Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kaile was right. There was nothing deliberate in anything Asmus did. He was lost, utterly lost in the moment. His head was caught in some fuzzy twilight between alert and asleep. At peace, yet nerves still dancing with raw excitement. Only one clear conscious thought managed to cut through that fog: my heart must feel awful strong under that hand of hers.

His right hand roamed further now. Up her cheek, grazing her temples with the back of his fingers and then running down the back of her head. It slid across her shoulder with a much firmer grip, threatening to drag her top off the shoulder, before returning to behind her neck.

Earlier in the day his mind and body had been somewhat at odds with each other. In fact that divergence had been no greater than before that first sonic shower. She'd seen every muscle in his body tense as he stalked towards her. Her eyes, so large to always draw him in, they'd been what his mind had focused on as his body tried to reach for her. Again in the cockpit, treacherous hands had nearly taken things further than he'd wanted. That divergence had slowly closed until right now, mind and body on the same track. His conscious thoughts were slow, hazy; Asmus let his body talk as his mind focused on feeling, not expressing.

When his lips broke from hers, his lungs heaving to draw in air, he found himself wondering how much time had passed. Had that been a brief moment? No, he thought, forehead pressed against hers as he looked into her eyes, they'd been lost for a time. A low moan escaped his lips as he felt her ragged breath on his them.

His mouth felt raw, tingly. Her breath on moist lips only heightened that sensation. He felt like he should say something. Despite no words forming at the front of his mind, his lips said: “Oh Kaile.”

His head leaned further to the side as he fell upon her again. The kiss was deeper, quicker. His left hand held hers ever so tightly, his right slid down over her shoulder to grip her waist. He pulled them together, that hand on his chest almost a resistance to him leaning even closer, of that was possible. What had started as gentle butterflies in his stomach now felt like a dance of warm light all through his chest. Nervous, excited, peaceful, content. All at once, all in beautiful harmony and at war at the same time. Kaile, how he wanted her as he'd never wanted anyone before.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

A slight gasp caught between them as Asmus drew her in, his fingers indenting pressure marks along her waist, pulling her close. As if he could ground her into this exact moment. The hand at his chest was captured between them, arm bending as Kaile upturned her face into the kiss. Her knee that had drawn up before slid down, and her torso turned towards his, finding a more comfortable position.

As he kissed her harder, Kaile’s head swam. She was drawing in short bursts of air as if she were surfacing every few seconds before diving deeper into that sea, letting the rolling waves take her as her curves molded against the wall of his chest. A chest that thundered under her imprisoned hand, a speeder-train catching speed and going ever faster. And with that she moaned softly, driving them both out of their minds.

His hand had wandered as if all he was meant to do in life was explore her. Nothing was coordinated, just sweeps of a warm palm, the digging of slender fingers, and the slow burning incessant desire for more. One of them managed to sip the tie from her braid, and as their quickening dance led them towards the depths of surrender, those strawberry blonde tresses fell loose.

As if inspired by that singular act, Kaile’s twitching almost anxious fingers withdrew from his left hand. It was a feat on its own for he held her so tightly, but she soothed the retract with the slow, delicate skim of her fingertips over the back of his hand. She guided it to rest upon her thigh, where she followed that flowing bit of energy as it began to sail up his wrist and gripped his forearm.

Breathing became a task that was a struggle on its own. Her ears were filled with the husky whisper of her name, falling with a half-dazed reverence one could only expect at a Sacred Way revival. That is what it was. That was it. Like a supplicant before the vessel of his desire, Asmus worshiped her mouth, caressed her as if it was a sacrament, and in turn Kaile met him with equal fervor.

Did he know that his touch seared her to the skin and filled her veins with fire? Could he tell that the more she felt the heat of his skin, the warmth of his breath, and the taste of his lips she felt as if her bones had liquefied and left her a pliant semblance of herself? A half pause split their connection for a moment, his name a half strangled rasp as she fought to maintain her breathing. Cool air fell into hot lungs, but it didn’t last long.

