Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[Rebellion] Have Fun Storming the Castle! | AoC's Rebellion of ORC's Zonju V


Location: Zonju V > Orbit Transit Corridor > Zoronhed Castle.
Objective: Destabilize the Regime; Sever the Serpent's Head.
Allies: The Lightsworn, Contractually bound to the Outer Rim Coalition.
Enemies: Bannermen of the Tyrant, The Agents of Chaos?
Equipment: See Link in Signature; No Primary Ranged Weapons Equipped.

There was little time for hesitation, as the time to act was now. We spent hours, if not days traversing through the stars in the hopes of arriving in time - but alas, our Expeditionary Force arrived too late. Such is the nature of conflict on an intergalactic scale. When we translated from the swirling azure realm of hyperspace, back into the skeins of reality, I dashed towards the hangar bay of my warship. There would be little time to waste, and I wanted to disembark as soon as the Proudheart anchored herself above the desert world of Zonju V.

Sequestered within that cavernous hangar bay, I found myself drawn to a collection of combat swoops racked nearby. Sure, I could’ve taken something more conventional - but they would’ve taken too long to run through their ignition sequences. There was a sense of urgency that was tearing at the back of my mind, forcing me to act - act - act. With a grunt of effort, I stretched out my consciousness to ensnare the swoop bike and gracefully dragged the vehicle from its housing with telekinetic force.

When the swoop found itself before me, I directed my thoughts towards activating it’s repulsorlift engine; which forced the bike to roar with mechanical life and bathe my surroundings with a teeth-grating anti-gravitic field.

Sire!” One of the Deck Crew yelled, as they rushed towards me. “The Proudheart has breached the upper atmosphere and is holding station just beyond the strongest point of the planet’s gravitic field. We’ve been challenged by several Coalition vessels, all of which are demanding responses or else they’ll open fire. What message shall we relay to them?”

The last time that the Golden Company was within Coalition Space, we were considered enemies. We lost several warships, after taking down a score of hostile craft, during the withdrawal from the Pantora system after the Sith Empire tore themselves free. I think it was, and is fair to say, that we weren’t on good terms with the Coalition. This time was different, however. This time, the Lightsworn came at the behest of the disgruntled natives of Zonju V - who managed to scrounge up enough credits to purchase their services. In addition to this, the Coalition themselves were offering their own currency.

“Inform them that we’ve heard the call and have answered.”

I mounted the mechanical steed as soon as those words eclipsed my lips, and drew my sword from it’s immaculate scabbard in one smooth motion. Instinctively, I held a thumb over the activation panel - but didn’t follow through. There’d be little point to waste my weapon’s charge in some peacock’s display of vanity. With my other hand seemingly grafted to the swoop bike’s control yoke, I orientated myself towards the cavernous maw - and the planet’s distant surface that awaited me beyond.

A twist of my armoured wrist sent the swoop bike zooming forwards at a pace that defied the laws of physics.

Embraced by the lingering traces of the stratosphere, I felt my armour - and the swoop bike itself - flare with the blazing kiss of the planet’s embrace. I wasn’t in any danger, thanks to the defensive suite of my gilded power suit, but my Parmarthean heart rippled with pure ecstasy at the thought of free-falling from low orbit mounted atop nothing more than a combat swoop.

I never felt more alive.

Sure, there was a part of me that felt the slightest tinge of guilt for enjoying something so theoretically dangerous, but I honestly couldn’t care less. My organization was hired to destabilize the Tyrant’s regime, and eliminate any hostile forces that sought to… dissuade me from completing that objective. The least I could do was make this tedious mission entertaining for myself.

As my swoop howled with re-entry, I kicked the repulsorfield engine into overdrive and felt the ever-growing tug of gravity slowly fade beyond my enhanced senses. While the ground rushed up to meet me, thanks to the power of my shrieking vehicle, I wouldn’t splatter as our two opposing ‘forces’ finally embraced. But, that didn’t mean I was given free rein to do as I pleased, just yet.

The laws of physics seemed to rage whenever they were broken by simian technologies, and there was a moment I found myself struggling to reorient my swoop - lest I crashed into a nearby duracrete structure.

Jinking out of the way, I felt that all too familiar rush of pleasure surge through my veins. Such a sensation would serve me well in the hours that’d follow my dynamic entry, as it would fuel my powers, which in turn would give me the strength I desired to see this mission through. Twisting my armoured waist and throwing my weight to the side, I righted the soaring path of my airbourne vehicle and aligned ourselves toward the distant Citadel - where the Tyrant of Zonju V resided.

It has been some time since I stormed a Fortress, I thought to myself at that moment - feeling my lips peel back into a rictus grin.

My only hope, at that moment, was that there’d be enemies left to fight.

| [member="Cotan Sar'andor"] | [member="Jared Starchaser"] | [member="KLR-13"] | [member="Frielle Kinniak"] |​
| [member="William the Bloody"] | [member="Scherezade deWinter"] | [member="Renn Garrick"] | [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] |​
Objective: Fleeting
Location: Zonju V
Allies: ORC [member="Frielle Kinniak"]
Enemies: AoC [member="The Maverick"]

"You shall withdraw your fleet or we shall attack!" the Maverick answered before the channel closed.

"The king must not escape!" Marshal Tyrosus also asked Cathul for additional assistance in orbit.

"Evasive action!" Cathul ordered when the attack began.

"The topside blade! We've been hit!" the chief engineer reported shortly after the fact.

