Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[Rebellion] Have Fun Storming the Castle! | AoC's Rebellion of ORC's Zonju V

Zak Amroth

Objective: Explosive Entrance
Location: Crashing (into Castle)
Allies: ORC, [member="Cotan Sar'andor"], [member="KLR-13"], [member="Frielle Kinniak"]
Enemies: AoC, [member="Scherezade deWinter"], [member="William the Bloody"], [member="Renn Garrick"]
That One Guy: [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]

"Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!" Zak hollered into his headset, "I've lost main engine power!"

"Copy that, Sheriff. What hit you? Surface flak or enemy craft?"

"Uhh....neither," the young kiffar mumbled sheepishly, "Technical malfunction."

"....copy. Can you make it to Clarke-Porras?"

Sheriff Amroth strained against the controls. It was no use. Everything was completely non responsive. His astromech tweetled out something annoying about running a pre-flight check for once and the Judge cursed the little droid out in half a dozen different trade languages. The interceptor was starting to pull into a dive, and when he looked out the cockpit he saw a majestic looking miniature palace slowly begin to grow bigger and bigger before his very eyes. He was beginning to suspect that he might have a problem here.

"That's a negative, ghost rider."

It was time to cut his losses. Saying a prayer for yet another astromech killed in action Zak grabbed the starfighter's ejector stick and yanked back. Nothing happened. He tried again. Still no response. Okay, that was definitely a problem. With precious little time before impact and even fewer options, the Judge fell back on all his training and experience to guide his next actions purely on instinct. He began to scream.

The next thing he knew he was slowly regaining consciousness. His ship was on fire and there was a crack in the canopy but his cockpit was more or less intact. Zak couldn't say the same for the upper level of the palace which had 'broken' his fall. After regaining his senses the sheriff planted both boots against cracked transparisteel and kicked out hard. He stumbled out of the shattered fighter and inhaled a lungful of smoke before staggering down the corridor in search of safety.

"Lieutenant Commander Kinniak," Marshal Tyrosus' voice rumbled over comms, his holographic representation pacing back and forth on the bridge of the Elim Garza, "Your task force will assemble a military blockade around the planet. His majesty has discovered some unexpected allies. I want him brought to justice, not on the run and in exile."

"The king must not escape."

"Marshal?" one of his bridge officers asked, "What about the enemy boarders?"

"We will handle that ourselves."

He flashed his crew a look which left little doubt that there would be serious consequences if they could not.

Crew: 8 buff guys wearing fancy shirts outside
Loadout: My beating heart
Allies: [member="Jai'galaar Gred"] (?) [member="Celiana"] (Don't look over here, ssssh)
Enemies Flirt subject Mr Handsome: [member="Maokai Bantam"]
Post: 4

She watched him pat himself down. He was looking for something. Something that must have been more important than her. What in this damn galaxy could there be that was more important than her? Nothing of course! Maybe he was looking for his conscience, or keys, or maybe he just wanted to check and see if his backup girl was good to go... Any of the guesses this teen would have hazarded were far from reality, that he was her enemy and they should have been shooting at each other, instead of making googley eyes.

Maokai Bantam said:
"Me, well business unfortunately."

"Too bad its business," Nyree said, feeling her suspicion meter rise. She took another pull from her e-cig. The smoke billowed out of her lips, "I hope that doesn't get in the way of your own pleasure."

Mr big stuff here may have had his eye on the money and his eye on duty, but she--well she didn't. She had the cash and she was ready to dash. Truth be told, between her cut and the recent--er--procurement she was sitting a lot better off than she started the day. And that was always good. You had to know when to cash out and when to go for the big win. That was the first rule of gem trading.

Maokai Bantam said:
"Speaking of that need to run back to my bike and grab somethin, you able to wait here a minute till I get back?"

Nyree let out an exaggerated sigh at his statement. Trust work and duties to get in the way of fun. When he turned to go, she extended her long, lithe leg to stop him. From where she was perched on the bar, it probably would have come to his stomach area. He could easily side step it if he wanted to. It gave him a good long look at her boot-clad, toned legs. She did yoga, after all. It showed.

"I mean, you could leave now," her voice trailed off, looking at the crowd with her big, doey brown eyes. She turned her head back to him, "But there's no promise I will be here when you get back." What did he want? What did he like? What was her angle. The teen was very good at sizing people. He was ruddy. Business-y. Serious. That was her in.

She slid off the bar, her boots touched the ground with a slight, if not exaggerated wobble. As if to ham it up a little, she fell forward slightly in Mako's direction. He had the chance to do something heroic if he wanted to--or he could let her fall or whatever.

"What am I going to do without a strong man like you to escort me to the dance floor?" she asked if he saved her. She looked up at him, batting her brown eyes with her long lashes. Part of it was feigned. Part of it was that she had just taken a bit more hard liquor than anticipated in a short time on an empty stomach.
Post 2
Location: Boarding The Verdict
Equipment: Hanna’s Phase I Haywire Armor, F-11E Blaster Rifle, Phase I Sword of Eve, 2 CryoBan Grenades, 2 V-6 Haywire Grenades, Vibro-Dagger
Allies: [member="Madalena Antares"] AoC
Enemies: [member="Zyra Crowe"] [member="Kaida Taldir"] [member="Zak Amroth"]

Her blade, soaked in the blood and brains of the hapless Partisan marine, felt heavier than normal in her grasp as she worked to pull the weapon free from the twitching corpse of the man she had killed. Unfortunately, the weapon had been built for an individual much bigger than herself. As such, by the time she perceived a marine firing at her from twenty meters away, she was unable to react in time.

