Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Better . An odd word, but somehow that was all he could think in the moment. To hang on the edge had been thrilling, but to finally indulge and have her again was what he needed. Only a few moments ago he'd been after a simple kiss. Much of the previous day had been an exercise in self control. The levee had broken, but great torrents of desire were still there. If last night had been a slow blaze, this was a firework.

Their eyes met. It was so hard to think of anything else when his gaze locked onto those wide, hazel eyes. But when hers strayed, he allowed his to roam. No shame in following the curve of her waist.

“Feth,” he whispered, waves of euphoric bliss rolling over him.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

He was everywhere.

The warmth of his body encased Kaile, and amidst the the rough breaths she felt kisses feather along her shoulder, curving up to her neck. There the Lorrdian shut her eyes at the exquisite sensation of his lips nibbling and pressing against that smooth curve. Oh stars, how he made her feel!

The rush they began with waned. In its stead was a slow, punctuating savor of the senses. As if to melt into her skin. As if to consume her whole. Her right hand rose, a searching cup of his face. The dark tendrils of his hair swaying beside her cheek, his breath hot on her skin. Low murmurs; sweet, violent things. She turned her head, cupping his jaw, turning him in. Guiding the search of his mouth up until she tasted the sparks of his tongue. A gasp and the flutter of lashes, and the rush of skin on skin.

White knuckles rose upon the bulkhead, then pushed back. A hitch of breath and Kaile’s fingers slid past the scruff of his jawline and ran up behind into his hair. Their they fisted, curling the inky black as he fed off her sighs and moans. Heat would build up, spreading in euphoric waves, making her tremble.

Throughout the Quinn, the start of the day slowly tugged its inhabitants from their beds. Mai had long since awoken a while ago, but the Quin’s Captain now stirred. The Twins stood in their charging stations, and the engines ran with a low, familiar hum. They had a few hours before the first checkpoint, and in that came the responsibilities of the day before they would reach that.

All the while in Asmus’ cabin, two souls lost themselves a little bit more amidst the mounting ecstasy.
Both spent, both breathing hard. He barely even kissed the nape her her neck, such was his need for air. Awareness of everything else in the room slowly returned. It wasn't welcome. He wanted to live in the world of sight, sound and touch that they could share together at the expense of all else.

Trying to catch her breath herself, Kaile was currently facing away from him, though her hand still clasped the back of his neck. She wouldn't see the way he looked at her in this moment. As the tempo of his breath slowed to a regular rhythm, his eyebrows came down as he regarded her with an almost curious expression.

His searching eyes traced the profile of her face, but it was inwards he looked as he tried to find how deep his feelings ran. Eyes widened as affection bloomed within him. Lips slowly turned up into a smile that spread to every corner of his face. Not much tended to catch Asmus off stride, but now, he was overwhelmed. The fingers around her waist faintly trembled, but she would probably think that was just the last vestiges of his climax.

Unable to hold that feeling, and feeling it start to wane, Asmus buried his head into the crook of her neck and sighed. One hand to the bunk, the other came up to run through her long, silky hair. Perhaps it was his imagination that evoked the scent of lavender.

“I…” he whispered quietly, but he wasn't sure what to say. What was he even trying to express? Instead a soft, content murmur escaped his lips. He took in a long, stuttered breath and started to lean back up onto his knees.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

It was hard to move.

Not just due to their indulgence, but because Kaile was utterly spent. As her heart decelerated, she simply allowed herself to breathe. Every inch of skin was hot, slick with sweat. Sticky in her and him. That rosy flush lingered, having spread over her face and across her freckled chest. Thank goodness Asmus had brushed her hair to the side, allowing the cool air of the air recycler a chance to flow over.

The weight of his body was a comfort as much as it was tether. Here so close, Kaile breathed him in, closing her mouth tight and inhaling the scent of him through her nose. With her lids shut, she could almost keep the rest of the ‘Verse at bay. Almost.