And the enemy attack they began in earnest, with the Celestes being on the move facing downward. However, while the Himmler was hit by a large railgun round to the topside blade, there was also a call from Marshal Tyrosus regarding the king. What's going on down there? The king has escaped? she thought, while the enemy cruisers were moving ahead of the rest of the fleet. But now that they were under attack, under weapons hold, it was now time to open fire. And then point-defense all over the fleet began to roar while the enemy approached the largest ships for a bombing run, on both the Himmler and the Denigrator. Hundreds of point-defense guns began to fire at the enemy incoming attack craft and, given the sheer density of enemy attack craft, some bombs hit their mark, draining the particle shields in the process, and also the conner nets were draining their shields. However, the enemy escort ships in range were firing very erratically even though she knew they would need to deal with the escorts at some point. But it was just the opening move: there was no need to panic and they knew better. And yet, the largest ships, despite their evasive actions, would still take some hits also.

"Aim for the enemy cruisers' fore guns! Unleash the cluster missiles onto the enemy!"

"Roger, roger"

"Open a channel to the Garza!"

"Channel open"

"Disable the King's craft, but also fire at the enemy escorts if possible! We'll have some interdictors ready to prevent the King from escaping"

It was then that the cluster missiles, both fighter-mounted and shipboard, began to be fired at the enemy fleet, with every enemy fighter being targeted by a submunition, and the remaining cluster missiles being fired at the enemy Celeste cruisers' big guns (or escorts in the case of those fired from the Himmler), in hopes that scoring firepower kills (i.e. destroying weapon hardpoints) would cause problems, especially since the enemy cruisers' nose was exposed by attacking the cruisers. As they approached their intended targets, their buses split into five concussion missiles, each of which was headed for different targets or submunitions. For now it made little sense to attack the Royal Destroyer, it still had too many escorts. It was better to have rapid-fire turbolasers fired at them from the smaller ships, such as the escort frigates and the heavy corvettes, and the Himmler attack the escorts around the enemy heavy cruisers, using large-scale Umbaran electromagnetic plasma cannons and its missile batteries. Likewise, it was best to have the remaining big guns trained on the cruisers' that were pointing downward.

"Activate interdictors pointed on the cruisers!"

"Yes, admiral" the captain of the Kard acknowledged.

"Torpedo bombers, open fire on the Royal Destroyer's large turret!"

With the gravity well projectors centered on the enemy cruisers, it wouldn't be like a conventional bombing run. The fighters outfitted with the bombs would first fly towards their targets, drop their humongous proton bombs, of which each craft could only carry two, and, gravity-aided, these bombs would fly towards their intended targets. Once these bombs were dropped, the fighters would return to the fleet. As would the 420mm hypervelocity cannons that opened fire at these cruisers from various sources. Also, any nearby debris would be drawn onto the enemy cruisers with gravity attracting them. Finally, given the obscenely long ranges of the energy torpedo launchers mounted on the torpedo bombers, and their relativistic speeds, the torpedo bombers would be able to fire at the Royal Destroyer's main battery provided the proper angle of fire, at maximum firepower, going for the firepower kill that could cause the most problems, the railgun.

Capital ships:

ANS Himmler (Trimaran-II-class missile destroyer) | Shields: 60% | Hull: 95% | Firing at: Tantrums escorting Celestes
ANS Denigrator (Scythe-III-class missile cruiser) | Shields: 55% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Kaksonjae
ANS Unenforceable Contract (Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser) | Shields: 40% | Hull: 90% | Firing at: Hanyak
ANS Lothal (Lothal-II-class artillery carrier) | Shields: 45% | Hull: 90% | Firing at: Vidrio
ANS Skor (Skor-II-class monitor frigate) | Shields: 90% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Cristy
ANS Polis Massa (Skor-II-class monitor frigate) | Shields: 95% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Vidrio
ANS Positive KITA (Skor-II-class monitor frigate) | Shields: 85% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Hanyak
ANS Negative KITA (Skor-II-class monitor frigate) | Shields: 90% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Kaksonjae
ANS Job Engorgement (Skor-II-class monitor frigate) | Shields: 90% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Cristy
Jubilant Debauchery (Krayiss-II-class escort frigate) | Shields: 80% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Tweak, fighters
Synallagmatic Contract (Krayiss-II-class escort frigate) | Shields: 85% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Quartz, fighters
Sleep Country (Krayiss-II-class escort frigate) | Shields: 80% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Shards, fighters
Jabiim Train (Krayiss-II-class escort frigate) | Shields: 90% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Lace, fighters
Evil Rabbit (Krayiss-II-class escort frigate) | Shields: 80% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Shards, fighters
Cinquedea (Jambiya-class pocket carrier) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Tweak, fighters
Kris (Jambiya-class pocket carrier) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: fighters
Kard (Jambiya-class pocket carrier) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: fighters
Khukuri (Jambiya-class pocket carrier) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: fighters
ANS Mustafar (Mustafar-II-class heavy corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Quartz, fighters
ANS Operating Lease (Mustafar-II-class heavy corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Lace, fighters
S-1 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: fighters
S-2 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: fighters
S-3 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: fighters

Attack craft:

335 Chiloon-IV fighters (regular configuration; half are outfitted with cluster missiles and the other half are outfitted with heavy proton bombs)
170 Tsubame torpedo bombers

  • Fired cluster missiles at fighters, cruisers and escorts
  • Activated interdictors centered on the Celestes
  • Had a bombing run on the Celestes
  • Had torpedo bombers launch an energy torpedo attack on the Royal Destroyer's railgun turret

Zyra Crowe

://LOCATION: Maintenance Hangar 1, The Verdict
://OBJECTIVE: Anti-Boarding Action
://ALLIES: [member="kaida taldir"] | ORC
://ENEMIES: [member="Madalena Antares"] | [member="hanna"] | [member="wonderworker"] | Agents of Chaos

She liked the scattergun, maser energy weapons weren't very common, and the physical aspect of the blasts allowed them to be useful in many situations where a typical blaster simply wouldn't. She'd even heard that they were one of the preferred weapons for hunting force users, though she'd not had a chance to test out a maser against one.

Zyra felt a snap of fire light up her nerves, and without thinking she shifted her maser scattergun and pulled the trigger. The blast of energy smacked into the pair of grenades and shoved them back the way they'd come. She pulled the trigger one more time in the direction of the horned woman and the cell read as empty.

