Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Asmus Janes"]

Yeah… Sith. But it ain’t just them.” said Kaile as she set the datapad back down on its little makeshift stand upon the console. Drawing her hands over to the blanket, she curled her fingers about the edge, rolling it up and over her shoulders.

“That’s just a title some identify with. Like comparing Arceneau Frozen Burritos with Sasori’s. Or Aurora’s.” Kaile elaborated, panning back to Asmus. Slowly she rose to her feet, stretching out her legs. One would wonder if she simply wanted to get a closer look at what Asmus had pointed out earlier, torso turning towards the gradual shifting backdrop of stars.

“Or like the Sacred Way or the Moross Gods really… each have their own ideas and take on things.” she’d add in reference to some of the religions of the faithful spanning the galaxy, giving a little half walk away towards the viewport. It wasn’t far at all, and she was still within arms distance. Only now she was snuggled up under the warmth of the blanket she held around herself.

“It’s pretty.” she’d say, returning to comment along the lines of Asmus’ earlier talk about their travel and the stars.

“Makes one feel small…”
“I always find when I’m looking up at something I feel small. When I’m up high looking down on something I feel big. But maybe distant at the same time? Hmm.” Whilst she was distracted his gaze flitted between her and the stars. He certainly felt a little out of his depth when he watched Kaile. It was all very new. Exhilarating and confusing in equal measure.

“There!” he said suddenly. He stood up beside her, perhaps unnecessarily moving his face beside hers, cheek to cheek. One hand rested on the small of her back whilst the other pointed out a bright speck that moved quickly against the backdrop of the stars. It slowly transitioned from a pinprick to a tiny white orb.

“Planet number three I think,” he said. They wouldn’t be getting close enough to resolve anything in detail, or even any of the moons. Yet faint rings started to become visible. As the tune came to an end he reached down and picked out a new tune. Awareness of her proximity was slowly building, making him think rash thoughts.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

“No actual name?” she inquired breathily, feeling her lids lower to half mast as she gave his cheek a light nuzzle. Her nose gave a slight crinkle, and a small chuckle bubbled forth when his hair began to tickle her cheek and nose. Her hand came up, using her fingers to rub the tip of her nose. That half smile would linger as she cast a glance over to Asmus from her peripheral.

Their eyes caught again, and the hand at the small of her back gave a subtle reflective twitch. Unable to help herself, her eyes fell from the vibrancy of his emerald eyes to the fullness of his lips. The pale pink tips of her tongue swept over her own, a brief glisten of moisture just before she bit the side of her lower lip.

“Shame.” her voice croaked out, the blanket seeming to warm a degree or two. Her mind was stariting to wander again, so she cast her attention back towards the viewport.

“Oh!” she added with another start. A finger pointed out another tiny sphere, a fraction brighter than the one before. Another world, orbiting closer to the sun and thus reflecting more light than mysterious planet number three.

“There’s another.” she said, awe in her voice. Genuine delight at that. It was easy for Kaile to find pleasure in such things. The Lorrdian wasn’t one to deny the wonders of the ‘Verse. Even if it was simply the slow drifting view of a system and the stars.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

A smile made a tentative attempt to break out when he saw her bite her lip. It was quickly smothered. Kaile turned away and Asmus let out a breath, suddenly conscious that he’d been holding it in.

“Hmm? Yes another,” he sighed. The smile made its return. Elation bubbling up at her wondrous expression. If only he had free reign he could have taken her on a whistle stop tour of his favourite sights in the Galaxy. Bouncing around quietly in the less trodden lanes of the Galaxy ensured that Asmus saw some sights rarely glimpsed, and some well-known ones from new angles.

Several lights on the console indicated that the ship was ready to make the jump to hyperspace once more. He rested his hand on the lever as he turned back to face her. His other hand still rested on her back and she slowly turned to face him once more over her right shoulder.

