Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Asmus took direction well.

There was a joke in here about young men and training, but Kaile didn't dare think-- a light chuckle managed to escape from her mouth. Embarrassment flared on her face as she quickly apologized. "Sorry, still a bit ticklish." which was true and not, but it at least gave an actual reasoning to her abrupt chuckle. Relaying what really was the cause wouldn't do much good in the matter other than perhaps embarrass them both.

With a small groan, she sank her head lower, her hair thankfully hiding the heat of her face. It was Asmus, however, that managed to calm her. The warmth of his hands, the attention to the whorls and knots that were kneeded away, it all contributed along with the heady scent of lavender to calm her senses. In minutes, he'd feel her body start to relax further and her breath rose and fell in longer draws.

Finally, when the last knot had melted away, Kaile simply lay before the scoundrel a pliant, puddle of a half sleepy young woman ready for bed.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus finished with one long stroke that started at the line of her hair and finished at the base of the spine. He gently brushed the base of his nose with his hand, leaving the soothing scent of lavender there. Not that it was necessary, it filled the small room now.

He moved off her and wiped his hands down with a spare cloth. The bottles were handled with great care as they were put away in their container before being returned to the draw.

With one motion, he slipped his vest over his head and left it in a messy bundle at the base of the temporary bed. He simply didn't like sleeping with one on and didn't much fancy waking up all sweaty with her beside him.

Wait, should go back up to his bunk? He didn't want to. He'd asked her to stay and she hadn't disagreed. He wanted this, very much. Whether she'd put her shirt back on or not he slid back down and pulled the covers up and over them both.
The inflatable mattress dipped under Asmus' weight. Half drowsy, the shift slid Kaile a few inches closer to the scoundrel during her attempt to make more room for him. He smelled like lavender and sandalwood, saturated in it. Lulled into a pliant state, Kaile gave a ghost of a smile, lids half hooded in her content state. The dark forelocks of his hair fell over his eyes. It had a tendency to do that. He was constantly pushing them back one way or another.

Even with the muted glow of the overhead strip, the young woman was able to see the softened features of his face. He was pretty. Far prettier than she could ever honestly be. Well maybe not pretty as much as he was good looking in that classic sense she'd seen in holopictures of nobles on Empress Teta.

Patrician. Yeah, that's what it was. Asmus was the sort of guy she'd expect to be living in a grand estate with a fancy title. Educated. Doing something bigger in the 'Verse than simply scooting over to lay down with her on an inflatable mattress.

When his hand drew the covers over their bodies, Kaile slowly pushed herself up onto her elbows. Her hair swayed, brushing her cheeks as she inched herself closer. Rolling onto her right side, her left hand came up without a thought. The lightest of touches set her fingertips upon the center of his bare chest.

There, she felt the beat of his heart. Her fingers sank, spayed then her entire palm pressed against the smooth flesh. Slowly, like a blind woman mapping out with her sense of touch, Kaile's warm palm began to explore. It slowly rose, over the pulse of his heart up over his pectoral muscles. Fingers found the hollows of his clavicle, where they delicately traced the dip and upward curve to his shoulder.

There they found the breadth of the musculature; he wasn't a bulky man. No, he was all lean muscle. There was strength there, but un trained. Potential if he set his mind to it. He'd never had to use his body to defend himself. With nary a scar she could find, Asmus' had lived a life of sheltered accounting.

And he sought to change that.

When her hand dipped along the curve of the side of his neck, Kaile lifted her gaze. Brown sank into the confused emerald pools of the younger man, and she simply smiled. With a sigh, Kaile drew forward, sliding closer. Closer still, until her head nestled against his shoulder, drawing him to her until there was no space between them. Skin met skin, warmth transferring from breastbone to hip. Soft against hard, nuzzling close like an affectionate Nexu cub seeking warmth.

"Thank you." her voice kissed at his collar, his hair tickling her face as she pressed her cheek against his shoulder.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

That delicate touch that ran over his body was surprisingly soothing. It left a trail of goosebumps in its wake and a shiver up his spine, yet he still found it relaxing. His eyes traced the lines of her face, softened in the dull light. He didn't analyse like Kaile did, he just remained receptive to that heady mix of emotions that bubbled up as he regarded her.

