Speeder DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Speeder DataHealthy

the speeders rushed from the rear of the enemy tank formation firing rapid fire blaster cannons, aiming at the chain laser guns to give suppressing fire on the gunners, to protect themselves but as they approached inevitably they began to take serious hits. while the bikes were fast the drivers themselves didnt have any sort of true protection, so it was inevitable when two drivers got knocked off their bikes, causing the vehicle to go slamming into the legs of the tiger walkers sending a ball of smoke and flame spiraling into the air and shrapnel and debris following suit. The biker pilots would go tumbling crossed the planet's surface before stopping motionless in the dirt.

now running through the enemy formation, the biker pilots began to plant magnetic/ sticky satchel charges on the sides of Cougars, pumas and panthacs as they sped by. Aiming for soft under bellys/ tops and leg actuators to cripple walkers. the timed fuse going off only a moment later. with teh bikers swerving to and fro one wound up crashing into a Bobcat's leg sending him to go up in a plume of smoke and flames and another smashed against the side of a puma, damaging his bike.

as the bikes approached the front of the enemy formation, they spotted mortar teams and proceeded to run through them, firing off heavy blaster fire before trying to run them over. The bikes continued to swerve in and out of the enemy formation despite running out of satchel charges.

Right Flank:
Shields | Hull

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataaHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker Datawounded
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataDestroyed
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker DataHealthy
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Walker Dataleg wounded

The AT-SW walkers continued to fire upon the cougars, seeming to take the tanks as a priority due to their missile payload. Unlike the rebel forces, the walkers focused fire on one target, aiming to destroy it before moving onto the next. as the unit moved forwards, they began to rush forwards towards the tanks. Closing the distance quickly as they advanced. Only firing their missile payload when they saw that shields had failed.

if the tanks refused to pick up and move out of the way the drivers of the AT-SW's were more than prepared to run over the top of the tanks and fire several salvos of blaster rounds through the tops of their armor. the walkers moved and zagged back and forth to try and avoid as much oncoming fire as possible
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" my apologies, where were we?"

Shem remained relaxed throughout the bombardment, the Rishi offering little in reaction. He had an ally in the Force. That was enough to carry him through the day.

"I have no interest in whatever sentence you served," Shem stated. "You speak of it like it's ancient history, no? I've not come to dwell on the past. I serve the living of the present. You stand as a matter of great importance."

The Rishi turned, looking out on the battle. By now it would be clear that this was no simple Rebellion. This was a movement, unified planets rising to the challenge of Imperial control with a desire to free their homes and continue to govern their own future. Still, he had felt an uncertainty in the heart of the draconic man. What he was unsure of, but he would find out what it was.

"Something in your heart pushes you to be here and fight for the Imperial hand," he noted, perhaps even wistfully. "I have seen a premonition of a possible fate, not yet decided. This swirling has the chance to bring with it great suffering, both to those who seek to free their home and those who are too young to understand what occurs around them. You do all this because you believe that the Empire of the Lost may help you achieve something, yes?"

Shem turned back.

"They are a force of chaos. When Lothal stated she wished to remain independent they rained fire upon her, subjugated her with brutal force. Now they face an Outer Rim which seeks to unify." The Rishi gave a tilt of his avian head. "And consider their defeat at the hands of the Sith Order. Does crushing freedom truly provide the best path for what you seek?"

There was a way out of this that spared lives, both of the civilians of Lothal and the men who followed the draconic commander. Shem could feel the branch as it ebbed through the Force, guiding his tongue. He knew it was there. It was only a matter of expanding the minds of others to see it.

"I want to see the children of Lothal have a brighter future," Shem affirmed, "And I want a path that sees your casualties cease. The Tingel Arm Coalition has put forth an ambition I cannot deny. Freedom from the slave markets of Zygerria to the mines of Kessel. Systems are unifying to restore peace and independence. You do not seem to be of the Imperial brood. My hope is that these are not ambitions you seek to oppose."

Shem extended his winged hand.

"Do not consider me a Jedi. I am mearly a man before you, extending the hand of friendship. Let me provide you aid in facing that which you prepare for, an oath upon my honor as a warrior. There's a bright future before us that does not end in bloodshed. Not here."

