Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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“Cocktails?” Kaile gave a grin. Being a Yum Bunny waitress gave her ample experience on the medley of exotic drinks and mixes. “Mmm.. I like Cassandra Sunrises myself, with added namane nectar!” The drink was known to knock anyone on their arse, but the nectar made it go down smooth without any alcoholic taste. It was both a good and a bad thing, as one wouldn’t be able to gauge just how many sheets to the wind they were. But the namane nectar gave a pleasurable, slightly addictive high reminiscent of a comfortable afterglow.

“I’ve had to help bartend a time or two. I prefer ales, but something fruity with a little umbrella is nice. Makes it shiny.” She grinned, interlocking her fingers against his own with a light squeeze. She liked this. It was as natural to her as breathing.

“What’s your favorite?” She asked him, as Bobo went on to shift to a more comfortable area on her lap. If anything, she was warm, so that suited the tiny lizard just fine. Although he certainly wasn’t approving of his mistress rather odd behavior. Then again, as he gave a small huff, he had seen many things in the past five years.

Many things…

Things that could not be unseen!!
“By the Force,” Asmus whispered. “You must have a constitution of iron. Last time I drank those I woke up fourteen hours later and couldn't remember which planet I was on. No, don't laugh! I'm being honest,” he said, whilst laughing. “Kairon thought he was going to have to call his sister and admit he'd misplaced her son.”

He considered her question for a moment, hand leaving the lizard who seemed to be adjusting his position for his beer. Asmus was on the receiving end of an accusatory glance, probably because the scratching stopped. After taking a swig, replacing his bottle and resuming the scratch, he replied.

“TIE bomber. Chocolate, caf and orange liqueurs in layers. Love it! You know I haven't taken a holiday in ages. Been meaning to go to one of those sunny world's where you can spend all day in the pool being brought cocktails. I dunno, reckon that'd get boring? Mind, you know I could do with the tan!” he added jovially.
“Oh no!” She would draw back her fingers, slipping them from the interlock to give his palm a gentle rap with their soft pads. “I tend to nurse that one. One being the key word.” She’d explain, elaborating further on the fact that while she enjoyed the occasional Cassandra, she knew all too well that the particular drink could make her lose her head.

With a grin splitting her face in two, Kaile’s shoulders would quiver in mirth. “What did ya’ll do? Down it all in one go?” Anyone who ever drank a Cassandra Sunrise had some sort of story to tell for their first encounter. Taking another sip of her beer, she enjoyed the slightly bitter taste. There was a slight light-headed sensation that made her muscles relax a bit more and the rest of the tension leave her body. Her knee would continue its lazy side to side rock, Bobo now a bit more content that Asmus resumed the light scratch.

His beady black eyes became half hooded, and if pleasure could be gleaned from his expression it was that. He was an odd thing, with peach fuzz light fur that ran over his iridescent green scales. A Tie Bomber eh? Not too shabby.

“Mmm… Spira might be good for that I reckon… If’n you’re looking to laze about.” Another thought came to her. “Or if you just not particular about the destination, there are a few worlds near Xagobath with a series of isolated islands. Just could pop in there and settle for a week or so.” Her lids fell shut and she brought her beer bottle up to her cheek. It was nice and cool.

“Mmm… gotta make sure ya’ll stock up on provisions first.”
“Hmm, I like that notion,” he said thoughtfully. They were smugglers. They went wherever they wanted, whenever they wanted. It was the service people paid for, it was the freedom he craved. It was also one of the things that concerned him about a military life. He didn't much fancy the idea of constantly working to someone else's schedule, going where he was told with no say in the matter. Not that he could now, but if he had his own ship…

If I had my own ship I'd still be tied to where the business was, he told himself.

“I take it you just don't settle in one place?” he asked. She sure had seen a lot of the Galaxy. “I feel kind of silly after the stories I was telling before as if I was all exciting because of it, but I like hearing about places you've been too.”

His hindquarters shifted a bit as he considered shuffling over closer. He consciously decided against it for now. They probably should head up to the galley and get those steaks going before too long really.
The lazy shift gave a slight pause. “Mm… no.” her lids rose at that, and there was a dark shadow that passed through her eyes. Her expression turned pensive, the slightest of furrows between her brows. No I do no, she mused to herself, thinking back to all of the different missions she’d been assigned to during the Rebellion, then the Pyre, and now the Alliance.