Many people like to overthink their actions. The neurotic sorts obsessed over every decision they made. He wasn't like that. But at this moment, as he tried to put the pieces of the last day together in his mind to understand the path he had trodden, he found himself woefully under equipped. A drunken giggle; a warm body against him to the night; pain behind her eyes as she stood bare before him; stories told in the galley; singing along in the engine bay; silliness in the vents; the sudden euphoria of their victory embrace; her slow rhythmic breathing against him as he waited for the ship to slide back into realspace; that first kiss. That first kiss.

When she thanked him, it took him a moment to realise it wasn't for the massage alone. That nagging concern finally revealed itself: he had been worried he was taking advantage of her. That concern melted away at her words.

“You're welcome. It's…you don't have to though. The last day and your company… Thank you,” he said quietly. His breathing was starting to become shallow. His quiet introspection hadn't revealed much. But he realised he had never enjoyed anyone's company quite as much as Kaile’s. Ever.

They shared an awkward half chuckle as he tried to manoeuvre the arm on her side to place it under her head. Working out comfortable positions was something that could take a couple a few tries to get right and even longer to automatically find the right places. His forearm ran down the length of her bare back, holding her to him as she squirmed closer. Her softest skin pressed against him and he savoured her warmth. Awareness of that intimate contact sent his pulse rising for a few moments before some slow, deliberate breaths brought it back down. Rather than letting his free hand run along her skin in return - he didn't quite trust it - he found her free hand. A gentle squeeze and then he led it up to his lips where he delicately kissed the back of her hand twice. He released her wondering hand, before brushing her hair back behind her ear. Then he cradled the elbow of her arm over his chest and started to drift off.

In the morning he'd have more tedious chores to do. But he knew the day would pass far more easily that it would if he was alone.
Kaile slept through the entire night for the first time in a week.

Insomniac by nature, the Lorrdian often had trouble sleeping through the night. Living with Kurt managed to help in the few nights where she needed to be lost and exhausted in a fair bit of play in order to fall asleep. Only more recently had she'd realized that it didn't quite require that to help lull her into slumber. With Kurt gone, the past week had been terrible for sleeping. Eating as well. She had felt so dejected that Kaile didn't have the drive to do either.

Asmus had managed to change that.

Consciousness to reality came in degrees. A slight frown, the shift of her head. At least there was no drooling puddle. Small wonders. Light snoring on the other hand when she was in deep REM, a possibility. Everyone has their little embarrassing quirks. Kaile had plenty. As it was, awakening normally took a bit of time for her. She wasn't ever really a morning person. The cabin was still dark, the only light that orange strip that bathed them in its glow.

Sometime along the night her left knee had slipped in between his legs. His arm heavy at her waist, fingers barely curling into he back. Her own left hand had settled against his chest, lightly curling against the slow steady pulse there. With a deep breath, her chest rose to rise against his. In time, her lids slowly began to flutter open. There was a slow dawning awareness of her location. Of where she was and with who.


In the dim light, her eyes began to slowly adjust, blinking away the fog of slumber from her eyes. His breath lightly fanned at her temple. His jaw barely at eye level for her. He was so warm, and it felt nice to be cradled close. Awareness came to her in degrees. Curiosity? That came in spades.

The fingers upon his chest began a slight dribble. Carefully, Kaile upturned her face to get a better look at him. He had this vulnerable sleeping face. At this distance she could she the thick fringe of his lashes. The dark slash of his brows. Temptation got the better of her. It always did when it came to exploring. But this wouldn't be too bad, would it?

Before she knew it, with just a slight hesitating hover, Kaile drew up her left hand. Breathing steady, she unfurled a finger. With a gingerly touch, the Lorrdian began a soft trace with the pad of her finger. It began at his brow, lightly following the line, feeling the smoothness of the tiny hairs there and the warmth of his skin. It slid down past his temple, circling his eye to gently curve upon his cheek. The tiny brush drew up, until it slipped over his nose, pausing the tip before giving a slow trace up over the bridge then coming back down.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

His nose wrinkled and he softly murmured. His eyes half opened for a moment before closing again. Asmus drew in a slow breath through his nose as she continued to trace his features. Had she stopped, he might have fallen back under again. The warmth of her pressed up against him was so comfortable. Instead that gentle trace across the bridge of his nose slowly roused him from sleep.

