Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile couldn’t help the slight shadow of vulnerability and shame that darkened her brown eyes. It almost was difficult enough to meet his gaze when his fingers gently placed upward pressure on her chin. She still couldn’t stop the biting of her lip, worrying it so as she regarded the scoundrel.

Nothing prepared her for what he confessed next.

I’m worried that I’m taking advantage of you.

What he told her thereafter was a slow revelation. That he was confused was a given, but he was also working through what to say. What he was thinking. There was humor there, perhaps at the irony of the other having the same fear. As he continued, Kaile found herself relaxing, her shoulders falling from their odd defensive pose.

So when he made his desire known, tugging her down to rest against him, Kaile’s hands fell away. As if releasing a burden with the blanket, it slipped from her grip, encouraged by the brush of Asmus’ own. It was such a simple request. Basic in its desire. Yet it was one that Kaile could comprehend so well. One that was achingly familiar.

The simple desire to feel the press of another body against her own.

So she sank against him, soft curves melding upon his chest, the brush of her lavender scented hair tickling his shoulders. An almost quiet wonder came to her face, then a soft smile finally frosted her lips. Dipping her head, she set her cheek to rest against his shoulder, feeling the whisper of his fingers sail over her arms and onto her back.

Kaile took a deep breath. Held it. Maybe it was foolish. Maybe he was too. Yet as she let out a content sigh, Kaile couldn’t help but feel that perhaps she could be just a little bit selfish.

Just a tiny, itty bit.

Three days, she told herself.

However, she couldn’t stop the nagging suspicion that somehow at the end of it all…. her indulgence might only make everything worse.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

He took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of lavender and her hair. The rhythm of their chests, pressed together, slowed in time. Once again his fingers ran through her hair slowly. That always seemed to elicit a reaction. He decided he'd talk her into letting him wash it later.

“That got…a little out of hand,” he said with a soft chuckle. Bit of an understatement, but then a bit of heavy petting never hurt anyone. “Doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it.”

A hand to chin, a gentle tilt, another kiss planted. Gentle, brief. Almost as if he wanted to convince himself he could do it, that she'd let him, and that it stopped there. For now. Three days in such pleasant company would go so quickly.

He took a long deep breath, as if steeling himself for something. “I would very much like…” he started. “Ah kriff, we'd best get up,” he said begrudgingly. It would almost induce a physical ache to let her go, but he really did need to get up and get on with his work. “I'm sorry,” he added as he tried to gently coax her off his shoulder. “My breath is just the worst.
With a small chuckle, Kaile would acquiesce to his request. Roll away she did, turning around until she lay on her back. The bronze of her hair sank against the pillow, and nuzzling her cheek against it, she simply let her eyes follow Asmus' movements.

"You sound so surprised." she would tease, legs sliding back and forth under the covers. She should rise from the bed as well, however, it was still pretty warm under the covers. Not to mention, still somewhat affected by the escalation of things...

Thinking back to how she acted, there was still some confusion. Glancing down, the Lorrdian would watch as her hand would trace up the line of his arm. "So what do you have to do today?" she'd ask in wonder. If she could focus on other things, it made it easier. She didn't have to consider a next step.

"Besides try and stay on Mai's goodside?" at that bit, the corner of her mouth twitched.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"She doesn't have a good side," he said, shaking his head sadly. "We rolled her right over, searched everywhere. No sign of it."

His eyes unashamedly ran up and down her exposed torso, before he rolled away. He got up onto all fours and reached up to one of the shelves next to his bunk.

"Eugh." He rolled back down and pulled the covers over them both, snuggling I'm again with his arm around her waist. Deluding himself that he didn't need to rush. And partially also so he could allow his body to calm down a mite before standing up.

"Got to make breakfast for everyone, then I've got the helm a few hours. Lunch then cargo check and some system maintenance."