With speed from years of practice, she dropped the maser scattergun and pulled the heavy blaster pistol into a two handed grip. Her visor muted the blast as the grenades went off, and a small pair of pressure waves rocked her slightly a moment after. She shifted so she was leaned up against the bulkhead as partial cover, and waited for the horned woman to peak out again.

The first moments of a firefight were always chaotic, but now it had settled into familiar patterns of soldiers firing at insurgents, then taking cover from return fire. The soldiers knew that enough time would see the insurgents boxed in by other units defending the ship, and so could play the war of attrition of power cells.

Time slowed in her mind, and images of the desolation visited on Sullust, the evacuations of Fondor, Dorvalla, and Eriadu. The fall of the Galactic Alliance had sat heavily on her soul all these years since, and now images of the events that followed the fall plagued her. Images of comrades fallen, of those who stayed behind to fight the Sith threatened to overwhelm her.

A cold presence bolstered her, and she pulled her attention back to the hear and now, in battle it was death to get distracted.

Allies: ORC | [member="Lucius Varad"], [member="Zak Amroth"], [member="Jared Starchaser"], [member="Cotan Sar'andor"]
Enemies: AoC | [member="William the Bloody"], [member="Scherezade deWinter"], [member="Renn Garrick"]

The groan and moan of the dropship as it descended upon Zonju V was drowned out by the sounds of explosions from gunfire coming from the planet's surface. KLR-13 could see the castle from behind the pilot's seat. His target was only a few kilometers from him. He moved towards the back of the dropship and jabbed the button that opened the bay doors of the dropship. He surveyed the ground briefly, ensuring nothing would be in his path.

"Hey, droid! What the hell are you doing?" called out one of the ORC soldiers. KLR-13 looked back at him.

"Earning my check."

The droid then leaped from the dropship. He fell at an incredible speed towards the planet until he landed heavily on the walls of the castle. Guards surrounded KLR-13, guns aimed at him with the intent the kill. He rose from his crouched position and scanned the surrounding area and the guards.

"Lay down your weapons. I am not here to harm you, but I will do so if necessary."

The guards said nothing and opened fire on the droid. Each of their laser bolts dissipated once they touched KLR-13, his impervium hull easily eating up their shots. "Very well, then." KLR-13 held his arm out which then transformed into a chaingun. Bullets came pouring from KLR-13's chaingun as he fired at the guards, tearing them apart. Once the last guard fell, KLR-13 sheathed his chaingun and moved on.

The castle was massive, but KLR-13 would manage. His systems allowed him to scan the castle for his target and show him the most optimal route. He departed from his landing spot and walked along the wall until he found himself a way in.

Equipment: In bio
Tags: [member="Nyree Justice"] [member="Jair Ordo"] [member="Celiana"]

Jai just had a shot before watching Celiana send a bolt of green lighting from her own hand to the supports under where the attacker was. It honestly made him recoil slightly as he watched. Bad memories.... He shook it off, quick getting his wits about him before getting back up and commenting "That was shocking." He was pretty sure Ina would slap him for making that corny of a joke, but she wasn't there to do it right then. He quickly got back on the ball though, aiming at the....

"Another Mando'ad (Mandalorian)?" Unlike most others of his kin, Concord Dawn had honestly jaded him on not shooting at other Mandalorians. He had fought with those that sided with the Sith. Granted, this one probably wasn't Sith, but considering the trouble he and his friends had gotten into, he couldn't be sure someone hadn't followed them off world. He took a breath, ready to fire before noticing where the other Mando's aim was.

"Oh strill osik!" He quickly ran as far away from the tank as he could. Not enough to avoid being caught in some of the blast, but enough to live. He groaned as he laid there, questioning whether or not he should've left Concord Dawn after all. He was starting to think it was safer than this.
Location: the Palace
Objective: earn his pay, side job
Allies: AoC: [member="Scherezade deWinter"]
Enemies: ORC: engagingish [member="Zak Amroth"] [ [member="Cotan Sar'andor"], [member="Jared Starchaser"], [member="KLR-13"], [member="Frielle Kinniak"] ]
Kit: profile page

The man tried a reasonable attempt to disavow responsibility for the starship crash and almost convinced the guards. William himself had a whisper of thought that perhaps he was an innocent bystander. He suppressed a smile at the attempt to weave will upon the weak minded. It was a decent attempt considering the circumstances. However the arrival of Doggo mauling his leg like a favorite rancor bone back at Ryloth destroyed the facade. Before William could bask in simple triumph the mongrel was tossed his way, the excess skin and fur from the mutt wrapping around him as the creature careened into him, taking them both off their feet and down behind a mound of rubble.

The guards, almost as if waking from a dream, shook their heads and dropped their rifles and opened fire. Their accuracy was lacking as was their discipline. However with heavy fingers and repeating blasters their barrage was impressive if not destructive. Unfortunately for all involved the ricochet of blasters managed to bounce around the hall and into the cockpit of the crashed vessel. Activating repulsors and maneuvering jets. A wave of pressure pressed down the hall scattering guards and shoving William and the mongrel to the ground under an invisible pressure while the ship began to spin like a drunken, dangerous top to crash into walls, ceiling, and floor in a scene that would have been comical to an outside viewer.

The marble floor beneath him groaned and then released it's stability with a sigh. Grunting as he fell William reached out for something to grasp and fingers closed on the matted fur of the pup. A moment before impact he remembered that he was on the bottom. Slamming down he barked out a shout of pain even as the debris and guards followed suit. Swiftly he rolled against the wall hoping that he would be spared an embarrassing end as to have a statue or ship park onto his skull and end the story of William the Bloody. Graciously fate looked favorably upon him.

