Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It was a symphony of sensation. Each way their bodies met was a new note. They all combined into this overwhelmed, exhilarating noise. Oh how he wanted to experience every possibility with her, from the gentle and smooth to the coarse and firm, slow to quick.

It seemed almost a cruel thing, to keep those hands from exploring, but those shifts from a light feather of the fingers to a firm press of the palm were subtle, yet perhaps the loudest after the constant caress of her lips.

As her palm was pressed to his breastbone, he leaned back just enough to better take her face in with his eyes. This half light softened her features, her eyes again drawing him in.

“You are so very beautiful,” he whispered. He wanted to gently run the pads of his fingers over her cheeks and lips, but he was too content in his current position. He let out a breathy laugh as he looked down at the hand on his chest.

“Does yours feel like it's trying to escape as well?” he asked, but then he saw that her expression had changed. He wasn't sure what too, it was as if she was contemplating something, perhaps concern. He didn't want to draw attention to it, in case doing so would upset her, but his eyebrows drew together in curiousity. The fingers of his hand slowly curled up to grip hers tightly. Perhaps his hands knew when she needed to be held tightly more than he was aware.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Her hand would tighten in response, as if needing that tether. That connection to Asmus. A second later, her answer to his question would be to gently guide that hand up. Her fingers slid from that clasp, sliding towards the back of his hand, keeping him connected to her.

Lightly, she set his hand over her breastbone, where her own heart hammered with the strength of a stampeding nerf herd. She smoothed his hand flat, the lay of his fingers following the soft incline over that freckled terrain.

“Reckon that sounds about right?” she asked, her voice falling an octave. It wasn’t just Asmus’s presence that had her heart thundering. It was the very real realization that this would be all she had. All she could really indulge in. Why was this all happening now? Was it just a cruel twist of fate or just her luck?

Realistically speaking, Asmus was just like Kurt. They were both indulgences she could not afford to get attached to. Not now. Not if she wasn’t sure where she’d be going. Who she would need to be. A new face. A new name. And he had his own life. His own dreams and goals. He would go somewhere, she was sure of it. Be someone. He was smart as a whip, brilliantly so. He’d go to the academy and get all shiny in his uniform and he’ll just look so grand.

I’m sure of it.

There wasn’t space for her in that. It wasn’t safe. For him. For the Quin and her crew. Not where she was now.

That realization, that awareness, just utterly devastated Kaile. A well of tears rose again, but with it, came a need. A desperate, desperate desire and necessity.

He wanted her. He thought she was beautiful. He truly, honestly, cared. Advantage or no, there was a truthfulness in that. One that Kaile, in the wake of her impending departure, would desperately latch onto until she had to go.

With a quickening, Kaile tightened her hold over Asmus’s hand. A guide to the right brought it up. At the same time, Kaile lifted her head, that mass of strawberry blonde hair waterfalling behind her. The hand that had been at his heart rose, cupping his cheek.

“Kiss me, Asmus.” she whispered hoarsely. “Don’t stop.”
Several moments from the previous night would leap out at him whenever he caught the scent of lavender for the rest of his life. This moment, their eyes latched onto each other, hands on each other's hearts. This was seared deep into his memories. He would always be able to recall this moment in vivid detail. The beating of her heart was to an even quicker tempo than his own. Her chest was flushed and warm to the touch. In her wide, glistening eyes he could see a maelstrom of emotions. One day he would realise that this was one of the strongest memories from the first time he'd found love.

It was hard to think straight now. There was so much to consider, so much going on behind her eyes. For one so accustomed to floating through life this was hard to process. That haze of lust was certainly there, but it was the tiny core of a much greater desire just to be with her. Slow. That was the agreement they'd made. Take it slow.

There wasn't a great deal of space between them to begin with. As she came up towards him he followed the gentle, but insistent touch on his cheek. It guided his lips back towards hers. Only at the last possible moment did he close his eyes and can't his head. It was a gentle, searching kiss, juxtaposed with the more indulgent stroke of his fingers. He took her bottom lip between his, nibbling ever so carefully before slipping his tongue between hers just enough to brush lightly.

