Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It was so easy to get caught up in her. A little voice at the back of his head tried to suggest that he should stop that roaming of hands, just lay her back across his chest and soothe her. His hands were having none of it. It took only the most gentle tug, a subtle suggestion, and she was following his lead and shifting her weight on top of him. Touch evoked the memories from last night that had seemed hazy in the first waking moments. He revelled in every contact, kissed her with rising passion.

Asmus started as the alarm sounded. His expression fixed in a wince at that unbelievable aggravating sound. It seemed to be grating on his brain itself. Looking back into Kaile’s eyes he chuckled, then brought both hands up to draw her head against his. He hadn’t even realised how hard he’d been breathing, but he was panting hard.

Right,” he sighed between breaths. Mischief found his features again, never straying too far. If the alarm had been within arms reach he surely would have reached for it without even looking away from those brown eyes. “Seeing as you’re on top…” he murmured, eyes flicking in the direction of the alarm.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

The sudden brash noise of the alarm made Kaile give a slight slouch of her shoulders and a duck of her head. It was drastically different from the upbeat holomusic file she used to replace the alarm sound for her own. She rather wake up to the sound of, “ If my honey comes back, sometime, I'm gonna rap that jack, sometimes. Get a hump in my back, sometimes. I'm going over here, sometimes!” than an angry beep, beep, beep.

Her hair overflowed in his grasp, and the slight cup of her head prompted a half chuckle at the impish, tousled smile that the scoundrel gave her. A dark brown eyebrow perked in amusement, then followed with a shake of her head.

“Mmhm. Lucky you.” she told him, granting him a quick peck upon his lips before pushing herself up. With the two of them on the floor and the actual alarm on a shelf beside the walled in bed, it was a bit of a stretch to get to. A shift and sway of curves drew up and over, leaning towards the right as the Lorrdian would stretch out her right hand. A wiggle of fingers and a small huff later, Kaile realizes she was still quite short of her goal. She almost half slipped, and the result prompted a series of a half bark of surprise and a chuckle.

“Oh dang it.” she giggled out, scooting up and pushing herself up,using her left hand upon the real bed for leverage. A twist of her torso and the smooth curve of her back and bottom rose along with her. There was a half shimmy and then a few more little, “ … it!” the annoying alarm was snatched within her grip.

Mild victory shone in her eyes, bringing the portable alarm down beside her. It still would wail with its insistent reminder. A half grimace and the Lorrdian would search for the button to deactivate it.

Thankfully, one couldn’t miss the massively large snooze button on top of it.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus was laughing along with her, face screwed up in amusement as her hand fell well short the first time. But as she wiggled away even further he bit his lower lip and planned mischief. He tried to roll onto his side as surreptitiously as possible, keeping his eyes on the target.

“Rawr,” with the soft little noise, mimicking that of a predatory cat, he pounced. Bedsheets went flying and he nearly fell over himself in a ridiculous heap.

His arms wrapped around her sides as he latched onto her from behind. And before she could protest his head dropped down towards that tempting peach. Teeth softly bit into the soft of her rump. A very gentle, pretend bite, but he held on and softly growled.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile gave a small shriek in comical surprise, her eyes widening as Asmus’ arms wrapped round her hips with a sudden burst of movement.

“Gah!” she cried out, half teetering in his pounce, only to feel the warm and wet pinch at the curve of her rump. A sudden ticklish sensation had her laughing as the vibration of his growl shook against her skin, giving her another healthy dose of shivers and goosebumps in their wake.

“What are you… you silly thing!” Kaile would laugh, the alarm falling onto the bed as she twisted her torso to glance down at the rather devilish expression of one Asmus Janes. He shook his head a bit, as if sawing that playful bite with another half growl that only served to let hilarity ensue.

