Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[Rebellion] Have Fun Storming the Castle! | AoC's Rebellion of ORC's Zonju V

Location: Zonju V, Zoronhed, King Barthemos's throne room
Objective: Aggressive negotiations!
Friends: [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"], sorta; multiple others like [member="Zak Amroth"] somewhere else
Enemies: [member="Scherezade deWinter"]
Equipment: (2) lightsabers, (1) K-22 Bryar pistol, (1) DE-10 blaster pistol (links in bio)

"Keep him safe?" Cotan repeated, somewhat bemused. "With what you've done, you've done far more to endanger him and his rule than our talks with him." He settled back into the Soresu opening stance, the thin amber blade of his new lightsaber coming into being next to his head. "But, if you're so convinced that your path is correct, I invite you to prove it."

Where Scherezade didn't plan to hold back, Cotan didn't intend to do so either. Watching his former master get killed in front of him and fighting Darth Carnifex multiple times had certainly instilled a healthy respect for the capabilities of his opponents; given the training and practice he'd undergone, he knew he could, at the least, hold his own until backup arrived.

"This is your final opportunity, Scherezade," he said, all humour gone from his tone. "Stand down, or suffer the full consequences for what you've done today."
Location: Outside the thrown room
Equipment: R82 Precision Rifle | The XR-18 Revolver | Combat Knife | Grappling Hook | WESTAR-35 blaster pistol x2 | Thermal Detonator x3 | L9TK Small-Arms Tactical Assault Rifle | The Kinetic Dagger
Ship: Locus Class Fighter
Objective: Secure the King

Allies: AoC| @Sor-Jan Xantha | @William the Bloody | [member="Scherezade deWinter"] | + Open
Enemies: ORC | @Cotan Sar'andor | @KLR-13 |+ Open

Standing there Renn just sort of chuckled looking around, he looked around at the people in the room. Nodding to the king he grinned walking throughout the room. He felt the place shake as something crashed into it. Looking around he prepared to investigate.

Renn watched men move, and decided to move with them. He knew Scherezade would be fine without him. Walking down the hall he yanked out his Revolver getting ready to see what hit the castle. Walking around the corner there was an enemy, he fired a shot through him. They weren't closer towards the downed craft and Renn decided to back to cover, hidden.

Note: Sorry, will be more detailed next
Post 6
Objective: Boarding The Verdict
Equipment: Hanna’s Phase I Haywire Armor, F-11E Blaster Rifle, Phase I Sword of Eve, 2 CryoBan Grenades, 1 V-6 Haywire Grenade, Vibro-Dagger
Allies: [member="Madalena Antares"] AoC
Enemies: [member="Zyra Crowe"] [member="Kaida Taldir"] [member="Zak Amroth"]

The first shot struck her in the left wrist.

Given the amount of hardware and utility features in the gauntlet, Hanna did not immediately realize that she had been shot. Nevertheless, the superheated plasma of the blaster bolt triggered a violent process of spontaneous thermal dissolution which resulted in a burn of the most intense degree on Hanna’s left forearm.

The second shot missed her head by mere inches.

At the same moment, Hanna’s upward momentum dissipated since she was no longer being propelled upward by the severely singed remnants of the liquid cable launcher on her now-functionally useless left arm. Unfortunately, that did not stop the marine’s second, third, and fourth shots from hitting her directly in the chest, stomach, and shoulder. Although the shots struck parts of her body that enjoyed more robust protection than her wrist, when delivered at such close vicinity, they were critical impacts that produced shockingly brutal results. The blaster bolts each vaporized extensive amounts of skin and flesh, resulting in hundreds of miniscule explosions that seemingly decimated Hanna’s falling form. Without the fragments of any metallic projectile to plug the wounds, blood flowed in copious amounts moments after her knees smacked against the turadium deck, followed immediately by her head in the bone-shattering culmination of a five meter fall.

Throughout the entire sequence, the only cry that left Hanna’s lips was a spine-chilling scream, which sounded only moments before her horn punched through the turadium deck like an impossibly sharp dagger through chainmail.

Then, she fell silent.

Location: Verdict
Allies: [member="Zyra Crowe"] ORC.
Enemies: [member="Hanna"], [member="Madalena Antares"],@Wonderworker. Engaging: Madalena.
Gear: Armour, Lightsabre and Glacier Blade (sig!), Shield, Wrist Weapon, Sidearm, Sonic Weapon.