His heart rate must have matched hers if it hadn't before.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile shut her eyes as she gave a shuddered noise at the back of her throat, one that Asmus managed to catch as he moved his mouth upon her. His lips were warm and firm, but would gently press against the sensitive flesh, opening her mouth as Asmus began a gentle onslaught. Kaile began to fidget beneath him and she parted her lips, a lone tear tracing down from the corner of her eye and sinking into her hair.

Don’t think.

His coaxing, slow kisses would soothe Kaile, in so much that his touch left her lightheaded. Stars, she just needed him like this. Just like this. Don’t think about anything else, just this. A gasp hitched as he would slowly stoke the embers of that fire that had begun to glow in a slow, steady burn. It was all in his crazy-making kisses and what he was doing in concert with his hands, with his body, everything. Down to the few words he had spoken:

You are so very beautiful.

This time, as the Lorrdian deepened the kiss, she softly bit his bottom lip, nibbling with a slight tug and sweep of her teeth and tongue. Fingers danced over his jaw and traced the hollows and dip of his neck, further still until they curved over his shoulder. There, five white points dug into his skin, gripping him tight as Kaile gave a sigh.

Every caress was branded into memory. Every stroke seared upon her skin. She felt him outline her with concentric rings with his fingertips, touching her so softly that she grew dizzy wanting more, switching moments later to a firmer roll that made her squirm.

This. I want this. No, not just this.


All Kaile knew is that she never felt this way before. She couldn’t stop touching him. Couldn’t stop needing him. Couldn’t stop wanting him. It was likely a terrible idea, knowing that she had but a few days. But Asmus was all Kaile could think about then.

Slow, she reminded herself, but it was hard. For he was thunder, she was lightning, and they were both seconds away from creating the perfect storm.
Ah,” the short, sharp sound barely escaped his throat as she nibbled on his lip. His mind couldn't help but focus on the path being followed by her hand. He craved her soft touch, the way her fingers were always exploring was as soothing as it was arousing. Asmus couldn't help but imagine that he could lie still beneath her, let her map every inch of his skin with those hands for as long as she desired.

He traced the curve of her waist and hip with his palm. Such a subtle act, yet it stoked the burning desire so much. Her skin was cooler there, unbelievably soft and smooth to touch.

She felt so perfect against him. Every shift of their bodies evoked both an increase in desire, but that warm core of affection seemed to swell. He pictured her smile, her little laughs, her large ones. The way she looked at him with such longing as she was hurting. That swell of affection was almost painful, and the corners of his eyes also became damp. Force but this was all so confusingly perfect. Canting his head to the side further he drew out a long, deep kiss. Both his hands seemed to relax in stages as each stroke thickened that intoxicating fog. They seemed to remember themselves when he drew his lips away to such in air.

He opened his eyes as he aligned his with hers again. He lowered himself far enough that he could feel their chests heaving together as he focused on her lips again with soft kisses and feathered touches of his tongue between breaths.

I want her.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Her soft whimper fell against his lips, a shiver drawing down her spine from the sweeping pass of his hand. That fire that he fanned within her seemed to ebb and flow in tune to his every movement. It would burn bright only to be coaxed into a controlled flame. As he pressed down, the feel of his weight settled against her, the pounding of his heart meeting hers.

The tickling brush of his hair made the corner of her mouth perk, a wobbly smile that would be kissed in slow, soft, affectionate pecks. As if feeling his gaze upon her, Kaile’s lashes rose. She met those dark, emerald eyes, saw the faint glistening that coated them and something in her heart broke.

The trembling fingers of her left hand rose, gingerly threading to brush back the dark forelocks of his face. Carefully, she tucked the strands behind the shell of his ear, letting her forefinger trace the path down to his earlobe.

Softly, Kalie inclined her head, rubbing her cheek against his, feeling the slight bristle of scruff that was starting to show. It would rasp against her tender flesh, leaving a light red mark that Kaile did not mind at all. Instead, she indulged, taking every moment into memory with a light trail of kisses that ran up the length of his jaw. He was so warm, the softness of the sheets underneath her only enhancing the fact.