Her cheek brushed against his, but found his mouth anew. A shudder took her and in that kiss she opened her mouth wider, drawing him in as she deepened the kiss, hummed in his mouth and held him close.
His body demanded air. Lungs ached and his heart pounded in his chest. But his body still refused to break away. It needed to be closer to her, not further away. Asmus let out a low sigh as his lip separated from hers for just a moment. His eyes, framed in dark lashes, fluttered open for a moment but hers were closed.

Every touch sent a fresh wave of excitement rolling over him. They'd ridden that high several times today, every time backing down before it could crest. The wasn't the same. He couldn't remember just feeling so much before. It was overwhelming, yet felt like the most natural act in the world.

As their lips met again his right hand slipped from her waist and his palm slapped against the wall behind her. Muscles tensed as he leaned back a touch and shifted the hand higher to meet the wall above her shoulder. He bemoaned losing the press of her breasts against his chest. Now it was as if he had her caged in. His left slipped up her thigh firmly, sliding around the outside of her hips to find her waist. He felt a bead of sweat roll down the side of his face.

As he closed this time he moved higher, looming over her. Her head would have to tilt back to meet him, exposing her slender neck. As he broke the kiss to playfully nibble on her top lip - almost a little too hard - his left hand came up, delicate fingers stroking down from ear to the cleft of her neck. There his fingers took a grip on the front of her shirt. It was coming between their closeness, some part of him complained.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

The resonating slap of his hand against the wall made Kaile’s breath hitch. The contrast of sounds between their quickening breaths and the low hum of the air recycler stark against the growing haze of yearning intoxicating them both. Her head went tipping back, baring the smooth curve of her neck. The bulkhead met the back of her head, a minor reprieve as she began to nibble on his lower lip.

A half gasp broke the kiss, feeling the drift of his fingers over the buttons of her scalloped blouse. The curl would bunch the fabric and have the lace cami underneath peek through, one sleeve of the blouse hanging off the ridge of a creamy shoulder. Legs adjusted, and Kaile scooted back. The hand that had sailed over his forearm met the bulk of his shoulder, where her fingers dug into the lanky muscle there. Muscles leaped under her palm as if prepared to do her bidding, whatever it was.

It was an odd thing. One that Kaile didn’t quite realize yet. Asmus was only in charge because she allowed him to be. His command was illusory. If she had said stopped, he would stop. Much like when he had made his intent before clear, waiting for her reaction. For her response.

All the while, Kaile was mesmerized. It was hot. It felt as if that air recycler had kicked the bucket and now she was cooking in her clothes. Up her right hand went, delving into the silk of his dark hair, curling as if she couldn’t stand the thought of him moving away. Caging her in might have made anyone feel vulnerable. But not with Asmus. No, she felt...

I …

A moan sighed out, tendrils of her hair slipping from the thick plait to tickle her cheeks as well as his. With her left hand freed from its prison between them, it could finally now trace over where she sought. Her hand dipped low, until her hand pushed under his shirt, feeling the quiver of his abdomen as she splayed her fingers and drifted them up.
There was a thought. Like a tiny little light at the back of his mind, triggered by her head hitting the bulkhead. It receded to a dull amber glow as she said her hand over the firm expanse of his midriff. That elicited a stuttered intake of breath, accompanied by a quiver across his jaw.

Dropping his weight back down a few inches again, his back arched and his kissed her hard. He manned quietly as he twisted his head, noses brushing tip to tip before he switched sides. There was a moment of awkwardness as he realised they hadn't kissed at this angle before. Yet it felt new, exciting. Everything did.

His hand slipped an inch on the wall from bearing his weight. Pulling away for a moment of breath, he almost chuckled at having nearly fallen across her. That dull amber glow flared again. The idea manifested as clear words.

Clean sheets.