The bottom edge of her Alesia shield slammed into the Sith Lady's leg. However, there was no time for satisfaction on Kaida's end. While clearly injured and in pain, her adversary struck back. Ere Kaida could launch a riposte to the strike on her torso, the Sith had manifested a sphere of radiant energy and flung it at her. One sphere after the other was hurled at the frost elf, each bristling with dark power. Kaida had some experience fighting sorceresses. Both the Bando Gora and the Xioquo were fond of dark magics. Nonetheless, she was no expert. What she knew was that this technique meant her harm. Acting on instinct, she quickly raised her shield. A glowing sphere of dark side energy struck it. There was an eruption of blinding light. The shield was damaged, but took off the edge of the attack. However, the impact caused her to stagger. She held on tightly to her shield to keep it inside her grasp.

While she did not lose her footing, she was momentarily left open. She called on her Sciia. Too late. The malevolent sphere that impacted upon her skull. She had momentarily closed her eyes just before impact. Luckily, she was wearing a Phrik helmet. It took the brunt of the attack. Scalding heat washed over her and part of the helmet melted away. The air was filled with the stench of burnt metal. It was joined by that of cooked flesh. Where the metal had been peeled away, it exposed a viciously scarred, burn-marked side of her face, for the heat unleashed by the sphere had also touched her flesh. Acrid smoke escaped into the air. She suppressed a cough. White-hot pain shot through her. She forced herself to focus and advance, drawing on her Sciia to keep the pain at bay. Fortunately, the Sith had made the mistake of trying to move back with her hurt leg and fallen to the hard ground beneath her.

Kaida could not tell how much unleashing her sorcerous techniques had taken out of the Sith. She assumed it had cost her quite a bit of energy. But whatever the case may be, she did not give the Sith the chance to roll away. There was a small window and she took it. Her body temperature dropped as she stretched out with her power. The air around them chilled. Her eyes turned a crystalline blue and frost pearls manifested on her scarred skin. Her focus was on the Sith Lady's already injured leg. Calling upon the power that was inherent to her, Kaida sought to flash freeze it and in doing so root it to the floor. It was not meant to outright destroy the leg, but mess it up even further, give the Sith some nasty frostbite and keep her from moving away.

Quill took a shaky breath and rubbed his intact forearm. He went back over the technique in his head, if technique was the right word. This wasn't a matter of formal learning or technical aptitude. Finesse, certainly, but also instinct and a bone-deep faith that the Force could accomplish the thing that the young man asked. Like any number of other wild, esoteric Force abilities, it simply worked, and would be difficult for a Jedi approach to replicate. Quill had little doubt the ability would take him years of study to master.

"That's remarkable. Thank you."

A good many things might yet go wrong with this plan they'd hatched together. For all he knew, the young man was heading off to his death. But between the injury and the lightsaber, at least the darksider had a substantive tale to tell.

"You should go. I think I sense actual troopers coming this way, and they may not be fond of stories."

Objectives: Unleash Havoc, steal some poodoo y'know the usual
Allies: TBD I'm still looking at you [member="Nyree Justice"]
Enemies: ORC peeps (engaging [member="Jair Ordo"]) maybe [member="Jai'galaar Gred"]
Kit: In profile Bio
Post 3

As my emerald lightning hit the rooftop I saw a bolt strike the rooftop as well. Another shooter.... While I was paying attention to that separate shooter there was another blaster bolt that hit the fuel tank full of tibanna gas... I felt the heat wreath me and I brought my hands up together in a martial form. Breathing in the heat of the explosion I took the flames energy and redirected it with a roar back towards the building that same shot had come from. Wreathing myself in flame I let my emotions boil over as Emerald and indigo lightning arced across my legs and arms. Stalking forward I brought my hands through a series of movements associated with Sith Majicks. Punching out I sent a gout of flame towards the building that those shots had come from.

"Come out you hut'uun son of a schutta!!! I thought those who wore beskar were supposed to have honor! Not simply be taking potshots at downed vessels... come on you useless di'kut of a fiefeck'la thrice cursed hut'uun schutta. In case you couldn't tell I survived. Pretty lousy shot aren't you?!" Now I was just asking to be shot at.... That was fine though I didn't expect them to stay hidden. Channeling my rage I sent a gout of flame at the structure again with a sidekick as my left arm followed the same path. Coral fire spouting towards the building with a core of emerald and indigo lightning at the centre of the flame gouts. I kept moving towards the structure as I moved through martial arts movements and fired off Force attacks. The Echani had the term Firedancers for a reason.... I wanted blood now to see the flesh melt away, to smell it as I burned that person alive inside their armor.

