Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus was glad that the refresher suite was unoccupied. With one hand he yanked open the machine and bundled in the sheets. They'd be nice and clean for the next night. It brought a slightly embarrassed smile to his face to think on the state they'd been in when they fell sound asleep, still wrapped up in each other.

"I think we're just cockpit duty for a while, so we can just sit, chat and listen to some music if you'd like?" Asmus asked, pretending not to watch the hem of the shirt. He wasn't certain if she'd be happier up front with him or finding some engineering tasks to keep herself occupied. He wanted to help...and keep her. The way he'd spoken her name last night still echoed in his mind. She had him so wrapped up in circles.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

"That sounds shiny." it did. Although Kaile couldn't help the faint blush that rose over her cheeks thinking back on the chain of events yesterday. They were like teenagers, unable to keep each others hands off the other. However, she mused, giving a slight glance over at Asmus through the corner of her eyes, there were some awfully sweet ones. When he'd gone out and told her about the constellations and the stars for one.

A light scratch of her head, then the tuck of a curl behind her ear. "Just relax a bit." considering the late night activities they'd indulged on... yeaah.

A nibble of her lower lip and down her arm went, holding her toiletries close to her chest. The walk to the sonic wasn't long at all, but it sure felt as if it stretched a bit. It was different. Kaile didn't know how to explain it, but it felt that way. Now that they were here in the refresher suite, there was a bit of an awkward rush. No, anticipation? Nervousness, regardless. Setting her items down upon a small table, she flashed Asmus a shy smile.

Such a different thing from having so boldly slipped off her shirt the day before. Which was even more ridiculous considering their night together. Just thinking on it made her lips tingle and feel all gooey inside.

Seeing as she couldn't stand there like a plumb fool, Kaile went for it. A tug on the fabric and that shirt went sailing up over her curves and over her head.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus didn’t stare. He smiled as she reached for the hem of the shirt and turned away. He barely even looked back as she drew it over her head. He wasn’t perfect after all. There was a light flutter as his mind retraced their steps again. He much preferred the awkward undertones of the moment as they worked each other out to the tension from the first day when this had happened. Then you could have cut through the tension with a knife.

He met her eyes with a slightly nervous smile. A large part of him wanted to stride right up to her and take her in his arms again. Another part warned of what Kairon would do to catch them even holding each other in their birthday suits in here. Another part decided to replay his fantasy from the previous day where he gently turned her back to him and…

Idly running a hand over his stubble, Asmus turned his eyes to the sonic shower doors. He grinned despite himself as he slipped out of his loose pants. Pick a door, any door, he thought to himself. There was something he actually enjoyed about the feel of this moment. Obviously there was something different between them today, but he came to realise that he wouldn’t be feeling like this if he didn’t care quite so much.

“A couple of hours up front would be nice,” he agreed turning back to face her. His eyes flicked down and up again before he could stop them, so he turned his back to her and walked towards the far sonic. “Do you remember where I left my speaker actually?”
[member="Asmus Janes"]

He was just as nervous as her again.

No, not nervous. Aware. As if able to feel the tingly rush of energy that flowed in and out. To the point where on was able to discern the subtle nuances of an attraction. Not just due to a baser nature, but like... magnets. Yeah.

As if they were two magnets and their fields were fully charged and there was this intense desire to just.... get close.

Weird, Kaile. Very weird. But Kaile was okay with that.

Much like Asmus, Kaile couldn't help but let her eyes wander at the departing view. There were parts of a male's anatomy that the Lorrdian enjoyed the most. She had a tendency to get grabby and gropey because of it; as Asmus would have also learned last night in the midst of her encouragement.

Whew.. okay. Okay.

There was a big temptation to follow him to the far refresher. It would be easy too. Nor would it be unlike her in a different time. She was typically the bold one, the one to make the first move. Flirty and silly. Didn't seem quite right right now though.


She took the other sonic, the door sliding shut behind her. Soon enough the vibrations and the light would fall over her. Sonics were quick no nonsense things. It wouldn't take long to get cleaned up. Not like a real bath.

Or a hot tub.

"Actually I think you left it in the cargo bay."
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Damn," Asmus replied. "I think I have another in his room." The obvious thing to do would be to go and fetch it whilst Kaile made breakfast, but that would mean leaving her alone in the galley. Mal's tongue was hardly the medicine for a fragile soul.