The ship hummed somewhere, a cloud of grey dust made visibility nearing impossible beyond a few meters. Rising to his feet he watched a guard stumble into view disoriented and frightened. At the motion of William rising the guard turned to raise the rifle at the man in the black suit. Moving swiftly William stepped into the other man, left hand slapping the rifle out of line with his body even as his right hand lashed out in a tightly closed fist into the other man's throat causing the guard to stagger. Following with a second step he slammed his elbow into the guard's temple ramming his head into the wall with no mercy.

The guard slid down the wall, a crimson streak following the track of his face. Squatting William relieved him of the rifle and deftly ejected the power cell, taking a spare from the fallen guard’s belt and slamming it in. Rising he slipped back into his mask of frightened bystander who merely picked up an abandoned weapon. Quietly he mused that it would be fortuitous for an innocent woman to enter the mix. Moments later a woman stumbled from the pallor of dust and leaned into his free arm, blood covering her face and dripping from her chin. Containing his grin he lumped forward calling out.

“Help! I'm hurt and lost and I have a woman who's injured! Please help!”

In the back of his mind a hum of darkness began to beat, a presence awakened after centuries dormant beginning to reach out for what had disturbed it's slumber. It wanted to be found.

Sor-Jan Xantha

A little of column A, a little of column B...
Location: Throne room
Wearing: Ridiculously expensive threads
Wielding: HoloLink XJ9 | Lightsaber
Allies: Haven't decided yet
Enemies: Haven't decided yet.

The boy poured himself a second shot of the gin (maybe?) liquor.

He grimaced painfully as that burned its way down his gullet, but he could already feel a slight buzz coming on. That comfortably numb sensation that spread a mild warmth up to his face. Where, thankfully, it worked to stifle the twitching proboscis that was still pulsing in his cheeks, as if eager for escape.

Terrorists bombing the castle, he was prepared to have to deal with. And had dealt with, more time than he cared to recall. That much would be just like that time on Ord Mantell. Or had it been Ord Pardron? In any case, likewise, crusaders storming the castle to defeat said terrorists was also something that he was prepared to deal with.

But puberty? Puberty was not something that he was prepared to deal with. And, unfortunately for him, puberty meant sudden desires to feed on the life around him. Which was just a polite way of describing fishing out parts of a person's brain through their nasal cavity.

The life of a young snot vampire was not for the faint of heart, to say the least.

Setting the shot glass down on the beverage card, at least now Sor-Jan was no longer shaking as he viewed the world through a blood-crazed haze that sweetly whispered horrible ideas in his head. Swallowing, he let go a heavy sigh as he, at last, surveyed the inside of the throne room.

It appeared that business negotiations had failed spectacularly at this point, and he hadn't even had the opportunity to complete the sale on a single star cruiser.

As he watched, [member="Scherezade deWinter"] seemed to be commanding the forces that had been the cause of the interruption. So these were her so-called Agents of Chaos? He'd been wanting to get a closer look at them -- it was much easier to get your customers to spend money if they felt that you understood their needs -- but this was a little too close.

And the Agents of Chaos were aligned with the King?

So Zonju was pulling a coup against the Coalition government? A bold move, though independent governments were still more the norm in the Outer Rim. Provided that Zonju was able to keep the pirate gangs at bay, they may even do relatively well as an independent planet.

"I'm okay with killing them all," the boy overheard the King say.

Instantly, the tow-headed Anzat's head snapped up. Then, quite sternly, he picked up his datapad and promptly struck out the ten percent discount that he'd initially offered.

No, there would be no ten percent this day. Not with that attitude.

As though invoking the spirit of the great Alec Rekali, one of the Coalition Judges descended from out of an air duct and into the center of the room.

"I'm back!" the man declared. He was a stranger to Sor-Jan, through the boy realized that both his face and his voice were familiar. Then he remembered, the man had been present with [member="Coren Starchaser"] at the Coalition meeting on Terminus.

Sor-Jan didn't really know Coren, and he definitely didn't know this nerf herder from a Sarlacc pit. But he knew Coren's teacher, so he'd assume that if this man was hanging around Coren then both were likely members of the Underground.

It was practically a convention of his favorite customers. The ghost of Winter Fete past being the Coalition and the ghost of Winter Fete present being the Agents of Chaos.

Given than bad news tended to come in three's, he'd rather sort out a departure ere the ghost of Winter Fete future show up.

Of course, how he was supposed to do that without fighting his way through the Coalition n'er-do-wells or the Agents of Stabby Knives over there (or both) was a question that he hadn't quite sorted out.

And his ability to do said sorting was also somewhat limited by the fact that the second shot was now causing the room to spin ever so slightly.

He should probably get something to eat.

The Dame Stabby of Knife was standing in front of a snack cart. If Spacer McJorus over there would just be kind enough to get whatever fight they might have away from said snack cart, then maybe he could get something in his stomach to start soaking up this alcohol.

[member="Scherezade deWinter"] | [member="William the Bloody"]
[member="Cotan Sar'andor"] | [member="KLR-13"] | [member="Lucius Varad"] | [member="Zak Amroth"]

Frielle Kinniak

In System, Zonju V
ANV Elin Garza
BYOO: Belafonte's Line
Allies: [member="Zak Amroth"] (Marshal Rex) | [member="Cathul Thuku"] | [member="Lucius Varad"]
Opponents: [member="The Maverick"] (Not in Range) | [member="William the Bloody"]

Frielle left the pilot's chair to Xadia, she joined Docara at the command consoles. "You heard the man, let's get into blockade formation," Frielle ordered the crew whilst relaying orders to the rest of Task Force Atoko. "Xadia get us in line, all hands battle station take us to full red alert Docara." A raised brow from the other Lieutenant Commander who wondered now if he was in charge or not.

"Hey, wait I thought I was in, aren't I ... in charge?"