Fortunately, she did not have to.

What she perceived as a violent shockwave of energy threw her diminutive form clear of the scattergun’s lethal cone cone of fire. However, Hanna did not emerge unscathed from the sudden discharge of energy. While her horn remained completely pristine, her skull violently smacked against the turadium wall with a frightening crack, undoubtedly leaving her with a skull fracture and a potentially serious concussion.

Having blacked out for a brief period of two seconds, the first thing that Hanna perceived when she came to was a row of preternaturally sharp icicles placed only a few meters in front of her. A pair of screaming Hunters had been impaled on the icicles, while others had been boxed in by the lethal spikes of preternaturally dense ice as their bodies were rapidly chilled to the negative extremes of temperature.

Hanna pushed herself up from the ground as quickly as she could in spite of a general sensation of dizziness and a pulsing headache. Intoxicated on adrenaline in response to perceived stress, her body was compelled to push itself beyond the usual limitations, in spite of any injuries it may have sustained. As such, Hanna did not feel the blood trickling in copious amounts from her nostrils as she threw herself behind a nearby bulkhead for cover...

Zyra Crowe

://LOCATION: Maintenance Hangar 1, The Verdict
://OBJECTIVE: Anti-Boarding Action
://ALLIES: [member="kaida taldir"] | ORC
://ENEMIES: [member="Madalena Antares"] | [member="hanna"] | [member="wonderworker"] | Agents of Chaos

The temperature outside of her armor dropped precipitously as Kaida joined the fight. The Eldorai Warrior seemed vaguely familiar, but it wasn't something Zyra was willing to spend time thinking about right then and there. Her gaze slid from the warrior woman to their opponents just in time to see someone ducking into the maintenance hatch near the enemy ingress point.

"Control this is Mudhugger Actual. We have insurgents in the maintenance halls." She didn't dare spare the figure another thought, though, as she appeared to have the enemy on the ropes.

One of the enemies, the one Kaida seemed to be focusing on, appeared to be trying to use the force. There were odd hand gestures in the midst of battle, and a weird twittering feeling in Zyra's stomach that seemed to always come with people using the mystic mumbo jumbo near her.

The other enemy, with a pearlescent horn protruding from her brow, was just standing up. She had been saved the majority of the blast form her maser scattergun, but hit the bulkhead hard enough.

Zyra shifted from 'in their general direction' to focus firing on the horned woman, and fired another two blasts from her scattergun in quick succession. She had popped a few off to keep the faceless insurgents that came with these two women at bay long enough for her soldiers to engage them, so her powercell was getting depleted. The quarters were close enough that reloading wasn't really an option, so when she shot off the last of her cell she'd have to switch weapons.

Location: Boarding The Verdict
Wearing: Armor
Wielding: Meymad
Allies: AoC | [member="Hanna"] | [member="Wonderworker"] | + Open
Enemies: ORC | [member="Zak Amroth"] | [member="Zyra Crowe"] | [member="Kaida Taldir"] | + Open
All she had seen was that Hanna was safe out of the scattergun's way. She did not hear the crack, nor did she have her sister's abilities that would've let her smell the distinctive scent of the unicorned woman's blood. All she knew was that [member="Hanna"] was all right, and for the moment, that was all she could know.

The warning that he cells in her body gave stole the air from her lungs. Used to fighting against Mandalorians, Madalena was not accustomed to coming across others who could wield the Force on the field of battle. Guns, blasters, even giant worms, those were all different. And here, the ice came out, leaving her with less than a breath worth of time to react.

People were caught in the spikes. A few of them were Agents, she registered somewhere in the back of her mind, people who would not be going home, who would not be seeing their loved ones and children ever again. Such was the monstrosity of the Coalition, those were the lengths it would go through only to keep their control over a planet maintained, the mere thought of a king who was not useful to him maintaining his seat of power so alien.

But now was not the time to focus on that. Later, she would mutter a prayer of thanks to whoever listened that she had raised her Force Bubble on time. The icy spike that would have otherwise gone straight through her body still came on strong, sending her along with her bubble several feet back, but for the moment at least, she was yet unharmed.

"The enemy has Force Users," Madalena screamed into the commlink, alerting everyone who was on the frequency. There were enough Force Users among the Agents, but manyof them had not come across an enemy of their kind in a long time as well.

Turning her saberstaff off, Madalena's green glowing gaze came to focus on the person from which she was certain the ice had come from - [member="Kaida Taldir"]. To their side, [member="Hanna"] and [member="Zyra Crowe"] were engaged with each other. Around them, people and soldiers of both sides were engaged.

When had the last time been that she'd faced another Force User? Madalena couldn't remember. But it didn't matter. She would do to this woman what she had done to those that had come before; obliterate her.

Releasing her Bubble, Madalena's arm shot forward as she released her Waves of Darkness, sending them forward to wash over the territory between her and her target and all those poor souls who were caught in between and had somehow escaped death by ice. Though her waves had the physical manifestation to them, the onslaught of negative emotions could be felt ahead of what those there could see, and Madalena smiled, already knowing what her next move would be.

"Capture her if you can," she purred to those who were still around her, those who were safe from her power for the time being, "She would be more useful to us alive than dead."
ENEMIES: AOC, specifically [member="Wonderworker"]

A Darr Itah-class like the Verdict had hundreds of miles of corridors and access shafts. Containing and expelling the enemy would be a matter of managing the Judges' expectations. Even a best-case scenario involved taking damage -- and not just the cosmetic kind. No, since a competent boarding crew was already in, Quill figured serious damage was inevitable.