Asmus leant his head back and let the sonic do its work. He was going to miss the smell of her that had surrounded him just moments ago. He didn't waste any time in the shower. A perfunctory scrub down under the emitters. Every moment he became increasingly aware of the fact that there was a metal barrier between them. He didn't like it.

He switched off the sonic and stepped out, slipping back into his loose sweat pants. The laundry machine was going.

"I think I might save my play history from the last couple of days," he said. A plan formed in his mind. Well, more desire than plan. The moment she was back in the shirt she was getting ambushed for kisses.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile took a bit longer. Maybe a minute or so. There was a stretching of the limbs, arms up high. A sonic was by no means the most relaxing experience, but after a night like they had, it was nice to do some stretching. A rock of her head and a stretch of the neck. With every pulse, the strands of her hair would detangle a bit more, settling in loose waves over her shoulders and fanning the sides of her face.

"Oh?" she asked, curious as she heard him mentioning it. The corner of her mouth perked as she recalled the medley of tracks they had listened to. Fingers lightly went drumming upon her thigh as one in particular popped into her head.

"Gonna make a playlist?" maybe they would go through them again? That was a thought. The hum of the sonic came to a halt, and a second later Kaile stepped out. A ghost of a smile darted over to Asmus' direction, letting the slender digits of her fingers run through her hair. A slightly nervous tick again.

Fresh pair of plain jane low hip panties and the button up shirt came next. Out popped the tousled head from the shirt, seeing as she had opted to slip it on with the buttons already on save for the first three. No sooner had she smoothed it on down before a pair of arms had rushed at her, embracing her from the side while a set of lips sought the soft curve of her neck and cheek.

The resulting half squeal and laugh echoed in the laundry room and down the corridor, bare legs and feet moving in a slight squirm in a mock effort to get away.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"" he whispered playfully between kisses. She squirmed in his arms, but he took a half step closer, wrapping his arms around her back and pulling her in tight.

"" as he captured his quarry, his kisses finally found her lips. Silence reigned as he forgot all about the last word. Everything but her once again ceased to exist.

That silence was broken as a soft murmur was trapped in his throat. A flat palm pressed into the small of her back needily, whilst the other more gently traced up her spine under her shirt.

As he pulled away his heart was thundering once more, nerves jangling to every extremity. "Sorry," he pretended to apologise. His lips had barely even parted from hers, still felt the brush of them as he slowly tilted his head down and back up again.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile’s heart skipped a beat.

The slight nudge of his lips forced her half-hooded stare to meet his, which was fine. Kaile liked looking at him, and she liked the way he looked her. Even though she wasn’t certain what it meant -- the two of them staring at each other the way they were.

Lips lightly feathered until they came to rest at the corner of her mouth. A shiver ran through her when the dark veil of his hair tipped forward, shielding them again from the rest of the ‘verse. The drift of his fingers tightened at the small of her back, and the heat of his palm sent a chill down her spine.

He made her head spin. Before she knew it, both of her hands had come to rest upon his chest. Kaile could feel his heartbeats against her touch. A half turn at the balls of her feet drew her tighter within his embrace, bare legs a bit knobby. A step back and the curve of her rump pressed against the sonic washer. Asmus stood over her, never letting his hold on the Lorrdian falter. She barely realized that their breathing patterns were matching each others. Breaths heavy and nervous. Excited and scared.

That magnetic pull again. The draw of two stars. All it took was a slight turn, watching him tilt his head slightly as he gave her the smallest crooked smile, staring at her as if he was promising to never look away.

And in that moment, Kaile kissed him. A search of his lips and exploration of his mouth.

Yeah, there it was again.

That dizzy, floaty feeling that made her breathless.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Whilst his lungs were full of air, his breathing felt laboured, his chest tightening every time he tried to exhale. With no shirt on, her hands against his breastbone evoked a powerful image of the previous night. They had both lain there together, hands to each other’s chests as they felt each other’s hearts. No proof was required in this moment, he knew hers would be hammering away as his own was. He was intimately aware of every place their bodies touched, obvious to everything else.

Why do her hands on my heart or her breath on my lips do this to me? He managed to think. Even that small thought struggled to coalesce out of his addled mind. There was only her and that building tingly warmth inside. He craved her touch, her affection, the warm press of her against him.