Frielle's hands stopped on the console as she slowly stood up straight and looked over at Docara with perhaps the cheekiest grin she could muster, "of course you are, yes, yes exactly you, my friend are in charge." No. He absolutely was not in charge, but Frielle wanted him to believe it at the very least. A moment or two of silence followed as the bridge crew did their best to keep their bearings but still, it could be heard a small series of snortles, chuckles and it left Docara a little aggravated.

"Right now where was I, ah yes - orders in from Therapy Command."

"Task Force reports ready and in line, commander... and commander." One of the officers of the bridge remarked and looked between the two. Docara sighed and only nodded in acknowledgment.

The seven ships tasked to the Zonju system formed a small blockade, "acknowledged Therapy Command, we're not planning on going anywhere - you just take care of our friends here."

"Weapons ready shields up." Another offer reported.

The dimly light bridge seemed to fall silent with the intermittent beeps and whirs of the consoles and their push buttons and knobs. The Elin Garza's mass driver cannons and baradium missile launchers were at the ready, and at long range, they were the only weapons available to strike. "Keep an eye on enemy forces, once they get in range we're gonna give them a little Corellian hello." It was then that Marshal Rex would be informed of the blockade's formation and location.

Meanwhile, a strike team would be dispatched from Clarke-Porras to handle the issues at the Castle. It seemed likely the Castle as soon as it showed up would be dismantled and the joint forces at the base wanted to ensure civilian safety. Rumor had it that a group of terrorists had arrived at the Castle proper and it would only be right to put the terrorists out of their misery. One way or another at least, Alliance intelligence at least had now confirmed that the group had originated in the Unknown Regions but were not from the First Imperial Remnants now squarely under Sith-Imperial influence.

Whoever these terrorists were, one thing remained for certain - they had to be dealt with accordingly.


Task Force Atoko, 2,240m
ANV Elin Garza, Garza-class Cruiser
ANV Hera Syndulla, Syndulla-class Frigate
ANV Antoc Merrick, Syndulla-class Frigate
ANV Evaan Verlaine, Verlaine-class Corvette
ANV Shara Bey, Verlaine-class Corvette
ANV Jessika Pava, Verlaine-class Corvette
ANV Karé Kun, Verlaine-class Corvette

After Action Report:
Task Force Atoko forms blockade around the planet proper, guns aimed at enemy forces.
CJMB Clarke-Porras dispatches strike team, en route to support Coalition Judges.
Alliance intelligence continues to gather information on terrorist cells.
ENEMIES: AoC, specifically [member="Wonderworker"]

Under the featureless mask, Quill assessed the Darksider as a slim, short, young man, possibly even a teenager. That sense of alienness grew stronger up close. This was no Sith. This boy was something entirely different, someone who walked alone just as much as Quill did, not out of pride but out of a fundamental disconnect with people, causes, concepts. The Force suggested that; Quill would never have intuited it on his own. Once the idea of similarity sank in, though, he grabbed it with both hands. Cutting down this enigmatic boy was out of the question.

Will you oppose me?

"Do I, ah-" Quill rubbed the back of his neck and clipped his lightsaber to a belt loop. "Do I have to?"

The Force whispered of pain. Maybe not now, but recently.

"Are you hurting? I can treat you, send you on your way. Off the ship, I mean. It's already a bad day."

Location: Castle
Objective: Protect the Planet, Support the Outer Rim Coalition
Allies: ORC [member="Zak Amroth"]
Enemies: Agents of Chaos [member="William the Bloody"]
Outfitted: Padded Combat Suit, Poncho, Lightsaber

With the crashing ship, Jared could only nod, he had to hurry forward. He knew what the Alliance thought of Jedi, but the Coalition, they housed the Covenant. But coming out of Corellia? Jared was a Green Jedi, he had to support the homeworld, and protecting the allies? That was part of it. As the fighter crashed, the Adept ignited his blade, silver-white. A lightsaber was seemed to be the one item that signaled a changed in the fight, red would send terror, blue, hope.

There was commotion, and throwing his lightsaber into the mess? That would bring him attention, and it was. When the blade lit, blaster bolts were coming his way, and he took the time to deflect them, mostly back towards their sender, in hopes of scattering. He needed to make sure he was in the right combat zone.

But he had the castle to get to, that was what the Force was calling for him to do. He was getting the combat feed, and could hear where the Coalition teams were, but he wanted to know where that idiot-pilot was. It had to be someone from the Coalition, they were the only ones here he knew would be that … something, there was a word for it, but it escaped him to the sound of the repeating blaster. But he could feel the combat ahead. The pulsing need from someone there.

A deep breath and he ran for where he sensed the need and conflict

Braelyn Zale

Locatton: Entering the Streets
Objective: End the Rebellion
Tags: [member="Jair Ordo"], [member="Maokai Bantam"], [member="Rekha Kaarde"] @Jal’galaar Gred [member="Celiana"]

Being a Judge was definitely new, and being in a firefight? That was something she was not at all ready for. The Judge had leaned against the box that she found. The one who was firing, Vam? Well, she wasn’t sure whose side he was on. She wanted to know, because if she needed to, she’d get the stuncuffs out. She couldn’t hold many people, not with just her T-Wing, but she knew how to slow someone with the Force.

It was the one skill she had, used it to great benefit while sailing. Not during a race, of course, that’d be underhanded and cheating. For now, though, she was hoping that they were on the same side. Zale had received a few pieces of data of who was here, and who the enemy was. The Coalition needed to hold the planet, and the King was working to take it from them. She needed to do what she could to counter the movement of the rebels.