That made the problem one of infection and healing. Thousands of defenders and technicians had their roles. Quill, as a shabby Jedi hermit who'd just happened to be around when the Judges got the Zonju call, had no defined role but lots and lots of latitude. All to the good: something felt deeply off, as if the boarders included more than common-or-garden Darksiders.

And 'more' in a qualitative sense, not just raw power. Someone as fundamentally different as an Aing-Tii, a Lucent, a Sorcerer of Rhand. Quull caught himself scratching his beard, fidgeting, as he made his way through the busy corridors. Oddly, the agitation helped him ignore the mess and press and noise of people in this area.

Deep relief settled in once he passed into less-trafficked areas. The Force strongly suggested that the anomaly was dead ahead, close by, and just as isolated as Quill. He took out his simple lightsaber, which he'd made after losing one to the Bryn'adul marauders. By instinct, and by preference for quiet, he left the weapon off.

Quill squinted down the starship's corridor at an out-of-place figure, and cleared his throat. How long had it been since he talked to someone? Had he even answered when the Judges brought him aboard? Probably not, come to think of it. He coughed again.

"Can I help you?"
Location: The Verdict
Objective: Sabotage
Allies: ([member="Hanna"] ) ([member="Madalena Antares"] ) AoC
Enemies: ([member="Zyra Crowe"] ) ([member="Kaida Taldir"] ) ([member="Jend-Ro Quill"] specifically)

The sounds of battle grew steadily more distant the further the Wonderworker went into the unfamiliar depths. Hallways connected and collided with one another at seemingly efficient angles, interspersed with rooms serving all manner of purpose. He could easily imagine a substantial crew going about their daily duties within the many rooms; no doubt there was a substantial amount of cooking, cleaning, and other housekeeping that went on aboard a ship of this size, as well as other tasks associated with the direction of others, the manipulation of technical systems, and the instruction of newcomers. Now, however, with the operation looming over the heads of those present, and the ongoing combat breaking out elsewhere upon the Verdict, it seemed that all hands had been dispatched to their assorted battle stations, leaving the auxiliary chambers empty.

The miracle-maker was by no means a technician or an engineer, though he had been essentially raised within starships which traveled from world to world in the nomadic style, and was thus able to identify a power conduit which had been running through the floor, briefly visible thanks to a number of grates implanted there. He had been patiently meandering through the halls, following the cable as it twisted and coiled, hoping to discover its source. He had not had an opportunity to review any blueprints of the vessel, nor was he possessed of the seemingly preternatural ability of some Force sensitives to instantly know a great degree about their surroundings. He'd heard rumors once that some were able to combine their flesh with machines in order to learn their secrets, but he'd seen no evidence of that being factual.

Even if he had seen the schematics of the ship, he was doubtful he would have remembered the exact pathway to his destination. The ship was absolutely massive, and were it not for the labyrinth of corridors that made it up, he was certain he would have been intercepted by some form of security force by now. He supposed that a number of them were probably responding directly to the threat of his fellow boarders, and that any others would have been stationed at important locations as opposed to dispersed randomly throughout halls. Beyond that, at least a number of the crew had undoubtedly been sent to the surface to deal with the mad king.

More following of the conduits ensued, the sounds of battle drowned out by the silence of distance. Eventually, the distant hum of electricity met his ears, and he began to direct himself towards the sound, noticing that it seemed to be somewhere in the same direction as many power conduits; the conduits had begun to coalesce together, many of them appearing at once towards their uniting point. With a gentle sigh, and a pop of his bare fingers, the Wonderworker continued on his journey. He'd often heard a reactor compared to a heart, serving as the central driving force behind every large vessel in the same way that a heart provided blood to all other pieces of the body.

And, if it were true and the reactor was the ship's heart, it was his intent to give The Verdict a heart attack.

Of course, that had been the goal, though even the finest general's plans were prone to detours of substance. Staring at the ground and its machine workings as he had been, he hadn't even noticed the fellow interloper. He was not, however, so utterly distracted as to ignore them when they spoke directly towards him. A glance over his shoulder confirmed what he had already realized, he was being spoken to directly. One disadvantage of the garish outfit he wore was that it would be difficult for him to simply deceive the man into believing he was a member of the crew. Military crews all wore uniforms when they were on duty, did they not? He would undoubtedly be identified as a trespasser, though, that didn't necessarily mean he couldn't still accomplish his goal.

He had been thinking too long, he realized with a start, the silent response no doubt doing little to assist him in his work. With a subtle bow of his head in respectful acknowledgement of the newcomer, the Wonderworker spoke, "There's a chance of it. I'm looking for the ship's reactor." A pause. Had that been too forward? It was the honest truth, but it was also likely apparent that he meant no good to come from the trip. "Will you oppose me?" He questioned aloud, the thought slipping from his mouth before he had considered its implication fully.

Edit Info
Accidentally posted without noticing Jend-Ro had mentioned interacting with me, so I quickly (about eight seconds after first post) went back and re-wrote stuff into an actual interaction. Also put everything in 14 Size font for ease of reading.
Objective: Fleeting
Allies: ORC [member="Frielle Kinniak"]
Enemies: AoC [member="The Maverick"]
Location: Zonju orbit

"We got a new message from Belafonte's Line while we were en route to Zonju" the communicatons officer grimly acknowledged, upon reversion.

"Attention Coalition Navy, this is Lieutenant Commander Kinniak of the Elin Garza. We're here to assist" Frielle left a voice message to them.