Joy and a lighthearted expression would make her face glow, a stark contrast to the panic that it had held minutes before. She dropped her hand upon the crown of his head, and with a vibrant grin, she began to muse and shake the long dark locks back and forth, tousling it until half stood on end.
“Oh is that right?!” she said in challenge, a daring in her large brown eyes. Needless to say, Asmus would soon find himself the subject of an attempted half tackle pin, with a Kaile in her birthday suit attempting to wrestle him back on to the bed. A mock attempt was made to reach for his neck, and if she was quick enough, blow a very loud raspberry upon it.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

His mock yelp seemed quite loud in the small cabin. For a moment Asmus felt a flash of embarrassment in the suddenly join the surge of elation at the new game. Oh well, Kairon had recovered from twistergate in the end. What was a few loud giggles going to do.

The scoundrel wasn't really in the mood for fighting back too roughly. He fell back under her weight and only offered a token resistance as she pinned him back. Whilst there was mischief in his smile, there was an edge to the way his eyes drank in the view. Damn, but she was a joy to look at.

“Hah, oi!” he laughed and bucked as the raspberry tickled his neck. “Hmmn,” he added a little nasal sound full of a different kind of intent.

Asmus slid his arm under her armpit and planted one foot. With a shift of his hips he tried to roll her back over his head. It didn't quite go to plan as the the sheets tangled around his legs and he slipped and ended up flat on his front. Finding his head near her ribs and making the most of the situation he mimicked her attack by blowing raspberries against them. Their hands continued to wrangle and it seemed Kaile was perhaps getting the better of him.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

He got her half on her back, torso slightly up in the playful wrestle. Both of their hair went everywhere, veiling eyes, catching into their mouth and resulting in a slight sputter of hot air to blow it away. One that turned into a series of giggles, laughter, and short grunts and cries.

A burst of laughter came out in a whoop from the Lorrdian, legs slipping and sliding against the tangle of bed-sheets and Asmus’ legs in her writhe. Her hands would shove against him, eyes gleaming a warm, joyful caramel in her merriment.

“Gah!... No! Stop that --” more jubilant laughter and the quiver of her belly as the raspberry would blow warm against her skin. Eyes shut tight, struggling to try and lift him up off of her with an undulation of her hips. More childish giggles ensued, the attempt to bring her knees up to help with the leverage of pushing him back a growing struggle. She managed to capture one of his wrists.

“Oh no you don’t!” muscles lightly flexed along each of their arms, each light push another mammaquatia and shift of her body against him. This was about the time small little scratching sounds came from overhead. Bobo was awake.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

“Oh yes I do!” he retorted. He made a pretend biting noise as he used his teeth to tickle that sensitive muscle down the flank. However it was short lived as she managed to dislodge him with her sudden push back.

Asmus thought to slip his wrists from her grip, but she matches his twist and pull. She was remarkably good at grappling, probably from dealing with handsy customers.

Tables were quickly turned and he had one arm pinned under her shoulder, leaving her one hand to attack at will.

“Ah, surrender!” he chucked, trying to wriggle free. Sudden awareness grew of how shallow and rapid his breathing had become. He very slowly took his bottom lip in his teeth.

Calm down. She was sobbing in your arms just a minute ago. Ease off there. But he was already considering grasping her by the hips and dragging her towards him.

At that moment he caught the sound of scratching. Looking up he asked: “does he need to come out?”
[member="Asmus Janes"]

There was an impish edge to Kaile's wayward smile. A shift and another sway, with a bit of a smug note to her expression as she hovered over the scoundrel.

"Hmm... then you best remember that." she teased. There was certainly a lighter-hearted note to the Lorrdian, another touch of glow that had been missing earlier. On the outside looking in, it would seem as if the young woman certainly was walking a fine line between her highs and lows. It didn't appear to be based on some sort of mental instability, although a casual observer might consider it such. After two days of being with her, working alongside her, and being able to catch the fragments of a smile from what was once a very joyful girl, it would be evident to Asmus that this was just a very trying time for her.

It wasn't all of who Kaile would normally be.

Having Bobo for the better part of five years allowed Kaile to discern the sound of those tell tale scratches. Blinking at Asmus, the corner of her mouth perked. Allowing him his freedom, her fingers would loosen their hold upon his wrists.