His haunches slid away from her, his hand sliding down the wall. The other relinquished its grip on the neck of her blouse. Fingers did a slow walk down the front of her chest, between the swell of her breasts. Finally his hands came to rest on either side of her waist, both taking a handful of fabric. He gently tugged backwards as his right leg stretched out to the ground. Asmus aimed to stand up off the cabin bunk and tried to draw her with him to her feet.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile felt a tremor move through Asmus when her hand soared over his abdomen, shirt hiking up just so. He wasn’t covered in heavy muscle, instead it was the lanky sinew and build of a pugilist. Wirey and limber. Toned.

The moments were split between pants and chuckles.

Laughter. Laughter was key, all the more in such an intimate moment. While the scoundrel certainly made her feel kiss-drunk, her half hooded gaze when she met his was equally as amused as it swam through smoldering desire. Laughter could break the tension. It could allow them to tread water and not get sucked into that riptide.

When his lips drew from hers, she gave a half mewl of protest, only to find herself draw up from the bed. There, showered by the half glow of the wall panels, Kaile was a vision of bruised, swollen lips, a heady gaze, and tousled hair that now cascaded over her shoulders in thick waves. The braid did that. His fist through the tresses earlier did the former.

Standing, they conducted an awkward dance of balancing and arms wrapping around the other. Her hand slipped from under his shirt, leaving the fire of his skin to rush over his chest. Both arms would loop over his shoulders, and there was a slight tippy toe push that prompted her to lean against him. Only it wasn’t his lips she sought.

Instead, they found a small patch of skin right under his jaw. There they pressed gently, deliberately. By all intents and purposes, the most innocent of kisses as she followed the line of his jaw up to his ear. There, her breath fanned lightly, only to draw back a bit so she could nuzzle his cheek against hers.
His jaw opened wide at that first kiss against his neck. She'd feel his muscles bunch up under her tender kisses, before smoothing out again before she reached his ear. Now his arms has slipped around her waist fully, hands riding up under her shirts to press against bare skin of the small of her back.

She was making him giddy. As she gently nuzzled against him he reciprocated. Cheekbone to cheekbone in a small circular motion that threatened to bring lips together again. Oh how he wanted to taste her on his lips again, but he took the time to let her lead and to get some air into his lungs. There was a smile on his lips as his fingers worked their way up and down, remembering every inch from the night before. They seemed to fit together so well, he decided as his hands urged her closer, even though there was no space left for her to occupy.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

A shiver ran up her spine a she felt the graze of his fingers run along the small of her back. He would hear her quick hitch of breath, followed by the slid of her face until their foreheads touched again. His skin was on fire, hot against her own. She could feel the faint sheen of sweat that had accumulated by his temples, and for some reason that made her give a light laugh.

Her shoulders shook, her body shuddering against him as the corner of her swollen lips twitched. Gently, there foreheads gave a slight side to side rub. The tips of their noses brushed, barely bumping. That provoked another half giggle, and Kaile couldn’t help but fall back on her feet again. A mere handful of inches separated them, a distance that the Lorrdian closed when her right hand went raking through his hair. The cafune extended through its length, ending with her hand cupping his jaw. Her thumb gingerly grazed over that high prominent cheekbone, and her lids lifted to gaze into his eyes.

They were like twin pools of the deepest green she had ever seen. They reminded her of the Flamewind of Oseon, when the colors shifted and painted the entire system with the same hue. They say that the color sparked the notion of irrationality upon sapients who would regard it. Was that the spell that he’d woven on her? Maybe.

Either way, rational or no, there was just something right about it all. So her fingers would speak in turn, finding their way to trace the outline of his lips as if already contemplating kissing them anew.
What went on behind those hazel orbs, he wondered. If he was one of those Jedi he could achieve such a thing. Would he want to? There would no fun in that, he supposed. Asmus had seen many things in those eyes over the last two days, not the least of which pain. What do I see now?

I see her studying me back.