"Shields up, scan the force for these ships, but don't open fire just yet. We don't know much about this new enemy other than their target. All units, weapons hold, get ready to deploy when under attack"

Whoever that enemy is, we have to identify and scan its ships for future reference. This won't be like fighting a typical dark-side faction, for whom (over)reliance on large ships caused them some issues on Skor, Terminus and Sisio, and there are similarities between each other. Of course, High Command has a reconnaissance unit en route, but we need to buy some time for them, she thought. However tempting it was to fire at the enemy's escorts, or to fire cluster missiles at the enemy fighter screen, while positioned on their aft by virtue of arriving in-system after they did, she must realize that enemy point-defense is an issue, and these must be dealt first before she could even think of attacking the unidentified larger ships using fighters and missiles. Targeting solutions were being set to fire at what was tentatively called the heavy cruisers as well as the escort ships, and the interdictors were being readied, but not yet activated: mounted on a corvette, interdiction field generators took time to activate. Plus the Verdict, while still in the system, was out of range now so there was no way they could go around and assist them, especially not with the attacker having boarding ships that latched onto the hull of the target, according to reports from that area.

"Open a channel to the enemy flagship!"

"Channel open"

"This is Admiral Thuku of the Outer Rim Coalition Navy. You have fifteen seconds to identify yourselves!"

For now, it was better for her to order weapons hold, which meant that they were not to open fire until they get under attack, or formally ordered to fire, but she didn't want to have Therapy Command attack first, not when dealing with an unidentified enemy. Sure, she could probably harass some of the larger ships at longer ranges using energy torpedo launchers, whose obscenely long range is a result of its relativistic muzzle velocity, if and once battle begins, it was just not time to fight just yet. However, all squadrons would be ready to launch and all missile launchers would be ready to fire if it came to it. Of course, the fleet was busy scanning these unidentified ships so that the information could then be relayed to High Command through FLEETCOM, and also to the other units in the system.

Capital ships:

ANS Himmler (Trimaran-II-class missile destroyer) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A
ANS Denigrator (Scythe-III-class missile cruiser) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A
ANS Unenforceable Contract (Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A
ANS Lothal (Lothal-II-class artillery carrier) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A
ANS Skor (Skor-II-class monitor frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A
ANS Polis Massa (Skor-II-class monitor frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A
ANS Positive KITA (Skor-II-class monitor frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A
ANS Negative KITA (Skor-II-class monitor frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A
ANS Job Engorgement (Skor-II-class monitor frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A
Jubilant Debauchery (Krayiss-II-class escort frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A
Synallagmatic Contract (Krayiss-II-class escort frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A
Sleep Country (Krayiss-II-class escort frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A
Jabiim Train (Krayiss-II-class escort frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A
Evil Rabbit (Krayiss-II-class escort frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A
Cinquedea (Jambiya-class pocket carrier) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A
Kris (Jambiya-class pocket carrier) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A
Kard (Jambiya-class pocket carrier) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A
Khukuri (Jambiya-class pocket carrier) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A
ANS Mustafar (Mustafar-II-class heavy corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A
ANS Operating Lease (Mustafar-II-class heavy corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A
S-1 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A
S-2 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A
S-3 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A

Attack craft:

360 Chiloon-IV fighters (regular configuration)
180 Tsubame torpedo bombers
Location: the Palace
Objective: earn his pay, side job
Allies: AoC
Enemies: ORC
Kit: profile page

Finally a modicum if progress. One of the bastard sons of the monarch led the way down the hall, a tirade of information spilling from his lips. Most of it was vain dribble plied by his teachers and betters, worthless information that held no value. Though there was the possibility that the young man knew something that even he didn't know he possessed. And hence the history lesson of unimportant tidbits of fact that poured like a flood threatening to wash William's restraint away. The no likelihood of that actually occurring was negligible, yet the temptation was there.

Rounding another corner that led down but another long hall the bastard prince continued. “This is the Dark Wing of the palace. No one resides here, no one wants to. Legend has its haunted. Sometimes young children will dare each other to go in and take something to prove they went in. Rumor has it they don't always come out. Teens often sneak into the wing at night, but rarely stay more than a few minutes. Those that do stay and hour or more tend to go crazy. Of course those are just superstitious rumors and legends.”

The bastard had stopped at a crossroads of halls intending to turn and head to a different wing. William held up his hand forestalling the young man. His eyes peered down the length of the hall, a trickery flickering in his gaze as though the light dimmed deeper within the recesses of the wing. Lightly he rubbed his chin as he questioned the young man.

“Are there any rumors of, say, a lost heirloom?”

The bastard squirmed visibly. “Yeah, legend has it it's somewhere in there. But no one believes that. Not enough to search for it.” William placed his have upon the young man's shoulder and looked at him for several moments. “But you know we should make sure it's clear and check around. If you are up for it Master William?” He released the bastard and clapped his hands together.

“A splendid idea. I see the nobility and bravery that flows through your veins. Lead on young man.”

The bastard beamed before heading in with William following behind. Several meters behind them Doggo, the ugly mutt, followed faithfully as her snout sniffed the carpet along the way.

Half an hour passed with William subtly guiding the bastard in the direction he wished, following a trail the young man could not hope to see. Every step closed upon his goal and just as it seemed they were nearing the end the building shook and shattered at the crashing of a ship into the palace. The shock wave shook the first floor of the wing and turned it into a meteor shower upon the lower levels, the battered ship riding in the wake of destruction. William and the bastard were launched from their feet and tumbled through the floor of their level.

Coughing from the smoke he sat up, blood running from a blow to his temple, and he looked at the remains of the bastard prince solidly crushed beneath the ravaged ship a distance down a hall a level below where they had been standing. Rising to his feet he attempted to dust his black suit free of debris as the pilot escaped the burning wreck and began staggering down there hall toward him. Somewhere above he heard the howl of Doggo trying to reach her master. Smoothing his face clear for a moment he slipped into character.

