Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Asmus Janes"]

If Mai had, she didn’t say. Glancing at the feline, Kaile would blush at the thought that perhaps she had heard. Truth be told, it didn’t really matter in the end. Mai did, after all, have excellent hearing. Whatever embarrassment she’d feel wouldn’t matter in the end.

“Rodian spaghetti with mystery meat…” Kaile would claim over her shoulder, working along with Asmus at his side as she took the tongs once more to double check on the pasta. A bit cooler now, but the heat from the sauce would do just fine. No cheese, but hey, food was food.

“Umm… plates.” She busied herself with the search while Mai sat herself down. Kairon would be down soon enough. Whose image only brought up the series of events that happened down at the cargo hold. A flush that had nothing to do with the steam or working over a stove rose then to pinken the apples of her cheeks.

Not one to get flustered so easily, Kaile kept her hands in motion. Forks would be good. Drinks!

“How’s that sauce doin’?” She’d ask, murmuring low with a slight incline towards the scoundrel. Her large brown eyes glancing up at him as she collected the plates.
Asmus slid the pan off the hob and then put it back down again realising there was nothing to do with the sauce yet. “”Down there!” He said, pointing Kaile to another cupboard above her head. This time he kept his eyes on the hob. She was clearly upset, which in his mind meant watching her tanned hip bones show as she reached up was impolite. He’d wait for her to dish out the pasta before spooning some sauce onto each plate in turn.

“Lunch up?” Kairon called as he strode into the mess. He made a beeline for the caf machine and poured himself a mug. “You actually got done quicker than expected,” he said. There was just a hint of amusement in those eyes.
There was a brief flicker between Kaile and Asmus at that. The rouge on her cheeks darkened. Bending to grab the plates, the young woman would add,” The Twins were helpful. Both are a riot.”

Coming back up, with the brisk efficiency of a waitress of over a decade, Kaile began prep and serving pasta.

“I offered to look ‘em over. Run their diagnostics and catch them up on their maintenance. I can probably extend their range too, I reckon. They just need a lookin’ over that's all.” She would explain, using the tongs to serve up equal servings. One could see she had the knack of one well used to working the kitchen.

Holding her hands out to Asmus, she wiggled her fingers to take the sauce pan from him and finish it all up.

“I got it, don't fuss.” She would murmur up at him with a ghost of a smile, a brief flash of a dimple. “Go on ‘n sit.”

If anything, Kaile was the sort to enjoy being hospitable and genuinely mean it.
Asmus gave her a warm smile. “I'll take a couple of plates over,” he said. He waited for the first two plates and took them over for Mai and Kairon.

“Sorry, I overdid the pasta,” he said to his uncle before he could pull a face.

“So you reckon you can make it so they don't argue with their own feet if they're more than a few metres apart?” Kairon asked as he twisted some spaghetti onto his fork.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

“Oh I can't fix that,” she said with a half smile, bringing the other two plates with her. She set Asmus’ down first then her own.

“That's just how they be.” Her grin grew wider. “Wouldn’t want to change that.” She went slipping into her seat, sliding her legs forward before her ankles tucked together. “But I can help expand their sensors so they can move about without a-causin’ too much of a fuss with their processors.”

Her eyes went wide and she suddenly shot up. “Drinks! Sorry, my mind got all lost there.” Moving as if to go find something for the rest, seeing as Kairon was already cafing himself up.
“Oh, water please. Sorry!” Asmus called after Kaile as he tucked into the food. Nicer than the usual lunch affair and one couldn't be picky when they lived on a starship.

Kairon gave Kaile an appreciative nod. “Sounds good to me,” he said. He loved the twins little idiosyncrasies. They were old and battered and broken like him and his ship. “Don't let them sweet talk you into an oil bath when we reach port though!” he said with a gruff chuckle.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Water was easy. A glance out towards Mai would prompt Kaile to start to ask, but the feline was practically almost done with her meal already. It was as if she engulfed it all in one gulp. A bit bemused as well as half impressed, she went by memory and found the cups. Two glasses of water later, she set one down in from of Asmus as well as her own.

Kaile couldn't help but be curious about Mai. She seemed all rough around the edges, but there was a story there. It was in her manner as much as her way of doing things. It went beyond simply being of a species prone to be a natural hunter.

“Theys was already fussin’ ‘bout one,” she grinned out. The collective atmosphere was calmer now. Light hearted. The melancholy of minutes before momentarily set aside, tucked away.

“I don't mind doin’ what I can,” she replied, taking up her fork to start digging in. In went the tines and she delicately began to twist, grabbing hold of the spaghetti for her first mouthful.

“Hope it's at least passable,” she'd say, giving a half smile towards Asmus.

“Asmus worked hard on it.” There was praise there, and she took her first bite.
Kairon laughed, bringing his fist up to his face as he nearly choked on his mouthful. He swallowed it down and coughed briefly.

“Yes, yes to Asmus making a pasta sauce is hard work!” he said, his blue eyes hanging on Asmus. His nephew looked embarrassed for a moment before rolling his eyes at Kaile and shaking his head.