That prompted a dip of his gaze and and a small laugh. Her fingers would finish tracing an honest smile. His world had been brightly coloured emotion and sensation for a time. To say the moment had pulled him from that reverie wouldn't be entirely true, but clear thought came more easily.

His eyes followed the heart shaped contour of her face, before tracing her flushed lips as her fingers did his. A few seconds passed and he turned his neck a fraction to regard the bed behind them. It was the first time his surroundings had truly entered into his awareness.

“There was a reason I stood up,” he said quietly. She'd feel his hands shift as if moving towards a familiar position. “A waltz perhaps?” There was mischief in those golden sparks on a green bed this time. One leg came to be planted outside of hers and without warning he dipped her as he had before. This time however he continued the turn, his firm grip holding her tight as he lowered her towards the bed roll. Far more comfortable than his narrow bunk and with fresh sheets too. His face never moved more than a few inches from hers.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile gave a gasp in surprise, one that bloomed into a short laugh. There it was, the charm Asmus had so often wondered where it might have gone. Funny how when he didn’t worry about it, it came naturally. And to be truthsome, it did something wild to the palpitations of her heart.

He sank her onto that sea of sheets. The soft, clean scent enveloping her as he followed through, hovering over her. The length of his hair fell forward, shadowing his slender, angular features; the glow of the dim light barely illuminating the high cheekbones and the green of his eyes.

He lay her on her back with steady sure movements, and while the ‘verse spun, Kaile surrendered herself into his grasp. His mischievous grin elicited one of her own, a mirror image that danced over her swollen lips and evoked a molten, tingly warmth from head to toe. Whisper soft hands would drift up, over his arms until they came to rest upon his cheeks.

“I’m still new at that,” she whispered, her voice a low hush between she and he, as if whispering a secret that only he could know. Her eyes searched his face, thumbs gently brushing over those high arcs of his cheekbones. They caressed him as if searing him to memory, every feather light touch a tactile reminder. From the scattered stubble of his five o’clock shadow, to the velvety softness of his lower lip.

“I’ll need to sense you.” There was more to the saying there, and it would perhaps fly over Asmus’ head. It was as much the Lorrdian in her trying to communicate as it was Kaile herself.

Sense you.

Much like when she had pressed herself from breastbone to hip in the cargobay, reading and reacting to his movements. He lead. She followed. Until it wasn’t about who took command as much as what became innate. What flowed. Until it one was merely an extension of the other, moving with fluidity.

It was getting stranger now. Well, not strange. Odd. Odd in that hazy sense of bewildered wonder coupled with a hint of amusement. The corner of her mouth crooked up higher and she gave him a sheepish expression. Kaile lowered her lids and flushed with more than just embarrassment.

“Sorry… reckon I’m actin’ like a ninny.” Her small voice confessed under the hum of the overhead air recycler and the pounding thump of her heart.
Her first comment brought a smile to his face. An almost wistful look as his mind took him back to that moment in the cargo bay. Her second comment had a different effect. Eyes seemed to darken as he hovered over her, smouldering. I want to feel you, and only you. Sense nothing else, he thought.

Though as his expression might have changed his hands never stopped. Perhaps that was a little bit of Kaile that had rubbed off on him, but shifting his weight onto one elbow his other hand combed through her hair, ran over her smooth cheek and shoulder. He'd been about to press himself against her so she could sense every shift of his muscles, feel the hard ridge that revealed his passion.

Instead he took pause at her last comment. Instead of holding her tight he rolled onto the left elbow to come onto his side next to her.

“Look at that,” he said softly. Asmus held up his right hand so she could see how it quivered. “That's not normal,” he added with a chuckle. His breath came in short, sharp bursts. So did hers and he couldn't help but appreciate what they did to the curves of her chest.

Eyes turned back to her face and an affection swelled in his heart that was almost painful. His lips faintly trembled this time. Once she'd seen his hand he lowered it down to her cheek before gliding down to find the neckline of her top.