Asmus leaned forward just a few inches as his gaze flicked down to her lips and back to those hazel rings. Her eyes suddenly held an infinite depth as the reflected stars stretched out. Then they were both bathed in the cerulean hue of hyperspace. His right hand left the hyperspace lever and grasped her shirt just above her waist as he turned her to face him.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

It was easy to follow his lead. Maybe it was that youthful charm, that little boy smile. That glint of mischief that shone now and then under the shadows of dark forelocks that fell just so. The blanket shifted as a subtle press at the small of her back drew her a step closer, the stars melting into the black behind them, silhouetting her in that azure glow.

He was doing it again. That expression that defined the lines of his angular face and seemed to capture her in place. Under his regard, Kaileann felt a warm rush flow up her chest, over the curve of her neck, and settle across the apples of her cheeks.

He made her feel sheepish and aware all at the same time. Toe tingling electric currents. As light as air and effervescent as that fancy Nabooian champagne she nicked a glass of at the last Pyre party. Oh yeah, here we go again. Koros butterflies were set loose in her belly and for a moment she had to remind herself to breathe.

[We so down...and this can't last forever. ]

The last lines floated in the air. It was time to pick something else. Which would be great if either of them were going to move to do so.

But that didn’t seem to be in the fore of Kaile’s mind. A twitch at the right corner of her mouth seemed to break through the haze, a flash of a seemingly rare dimple, and Kaile playfully brought out a finger from under the blanket to poke at his chest.


Childish? Perhaps. Certainly silly. But sometimes one needed that.
Asmus looked down at the finger in bewilderment. Very slowly a broad grin spread across his face. Kaile could be so serious at times and yet something of a carefree nature would poke on through from time to time. He chuckled.

“Alright, alright,” he said as he took a half step back towards the chair. It bumped against the back of his knees. He held his arms out wide, a mock expression with wide innocent eyes on his face. I hadn’t been thinking of doing anything, honest, he tried to say. Yet there was still an edge of mischief. It his in the corners of his eyes, but not particularly well.

“Next song?” he asked as he sat back down. He tugged on a handful of blanket, pulling her towards him. Asmus wasn’t going to let her completely escape afterall.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

If he wanted to draw her in, he succeeded alright. Her cry of surprise turned to one of giggles, if momentarily as her thighs hit against the edge of the chair. His legs seemed to scissor hers, and she found herself with one of his thighs between her own. When he tugged her closer, both of her hands came up to perch against his shoulders, needing a place to catch her balance. What this also did was have her stumble in a half hovering position, with the blanket sliding down her back and once again, that third button playing peek-a-boo.

Oh!” she said in exclamation, her hair falling forward and their faces a few inches apart. Goodness, were his eyes ever such a vibrant shade of green. Thump thump, went her heart, kick starting in her waning laughter. Up went his hands, sailing over past the corner of fabric he used to capture her, moving instinctively to help her steady her balance by finding the natural dip of her waist. There his fingers flexed, catching the brief segment of warm skin a few of those slender digits managed to dip under the shirt in the commotion.

“Haha, you did that on purpose!” she would huff out, shifting only to find herself tugged down that last bit. Her right knee bumped against the edge of the seat, while her other bent up to fold her leg back. The curve of her bottom found his thigh as a perch, and she half sat on him, fingers curling over the brawn of his shoulders in a half laugh. There it was again, the seemingly rare flash of dimples.

“Well I reckon I can’t pick a song trapped like this,” she teased, one strawberry blonde forelock falling over her right eye. They were such a bright brown then, almost flecked with copper. Mirroring a flash of impish humor.
“A slanderous accusation!” he cried, but the grin never left his face, nor the gold sparkle those forests. His hand came up instinctively, tucking that errant strand away. He felt the warmth of her cheek on his hand. He paused.

Calm, he silently reminded himself. He closed his lips before they could start to quiver. “You stay trapped, not that I did this on purpose you see, but now I've got you you're staying, and I'll pick a song.”