“You murdered the prince! Guards, guards! Help! This man killed the prince and is trying to escape! Help me before he kills me too!”

He dropped to a knee as he leaned against the wall, abject fear etched upon his face as he pointed at the man approaching in utmost terror and righteous indignation.

[member="Zak Amroth"] I [member="Scherezade deWinter"]

Equipment: In bio
Tags: [member="Vam Rinav"] [member="Nyree Justice"] [member="Maokai Bantam"] [member="Jair Ordo"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Braelyn Zale"]

Jai leaned against the ships wall. Dang it! The Jedi also didn't seem to be a talker, or was busy before the shots rang. Either way. The Mandalorian had quickly grabbed the hidden weapon at the computer, but he was on the wrong side to get a good shot. Jai quickly gripped his cloak in his left hand, the same one that currently held the slug thrower, and pulled out one of his Trayc'kal dagger/pistols in his right. Using the Beskar weave cloak to cover his front, Jai quickly run through the gap, taking a pot shot roughly where he'd seen the blast come from. He wasn't sure if his help was needed or wanted, but he was there. So he'd do something.

He looked over, noticing that the Echani seemed to be thinking of something. Either way, he peaked out again, this time aiming the mass driver and waiting to see who he was dealing with.
Location:Zonju V, Zoronhed, King Barthemos's castle, inside an air duct
Objective: Negotiations?
Friends: None immediately available, [member="Zak Amroth"] somewhere...near-ish
Enemies: [member="Scherezade deWinter"]
Equipment: (2) lightsabers, (1) K-22 Bryar pistol, (1) DE-10 blaster pistol (links in bio)

"Alright, one more left, walk out ten meters, and I'll be right at the center of the throne room." It had been a bit of a long trek through the palace, going through unused maintenance corridors and air ducts to get back to where he'd started, but it was wiser than letting himself just get captured. Of course, his next course of action wouldn't necessarily be much wiser than that, but it was still a better idea than just handing himself over to the guards. Besides, this way he could listen in a bit, like how Barthemos said he'd be fine with just killing all the ORC agents there.

"Rude," Cotan muttered. "I spend years working here, trying to keep this place safe and happy and keeping you in power, and all of that means nothing?" He shook his head. Never trust a politician. He glanced down through the grating in the air duct once he reached it, looking at the scene below. The king was on his throne, there were a few hostages, somebody had been exsanguinated it looked like...

And there was a woman who seemed to sort-of be calling the shots who had a frankly ridiculous number of knives on her. Alright, if it comes down to a fight, she's probably the one I'll have to take care o—

His train of thought was cut off by a loud crash, the palace shaking a bit in response. The grating he'd been looking at jumping through fell loose of its own accord, as did a few others, dropping down to the floor of the throne room; before jumping down, Cotan cast out his senses with the Force, looking for the source of the crash. He sensed a vaguely-familiar presence at what seemed to be the epicenter of the disturbance.

Nice entrance.

Then he jumped down through the opening in the air duct, landing deftly on his feet in front of the knife-wielding woman and King Barthemos himself.

"I'm back!" he said cheerfully. "Sorry about that, got side-tracked on my way back from the refresher. So, anyways, we were having discussions and negotiations, right?"

He glanced around the room, avoiding the puddle of blood that he'd nearly landed in, never dropping his cheerful smile all the while.

"So, what'd I miss?"
Location: Castle
Objective: Protect the Planet, Ease the Change of power
Allies: ORC
Enemies: AoC
Outfitted: Poncho, Paddled Combat Suit, Lightsaber

Someday the Alliance may need a new Jedi to lead them.

That was not something he ever wanted to have heard from his father, but lo and behold, it was on the holocron. He knew that the life of a Jedi was chasing away fear, was being a beacon of hope, but Jared was not about the crusader life of his father. He was an explorer, a protector of the past. But that also meant he needed to, where possible, help, and actually be a Jedi. He wasn’t sure he’d be as good of a Jedi as his father wanted him to be, but he could try.

He had his fighter ready, his freighter was off being used by his new crew while they awaited the launch of their larger vessel, but the Clawcraft, that was working just fine. As he came down to the surface, he had heard calls on Alliance frequencies, and Jedi frequencies, for support. Approaching the castle at a slower pace, the Adept had his lightsaber in one hand, the blade dark, and was covered in a dark brown poncho, hiding the padded combat suit.

What he didn’t expect was the crashing sound upon his arrival, what were the Coalition doing?

Still, he had people to move, and apparently a King to stop.

The Maverick

Objective: Destroy/Distract the enemy fleet
Enemies: [member="Cathul Thuku"] | [member="Frielle Kinniak"]
Allies: N/A

All ships used with permission

Royal Destroyer: Pushing forward
(Capital ship) 100/100; Targeting: ANS Himmler; Squadrons: Deployed, Enroute to the Himmler (132) Railgun ammo: 9

Celeste Disabler Cruiser:pushing forward on own

Cristy: 100/100; Targeting: ANS Unenforceable Contract; Squadrons: Deployed enroute to Denigrator; Railgun ammo: 9
Vidrio: 100/100; Targeting: ANS Lothal; Squadrons: Deployed enroute to Denigrator; Railgun ammo: 9
Hanyak: 100/100; Targeting: Lothal; Squadrons: Deployed moving along enemy fleet; Railgun ammo: 9
Kaksonjae: 100/100; Targeting: Contract; Squadrons: Deployed moving along enemy fleet bombing; Railgun ammo: 9

