Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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He wasn’t the only one thinking about that.


It wasn’t to say that Kaile hadn’t thought about it, or wasn’t currently thinking about it. It would be a lie to say she hadn’t. Truth be told, it wasn’t hinged on the desire to be alone as much as just a need to relax a bit. Not be interrupted. It wasn’t to say she hadn’t had fun or enjoyed helping out with the Twins or with various chores, but having some time without the nagging threat of one or the other coming in was a rather pleasing thought.

“Alright, if’n ya’ll end up feelin’ as if somethin’ ain’t right, just have someone come get me.” Kaile doubted it, but one never knew if something would go wrong after a full maintenance check. Things were rather odd after all.

“BYE MS KAILE!” The boisterous farewell made her smile. Beer in hand, she went about placing the rubbish in the other cargo container. A lifetime of waitressing and running maintenance taught her that one didn’t leave a messy workstation after working. It wouldn’t take more than a few minutes, but by the end of it, everything was in its place again.

A slight grimace went dancing over her lips as she stared down at her right hand, her beer in the other. Yeah, a good cleaning was due.

“I’ll get the other bottles!” She’d call out, noticing that they had been left. With the expertise of one well used to having to clean up bottles - cause of the waitress gig, not because she was an alcoholic! - she plucked the two empty ones with her right.

Hrm.. Thought I saw a glass bin in the galley…
Asmus tried not to leave a mess around the ship. Jarrick tended to hit him when he did. Oh it was a friendly cuff around the back of the head, but the heavyset old veteran tended to smack him a little harder than was strictly necessary.

The second cargobay - the scene of their handball game - was almost entirely empty. The small container on the side, next to the gym looked quite lonely. Asmus hooked his foot around the heavy door and pulled it open wide enough to squeeze through.

“Hmm, we really need to clear this out,” he reflected. There were several engine parts still in here. Including one that was covered in black scorch marks from the time a few weeks ago that one of the capacitors had blown. Fortunate indeed that the system had enough power to safely revert them to realspace on the resilient systems.

“Glass bin is on the galley,” he’d explain. Before she could protest his arm snaked around her waist. Walking back to the galley with one around around Kaile, one holding his beer, this was about as good as things could be right?
“Oh!” He startled her, and drew from her a laugh of surprise. Kaile didn’t pull away, instead making sure she wouldn’t drop the empty bottles and her beer by holding them in front of her.

“Silly fool!” She’d tease him, a mock chide shot over at his direction with a crooked grin. Shaking her head, they ambled along - okay more like sauntered, seeing as how they were matching Asmus’s stride. Giving an upward glance, Kaile regarded him over what he had mentioned in passing earlier.

“Should we clear out the other cargobay?” If they had time, might as well. Kaile was clearly not afraid of doing more work and helping out. Granted, the idea of delaying her sonic was rather distressing. Having hydraulic fluid stuck against one’s skin for too long just became rather itchy and irritating. The Lorrdian was under no illusions that she stank to high heaven of the stuff.
A light chuckle accompanied her startled outburst. His fingers gripped her firmly for a moment, before settling into a comfortable position. He tried to make a nonchalant wave with his free hand, but ended up nearly spilling his beer across the corridor.

“No, it’s fine. There’s more to do tomorrow and it’s pretty tidy now. Twins will clear up the stains on the floor when they’ve finished feeling smug for getting a free maintenance run and all the jibes they managed to sneak in. I did check and they’ve not developed any serious bugs along with new heuristic layers of personality routine,” he said. Asmus never took to the manual work quite like Kairon. When he watched his uncle work an engine he always got the sense that the big man liked having his hands occupied by simple work. Sometimes Asmus saw Kairon look at those hands as if he didn’t trust them. Asmus had picked up a bit of programming along the way. It was useful when the hyperdrive computer refused to talk to them, or they wanted a new algorithm added to the system without paying for an expensive firmware upgrade.

Stepping into the galley Asmus reluctantly relinquished his hold on Kaile, but not before planting a kiss on the top of her hair. Neither of them smelled too fresh right now. Placing his bottle down, he’d been about to take the weight of his feet and have a sit down. However he realised that the pair of them would end up leaving grease marks around the place.