Awareness came slowly and he rubbed the back of his hand across his mouth and snorted in an entirely unattractive manner. His tongue snaked out to lick dry lips and his eyes finally held open. They turned from side to side as he mentally orientated himself.

His free hand lifted up, before coming back down slowly. Normally he would have reached for the chrono to check the time, but they were down on the floor.

When it dawned on him where he was and that she was still so close he quietly sighed and he smiled to himself. "Hi," he breathed. If he'd been more conscious he would have paused. Instead he brought his hand up to her chin, lifted his shoulders from the floor and leant down to kiss her lightly on the lips.
Her brief giggle at his snort was snuffed when his lips brushed against hers. That tingly warmth came from it then, and her lips went curving upward in a smile. He did that so naturally. Just all instinct. No thought what so ever. Innocent. He held her chin lightly, thumb barely grazing. It was strange, gentle.

Even her morning wake up's with Kurt had been more towards the silly smack on the bum types to get ready for the day.

"Good morning," Kaile quietly smiled out at him, the hand that had traced his features sinking into his hair. She gently tucked back the long strands behind his ear, letting her finger linger with a low trace along the shell of it. She was well aware that she'll need to stop by the refresher to brush her teeth with the sonic toothbrush and get cleaned up again. Not wanting to have icky morning breath be an issue, she settled close, but not too close.

"Sleep well?" she asked him, letting her fingers trail down his jaw. Here he had little tuffs of bristles cutting through his skin. They scratched at her finger pads, tickling slightly.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

His lips smacked open a few times and he blinked his eyes slowly. "Very," he replied. He could tell by the painfully slow return of his faculties that he'd been well under. That trace along his chin reminded him that he needed a good shave; Asmus preferred to keep a clean jawline.

"You?" he asked. Also conscious of breathing over her, he used his elbows to shuffle up the bed a few inches, before rolling onto his left shoulder. His right hand tussled the back of her hair as he pulled her in. His chin lightly against the top of her head, her chest against his. He kissed her hair lightly before rolling down onto his back again and his hand started a gentle stroke up and down her upper arm with the back of his hand. That skin felt so smooth gently grazing his knuckles.

"I'd best check the time," he manured, but there was no hunt of motion towards a clock. Asmus found himself exceedingly reticent to break skin to skin contact.
"Well." she sighed out. No nightmares was an extra plus. Like a content Nexu, Kaile followed along his roll onto his back, the blanket sliding down to reveal the smooth expanse of her shoulder. There was a slight content hum in the back of her throat at the up and down stroke along her arm in tandem to the hand entangled in her hair. Her knee rose, leg sliding over him as she nestled against him,

A shut of her eyes and she felt herself being lulled back into that half drowsy state from before. Her left hand went tracing over his bare chest, idle in its direction and exploration, a teasing graze of those slender digits used to waiting on tables and slicing into data consoles. She couldn't see it under the cover of the blankets, but his skin was smooth and beautiful, his torso segmented with definitions of muscle. A thought came in wonder if the rest of him would match as well.

Curious thoughts set aside, Kaile took in a deep breath. They should check the time. They ought to. I should be getting up. I should be pulling away, grabbing my shirt, slipping it on. Get up and maybe make breakfast. Do something productive...

Yet all she could do was continue her idle doodling over his abdomen, feeling the muscles start to twitch and quiver before she swept the flat palm of her hand up over his chest. "I can check if you like." came her offer, a husky half drowsy whisper that kissed the curve of his neck.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus' breath out came with a slightly nasal, content moan. His eyebrows drew together for a moment as he fingers drew little patterns on his midriff, but that wince was smoothed out as her palm swept back up over him.