Her forefinger began a slow, stroking doodle over his nape when she shifted. She felt the rise of his chest and then the fine tremble of those slender digits sail over her hip. A half smile. It matched the same fine trembling every limb seemed to be experiencing. No, wait. Mild awareness followed the sound of Asmus stuttered breath, and the bunk sank a bit as she felt him draw away.

A half mewl of protest floated between them, cold air separating them. A half shift and his bunk now required a new set of sheets, but that was neither here nor there. A twist of her torso and large brown eyes drew up to look at him. Arms rose, hands sought his own. Turning onto her back, the Lorrdian caught the emotion ladened visage of the scoundrel. What she saw there was enough to provoke a flurry of her own.

A gentle tug, followed by a guide to pull Asmus Janes into her embrace; where he could rest upon her breast and she could hold him just a little bit longer. Her fingers would follow an orbit upon his back, feeling the hard muscle flex with her touch. Kaile absorbed that measured thump-thump of his heart.

[SIZE=10.6667px]“Stay.” [/SIZE]

The soft plea cut the din.

Just a little while longer.
His eyes turning up to regard the clock that had fallen onto the bunk was perfunctory. Even if he hadn’t felt they had enough time to rest a while longer he wouldn’t have been able to resist her request. Asmus shifted his weight slightly, allowing him to crane his neck to look up at her. For a moment he said nothing.

“Of course,” he whispered. A ghost of a smile followed before he settled back down and closed his eyes. Fortunate that he usually set his alarm early. Asmus and his alarm clock had a mutual understanding. The alarm would be set early and Asmus would hit the snooze button several times before bothering to move.

For once his hands did no roaming of their own. His body was relaxed, pliant. It moulder to her own and not a muscle moved. Except perhaps for the beating of his heart which never quite settled.

A thought cut through those calm waters, churning up the smooth surface in its wake. No matter how much time there was: a few minutes now, a day and a half, or even weeks, it wouldn't be enough.

He would stay here happily for days, comfortably pressed against her and feeling her chest rise and fall beneath him. But he didn't want to let go of Kaile. Not in this sense, but he didn't want to be apart for long. The Holonet made the galaxy seem much smaller than it was, he supposed. He'd leave her his details, he'd be back in this sector before too long. He focused on that positive and returned his awareness to the comfortable silence they embraced each other in.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

The pads of Kaile’s fingers were not those of a noblewoman. Her hands had hints of callouses here and there. Along the inside ridge of her palm, where her hydrospanner would comfortably lay, at the edge of a forefinger and thumb, where those slender digits would routinely twist and turn bolts. There were a few speckles of old oil burns, from her time as a short cook. Along with the pale pink lines of distant burns from a hot pan or two.

That same finger tips would ever so gingerly sweep aside the dark forelocks from Asmus’ brow. They swept up with a delicate touch, tucking strands behind his ear. The heavyweight of his body was a comfort. A blanket of warmth that echoed the low beating of his heart against her skin. The sheen of sweat would soon dry, and with it came the heavy press of a languid weariness. Eyes fell heavy, and only the idle pass of Kaile’s fingers would be an indication of her semi awake state.

She felt his breath fan by her breast, felt the pressure of each inhale and the release that came after. It became a low, constant lull that sank the tired, and drained Lorrdian deeper into a state of relaxation she hadn’t felt the past few weeks.

Sleep had been a fickle mistress. All the more due to the shadows that came with the troubled dreams thereafter. Yet, here and now, there was such a heavy weight Kaile felt down to her bones. One that made her feel as if she were sinking into black water and carried away by the sea. Swallowed by the deepest depths, Kaile’s breathing slowed, until the faint trace of her finger came to a stop. Slumber took her then, tangled in Asmus’ embrace.
After her hands ran through his hair Asmus turned into her body to leave a gentle kiss on her chest. His eyes had already closed, but it was with a deep exhalation that the rest of the tension seemed to melt from his body.

He was aware there were jobs to be completed. It wasn't even a decision he deliberated over. Time with Kaile was precious and being a bother to his uncle was hardly a rare occurrence. Asmus briefly tried to think of a time when he'd thought of lying in silence as precious time. He could find none.