"Not really. Only when he demands attention. Typically he is happy being in there, but after a while, he wants the door open at least." that allowed the miniature ysalamiri to wander if he so desired. Usually when he was feeling gracious enough to allow one to pet him. Slowly, Kaile would lean back, sitting at a straddle over Asmus and the tangled bedsheets he'd managed to cocoon himself in.

Returning to regard him, she couldn't help the faint chuckle. " seem rightly caught."
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus still had a sly grin on his face. He appraised the situation, looking for a way to revive his surrender and turn the tables. There wasn't really one, not from this position. His mouth froze open as he reconsidered saying ‘Well what are you going to do with me then?’

“Come here,”he said instead. Freed hands found her waist before sliding up her back to draw her back down into a tight embrace. Asmus made a soft, satisfied little noise as he nuzzled into the crook of her neck.

Some selfish part of him was actually glad that she hadn't wanted to talk. What would he have done anyway? He had no great wisdom to impart to anyone going through their struggles. He could, however, cheer people up. That was all he'd been trying to do. But when she'd started to open up and smile at him he'd lost himself in it. Shades of last night echoed through his mind and his lips drew up in a wider smile as he turned on to kiss her cheek.

“We should get up in a few.”
[member="Asmus Janes"]

It was easy to find herself draped in his arms. To sink into his embrace and feel the caress of his fingers at her back, his thumb slowly stroking over the smooth flesh. The faint tickle of his scruffy face against the sensitive curve of her neck prompted a faint giggle. A half sigh of contentment. Ever so fleeting, were she to sink into her more melancholy thoughts anew.

"Okay." she'd whisper in a low hush, a breathy sigh that floated over the two tangled within the bedsheets. How strange and curious that single word had managed to grow and expand in so many different contexts and definitions. Kaile still felt a bit silly about it, but now, it make sense. Or was that just her head being silly and trying to come up with a way to rationalize it all? Who knew.

What she did know, is that Bobo was starting to scratch a bit more persistently upon his door. He clearly wanted attention. To add to that, Kaile knew that she had made the offer to the Captain to make breakfast come morn.

"Have to get ready and make breakfast." she added, confirming the statement that yes, they should get up soon. However, it was right difficult when she could snuggle up on top of him so, her arms circling round and holding him close. Loose strands of hair would fan under Asmus' breath, only to return to tickle his nose. The result was a half sputter that shook them both in the hilarity of it.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

“One of us is going to have to have a haircut. And I think you'd look cute with a bob…” Asmus murmured before trailing off. It was easily to feel so content in her arms. It would be so simple to drift off again.

“There's no real rush to get up,” he reasoned, “but I really should shave and we should shower.”

The fact that he didn't action those things was telling. One hand freed himself from a web of hair before his lips gently brushed against her cheek. He'd become accustomed to the feel of her skin against him, her smell surrounding him. That brought a sudden reminder that there was one night left. Then she'd be gone and he didn't know for how long.

His hands slid down to her waist with every intention of coaxing her apart from him. That well-meaning purpose was lost by the time they reached their destination. Instead they wrapped her up in an even tighter embrace.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

It was that slow squeeze that pressed Kaile closer, a pleasant press that had her humming much like the purr of a content cat being stroked. Her shoulders shook a bit at the mention of one of the two cutting their hair, a half snort when it was suggested she be the one to aim for a bob.

“Mmm… then it will be everywhere and reckon theres’ no tyin’ it down then.” she’d add, her lips moving against the scruff of his jaw. She gave him tiny little kisses and a half nibble right upon the cleft of his chin. With their bodies in such close contact, it was starting to get quite warm. For being a lanky fellow, Asmus certainly could radiate quite a bit of heat. Maybe that was just how the male body worked. Not that I’m complaining.