His shoulders bobbed up and down as he shimmied in even closer, mirroring her desire for contact. He made a discontented throaty noise at her suggestion. There was almost nothing he could think of that he desired more - certainly couldn't now he was in the moment - that spending an entire lazy day here. Only venturing forth when necessary, maybe gently approaching that line they hadn't crossed yet.

"In a minute," he sighed. His right hand left her forearm and ran down her side with a firm pressure. The flat of his palm pressed down as he followed the curve of her waist. Fingers idly explored the curve of her rump before coming to rest on the thigh that straddled his legs.
When his hand swept over her flank, she couldn't help but give a little twitch and a faint "Heh." at the sensation of tiny triggers of lightning down her nerves. Being ticklish at times had its cons. One slight mammaquatia that stilled when she snuggled closer.

"Mmm... but you might get yelled at." she would remind him, nuzzling the curve of his neck with the tip of her nose. Her right hand rose upright, this time walking her fingers across his chest. The blanket would shift at her movement, until the blanket began to slide down. Cool air would fall upon his upper chest and over her shoulder, the glow of the light barely illuminating the valleys and plains of the two content to lay together.

"And there is food. Food is good." there was a mild attempt at reasoning on the why's and the consequences of it all. However, that contradicted the upward path that her hand went to play with the shell of his ear, lightly caressing the full lobe.

"Brushing teeth is good too."

All perfectly reasonable. Even if her leg slid higher and she lifted her hips closer.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

The mention of food made the pit of his stomach lurch, as if trying to agree with her on its own. Playing with the lobe of his ear changed that sensation to a light flutter. She was so touchy, he'd never met anyone quite as fixated on a tactile connection before. And he loved every moment of it. He'd never quite experienced affection like this. He gentle nuzzled the top of her head.

"Probably should check the time," he admitted reluctantly. One hand was firmly running up the outside of her thigh, the other combing through her hair. He tensed, as of threatening to stand up, but then made no over move to leave the bed.

"Do you want me to wash your hair?" he asked. "Get the oils out."
Kaile would lift her head, pushing herself up on one elbow. The blanket slid lower, down to the middle of her bare back, following the curve of her spine. Modesty was kept as she half was half on the scoundrel, soft curves pressed against his side. Her hair fell in a disarray, some of it still slick with lavender oil to feather down the sides of her face, still slightly puffy with slumber as she lazily would stare down at Asmus.

"Reckon you'll end up makin' me fall asleep again if you do," her forefinger went from his earlobe to trade down his jaw again. There she gave him a light little scratch, using the short nails she had to lightly rake across his skin. The slight bristle make her giggle, fingers dribbling down to perch right by his chin.

"You've a talent there Asmus Janes," she murmured slightly, her forefinger inching up from the indent on his chin to press lightly against the fullness of his lower lip. "Reckon you'd make plenty of folk happy with it too." Kaile said with a mild tease, idly starting a trace of the outline of his lips.

"Mmm, Zeltros has amazing massage parlors if I remember correctly." the last time she was there, well, interesting to say the least. All kinds of colors. And everyone was just so pretty with their clothing. Like a party every day and everyone was just so friendly.

"Everyone was just so pretty and shiny..." she said with a sigh in remembrance, only to be lulled by the constant stroking of his fingers through her hair.

"That feels so nice...." her soft confession followed the half hooded gaze and the incline of her head against the hand delivering the cafune.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

There was a slight twitch on his lips. He didn't want to make other people happy. He wanted to make her happy. Nevermind that she'd been cagey about where she'd come from or where she was going. There was the very real possibility that in three days he'd never see her again. Asmus didn't want to think about that, so he didn't.

Normally his mind went places at the mention of Zeltros. Instead he was fixated on the soft pressure of her finger on his lips, the expression on her face as she tilted back into the cafune. Large eyes and full lips, he watched her with an almost vacant stare.

"Later then," he said. "We should get up though. Just...want to check something first."

Morning breath and dry lips be damned. Arms slipped around her waist and he pulled her over him. Chests pressed against each other again and he turned his head and lifted it up to meet hers. Lips parted as they met hers as he tried to draw her into another deep, passionate kiss. A quick surprise before they got on with the mundanity of the day.