“Pff, shower then?” He said. The encounters around the sonics had not exactly gone smoothly so far.
“Mhm…” came her nod of agreement, scanning the galley for that glass recycler. She held the bottles up and gave Asmus a questioning look, who gave a small gesture towards one side of the galley. “Well it is either the sonics or you’re feelin’ rather risky and try to sneak in a water one from your uncle’s refresher.” She’d tease, her voice reflecting a measure of humor at that mental image. Unlikely, she thought, her amusement turning into a light chuckle.

Dumping the empty glass bottles into the bin, she freed her hand. Hunger would tighten her belly, already feeling the need for some sort of nourishment, even if it was a snack. Sonic and food. In the meantime…


Bringing her own bottle up to her lips, she took another large sip. She gave him a slight perk of her brows over the bottle, then gestured with her hand that they should probably get to that.

“I’ll grab a change of clothes, you can head off first if you like.” Leaving him the option to run off as he had done last time. He had seemed a bit off kilter the last few goes, and as she said she would stop placing him in that predicament, it was easier to do it this way.

Pulling the goggles off of her head, she gave a shake of her hair. It came down in a messy cascade, and the scent of hydraulic fluid grew in strength. A grimace scrunched over her visage at that, three fingers skimming through it while she still held the goggles.

Not the best of states.
Asmus took a look down at his own clothes. Actually they’d come off relatively unscathed. “Yeah, let me just finish this beer,” he said. He shot her an appreciative glance to let her know that he was aware of what she offered. In truth if he had to deal with casting his eyes over her....ooookay stop that line of thought.

He held up the dark brown bottle to the light. There was only a little under half a bottle left. He brought it up to his lips and downed the rest, wiping his lips with the back of his hand.

“I can wash your hair properly again later if you’d like,” he offered. “Though I think you owe me a massage this time.” The bottle was discarded and Asmus scrubbed down his hands in the sink. Might seem an odd thing to do, but it was so he didn’t get rough grease marks all over his shirt before a shower. Then he could change back in his room whilst she was cleaning. Despite telling his mind firmly not to wander, it had still recalled several vivid images which in turn evoked an increase in his pulse and a heightened awareness of where she stood, how she stood.

Asmus deliberately tried to slow his breathing and make it more shallow. He didn’t want that. Well, he did want that, sorely. But not like that. Oh he didn’t really know what he wanted.

Her, he thought to himself as he looked up to Kaile as he stepped down the ladder. I want her.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

“Reckon we’ll see.” She’d say as he departed, a ghost of a smile hanging from her lips. “Maybe if yous has somethin’ other than lavender in that drawer of yours.”

There was notable warmth in her chocolate gaze, but it was edged with something else. A heaviness in her eyes, making them half hooded, with just the slightest bit of consideration there. To lay hands upon the other would be setting themselves up for an altogether different dance. Normally, Kaile would have been far more provocative in her wordplay, a bit more playful. Yet it wasn’t quite like that. Not now.

It was a notion to consider the reasonings of why.

Her shoulders rose as she took a deep breath, filling her lungs with air. Turning away as Asmus left, Kaile would take note of her surroundings. She set the goggles down by the counter, then brought her beer up to her lips. A glance at the brown bottle and she frowned at it. But it wasn’t the subject of her consideration. No that was elsewhere.

The rest of the beer soon found its way into her gullet, making her feel a bit fuller and momentarily sated. Hunger would come later, but for now…

The thunk of it joining the other empty bottles in the bin echoed lightly. A wash of her hands came next. Wouldn’t do to have her clean clothes smeared with lingering residue when she finally made it to the refresher. Internally, she counted down the minutes.

Fifteen or so would do him just fine.
If you look at me that way I reckon I'll do as I'm told an’ all, Asmus thought to himself as his toes hit the deck below. His eyebrows arched and eyes widened for an instant before he continued on his walk. Now Asmus could take a long time preening if the mood took him, but he had a mind to grabs some clothes and a quick perfunctory shower.