“This is a dance you can take slow as you like though,” he said, without a hint of humour. He feared his shaking hand would struggle, but it seemed far more assured as it undid the first button and moved onto the next.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

“What’s normal?”

She’d breathed out too him. It was much a rhetorical question as one where she searched for an answer. He wasn’t the only one trembling, and it wasn’t just in need. Nerves twisted and churned at her belly, knotting more every second as each small, shell button went slipping from its home.

Kaile was stuck between anticipation, the need to draw him nearer, and this bewildering sense of nervous uncertainty. She could easily say that wasn’t normal, but then again, after everything, what was? Not to mention, with each slip of the button the warmer it ironically became.

Decency, or what little Kaile ever really thought she had, was kept as the slack blue fabric of her shirt would reveal a plain white camisole trimmed with lace. One of the few nice things she had. Delicate, but hardy.

A dance that you can take as slow as you like.

There were several connotations there. It made her mind race as much as it set her nerves afrenzy. No, don’t think about it, Kaile would chide herself. Don’t dwell. Don’t fret it. But it was hard when she could feel the faint tremble of his fingers as they sailed their way south, button after button. Now it was her turn for her belly to quiver, her breath to catch.

“Slow.” she whispered, bringing his head down with her hands still cupping his cheeks. There she paused but a hairbreadth from his lips, those half-hooded kissdrunk eyes watching him as if he were her ‘verse.

“I’m good with slow.”
“Slow,” he agreed. His chest rose gradually until full of air. That breath left him through pursed lips. He tried to slow the staccato rhythm of his heart with his breathing. His fingers finished the last button, tugging the shirt aside. His hand came to rest flat on her belly. It stayed still for a few seconds as he returned that look. Just holding her gaze threatened to set his pulse racing on its own. Slow was good. Perhaps slow meant he could settle his nerves as they crossed each threshold. It meant they could come to a halt any time they wanted.

It didn't stay in place for long. It began to circle from where it had come to rest. His sensitive fingertips appreciated the lace contrast with her smooth skin as the camisole rode up to her navel. With each circuit that faint tremble lessened. Heart still thundered, but to a different beat.

He wouldn't, couldn't stay apart from her for long. A shuffle brought him closer until his eyes were just inches from hers again. His pupils dilated and moved as if searching for something in hers. A smile gradually widened on his face, reaching his cheeks revealing dimples and then the corners of his eyes. He wasn't sure what he saw in those eyes exactly. But it slowly dawned on him that he saw what he felt inside when he thought of her.

“Kiss me?” he asked barely above a whisper.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

He didn’t have to ask her twice.

That hairsbreadth of distance fell shut as Kaile tipped her head up, shut her eyes, and caught his lips with hers. A faint hum of growing need vibrated from her throat and poured into the kiss, opening her mouth to drink him in and roll her tongue against his own.

Muscles quivered under his sailing touch, anxious and thrilled with the way skin met skin. A small arch of her back and she scooted closer, both hands sliding from his jaw to sink into the mass of his dark hair. Thought went out the viewport again, her legs sliding against his own in her quest to get near.

There may not have been any more words, but Kaile was still actively communicating with her lips, wandering hands, and each and every sigh that Asmus evoked.

All of it saying, touch me more.
He needed that. Needed her to respond to the question, to draw him in with action. Asmus was no Lorridan, perhaps he had a limited vocabulary or was slow on the uptake, but his body knew the language.

The fingers of his right hand curled up, lifting off her skin and it was with a firm press of the palm that it slipped down. It crossed her navel, met the waistline of her trousers and dragged them down just an inch or two. Then it moved across until it met her hip bone and arced back up her waist.

