Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Asmus Janes"]

Left alone in the galley, Kaile took her time cleaning up. There was a sort of peace at picking up dirty dishes, stacking them up for the wash, and wiping down the counters and tables.

Part of being a waitress was cleaning your assigned station. Making sure it was kept nice and clean for every new customer. Going over and keeping things neat had a rhythm to it. One of the reasons she enjoyed working and cooking for Kurt. Just a pastime she knew he'd appreciate. Something she did to look after him.

What would he do now?

It was hard to not have her mind wander to the courier. Having someone in your life for almost a year did that. One saw the day in and out, week after week, month after month. There was no one else the Lorrdian knew as well as Kurt’s body or her own. As odd as it was to say it so. Only another Lorrdian could understand. It wasn't sexual, although they'd had their fair share of it.

No it was more that she knew him well. And even then, there were parts of himself he had held back. Parts that Kaile respected too much from Meyer to go poking about. That was the thing between she and he. Maybe that was where they went wrong. He never asked. She never told. And they were okay with that for so long that it didn't dawn that there were some things one can't omit forever.

Her sigh blew from her lips, cheeks puffing out as hot air sent her bangs flying up off her face. Right, chores to do. She set all the dishes and pots to wash. Wiped down the counters and table. Fifteen minutes and the galley was clean. Figuring the captain would come back for fresh caf, the strawberry blonde made a fresh pot. Sometimes, it was the simple things that made ones day. That brought comfort. A fresh pot of caf was the same.

Wiping her hands, she gave a nod. Kaile left the galley, the caf machine sputtering out hot black gold and its familiar aroma that was sure to bait Kairon when he was itching for another cup.

The long, narrow route to engineering could be considered by anyone to be rather claustrophobic. Not to mention a mite bit dark. Kaile's steps, however, were more hesitant due to the concern of getting lost more than being swallowed whole.

A boat had their own creaks and groans, that was normal. Just a ship breathing. That never scared or bothered Kaile. Just another reason to believe the Quinn had a life of her own.

“Asmus?” Her voice would call out in a soft inquiry. Fingers went threading through her hair, sliding the strands back from her face.

Now where did he go?
“Kaile!” came the light call. He was up to his shoulder in a filtration unit against one wall. The engine room was particular noisy as the second, redundant unit was running at full capacity. The corridor would leave her to the mez floor in the engineering section and Asmus was down beneath her, visible from the walkway. Again she'd see the small cove to the left of the entrance that had been turned into something of an office space.

“Case just in front of you, I've put all the fluids and some of the maintenance spares for the twins in there!” Of course he'd only put a few spare bits of wiring, electrical components, joint seals and fluids in the case. The big spares were a two man lift for the massive loaders. They typically left that kind of work to the professionals with a rig when they were in port.

He grunted and with a yank he pulled out a metal disk a few inches thick and around a foot wide. His nose crinkled up at the closeness of the foul smelling filter. Putting it back down, he turned up to look at Kaile. She'd see the change spread to every corner of his face, but only Asmus felt his chest tighten slightly at his next breath in. He reminded himself that she was only here for a moment and pulled his gaze away, deliberately stifling the stupid smile that had found a home on his lips.

“Want a hand with it?” he asked hopefully. So much for clearing his head.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

“Hey there!” Kaile cried out in mild surprise, a wiggle of her fingers in greeting. Her ears were protesting the noise, but it was no different to what she was used to. A smile would frost her lips as she crouched down, watching him work for a few seconds.

“Oh?” Her head rose, moving towards the case he'd pointed out. “Thanks.” She told him with a measure of gratefulness, but she couldn't help but mimic the wide smile he gave her. When he offered to help, a voice in her head suggested to decline it. After all, he was busy with his own chores. However, there was something about his silly crooked smile and the genuine delight in his eyes to see her that would prompt her to linger.

A small chuckle bubbled forth.

“I was about to ask if you needed a hand ‘fore I head off.” She admitted, flashing him a grin. “And I wouldn't want to trouble you.” In reference to helping her out.
With pursed lips he looked down at the array of components laid out in the deck before him and back up at Kaile and that smile he could just watch all day.

Come on, the voice of reason spoke up, you know what will happen. You'll want to kiss her, she won't stop you and you won't get your work done. Head down, get it done and you can kiss her properly.

“I'll be alright with this,” he said after a noticeable pause. That little internal discussion would have played out in his face as he weighed up his options. “We can get these jobs done quick and I'll have time to show you my favourite place on the ship before dinner.” Kaile would see a flicker of confusion on his face as he realised that might be taken the wrong way. Contrary to popular belief his bunk wasn't actually his favourite place on the ship.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

His mind was wandering again. Making little decisions. Weighing his options. Playing out scenes. Then there was that: the way he was looking at her again.

i’ll agree to anythin’ if’n you keep on lookin’ at me like that.