A trace of her right hand would run down the length of his spine, palm smoothing flat over the ridges of his ribs. There she felt his lungs expand his chest, precious air giving him life, keeping him with her.

Just like this. Kaile could hold him all night, hearing him breathe by her side.

There was nowhere she’d rather be.
Asmus closed his eyes for just a few seconds as she tucked his hair back. Turning his head into her hand and then back against her cheek. He shuddered as she kissed his jaw, savouring the feel of her hot breath across his ear.

Kaile,” he said softly. It wasn't laced with meaning like his last uttering of those two syllables. It was spoken more plainly, like a simple reaffirmation of that bond.

Slow! He reminded himself, but Kaile would hear the stuttered intake of breath. He was calm right now, lost in simply being here with her, it was still possible for the mind to wander to more salacious acts. He'd already nearly stumbled and felt bad for having done so.The hand on her shoulder released its grip. It twisted to take a handful of sheets. Slowly he drew up, once more framing her face with his hair; it never stayed tucked back for long.

There was a genuinely warm smile on his face, yet still those damp corners to his eyes. He studied her face for nearly two whole seconds before coming back down until their noses touched. There was something that was almost a soft giggle as he drew a circle around the tip of her nose with his own. Her lips followed him up for a kiss but he drew back, just dodging her, awareness heightening of her breath on cool, moist lips. But he snuck back down as she fell away, stealing the kiss for himself.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile couldn’t help the faint giggle in turn. It lasted all but a second, before it fell shut to the stolen kiss Asmus had absconded with. With her fears shoved to the back of her mind by that expression that stole her breath, Kaile gave another wobbly smile.

“Your hair always gets everywhere,” she whispered, both hands now hovering over his slender jaw. They sailed north, slipping into his hair again, playfully so, until the gentle brush of her thumbs would lightly wipe away the moisture at the corners of his eyes.

Another small bump of the tip of her nose against his, nudging his face up, baring his neck. Taking advantage, much like before, the Lorrdian went tracing down the curve of his neck. Soft, half nibbling kisses, tasting the salt of his sweat and breathing in the scent of his skin.

“Asmus,” she breathed against his skin, moving over his clavicle until she met his shoulder. There, her hands took advantage and found their way snaking through the locks of his hair and down his back. Black strands fell anew over her face, tickling her cheeks, but she didn’t mind it.

This was their own private little place in the ‘verse. Just him and me, she mused, eliciting a soft sigh. Down her palms went, until they span the brawn of his back, mapping the contours of his body, every rib. All of it recording it to memory. Precious, precious memories.
He was taken straight back to a dark tunnel. A ventilation shaft on the ship. He is hair falling over her upside-down face as she laughed and complained. Had that been a pivotal moment he thought? When he'd first discovered what her smile could do to him?

Her soft murmur of his name was met by a sigh. He adored the way she touched him. His body shifted and twisted as it wanted to react to both the trail left by her hands and the exploratory mapping from her lips. He'd thought of himself as something of a touchy person until meeting Kaile.

Touch me. I want you. I need you. Heart, mind and body all sighed together as once.

His own free hand faintly trembled as it slid back down to grasp her rear. It followed her thigh again, this time passing the knee and encouraging her to wrap her shin behind him and lock him in tight.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile’s breath drew sharply when Asmus moved, drawing her up and close. It was crazy what he did to her. Feeling as if her head was in a thick haze of sensation. It was more than an indulgence of being tangled in skin, but more that driving, pressing need to be as close as possible.

Her heart would rush in a quickening cadence. Lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub. Their dance now lead them towards one of exploration. Down her fingers sank, over the low of his back, where a sheen of his sweat made it easy to splay her fingers across it. The rest of her limbs encapsulating him as if she would never let him go.
Goodness, but he'd never quite this nervous about approaching this threshold before. His throat felt tight. He wouldn't describe it at as an unpleasant sensation, it was intoxicating. His breathing sped up, became more shallow. Yet that slow grind and every part of her pulling him smothered all apprehension.

