Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Asmus Janes"]

"Do you want it?" She asked quietly, wondering aloud as she glanced out over to him. Chocolate brown eyes slightly hooded in her inebriation smiled our at him. "Sauce?"

She personally never had such a thing, but everyone had their own curious tastes. She'd seen many patrons at Yum Bunnies ask for steak sauce, mushroom gravy, or even fried eggs over their steak. One wonders if they grew up enjoying it like that or if it just happened from trying it out on their own? Experimentation at its finest perhaps.

A few stirs and the mash was properly warmed up. Kaile's smile lingered; she could feel his gaze on her. A light, searching thing, as if he couldn't quite make sense of her. There was more to it than that, and it only made her more aware of him the more he did so. Nervous fingers went to tuck the strands of her hair behind her ears, playing with a stray lock as she twirled it once upon her forefinger.

Heat rose over her cheeks that had nothing to do with being three beers in.

"Mash is done." Bobo, plopped himself down on her shoulder, unimpressed.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus shrugged. "I'm not fussed, but Kairon is fond of brown sauce. He can get that if he wants it. Seriously, it makes me suspicious. Like: 'what's this sauce?' 'brown,' 'what's in it?' 'brown.' You can't describe a sauce by a colour instead of a name or its ingredients. Just seems wrong," he said, clearly trying to amuse Kaile.

Asmus moved to plate up the steak, leaving it to rest and turn a nice smooth pink through the middle. Then he added some beans to each plate with a knob of butter on each pile.

"I should have said earlier, bet you could have whipped up a good sauce? Never mind!"
"I reckon I can do a brown sauce just fine." she told him, flashing him a smile. A brown sauce wasn't too difficult at all, and since he was pan frying those steaks, she could use the sucs to make it. Granted... she was three beers in.

She set the mash on the table, moving towards Asmus a moment later to take the pan he had used. "Just need... flour. And water." she told him, half humming and half paying attention to what she was doing. That's typically what happened when one was at the point of having a nice buzz and not quite giving much of a bother to anything else.

Hospitality was Kaile's thing, so making gravy for the Captain was no issue at all.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Without warning he slipped an arm around her waist and planted two kisses at the nape of her neck. He heard the rustle of her hair as Bobo started to move his position again, but by then Asmus had moved on towards the cupboard. As he walked one arm trailed behind him, fingers tracing a line across the small of his back as if he was reticent to break the touch. He was.

"Right then," he sighed, feeling like he had to refocus his vision through a mist. He pulled out a sealed tub of flour and passed it over to her. "Don't be surprised if Kairon asked for the cheap bottled crap we keep mind. He loves that dreadful stuff," Asmus said with a light chuckle. "What any vinegar?"
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Goosebumps were left in the wake of his kisses and caress. The tiny hairs at her nape rose, and Kaile couldn't help the slight shiver that ran down her spine. A fleeting glance was spared at the scoundrel's direction, a small hitch in her breath and a quizzing look. What was it about him?

When he turned to regard her she glanced away, taking the flour and water. Just a little bit, she mused, cheeks burning warmer as a bit of flour sprinkled upon the pan to make the roue. "No that's fine." She answered. Her focus was on the gravy. It kept her mind from wandering again. The beer didn't help whatsoever. No, her mind was going back to the cockpit again. To the chair. What happened then.

Bobo's movements were pulling kaile's hair from her ponytail. He was getting more active, and one could even say was keeping a solid eye on Asmus.

"This shouldn't be long." She told him, stiring the spoon until the drippings and flour made a thick paste. The water was next, just enough liquid to allow it to moisten and get thick.
"Steak, outstanding!" Kairon called as he emerged from the lower deck. Kaile was by the hob still stirring something, but beans steak and mash were already at the table. Asmus was hovering around her of course. Lovely seared slabs of meat laid for dinner, and it smelled like she was cooking a sauce again. It surprised many that Kairon was actually a very good cook. He'd worked the kitchens on the Bad Karma when the captain had taken a shine to him. Better than some of the other jobs that floating rust bucket had going aboard her. That attention had been dangerous. The man had shaped Kairon into something. Something unpleasant.

He shook his head, clearing those thoughts as he went to pour himself a straight black caf. "Maybe some of your culinary skills will rub off on him Kaile," he said. Asmus was reasonable, but didn't have the patience to really cook anything exciting. The look he passed over them was remarkably fond. He did feel bad for how quickly he'd upset the girl on the first morning now. For the time being he was watching the pair with mild interest. He'd never seen Asmus act this way before, he was wondering how it would all play out. He reckoned he had a better clue as to what was going on that the lad did, anyway.

" that?" he asked, seeing something bright green move in Kaile's hair.

"Oh that's just Bobo," Asmus replied.

"Come again?"
[member="Kairon Rees"] [member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile gave a hint of a smile, feeling the tiny Ysalamir scurry to a position of lordly pride upon her shoulder. Both forearms propped himself up and he puffed his chest out.