He was certain of it.

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Location: Bridge of the Imerial Hammer in orbit above Lothal
Tags: DM Player-Slayer DM Player-Slayer | Fynch Fynch


”Admiral Rimmer, more signals have dropped in from hyperspace. Mandalorian designations. Three carriers and two cruisers. the voice of the comm officer informed the fleet commander. ”Looks like they are ignoring us for now and making to support the surface”

”Fighters inbound from the surface. Looks like five squadrons heading to reinforce the enemy fleet,” came the same voice only from the sensors station.

”What the hell has the Grandmaster gotten us into Admiral?” the XO responded in a panic.

Rimmer looked at his XO and growled. He then turned to the comm officer. ”Open a fleetwide channel,” the aging Admiral barked loudly and the clone comm officer nodded without a blink when the action was complete. ”This sector is far hotter than anticipated. It is time to begin a strategic retreat. Captain of the Berserker, you are to escort The Imperial Paramount to the quickest escape vector to rally point Resh. And get moving NOW!” Rimmer was fuming this was supposed to be a simple transport and evac mission. But he had to hold things together for the betterment of his fleet. He cut the fleet comm and composed himself before issuing his next orders.

”Admiral, we’ve become the main target for the enemy fleet,” the sensors officer relayed to the commander. ”And our Vipers are dropping like flies!”

”Recall all fighters that are able to disengage.” Admiral spit out loudly. ”Shift all energy to shields and defensive batteries. We’re playing a game of survival now.” He then nodded to the comm officer who knew that meant to open the fleet channel again and returned the nod. Imperial Triumph, Hunter and Predator disengage and rendez-vous with the Hammer and Patriot at checkpoint Zerek.”

”But Admiral, we’re doing damage to the enemy,” came an unknown voice, presumably one of the Captains of the attacking ships.

”Then you can continue to do damage, Captain, as long as your ship makes it to checkpoint Zerek without delays!” Rimmer growled in response. With the Hammer now seemingly the focus of the enemy attacks, the Imperial Triumph, Hunter and Predator made good progress towards the rendez-vous spot. The Annihilator continued to doll out damage, slowing its retreat and ultimately the existing fleet combined with the supporting fighters from the surface landed a series of hits that had the Corvette go dead in space.

  • Facing overwhelming odds Strike Fleet consolidates for strategic retreat
    • Imperial Paramount with Berserker as escort makes an immediate withdrawal from the combat zone.
    • Imperial Hammer fends off fighter attacks while maneuvering to join the remaining fleet.
    • Imperial Patriot regroups with fleet and begins recalling available fighters
    • Imperial Triumph, Hunter & Predator - Disengage from fighting to regroup with rest of the fleet
    • Annihilator - Takes heavy damage and is floating idle in space, escape pods are launched.

Strill Securities

Strill Securities NPC Account

Friendly Units:
NF-01 Nano-flares loaded in countermeasure launchers formation wide.



Units in Reserve: The rest of the company, all too far away or too preoccupied to respond
Ally Tag(s): DM Player-Slayer DM Player-Slayer | Fynch Fynch } Any other TAC Naval Assets I missed
Enemy Tag(s): Hammer of the Lost Hammer of the Lost | Any EotL Naval Assets I missed

Continuing from Ruus Kote Ruus Kote 's post.
"Incoming comms from the allied formation, alor," chirped his Verpine communications officer, Vix. Vix knew better than to wait to ask if he wanted it patched through if he wasn't preoccupied and so did so. Kal saw the IFF marked them as 'Phoenix Command'. He didn't have the pleasure of knowing who they were, but he recognized a number of Gred designs among their formation. Likely purchased, even splintered as they were in this day and age, it was more than likely he'd have known if they were Mandalorians or indeed from House Gred itself. Company intel tended to be pretty decent like that.

"Phoenix Command to newly arrived allies—Thanks for dropping in! Just in time for the fireworks. We've got plenty of bad guys to go around, so grab a seat and enjoy the show... or, you know, help us blow them out of the sky. Much appreciated!"