He could feel her anchored against the sonic machine as he pressed against her and she leant back. With her arms to his chest and his wrapped about her if felt as if he had her entirely surrounded, possessing her again. He liked that. What started as a slow, rhythmic exploration started to escalate to something else. Something with an edge. He canted his head to the side and kissed her voraciously. His hands slid lower, tempted to lift her up onto that perch. For now, he managed to resist.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile’s body was well on its way to reacting to being so close to his. That deep press sent her tipping back and trapped her arms between them. That hunger rose and once again deepened their connection. It wasn’t a slow burn from earlier, it was a quickening of a degrading orbit of her satellite to his sun.

If she could inch her body closer she did. A soft moan left her as he slid into her mouth and made love to her tongue. Kaile kissed him hard. It was so easy to sink into him, every action provoking another, escalating it further, fueling the spin. The rasp of his scruff scratched her again, the contrast of it against the velvet softness of his lips stimulating.

The flat edge of the sonic washer began to pinch, but Kaile didn’t mind. There was a half anxious bounce, an odd bob of her body as she rose up on tippy toes. Asmus’s arms would wrap tighter around her and Kaile dug her fingers into his chest, holding on to him as if he were her most favorite thing in the ‘verse. The way he felt. The way he tasted. The way he --

They were diving deep again, only this time, it was in the laundry room. Likely not the best place to be if Mai or the Captain happened on by, by happenstance. That didn’t seem to dawn on the two right now, as the kiss deepened and emotions ran wild.
The resistance ended as he rose up a few inches on tip toes. The flat of his hands kept her pressed tightly to him as they slid down her back. They sailed over the curve of her pert rear before his fingers curled around and took purchase. As he lowered his body to prepare for what he did next, he took her bottom lip between his teeth and playfully tugged at it.

He easily hauled her up and placed her back down on the cool metal top of the laundry machine. His hands continued on their journey down the backs of her thighs to wrap her around him.

Asmus kissed her with renewed fervour, ignorant of their surroundings. The strands of her hair tickled the front of his chest. No slow spiral to the dance this time, this was a head on collision course.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Lips locked. Hip to hip. The low vibration of the sonic washer under her reverberated up and seemed to sink into her very bones, making her shake and tremble. Or was that just Asmus? Didn’t matter. Their breaths were rushed. Their hunger clear.

Hands were free now, her legs hiked up and around to latch together. Up her palms went, that heat radiating off of him, her shirt a thin barrier that rustled between he and she. Her head tilted to the side as her hands became tangled in his hair, forcing him to kiss her deeper, harder, faster…

Reaaally not the place to get lost in one another, but they did. The Quin bore witness to their increasing passion, and with every second that ticked by the more Kaile felt.. Everything. His arms, his hands, the way his fingers gripped and edged her closer to his body, a persistent press that sent electric tingles across every extremity.

Through all of this, one could only feel for one particular crew member of the Quin. One with an obnoxious keen sense of hearing who had deliberately left her bunk for the night for the oblivion the Engine Room had provided. Which begged the question, was Captain Kairon awake?

There was no thinking this time around. That shy nervousness and anxiety from earlier gone. Memories of last night dominated the fore. Goodness he made her feel so alive. As if all the colors in the ‘verse were that much brighter, more vivid.

That blazing sun within the dark.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Also keenly aware of the vibrations emanating from her perch. His hands ran free, exploring every part of her they could touch. Again, he almost seemed to ache for her. On the verge of the unrestrained desire being so strong as to be painful. He needed her. He wanted to claim her again.

There was no thinking now; there was just feeling. Bodies in motion; the law of gravity. Their laws and their own little corner of the galaxy.

His chest was flushed and a bead of sweat ran over his temple. Her warmth was so close now. The hands running through his hair only spurred him on further. Resonance. Each at the same pitch and pushing each other on further. So little between them. Just a thin strip that his fingers pulled aside before curling up. It wasn't her reaction that caught his attention. In fact it was an odd clunk from the machine beneath her.

“We could…get…caught…here…” he managed to whisper between kisses and deep gulps of air. His eyes met hers, basking in the need reflected in those hazel orbs. His flicked left and then right. The door back towards his room, the other to the sonic.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

"Oh stars."