It had been a thought she hadn't realized then she'd said aloud. At the time she'd been so caught up at the deliberate change of his expression. The blaze in his eyes and the purposeful mannerisms after. It hasn't been a charming fool then who'd managed to waltz her to the container. Who'd pinned her there while he’d kissed her until her mind was fuzzy and all she'd wanted was his hands all over and --

Heat shot up on her cheeks and it got noticeably warmer for the Lorrdian. Up on her feet she went.

“Okay.” She managed to push out, a bit flustered again as she ran her fingers through her hair. Dang it! There it was again. The ‘okay!’ A mental chide would follow that, calling herself all kinds of silly. Probably looked like a loon. A halfwit one at that. Sigh…A half turn would point her towards the box in question. Right. The Twins

Nibbling on her lower lip, she wandered on over to it, Asmus able to hear and see her trek above him.

“Where's that?” She'd ask, checking out what bits of spare parts she had to work on. Just… Keep things casual.

No need to fuss- Right?
His eyes looked up to her in concern; she was nibbling her lower lip again. She wasn't going to bite it til it bled again was she? Oh no, it wasn't that kind of look. The young pilot flushed himself and looked down at the components before him. Work, work get the work done.

“You'll see,” he said smiling but keeping his gaze low. Wait, that was even more seedy. “It's got the best view in the ship.” No! Even worse, just stop talking you moron.

He looked thoroughly embarrassed with himself as he met her gaze again, but that expression melted away quickly as he replayed several moments from the last day through his mind. Really now, enough!

“I won't be long with this!’ he called, a little more quickly than necessary and in a slightly high pitch. He took his hydrospanner to the filter container and started to prise it open.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

It wasn't helping matters that whenever she'd glance down at the pilot, he'd look at her with that particular searching gaze only to catch himself and turn away.

Then only to come back again. Here came the flutters in her belly. They were getting mighty persistent the longer she lingered. Okay. Focus.

The low slightly strained chuckle followed suit. “I'll get goin’ then.” She told him, reaching down to pick up the box and carry it herself. Likely better that way.

“Don't hurt yourself none,” she teased, wrapping her arms around the box as she gave it a lift. Yeah, best get a move on. No sense dilly dallying. She could get Bobo after this. Still had to grab her own tools too…

“If you need help, just ask.” She'd call down, giving a little grunt as she adjusted the box so it didn't slip.
“You too!” Asmus called a little more enthusiastically than strictly necessary. “I mean…dial six on the intercom for engineering. If you need me.”

She might catch one last glance at him chewing his own bottom lip with his eyebrows coming together and turning up at the middle. Let's have a little think while we take this all apart, he told himself.

But his peace and quiet wouldn't last. As Kaile left engineering she'd meet Kairon half way down the corridor. He gave her a polite nod and moved aside for her and the crate before continuing down towards engineering himself. His curiosity has gotten the better of him and he was going to see if he could find out what was going on.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

“Captain,” Kaile would nod in greeting, a faint friendly smile floating over to the man as he allowed her space to wander on by. There was the briefest furrow of curiosity at his expression, lingering upon him for a moment before carrying on.

Somethings on his mind, she thought to herself, ambling down the corridor as she flexed her grip on the box. That the Lorrdian could tell as much. It was the sort of look that said he had some purpose in mind.

Hmm,” she mulled, thinking to herself what that could possibly be. Asmus came to mind. Shifting the box again in her arms, she headed on back to the cargo hold.

“Hey boys!” Her voice would sing through the open space there after, resonating with her melodic cheerfulness over the pods and out towards the Twins.

“Guess who has a can of fresh oil?!”

Oh, did she ever know the path to a droid’s heart!
The stomping that greeted that announcement came at a rapid tempo. The Twins managed to add a touch of enthusiasm to their stuff gait as they wove between the cargo pods to stand before her. They came to a halt, both leaning at the waist to regard her and her crate.

Their heads turned to face each other and then looked back to Kaile. “OH GOODEE. THANK YOU MS. KAILE.” They said together.

“Alright lad!” Kairon called in a jovial manner as he slid down the ladder, “Want a hand?”

“Shouldn't there be someone at the helm?” Asmus asked suspiciously.

“Mai was hiding so I sat her down in the cockpit. She can curl up and snooze up there and the alarms will wake her up if we get into any bother,” Kairon replied. He'd pretty much given up on wrangling Mai into doing any serious work, but didn't have the heart to put her off ship no matter how many times he threatened it.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile would beam at them both a sunny smile. “Got the Captain and Asmus to get me all that I need here.” She shuffled the box in her arms. Panning her gaze around, she searched for a place to set it down.
“Now where would you reckon is a good spot to look ya’ll over?” She mused aloud. The cargohold was rather large, but she would need some manner of space to actually work out of. Hmm, if there was only a --

“Ah hah!” She cried out, spotting a small workbench at the far end. “Well come along,” she shifted the box once more, it’s weight getting a bit heavier. “We’ll set this down and I’ll go grab my bag.”