“I don’t mind,” her voice would murmur along his jaw, and she gave him a playful bite right by his chin. The prickles tickled her nose, and it gave a slight twitch and wiggle at that. Her expression shone with the lightheartedness she lacked before, a brightness to her lightly flushed face that made her stand out again. Fingers went skimming along his sides, playful little taps and dribbles that slid down and ran back up again. There was a never ceasing desire to continue touching, it was much a necessity as a method of communication for the Lorrdian. A tangible hold.

“Can’t deny a run through the sonic might do us both some good.” that came after with a light laugh.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus felt a light flutter run through his chest. He took a long breath in through his nose and allowed his fingers to trace down either side of her spine. Where their skin met was starting to become uncomfortably warm, but he would happily stay here all day long. They still had plenty of time before breakfast, but there were things to do beforehand. They could hardly go up to the galley now.

“I dunno,” he said quietly. “I’m not sure I suit stubble or a beard.”

There was a slow sigh. A sigh that said he was about to do something he didn’t want to. As he exhaled he placed on hand on the bedsheets beside him and pushed himself up. Keeping his arm around her his left a trail of kisses across her shoulder and down to her collarbone.

“Shower first? Bobo is making more noise.”
[member="Asmus Janes"]

“That tickles,” Kaile managed to giggle out with a breathy sigh, attempting to tuck away her neck as if to deny Asmus the smooth curve. Up they went, moving into a sitting position, with the Lorrdian scooting up and to the side. Their torsos were half turned, facing each other, with a limb here and there still tangled in the sheets. Her hair was a mess. A mused, ruffled half tangle of strawberry blonde hair. She even had a half nerf lick near the back of the crown of her head, a small poof that stuck up where she’d laid upon the pillow.

One sheepish hand ran through the tousled locks. “Yeah, shoulder first.” Kaile agreed, shining Asmus a shy smile. A little bit better. Not too much of the nervousness or the previous lingering panic. Brown eyes darted up to the shelf where Bobo’s nutrient tube home rested.

“Lemme go see how he’s doing.” she said, bringing both hands down upon the mattress to push herself up onto her feet. There was a half stumble on the way - the blanket had coiled around her ankle - and the result was a humorous half hop and bounce.
Asmus didn't even pretend not to watch her stand up and stumble towards Bobo. He looked concerned as she nearly fell face forwards into his shelves, but chuckled when she regained her balance. He pursed his lips before one corner turned upwards. A rather selfish thought crossed his mind: if she hadn't been so distraught he would have quite enjoyed another repeat of last night.

“Hmm…last night,” he murmured as he dragged himself to his feet. He picked up the loose pants he'd discarded on return to the room and slipped them on, before gathering up the top sheets into a pile and rolling up the rest of the bed clothes. He at least had the modesty to look a touched abashed about the state they were in.

“Morning little fella,” he called as Kaile went for Bobo. Asmus slid out the small wash basin and placed his shaving gear on the side. He could shave after a good sonic. “Oh for a hot bath,” he sighed.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

That little fellow was quick to dart out and climb his way up Kaile’s arm. Tiny little pin pricks from his claws went tickling their way up, prompting a half giggle at Bobo’s antics.

“Okay, okay!” she exclaimed softly, shaking her head at the miniature Ysalamiri. Once he was upon his lordy perch upon the smooth curve of her shoulder, he gave a few abrupt turns, as if scanning the cabin for any tell tale hints of foul play.

Coming to a stop, he perked his head. The second that followed would have made anyone swear that those black, beady eyes narrowed upon Asmus with the penetrating stare of a father catching a wayward boy in his daughter’s room.

At least until Kaile’s finger went stroking down the ridge of his back and he immediately became rather complacent. Distraction cafune!

“Ain’t had a hot bath in months.” Kaile would admit. Sonics is as sonics does. Cheap and took care of the grit. “Not since the bathhouses on Sullust.” Getting decent would be a good first step for the day. As would that sonic. There was no shame in the young woman as she plopped herself down on the bed, the glow of the orange strip illuminating just enough to allow her to grab her back and search for that long shirt she could wear to get from here to the sonics. Pants and a button up would do the trick for later.