His eyes turned up to hers, a serene, but serious expression on his face. "Stay with me again?" It was a silly thing to say really. It was a small ship, she could either stay with him or stay in the bunk really. But he wanted her to, so he asked. Sometimes things were simple.
He had such an earnest expression when he asked her. His green eyes searched hers, hopeful in attaining his request for her company. Reaching over with her hand, she gently grazed her fingertips over his temple, tucking back the strands of chestnut hair behind his ear.

"Okay," she told him, rolling half onto her side. "I can help you." Kaile would offer, retracting her hand back. "Cook that is." spending more time as a short cook meant that she had plenty of experience with it. With a brief show of it yesterday, Kaile would be good for her offer.

One leg slid up, and she tried to be conscientious of the fact that Asmus was still suffering some of the persistent side-effects of their earlier bout. On one hand, she felt a bit responsible and bad for that.

On the other, she did not.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

There was a genuine smile as she tucked his hair back. Eugh, why hadn't they woken up thirty minutes earlier. Rolling his eyes and groaning he pulled himself to his feet.

Turning his back to her he pulled a black leather wash kit from a cupboard above his bunk, then grabbed a fresh pair of clothes from one of the drawers at the base of the bulkhead.

Realising he'd stopped to stare at her curiously and start to reflect on the last day again he turned away, looking a little abashed.

"I think we might still have some fresh tomatoes to fry," he said.
He was thinking about it again. That sheepish half smile. Still confused. Still curious. There was a multitude of thoughts that swept through his head, and Kaile could only pick up whatever managed to make its way through is body. He was adorable in that way, she mused. It made her think back to when she first met him in the cantina. To when he had wandered on over, winning smile and attempting his best with the most ridiculous of lines.

His jokes had been terrible, but his stories were interesting, if exaggerated and over the top. "Maybe... I could go check tho." realizing that she too should leave the bed and get towards being somewhat productive. She was here on borrowed time and through Kairon's charity. At the very least, she could help out.

The Lorrdian tried her best to allow him a measure of privacy. Averting her eyes, she rolled up into a sitting position. Taking her shirt that lay beside the bed, Kaile went looping her arms through the fabric and then slipped it over her head. Pushing herself to her feet, she found her balance.

Hmm, might as well clean this up now.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus quickly put some deodorant on and changed into to his fresh clothes. Then he flicked on the lights and helped her roll up the bedding, leaving it neatly piled in the corner of the room. Even with the palpable tension that lingered, he seemed to feel effortlessly comfortable around her.

At first he'd tried to be charming, then amusing, but more and more through the day just himself. His uncle had nearly brought her to tears and he'd just wanted to make he feel better. As she'd come out of her shell, she'd become a breach of fresh air on what would have been a very tedious trip. He tried not to think about the fact that she'd be gone from his life in his three days. He would have paid good money to hear her thoughts right now, to find out what ailed her and - because Asmus was who he was - how she thought of him in return.

"You know, life is full of key choices that can change everything," he said quietly, before his expression shifted to one of amusement. "So! Brushing teeth or breakfast first? I can never decide!"
There was a distinct wince as Kaile bent over to pick up her bag. Bobo’s sphere was increasing. For a moment she gave a slight sway, but managed to bear down and control the vertigo. Getting better, slowly but surely, she mused.

It was then that she heard the soft murmur of the scoundrel. Turning to face him, Kaile regarded him with a curious arch of her brow. There was more there than met the eye. With careful fingers, Kaile began to untie the ties of her backpack. She had to check on the little guy. LIkely antsy as all heck by now.

“...oh?” Kaile would ask, wondering what he meant. “Well reckon that ‘pends if you drink any kind of Alderaanian orange juice.” she would say with a wayward smile.

“Tho, I reckon you meant more than just that?”

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

“Breakfast first it is – but because I’m hungry, not because of the juice,” he replied, giving her question the most cursory of considerations before answering. “Ah there’s no point thinking about the choices behind you,” he said with a shrug. “There’s just the things you want to do ahead of you.” From a cupboard he pulled out a small black cube which was a portable speaker. It was loud enough for some quiet music in the galley while they cooked. There was the faintest tremble in his fingers still from the adrenaline and hormones that were still filtering out.