Location: Throne room
Wearing: Armor | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | Sofitor
Wielding: 7 Nozhi Blades | 2 Czerka knives | 1 Nastirci Combat Knives | Clarion | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke (lightsabers) | Combat Gauntlets | 2 TOTT-001 Arc Light Blaster | 2 Dissuader K-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets
Allies: AoC | [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] [member="William the Bloody"] [member="Renn Garrick"] | + Open
Enemies: ORC | [member="Cotan Sar'andor"] [member="KLR-13"] | + Open
"Words can cut deeper than any blades," she shot right back. Her own few years of existence proved it. Viciously so. "Don't pretend you're any kind of innocent and only want what's best when what you're out for is your own benefit." It was the usual big-government drivel. Sure, not just theirs, but nothing she had not heard a million times before.

As Cotan went into the opening stance, Scherezade didn't need to make any moves or adjustments on her own part. Why? She wasn’t holding any of her weapons in her hands, and she'd be more than probably able to react on time if he did the first move.

She tossed another handful of cheese cubes into her mouth.

"Bring it," she smiled in between her chewing, and moved her arms to the sides, showing him that she was open.

Location: Boarding The Verdict
Wearing: Armor
Wielding: Meymad
Allies: AoC [member="Hanna"] [member="Wonderworker"] | + Open
Enemies: ORC | [member="Zyra Crowe"], interacting directly with [member="Kaida Taldir"]| + Open
Caught up in the pain and the fall, Madalena had not yet realized how effective her attack against her opponent had been. There was no time. One second she was fighting the other woman, and the next she was on the ground, the ice coming for her.

She still tried to roll away, to get herself to safety first, but the dropping temperature had further slowed her body down now and within the blink of an eye there was ice routing her leg to the ground. She was going to have to spend a lot of time in bacta to heal this later, and there was also the possibility of setting a house on fire just to warm up.

And though her chin quivered from the cold ever so slightly, any notion of fear she might have felt could not be seen on her face as she looked up, taking in the sight of her opponent now with the helmet partially melted.

Glowing green eyes looked at frosty blues, and Madalena smiled.

"You are beyond worthy," she said, and her voice sounded deep as wine. Her leg still frozen and part of the floor, she paid it no mind for a moment. Later, she would wonder why she had let herself pause the battle to speak. "Why waste yourself on this rabble. Join us – whether it's freedom or credits, we can offer that and much more."

Zyra Crowe

://LOCATION: Maintenance Hangar 1, The Verdict
://OBJECTIVE: Anti-Boarding Action
://ALLIES: [member="kaida taldir"] | ORC
://ENEMIES: [member="Madalena Antares"] | [member="hanna"] | [member="wonderworker"] | Agents of Chaos

Zyra checked her fire as the form of the horned woman fell towards the deckplating. Years of combat held her together through the scream, and the bone rattling stop at the end of the fall. Her mind went back to the briefing prior to arriving in system, and how some in the intel group thought a group was behind the tyrant of Zonju's rise. There was a goal, fairly low down in priority, of getting prisoners. One that had fallen several meters to the floor could possibly do, if the creature lived.

"Command, get me a medic. I have one aggressor down, possibly alive." She spoke into her comm after having blinked it over to the command channel. She walked over towards the fallen form, noting how the horn had pierced the deck plating of the hangar. "If we can keep her alive, she may be able to give us valuable data." She finished before nodding to one of her squad. The young man followed her without question, moving to cover the fallen woman from an oblique angle so Zyra could move forward and check vitals.