Especially the off-worlders. They came out here, to the Coalition turf? Not a good move. “This is Deputy Zale, of the Outer Rim Coalition, cease your firing.” She called out to the street, waiting to see what she was going to accomplish, she could hear the Mando’s rifle not far off.
The Verdict
Allies: AoC
Enemies: ORC ([member="Jend-Ro Quill"] )

The miracle-maker was endowed of few talents within the Force, though he performed what he was able to exquisitely. This general lack of breadth to his abilities presented itself in only a vague sense of what strength the interloper before him possessed. Even this broad sensation seemed to indicate, however, that there was a quite steep divide between the relative power of the two. The Wonderworker was like a mere gnat in comparison, and he felt the slightest twinge of mortal fear at the idea that he might be squished just as easily as an insect. There had certainly been enough reminders of mortality on this adventure already with the loss of several lives at the outset of the boarding, and the danger had not truly subsided even away from the din of battle.

A sigh of relief was released that the masked man hadn't even known he was holding when his elder placed his weapon upon his own hip, removing it briefly from the interaction. That was good, because the idea of attempting to infiltrate the man's mind enough to plant the seeds of disgust and revulsion he relied on for protection while simultaneously dodging what could be a master duelist meant an unfortunate outcome. Instead of violence, or even the manipulative persuasion that often permeated darksiders, the older man questioned whether it would be necessary to oppose the Wonderworker, eliciting a gentle shrug from the masked trespasser.

The offer of escape from the durasteel trap was appealing to be sure, but the miracle-maker knew that it was unfeasible. If he were to abandon the boarding party in the midst of their struggle; he didn't count the sneaking maneuvers he had performed to distance himself from the brutality of his comrades, then he would certainly be punished when he was recovered. Perhaps there would be some degree of mercy offered in order to allow for the continued use of his gift, but he didn't doubt that whatever scourging was demanded would be harsh and cruel. The man was excellent at returning flesh which had been torn and shredded to its former state, which meant that his torturous ordeal would undoubtedly be psychological.

"I'm afraid that if I don't come back with something accomplished, I'll face greater torture than I would here." A vindictive smile creased his lips, though his mask concealed the musculature which wrought emotion to visible perception. "Perhaps we could come to an arrangement. I wish to disable the power of the vessel, if temporarily. Once that is done, I imagine the other boarders will believe their work is successful, and will attempt to retreat." A pause in the conversation. "I am known as the Wonderworker, for my work is that of miracles. Allow this, and I will remain behind and offer my own healing to those crewmen of yours who are hurt... as many as I am able."

He ran his hand gingerly along the bars of the cage which hung at his side, causing the small rodent within to squeak and glare at the offending digits. "I cannot beat you in a confrontation of physicality, nor do I wish to, but you must understand that I fear what is behind me far more than what is before me."
The Verdict
Allies: ORC
Enemies: AoC, specifically [member="Wonderworker"]

"Makes sense. Telling stories, good way to stay alive." Quill looked for somewhere to sit and found nothing. "Only problem is cutting the power could get folks killed. Think you need another story."

He took out his lightsaber again. Quickly, because the young man could easily misread his intention, he rested the emitter against the meat of his left forearm and flicked the button twice.

The sky-blue blade snapped to life for half a heartbeat of pain. Quill grunted as the lightsaber vaporized about a millimeter of skin, courtesy of a small but nasty third-degree burn. The air stank of scorched hair, meat, and burlap. The saber would too.

He tossed the inert weapon to the man with rats on his belt.

"A Jedi Master got between you and the reactor. You hurt him, got his saber, but between him and..." Quill glanced obviously around the empty halls. "...all those troopers, that really was the best you could do."

Zak Amroth

Objective: The Prestige
Location: Castle Crash Site
Allies: ORC, [member="Cotan Sar'andor"], [member="Jared Starchaser"], [member="KLR-13"], [member="Frielle Kinniak"], [member="Lucius Varad"]
Enemies: AoC, [member="William the Bloody"] (engaging-ish), [member="Scherezade deWinter"], @Renn Garrick
That One Guy: [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]

Zak stumbled to his feet and pumped both fists into the air.

"And when they ask who defeated you," he gloated at William, "You tell em it was the Sheriff of Termin-"

The palace guards opened fire.


He ran for his life, barely keeping ahead of the las barrage. Unwittingly the kiffar led their shots past his dying fighter and when their ricochets triggered the ugly's systems he was closest and the pressure wave hit him like an oncoming train. Zak was sent flying like a ragdoll, much farther and higher than anyone else. Eventually a column savagely broke his momentum and he lost consciousness for a few moments. Long enough to miss any sign of the 'witness' and his uncharacteristic display of close quarters combat. When he came back to someone was shouting for help.

That voice sounded awfully familiar. He stumbled up and into view, drawing his hand cannon and pointing it at William and the girl.

"You stupid fool," Zak laughed, wiping the blood from his mouth, "It was my ship the whole time! You're under arrest, and so is your...accomplice..."

For the first time he realized he was pointing his gun at a terrified shrieking woman. Okay, this was getting out of control.

"Hold on. Are you a good guy or a bad guy?"

He kept the gun trained on William. From the look on his face he was speaking without a hint of irony.
Location: Mean Streets of Zonju
Objective: Knight in shining Denim
Allies: In the area but no tags needed, but that may be changin
My Coreward Belle: [member="Nyree Justice"] (Hopefully)

THEME (Dubstep mix tape Vol 3)​


"Oooooh Heeennnaaa." <<oooooh mooommmaa>> she breathed out.

He could tell his act of chivalry hadn't gone unnoticed from her reaction and the way she snuggled in tight as he held her. As he waited he could feel her mood begin to deepen as she drank in the moment. After a few moments Nyree was able to speak again and said.

"Y-yeah that sounds great. Uh, the Cave Cactuses."

"Great, guess i'll carry you out of here, too many folks bumping round and all."

Mako replied with a smile. Before he left he open up his hand levitated the half finished bottle of Aing-Tii Absinthe into it. Carrying both his "new" friend and his old party companion they walked out into the fading light of day. As they walked Nyree seemed to be looking to make conversation and asked.

"So, what does a man do to get such massive muscles like that?"

"Heavy gravity training, between missions I crank up the G's in my ship and basically train twenty-four, seven be... What the FETH?"