“You alright?” he asked suddenly. He still smiled, but there was a touch of concern in his eyes having noticed her sway.
Was that it?

It was almost akin to Kurt's own philosophy. That there was no use in thinking about the past or worrying about what ifs and maybes. That it was about what was ahead. The future. Had to keep moving. Had to keep running.

There was no time to consider the consequences.

Hmm, wonder still would dance within her mind. Naturally curious, it was difficult to often times curb in the inclination to prod and poke. She had to do that with Kurt. A thought came to her that she shouldn't do the same to Asmus. It was a mental decision that led to her faint smile at his direction.

"I'm fine... just gonna sit a bit." the flap of her satchel would flop over, and her smile grew wider. "Hey there bud." her voice would warm, the corners of her eyes crinkling. It would seem strange for Asmus, as one would naturally assume she was talking to him. However, her focus was upon her bag.

"Hope you aren't mad at me.. I know I kept you in here all day." she continued, digging her hands into her bag, her fingers would find the latch of the nutrient tube. "Got someone for you to meet." Kaile added, lifting her eyes up to catch the scoundrel's puzzled own.

Yet, before anything else could be said, a flash of green went climbing up Kaile's arm. Lightly feathered scales, beady black eyes, and as large as the Lorrdian's hand, the mi nature Ysalamiri made his way up to her shoulder with an aura of discontent.

"D'aw... come on.. be nice." her finger drew up to pet him just under the webbing of his throat. "You are out now, no?"

Afterall, how would anyone like it if they'd been stuffed in a tube for twenty-four hours?

"Asmus, this is Bobo... Bobo.. this is Asmus."

Oh did Kaile's practically beam at them both.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]
Kaile had seemed unsatisfied with his answer, so he had been considering explaining further. Not like he had anything to hide from her; she'd seen through the exaggerations he sometimes cloaked himself in, but he was a very open person.

Yet that train of thought was immediately derailed when the bright green flash vanished under Kaile's hair. Startled for a moment, his wide green eyes quickly changed to an expression of curiosity.

“Ooo what's that?” he asked in a high pitched tone. His first step was quick, but then he approached more slowly, some part of his mind pointing out that he didn't know if the creature would do one of a million possible dangerous things at being spooked. This was a fun galaxy.

He sat down next to her, a broad grin on his face. “Hello,” he said, clearly at the little creature that appeared to be pretending not to enjoy the gentle tickle.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

His enthusiasm made her laugh. Eyes bright, Kaile gave her brows a waggle. “This… Is Bobo.” the stroke of her finger continued under his throat, sweeping up over the crest of his head. The gentle touch would seem to win over the critter, his eyes half falling into a half hooded gaze.

It was apparent that much like Asmus, he too enjoyed the constant physical affection given by the Lorrdian female.

“My bestest friend in the ‘verse,” she said with a wink, chuckling as Bobo decided that she should massage his back. He took a few steps forward, forcing her finger to continue the stroke by his spine.

“He’s a bit of a goof and a show-off, but he won’t bite,” brown eyes rose to meet green. Her nose gave a wiggle in her mischevious nature. “Promise.”
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"He's awesome," Asmus said, cooking his head to one side to regard the critter curiously. He tentatively reached out with one hand. Only one half-lidded eye snapped open to look back at him suspiciously.

"Are you sure about that?" Asmus asked with a chuckle. "What even is he?" he asked. There were so many interesting creatures out there. He could never understand why anyone would limit themselves to staying in one place, experiencing one tiny fraction of the galaxy. It was one of the things he loved about trade hubs. They were smelting pots of different species, cultures, cuisine and custom that he could always just absorb.

One hand frozen, the other found the small of Kaile's back and rubbed gently. Breakfast had been forgotten.
"He's a ysalamir." Kaile would inform the scoundrel, a bit of amusement dancing in her brown eyes at his delight. "Miniature at that, I reckon you can say," she would elaborate, giving a slight chuckle at Bobo's wariness of Asmus.