If possible, Zyra will move forward and check the vitals of Hanna, which would require her to feel for a pulse at the neck and wrists, watch to see if the chest is rising and falling, and then seeing if the eyes are responsive (even unconscious, peoples eyes contract when they have light shone in them). Meanwhile, the rest of the squad continued to do their best to hold off the aggressors while waiting for more anti-boarding squads to arrive.
Location: the Palace
Objective: earn his pay, side job
Allies: AoC: [member="Scherezade deWinter"]
Enemies: ORC: engagingish [member="Zak Amroth"] [ [member="Cotan Sar'andor"], [member="Jared Starchaser"], [member="KLR-13"], [member="Frielle Kinniak"] ]
Kit: profile page

Just as the rifle exploded to send shrapnel flying at the sheriff and young woman, the man Indiana Jones'ed from the ceiling swinging away from danger with the lady in his arms like an old holomovie. That didn't stop the tracking rounds from catching up. The Judge had used the innocent woman as a human shield, twisting her body in the way of the rounds. His heroic action of saving the woman was just a ploy to save his own skin. At least from a certain point of view and, if the public relations managed to get the holoreel from this wing, a very negative doin could be used to blemish the reputation of the Judges.

Not that this really mattered to William at the moment.

His pistol tracked the swinging Tarzan trying to get a bead on the moving target just as the judge began returning fire through the haze of dust. A cold smile crossed his face as he began to squeeze the trigger with the judge swinging like a pendulum back in his direction. A glancing blow from a kick threw his arm out of line, his shot missing wild. Grimacing he gripped the pistol in both hands and located the judge once more as the enemy began firing wildly. For the second time he aimed center mass and for the second time his aim was thrown off. A shot hit him on his side, shredding jacket, shirt, and flesh.

Spinning in what would have been a comical impersonation of a humanoid top, he dropped to the ground bouncing off a pile of debris and behind it. Clasping his side he gritted his teeth against the crimson flow staining his hand. A glancing blow yet one that had ripped through his flesh causing pain that would slow him down.

He allowed a snarl to cross his lips as he sat up, peeking over his makeshift barrier to locate the internal judge hopefully hanging like a ripe pinata ready to spill its guts all over the ground in a macabre version of a children's party. Unfortunately the man was being cut down by more enemy forces that had just arrived. William scanned the fog looking for Doggo. He knew she had the taste of blood and would be looking to avenge her wounded master.

A dim figure was seen behind them and William smiled as a ferocious wampa launched itself into the reinforcements. Rising to a kneeling position behind the impromptu barricade he began firing rounds at the judge once more attempting to return in kind the grievous wound inflicted upon him.

Equipment: In bio
Tags: [member="Nyree Justice"] [member="Jair Ordo"] [member="Celiana"]

Jai slowly got up, keeping hold of the slugthrower as he walked up behind Celiana aiming the slughrower into the building, He sighed a little, but stopped the moment he saw the attacks she brought to the building, and possibly the shooter. It reminded him of how the Sith would attack honestly. He looked at her, not sure what to think at this point. Either way he quickly fired another slug into the structure. He wasn't sure if this Mando was Sith allied, but he wasn't gonna take a chance. He noticed one thing in the Echani though. Something he'd heard about from the different veterans of his clan. A certain look. He quickly spoke up, not wanting things to go too far.

"Hey! Not a fan of him either but there's a line between wanting to kill someone and torturing them!" He took aim back to where he'd seen the other Mandalorian last. He kept his sight trained, ready to fire. Where was this guy. He was ready to fire the moment he saw him though. Who was this maybe-Vod with? Sith, ORC. his own. The young man didn't know.

Objective: Deter AoC incursion
Gear: See bio
Tags: [member="Rexus Wenck"] [member="Braelyn Zale"] ; [member="Nyree Justice"],
Attacking: [member="Celiana"]
???: [member="Jai'galaar Gred"]

"What the-" Jair stared off the scope at the supernatural events unfolding after the tibanna gas tank exploded. Its fiery tempest all but...sucked in before they were fired back at the building. The columns surrendered and the terrace's integrity gave in to the cracks. What fine mason had put his work into it now gouged his eyes out at the sight.

The ground beneath where the Mandalorian lied opened up swallowing him. Another blast of fire and lightning and whatnot came crashing in the building lighting up the wall in flames. Midair, Jair fired up the cord from his vambrace and by pure luck hooked into the inside of a window. The sudden stop from free fall cracked his bones so hard, the whole commotion of the fire catastrophe went mute. He swung and crashed into another window on the lower floor. The cord retracting back to his vambrace after it. Among all the commotion, the dar'jetii screeched something but of all the noise, distance and his precarious situation he barely heard it. He thought he heard Mando'a but convinced himself it was his mind.