Asmus kept his head back and up, eyes squeezed tight shut as she continued her exploration with lips and teeth. All his nerves seemed to be jangling, vying for his attention. He opened his mind to the combined noise, drinking it all in. Oh how he wanted nothing between them.

“I…want you…Kaile,” Asmus moaned. He turned back in towards her head, kissing her hair and drawing in that scent that had become all too familiar. There was still the faintest hint of lavender. He wished he could simply melt into her, experience everything of her at the same time.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

A moist trail was left in the wake of her bite, a lave of her tongue soothing the faint sting. Tonight, he was her ecstasy. Her treasure.

She loved the taste of his lips, the way that herbody hid under him and the way his lips explored over her temple as she arched her spine.

I want you Kaile.

Kaile smiled. Lashes fluttered as that deep throbbing yearn would pulse through her veins. It was easy to drown in the way Asmus seemed to worship her body, as if feasting at the mere touch alone. Heavy, short pants rose and fell, and the deep, almost aching tone in the tenor of his voice would electrify her senses. If her heartbeat could skyrocket anymore, it did then. She loved the way his hand outlined the curvature of her body, taking in every inch.

Transfixed, the Lorrdian answered at first not with words, but with her body. A short nuzzle of her face along the curve of his neck, the rake of her teeth, and the contrast of the soft press of her lips after. There was a sort of obsession, a languid proprietary rush and elation in the way the short, blunt arcs of her nails drifted in opposite directions. Her left wandered north, reveling in the supple flex of sinew and his musculature under his skin. She painted white marks, gripping him tight, holding him close.

“How do you want me?” Kaile asked. By now her head had risen, uplifting her face. Her lips rested against his as she spoke in whisper, her breaths filling him up on the inside.
It was a slow, deep intake of breath that followed. One of his for three of hers. That question had been asked under circumstances that were both similar and galaxies away from this. The answers had been…varied. That wasn't the question on hand. It was more answer than question.

I should answer. The thought resounded around his head. It was a surprise that anything could sound above the drum of his own heartbeat in there. Yet studying her eyes and feeling her breath across his moist lips he seemed to have forgotten his words. It was as if with each breath back in she stole them from his mouth.

It suddenly became apparent that he'd forgotten to breath as well. His chest deflated rapidly as he let the air out. Some of the flush that had spread across his face faded. Smiling, without knowing if she'd even realised what he'd just done, he brought his hand up to her head. Two fingers idly took a strand of her hair and twirled it around.

Slowly,” he breathed. I want you to be mine, he thought. The tip of his nose brushed against hers as he barely touched her lips with his own. It was hard to think on what he wanted. All he wanted, yearned for right now, was to not have her taken away.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

There was a tiny giggle, a reaction to watching him catch his breath again. He was as lost as her. There was comfort in that; an adorableness that only made her fall all the more harder for the pilot. The way the corner of his mouth quirked in a sheepish grin, how he lightly tapped the tip of her nose with his own. It was more than just lust. More than just the pleasure of the moment.

The slight caress and tug of his fingers twirling a lock of her hair made her shut her eyes, and her cheek inclined towards his palm’s direction.


“I can do that.” Kaile breathed out with a ghost of a smile. Slowly. Much like the chocolate cake she had savored for dinner, so she would with Asmus. Whatever the night might bring, the Lorrdian wanted nothing more but to feast upon the scoundrel, to chart every inch of his skin and map it until she knew him as her own.

Until there was nothing between she and he save the tangle of skin.

Her legs gave a shift, moving in tandem with her hands. There was a brief tightening of her embrace, the soft, brush of her lips in a kiss. Then, with a coax of her hands, Kaile would lift her torso, encouraging Asmus to move up. It was her intention to roll Asmus onto his back, to switch their positions until he lay underneath her.