As Nyree been signaling to her crew to stand down and the two chaperones had fallen into position Maokai was explaining his training regiment until the aftermath of Nyree's mishap with the grenade launcher had come into view. He looked now at the crumbling wreckage and burning frame of the exotic pet shop that had once been there. The pest that had not been killed in the blast or burned in fire had been freed by the shop owner who sat on the ground in front of her shop stroking a Loth-cat with singed fur.

Mako gently placed Nyree back on her feet and excused himself before running over to the shop owner who continued to pet the scared cat between sobs. He noticed she also had burns on her arms and back, but they seemed minor and he knew he could treat them. He put away his bottle of booze in his coat and pulled out a bottle of spray bacta. As he treated her woulds he asked her.

"Mam, you ok? Can you tell me what happened her."

(Sob) I'm not sure, I was working in the back when I heard an explosion Sheriff. When I came out a big hole had been blown in the front and stuff was burning. I tried to save as many as I could but..." (she began to cry again)

"I understand, did you see anything else?"

"Not directly but those guys in pink shirts just watched my shop burn, and when anyone looked like they would come out to help they pulled guns out of those bags and scared them off."(she said still crying)

Now kid may have been a few sheets to the wind, and in the middle of courting a lovely merchant princess, but as his core he was a judge and enough of the pieces fell into place. Handing the spray can to the shop keeper he stood up and pulled his pistol and sawed off from his jacket. Spinning around he pointed one at each of the chaperones that had been following him and Nyree. Mako's eyes would be glowing now, white light of a man who was pulling force in and pissed off at the actions of those in his site.

"You boys got ten seconds to explain your actions or I'm taken you in, warm or cold it doesn't matter to me."

As he waited for their response it would be noticeable his power levels were increasing. Rogues like Mako used blended powers so they ramped up much like darksiders, however their gifts were more akin that of the jedi. His anger at this moment was focused on the pink patrol. Nyree on the other hand seemed to be a neutral party in all this. As she was with him in the club when he thought this has happened and he believed her to be innocent of this crime. If she threw them under the bus Mako would totally buy it.

Location: Throne room
Wearing: Armor | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | Sofitor
Wielding: 7 Nozhi Blades | 2 Czerka knives | 1 Nastirci Combat Knives | Clarion | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke (lightsabers) | Combat Gauntlets | 2 TOTT-001 Arc Light Blaster | 2 Dissuader K-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets
Allies: AoC | [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] [member="William the Bloody"] [member="Renn Garrick"] | + Open
Enemies: ORC | [member="Cotan Sar'andor"] [member="KLR-13"] | + Open
The sounds of something big crashing into the palace set everyone on edge. Even the hostages jumped, looking wildly around them, almost certain that death would choose that moment to scythe their lives away. Scherezade's gaze narrowed as she looked around, noting the falling pieces of architecture, ready to grab the king and her people within an instant and deliver them to a safer area. But it was not needed. The walls held. The ceiling let some powdered debris out, but held as well.

"They're going to kill me," the king, holding onto his throne so tightly that the wood seemed to be close to breaking off, whispered with paranoid fear, "It is not enough for them that I abdicate. They wish to undo me, to take my parts and sell them to the highest bidder."

Scherezade said nothing at first, instead pressing some buttons on her wrist. Palace guards, she knew, would be doing their job and investigate what happened. She wanted a few Agents of Chaos on that as well, but with their availability… She sighed, sending the orders anyway. As soon as a few were free, they would be joining [member="William the Bloody"], a man she had met on Ilum not too long ago.

And that was when [member="Cotan Sar'andor"] crashed in. She did not know him. She had never seen his face. But, to fall in and then be all 'sup like that… She liked that. His smile was returned with a grin.

"HOOLIGAN!" the King screame, rising from his seat, "KILL HIM! KILL HIM BEFORE HE HARMS ME!"

Moving from the snacc cart (and along the way giving [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] full access to it), the Sithling stood between the king and the intruder. Moving her head, she signaled to two of the Agents that were in the room to move to the King himself.

"Your Majesty, it is time you moved to a safer chamber," she announced, and nodded to her people to take him. Very visibly, in front of him, making sure he would see, she let a knife slide into her hand, her fingers curling around its hilt, "I shall take care of your enemies."

The king opened his mouth to protest, but another look not only from her, but from the other Agents this time made him perhaps consider that the wiser choice was to evacuate the throne room, and make his way to the basement, where a safe room for him and the rest of the royal family had been prepared in advanced. His wife, he knew, was already there.

Once he began to leave, Scherezade turned back to [member="Cotan Sar'andor"] and grinned again.

"It's so hard to guard the life of someone who's practically trying to throw it away," she shrugged, "Are you here to help me increase my body count? If not, there's some nice snaccs over there. I super recommend the cheese cubes!"

Location: Boarding The Verdict
Wearing: Armor
Wielding: Meymad
Allies: AoC | [member="Hanna"] [member="Wonderworker"] | + Open
Enemies: ORC | [member="Zyra Crowe"] [member="Kaida Taldir"] | + Open
Glowing eyes narrowed as she saw the effect of her waves. People fell to them, their screams echoing into a background that she did not care for. But her target, the one woman she wanted to drag out of here by the hair, alive and in more or less one piece, she was unharmed by it.

A breath more, and Madalena could see that those who were close to the woman were also less affected. Did she carry an artifact of protection? Did she have something that Madalena could not pinpoint down that was causing it? The sword was now drawn – was this the reason?

The corners of her mouth curled into a smile as the woman closed the distance between them. Good. She was ready. The sounds of [member="Hanna"] 's detonator going off not too far away did not matter right now; it was between the unicorned woman and her own enemy for the moment.

As her agents flew aside, Madalena merely pillowed their fall with the Force with one hand while the other ignited her saberstaff.