His left hand fell away from her cheek and reached for the data pad. The other shamelessly encroached up the inside of her shirt to the middle of her back. He flicked through songs quickly, not wishing to divert his attention.

“This'll do,” he mumbled, slapping the data pad back down. That hand returned to her cheek, gently encouraging her closer before it fell away. He smiled a sheepish smile and silently told himself to stop pestering the poor girl and let her sit down for a few minutes. She'd only just woken up after all.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

It was easy, so very easy, to melt against Asmus. The brush of his fingers upon her cheek. The way the warmth of his hand broadly stroked the small of her back, that skin to skin contact electric -- comforting. A sigh would expel from her lips, the soft strains of a new beat saturating the small cockpit, enclosing them in music.

She sank forward against his chest, looping her arms around his neck as she snuggled close. A wiggle and a shift of her leg had her straddling him for a moment, before she sat back down and pressed her chest against his own. Much like he had done, there was a half nuzzle of her cheek against his freshly shaven one, the warmth of her breath lightly flowing over the shell of his ear as she breathed in and out.

Her lids half fell, and a small half smile percolated over her lips. Much like a Nexu cub, she simply enjoyed the closeness of their conjoined bodies, feeling her back curve at the slow upward sweep of Asmus’ hand along her spine.

“Keep on doin’ that and I reckon I won’t wander off.” she said sighing out, the tips of her fingers lightly curling around the length of his hair at the nape of his neck. Kaile meant that as a reference to how he was stroking her back, much like one would do for a kitten asking for affection.
“Ah my wicked plan comes to fruition,” he sighed. His hand never left contact with her back. Asmus shuffled from side to side as he settled comfortably back into the chair.

His chest vibrated as he quietly chuckled. “I once knew someone who didn't quite get the word fruition. What was it he used to say? Fruitation! That was it. His hands were covered in scars and he was as broad as a houk so none of us said anything to his face. I don't think I've ever found some quite so funny whilst simultaneously being so aggregated before...ah.”

He fell silent rather abruptly, deciding it probably wasn't the most amusing story told second hand.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile found comfort in the thrum of his voice she heard through his chest as he laughed. She would snuggle close, closing her eyes and resting one cheek against his shoulder. The tips of his hair tickled her forehead, so she gave them a slight flick. They blew away only to come back, amusing her for a moment before she gave another sigh.

Mmm… what other dastardly plots might you have?” came her quip, voice falling an octave as she began to relax against him. At his abrupt drop, a singular eye would open. She would peer up at him curiously, watching the curve of his angular chin and the light toss of his head to push his bangs away.

“Well then, what did he do that came to ‘frutation?’” the light bop of her forefinger would tap his chin, encouraging him to continue. He was always so animated when he did, so seeing him abruptly shift was curious.
“I very much doubt anything,” Asmus chuckled. “Old Grizwauld had loads of ideas. Loads. Oh let's see…I think there was an investment in quadranium he tried to sell me into. That was a pyramid scheme. He was going to haul ropos into techno union space for pharmaceutical testing I think. I don't know where he even got that notion from. They're no good for testing, but he decided because they're cute and fluffy only he had the stones to do it and that was bound to make him money.”

He squeezed her tight, head craning around so that he could plant a kiss on the cheek. Perhaps that was also part of his dastardly plot. His left hand started to comb through her hair.

“I think maybe I should plan a bit more. Something is more than nothing. But then I also reckon folk like a plan because then if they do well they can stand there and say: ‘look how well my plan went.’ But I bet if you compare reality with the plan, they wouldn't look a thing alike.”
[member="Asmus Janes"]

“I very much doubt anything,” Asmus chuckled. “Old Grizwauld had loads of ideas. Loads. Oh let's see…I think there was an investment in quadranium he tried to sell me into. That was a pyramid scheme. He was going to haul ropos into techno union space for pharmaceutical testing I think. I don't know where he even got that notion from. They're no good for testing, but he decided because they're cute and fluffy only he had the stones to do it and that was bound to make him money.”