One brief sonic and a tactical later and Asmus was back in the galley. He'd changed into some slightly nice clothes for the evening. He wore a dark teal, short sleeved shirt with a designer logo embroidered in cream over one breast. Tightly fitted to show off his narrow waist, obviously. A nice pair of dark jeans and brown leather shoes

He'd still be running a dry conditioner through his hair when she came down to collect her clothes, but this was still positively rapid as far as Asmus was concerned when it came to cleaning and changing.
They met in passing. It was brief, but enough time for Kaile’s eyes to widen a the sight. He’d been running his hands through his hair, working through a rather curious hair product she’d never seen before. It certainly smelled nice, reminding her a bit of freshly washed hair and that shampoo he’d used on her earlier. But his hair was dry and he didn’t have enough time to use that blow dryer on it.

Whatever it was, well, that was a question for another time, but the admiring sweep of her eyes would not be missed. Point for Asmus.

“Hey Bobo,” she’d call out to her lizard friend. Still sleeping. Likely the constant shuffle was getting to him. However, if he was sleeping this much, it meant he was going to get even more active later on. Likely be wanting plenty of attention then.

Picking up her bag, Kaile quickly went through it. Unlike Asmus, she was well used to traveling with all that she owned in a single bag. Anything beyond that meant that it had to go. She was limited to a small change of clothing. Nothing fancy. Three pairs of pants, a couple of blouses, the tank she currently wore, a pair of shorts, and of course, the Yum Bunny outfit. There was a super long shirt she managed to pilfer a while back that she used as her sleeping shirt, but other than a week's worth of unmentionables, she was set.

The Messa the past year had served as her home, and in that time she had really left her touch upon it. It wasn’t just her room, but the lounge and Kurt’s also. What little bit of homey touches had been Kaile’s work. Having to leave that all behind along with the rest of her clothing and knick-knacks had been hard.

Would he have sold it all?

It made sense if he did, seeing as he’d now have that extra bit of space and a few extra credits. A sigh expelled from her lips, and she found her shoulders sinking. No, can’t think on that now. Taking a fresh set of clothing, she took a small toiletry bag and headed off for the sonic.

She might not preen as much as Asmus did, but she did enjoy being clean. Maybe even chapstick now and then.
He watched her pass him with a dreamy look in his eyes. “Back in a minute Bobo,” Asmus would say to the ysalmiri. Whilst she went to the refreshers Asmus carried out a few tasks in the galley. The first thing it did was to open the fridge and take out two vacuum sealed packs of steaks. He opened them up, patted them down and when the colour had returned to them he added them to a bowl with some marinade and set it aside. Mai had been told enough times about stealing raw meat that she would probably leave it alone.

Asmus then proceeded to take two more beers and tucked them under one arm so he could maneuver himself down the ladder. He stepped into his cabin and set them both down on a slide out table above the bed. The bed was intended to function as a chaos as well. He pushed himself up against the back, leaving his legs out straight. There was another sharp hiss as he opened his bottle. Asmus retrieved a datapad and started to flick through the news.

When Bobo tentatively put a foot on his leg he nearly jumped. “Oh now you're up are you?” he asked. “Come on then,” he said in a soft, encouraging tone as he held out his hand. The lizard gave him a suspicious look, but chambered up onto his lap and gratefully received some attention. Perhaps without Kaile around he'd been uncertain; Asmus was certain he'd moved more quickly earlier.
Kaile was quick.

It was rare for the young Lorrdian to take too long in the refresher. As it wasn’t a water one, there was no real reason to linger. Even the rather ticklish vibrations didn’t really make much of a difference. Five minutes was enough to take off the grime, residue, and the stink of hydraulic fluid. Kaile was ever so thankful just for that.

Unlike the plethora of toiletries that Asmus had, Kaile’s entailed a sonic toothbrush, a brush, and a bottle of this neat honey bee based lotion that had the distinct scent of Dantooine Honeysuckle. The latter would get massaged into her skin, smoothing down dry bits and leaving that light lingering scent. She bought it as a splurge, one of the few times she indulged herself because it reminded her of warm summer nights back at Dantooine. Nothing fancy, but it served her well.