"Be nice, there..." she'd chide the diminutive. If lizards could emote harrumping, Bobo did it. "Asmus helped me with getting outta quarantine yesterday. You'd best be nice and say hello... leastwise we'd still be back there." the lizard would send a look that would suggest he didn't quite believe her. Nonetheless, begrudgingly he uncurled himself and lightly took a couple of steps towards Asmus.

At the edge of her shoulder, he plopped down upon his but, standing up on his hindquarters to take stock of this would be 'savior'.

He wasn't that impressed.

"You can hold him if you like," Kaile would tell Asmus, only to suddenly have Bobo turn his head over to her as if in objection.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Ishal-a-meer," Asmus repeated slowly, testing out the name. She thought he'd helped her get out of quarantine, she'd thanked him for making her feel better. His broad grin was not entirely because of his amusement at the new creature.

"Yeah, alright," Asmus replied. He'd seen how quickly the little thing had moved before, but the door was closed and none of the cupboard doors were open. The hand that had been frozen near Bobo moved to try and mimic the tickle she'd given him under the chin. He stopped rubbing Kaile's back with his under and brought it up flat, but Bobo seemed to look at it incredulously.

"How do you pick him up?" he asked, mindful of the fact he had seen her do it and wasn't sure what would be safe.
"With your hands." there was devilry in Kaile's eyes, her notable amusement brightening her cheeks. An obvious answer of course, but Kaile was playing a word game with the scoundrel. He was certainly taken by Bobo, who was slowly starting to warm up to the idea of another individual. However, the odd flat hand Asmus' presented was given a rather odd look.

Chuckling, "Up we go," she murmured, reaching up to gently pluck Bobo from her shoulder. With him crackled between her hands, she gently would set the tiny lizard upon his hand. Tiny little claws would skitter over his skin, not enough to break skin but enough to realize they were there. There was also this odd suction cup scales on his palms, which were used to absorb nutrients from his tube or from trees.

"He'll warm up to you soon enough," she beamed, leaning closer to Asmus as her strawberry blond head dipped close.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
"Oo, ah, little feet," Asmus replied. As Bobo moved around, considering the view from each direction of his palm. With his other hand on standby in case he decided to jump, Asmus brought his arm in against his chest.

Bobo almost immediately scrabbled up to his shoulder, vanishing into his hair for a moment before emerging again and coming to rest on a spot.

"Well that just makes it hard to give you a scratch," Asmus cooed. "Friend of mine used to keep rats, they just wouldn't come out of my hair, heh," he said, turning to face Kaile again. Whilst his left hand stroked the spine of the ysalmiri, his other snaked around her waist. With a quick shuffle he pulled them both together again.
There was always a certain amount of numbness whenever she was within Bobo's bubble. However, that did not lesson the warmth nor the comfort of feeling Asmus' arm wrap around her waist again. Without a thought, Kaile gave a half smile, leaning in to rest her head against his shoulder while Bobo claimed the other.

"Mmm, he has quite the personality that one," Bobo was not amused by this comment, this tail twitching his displeasure. Kaile could only laugh, shoulders shaking a bit in her mirth. Meanwhile, the Lorrdian let her hand move to rest upon his upper thigh. This was nice. For a moment, she would simply enjoy it, only to mull shortly later that this was on limited time.

Her smile grew somber, and she dipped her head. "We should probably go get breakfast going," she'd remind him quietly, glancing up to catch the lizard peer at her curiously.

"Before your uncle becomes upset and all."

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Oh, goodness yes," Asmus would reply. With the lizard having settled on his perch and Kaile gently against him once more his mind had emptied itself of other thoughts.

"Erm, is he tame enough? If we take him up to the galley will he vanish into a vent or does he need to go back in his case?" his fingers lightly danced around the small of her back. Feeling the lizard shift he looked down to be met with what appeared to be a withering stare.

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