Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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His lips closed over hers again, more carefully than anyone had ever kissed her before. The soft exhale brought with it the scent of Mai's chicken, as did the gentle upward curve of her mouth. His kiss was a quiet inquiry, confusion, and gut wrenching affection. It was different. Different than any other kiss she'd received before.

She couldn't quite place it. Not yet. It was strange as it was intoxicating. Perhaps it was because the Lorrdian was hungry for affection, for the touch of another. Maybe it was bridging the line of being just a little bit selfish. Or maybe.. maybe it was nice to feel wanted. The tips of her fingers would curl lightly at the small of his back, a delicate flutter of movement that matched the slight hitch of her breath. Gentle pressure returned the inquiry, a soft peck that then lightly made contact at the corner of his mouth.

Funny, it was just an innocent kiss. But it spread a warmth over her cheeks, down her neck and tingled down to her toes.

Guess Mai's chicken never tasted so good.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus brought his outside shoulder up off the ground a few inches to bring his face into line her hers. Brushing some strands of hair from between them he gently placed his forehead against hers. His lips faintly quivered as they drew up into a warm smile. Even this close the Lorrdian would see it reach his eyes.

He wasn't sure what he felt, but it spread to every corner of his being. Kept him rooted to the spot, lost in her eyes. Only the harsh intrusion of the artificial light above them interrupted it. His hand left her skin for a moment, curling around the edges of the blankets. A yank and they were plunged into darkness.

"Better," he sighed. His hand didn't return to the line of her jaw, but to the space between her shoulder blades. A firmer pressure as his head tilted to the right again. This time as he tasted that dreadful packaged spice Mai used, he moved slowly, but there was less caution as the press was more firm as he expressed a slow burning hunger.
The sound of her giggle would wane into another small sigh. There was something about having the blanket over head, the intimacy of the squirreling away like two younglings, and the slow spreading warmth two fully clothed bodies could conduct.

It was childish as much as it was not. Perhaps, suited for them both.

His lips were warm and firm, pressing against Kaile's, and when his tongue began a gentle onslaught against the line of her lips, she opened them. Tongue delving into her mouth, his hands traveled along her upper back, a light press drawing her close. She felt him tremble, and her arms began a gentle quiver. Heady with the kiss, her hands and fingers splayed across his lower back. It was all about that singular point of contact then, where his mouth latched onto hers, his tongue slipping between her lips again to repeat its closer examination -- caressing her tongue, her teeth, the roof of her mouth.


Bitter spice and grilled chicken again. For some reason, she found that hilariously sweet. Yet that thought was swept away as Asmus kissed her harder, claiming the responses he coaxed from her. Kaile felt her head swim, and she was drawing in little bursts of air as if she was surfacing every few seconds before diving deeper.

If he continued, Kaile wouldn't be able to help herself. She was a tactile creature after all, Lorrdian thorough and thorough. She'd do something she'd been tempted of doing more than once, and raise her hands to push them through his hair, musing it further.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Through the kiss she'd feel, rather than hear, the soft vibrations of a little moan as she started to run her fingers through his hair. That sensation sent shivers running down his spine, turned his legs to jelly. He responded in turn.

Asmus had delicate hands for a man. His slender fingers started turning small knots in her hair before running the strands through his fingers to slide it out again.

They had found a rhythm comfortable to them both, yet it gradually increased with every stroke of the tongue. Eventually breathing through the nose and taking short of gulps of air wasn't enough and his head was swimming from more than elation.

His lips tugged at her bottom lip in a playful manner as they broke apart. In the darkness under the covers he could just see the glint of her eyes, but it was enough to focus on. His mind very slowly rose from the depths of focus on physical sensation back to thought. A million thoughts ran through his mind: who was she? What did she do? Where was she going? Would he see her again?...

He asked none of them. Instead he plunged back into those welcome depths and kissed her again. His hand ran through her hair again, gently down the back of her neck, between her shoulder blades to the small of her back. There a firm embrace pulled her body tightly against his. His jaw moved slightly wider, the kiss became more animated as he tried to lose himself in her.
Just when Kaile thought she couldn’t take the intensity, Asmus lessened the pressure and sucked at her lower lip softly, brushed his tongue over it, and then he repeated the movement. Delicate hands ran through her hair and she gave a soft mewl of pleasure into his mouth. Pressure drew the length of her body against his, melding the soft curves of her body against his own, a meeting that prompted the slow arch of her back at the press of his hand there.