The "Venturous" Class Cruiser: Moving behind the ships

Batu: 100/100; Targeting: N/A; Squadrons: Deployed Enroute to Himmler
Blade: 100/100; Targeting: N/A; Squadrons: Deployed Enroute to Himmler
Tina: 100/100; Targeting: N/A; Squadrons: Enroute to Denigrator
Uppers: 100/100; Targeting: N/A; Squadrons: Enroute to Denigrator
Tina: 100/100; Targeting: N/A; Squadrons: N/A (Prowlers)
Uppers: 100/100; Targeting: N/A; Squadrons: N/A (Prowlers)

Tantrum Class Frigate: All are in defensive positions around the Royal as it pushes forward

Tweak: 100/100; Targeting: N/A; Squadrons: Deployed, escorting Celeste
Quartz: 100/100; Targeting: N/A; Squadrons: Deployed Escorting Celeste
Shards: 100/100; Targeting: N/A; Squadrons: Deployed Escorting Celeste
Laice: 100/100; Targeting: N/A; Squadrons: Deployed Escorting Celeste
Hiropon: 100/100; Targeting: N/A; Squadrons: Deployed Escorting Main group
Crystal: 100/100; Targeting: N/A; Squadrons: Deployed Escorting Main group
Ventana: 100/100; Targeting: N/A; Squadrons: Deployed Escorting Main group
Yaba: 100/100; Targeting: N/A; Squadrons: Deployed Escorting Main group

Squadrons: (these numbers will change with attacks)
8 Squadrons of Seraph Starfighter (96) [Tantrums]
24 Squadrons of ONI Class "Prowler" (360) [Venturous]
12 Squadrons of Project GHOST (144) [Celestes]
11 Squadrons of Project GHOST (132) [Royal]

Maverick cocked his head and with a finger point the fleet moved forward, the Celestes traveling ahead of the fleet targeting individual ships. Mavericks fleet remained out of range while the Celestes moved high above pointed downward (aiming at their targets), they were also well out of range. Maverick's assistant said into the open channel, "You shall withdraw your fleet or we shall attack."

Maverick did not plan to let them with draw, with one finger movement the assistant was dragged away. The Tantrums moved around the Royal and the fleet pushed forward, and as soon as in range a barrage of fire started from the tantrums aiming at the different ships (you choose, please be fair). The Seraphs flew around the main group defending it, none pushing forward ahead. A beam of light came from the Royal as it fired its Pouvoir Railgun (please examine) at the Himmler. The Celestes started to descent, Seraphs around them firing their own Railguns at their targets.

The bombers attacked their targets attempting to drop bombs on them while being escorted by Prowlers.

Action Report (Most is in Fleet composition tag)
Celestes dropped on certain ships from above
Tantrums opened fire on the opposing fleet (your choice what they hit/don't hit)
5 Railguns have been shot (limited ammo for them meaning an ammo count of 9/9/9/9/9)

Note: I didn't directly state any hits
Note #2: I know there is two of you and I won't void the second one, I will be doing one at a time unless both attack
Note #3 I have added Venturous to my fleet due to the new addition on your side to make it more even, but those ships remain away from the battle until the next post

Location: Verdict
Allies: [member="Zyra Crowe"] ORC.
Enemies: [member="Hanna"], [member="Madalena Antares"], @Wonderworker. Engaging: Madalena.
Gear: Armour, Lightsabre and Glacier Blade (sig!), Shield, Wrist Weapon, Sidearm, Sonic Weapon.

The Sith Lady was pushed back, but seemed to emerge unscathed due to a timely summoned bubble. A few of her minions were less fortunate. Kaida did, as a matter of fact, not care about them. They were terrorists and the enemy. Whether the Coalition's control over Zonyu was legitimate or not did not concern her either because she was not even a citizen. She was there here to shoot anarchists in order to earn credits to keep her people's nomad fleet afloat. Besides, she hated monarchies anyway. So many of the Eldorai's troubles could be blamed on the fact that they had not sent their blue bloods to the guilottine.

Thus she focused on the battle. Crowe was firing at the horned, blade woman and her soldiers were engaging the Sith Lady's mooks. As Kaida moved forward, her Force senses prickled. She felt power build up inside the Sith Lady. Then suddenly there was a loud, thunderous noise. Kaida winced, feeling a sharp pain build up inside her sensitive ears. The thunderous noise was accompanied by an unnatural darkness that swept across the hall. Feelings of fear, despair and terror were palpable in the air. Phantoms tried to drag her down into a pit. For a moment, she beheld a desolate wasteland. Ruins of the Eldorai's shattered civilisation of Kaeshana. A sky red with fire. Spirits crying out in agony. Wretched, emaciated Eldorai staring accusingly at her. Tendrils of despair tried to acquire solid purchase and dig themselves into her mind. Contending with them was painful. Denying their power even more. But she could deal with pain.

I've already been to hell. I've lived this, she thought caustically. Images of nightmares, though powerful in their own right, were not on the same level as the real thing. She did not push back against the visions. Even that would be distracting. She had witnessed her people's civilisation break, seen them fall into servitude and be reduced to a scattered species of vagabonds. She had dealt with treason, ineptitude and superstition. And she continued to do her duty. She ignored the whispers of woe.

She drew the Glacier Blade. The sword emanated an icy, blueish glow. Power flowed from it, providing a shield against the encroaching darkness. Not one of fluffy feelings of the light, of hope, kindness and all that. But one of iron discipline. Its aura would extend to the ORC soldiers in close proximity. Of course, it would not be able to completely shield them. Nor was its aura all-encompassing. But the icy shield would provide a significant boon, if they had some willpower. If not, they were weak, as far as Kaida was concerned.