It was one place then the next. Her traveling wasn’t ever really for her own enjoyment, although to be fair, at the time she’d enjoyed it just plenty. Getting paid to travel and settle down at a particular place and be social wasn’t something she’d considered to be too restricting. It was only afterward that she realized that while she was constantly surrounded by people, it was a rather lonely existence.

Kaile set down her beer, and in turn, dropped her attention back to Bobo. Her finger joined in the slight nuzzle by his jaw. He had been the only constant in her life for the past five years.

“I ain’t really been to that many interestin’ places,” she’d said quietly, regarding him with a ghost of a smile, her forefinger drawing a concentric circle upon Asmus’ palm, tracing the“Most of my time was spent out in the Outer Rim or the Colonies. Just a bunch of regular folk. Seen one Yum Bunnies you’ve seen them all.” A bit literal to be exact. They all had the same floor plans. Her shoulders and chest rose as she breathed in deeply, the scent of honeysuckle and Asmus’ dry conditioner filling her nostrils.

“Though there has been a place or two I enjoyed.”
Asmus could be pretty oblivious to the emotions of those around him, but at the moment he was paying all of his attention to Kaile. He didn't like seeing those signs of melancholy return. Better to talk about things other than her recent past again. The temptation to try and convince her to stay on longer reared it's head again. She was clearly lonely and hurting at the moment. Would it really be that bad to stick with the Quin a little longer?

He decided against it. The few times he'd tried so far she'd sidestepped the issue or made it fairly plain she couldn't stay on longer. Times like this he wished he was better at knowing the right thing to say. Truthfully he just didn't have the experience in comforting those he cared about.

He offered her a small smile. Bobo would have to go without for a moment. Whilst she ran her fingers over one hand, his other came up to gently stroke from her elbow down to her wrist.

“There's all kinds of folk everywhere you go. I don't suppose where you are matters as much as finding the right people to spend the time with,” he said and if that wasn't obvious enough he added, “Today should have been a boring drawn out day of work. Times goin’ too quick. I'd happily go back round and start today again.”
His sailing caress was a comfort, and his reward was the return of the warmth in her eyes. “Rightly so.” She’d say, inclining her head slightly to the right as she regarded him with quiet contemplation. Her fingers would halt the idle trace to interlock with his anew.

“After all, that’s how I met you.” By chance yes, and after a series of unfortunate circumstances that brought her here. Kalie may not know where she was going. May not understand how everything came about from where she’s been. But in the here and now, all she could do was react and simply be.

She had spotted [member="Asmus Janes"] watching her in the cantina. Been aware of the interest in his forest green eyes and the intent he’d had when he sauntered on over with his foolish charm. He had been no different than the blur of faces before then. All she had wanted to do was forget. Have a few hours of oblivion. It had been a play pretend.

It wasn’t one now.
He gave an almost shy smile at that, head tilting down so that his hair fell down in front of his face. A shift of bright green caught his eye.

“Alright, alright,” he apologised to Bobo, who didn't care for their conversation when it interrupted his fuss. Asmus didn't say any more for a moment, but his eyes did as he looked up to her in a manner completely unlike that of two nights ago. Lips were parted just a fraction of an inch, his expression softened.

“Ah, we should head up and make some food in a few minutes,” he said. “How did that song go again? ‘Hanging by a moment here with you…’ Yeah, yeah that's about right.”
A short burst of amusement bubbled forth in a melodic laugh. “It is a good song.” Kaile gave his hand a small squeeze. Bobo, however, was not to be ignored anew. He went scrambling from under Asmus’ caress and up and around Kaile’s arm. Upon reaching his usual shoulder perch, he puffed out his chest, arms perking himself up much like a prized Dantooine Turkey would when presenting.

Or stating his claim.

The action none the less prompted another humorous chuckle from the Lorrdian. “Okay, okay!” she exclaimed, attempting to soothe over the slightly ruffled peach fuzz standing on end over the Ysalamir’s tiny body. “You can lord over it all from there.”