It was a half strangled cry of awareness as much as it was one of yearning. The half clouded haze cleared for a moment, but Asmus was making it so difficult when he would touch her. All the more when she saw the longing in his eyes, the gold flecks within those emerald orbs igniting anew.

They shouldn't. We shouldn't. Really, shouldn't be out here -- ohh! Lips caught hers and another half mutter was lost. Each time his lips connected with hers, a little bit more willpower left her.

The hum of the sonic washer melted against her hitched breath, trying her best to struggle through to say, "...We.... shouldn.." her mouth was saying one thing, but her body was saying another. No, the latter made it clear when her hips arched up.

No think. Think! Refresher. Laundry room. Anyone could come in. Anyone. Even the Captain.

That was a bucket of water.

Tearing her lips from his, she cupped his cheeks in her palms. Her chest heaved in heavy draws, with Asmus breaths matching the speed of her own. The warm, slightly moist sensation of their foreheads pressing together was a small attempt at easing in the breaks.

Kaile wanted him. Badly. Desperately so. But at the same time, she really, really, did not want to let down Asmus's uncle.

"Not...not out here." she barely managed to half gasp, short of breath. Her thin shirt felt heavy, stifling. Let go. Let-go. Her left leg slid down, but her right didn't quite pay attention. Not when a small concentric circle and an another curl up made her gasp. The struggle was real. Too real. She barely even recognized her own voice. It was thick, sugary, a rasp that sent a chill down the spine with the same effect as nails raking down the back.

[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus let out a slow breath through his nose. He scrunched his eyes shut and tilted his head into one of the hands that cupped his face. He'd been caught by his uncle before more than once. But this wasn't some floozy he'd grabbed in a bar, they weren't drunk. This was kaile.

It wasn't fair on her.

Everything was put back in its place. Reluctantly. "Yes," was all he managed to say. His eyes opened wide again, watching her carefully. Perhaps she was catch the upward quirck of his lips, or maybe that thought would play out in his eyes.

She was grasped anew, held around him as he lifted her up and span her round before setting her back down on the floor. His room was only a few metres away, but it suddenly felt very far. Biting his bottom lip his left hand found her right and he turned on the spot, pulling her along after him.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

A part of her bemoaned sliding off the sonic washer. The spontaneity was arousing as it was thrilling. Maybe it was in the way he looked at her. The little boy smile, the half tousled smirk that paled in comparison to the heat in his eyes. Goodness, did her legs ever feel so wobbly! They were almost like jello, and had Asmus not been holding her against him for a few seconds, Kaile swore she'd have sunk to the floor.

Fingers laced, palm to palm. A reassuring ghost of a smile hid against that sea of yearning. Before she knew it, Asmus led her. Her bare feet made little pitter patter sounds, her heart nearly matching the pace. It was honestly all a blur, they left everything behind in the refresher; her toiletries, her pants, her sleeping shirt. Didn’t he say the extra speakers were there too?

To be honest, she could hardly remember the time in between where he led them into his cabin. What she did, well, seem to erupt the moment they crossed the threshold and that cabin door slid shut.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

It was a small noise, the tiny click of the door's magnetic latch catching hold. Right now it was more akin to the boom of a starting pistol.

The short walk had done nothing to dampen the embers of the building heat. The moment that noise sounded the distance between them closed. His mouth met hers and he whispered sweet nothings during every parting of their lips.

His hands were everywhere: exploring the smooth skin of her thigh, tugging on the loose fabric of the shirt as if to suggest it's removal, cafuning her hair. There was only one constant.

The slow procession back towards the cabin bunk. They had practised their dance steps a great deal in the time they'd had together. Of one mind she shadowed his steps as he led her backwards across the floor of his room.
Asmus tightened his grip around her waist and their lips met within a moment’s time. Kaile felt his fingers travel up her spine, under her shirt, tugging and moving as they sent chills throughout her entire body. Her fingers dug into his bare back, holding him close, half stumbled backward steps sending them closer to his bunk.

Kaile barely felt the vertigo of Bobo’s bubble as she fell into his force neutral sphere. The tiny lizard had originally perked up at their return, only to grumble as he slipped back into his nutrient tube. He would latch down and eat his breakfast then.