“My little buddy,” the Lorrdian would explain, giving a slight chuckle as she smoothed out the brown gravy on the pan. “He’s a miniature Ysalamir,” Kaile would explain, her torso giving a slight sway with every figure eight motion she made with the spoon to prevent the gravy from burning.

“I reckon in his mind I’m more of his pet human than anything else,” she joked, the corners of her eyes creasing as she slung her braid over one shoulder.

“He’s been sleepin’ all this while, but is now makin’ his social rounds.” A glance was sent over to the Captain’s direction, a soft smile lingering upon her face.

“You could call him the only family I have…”

All the more now since… A shadow passed over her eyes. Three beers in and her ability to maintain her bearing in regards to her emotions was a mite more difficult.
Kairon chuckled at the curious little creature’s display. He might have been annoyed had they been shipping somewhere with more stringent species import regulations, but it wasn’t going to be an issue. But at that last confession his smile became more thin. He looked to Asmus to see if the lad had picked up on that. He seemed to have, so Kairon decided to wander off towards the cockpit whilst they finished the sauce.
Asmus caught the look that cross Kaile’s features. Turning, he caught sight of Kairon out of the corner of his eye. His uncle gave him a small nod and then left the pair, heading to check on Mai in the cockpit. It seemed he was expecting Asmus to do something about the situation. Again, he was left thinking about whether Kaile had lost someone in the plague.

“He tend to go between long periods of rest and activity?” He asked casually. He slipped his left arm around her waist, pressing the left side of his chest against her back. Bobo eyes him suspiciously for a moment, but he placated him by providing a tickle with his right hand.

Bobo changed his gaze to something akin to: ‘I’ll accept this for now, but if you stop you’re in trouble mate.’
[member="Asmus Janes"]

"Oh didn't he want some of the sa--" confusion turned to mild amusement and surprise as she felt Asmus at her back. Tossing a half smile, she took a step and withdrew the pan. The sauce was done, so she turned off the heat. "Reckon he'll still want some?" She asked him, brows scrunched in worry.

At his question, she gave a slight nod. "I used to have a small branch where he could laze about. He likes sunning himself. If he could stay there all day he would." She'd explain. That was the exact set up she had built on the Messa. Bobo would be a bit peeved it was no longer an option.

"But he bustles about when he wants to socialize," a slight pause came after that, as if she was considering something," much like a cat actually," she grinned.

"Only comes about when he wants to get affection."
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

“Put some on the side for him just in case,” Asmus replied after a moment’s thought. He reluctantly relinquished his grip on her waist so she could move about freely. He furrowed his brows for a second before opening a drawer to take out some steak knives to set on the table.

“And yeah, I’d picked up on that one,” he said with a chuckle. Bobo was clinging on as she leaned to spoon the sauce out. He looked a touch put out that Asmus was out of arm’s reach and no longer delivering any of the affection.

“Is it a certain kind of lamp he needs?” he asked curiously.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile finished spooning the sauce into a container, smoothing the lid over it with a light press. "He needs yuu-bee-vee light and heat from infared to bask. Arceneau Trade sells it along with Miri Farms, but they are pretty expensive." Quite a bit of credits actually, as they are the only known lights to mimic almost perfectly natural light.

"They last a while though," she added, taking the pan to start cleaning up after everything. Ever the waitres, Kaile wanted to make sure everything remained clean after use.

"Though if I can, I take him out with me to get some sun. He can go for an hour or so before I need to put him back to rest." Otherwise, Bobo won't be able to recharge and feed. He expends a lot of energy during that hour, and requires to recuperate.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Oh, do you have a lamp with you, or has he been getting enough natural light for all the vitamins he needs to make? I mean, we have some pretty bright bulbs around if you want me to make somewhere for him to just enjoy some heat?"

Asmus took a place at the table, and reached for the container with the mash, spooning some out onto his plate. He then poured some of the sauce over his steak. Mai and Kairon returned from the cockpit and also took their places at the table, though not before Mai took a beer from the fridge.
A slight grimace drew across her lips. She didn’t have it with her. She left it on the Messa. At the time, Kaile had only considered just what she’d need to take in her bag. Travel light. Her mind had been completely wrapped around the emotional rollercoaster of things.

To be fair, she had a similar light in his nutrient tube. It was just smaller and more confined than having the freedom to move around on his branch back in her old room.

“No. His nutrient tube has one though.” She told him, moving along side to sit down on the table after everything had been cleaned and set away. When Mai took out another beer, having another seemed like a fantastic idea.

“Anyone else want anything to drink?” Kaile asked, only to notice that Mai had her beer and the Captain had his caf. That left Asmus and her.

“Beer?” She asked him, giving him a rather sheepish expression and a half shrug of her shoulder.
“Sure, one of the Carios please,” he asked, referencing the beer they had that came in small bottles with a relatively low alcohol content. There a limit to how much he wanted to drink in a short space of time, but she already knew that he wasn't the most robust drinkers. “I'll bring down up of the hotter lamps we've got incase he wants to warm himself up in the morning.”

As he sliced into his steak he realised Mai’s focus was now on the lizard. “Wossat?” he asked curtly.