There was the faintest of whimpers, a half mewl of protest at the length of his body drawn away. However, that was soothed but the knowledge that Kaile would revel in something more. He intoxicated her. Transfixed her until she couldn’t seem to breathe, drew her in so she was turning in revolution.

All the while, Kaile would kiss, nuzzle, and nibble upon Asmus’s lips and jaw. Slowly. Ever so achingly slow did the strawberry blonde poised to hover just over him. A cascade of that pale copper hair waterfalled down, tickling his cheeks,. Her hands fell flat beside his head, and she would lower herself to latch her lips upon his once more.

A constant satellite of his blazing sun. Here, she obeyed his law of gravity.
Following her prompts he rolled over. The fresh patch of clean sheets he laid down upon was cool on his slick skin. More of him was exposed to the air, losing the warmth of her body temporarily. Her mewl was matched by an insistent tug from his hands as he helped her back on top of him.

Beautiful…” he sighed again, his eyes unashamedly drinking her in as she moved over him. Framed by her long hair and her arms all he could think of was her instructions.

Touch me.

Freed from supporting his weight, his hands would roam as they pleased. At first they latched onto her forearms, no part of him moving but his lips as she fell him them.

Fingers encircled her arms as they slid to to her shoulders. He clasped them together between her shoulder blades and held her so very tightly.

Don't let go, they seemed to say.

There was suddenly an edge to his kiss. Heat blossomed in a flush across his chest as his shoulders lifted up and his tongue explored her mouth with renewed fervour.

His nerves seemed to calm as his hands took over the exploration on their own. Asmus softly moaned in a content fashion between breaths she stole from him. His mind was lost, but his hands knew the steps to the dance. It was a new dance, to a different rhythm. One of exploration and expression, not simple hedonistic indulgence. His skin was flushed but it was inside his chest that burned every time their eyes met.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

A deep hum of pleasure purred from the back of Kaile’s throat. Stars, she was reeling with the feel of his body in direct contact with her owns and the heady scent of him filling her senses. A dimpled cheek would tease him as she followed through with a moan.

“Please.” that half strangled cry would rasp from her throat.

Please, don’t stop. Please keep touching me. Please make me..
The way he kissed her then was both tender and shockingly seductive. Her body jerked in response, rolling her tongue into his mouth as he stroked her with his own.


This was no pirate fantasy. Just Asmus and his embrace and the heated desire he stirred to life. The fingers of her right hand splayed wide, only to fist the cloth of the bedsheet in turn. Short, shallow pants hiked up her breathing, her nostrils flaring at the scent of each other saturating her skin, her hair, everything. It all made her feel so fluttery inside. That flush of heat intensified over her cheeks, down her neck, and across the freckle speckled chest Asmus was memorizing much like the constellations back at home on Eriadu.

There are billions of stars right?

Words echoed in her mind. Words from when he had shown her earlier how he viewed those stars in the sky. What he had told her then.

And from each one of those a different view.

Kaile pulled away, tipping her head back.

There must be one constellation out there that I’d find the most interesting...

An upward shift raised her slightly up on her knees, allowing her to slide up the length of his body, permitting him to feel the blatant differences in their anatomies. She fisted the dark tendrils of his hair in her hand, guiding him to her throat and further south still.

This is my sky, and my sky only.

Where he could chart a path across Kaile’s constellations out of his own making.

One touch and we can change the stars in an instant.
The universe was full of stars. Not a smooth blanket like the freckles across her flushed chest that he tenderly kissed. To view the homogenous field of space one couldn't look at a constellation, nor a Galaxy, nor a cluster of galaxies or even the great filaments of dark matter where every nexus was a supercluster. One had to stand back and view most of the observable universe at once. This was down to one hard truth.

Stars were inexorably drawn together.

Across the cold emptiness of space they sought each other out. Now Asmus had found his constellation he wasn't about to let her go. Even if they burned together.

Oh how they burned. His skin was so warm, hypersensitive to every touch. Heat blossomed inside him every time he caught her eyes or heard the whisper of her breath.