For Kaile, things were forming into a heady cocktail of sensation, fluttering emotions, and just the desire to feel alive. To have someone close. It was just a series of kisses, but it was turning into something more. A flush colored her face, soft pants breathing in between takes of soft and deep kisses, to soft and slow, to fast and deep. Her heart began to flutter in her throat, her breathing quickening beyond the pants.

The Lorrdian hummed in his arms, giving herself over to kissing him, having no thought beyond these heated kisses. Her hands tightened in his hair, a firm grasp that curled her fingers into fists, drew him closer. This time she nipped at his lower lip, drank from his lips. For once, mind blank. No Kurt. No Messa. No reminder that she was well and truly alone three days from now.

Instead, Kaile's mind was in the moment. In the way her toes seemed to tingle, the scent of chicken filled the air, and the slight over-heated flush of her skin. It turned to respond to the press of his body against her own. A tremor rand down spine and kiss-drunk, she was lost.

No, she was encapsulated by him all.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Momentum built, then plateaued. Yet it threatened to carry them far further than he'd intended. Even lost in the moment with everything pure physical sensation, a burst of different colour in his mind with his new touch, he was aware of the changes. That firm press in the small of her back became a needy tug on her shirt, his hand tracing around the meet the gentle arch between her waist and hip where fingers took a firm grip.

He made the conscious decision to take his hand of the throttle and ease off that plateau. His kissing slowed and he took slightly longer breaths. His trembling lips paused just away from hers, breathing in synchronisation with ber and savouring that subtle sensation before continuing.

Treacherous hands resisted, but eventually relented and ceased that tug that drew her hips against him and slid further up her waist. Pulling his face back away for a moment he took a long, calming breath in, swallowing loudly. An elastic force had them now though and the moment didn't last before he resumed more tender kisses on her lips.
As Asmus touched, kissed and nibbled lightly on her lips, Kaile ran her magic fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp, pulling gently. Being a Lorrdian meant that she read every subtle twitch, flex, and roll of a body. Her focus drew upon him, taking in what little responses he made in regards to her wandering fingers.

Passionate kisses slowed, lingered, breath catching between them. By now, her eyes were half hooded coals of deep amber. There was a small awkward bump of noses, and her slow grin and chuckle went shuddering between them. Kaile felt warm, like salt-water taffy stretched under the warmth of the sun, pliant and molded to form. Goosebumps flared under the brush of his smooth hands, barely a callous on them, the sensitive skin quivering under his exploration.

A hum purred against his lips once more, until she drew back a hairsbreadth. Ever so slowly, she gave a slight cant of her face. Shutting her eyes, under the darkness of the blanket, she nuzzled her cheek against his. It was a soft affectionate caress, one that drew her lips just along his jaw. There, she followed a modest and soft press of her lips upward, tracing the line of his jaw. Lingering pecks, her breath a whisper as she came up towards the shell of his ear. There, she pressed one last kiss right under his earlobe, her hands tangling into his hair, enjoying the the tactile touch of feeling the warmth of his skin and the heat of his breath.

"Aren't you sleepy?" her voice was a soft query, slightly amused and lighthearted in the whisper.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]
His head gently rocked at her hands running through his hair, making clear his appreciation of the touch. His pulse still thundered in his chest, but the rhythm started to slow. As she gently nuzzled against him, his hand returned to her hair once more. His heart fluttered as moist lips gently brushed the side of his face. There was a faint shudder as she kissed his ear. Such a sensitive area of skin that often didn't get enough attention outside of moments of extreme passion from teeth.

Every patch of his skin felt hypersensitive right now, hairs stood on end along his forearms and down the back of his neck.