A scalloped pale blue blouse the color of a summer sky slipped on over the lace cami underneath. Well worn brown pants and her boots completed the look, comfortable for everyday wear. Tossing her clothing into the wash, she let it run the minutes it required. I’ll pick it up later, I suppose.

A ruffle of her hair, and a wayward thought came about doing something with it. Having Asmus fuss over it and then seeing him in his finery and how he looked over his own made her a little bit self-conscious. Deciding that a singular braid wasn’t too bad, she set about plaiting it.

The thick rope hung from the nape of her neck to just about mid shoulder, quick work with her nimble fingers. Tying it at the end, she inspected herself on the small polished mirror on the wall. A check of her teeth, a swipe of her chapstick. Oh wait, bangs!

Her fingers lightly played with her bangs, the long fringe sweeping from right to left, feathering the strands to they fell framing her face. Okay, not too shabby!

It was as much primping as Kaile could manage. A pinch of her cheeks would give them some color. For some reason, she was feeling a bit anxious. Odd. Really odd.


The walk back to the cabin was short. Her rather light hello upon entry even shorter. Call it nerves. None the less, her expression perked up at seeing Bobo up and about.

“Oh, look who that is!” She said in a soft exclamation, ambling over to the duo. Only the brief flash of a grimace flickered across her face once she crossed that barrier. A numbness set over her senses, like a blanket smothering her whole. Kaile worked though that slight bit of vertigo and gave a smile of greeting.

“I see he’s come out and stopped bein’ lazy.”
To a Lorrdian a face told a story. As she stepped into the cabin his face went from a crisp white page to a sheet covered in rich scrawl. Underlit by the datapad in one hand his features had been blank, passive. His other hand idly scratching Bobo on between his shoulders. As he looked up to her it was a slow, but powerful change. His face split in a broad, lopsided grin. His eyes widened and flicked up and down to take her in.

Silence. He said nothing where his expression said everything. He drew his knees up so she could also sit on the bunk. Say something.

“You look nice, I like the braid,” he said quietly. There was a slight twitch of his lip and just a hint for a grimace. She would see that he was both admiring her, a little confused and also annoyed at himself for sounding like a simpleton all at the same time.

Funny how he seemed to be in no control of his charm at all. When the moment was right it seemed to return, at other moments leaving him dumbstruck. If Kairon had realised that the route to silencing his nephew lay in enthralling him with a young woman he would have paraded pretty things in front of Asmus in the hope of one of them capturing his tongue.

“Really nice,” he added before Bobo distracted him. Perhaps it was just Asmus shifting his legs, but the ysalmiri had started crawling towards Kaile. “Oh I see!” Asmus said, grinning. “Now I'm done with am I?”
Chocolate brown eyes locked with green, and Kaile bequeathed him a shy smile. When most said it, it would fall flat. When Asmus complimented her, she could read the genuineness of it behind it. Kaile met the familiar hot flush sweep across her cheeks.

“Thank you,” nervousness would prompt the rise of her hand to tuck the wayward strands of her bangs behind the shell of her ear.

“You look quite handsome yourself.” His confusion and that slight bit of annoyance didn’t slip past her; Did I make him uncomfortable? While body language was easy to read, being a Lorrdian didn’t make her a mind reader. As it was, whatever dance they were conducting was riddled with confusion and even more questions than answers.

At the sight of Bobo heading off towards her, the corner of Kaile’s mouth perked up. “He has his moments.” She’d say, attempting to soothe Asmus’ pride. One hand went reaching down, the Ysalamir quickly crawling up onto her palm. The flash of green would scurry up her arm, tiny little claws clinging to her blouse along the way until he found his familiar perch by her shoulder. A laugh came at his silly manner.

“But sociable to say the least.” A finger went to caress the side of his jaw, feeling the lightly furred scales as the tiny lizard leaned his head into it. Adoration was evident in the affection, seeking more of it from the young woman that Kaile was all too willing to provide.