“That's Bobo, he's a…” Asmus started, only to realise he still couldn't get the name correct. With his elbow on the table he idly drew small circle in the air with the point of his knife. Giving up, he looked to Kaile for help.
A smirk would rush upon the Lorrdian’s lips at Mai’s peculiar expression. It was a mix of intrigue and puzzlement. Granted, Kaile was well used to being on the receiving end of dozens of questions when it came to her tiny lizard friend.

“Ya-sah-Lee-meer,” Kaile took the time to roll out the pronunciation with a curl of her tongue, taking another beer for Asmus and herself in the process. She sat herself down to join the other three with a smile.

“I guess simply put, a pet. Mine to be precise.” She told the feline,”Best friend and occasional defender of my honor.” The corner of her mouth twitched as she felt Bobo move. He alone would have the guts to eyeball Mai without any fear, as if sizing her up.

Chuckling to herself, she took her silverware and began to eat.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
“He's a fearsome little thing,” Asmus agreed. Surely the ysalmiri didn't just give him an approving nod? No, that was clearly his imagination. “Hmm, good sauce,” Asmus said. He looked to see if Kairon approved. He could see his uncle looking towards the cupboard with the bottle of cheap off the shelf brown sauce.

“Excellent, thank you,” Kairon said, clearly too polite to offend Kaile by going to get the bottle. Mai was ignoring them all again and was chomping through her steak in short order. The mash was ignored by the feline entirely.

Asmus took another slice of pink meat, washing it down with a swig of beer.

“Soo…” Kairon said.

Uh oh, Asmus thought.

“...I popped in to check on the Twins…”

Asmus shot Kaile a guilty grin. He could tell Kairon wasn't in a really bad mood about it. He'd have either been much louder or doing that near silent hissing through his teeth.

“I told ‘er Captain!” Asmus declared in a ridiculous pirate accent. “I said it dun matter how much steak you make him, programming the Twins to call him that will make him awful mad!” Asmus pointed his fork out Kaile in an accusatory manner, shooting her a wink.

Kairon shot his nephew a withering stare. “Very good, but I think you've just made it clear who the culprit was. Half rum rations for you!” he admonished, before chuckling in a low, throaty manner.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

“That’s a terrible accent.” Kaile managed to burst out mid sip of her beer, shaking her head with incredulity. There was a mischievous glow to her chestnut eyes, the corners crinkling as Kairon’s low, throaty laugh rumbled throughout the galley. A little bit of good humor had the ability to relax the soul. It was good to see that the Captain was the sort who could take a small joke.

“Is that the best you can do?” She teased, popping a mouthful of steak into her mouth as she began to chew heartily. If anything, Kaile was the sort to enjoy a good meal, so she attacked the mash, beans, and steak with gusto.

“Captain, I was equally part of the transgression,” she confessed, casting an impish grin to Kairon as her eyes danced with mirth.

“I await your punishment for such a terrible deed.” She joked along, cutting up another biteful of her steak. Bobo was still eyeballing Mai, but doing so out of the corner of his eye, as if waiting for her to do something. Nothing would get past him! He was watching everything!
“Don't you go trying to take the blame off his shoulders!” Kairon reprimanded, though tone and expression made clear he was still joking. “Don't get yourself in trouble on account of that jezebel!”

“Jezebel?” Asmus asked incredulously. Kairon's eyes lit up and Asmus instantly realised he'd responded as his uncle had hoped.

“Because you look like a pretty princess on the outside but you're a wicked soul on this inside,” Kairon replied without missing a beat.

“Well you're as old and haggard on the inside as you look,” Asmus retorted.

“Weak,” Mai interjected.

Kairon put down his cutlery, puffed out his chest and held his arms out wide. “Mai called it,” he said.

“Damnit,” Asmus grumbled.

“What's that now?” Kairon asked Mai.

“You're still two down to Asmus,” Mai replied in an offhand manner. She seemed far more interested in the steak.

“Hah!” Asmus said, his face brightening again. “How long did that take you to come up with anyway?” he asked, looking to Kaile with a smile.

“It's been a very boring day,” Kairon admitted.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

The Lorrdian erupted in light laughter, a joviality spreading across her features as the scene would ensue. The affection, the way that they easily bantered with each other, it was plain as day to see. That connection, those ties they shared built them into a family.

Kaile felt a tiny tinge that envied that.

Her grin was wide, and she could only sip her beer as the light jesting and ribbing went back and forth. Kairon and Asmus had a good relationship. Mai, while she had a tendency to squirrel herself away, softened now and then with her short terse quips. Well, as soft as one could get such as she.

Bobo, having been used to hanging around Kaile’s shoulder when she worked the tables, merely watched curiously. He halted his probing investigation of Mai, choosing to sit back and lord over all from his perch. With nearly an hour gone by, he’ll have to return to his nutrient tube soon.
“Would be a right shame if the Twins started calling Asmus ‘Pretty Princess’ I wager then, hmm?” Oh, was there ever a growing impish glow within the depths of those chocolate eyes. The slight perk of her brows that she passed to Kairon at that little insinuation was enough to prompt another wave of laughter.

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