“Mhmm,” he replied as he gently nuzzled her back, sighing slowly by her ear. “Was. Might take...a minute…to calm down...stay here…?” he said as left a trail of kisses along the nape of her neck, her shirt had once again fallen loose and exposed a stretch of shoulder. Slowly he started to pull his head back, slightly shifting his weight as if about to return to the comfortable position they'd found before. The muscles in his jaw flexed and teeth clacked as he snapped it shut. Yet that band stretched but did not break and as their noses grazed past each other he found himself inexorably drawn back. He pulled her into him again for another sudden kiss.

This time he moaned softly as he did manage to pull away, leaning his shoulders away from her so she could find a comfortable spot in the crook of his neck.

“Aren't you?”
Her chest rose and fell, the soft pant of each breath echoing into the room and blending with Asmus's. Necks were a rather sensitive area, evident by the accelerating breaths that now feathered over his face and fanned his hair as he went leaning back. One would wonder if Asmus was kidding himself with this mental gallantry. Or maybe it was Kaile?

As it was, legs were already trembling in heightened awareness. Asmus was not the only one who had to reign in the fluttering of her heart by her neck, or calm the natural reaction of goosebumps and pebbled skin. Her lashes were a thick fringe against her warm cheeks, and she couldn't help but give a half nervous chuckle.

Ahh... was this wrong? Was this bad? Was she taking advantage?

The answers to these questions conflicted with the thrum of tiny tingles and electric shivers that made her toes curl and her leg slide against his. With a heavy sigh to try and regulate her breathing, her forehead fell forward against his shoulder. There, she tilted her head and pressed her face along the crook of his neck.

The slender digits that had claimed his hair untangled from the slight knots her fingers had crafted in their embrace. Calm down? Stay here?

"Okay." she murmured against his skin. With a small shift, she let her mind wander. Thoughts came, went, and she curled against the scoundrel closer. Ever so slowly, instead of her fingers gripping his hair, they sank in until her right hand cradled his head. With deliberate pressure, she slowly began to massage his scalp, intending to help him relax.

Her other hand came up and settled by the nape of his head. A matching, lulling pressure worked her fingers into his skin.

"A bit."

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]
His eyes rolled back into his head and Asmus did little more than softly murmur little noises of pleasure. She was utterly brilliant at working her fingers into his head and leaving him mind with a gentle buzz. Asmus was one who appreciated all of the different tactile sensations and the effects they could induce, but had never become so well acquainted with a lorridian before.

A great deal of tension had built in his body as his hands had very nearly flirted with the line of her pants before. The slow rhythmic motion of her fingertips slowly eased that. After a short while the blankets slipped down and Asmus recoiled from the light and made an annoyed, nasal little sound.

Hi again,” he said turning to face her once more. Such beautiful eyes. They hadn't deserved to be carrying such a burden, but he couldn't see much trace of the concerns from before. There was a disapproving sigh as he slid out from under her and slowly got back to his feet. His knees felt as if they would buckle for just a moment and his head swam as he stood back up too quickly.

He was about to switch the lights off, but instead he left a dim orange strip behind the headboard of the bunk on. He wouldn't be able to fall asleep for a little while anyway. The dull glow softened her features. As he looked to her eyes following him her wondered what she could be thinking right now. Was she as confused as he was?

“Roll onto you front and take off your shirt?” he asked quietly. He could open the middle drawer for the oils after she was on her front.
"You okay?" her murmur of concern floated over to him when she caught him swaying a bit. However, he managed to find his balance, his dark curtain of his dark forelocks falling forward with boyish charm. The right corner of her lip quirked upward in a half expression of humor. Slowly, she raised herself up on her elbows, watching him as he shut off the light.

The soft orange glow bathed them both within its softening filter, casting long shadows over her face and along the delicate bones of he collar. Deep pools of chocolate stared up at the scoundrel, watching him in curious wonder. There was confusion in his eyes, in the slight hesitation that flexed within his hands.

A knot seemed to catch in her throat at the question, and it sent a silky rush that had her catch her breath. Okay, he didn't mean it in that way. Right. Her mind was racing, and it was taking her a bit to think through the kiss-drunk haze he had elicited from her earlier.


Pushing her hair back behind her ears, Kaile did as he instructed. Rolling onto her belly, she push herself slightly up on her elbows. With a small shimmy, her fingers curled upon the hem of her shirt. The shift and flutter of fabric came up, revealing the arch of her back, the line of her spine, until the shirt went slipping over her head, musing the strands of strawberry blonde around her shoulders.