“Can you give the conditioning filters done whilst Kaile here looks over the droids?” Kairon asked. He pointed his red stained fork to Kaile and then back at Asmus.

Asmus looked put out for a brief moment before slowly nodding. It was a small job, wouldn't take him much longer than two hours.

“And thank you very much for the lunch and all your help, it's much appreciated,” Kairon said to Kaile.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile would slouch forward a bit, her eyes gleaming with mild merriment at Kairon’s reaction and Asmus’s roll of his eyes. The corners of her mouth pinched upwards, and she would chew with enthusiasm as the next round of chores were dealt out.

Seeing the mild pout but eventual agreement brought another wave of a half chuckle, a soft “Heh,” as she used her fork to get another swirl of the spaghetti. It wasn’t too bad, mystery cured meat and all. There was only so much one could do with it.

“My pleasure, Captain. ‘Least I can do.” She’d reply, a genuine sense of humbleness coming from the young woman.
Asmus was far more attentive to what kaile had to say than his uncle. He offered Kaile another smile, glad to see his uncle being more kind after his antics the previous morning. The look he gave his uncle was different. Somewhere between proud and smug before he tucked back into his food.

Kairon gave him a careful look before draining his mug of caf. The boy was acting very strangely. Attentive, almost possessive of their current passenger. Normally the empty headed boy saw a shiny thing and after playing with it for a time put it back down and meandered off. It wouldn't last, Kairon told himself. Maybe not even until their next stop.

He shouldn't think of him as empty headed. He was getting much better, especially since Mal had taken a former hand in things. Now when Kairon was rude about him, Asmus tended to very earnestly ask for help with his latest exams. Which always led to a very grumpy captain, especially if Mal wasn't around to deflect questions. Growing up on a pirate vessel he knew the how but very little on the why.
Men were rather curious folk.

Oh things might be quiet while folk were shoveling food into their mouths and filling their bellies, but there was a very loud conversation going on between Asmus and his uncle. The Lorrdian tried to keep her attention on her food, but it was a bit difficult when she managed to catch that pensive and contemplative expression was over his weathered face.

She watched his deep-set eyes, and the furrow of his thick brows. His eyes were the same green as Asmus, save for some subtle differences therein. Where Asmus held a sort of pretty-boy slenderness, the Captain wore the weight of a man who had to work through some hard times. The wide forehead and the high cheekbones were a blood-trait. He had hawk-like features that on first impression would be rather intimidating along with his gruff exterior, but there was a good man underneath there.

He had a soft spot for strays.

Asmus on the other hand, his aquiline features were softened, perhaps due to his mother. The entire train of thought would prompt Kaile to mull over just how Asmus would be in a decade. Would he turn out like his uncle? Would he change? Stay the same? He had plenty of opportunities. The academy if she remembered correctly.

A ghost of a smile drew at that. Bet he would look right shiny in all his uniform finery. Glancing back down, Kaile would mind herself for the meantime, stopping only to add.

“If’n you need anythin’ else for me to help out with, I don’t mind helpin’ at all.”

[member="Asmus Janes"]
Asmus was first to finish of course, virtually inhaling his food as Kairon liked to put it. Kairon paused eating for a few moments to ask a question.

“Why did you tinker with the route?”

“Oh I dropped into Zed’s server where they've been sharing patrol routes. Upped the chance of detection so I ran some new numbers,” Asmus replied, looking a little pleased with himself.

“You'll have to show me how to tap into that thing.”

“I did!”

“Yes, well again and erm a little more carefully this time,” Kairon replied, but his embarrassment turned to annoyance. “You rushed through the damn thing in seconds last time.”

“I'll write some instructions,” Asmus replied politely. It was all another little interchange that Kaile might find fascinating. As Asmus was starting to come into his own he was becoming more interested in the running of the ship, whilst Kairon was used to getting his own way.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

They had a good rapport, with the familial banter that spoke of a closeness Kaile normally saw with close friends or a tight knit crew. Only that this one was tied by blood. Such a curious thing. Studying families were always such an interesting thing for Kaile to observe. Working at a restaurant as a waitress, one typically saw the best of times. Rarely ever the bad.

They came in excited to eat, each talking and conversing as they caught up. There was always something about food that managed to bond folk. Maybe that was another reason why she had enjoyed her missions thus far. Being embedded as a long term sleeper agent had its perks. One was just the girl who worked the graveyard shift or early morning run.

Her lips pursed into a tight smile, amusement gleaming in her eyes as she continued on with her meal. Where others inhaled their food, Kaile enjoyed simply taking her time. Savouring it. Most of the time that was due to the desire to talk and pass the time. One was able to learn more about another doing that.

Watching them was interesting for now. Candid. She liked that
“Make sure to use the large font,” Mai added.

“Oh come now, his reading glasses make him look distinguished!” Asmus added.

Kairon rolled his eyes, turning to his only hope for an ally. “I'm only forty you now, you think he'd find some different material.”.