Whatever came next was quickly forgotten when his arms snaked around her waist and rolled her forward. Surprise widened her eyes and her small startled intake of breath was quickly swallowed by the press of his lips. Her mind went blank, blinking a bit as her fingers froze, then twitched.

His mouth was demanding, his lips parting Kaile’s , tongue driving into her mouth. Didn’t matter about morning breath or that they’d both yet to brush their teeth. He didn’t care. It was in the passion that he showed her, in the tensing lines of his body, the way that his slender hands held her close.


Whatever protest her mind could give struggled to stay in place. The thoughts of how this was a bad idea, that she shouldn’t encourage him, that this is just taking advantage of him were being smothered under the surprise coaxing sweep of his tongue.

I should stop…

A small unintelligible sound came from Kaile’s throat, and instinct got the better of her. Touch. She had to touch him. Those twitching fingers fell forward, met skin and pleasures in the warmth of his skin. They first cradled his face, then arched up and back over his head. As she did, Kaile thought she felt a tremor move through him when her hand found its way into the depth’s of his hair, fingers curling round the dark locks.

It was like last night, but bolder. It wasn’t the soft, sweet kisses from before. No, this one seemed to encapsulate her. It was a vivid reminder that while he was seven years her junior, Asmus wasn’t a child. And as his warm hands went spanning on her sides, holding her tighter as their lips moved together, with his tongue making languid, sweeping passes across her own, Kaile had her own little wake up call.

Tell him to stop…

One where she battled her own conscious as she found herself kissing him back, drawing just a bit up and against him to entangle herself closer.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Core muscles tensed as he lifted his shoulders from the ground to meet her fiercely for a few seconds before he flattened back down, hands guiding her back with him. Tongues danced with a fervour beyond that of last night, his fingers digging into her with more pressure than he’d intended.

Asmus had planned just a quick kiss to test the waters, to affirm she’d still react to him favourably. He wanted to know that she wanted him to do it. Wanted to express his desire for her before they set out for the day. Instead he found himself lost, clinging on through stormy waters. She felt so…fething…good…against him.

His right hand took a firm grip on her thigh and hiked it up to his side, pulling her further into a straddle. Then it traced back up to her waist with a kneading motion that most certainly didn’t reflect the relaxed motions of the previous night, but was delivered with the same deft touch. It moved further north to bare skin and the point they met. His palm gentle squeezed whilst his thumb drew small circles round a nub.

Throaty moans of pleasure came to a stop as he tried to slam on the brakes again. Hands dropped to her waist and the muscles in his neck stood out as the internal battle played out on his body. Finally he broke away, his breath coming in short rapid bursts. He bit his bottom lip…hard.

“Phew…” he sighed as his breathing slowed enough to speak. A cheeky grin found its place on his features. “Just….checking.”

We should get up. We should talk about what happened. Stop clinging so tightly to her and starring into her brown eyes.
There was a strangled noise of protest when his hand drew away from the swell it had claimed. Unable to help herself, her rock pressed against him. Smoldering brown eyes heavy with desire bore down their gaze upon Asmus’s own. His body was a mass of corded muscles fighting itself a battle that it didn’t want to win.

When he drew back, her mind acknowledge that it was for the best. However, it was harder for her to ease back on the throttle in the wake of his touch. As he fell back, she rose; and with the lift of her torso came the loss of the blanket and the glow of the light softening the lines and curves swaying above him.

Her hands slipped from his hair, coming to rest alongside the sides of his face. Breathe It was easier said than done, considering the tingles of waning pleasure that had shot from pointed tips to valleys below.

Just breathe

Chest heaving, she shut her eyes. Leaning forward, she gave a slight chuckle, pressing her forehead upon his. Out of breath, Kaile had to tighten her grip upon her palms as she lowered herself further onto her elbows. Her fingers were itching to continue. To map out the contours of his body. To dip and trace the lines of striated muscles. To brush along the curve of his neck and…

A deep guttural, frustrated groan took her then.


She was a Lorrdian by nature, and she knew that if she let go. If she surrendered to her desires and to the oblivion he offered, she could convince him to do anything. Read and react. Shift and change according to touch. Blow ones mind by taking them just another step higher.