Meanwhile, the back of Kaile’s thighs finally bumped against the edge of the orange bunk. Half murmured sayings and an tilt of her head caught his lips again. Shirt. Buttons. Off. Their eagerness made them clumsy, and a loss of her balance due to the slight vertigo and the haze in her mind sent Kaile plopping at the edge of the bunk.

She sank down, the connection broken but for a few seconds. Dark, smoky eyes the color of fine cognac bore up to Asmus, watching him as his chest rose and fell in harsh breaths. It matched her own, her heart thundering in her ears. The longing in his eyes was enough to break the haze and make her smile. Kaile knew right then that he would always make her smile.

Legs would draw up, a half scoot back on the mattress -- but the Lorrdian didn’t get far. He had her in his arms again.

Buttons were a most vile enemy.

Anxious, half trembling hands followed a low growl, his. Up went her arms, and his fingers gripped the edge of her shirt, moving it up, studying every inch of her, every curve as it sailed over her head. Tousled, mused hair fell back down in strawberry waves, lips never far from the other. The shirt fluttered on the floor and the exploration of the creamy softness of her thighs came next.

A half bump and Kaile smacked against the far wall -- it was a small bunk after all - and a few of his personal items shook a bit. There was a clunking sound. It was his alarm, falling on its face. It was also promptly ignored. Instead, her hands hungrily reached out, boldly skimming one of the last barriers between them before thumbs hooked and tugged down.

[member="Asmus Janes"]
By way of reply to the smile, a grin broke out across his face. He bit his lower lip as he stalked across the cabin bed towards her, growling softly. But that smile had melted away as she raised up her arms for him to lift the garment free. Back in the refresher room he had shied away from watching her undress. She was afforded no such modesty now. His eyes hungrily traced every curve as it floated to the floor.

The night before had been such a slow, almost timid exploration. Asmus still wasn’t entirely driven by lust, not by any measure. They knew what they wanted - needed. He needed her.

He loomed over her, the muscles in his arms and shoulders bunching as he slowly lowered himself down towards her. He couldn’t resist returning for another taste of her mouth and she arched up to receive his lips. Soft murmurs filled the room.

As he pulled back lips trembled and eyelashes fluttered. Ever so slowly, he crawled back away from her. He watched as her jaw slowly opened and closed as if he’d left behind a faint echo of the kiss. The night before he’d always been pressed so tight. Asmus could lose himself in her eyes forever, but now as he slid back he took in all of her in the light.

His teeth snapping shut making a quiet sound as his hands traced across her chest. One hand went for her knee, another for her rump as he gently urged her to roll over. There was a trace of confusion in her eyes, but she followed. His hands ran up either side of her spine. It was a gentle, loving caress. So similar and yet utterly different to the massage he’d given her two nights ago. They slid over her delicate shoulder blades and up her shoulders. Running up the back of her neck before plunging into her hair. He gathered up those long strands into a bunch and delicately draped it over her left shoulder, urging her to look back at him over her right.

“Kaile,” he sighed. Feth, but she looked good from this angle. All smooth, tanned curves. As they collided, his eyes sought for a glimpse of her face.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile couldn’t help but shut her eyes, small hands bracing as they sank. The anticipation of his next touch made her nervous, but thrilled. When would he touch her, and where?

It wasn’t long before the trace of his palms and fingers went tenderly sailing over her back and shoulders. Like a sculptor delicately following the curves and dips of his creation, Asmus caressed the smooth expanse of Kaile’s skin, eliciting a rush of goosebumps in his wake. When his hand dove into the waves of her hair, her head naturally curved into its direction, and a quiver ran down her spine as he so tenderly felt him sweep the length over to the left.

There was passion there, barely reigned in check. Waiting to let go. Every inch of her body was alight with hypersensitivity, needing, longing for Asmus. Each time his hands connected to her skin, she felt her heartbeats racing. Every nerve thrumming in anticipation.

In that moment, her head turned and she caught a glimpse of the depths the ‘verse held within the gold flecked orbs of his eyes. It was a confounding medley of emotions: Lust and passion interwoven with such tenderness and affection. Within moments, his body was pressed against her naked soul.

The way he breathed her name would forever be seared into her memory. His own came in the wake of their stellar collision. Kaile found her eyes wanting to close, but she couldn’t. They had to say open. They had to see him.

And he was beautiful.

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