Very slowly, he shifted his weight off Kaile's chest a little, concerned he might become an uncomfortable, dead weight. She was gone. Her hands had stopped tracing, her breathing sounded different. When had he been so aware of someone's breathing before? Or found the scent of their skin so comforting?

He didn't ponder these questions for long. His hand found a sheet cramped in the corner of the cabin and dragged it half over them before sleep took him.
This was the third time he'd approached the door. This time his tentative approach came to a halt a few metres away. He'd heard their voices earlier and the hum of the sonics. He was certain of it. Now there was nothing.

Kairon had eaten his breakfast now, and it was nearly time for the lad to take the helm. Damnit, but this was the his ship. Normally after a long night out he'd end up hoiking the lad out of his room in short order.

Despite his little affirmation to himself, Kairon still grimaced as he crossed those last steps and knocked on the door. He silently reminded himself that he'd been first through the breach when they'd taken a stranded Republic cruiser by force of arms and dragged her back to a shadow anchorage to plunder.

“Boy?” he called quietly.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

The even rise and fall of Kaile’s chest came in deep, relax draws. Sometime during their stolen slumber, Kaile had shifted just a bit onto her side. Much like before, her leg had found its way between his, while one arm was under the pillow and the other hung under the lightly dusted arm belonging to Asmus. Her arm circled around his torso, a light embrace for one in the oblivion of sleep.

How literal it was. There were no dreams. Nor nightmares. A rare privilege for one who typically at her best, still struggled with insomnia. Ironically, it was due to this issue that would prompt the young Lorrdian to go seeking a diversion in the night. A task Kurt had been willing to fulfil with no complaints. Funny, how things went. How they go now. Because even being in Kurt's arms after, in the wake of the afterglow, things could not quite compare to the times with Asmus.

It would take some time before Kaile would realize the why then.

The knock would rap quietly, briefly echoing throughout the room. Kaile did not stir. Instead, she slept on, only the barest sound of the soft whistle of her intake of air could barely be heard.
Asmus blearily opened one eye. It focussed on the wall behind his cabin, her chest out of focus in the foreground rising and falling. No interest in rejoining the land of the living, he closed it again. Another knock followed before he could fall back asleep and it became apparent that was why he had woken in the first place.

“Shit,” he murmured. He found the alarm clock with his gaze. A sudden surge of panic as he realised he...they... should have been joining the others for breakfast now. So much for having a shave.

“I’ll be up in a minute Kairon,” he called back, trying to keep his voice low, whilst also sounding like he wasn’t. Not as easy as he had hoped. She stirred. He didn’t want to wake her, but after earlier did he really want her to wake up alone?

No, that wouldn’t be wise, he decided.

“Not to worry,” Kairon replied through the door softly, sounding somewhat abashed. Odd, Asmus had expected barely restrained anger. “I’ve eaten so just be up in the cockpit in thirty minutes.”

“Got it,” Asmus replied, hearing the sounds of his uncle retreating at a reasonable pace.

“Kaile,” he said in a hushed whisper. His hand ran up to brush her cheek, but he imagined she would have already woken by now.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Nope, she did not.

Kaile, when she was feeling up to snuff, was terrible at getting out of bed in the morning. Simply terrible. Back on the Messa, it had been Kurt who was the early riser, with Kaile coming in well after the dust settled on his heels to help fix breakfast.

With the Lorrdian finally managing what was some much needed rest, and her body still suffering under emotional turmoil, it wasn’t easy to get the young woman up and about. No, instead there was a slight pinch of a frown over her forehead, and then the subsequent search and tug of another to draw him against her. A snuggle in close, a soft sigh in an exhale, with fingers half curled up by her neck. Stray strands clung to Asmus’ fingers when he caressed her cheek, a half nuzzle to the palm that quieted as the young woman would continue in her slumber.
“Erm.” Asmus wasn’t entirely sure what he should do in these circumstances. After what had happened earlier, he couldn’t possible leave her to wake all alone in the room. At the same time he could hardly now call Kairon back up and claim they were both unwell. That would be a little too obvious.