“...checking?” she finally managed to breathe out. Checking what?

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus faintly chuckled with her as she folded back over him. Then he resumed his panting. Fingers on around her waist came up to faintly drift up and down her spine. He was so aware of the contact between them. It would have been so easy to move beneath her and send things out of control. He pictured her leaning back up again, watching the curves of her body in the soft light as they rose and fell…stop it.

One hand came back to his face, fingers gathering on his brow before drawing up to gather his hair and comb it back over his head. There was a twinkle in his eyes as he bit his bottom lip again, mischief clear on his face. He took another moment to recover some breath, heart thundering. Could she feel it beat with her forearms on his chest?

“I was checking that you’d let me do that again,” he said slowly. Even in the half-light her eyes seemed so big and bright. It warmed his heart to see them bereft of the pain that had lingered behind those orbs yesterday.

“I...” I what? What is it you do? Asmus found himself unable to explain exactly what he felt about her, even as his body quite naturally expressed one way it considered her, beneath her weight. “I really like you Kaile,” he said softly. Lips twitched as an embarrassment appeared that was very different to the blush she’d seen in the refresher suite.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

That caught her attention.

Slowly, Kaile’s strawberry blonde head rose. Talk about a way to toss ice water and bring with it some measure of clarity. Emotions would bathe her face, conflicted on which to settle upon. There was confusion, surprise, a bit of fear and maybe even a dash of shame once she read his embarrassment.

Slowly, ever so slowly. Kaile drew herself up. Her hands pushed down, torso leaning back up on her straddle of the scoundrel. Hands went searching for the corners of the blankets, where she then brought the fabric up to cover herself.

Deep in thought, she blinked rapidly. “... I …” wait, was this her fault? Did I… Kaile wasn’t a Zeltron. She couldn’t accidently make anyone love-drunk. She did however, realize that maybe she had done things in her need to fill the void that perhaps would have affected him.

Nervousness prompted her to bite her lower lip, chewing on the flesh as a worried expression drifted across the shadows of her face.

“I.. like you too Asmus…” she began, her voice breaking. Unable to look at him her gaze fell down to his chest, bundling the blanket up close to her chin.

“I’m sorry… I know I’m a bit off… and I can’t… seem to stop at times--” she swallowed hard. “... Well-- knowing how I am, that isn’t fair for you. So’s all because of that, I’m sorry. I know it started out that way, but...” she bit her lower lip harder.

Well, she had no other way to say it.

“I don’t want to use you.”
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

An almost curious expression settled on his face as he watched her. When she went silent for a moment he felt his throat clench up. An almost electric tingle extended out to the very reaches of his limbs, gathering at his toes and fingertips. It was how she made him feel and it was entirely unrelated to the more base reaction to her presence. He could smell the faint pheremonal musk of their desire, but he was entirely focused in her reaction. He was holding his breath as a myriad of emotions played out across her face.

“I.. like you too Asmus…”

He took in a sudden breath, a grin splitting his face for a fleeting moment before he paid attention to the concern on her face. As he listened to her broken confession he found himself confused. Did she feel she'd led him on the night before? And in the refresher? He mulled this over for a moment. If he had closed on her that morning, pushed her back into the sonic, what would have happened? Would he feel the same? Would she?

Whilst his left elbow found purchase on the bedding, his right hand came up. With his middle finger he slid her loose hair back behind her ear. It trailed around the find the tip of her chin to left gaze back up towards him.

His mouth moved a few times, but no words came. The corner of his mouth turned up in a delicate smile. “I'm worried I'm taking advantage of you,” he confessed.

Pushing himself up with his elbow and then hand he brought his face just inches away from hers. “Singing in the engine room was the most fun I've had in…I don't know…” His right hand traced the line of her jaw, to settle on the back of her neck. He frowned for a moment before continuing. “I'll tell you if I don't want to do something, just do the same for me. I want you against me,” he said, internally scoffing at the simple, naive words. She would find him such a foolish creature, he thought. A vein and simple fool, that's what she'd see in him.

As he lowered himself back down, he tried to tug her back with him, to pull her against his chest. If she would let him, he'd slide the blankets out

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