Asmus flicked his hair back, grinning at Kaile before looking back to kairon. “You were so much more fun the month before you turned forty. Just the slightest thing triggered you then. Shame you got over it. I don't want to have to wait another decade to see you so sullen.”
[member="Asmus Janes"]

That twinkle in Kaile’s eyes would only brighten. “I wouldn’t put you past your thirties, Captain.” She’d say with notable sweet humor, complimenting Kairon.

“I’d say you look distinguished with or without ‘em,” a dimple would flash at that, noting that indeed, despite his gruffness, there was a notable weathered charm about the elder Eriaduian. The sort that only life gives you, sporting in every scar and wizened wrinkle. The captain at first glance had the look of a hardened individual, but Kaile saw past that to the man within. There was something in her eyes that relayed that.

For some it might seem as if Kaile was kissing up to the owner of the vessel that could very well chuck her out, but it was meant in earnestness. Kaile’s smile broadened, as sunny and warm as Eriadu’s own singular star. Another bite of her spaghetti, and the simple enjoyment of eating her meal went bathing her face. By all accounts, she appeared to be a simple girl.
One stocky digit was pointed very firmly in Kaile's direction. Kairon turned from it to look at Asmus with a serious expression. As if about to convey the most serious thing in the galaxy.

“She can stay,” he said firmly before a smile broke through for a few moments. He managed to stop himself before adding far more polite than the usual you drag back.

Asmus had averted his eyes for a moment. Kaile would see a touch of embarrassment on his face before he turned to her. He looked at her ever so fondly, just a slight upwards turn in one corner of his mouth, pupils again dilated.

“Right then,” Kairon said, slapping one hand down on the table. “Mai, turret checks, Asmus engineering. Kaile, you need anything for going over the Twins? Asmus can show you where we keep the tools in engineering.”
[member="Asmus Janes"]

“Just a show of where their lubricants and such are at. If it’s been eight months like they say, they’ll need it.” She replied, licking her upper lip from the bit of sauce that lingered there.

“Otherwise I’m good. I’ve my own tools, unless I’ll be needin’ anythin’ more than that.” Which was unlikely. Besides, the Twins would keep her proper company through all of it.

“Thanks kindly.” She added, the apples of her cheeks blooming in her smile. That would take her perhaps two hours or so, depending on just how much she’d need to do. Would be a good way to spend the time and keep herself busy.

Could likely bring Bobo out to keep her company too, just had to make sure that if she needed to do something more than the typical fixing, that she set him to the side to get some range.
“Almost done. I’ll clean up after.”
“Sure thing, Asmus the Twins fluid spares are kept in the second cupboard down on the red rack, middle drawer,” Kairon said.

Asmus managed to stifle a cough, slapping his chest a couple of times before turning from the table. Kaile might notice him twist his lips together and turn before he could pull an even more revealing expression.

“I'll go get started in engineering,” he said over his shoulder. “Kaile if you swing past I'll…get the…” hold it together now, “lubricant for the twins.”

He paused at the threshold of the door, taking a breath to control his silly grin. Mostly. He turned to look at them again. “Catch you in a few minutes.”
[member="Asmus Janes"]

“Is everythin’ in the middle drawer?”

She’d sass out, half amused as Asmus went stepping out. It wasn’t meant to pick fun of, as much as find humor at what he’d told her about staying out of middle drawers. Finishing her meal, she shot a crooked grin over at Kairon.

“Thank you, Captain. ‘Preciate it.” The lorrdian came to her feet, taking her empty plate along with the others. She began to stack them up, intending to take them all back to get them into the sonic wash.

“Need anything else Mai?” She’d ask the feline, a curious expression upon her face. One hand began to take empty cups, piling them on top of the other.

At the negative, Kalie gave a nod and a half smile. This wouldn’t take too long anyways.
Asmus opened his mouth as if to reply, but it froze half way open. It stayed that way as he turned on his heel and headed away, shaking his head. He walked slowly down the long narrow corridor to the engineering bay. When he'd first come to this ship he'd found this section of the ship a bit on the unnerving side. Long, narrow and dark with the odd strange noise echoing up from engineering. It was just like a scene from that film with the aliens with two sets of jaws.

It wasn't the largest job swapping out the filters. Perhaps, he thought, a little while on his own would help him clear out his head. Maybe he'd figure out what Kaile seemed to have taken a whisk to his brain and left it all light and fluffy. But if it would be a good thing, why did he want to do it so little? As he walked away he almost immediately wanted to go back and talk to her some more, try and make her laugh, risk riding that wave together again.

Back in the galley Mai had scarpered and Kairon was pouring another cup of caf. There was something distinctly odd about the boy at the moment. At first he thought he'd been acting a bit strange around one of the strays he managed to bring back to the Quin, but that wasn't the half of it. He wasn't actually connecting with another human being was he? Perhaps it would be a chance for him to get the notions of being a pirate, smuggler or starfighter pilot out of his head. Meet a down to earth girl, spend a bit of time with his feet on the ground among normal folk, in that way Kairon couldn't any more.

He gave Kaile a pleasant nod, keeping his thoughts to himself and headed for the cockpit.

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