Battle shield held in her off-hand and sword in her dominant one, Kaida pressed forward. A telekinetic push sent two Agents of Chaos minions crumpling into the ice. Her focus was on the Sith sorceress. Crossing the distance, she launched a downward chopping cut with the Glacier Blade. The strike was directed against the Sith's right hand, aiming to cut it at the wrist. Not only did the blade have impressive cutting power, it was an ice sword that emitted extreme cold.
Location: Mean Streets of Zonju
Objective: Knight in shining Denim
Allies: In the area but no tags needed, Seriously guys I got this.
My Coreward Belle: [member="Nyree Justice"]

THEME (Dubstep mix tape Vol 2)​


"Too bad its business, I hope that doesn't get in the way of your own pleasure."

He was just about to leave when Nyree replied to him. Oh if she would knew... Now Mako loved his job, was born for it as far as he was concerned. But at the age of sixteen it was hard to balance the word of the law, and the needs of the teenage heart. He never longer for adventure, that was damn sure, but he was a rolling stone, never able to enjoy the carefree life many of his age did.

"I mean, you could leave now, But there's no promise I will be here when you get back."

Well poodoo that sucks, not often your the hunted and not the hunter, and he could stare down her guns all day. But as much as he wanted to get to know her better, he needed to be sure he was not getting too lax on his responsibilities. As he began to walk she lift her leg, a fine shapely leg at that complete with boot that made a man shake in his. She blocked his way and he slowed to listen to her. As she seemed to try and stand up he feet seemed to get tangled and she fell toward him. As his hormone fueled force reflexes kicked in he reached forward sliding one arm around her back and to her side, the other sliding down her thigh till it wrapped her under the knees. Unless she struggled or fell funny when he was done she would find herself in a classic princess carry. He would be sure to not be intruding in any of her personal regions, auntie [Joza Perl] taught him better than that. Anyway he was the type to make sure he had an invitation to join the party and all.

"What am I going to do without a strong man like you to escort me to the dance floor?"

As he caught her he realized she may have over assessed her ability to resist his spirit of choice. While he appreciated her zeal, he believed that he many need to help her a bit till she got her barrings back.HQ would understand he was helping a friendly agent, or at least that was his story and he was sticking to it.

"Dance floor, seems you are a little too light on your feet Nyree. What do you say we start with something slower, maybe some grub? We can order here, food is alright, but know this place about two blocks down, got the best fired cave cactus this side of the equator."

OOC: Post recovered after error and reposted on 12/7

Objectives: Unleash Havoc, steal some poodoo y'know the usual
Allies: TBD I'm still looking at you [member="Nyree Justice"]
Enemies: ORC peeps (engaging [member="Jair Ordo"])
Kit: In profile Bio

I'd already been bracing for another attack and I didn't have to wait long. I saw the person shooting move as the blaster bolt I'd redirected struck a rooftop leaving a nice energy burn and hole in the rooftop. I sensed intent for harm towards me and sighing I felt the molecules in the air around the craft slowing them significantly I channeled The Force and created an ice wall between the gunship and myself. I wouldn't be letting them die on account of a stubborn gunman. Narrowing my gaze I spun my saber in a twirl out to the side as the next bolt blazed my way. I could sense the kinetic and incendiary projectile too...

Reaching out I brought my will to bear and put up a wall of Force Energy hard as beskar due to my will. The bolt stopped midair as the kinetic shards stripped away in slowed time. I felt the heat release from the incendiary portion of the round and I drank in the energy released from the round. It'd appear to the shooter as though I'd simply stopped his round midair. As I released my hold on the round it'd disappear from view and the kinetic shrapnel of the round would fall at my feet a good five feet in front of me. As he was no doubt reloading I brought The Force to bear and put my emotion into my next movement. Channeling my emotion I brought my will to bear as aqua electricity danced along my forearms and with two fingers I pointed towards where the blaster bolt had come from.

Emerald lightning left my fingertips and races towards that perch. I wasn't aiming for him now I was aiming at the support beams directly under their perch. I didn't want them dead. I just didn't want to be shot at.... and dropping a sniper's perch from underneath where they were laying seemed as good an option as any. Plus I used The Force in very intimidating ways soooo hopefully that would dissuade him from shooting at me again...

Crew: 8 buff guys wearing fancy shirts outside
Loadout: My beating heart
Allies: I got him, this, bby
Mah hero!: [member="Maokai Bantam"]
Post: 5

Nyree soon found herself in his arms, much much closer to his face, and oh my my my was it nice. Her right arm wrapped around behind him naturally, hooking on his muscly shoulders. Her other hand rested on his chest, the chest she was pressed right against. She could feel his meaty, powerful shoulders under his clothes.

Her breath escaped Nyree's glistening pink, glittery lips, "Oooooh Heeennnaaa." <<oooooh mooommmaa>> she breathed out.

She wasn't acting now, she thought she had this guy right where she wanted him, but now--well, it was more of a question of who had who where who wanted who. Nyree was doing her best to not openly drool over Mako here. He asked her about grabbing some cave cactus. She heard him perfectly fine, that wasn't the problem. But it took her a second to process through what he said. Nyree swallowed hard. "Y-yeah that sounds great. Uh, the Cave Cactuses."

She'd never had cave cactus before, but she heard of it on a few of her trips back and forth across the galaxy. It was one of those exotic things she hadn't tried yet, but had always intended to. She felt like a lady in his arms here, a real Sky Princess like she had always wanted to be. If he was willing to carry her, Nyree was more than willing to be carried in his big, strong arms. If not, she would lead him out.