She shot them a crooked grin. “Then we can start ya’lls diagnostics!”
As Kaile left she might hear the last snippet of the pair talking to themselves.





“Alright then,” Asmus replied, “Grab me the fresh filter.”

“Alright” Kairon replied. He put some gloves on and opened the plastic seal on the new unit. Meanwhile Asmus sealed the used one in a plastic bag of its own. The self sealing plastic immediately vacuum sealed itself, saving Asmus’s nose from further offence.

“So, what's the deal between you two then?”

“I knew it! You're just here to be nosy!”

“Humour me,” Kairon replied in a serious tone.

Asmus gave a deep shrug and tilted his head from side to side quickly. “I don't know.”

“Come on, this is some new act to get your end away isn't it? Acting all coy and silly.”

“No!” Asmus replied, looking genuinely offended. Why couldn't Kairon understand? Could he just not believe that he wasn't the teenager he'd first pit aboard ship. Asmus often found it hard to see things from other perspectives. “I was trying to help. She really seemed like she wanted to get out of the yellow zone and away from the quarantine. She needed our help.” Asmus had come to realise that that meant more than just a ride a few systems over.

“And you weren't trying to get laid at all?” Kairon asked incredulously.

“No! Well, a little, but that's not the point!” Asmus replied. His face was now a rich scarlet and he had turned to face the captain directly.

Kairon briefly considered this display of defiance and asked slowly, “It didn't escape my notice that she didn't have her own cabin last night.”

“Look, it's not like…I mean…I don't…”

Kairon couldn't keep a straight face. He burst into a deep belly laugh, slapping his own thigh. “Hah! She's actually got you stumped hasn't she? Ah this is good.” His laughter abruptly came to a halt when he saw Asmus’ expression. If looks could kill…

“Look, Asmus, I'll finish up in here. You go wash the stench off your hands and go talk to your new friend.” That was worth it just for the look out outright disbelief that turned very quickly to outright joy.

One way or another, Kairon mused, this would be worth it. If all else failed, at least he'd get a wheeze out of Asmus making a fool of himself and falling flat on his face. Either way he had always wondered what it would take for the lingering stowaway to start to take himself more seriously. Maybe this would be it.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Her giggle would echo in the wake of their bickering. There were bound to be more interesting bouts of banter once she started with them, she supposed. Moving on down the corridor, she found the ladder well that would lead her towards the dormitories.

It was getting easier to map out in her mind the layout of the Quinn. With her ability to remember things quickly, it wasn’t too difficult to master. It was just that yesterday she wasn’t at her best to really focus on her surroundings.

Down the last few ladder rungs until her boots hit the floor. Her bangs fell over her eyes, and a thought came to her that she should probably grab a hair tie to keep the strands back. Her forefinger gently would twist a lock around her finger. The silky strand reminded her of the hard work Asmus had put into it.

“Could do well without it.” She told herself, willing to deal with the constant pushing back of her hair for now. Asmus’s cabin wasn’t far off, and the walk rather short now that she knew the way.

The hiss of the door opening brought with it Kaile’s cheerful hello, “Hey Bobo.” a small search of her fingers and the overhead lights would turn on. She gave the tiny lizard a grin. He had indeed crept back into his tube.

“Are you napping already?” Came her incredulous query, the door shutting closed behind her. A few short strides drew her over towards the perch she had set him at. “Alright then, no wandering out for you.” Maybe later.

Glancing over at her bag, Kaile plopped down on the bed. Now she’ll need her hydrospanner and her servo driver….

A thought came to her then. What she wore were more of her traveling clothes than the sort she’d use to work on things. Changing into something else that wouldn’t permanently stain might be a better idea. Searching through her bag, she went to work.

One tank top and cargo pants soon went plopping on the bed. They were well worn, with the tell tale signs of old paint and a few stains that no amount of sonic could take out, but were clean.

Coming to her feet, the clink and drag of her belt followed by the flick of buttons began her change over.
“Alright, let me help you slide the unit back in. It's a pain in the arse keeping the coupling tight whilst sliding it back into place,” Asmus said before quietly adding, “Thank you.”

“Fine,” Kairon replied. He wasn't much one for dealing with people be appreciative of his actions. The pair of them carefully maneuvered the secondary unit back into place, whilst Asmus used his smaller hands to get a grip on the wrench and keep the seal tight.

“Off you go then,” Kairon said when they were done. Asmus almost skipped away, clamouring up the ladder two rungs at a time. “I'm getting soft,” Kairon mumbled to himself.