Smiling chestnut eyes would meet the deep forest of the scoundrel before her. “Food sounds good.” Legs went sliding out, the soles of her boots meeting the floor. Coming to her feet, her hand that had interlocked her fingers against his own gave a steady upward tug.

“Up you go!”
Asmus pretended to groan in defiance. For a moment he considered playing the fool again and dragging her back down, but he didn't want to squash the pet she was clearly attached to.

“Yeah I'm starving,” he agreed as he slid to his feet. It was a sentiment he often held, perhaps a combination of his metabolism and the manual work he did.

As he came to his feet his hand snaked around her waist and he closed the distance between them. His brushed his cheek up against hers, opposite side from Bobo. As he turned in and brushed his lips against her face he found his eyes meeting two black orbs.

Bobo had managed to chamber around the back of her neck to face him. He finished the kiss and pulled back to arm's length, a broad grin on his face. As he went Bobo advanced and now claimed that shoulder as his own.

Asmus laughed. “You be carefully little fella, I'm starting to like you and I'll get the name of your food supplier and steal you off Kaile.” Dark eyes narrowed.

Asmus gave Kaile a conspiratorial wink and turned to reclaim his beer. “He'll be alright clinging on as we go up the ladder?”

That prompted a laughing snort from the Lorrdian. Bobo was not amused. Wait.. what was that? One could swear that the tiny Ysalamir thumped one hand onto the next. A threat? No, a promise!

No time to linger on that, as Kaile would take her own beer and smile at Asmus. "He'll be fine. He's used to clinging on and making sure he doesn't fall. I often had him on my shoulder while I was waitressing. The younglings loved him."

The brief rub of his cheek against hers and the slight kiss seemed to brighten her face. Bobo scurried from one shoulder to the next as if to prevent Asmus from having the audacity to claim the other... just in case.

"Will Mai and the Captain join in?" she asked, moving up ahead, her ponytail swinging down her back.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"The cat will of course join us the moment the meat hits the pan. Kairon will be around too," Asmus sighed. He was still a little suspicious that she'd been hanging around earlier when he'd been trying to reassure Kaile. Best this time to try and keep the conversation casual in case the feline was lingering somewhere close by and listening in.

Asmus could hear the drone of Kairon's shower, so he assumed the captain wouldn't be long. Holding his beer tight to his body he used one hand against the outside of the rail to steady himself as he climbed the ladder.
Two and a half beers in would make for a slight unsteady walk. However, Kaile managed to not slip off the rungs. She wasn't that inebriated where she'd have issues going to and fro, but she was a little bit on the giddy side. Comparatively two nights ago, where they both were well within their cups. Not one of her most proud moments. Actually that entire week hadn't quite exactly been one of her proudest moments.

Bobo slightly swayed as the Lorrdian female went climbing up the ladderwell. "You know... you did say she had excellent hearing." a grin shot up towards the scoundrel.

"You sure you want to keep callin' her a cat?" palms lay flat upon the floor and she pushed herself up. Bobo took advantage and went scurrying up to sit on the top of his head.

They made it to the galley, with Bobo slightly flexing his tail. Another sip of her beer and she shot Asmus a small smile.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Tends to flush her out," Asmus said as he turned back to her, feeling a warmth across his cheeks that was only partially because of the alcohol. "If you say it enough times and she's within earshot you'll hear her hiss!

"I probably shouldn't mind, she's got claws. And I don't mean in no figurative sense, she has a wicked tongue too but she also has literal claws. Once saw thus big fella get right on top of her when she was changing a power pack. He was all ribbons afore he hit the deck."

With a final swig of beer Asmus turned to the steak, trying to put that visual memory aside as he checked on the red meat.

"I'll put food on if you wanna have a sit," he offered as he found a heavy skillet.
"I can help if you like." Kaile was quick to offer. She was half way to finishing her beer and didn't want Asmus to trouble himself on his own. If anything, she could help him here and there with whatever he wished. As if making sure she had her hands free, the Lorrdian brought the bottle to her lips and proceeded to drink the rest of the brew.