What he saw inside the apartment he crashed into was the last thing he expected. From the blasts of fire raging outside and scourging the building a chunk of the ceiling had came down killing the father of a young blonde girl, aged not more than ten. The mother was trying to scurry her away as fast as they could from the building that was falling apart. Tears flooded their faces and incomprehensible screams escaped their mouths. They did not even register his crashing entry from their window. And he didn't blame them.

Fethin' jetiise and their magic, he thought.

"Get the hell out of here!" the Mandalorian yelled. "Move before the witch's magic kills you too!"

The little girl screeched at the sight but the mother's instincts overcame her sorrow and Ordo's words pushed to shove. She dragged her viciously away and the two fled their home. A home in which flames were spreading burning paper photographs of a marriage, a birth and a family dinner. All of it now remained only in the memories of two. It stirred the Mandalorian up. He had to escape the building too but not before he gave it one more shot.

The same smoke that was going to suffocate him now also provided him and his round with cover. He lined up the long pulse cannon rifle on the window, switched his visor to heat signature and zoomed in narrowing down the silhouette of the only crazy person to be heading towards the building - the dar'jetii. Jair slowed down his pulse and pulled the trigger aiming straight for the center mass. The smoke gave cover not only to his position but to his bolt too cutting in half, or maybe more, a person's reaction time to it.

One shot and then he had to abandon this hell of a building.

Allies: Outer Rim Scum | Dergan Twigg [x]
Enemies: [member="Alwine Lechner"] & Co.
Rexus' Gear: DARKSABRE Armour [x] | Blackwing Electro Sword [x] | Lightsabre | G-12A Blaster [x] | G6E Pistol [x] | 6x Thermal Detonators
Twiggs Gear: DARKSABRE Armour | Blacwing Electro Sword | DH-52 Maser [x] | Thermal Detonators x12 | G6E Blaster
Location: Zoronhead Spaceport

"I have eyes on the hostiles." Rexus snapped, putting his rifle butt up to the crook of his shoulder. He could see they were relatively armed. Typically, he would have prefered to wipe them out from range. But this was not that type of operation. Not anymore. "Prep your masher Twigg, we'll talk before we frag." The Death Trooper approached slowly, rifle primed and ready, aimed directly at the heads of the enemies whom now approached him. Or more accurately, the presumed enemies. "Halt." The Death Trooper commanded in a cool and even tone. "I suggest that you and your friends here get yourselves to shelter," The mercenary continued in an even and taut tone, "Things around here are going to get ugly, and I would hate to be the one to have to sweep what's left of you into a soup can." The Trooper threatened. As he finished, the sound of the wailing air raid siren kicked in overhead, from behind the facade of his armoured suit, a grin spread across Rexus' features.

"See what I mean?" Wenck cockily added, "I don't want to have to frag anyone," He mused, "But if you fellas don't, well me and my associate here," He cocked his head in Twigg's direction. The veritable giant of a man revved up his gatling maser, and dug his heels in, "Will be more than happy to show you ladies and gents the door."

"Now, move it."

Location: Verdict
Allies: [member="Zyra Crowe"] ORC.
Enemies: [member="Hanna"], [member="Madalena Antares"],@Wonderworker. Engaging: Madalena.
Gear: Armour, Lightsabre and Glacier Blade (sig!), Shield, Wrist Weapon, Sidearm, Sonic Weapon.

The air around them was cold. Ice had encased the Sith's injured leg and rooted her to the ground. For now, at any rate. Kaida noted the slight quiver in the Sith Lady's jaw. Doubtless she was not beaten though. Out of the corner of her eye, the Eldorai noted that the horned woman had plummeted to the ground. She seemed to be in very poor shape. However, Kaida kept her attention on her own engagement. A predator tended to be the most dangerous when it was wounded, for that was the moment you were tempted to get complacent and let your guard down.

Kaida knew how potent the woman's sorcery was. Crucitorn took the edge off the pain, but it could not blot it out entirely. Part of her face was a mess. The pieces of the portion of the helmet that had been melted were lying on the floor. However, when their eyes locked, the Sith Lady talked. First she said, that Kaida was beyond worthy and could do better than this rabble. "Yes," Kaida agreed laconically. It was true, in her view. Her voice was just as frigid as the powers she called upon.