Asmus caught Kaile in the corridor just the other side of the cargo bay doors. He took a few steps back and waved towards the door. “Filtration units don't smell so fresh,” he explained as he kept his distance. “Going to go shower off!”
[member="Asmus Janes"]

“That was right quick,” she said, pleasant surprise in her voice at seeing him up from engineering already. Oh! “Did you need any help?” Maybe that was it?

No, not if he was going to hit the sonics. A mite bit of confusion went drifting across her heart-shaped face at that, prompting a slowing her of her step as she made her way towards him. Kaile had an obvious change of clothes, the loose blue blouse replaced with a snug grey tank top and a pair of cargo pants that had seen more work and wear and tear.

A hot puff of air blew her long bangs out of the way, sending them flying upwards a bit before feathering back down. One of the side-effects of having her hair straightened and not tied back to keep out of the way. In her hand she held a few of her tools, which she used to gesture heading over towards the doors beyond.

“Just about to start on things.” She’d add, giving a slight shrug along with the curious look she sent him over earlier.
His eyes followed the errant strands of hair as the flicked up and around. It amused him to think how perfectly comfortable she'd been having a back massage and sleeping against him only half dressed, yet having her hair washed had caught her off guard.

“Kairon decided to take over. Mai was making a fuss about doing her jobs so her set her to mind the Quin from up front. Much quicker job with two but he's finishing off now,” Asmus said, not wishing to draw attention to the fact that his uncle had in fact come down to ask some pointed questions and then give him some time off to spend with Kaile.

“I proper hum right now, so I was going to get rid of that before coming back down to the bay. Won't be more than five minutes,” he said. She hadn't been kidding. Now she was decked out in her work clothes with a full set of tools.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

The dark slash of her brow rose up in piqued curiosity. There was a brightening of pleasure in her eyes at the thought of Asmus coming down to keep her company.. however.

“Well if’n you’re gonna come on down, it don’t matter if you ain’t smellin’ like flowers,” she’d add, her legs drawing her closer to him. Oh the closer she got, the more her nose tickled, but she didn’t mind. Once she got into the thick of things she’d be smelling of grease, oil, hydraulic fluids and sweating like a strung up Nuna.

“You’ll only get more dirty and have to wash off twice.” She gestured with a pointed emphasis of her servodriver, coming to a stop just shy of a meter away. Up her head tilted back, watching him with a crooked smile.
Asmus held his hands up in surrender. Eyes looked down his nose at the servo driver from behind a wide smile. “Can't fault your logic, just don't get too close without holding your breath,” he'd say.

“You want me to grab something from the galley to drink first?” he asked. “Water, some juice, a beer?” he asked, quite deliberately in that order. Those gold flecks in his eyes didn't burn when he turned up to look at her, but they did seem to catch the light as he regarded her from behind some loose strands.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Her nose did crinkle, but it was in amusement. “I’m reckon by the end of it, I’ll rival you in the stench.” A small bop of her servodriver would tap his shoulder. She took a step towards the door, only to spin on the balls of her feet to turn back to him.

Umm…” left leg swung back, then the right as she ambled backwards towards the cargohold. It was one of the few quirks she had, the necessity to always keep someone within her sights while talking meant she could watch their body movements.

“Beer is good.” She said. Working Yum Bunnies and other restaurants gave Kaile an appreciation of the alcoholic beverage. She much preferred a draft ale than juice or water. Bottled served just as well.

“I’m easy.” Came the soft shrug of her bare shoulder, revealing a small freckle just along side of it. A small gesture with her thumb drew attention back to the cargohold. “I’ll just be with the Twins.”

Things were easier now. A bit more laid back. Kaile could breathe. Maybe it was because the crew of the Quinn was around, so she didn’t feel so alone. Or maybe it was simply catching the faint smile and the curious look in Asmus’s eyes.

Whatever it might be, it was a small blessing that kept the Lorrdian a little more sane.
Asmus found the quirky little routine of walking backwards endearing, even if he had no clue as to the reason for it. He simply assumed she wanted to maintain eye contact a few seconds longer; he certainly wanted to.

The warm glow that started deep down seemed to effervesce up his chest as she walked back away from him slowly. It wasn't an unpleasant experience. Not at all.

“Alright, back in a tick,” he said, walking past her and taking long loping strides to head for the galley quickly. Kairon would have noticed the difference in that walk. Not the stiff gait from earlier as he tried desperately to remain casual. There was a spring in his step and a smile that refused to budge from his face.

Asmus slid open the fridge. Whilst he dared not take wine without asking kairon's permission he could happily select some decent beer. Whilst he enjoyed wine he had, in Kairon's words, no appreciation for the difference between table vinegar and a good vintage. Coming back steaming from a night out one night he had apparently shared a sixty credit bottle with the bothan he'd brought back. Perhaps Fel’doth had an appreciation of wine and he'd simply chosen to feign ignorance.

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