That narrowed his choices down. Get on with his routine and hope that she woke on her own or try and coax her awake. After a moment’s deliberation he decided that the best course of action was to put the decision back in her hands.

Yet he didn’t make a sound for a good minute. Asmus watched her sleep. His lips curled up into an affectionate smile as she nuzzled into his palm and settled back down again. Her breath was warm on the sensitive skin on the inside of his wrist.

With a sigh he started to stroke her cheek again. “Kaile,” he whispered again. “I need to get up, but you can rest here a little longer if you want. Erm, I’m sure Bobo would keep you company.”

At the mention of his name the ysalmiri emerged from his tunnel. He paused at the threshold and looked up expectantly, realised the pair were still only paying attention to each other and backed into his tube for the time being.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

“Mmm.” was his answering sigh, the Lorrdian curling up against the lingering warmth of the spot where Asmus’ had lain, the bedsheets drawn up until they covered her right over her mouth. How strange, for the young woman to seemingly appear so peaceful considering the panic attack she had not an hour ago. The rest would do her well, and Bobo wasn’t one to stay aloof for too long. He would be apt to climb on down and snuggle up against the young woman for an hour or so before needing to go back into his nutrient tube.

Maybe the time spent would allow a measure of clarity to the haze that seemed to engulf them both when they were so near. Then again, would Kaile be alarmed when she woke? It was hard to say, but things were already underway.

Such was life.

Bobo gave a flick of his tail, a visual representation of a ‘harrumph’ and sat down to eat again. Such a curious creature, compared to how traditional Ysalimiri lived and carried on in their lives. Certainly more social and far more active.

Within a few hours, the crew of the Quin would reach their first check point. For now, Kaile slept.
Asmus stayed still. He looked up to Bobo to see if he had any insight on the matter. None was forthcoming. Asmus offered her travelling companion a brief shrug. He wasn't sure if that murmur had been a response or just a sleepy noise.

Planting a kiss on her cheek, he carefully - and reluctantly - extracted himself from her limbs and the sheets.

For a few seconds he stood over and tried to recall what he should be doing. Shave, he decided, he needed to shave. He tentatively turned to the corner of the room and pulled the sink out from the wall. In a draw beside it he found his shaving equipment. As he eased on the tap he clumsily knocked the razor into the sink. Metal bounced off metal, the bowl shape seeming to amplify the noise. He looked towards Kaile, looking thoroughly embarrassed.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile jerked with a start.

Her lids snapped open, a bit of a frown creeping upon her face, chestnut brows drawn forward. For a second, her brown eyes were out of focus, disoriented. As if she wasn’t too sure just where she was at and just what had awoken her.

Blinking rapidly, her eyes fought with the bright light by the sink. Slowly, recognition came back to the Lorrdian, and she sank back into the semi plushiness of the pillow. Up the blanket went, hands curled to bring it up to her nose. Blinking a bit more, her vision cleared and she caught sight of a rather embarrassed Asmus with a sheepish apologetic half smile.

Sleepy, half hooded eyes softly smiled up at the scoundrel. A muffled, “Hey.” followed shortly after that.
With one hand filled with shaving foam, no pants in sight and a very sheepish grin on his face Asmus replied with a soft, “Hey.”

He looked down at the white foam, over at Kaile and thought the better of a quick hug. “I'm so sorry,” he said in a hushed tone. “You can sleep some more if you want, but I need to be at the helm soon.”

When all I really want is to wrap myself up in you and sleep until one of us slowly encourages the other awake for a fourth dance, he thought to himself.

Realising that he was standing stock still the abashed smile returned before he looked towards the mirror over the sink and started applying the foam to his face.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

It had been a long while since Kaile had simply watched a man go through his morning routine. Kurt didn’t shave, he kept the shadow of his jaw a workable scruff. Whatever rendition of a clean shaven Kurt Meyer was left back during his time as a Republic First Lieutenant. Things had been casual between them, so there was never a need nor a time for the pilot to reach for a razor.