Sliding onto the bed for the makeshift seat, Kaile’s large, brown eyes shone with friendliness at the scoundrel. “Oh another?” She caught sight of the two bottles, and approval flickered across her expression.

“Not a bad idea at all.” Tucking in her legs under her, she made herself comfortable, reaching out for the other bottle.
We are acting like school children. That sudden realisation brought a look of amusement to his face. “Though I think perhaps I'll stop at three for now, cheers,” he said, clinking his bottle to hers as she took it. He didn't want to end up a sorry sight like the night before last. Going beyond the third started to signal an intent to do some serious drinking and he had no intention of releasing his faculties.

Like tentative high schoolers dancing around each other. Unsure what to do with each other, or what to say. Though not quite. A few times he'd been more than forthcoming on what he wanted and pushed her to answer in turn. And whilst he knew what to do, this wasn't the same. The problem was he wasn't used to feeling this way.

I've never fallen for anyone like this. He gave Kaile a warm smile, sliding the datapad back into its cubby hole. “Was just skimming some news,” he explained. “Got some steak marinating up in the galley, thought it would be a nice treat.”

Asmus looked to the green lizard perched back on her shoulder and chuckled. “Yes a sociable sort, though quick to abandon when his favoured perch returns! I was wondering, what do you refill the nutrient tube with?” Whilst he was making idle conversation in some regards, the question had stuck with him the last few minutes.
“That sounds mighty tasty,” Kaile would reply, her finger still caressing the Ysalimir’s head in a gentle rub. Leaning her back against the bulkhead, the young woman began to explain, “Mmm… this sort of nutrient mash that was created to simulate what they typically feed on.”

A small shrug and a sheepish grin crossed between he and she, “I honestly don’t know much ‘bout the science, just that it works.”

Bobo took a few steps forward to ‘encourage’ Kalie into rubbing his back now, “Miri Farms supplies it, out by Mandalorian Territory.” She explained, notating where she picked up the bulk of Bobo’s supplies. A sip of her beer would break her explanation, enjoying the light buzz she was in from the earlier two. The third would maintain it for a little while longer. One would be able to see she was beginning to relax, tension easing from her body as she made herself comfortable.

Half lidded eyes would regard Asmus, a hint of a smile hanging from her lips as she set her beer down. His smile was infectious. It also made her belly feel as if leaves were swirling round and round.

“Yous have any pets?” He seemed interested in Bobo, and she was curious if that was because he never had a pet or if it was because he had. One knee drew up, starting a lazy sway from side to side and her head tipped back to rest upon the back wall.
An opportunity was left by the beer being placed back down. He watched a bead of condensation roll down the side of the bottle before he took it. The hand that wasn't scratching Bobo was quickly stolen and his thumb ran down the side of her index finger. His smile widened an almost imperceptible amount before settling back to what it had been.

He tuned his eyes back to the far bulkhead and allowed himself another contented sigh. “Nah. I asked for a dog a few times as a kid, was never allowed.” He paused as he considered the explanation.

“Must be expensive to import,” he mused. “Do many people keep illsalamers as pets?” Asmus asked.
The caress of his thumb was distracting.

“Hmm?” It took Kaile a second before she met Asmus’ gaze again. The slow up and down slide of his thumb was feather light, but warm, tracing the sensitive inner flesh of her finger as it drifted along.

“Ahh.. I tend to pick it up at the Wheel when I need to.” An indication that she traveled through Mandalorian Territories often. “It lasts quite a bit.” And while expensive, she saved and budgeted for it.

“I haven’t seen many do.” She said, thinking about who might use Ysalamiri as pets. “Bobo is unique… he won’t get bigger than he is now. Least he hasn’t the past five years or so.” Her own fingers began to trace against his own. Lids half lowered, watching the interaction between their hands. Kaile could do this all day. Just this idle play. Touch was a big part of her, couldn’t get away from it.

“Most get at least ten times as large as he.”
“Ten times? Wow. That doesn't sound ideal as a pet. Would have to really fatten him up, but he wouldn't be able to perched on your shoulder then!”