As she dug through her back, her hands brushed against something that crackled. Widening the back, she found two fruit bars. Muja berry. Snacks. She was always carrying snacks. Turning to Asmus, she offered one to him if he so desired.

Honestly, with everything, she was quite famished.

More so than the previous weeks where she couldn’t keep anything down.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus was busy watching Bobo, trying to figure out if the lizard had really given him the cold, hard stare he thought he’d received. Looking down at the fruit bar seemed to rouse his stomach.

“Thank you,” he responded, as he took one from her grasp. He turned to flick the lights up a few notches. The room was bathes in a more natural lighting, whilst still not too bright. Asmus was trying to reconcile everything that had happened over the past two days. So much had happened yet when he replayed it in his mind it seemed compressed into a much shorter space of time.

Keeping the bar in its wrapper for now, he reached out to tickle the ysamiri. Bobo’s face turned to regard him suspiciously, turned back to Kaile and then very slowly moved to let him scratch the side of his neck.

“He’s quite possessive about you isn’t he?” Asmus mused. Perhaps to test that thought he leaned in to kiss her on the cheek before stepping back and opening the packet.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile barely felt the warmth of Asmus' kiss before his experiment played out.

Bobo darted around immediately, turning to bump at Asmus with a tiny nudge. One that made Kaile laugh, shoulders shaking in mirth. A scoop of both hands and the tiny lizard was plucked off his perch. She set him on top of the makeshift table, where he gave a small turn and puffed his chest out.

"He has his moments." she grinned, taking the moment to tug on the pale blue shirt over her head. Arms slid through the sleeves, that tousled strawberry blonde head right over the neckline, popping out with a shake and a sway of her hair. In a few moments, the fabric slid over her, shielding her lithe form from the scoundrel's view. A hand attempted to run through her messy locks only to get caught on a few tangles, fingers wiggling.

"Yeah... a sonic. And reckon a good brushing." she mused to herself. While it was certainly a wild mess, if one dove their nose in deep, one could still barely catch the scent of lavender that lingered there. Asmus did not skimp out when it came to good quality essential oils and it showed.

"And you be nice!" Kaile would wag a finger at Bobo. Any attempts at a stern face melted away, as she was unable to help herself running her fingers over his fuzzy scales.

"Spoiled rotten you are." she told him, shaking her head. A good stretch and her arms went high and up over her head. A big yawn followed, the last vestiges of the night now withering away.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus couldn't say he was overly pleased at the change in his view. Still, there was something enjoyed even in the movements as she slipped on the long shirt.

Something softened in his expression as he was he'd her yawn and stretch. Such a simple gesture and yet his eyes lingered when he should have been turning away. Asmus smiled and quietly sighed to himself.

At a touch on the console the doors slid open back into the corridor. He wrapped his arms around the bedsheets to throw into the sonic laundry machine whilst they showered and stepped out into the ship.

"I keep nearly asking if he needs something to eat! Such an interesting way of working. Though I know there are some sentient, walking plants who just photosynthesise if I recall right," Asmus said.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Scooping her small bag of toiletries and a change of clothes, the Lorrdian followed the scoundrel. Each step of her saunter bared the length of her legs from the hem of her shirt at mid-thigh. A whisper brush as Kaile hugged her items close to her chest. Any stumble by happenstance from the other crew of the Quin would catch them mid discourse. Their relatively disheveled appearance making it rather clear as to what had provoked such a result.

"It's fine... took me a while to figure it out. Had to go through all the data we found back when ..." Kaile trailed off, realizing she was going down the path of saying too much. How she had found Bobo was the result of a top secret mission with an incarnation of the Rebellion. Coming out and saying that she found miniature Ysalamiri in such a circumstance would not be the best thing.

Not when she knew she had to keep mum about it.

"But he'll be fine." The door slid shut with a hiss. For now, Bobo would settle on the table, the door to his nutrient tube open for him to go in and out at his leisure.

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