That didn’t mean that Kaile hadn’t had her fair share of watching men shave. At least, back during her time in the Rebellion and at the Pyre. Being naturally curious, Kaile had observed men go on about the routine with avid fascination. Be it out in the field with a small tin can full of water and a sliver of a mirror, or back on base in the shared refreshers at all hours, those who were committed to a smooth jaw carefully conducted the blade with every odd yawn, stretch, and tongue in cheek gesture to scrape the shadow off.

Everyone had their own preference in tool of choice. A vibro-shaver, a standard razor blade, or even a traditional straight edge. All manner of methods in between. One can learn so much from simply watching the act, the flex of muscles and ripple of sinew with each stroke.

“You shave daily?” she asked, still a bit sleepy, slumber lingering in her eyes. She had yet to really register the time, and her offer of making breakfast for the captain.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

“Normally,” Asmus replied, as he took a rather pristine looking brush from the table to larger the foam onto his face. “Last few days I've neglected to, can't think why I've been distracted,” he added with a wry smile and a look towards Kaile.

A quick check in the mirror and Asmus took his razor blade and unfolded it. Straight blade, with a dark wooden handle. Truthfully he found no practical benefit to shaving with a cut throat blade. However, he was never sure what to do with the money he made smuggling. There were lots of forums on the holonet about expensive shaving gear and his vanity liked how it all looked on his shelf.

Starting just to one side of his Adam's Apple, Asmus tilted his head back and slowly drew up the blade. A quiet rasp as it left a smooth path up to his jawline. Always a problem having an angular face. Asmus imagines round faced, fat men had no problem at all when it came to shaving. He tried to think how he could shave cleanly without pulling his most ridiculous faces in front of Kaile.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

So he used a straight razor.

Kaile would shift in bed, that tousled strawberry blonde head perking up a bit, hands dropping from along her mouth as the blankets fell to reveal her face. A small snuggle of the pillow to fluff it up, and she would blink a bit more to clear her vision. There were a few extra sleepies in her eyes, ones she rubbed away with a slight swipe from her hand.

Asmus began to shave, and a touch of amusement rose in Kaile’s brown eyes when she caught the subtle nuance of internal thought with the slight pinch of his forehead. He didn’t bother pushing back his hair and tying it back, just tucked it behind his ears. However, Kaile bet that a rebellious strand or two would fall forward soon, what with all the motions he’d have to do to shave. First was the tipping back, the scrape of the razor along his neck and up to the angular line of his jaw. Then the drop down of his gaze, the wiping of the foam and bits of hair, leaving a clean blade. A rinse and repeat.

“Do you like the straight razor?” came her subsequent question, curious on the decision. That was rare, and honestly, something she figured someone of his stature would use. Being all from a good family and all. Was it something he got passed down from his father? A family heirloom? It didn’t seem to be weathered in age, but it certainly looked fancy
Ah. He hadn't expected a direct question. He pursed his lips as he held the clean razor out in front of him. Now to decide how liberal with the truth to be. Couldn't flat out lie to Kaile, he got the sense that she'd read it. Didn't want to either. Didn't like that notion, not at all.

“Used to use a regular one,” he added with a shrug. “Found some articles about how much better a shave is with decent kit. It does do a very close shave, but I did cut myself to ribbons first month,” he replied, before tilting back to very, very carefully cover the bump at the front of his throat and head to to his chin. No need to add that he bought the good stuff just because he could, and because he got the itch to after reading a few articles on the matter.

As he rinsed the blade in the water again, he caught sight of her shifting in his bed. Canting his head to one side he decided to add: “mostly it just looks good on my shelf.” Asmus wasn't entirely sure why he suddenly admitted that. Perhaps because he thought it might amuse her. That seemed to key to keeping her from delving into dark thoughts about the one she'd lost.

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