The Sith continued talking, offering her all manners of things if she left the plucky libertarians and their Jedi. The frost elf looked at her intently, then sheathed her Glacier Blade. It could, of course, be drawn in the blink of an eye. Kaida's sword remained at her side in its sheath. However, it was a deception to free up her right hand. She channelled the Force through her free hand, pulling at the tangled web of power. It manifested in the form of a potent ice blast, directed towards the Sith's head and chest. It was similar in nature to the attack she had launched at the very start of the fight, but more focused and thus smaller.

Braelyn Zale

Objective: Damage Control
Allies: [member="Jair Ordo"] [member="Rexus Wenck"]
Enemies: Chaos and [member="Celiana"]

Braelyn was not happy. Nope, this was not how she suspected today would go. Called to a world that had a King uprising against the Coalition? How did that even happen? The Coalition was… was there even a government? She didn’t think so. But still, there was enough chaos here that someone needed to plant some form of law and order here. And by that she meant keep civilians from getting shot, and keep the world with a ruler who will remain focused on the awkward support of the Coalition.

But what she was seeing come from the downed ship, that was not something she had known about. Zale knew of the Force, even carried her late father’s kyber crystal on a necklace. The cyan color reminding her both of her father and of home, and of the fact that there was more to her than met the eye. She needed to learn it, but that would come. Still, green energy like that? Never had she come across that, it couldn’t be good.

But someone was fighting the lightning. The Mandalorian. Bounty Hunter if she was correct. Clan Ordo, for as much as she knew of the clans. Zale was a racer, but you met people from all walks doing that. Her call was going unanswered but she knew why now. Taking the pistol she had, she let off a roaring two rounds into the enemy, towards the green-lightning before she could hear the screams and feel the fear from those who got too close to where [member="Jair Ordo"] had fallen. The mother and daughter were running.

That she could do. Save one. She could save two.

“Come here, I can get you to safety.” She called as she ran to the mother-daughter. Using the Force, instinctually, she pulled a piece of nearby debris to place between them and danger. “That building, go to the basement!” She shouted as she held the debris long enough to get them to cover.
Location: Mean Streets of Zonju
Objective: Knight in shining Denim
Allies: In the area but no tags needed, but that may be changin
My Coreward Belle: [member="Nyree Justice"] (Hopefully)

THEME (Dubstep mix tape Vol 4)​

Nyree seemed paralyzed by the turn of events, so into the mood and flirting she had forgotten about the mishap outside and how those actions would have repercussions. As Mako began to count the hot headed Craig could no longer keep his cool. The defacto leader of the Nyree's pink squad saw he had the numbers and his moment to prove his worth to his boss. He stepped forward and took the grenade launcher from his bag.

"Listen lawman, you don't rule here anyone, the..."


He never had a chance to finish, smoke now rose from the barrel of the young lawman barrel as he sent a charged plasma bolt straight into Craig's chest. As it hit, energized plasma splashed around him detonating the grenade in his launcher and setting off a chain reaction as the heavy explosives within Nyree's crew exploded as well. Like an independence day celebration pieces of burning metal and plastic went flying in all directions shredding the five remaining meats that were around the dethroned leader Craig.

As the spectral unfolded with the six toughs guarding Nyree's spoils the remaining two did not escape the guns of Maokai. Closing the distance he let his scatter gun speak next and let loose a volley into the two remaining heavies in pink before they could draw their own heaters. As the micro blasts left the barrel beams of high energy light tore into the unarmed thugs Mako rolled through and flipped the gun in his hands, triggering the lever and reloading it for a second shot that would not be needed.

All eight of Nyree's men now lay upon the sands of Zonju in various states of death. Rising to his feet Mako holstered his smokers, brushed off his shoulders and walked over to his swoop bike. Taking up the comm link he had left there he radioed in that he needed a meat wagon, eight hostiles down and ready for clean up. HQ then read him in of the actions going on and ordered him to the castle to back up the marshals there. Thinking fast he advised...

"That is a negative HQ, I have a high value target here I need to protect and this area has not been swept properly."

The voice on the other end agreed begrudgingly ordered him to continue his current mission but be ready for new orders.

"Affirmative actual, Bantam out."

Buying some time Maokai headed back over to Nyree who still stood in almost spot, speechless. Placing is hands into his pockets in a more subdued pose he said.