"This is Strill Securities Captain Kal Netra on the Adenn Kyram, we'll give them something else to worry about. Sending data sync handshake protocol, please accept, should help us get rid of them faster. You'll see what we see, and we'll see what you see," he transmitted back. The enemy fleet was far from considerable, even if they had reinforcements inbound, he was confident that they could in the very least hold their positions and help prevent a diversionary attack on their allies.

"Hostiles on intercept vector with friendly forces, Alor'ad," announced his operations officer, Dral Kote. Kal could see the graphical representation of the enemy ships on the main tactical interface. Kal was almost sure that this was a diversion. An attempt to keep friendly forces from providing orbital fire support. Kal didn't know how the situation on the ground was, but holding that orbit was going to give them an advantage that they could ill-afford to give up.

Kal took a breath, cracking his fingers before his gauntleted hands flew across the Manda's interface, issuing orders to the formation as he repeated them verbally to his crew, not because he had to, but mostly because despite how much technology changed, Kal was still his father's son. "Charge main battery, let's remind these shabuire we mean business. Move us to maximum engagement range and bring guns to bear. Lock jamming beams, let's see how good the electronics are on that boat. Skip the gas cloud barrier, we want their attention on us." A chorus of "Elek, Alor'ad" answered him.

The Adenn Kyram's deck plating vibrated beneath his boots as every turret that could adjust its relative position inside its armored bunker to bring themselves to bear on target opened fire, spitting ion energy torpedo sheathed HEIAP rounds, Class-D disruptor bolts and ion energy torpedoes at the enemy flagship ( Hammer of the Lost Hammer of the Lost ). The Adenn Kyram was soon joined by the other ships of the formation as deadly weapons fire lit up the dark void of space with its brilliant, dazzling lethal display. "Alor, enemy ships appear to be withdrawing," observed Dral.

In the time it had taken them to maneuver into position to fire, the enemy commander had decided to withdraw./ Smart, he would have made the same choice were he in his position. There was nothing he could do for his forces on the ground now. He gave the order to cease fire over the Manda before repeating the same verbally, "Cease fire. Keep them targeted, but they've had enough." Their time would come later. Kal had a feeling that one way or another, this wasn't the last that they'd seen of these ships.

Fleet Action Summary

  • Strill Securities naval detachment starts charging main battery, current charge is at 33%.
  • Strill Securities naval detachment all target the Imperial Hammer H Hammer , engaging with all gun batteries and heavy jamming beams. About 2/3rd of the weapons can be brought to bear on target.
  • All ships cease firing once they realize the Empire of the Lost ships are withdrawing, but maintaining targeting lock.



Objective: III - The March Home
Location: Tangletown, Lothal
Equipment: In Bio
Callsign: Face
Entourage: Spike, Whiskers, two redshirt squadmates
Tags: Rafaela Pellax Rafaela Pellax


The target wasn’t going to run, Valmy thought with a smirk as she heard the voice respond to her challenge and her shots. Valmy still was not able to lockdown a location of her mark, but she was pretty sure that the target was on the move, which meant that her shots were close enough to rile things up a bit. ”Good. I’d hate to think that we came all the way out here for a mass grave and to break our speeder. Fun doesn’t amount to many credits, unless once I track you down you’re some high value target.” This made Valmy wonder. What if this woman she was after did have a good sized bounty on her? Valmy always said that fun and credits was the best case scenario for a mission.

The answer to Valmy’s statement about this visit having some emotional attachment for the target was not what Valmy was hoping to hear. Detachment meant there was not much keeping the woman in the town. More than likely she had already taken whatever she intended to and the squad’s appearance was an inconvenience. The fact that the target didn’t just up and leave told Valmy that she was good. ”I think you’ll find me more than just a little warm up. Maybe you start with the others and see what happens when you get to the main event?” Valmy chuckled, heard some movement pivoted and took a wild shot in the direction of the sound. She knew that her squad was not in the path of her shot, but also knew hitting her target was a very long shot.

From her position Valmy had no clue that the target had taken flight. Her eyes continued to dart around the scene and ears listening intently for some sign of the target’s whereabouts. Valmy swore she heard something above her head, but that just didn’t make sense. ”Face. Target can fly! She’s above you!” Delight called out.