Either way when all eight of her fancy men saw the doors open they lurched to life, standing upright Their hands again went to the bags slung over their shoulders where their weapons were kept. Nyree got them to be still with a wave of her hands and a stern look--one especially aimed at Craig. The dude sulked back sheepishly.

They eight men looked at each other as their fearless leader left. Two of them shrugged and began trying to slink back and follow the pair--at least, as good as two men who were wearing bright latex pink in an all-but-empty street could through a warzone. The others loaded up into the SUV-like speeders, waiting for the call to join up.

Nyree, however, was oblivious. Her eyes were on Mako, a different kind of Mr Pink.

"So, what does a man do to get such massive muscles like that?" She asked, still more than a little awestruck.

Zak Amroth

Objective: The Shaggy Defense
Location: Castle Crash Site
Allies: ORC, [member="Cotan Sar'andor"], [member="Jared Starchaser"], [member="KLR-13"], [member="Frielle Kinniak"]
Enemies: AoC, [member="William the Bloody"] (engaging-ish), [member="Scherezade deWinter"], [member="Renn Garrick"]
That One Guy: [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]

“You murdered the prince! Guards, guards! Help! This man killed the prince and is trying to escape! Help me before he kills me too!”

Oh chit. Not again.

Zak coughed up another lungful of smoke, forced to brace his hands above his knees so he would not double over. The sheriff raised a finger to his accuser in a universal symbol for 'hold that thought'. He could hear bootfalls approaching from somewhere not so far off.

"You mean that guy who crashed his ship?" Amroth stammered in between coughing fits, "Crazy, right? He must have run off. I just got here!"

He could tell by the man's expression and response that he wasn't buying it. Before he had a chance to argue his point further they were surrounded by the King of Zonju's elite personal guard. Zak was starting to panic but he struggled to find his center and reach out with the Force. It took all his concentration to infuse his next words with supernatural confidence and authority. Mind tricks weren't exactly his specialty but these were desperate times.

"Thank Barthemos you're here!" he did his best to mimic William's high pitched register, "That's the man! He killed the prince! I saw the whole thing!"

For a moment the guards glanced at each other in confusion. The Sheriff of Terminus was just beginning to think he might have things handled when a small creature collided with him and forced a womanly shriek from his lips. Zak was driven to the floor by the faithful hound Doggo, writhing in agony when it went to town on his calf zone. In a fit of pained instinct he called upon the Force once more to launch his furry assailant straight at the cowering witness to his crimes.

Objective: Deter AoC incursion
Gear: See bio
Tags: [member="Rexus Wenck"] [member="Braelyn Zale"] ; [member="Nyree Justice"],
Attacking: [member="Celiana"]
???: [member="Jai'galaar Gred"]

Eyes still on the scope as he slammed another round in the chamber. Another figure appeared out of cover and fired a shot at his position. In the glimpse before he ducked behind the cover of the railing, Jair swore he saw a vaguely familiar symbol on the man's nearly hidden behind a cloak armor.

For a pot shot, it struck too close for comfort...



What the hell is a Mando doing here?

The Mandalorian peeked over the railing once more to see that his blue bolt of energy had dissipated on the ground a few feet before the Force user.

Oh chit. Not again. [member="Zak Amroth"] was not the only one on this planet thinking that at the same exact moment.

Fethin' cursed Jetii.

As if to prove his mumbled point, the Jetii, or dar'Jetii (he hardly made the difference), shot out a web of emerald lightning at the beams supporting the detached terrace of the rooftop he was on. What a stupid way to design a building, he thought as the ground beneath him shook. Ordo knew he had to act fast.

The Mandalorian switched his target to what seemed to be the tibanna gas tank of the downed vessel. He steadied his aim, holding the long rifle tight and caught his breath as the ground beneath him wagged to the sides. As quick as a viper, when he saw his chance in between the shaking of the crippling terrace floor, Jair pulled the trigger. Blue bolt slammed the gas tank summoning a volatile explosion down where his target was.
Post 3
Location: Boarding The Verdict
Equipment: Hanna’s Phase I Haywire Armor, F-11E Blaster Rifle, Phase I Sword of Eve, 2 CryoBan Grenades, 2 V-6 Haywire Grenades, Vibro-Dagger
Allies: [member="Madalena Antares"] AoC
Enemies: [member="Zyra Crowe"] [member="Kaida Taldir"] [member="Zak Amroth"]

The thick bulkhead was just large enough to shield the Qilin’s vertically-challenged frame from what she perceived as two additional discharges of lethal energy. Nevertheless, Hanna sensed that she would not be able to remain hidden behind cover for much longer, especially if the enemy decided to advance on her position in spite of the ongoing battle of Force transpiring only a few meters away. In the hazy confusion of the violence, Hanna was unable to determine exactly how many of the enemy soldiers were directing fire specifically at her position. However, in the pandemonium of close-quarters combat, she worked under the assumption that there was more than one. Unfortunately, her allies were being cut or shot down in droves everywhere she looked. Those that weren’t were either stuck behind cover or attempting to retreat.

The latter course of action was completely unacceptable to Hanna.

Immediately after she saw the flying sparks of molten turadium from the impact of the two plasmatic discharges against the bulkhead, Hanna pulled a V-6 haywire grenade from her utility belt. Then, she released the pin, but held onto the grenade for two full seconds before leaning from cover and throwing the grenade at the armored marine ([member="Zyra Crowe"]) roughly twenty meters from her own position behind the bulkhead...

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