"I'm sorry you had to see that mam, your guards were outsiders, a third party protection company right? I'm afraid they were not what they appeared. Instead of protecting you and helping you in your mission it appears they were a part of the very rebels you looking to root out. They were probably reporting your every action to the rebels, and when you were of no use to collect Intel they were gonna kidnap you and ransom you back to your parents. It happens far to often to here on the rim, but no worries, you're safe with me Nyree."

Taking his hands out of his pockets he would hold one out for Nyree to take. If she did he would lead her to a quaint little bistro at the end of the block.

Objectives: Unleash Havoc, steal some poodoo y'know the usual
Allies: TBD I'm still looking at you [member="Nyree Justice"]
Enemies: ORC peeps (engaging [member="Jair Ordo"]) maybe [member="Jai'galaar Gred"] [member="Braelyn Zale"]
Kit: In profile Bio
Post 4

The power of the Dark Side dripped from me right a young Mandalorian yelled at me there was a line between killing and torture. Whipping my head towards the young Mandalorian I said with venom in my voice "And I suppose you're hut'uun kind would know about honor would they? Shooting a tibanna gas tank and killing soldiers I spared just to kill me?" Spitting on the ground in front of them I said "This is why the Mandalorian hordes burn. Using a scoped rifle rather than standing and fighting in the open. That house didn't have to fall but couldn't resist shooting at the jetiise could you, killing innocents to take me out. Jetiise have restraint...I? I'll have blood for blood as I am Sith, and even I won't do what he did." Reaching out with The Force I had a distinct difference in smell. Whipping my head to look at the building as it began to collapse I energy charge. Clever but not good enough...

I felt anger towards me for the destruction I caused. Then two plasma bolts came...halting them midair I had my focus on the collapsing building. Where sure enough a bolt of plasma came from.... halting it midair I waited until the building collapsed and a plume of smoke burst right as the shooter emerged. Before they could fully get to their feet I channeled my rage, my lust for blood and accelerated the plasma even further before sending all three bolts towards the mercenary. Bringing down a building had the desired effect as I was still wreathed in flame and lightning. Looking towards the wreckage around I simply weaved my way through towards the mercenary.... I would have my piece of beskar from this hut'uuns' armor if I had to pull it from his corpse...

Sor-Jan Xantha

A little of column A, a little of column B...
Location: Throne room
Wearing: Ridiculously expensive threads
Wielding: HoloLink XJ9 | Lightsaber
Allies: Haven't decided yet
Enemies: Haven't decided yet.

Scherezade moved away from the snack cart. Instead, she positioned herself between Spacer McJorus and the king.

Also, Spacer McJorus' real name was Cotan.

So, he was Discount Coren?

The thought caused the boy to giggle. He tried to stifle it, but in his inebriated state that just prompted him to giggle more.

This was entirely inappropriate. There were people who'd been killed and a planet wrestling in the grips of a civil war that waged the right of the planet to determine its fate for itself against the Coalition's belief that it was acting in the collective good of the planet's populace. And here he was, slightly tipsy and giggling like a...

...well, slightly drunken teenage boy.

Can't say he didn't at least look the part.

He stepped over toward the snack cart as the two started their political debate.

Yes, political debate.

It was the middle of a war zone and they were holding the Planetary Rebellion Primary Debate in the throne room. As they did, the boy shoveled a few pieces of what looked like bruschetta into his mouth, then started collecting a handful of cheese cubes.

The familiar sound of a lightsaber igniting prompted the Anzat to look up with a frown. Cotan had his weapon drawn, adopting the opening stance of the Third Form. The boy's eyes shifted over toward Scherezade. She'd drawn a knife, but seemed to be merely playing with it.

The boy's eyes shifted back toward Cotan. The man was clearly poised to attack. His posture and bearing reminiscent of many battles and struggles that Sor-Jan had born witness to first hand. Watching his master fight against the pirates of the Hyperspace War. Watching his padawan hold his own against the Yinchorri during the Uprising.

Is that what they had become? So self-righteous that they not only decided what was best for others, but committed themselves to the role of judge, jury, and executioner? What had the great teacher said? A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.

He could recall the words. Conflicted about what to do. Who was right? Who was wrong? And who was he to decide which was which?

Once, he'd been arrogant enough to believe that he was doing what was right.

In the end, it had all been futile.

Perhaps that was the lesson of mortality. With a span of centuries to look back upon, the boy couldn't help but feel as though both Scherezade and Cotan were missing a bigger picture. Human lifespans often didn't afford one the opportunity to see beyond the minuscule slip of time given them. It was unfortunate, but was also what stayed the boy's hand from interfering.