Valmy didn’t have time to react to the warning before the target was in front of her, turning the tables quite easily it seemed. ”So it is I guess,” Valmy responded to the call tale of who was in control. She knew that even if she could get her rifle pointed at the target quick enough the range wasn’t right, and the target was carrying a blade of some sort. Valmy released her rifle and let it hang from the strap on her shoulder. She looked Rafaela Pellax Rafaela Pellax up and down, more up than down as things were. She smiled as she kept eyes on her foe and slowly moved her hand towards her vibroblade. ”You say you have a husband? That’s a shame there is more than one form of fun that can be had in this galaxy,” Valmy flirted closing with a wink before Valmy quickly ducked out of the path of the lightsaber. Her hand now closed around the handle of her vibroblade and she pulled it free of the scabbard. Close quarters was not something that Valmy preferred or excelled at. But it was better than dying.

Spike was finally able to track the target and rushed to where Valmy and Rafaela had met. He fired his weapon wildly in disbelief that the pink-haired squad leader was flirting. ”Do you take anything sssseriousssly Face?” he called out hoping the cover fire would give time for Valmy to get out from imminent danger.

That was not in Valmy’s thoughts. She lashed her blade out at Rafaela’s thigh with an excited chuckle. ”I’m Valmy by the way. You got a name?”
Will Smash Heads for Beer
Objective: III - The March Home
Location: Aboard the Imperial Hammer, in the hangar bay, en route to Lothal.
Equipment FAE/A-11 Imperial Stormtrooper Armor, IG-16 Blaster Carbine, IG-14 Blaster Pistol, x4 Thermal Detonators

Ami had to snort laughing at the big guy's nickname for her. Carrots eh? At least that was an original one, many people who remarked on Ami's hair color usually ended on their ass with a broken nose or a broken jaw. Sometimes both. "Sure Tiny," Ami said. "When the shooting starts, I'll just use ya as a human shield."

Those are what Imperial Paragons were right? A bunch of glory hungry Blaster sponges. A few minutes into the battle and already Ami was showered by Blaster bolts, a welcome sight to see somebody shooting at her again. "Hey Tiny!" Ami said beginning to fire back at the enemy. "Let's make this interesting! If I kill more of these rebel bastards than you owe me a drink!"

Ami took out one of her Thermal Detonators throwing it at the wave of enemies. The grenade exploded taking out at least 5 enemies. "Quintuple kill motherfracker!" Ami yelled firing her Carbine. "Get on my level ya Tin can!"

Dieter Kovasch Dieter Kovasch


Objective III: Take the Capital City
Location: TAC Forward Command Outpost
Allies: The Tingel Arm Coalition
Opposition: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas
Armour: Field Apparel
Weapons: Lightsaber & K-16 Bryar Pistol


They rushed out from behind the Armoured Personnel Carrier as Rebel Soldiers laid down covering fire, though their aim was sporadic, and it was evident that they were unaware of the sharpshooter's exact position. Balun Dashiell followed closely behind Rossisai Linsla as they fled toward the command centre in full flight.

The Force called to him, his senses silently screaming within, a warning cry from the ethereal veil that demanded Balun's attention. As they ran, he turned to glance back over his shoulder, and at that very moment, he both heard and felt the whip of something unseen brush past his cheek, followed by a thick slap and the feeling that the left side of his face had been sprayed by something wet.

Rossisai Linsla slowed, though Balun didn't have the time to discover the cause. They collided, and both came crashing to the ground just shy of the Command Centre's doorway. Shouting erupted around them, other Rebels rushing to the pair. He turned to look across to Linsla, who lay on his side. When he met the man's gaze, he found it hollow. Dread pitted in the gut of his stomach. Rossisai's hair was thickly dark with matted blood. His skull was misshapen at the temple, and his skin was stained red.

"Man down! Medic!!" one of the Rebels shouted as they rushed to Rossisai Linsla's body.

Balun's throat ran tight, his eyes unable to leave the lifeless gaze of Linsla's as the dead man stared back at him. Time felt like it slowed as shock set in. War was ugly, yet this was Balun's second battle. The Soldiers around him were far more experienced. Linsla had been an impressive strategist. Now, he lay dead before the young man.