Light flutters came as she returned the gentle caress, but he caught Bobo’s eye. “But you're an ideal size now,” he added quickly. “Does he have eyebrows? No…but I swear he just raised a disapproving eyebrow at me. Ah I'm just personifying your pet, heh.” He didn't sound entirely convinced at his own words.

Asmus still had a free hand, so used it to take another sip of beer. Just a little, there was no rush. “Good beer, this one,” he said. “Not too bitter, good and happy.” He decided there was no need to explain that he'd only started drinking beer when the first bar he'd entered with Kairon after the heist had ended with his uncle nearly dying of laughter when he ordered a cocktail. The man behind the bar had found it pretty amusing too. He wasn't one to give too much credence to what others thought of him, but he'd learned to vary his tastes to the company. Kairon was the same really. He dressed up all smart for business meetings with the high echelons who traded his goods in the core, and dressed back down again when dealing with criminals who had wares to shift in the other rim.

He took a long breath in through his nose and then out through his mouth, imagining any of the tension that had built through the day leaving with it. There was still a flame quietly burning away deep down. The wrong touch or look would ignite it again. His gaze shifted to encapsulate all of Kaile when he thought she wasn't looking. He wanted her so much it almost ached, but right now he was genuinely enjoying her company.

Fresh sheets. The thought returned to him suddenly as he looked to the bed roll in the corner. He hatched a quiet little plan of his own as he took another sip of beer. His grip on her hand remained loose so she could reach for her own when she wanted. Just as long as she gave him that hand back after of course.
At that, Kaile burst out laughing, her shoulders shaking in her mirth - a predicament that Bobo did not find amusing. His little glare went directed up at her, and one could even believe that his tail gave a little flex at his indignation.

“Oh, he has quite the personality!” Kaile agreed, still chuckling as she would pluck Bobo from her shoulder to set him upon her lap. “Oh you are fine!” She would tell the tiny lizard, who only gave a huff and began to walk in a half circle over her thigh. Kaile’s hand went smoothing over his spine in an attempt to console. “He has his moments,” she said with a crooked grin, “But he means well.”

Returning her attention to the scoundrel, Kaile gave a small nod of agreement. A flick of her fingers would gently brush away the bangs that had settled over her eye again. She should trim them, but she hadn’t had the chance. They were at the length where they were too short to tie back and too long to properly lay without tickling her eyes. Normally she just swept them off to the side.

“The beer is good.” She didn’t want to let go of his hand. Currently, she was now coaxing his own to open, using her fingers to trace to his palm and then spread out, until they met palm to palm. There she lightly began a caress of her fingers amidst the sensitive valleys of his own, a slight interlock of the digits as she played with his hand.

“I typically enjoy pale ales…” a silly upward quirk of the right corner of her lip would flash a dimple. “With a plate of sliced oranges.” She knew that sounded silly, but she enjoyed snacking on them. “I normally get a full pint, with an orange wedge on the rim.” She tapped the side of her bottle with her free hand, “In a glass… but I always end up wantin’ more oranges slices.” The sheepish grin returned. “So I ask for more.”
There had been a slight shiver as she had drawn on his palm, but it had been accompanied by a softening of his expression as he locked his emerald gaze onto hers.

“I've had a lime with a light lager from time to time,” he said. “Wouldn't ask for a slice in the bars I tend to order beer mind. I like cocktails to be honest, ordered one in the wrong bar once upon a time. Took me a while to live that one down,” he recounted with a laugh. “Hmm, don't think we have any fresh oranges aboard.” In his view applying labels to drinks as if they were appropriate for men or women was a positively archaic practice. But then he didn't hold some of the utter scum they dealt with in the highest esteem. But even Jarrick made jokes on his drinks, and he held the veteran in high regard.

His eyes seemed a touch glazed over; his mind was drawn to that touch on his hand. He'd never met anyone who quite liked to dance their fingers across skin like Kaile. When they were in contact those fingers were always touching and drawing patterns across him. He quite enjoyed it.

“You know, some use ‘personality’ to describe someone a bit off. But I think it applies to you little fella,” he said. Beer back on the table, he joined Kaile in administering some more attention to the bright green lizard.

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