The sound of her hand pawing at the sheets, whilst the other grasped his hair was unimaginably arousing, stoking the fires of his desire.

Asmus charted his path across those pinpricks on the smooth, scarlet canvas. Down to her breastbone with soft kisses. He pulled away for a moment to look up at her. Golden flames burned, his jaw set with desire.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

When he kissed the corner of her mouth and dipped his lips to the hollow at the base of her throat, Kaile’s head fell back. She couldn’t stop the soft keening moan. It was the way his hands reached for her, one gripping her behind and pulling her forward while the other fed him Kaile’s bounty, following the arch with his lips. And when she caught that slightly unfocused expression in his eyes, they were so close she could catch every golden facet that lay within that sea of deep green. That memory branded into her mind, knowing that it would be difficult to truly capture him all. Impossible, maybe, to illustrate the multihued facets and the way that he looked at her.

The fabric beside his head twisted further, low moans elicited by each reverant caress and the wet, warmth of his mouth. Her arms wobbled as she panted her satisfaction. For a moment, Kaile grew limp in his arms. Murmuring his name, writhing and whimpering softly, needing this, needing him.

Her hair tumbled all around them as beneath that curtain of silky, sunset kissed honeysuckle hair, Asmus mapped the curves of her body. It was so unfair, how much she wanted him. Coveted, perhaps, as Kaile would lean closer, playful, hypnotizing Asmus with those dark, chocolate brown eyes. Drawing him in with that intangible pull.

Her law of gravity.

Talking was limited to there and stars and oh. And then nothing but hums and moans and unintelligible sounds that could only be interpreted as yes, yes, yes.
Oh Kaile,” he murmured before a sharp in and out of breath. Asmus listened to her soft moans; his hands decided to take in her arousal on their own terms. Charting her body they never moved at a frantic pace. Despite his heart hammering away Asmus wasn't losing control of himself. Varied carnal notions passed through his mind, but he was too wrapped up in Kaile right now. The taste of her skin was intoxicating. His left slipped down from its perch to her waist, across the top of her thigh and back again. His right alternated between gently caressing down her spine from neck to waist.

He needed to kiss her again.

That constant yearning never left him. It was almost the language they spoke to direct this dance and without it they might stumble.

“Kaile,” he murmured, as he sought out her mouth again. Force but his nerves were on fire. Never had he felt this overwhelming surge on the precipice of taking this final step with someone. It was what she did to him, the way he felt about her, how he needed her. Eyes caught hers as their lips met and time seemed to slow.

I could do it, he thought. It would be so easy to lose all semblance of control. He'd have her screaming his name, no holds barred. And afterwards he knew he would feel as if he had cheapened everything they'd found in such a short time. Not that.

“Make love to me,” he whispered the words over her lips before his breath caught in his throat.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

When he kissed the corner of her mouth and dipped his lips to the hollow at the base of her throat, Kaile’s head fell back. She couldn’t stop the soft keening moan. It was the way his hands reached for her, one gripping her behind and pulling her forward while the other fed him Kaile’s bounty, following the arch with his lips. And when she caught that slightly unfocused expression in his eyes, they were so close she could catch every golden facet that lay within that sea of deep green. That memory branded into her mind, knowing that it would be difficult to truly capture him all. Impossible, maybe, to illustrate the multihued facets and the way that he looked at her.

The fabric beside his head twisted further, low moans elicited by each reverant caress and the wet, warmth of his mouth. Her arms wobbled as she panted her satisfaction. For a moment, Kaile grew limp in his arms. Murmuring his name, writhing and whimpering softly, needing this, needing him.

Her hair tumbled all around them as beneath that curtain of silky, sunset kissed honeysuckle hair, Asmus mapped the curves of her body. It was so unfair, how much she wanted him. Coveted, perhaps, as Kaile would lean closer, playful, hypnotizing Asmus with those dark, chocolate brown eyes. Drawing him in with that intangible pull.

Her law of gravity.

Talking was limited to there and stars and oh. And then nothing but hums and moans and unintelligible sounds that could only be interpreted as yes, yes, yes.

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