A rush of goosebumps puckered her skin at the cool air of the air recycler. With a deep breath, Kaile went crossing her arms under her head. Glancing over the smooth bare curve of her shoulder, she caught the gaze of the scoundrel standing in the muted orange shadows of the dark.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

For a moment he forgot what he was doing and simply looked back at her. There was a small embarrassed smile on his face as he dropped his chin to his chest causing long hair to cascade down on front of his face. His head tilted back up a fraction and eyes looked up, green looking back to her again through chocolate strands.

"Are you allergic to anything?" he asked as he stepped over her. He crouched down by her knees and opened the middle drawer, taking out a small plastic tub. He shuffled around to kneel by her side, placing the tub down before gently gathering her hair behind her neck and moving it aside. It was quiet down here, far from the engines with the ship in deep space. The sound of their breathing seemed so very loud to him now.
Kaile replied with a small shake of her head, hair swaying from side to side. "No. Reckon nothing so far." she shined him a small friendly grin. His expression amused her slightly, and what she found there was a little bit of reassurance. Settling down, she used her arms as her makeshift pillow.

Okay, casual conversation. Can do. Let's not think about how it felt to run my hands though his hair as he was kissing me senseless!

Have to be the adult.

"Haven't had anything that didn't take to my system. Workin' resturants across the 'Verse helps in that, I reckon." her voice was slightly muffled, and she shifted a bit to get a bit more comfortable. Resting her cheek upon her forearm, she heard him step around the small cabin.

A small curious thought came to mind, "How about you?"

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Not that I know of," Asmus said quietly. His voice sounded a little uncertain as he tried to shift back to casual conversation after what just happened. His mind replayed the last few minutes in his head. He'd never kissed anyone quite like that before, certainly hadn't stopped himself like that before either.

Popping open the plastic tub, they would both be greeted by a mix of lingering scents. His bottom lip covered the top as he briefly considered this. Almond oil base with the right fruity notes worked well for an arousing massage, instead he took out a grapeseed oil and mixed it with a generous amount of lavender and a touch of sandalwood.

He rubbed his hands together quickly to warm them up, grapeseed never stayed quite as well as almond. His hands came to rest at the base of her spine, palms flat. Slowly they ran up and down the middle of her back, his fingers noting any knots such that he could return to them with fingers and thumbs shortly. For now he simply settled into gentle waves of moving up either side of her spine, out across the back of her shoulders and then back down. These hands had never been read for mechanical work, but they were exceptional at this.
Kaile gave a low moan of approval, her back curving a bit under the even pressure of his hands. Her shoulders gave a slight roll, settling in before exhaling a soft sight. It had been a while since she'd had a good back rub. Credits had to be saved for more important things like fuel and food. Getting a bit of pampering didn't quite make it into the limelight unless Kaile specifically saved for it.

Normally, that was at Sullust. They had amazing hot spring bathhouses at a great rate. With twelve hour access, she could buy in for half a day, going from one pool to the next. The mud rooms were divine, and there was a small section where she could get scrubbed down and a small massage for five credits.

Sooo worth it.

This was a bit different than lounging around in the gender separated bathhouse. As she felt thumbs ride up along the side of her spine, prompting another low hum, she mused that this wasn't too bad at all. The scent of sandlewood and lavender lulled the senses, its heady aroma spreading across the small cabin.

Her breathing began to slow, Asmus reaching her shoulders. Carefully, she reached up with her hand. Curling her fingers, she gently lifted the length of her hair and swept it off to the side, moving the strands of strawberry blonde from his way and baring her neck.


[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

It had been his first weekend on Zeltros when one of the locals had introduced him to oils and massage. Asmus couldn't even recall his name now, but even with all his practise Asmus couldn't match those deft hands.

"Better," he affirmed. His fingers slid down either side of her neck and his thumbs traced small circles either side of the spine. Her neck was fairly supple, however, so he moved lower. Rather than reach across her and twist his own back he moved over and straddled her legs, keeping his weight on his knees.