A hand grabbed his right arm tightly, and Balun was being pulled to his feet before he knew it. "Get off your arse Dashiell!" La'das Beiran exclaimed, a Rebel among the Tingel Arm Coalition and one who shared a home at The Nest on Maldra IV, "There's nothing you can do for Linsla but find that son'uva bantha. C'mon!" Beiran encouraged him with a firm pat to the back, more of an open-palmed hit to bring Balun back to reality.

Balun followed, silently at first as he tried to shake himself. He thought he had been the one hit by the sharpshooter first, then he had seen Linsla. Part of him felt relieved, and yet he felt terrible for it. "Where are they?" He asked as they moved to join five other rebels heading towards the nearby refinery complex.

"We can't confirm, but the Refinery's the best bet. It's closest to the base and leads deeper into the Industrial quarter. Our order's are to sweep and clear and we can sure as chit use your help Jedi" La'das Beiran replied, gradually quickening his pace into a jog alongside the rest of the rebel squad, with Balun following in tow.

"I told you, I'm no Jedi", Balun retorted, a brief pause as his grasp around his lightsaber hilt tightened; "But I'm with you", he concluded. Linsla's dead gaze was still so fresh in his mind, and Balun was still running on the adrenaline and the shock from the sight. He wanted justice for the man's death. Justice that felt awfully a lot like revenge.


Objective: III - The March Home
Location: Imperial Information Network news room, Lianna
Tags: Bella Bella | V Val Valerson V Val Valerson



”Alright folks, where are we at with the Lothal and Dac situations?” I called out angrily. We’d been working non-stop and I wasn’t confident the people I had surrounded myself with were actually capable of getting me what I wanted. I wasn’t a journalist. I studied political sciences at The University of Rudrig, I pushed my way in as the head of the IIN because I wanted to manipulate the storyline of the Empire. Make sure that the average Joe knew what the Empire was doing for them.

”Sir,” one of my underlings spoke up. ”The fighting above Dac has made getting someone from off planet impossible. Civilian communication is next to nothing. We managed to get an investigative reporter on the ground on Lothal. And We may have a way to communicate with the Baroness.”

”Well. That is half-way there. Keep working on a Dac connection. I’m not going to have some crazy Mando crackpot journalist bust a blockade and scoop us on the condition of Dac,” I called out emphatically. ”Everything that comes from the Lothal contacts comes straight to me and then to the news floor and onto the air. We’re going to lead the news on this with the correct message for the Empire and its citizens.” Of course these schmucks didn’t need to know that I was going to decide what the citizens saw and heard based on what would make the Empire look the best.

”Now. Details about how to contact the Baroness…” I said in a leading tone staring at the reporter or producer that had brought it to my attention.

”Um, I don’t know the specifics, the underling started unsure of himself. ”But one of our tech guys is pretty sure that he can get into one of the Baroness’ implants and feed her information.”

”Excellent,” I said, bringing my hands together forming a peak with my wrists on the table and fingertips meeting. ”Do it! I then turned to the first one that had the initial bio on our rogue interviewer. ”As soon as the connection is established, give the Baroness the ammunition she needs to put this blue-faced farce in the journalistic graveyard if needed.”

”Yes, sir. I’m on it. Just give me the word. I’ve…”

”No. I changed my mind. Give me the information. I’ll decide what the Baroness should know.” The journalist glared at me but he relented and turned over his datapad with the info on Valerson. The first who gave the news of a possible connection to Bella handed over a headset. I smiled and quickly put the headset on, only to be met by a good amount of static was all that I could hear. And it wasn’t like I could ask her to confirm the connection. ”Baroness. Not sure you can hear. I am Geldard, head of the Imperial Information Network. I had my people dig into your interviewer. I cannot confirm, but we’re ninety percent sure he is Brarodr'kya'ili, a black balled reporter from the Core. We can confirm that he’s nothing more than a tabloid hack. He is besmirching our great Emperor for nothing more than clicks. And even worse, he earns additional credits by selling questionable nutritional supplements.” I needed more than that. But that was the job of my people. Once I had confirmation that the Baroness had heard my message I would demand more.
Horsey Imperial Crusader Captain


Objective: III | The March Home
Location: Dooniun mine, Lothal
Equipment: Tags: Kaska Bastee


As Zoltidas charged the woman in metallic armor he could tell she was no simple soldier. And he delighted when his helmet’s HUD zoomed in on her based on his mere thoughts and he saw the look of dread on her face when she realized that the train was a trap about to be triggered. She called out for her soldiers to clear away from the train, but she had to save herself first. Zoltidas didn’t care about the fate of her troops, or his own for that matter. The Crusader’s red eyes now burned with intent to run this woman through. He’d clean up the rest later.