It was when his hand reached the curve where her arse met her back that his fingers straightened with another faint quiver. They gripped tight as he pulled her up onto her side to face him. His jaw stopped moving for a moment as he took in a short, sharp breath. He was all too aware of the tightness below, almost an ache for her. Palm stayed still, but fingers kept working, gently massaging the top of her rump as he had avoided doing the night before.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

The movement drew them closer so that their legs were scissored together. On their sides, movement was a bit limited, but that didn’t hinder the Lorrdian. Leaning into him, Asmus evoked a moan from her, feeling his hand knead at her flesh. It felt good. Too good, and to be frank she was a little bit relieved that he hadn’t gone further. Not now at least.

No, Kaile knew that there were certain lines that could push her over the precipice and sent her in a frenzy. One very much like in the cargo bay where the ‘verse ceased to exist save his lips, hands, and his touch. On her part, she was enjoying the slow grip she had of his hair, tiny fistfuls that relaxed and took hold again when she became a little more lost.

Typically, she’d be the one taking the lead. Her little black holofile was well full with a varying amount of fun experiences, she was no Jedi monk after all, and in her experience she’d found out that the best way to have a bit of fun is to be upfront with what one expects. A go at it for a few hours with a consenting adult was fine by her. No expectations and no questions.

Kaile had her turn-ons and fetishes of course; what girl didn’t enjoy a handful of tush to grab? Or to pretend to be ravished by a Space Pirate? As long as both were open about it and agreeable, why not? So when she was feeling a bit frisky, she made it perfectly clear. It had been like that with Kurt. Flirty and bold, coquettishly moving things along.

Asmus managed to shift things around on that. She wasn’t too sure on her movements, and at times she ended up being rather much of a ninny. The series of ‘okays’ made that clear. The Lorrdian wasn’t sure what made her so flustered, but he managed to. To the point where he made her feel a bit self-conscious, a bit unsure. But the body had a way of easing things through.

So her left hand began to wander, sliding down from his hair to sail over his shoulder and briefly spaly over his chest. There her fingers would curl against his shirt, the fabric tight and a reminder of the physical barrier to the warmth of his skin underneath.
He needed that. Needed her to respond to the question, to draw him in with action. Asmus was no Lorridan, perhaps he had a limited vocabulary or was slow on the uptake, but his body knew the language.

The fingers of his right hand curled up, lifting off her skin and it was with a firm press of the palm that it slipped down. It crossed her navel, met the waistline of her trousers and dragged them down just an inch or two. Then it moved across until it met her hip bone and arced back up her waist.

It was when his hand reached the curve where her arse met her back that his fingers straightened with another faint quiver. They gripped tight as he pulled her up onto her side to face him. His jaw stopped moving for a moment as he took in a short, sharp breath. He was all too aware slow build of need, almost an ache for her. Palm stayed still, but fingers kept working, gently massaging the top of her rump as he had avoided doing the night before.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

The movement drew them closer so that their legs were scissored together. On their sides, movement was a bit limited, but that didn’t hinder the Lorrdian. Leaning into him, Asmus evoked a moan from her, feeling his hand knead at her flesh. It felt good. Too good, and to be frank she was a little bit relieved that he hadn’t gone further. Not now at least.

No, Kaile knew that there were certain lines that could push her over the precipice and sent her in a frenzy. One very much like in the cargo bay where the ‘verse ceased to exist save his lips, hands, and his touch. On her part, she was enjoying the slow grip she had of his hair, tiny fistfuls that relaxed and took hold again when she became a little more lost.

Typically, she’d be the one taking the lead. Her little black holofile was well full with a varying amount of fun experiences, she was no Jedi monk after all, and in her experience she’d found out that the best way to have a bit of fun is to be upfront with what one expects. A go at it for a few hours with a consenting adult was fine by her. No expectations and no questions.

Kaile had her turn-ons and fetishes of course; what girl didn’t enjoy a handful of tush to grab? Or to pretend to be ravished by a Space Pirate? As long as both were open about it and agreeable, why not? So when she was feeling a bit frisky, she made it perfectly clear. It had been like that with Kurt. Flirty and bold, coquettishly moving things along.