Now he alternated between the soft strokes of before and working his fingers and thumbed into the tight knots between her shoulder blades.
"That feels amazing..." her soft hum sang her pleasure, every circular rub upon tense muscles and knots slowly being massaged away. He had some skill in this, she thought with a rueful half smile.

"You're good at this." her murmur would float up, a bit amused but lacking in judgement. "Natural talent or practiced?" her soft quip would tease, feeling the slight wave and kneed of his hands between her shoulder blades. He found a knot that had her give a slight hitch of breath, that bit of pleasure pain that felt soo good.

"O-ohh. right there." Kaile would tell him with a moan, rocking her head forward so her face pressed against the mattress. It allowed a delicious stretch of her muscles, flesh glossy from oil and smoothed by his hands. Her musculature flexed under the care of his hands, his thumbs tracing the edges of the small ridges of her spine.

The aroma of lavender surrounded the Lorrdian, edged with the slight spice of Sandalwood. Warm fingers slick with oil splayed in a decadent downward sweep that settled along her lower back. All Kaile could do was curl her fingers against the fabric of her shirt and simply give another sigh.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Glad you like it," Asmus replied, trying to focus on the relaxation of the moment and not the sounds she made at his touch. "Someone once said I had the hands for it," Asmus replied. "Holotube videos and practise is all really."

"Right, let's try and shift this stubborn one," he said quietly, returning to a tight whorl of muscle that refused to smooth out. He shifted his weight forwards a bit for better purchase and made a fist. He still just used his thumb, but this time he applied a constant pressure to the trigger point. It started to relent and he increased the pressure again. "Sorry of that's a little sore," he said before easing off. His hands returned to gentle, rhythmic motions up and down her back.

Pausing to apply a little more oil, he moved up onto her shoulders. Telling that he stopped before going as south as one usually would. This time he apply a firm kneading motions with his fingers, starting at the base of the neck and working out. Dextrous fingers sought out any particular areas of tension as they worked. Leaning over her, she'd feel the warm of this breath at the name of her neck.
"It's fine."

The assurance was half muffled against her arms. The distinct pressure was a bit uncomfortable, giving a slight pleasure pain that made her muscle seem to scream. It was a good pain though, one that would kneed the ball of knots along the hollow of her shoulder blade next. Every pass off his hands and the rock of knuckles sent his breath hovering over her.

The tiny baby hairs at the nape of her neck rose, each raw and with draw of his breath fanning her hair. Sensitive as it was, she shut her eyes tightly, attempting to think of something else. Like... why am I doing this?

It felt good. He offered. I am tense and it is so nice to be shown attention. Were a few of the first reasons. The fact that she'd never been kissed just so was another. It still made her lips all tingly and gooey. Her hot face hid against her forearm. There were ninety-nine reasons as there were ninety-nine missing answers. It was bewildering, yet at the same time a simple complexity. It was a small battle of fighting awareness. Of her mind and her body and her emotions clashing together.

What was right?

At that moment Asmus found a particular spot that made her shudder and flex under him. Her light moan turned into a sigh. Just a little bit more. He didn't need to hold back.

No she wasn't made out of fine Alderaanian porcelain.


[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Hmhmm," he replied. If she had eyes in the back of her head she would have seen a pained wince flash across his expression. His pulse threatened to change the neat, so he thought calming thoughts and focused on his work.

As he took firmer grips, using the base of his thumb to really knead out those stiff spots it occurred to him that he should have put on some gentle music. It would have been soothing and if someone had walked past and heard the noises she was making, they might have been given a clue as to the cause. Actually that probably wouldn't have helped matters at all. Either way Kairon would be annoyed.

His hands started to move to a quicker rhythm, working down the tops of her arms briefly. He finished with smooth motions with the palms of his hands. He wondered what it would be like to feel every inch of her skin pressed against his own.

Shifted his weight back down again, Asmus once again reapplied some oils and warmed up his hands with a quiet schlicking noise. Normally he would have given a gentle tug of the pants to work this low, but he simply didn't dare. Plating chicken with his self control didn't seem wise when he genuinely wanted to try and settle down a touch. That would have been the quick and easy route to finding a new sense of calm.

After a gentle rub of the lower back he balked his right hand into a fist. Pressing it down down the middle he very finely started to ease out the tension there.

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