Zoltidas put all the might of each of his four legs into his charge. There was a loud growl bellowed from Zoltidas’ chest as she raised a pistol and fired. Sure Zoltidas used a bowcaster when the situation dictated such, but he was hoping this woman would provide a much more cathartic fight than the jumping around and random shots that a blaster fight would require. As the projectiles got closer it was a bit amusing that they were not energy bolts but slugs. One missed wildly, another hit Zoltidas’ shoulder, but merely clanked against his armor. Whether it fell harmlessly to the ground or was lodged there, Zoltidas didn’t know. But it didn’t seem to be explosive, so that wasn’t much of a concern. The last shot was destroyed by his great saber.

With great satisfaction to the Chironian once the initial shots proved less than lethal, a bright light ignited from the woman’s hand, the unmistakable glow of a lightsaber. Zoltidas was going to get the fight that he wanted. The ground between them disappeared quickly with Zoltidas at a steady gallop. At the last moment he slowed by skidding on all four hooves, bringing his great saber over his head and striking down with tremendous fury.
Location: Propaganda Room, Rebuilt Imperial Complex - Lothal
Objective: III - The March Home
Sub-Objective: Endure an Interview
Tag: V Val Valerson V Val Valerson Geldard Deldith Geldard Deldith

Even within the confines of the studio, it was almost impossible for Bella to ignore the battle transpiring outside. Rippling beats of laser cannon fire, the low howl of ion engines, artillery discharges so potent that they almost seemed to rock the floor, and yet more cacophonous, yet muffled notes of war echoed within her montrals as the camera crews exchanged nervous glances, silently hoping that the Complex wasn’t strafed or bombarded.

Still, such concerns were ultimately secondary to the present battle Bella found herself caught within—not a dogfight between dancing starfighters, a lightfight between soldiers, a saber clash between Force wielders, but something else entirely.

A duel for the narrative.

Valerson played another recording, this time of a rousing pre-battle address from the Emperor. This time, Bella remained unfazed, her features set in an icy, glowering expression as the Emperor’s voice echoed against her montrals.

“Such rousing speeches carry exaggerations by nature. They are quite normal elements of pre-battle addresses as a means of increasing morale and aggression in combat. Anyone who has ever fought in a war or even been part of a military organization would understand that these promises are little more than hyperboles meant to convey the gravity of a coming battle. In this case, the Empire is being invaded by a faction of extremist rebels who bring with them corruption, waste, and needless destruction.” Bella declared. “Of course, I trust that you would condemn these terrorists in the strongest possible terms, Mr. Valerson?” The Togruta questioned.

Then, came the voice of another, which was by some means transmitted directly to the transparent head sleeve phones worn over her montrals, so that no one but her could hear it. And it was a voice entirely unexpected.

”Baroness. Not sure you can hear. I am Geldard, head of the Imperial Information Network. I had my people dig into your interviewer. I cannot confirm, but we’re ninety percent sure he is Brarodr'kya'ili, a black balled reporter from the Core. We can confirm that he’s nothing more than a tabloid hack. He is besmirching our great Emperor for nothing more than clicks. And even worse, he earns additional credits by selling questionable nutritional supplements.”

“And once again, the credibility of your initial recording remains in question.” Bella pressed, her features slowly forming a wicked, wide-eyed expression as she spoke. “You claim that you trust your source. I accept that. However, I am compelled to question your judgement, since I know what else you trust, Mr. Valerson.” The Togruta paused, her montrals twitching with predatory anticipation as her words settled in the air. “Snake oil nutritional supplements made by quack healers looking to make a quick credit! And you trust these supplements so much that you help sell them to the sick and the desperate!” She hissed.

“I see now why you trust the Jawa who gave you that fake recording.”

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