Yet despite her staff, despite the protection her armor offered, she could feel it. A child of Endelaan, even though she had not stepped foot there in any memory she still held, had never been there in this body or even in this dimension, she was a creature of summer. Sunshine, heat, and warmth, were her allies. The cold that the woman's blade emitted, she could feel it. And she knew that it would not be long before it made her slower.

The sword strike, aimed for her hand, was met with one of the edges of her saberstaff as Madalena took a step backward, trying to put another foot or two of distance between them. A small flame erupted from the Sith Sorceress weapon and she blinked, realizing that she had not been required into melee battle for so long that she had entirely forgotten it did that.

Moving quickly, Madalena fell into a attack, using the other end of the saberstaff and aimed it for the middle of the woman's torso, wishing to push her backwards, not doubting for a moment that her armor would keep her from being impaled on her red beam.

Location: Zonju V, Zoronhed, King Barthemos's throne room
Objective: Definitely negotiations
Friends: [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"], sorta
Enemies: [member="Scherezade deWinter"], sorta
Equipment: (2) lightsabers, (1) K-22 Bryar pistol, (1) DE-10 blaster pistol (links in bio)

Alright, no immediate attacks coming his way. That was good. King Barthemos ranting and raving was not, but the man obviously had some issues. "I'd prefer to avoid any more bloodshed, honestly," Cotan said with a shrug. He didn't put his lightsaber back at his belt, because he wasn't stupid, but it wasn't activated either. "We were trying to get him to loosen up on his people peacefully, after all. Fighting wasn't really the intention." He watched out of the corner of his eye as Barthemos and a few of his guards made their way out, heading to a safe room somewhere below.

"Y'know, I don't think he's trying get himself killed," he mused. "I certainly don't know where he got the idea we were even going to try and make him abdicate. No real plans of that nature had been drafted up at all, beyond maybe asking him 'hey, Bart, it's been a long time, why not retire, go to a pleasure world and relax, let your kid take over,' y'know?" He reached out his free hand, the water bottle he'd left behind earlier floating over so that he could take a drink.

And give himself a little extra time to think up his next course of action, assuming that the knife-wielding woman didn't promptly throw one at him.

"So, what do you say we call a cease-fire?" he suggested. "You tell your people to stop attacking mine, I tell my people to stop attacking yours, we let everybody know we're talking over a smart way to resolve all this, and everybody can go home happy and mostly-healthy?" He nodded back at the direction Barthemos had just left from, with a bit of a sad expression on his face. "Obviously he's not in any mood to talk, for whatever reason. Bit of a shame, I'd have thought he'd recognize me from back when I was the Judge assigned to help him out. What about you, though?"
The Verdict
Allies: AoC
Enemies: ORC ([member="Jend-Ro Quill"] )

A smirk and a nod were answer enough to statements of 'telling stories'. While he had been genuine in suggesting that the remaining boarders would likely evacuate the vessel once it had been incapacitated, he had entirely avoided the effects that such an act might have on the external scene, including a loss of space superiority and a subsequent failure to apprehend the crazed monarch on the world below. The Wonderworker was not terribly deceitful by nature, but even he recognized that it was important not to bring every detail to the forefront when attempting to persuade someone. Regardless of whether he had done poorly, it seemed that the elder was perceptive and thoughtful enough to analyze the situation as a whole, noting that people would die if the power was extinguished from The Verdict.

It seemed his attempt at bypassing matters peacefully had failed. An instant after the words had left the mouth of the armed senior, his weapon was drawn to his hand, and the miracle-maker immediately backpedaled a step, his posture caught between 'fight-or-flight', and not quite prepared fully for either. His hand clenched at his side into a fist, his sole offensive recourse, and a half-second later, he even remembered to remove his thumb from the cradle his remaining digits had provided; when he had been younger, he had quickly discovered that punching with your thumb tucked meant a heightened risk of breakage.

Then, as quickly as the danger had arrived, it dissipated. The accursed weapon which sewed plasma and light into a deadly tool had been activated, but its emitter had been pressed against the flesh of its owner. There was a familiar stink in the air as meat was hewn off of the man, and dispersed into vaporous ether. There was an unfamiliar clatter as the weapon was disengaged and promptly tossed between the two. Was this an elaborate trap? A scheme meant to trick him into taking up arms so that he could be cut down and regarded as an aggressor? It seemed a pointless deception to make given that he was already an intruder aligned with violent persons, and thus a perfectly legal target.

No, the story that was given was a new one... that he had been intercepted by the Jedi, for that was what the elder had identified himself as, and though he had managed to disarm him, he had been unable to push past him and his... troops. This last detail caused the miracle-maker to chuckle, the sound busting out of his chest in short bursts, a smile stretched across his face and leaking into his words. "I suppose that they might believe such a thing, though, they'll question how I disarmed you. I am not a warrior by nature... I'll think of something."

Slowly, gingerly, he outstretched a hand towards the ground, scooping up the wretched weapon and turning it over uncomfortably in his palm. Then, once he was certain that he would not accidentally ignite the thing, he reached out with his right hand towards the Jedi. "Whom are you? I don't encounter many who would show such mercies." He nodded his head towards the wound on the Jedi's forearm, "Perhaps I ought to take that. They won't expect me to have escaped without any wounds, and there's no reason for you to suffer it."
Defending the Verdict

"No-one of..." Quill shrugged. "Jend-Ro Quill. Just a hermit."

The pain was quite something. Definitely third-degree, small or not. He called on the Force to start mitigating the damage - but more importantly, to stay out of shock. Actually healing the burn would need more time and focus than he had to spare.

It took a long moment for the young man's offer to sink in. "Take what?" Quill looked down at his injured forearm and frowned. "Take the burn? Take it on yourself - that's what you're describing? Noble. Barbaric. This is real?"

Words somewhat failed the hermit, partially because the concept was so alien, and partially because he was a hermit. He'd spoken more to this young man than to everyone else in the past month.

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