Bobo would lord over his new perch on top of Kaile's head, which would present a rather curious sight for any who would enter the galley. It wasn't everyday someone caught a young woman with a tiny green lizard on top of her head. Much the less, one who let it continue to stay there. The empty bottle would be set inside the glass container, allowing for it's storage.

A fleeting glance upward would catch Bobo as it moved, and Kaile gave a small chuckle. "Okay, normally I don't mind, but if we are going to be cooking things..." her hands came up to gently remove the lizard. He was not happy. "You can go on the shoulder or sit by the table." Kaile told him, delicately holding him upon the shell of her hand.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus was quite easily distracted. Whilst the steaks were now laid out on a board and the pan heating he turned to give Bobo a closer look. The lizard hadn't seemed to make up his mind about whether the stay on her shoulder or remain on the table.

"Look, you don't want to end up in the pan," he laughed. He gave Bobo a brief tickle and then ran his finger under one arm to see if he could coax him to lift the paw. Bobo did, but shot him a withering stare. "So he sucks in nutrients through his claws?" he asked. He tried to take a closer look, but Bobo rather curtly took his leg back and resumed gripping Kaile's index finger. He turned towards her with an expression of 'what is the moron doing exactly?'

"Oh and there's some mash in the freezer if you wouldn't mind re-heating it?"
[member="Asmus Janes"]

“Mhm,” reheating mash. Easy enough! His quip about Bobo falling into the pot made Kaile chuckle. “He would likely claw for dear life to avoid that.” She’d joke, although it was only in half jest. Ysalamir were able to latch on with a deathgrip. It is why removing them from their perches were so very difficult. Such a thing could potentially kill them. It took centuries before a technique to do so successfully was found.

“But that is how he eats.” Kaile told him, ambling over to the freezer. Bobo would keep Asmus in his sight as the Lorrdian walked away, giving a half turn to watch him with his beady black gaze as if to say, ‘I’m watching you…’

Pulling open the freezer, Kaile poked her head inside. The chilled air was enough to grant her a few degrees of sobriety. It also startled Bobo from his mid-glare, scurrying to warm himself by Kaile’s neck due to the cold. One hand went searching for the mash. After a moment, she found it.

Taking it out, she shut the door, much to Bobo’s relief. He did not, however, move just yet. Kaile gave a slight chuckle, shaking her head, feeling his tiny little body against the crook of her neck.

“Alright. Mash.” coming up beside Asmus, the Lorrdian began to work alongside him.
“Little fella doesn’t like the cold much then?” Asmus asked. Dark eyes were no longer fixed on him. Instead Asmus could only see the creature’s movements as her hair moved around in response to Bobo changing his position.

A loud sizzle came from the pan as the steak went in. He sealed off the meat on one side, then the other before turning the heat down. “I’ll go to the freezer this time,” he said. As he stepped round behind her an idle, open hand brushed against her a little below waist level. A little inappropriate, but he was three beers down.

“Hmm, runner beans?” he asked from the freezer, looking through the vegetables.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile flashed Asmus a smile as he ambled past, the faint brush of his fingers a lingering caress. He was actively becoming more affectionate, displaying more and more tactile brushes that went back and forth. For Kaile, this was normal. In fact, it was desired. There was something about touching, of having that physical connection, that the Lorrdian craved.

Asmus was making it a little bit worse.

"That sounds good." Kaile would drawl out, her cheeks slightly pink from the beer. Her expression clearly relayed a content state, every motion an easy and relaxed movement as she would warm up the mash. Bobo, once warmed with the heat off of Kaile's skin, peeked his head out anew. It was at that moment that she began to hum lightly. A little diddy.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Whilst the beans were being warmed through in a small sonic steamer, Asmus flipped the steaks again. He checked how well done they were with a quick touch and decided to leave them on a little while longer. When he thought she wasn't paying attention he turned his head a fraction to watch her closely. Just an ordinary thing. A girl - with admittedly stunning eyes - stirring some mash before heating it through again. So why did it make him feel quite like this.

He turned back to the steak, thinking she might have caught his eye and his daft smile. "Think we might have some blue cheese actually we used that, ignore me. Probably just some tomato sauce in the cupboard then."

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