Asmus managed to shift things around on that. She wasn’t too sure on her movements, and at times she ended up being rather much of a ninny. The series of ‘okays’ made that clear. The Lorrdian wasn’t sure what made her so flustered, but he managed to. To the point where he made her feel a bit self-conscious, a bit unsure. But the body had a way of easing things through.

So her left hand began to wander, sliding down from his hair to sail over his shoulder and briefly splay over his chest. There her fingers would curl against his shirt, the fabric tight and a reminder of the physical barrier to the warmth of his skin underneath.
Asmus was vaguely aware of his left arm, trapped under her head. Comfortable there, but unable to join in with proceedings. Often the way when finding a comfortable position with a bed partner to find one limb pinned uselessly.

As she drew the fabric away from the chest, it pulled in cold air across his skin. Cool air over the thin sheen of sweat elicited a shiver and brought goosebumps to his skin. A sudden contrast to the building warmth he felt all over.

As they kissed his eyes occasionally fluttered open. They took brief pauses for air and to give swollen lips a reprieve. Every time he caught her eyes, his lips twitched upwards and his heart drummed out a louder beat.

This all seemed a paradoxical affair. Some of the tension had melted away, they'd found the rhythm of this dance together. Yet his nerves still jangled as each new step was added to the routine. He felt as serene as he ever had, yet ready to burst with emotion. But he wasn't alone in this, it was a shared, intimate experience. He wanted this.

The free hand, doing the work of two had crept lower. Now it sailed up, dragging her camisole up just a few inches. It crossed her shoulder blade and came around to lie flat on her collarbone. It dove into her blouse, slipping it free from her shoulder. If she'd let him, he'd help her free of the stifling garment. Then of course that hand returned to its previous purchase. With a small laugh he pulled and rolled, bringing her on top of him to repeat the process with the other arm. Pressing his lips against hers throughout wasn't helping proceedings, evoking giggles throughout the encounter as they playfully came together. Mischief bloomed within Kaile’s mind, and in the next act would display it.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Giggles burst forth between kisses, Kaile scooting up as each knee slipped alongside his hips. They were caught in this half awkward and comical struggle, his hand sliding down her blouse down her arm only for them to get caught along her elbows.

Those giggles turned to chuckles. Breaths caught along his kisses, unable to pull away but trying work her blouse off of her arms. Noses would bump and they would laugh. Oh how they would laugh only to get lost in each other again. Goosebumps rose in the wake of his strokes down her arms, and her right finally managed to slipped through the arm hole. The thin blue fabric whispered as it slid down the forearm of her left, and Kaile couldn’t help the slight tremble in her limbs when Asmus’s slipped that last bit of her blouse off.

The heat they were both generating collected a thin sheen of sweat over her face, neck and chest. That slight red flush the darkened her cheeks had spread down, blooming over her decollete and shoulders. A soft sway tantalized with each one of her movements under that camisole, hovering over him as she bend down to capture his lips again.

Small giggles broke every now and then, but she also sought to indulge her want of him. Fingers flirted south, tracing the hem of his shirt. There they gingerly slipped under the fabric once more, touching his skin and slowly sliding the fabric up. Feth, he felt amazing. Hot and firm, his abdominal muscles quivering as her fingers splayed wide, caressing him as the slick of his sweat let her glide over him.

She wanted more. Wanted to bend down and trace her way up from his hipbone to the spot right behind his earlobe. To press soft kisses and watch him react as she nibbled right over this particular oblique. Thoughts that would normally shift towards silly fantasies like space pirates or the naughty nurse shifted to something entirely different. It became about Asmus, and watching him react. Seeing the expression on his face. Feeling….

Kaile gave a soft groan, and if he let her, Kaile would continue to lift the fabric of his shirt, revealing centimeter by centimeter of flesh to the pale orange glow of the cabin’s light. One that would also bring with it another bout of giggles and stolen kisses.

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