Perhaps the Coalition would carry the day and restore peace and order to Zondu. There would be another rebellion. Another struggle. Another uprising. Even if they won this day, tomorrow would always promise to bring about change. Change was chaotic. Change couldn't be anticipated.

Perhaps the Agents of Chaos would succeed in overthrowing the Coalition government, liberating Zondu from its galactic oversees and affording them the opportunity to decide their governance. Would there be peace? Almost certainly not. Political revolutions were rarely blood-less affairs. Would there be order? It would be chaos. Zondu would either flourish or perish as a result. And would they stay free? No. There would always be another power in the galaxy out there looking to increase its clout.

Simply put, the boy's hand was stayed because, from his point of view, the goals of either side didn't matter.

...and, just think, they could all be reading a holo-book right now.

[member="Scherezade deWinter"] | [member="Cotan Sar'andor"]

Objective: Deter AoC incursion
Gear: See bio
Allies: [member="Braelyn Zale"]
Attacking: [member="Celiana"]
???: [member="Jai'galaar Gred"]​
The same bolt he'd sent came back and deflected off his beskar helmet knocking him off his feet. A large black burnt spot remained there where the bolt hit the buy'ce, a clear demonstration of the bolt's lethal capabilities. Had this not been beskar, it wouldn't have only knocked him off his feet - it would've knocked his soul out of his body.

Jair lied there for half a minute before picking himself up coughing. The smoke was becoming unbearable and in a frantic leap up, the Mandalorian took off. Taking the stairs down, ignoring the scorched and smashed corpses of civilians caught in the middle of the rage of a witch. His helmet's filters were barely coping with the smoke and Ordo's vision blurred in and out.

He finally made his way out of the exit of the crumbling building which was to the side of where he faced the dar'jetii. Coughing his lungs out, the Mandalorian noticed three familiar figures - the mother and daughter he witnessed earlier and Deputy Zale of the OutRim - his point of contact in this wretched job.

"Zale!" he managed to shout out from the lapses of coughs. "No one mentioned a schutta of a jetii turning on their own." Jair was not really aware of the Force sects and their affiliations. He barely knew of these Agents of Chaos but he was certain jetii did affiliated with the OutRim.

The Mandalorian watched as the deputy finished providing cover for the mother and daughter as they escaped to the safety of the basement of a yet untorched building. He approached her hastily and pointed at the direction of where the downed vessel was and supposedly the witch.

"You use space magic? Good. We'll need that." Ordo said before raising a warning finger at the deputy. "I am altering the deal - fifteen kay. Pray I do not alter it further."

He reloaded the magazine and locked the chamber.

Equipment: In bio
Tags: [member="Nyree Justice"] [member="Jair Ordo"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Braelyn Zale"]

Jai's eyes lit up when Celiana called his kind hut'unn. Coward. He glared from under his helmet, but it was she said next that got him. "I'll have blood for blood as I am a Sith, and even I wouldn't do that." A certain something seemed to hit him then. Something that could only be formed by someone's memory being scarred by things in their past. Things that couldn't just be shaken off. He'd watched what the Sith did to Concord Dawn, and apparently the Echani either didn't notice the accent, or didn't care. He'd fought there for a long time before the Agents picked him and his small band up. There was no way a Force wielder couldn't feel at least something coming off of him. Jai'galaar was about to show her restraint when more blaster bolts flew in, and she stopped them. It was then that the young Mando yelled out.

"Your lucky we're in a firefight, dar'jetii, or I'd show you restraint! The Sith destroyed my clan, took my homeworld. I fought them and the dar'aliit that followed them contently for months until the Agent's found us, and now I don't even know who's alive! You call my people hut'unn, but many of us have seen things no one, even a soldier, should have to!" As he said this, Jai ran for cover and aimed his weapon. It was pretty clear that the young Mando was going off something different. He sounded more like Clones so long ago talking about fighting battle droids. Either way though, he aimed through the slugthrower's sights, taking a breath as he looked of the Mando'ad fighter. He hadn't noticed the other people there. In part, the fighting he'd already gone through had dulled him to it, but the main part was focus. He aimed for where the Mando was before, waiting for him to shot anything. If he did, the Gred would fire off a slugthrower round, aiming to make this quick.

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