He squeezed her tight, head craning around so that he could plant a kiss on the cheek. Perhaps that was also part of his dastardly plot. His left hand started to comb through her hair.

“I think maybe I should plan a bit more. Something is more than nothing. But then I also reckon folk like a plan because then if they do well they can stand there and say: ‘look how well my plan went.’ But I bet if you compare reality with the plan, they wouldn't look a thing alike.”

“Reckon that ‘pends on if’n there’s a reason to plan at all to begin with,” she countered, eye closing again as the brush of his lips kissed her cheek. A soft smile lingered in its wake, and a hum of pleasure purred out of her throat with the gentle stroke of his fingers through her hair. It had such a calming quality to it. Tingled along her scalp, almost lulled her to sleep.

“What would that be for you, Asmus?” she murmured along the curve of his neck, nuzzling the scoundrel there.
That was the question wasn’t it? Likely a subject Janes had never really considered beyond the talk his uncle and Mal spoke of with the academy.

“What’s worth plannin’ for?”

The slow caress from his hands slowed as his mind was suddenly occupied with the question. A rather open ended question, he thought. Perhaps a little unfair. Was she angling for a specific response? What was it that he should be planning for?

Now that he had the question in his mind, it was hard not to get distracted by the notion that perhaps he should have done more planning already.

“I suppose when I’m on the way out, I’d like to look back and see that I’d enjoyed my time in this ‘verse. But I suppose I’ll also want to be proud of the mark I left,” he replied solemnly. Could he say that now? What if Kaile hadn’t been there and half his brains were still on that hangar bay floor.

What would I have thought? ‘At least I got laid plenty?’

“That’s a tricky one,” he added in a more jovial tone. “What do you plan for?”
[member="Asmus Janes"]

What do I plan for?

Well there was one way to spin things about. Kaile let the question bounce about in her mind, lids half lifting as she considered a response; one that she’ll actually be able to answer. Too much of what she did she was unable to. Odds were that the same would happen here.

A deep breath lifted her chest, cool, recycled air filling her lungs. Her fingers would fan for a single dribble across his chest, the center of her brows pinching in consideration.

“Helping others.” she said plainly. To a degree that was the truth. Everything she did was in essence done to help others; be it the Pyre, the Alliance… Kurt. Now Asmus. It was a sobering realization that what she had planned for, what had amounted to the bulk of her life was to the benefit for others. A path that was rather solitary and shrouded in secrets. What she said next was a bit more serious.

“For now though, get to Denon.”

A pause.

“And maybe build Bobo a new nutrient tube,” that was a truth, but said more to perhaps lighten the conversation, lids lowering to cast her attention at the half doodle of a concentric circle her forefinger was drawing upon his chest.
Wow, that’s a bit better than my answer. I suppose I have been a bit of a selfish creature. But I’m not so keen on the Denon part,” he added with a childish grin. “There’s no need to be expediting that plan. If I’d known the trip would be quite so....” Asmus struggled to think of the words to describe quite what this trip meant. He decided not to try. “...well maybe I would have subverted your plans by picked a slightly more circuitous route around the galaxy.”

And now she was drawing patterns on his chest again. Butterflies returned in earnest. “You gonna build Bobo something with a bit more room?”

Don’t go to Denon, was all he could think for a few moments.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

“I reckon your uncle might not been too keen on that,” it was an attempt to tease back, to hide the small pang of ache in remembrance that she had a limited time. Responsibilities. A fierce need to get as close as possible despite the fact they were already flush filled her. If she could curl up tighter against him, she did, rubbing her face against his chest, fingers curling tight for a moment.

Yeah,” came her muffled reply, “Reckon he’ll need more wiggle room.” also it was more of a backpack really. Kaile needed to build him something that would be sturdy as well as lightweight for her to carry. “Got some ideas, but just need to work them out and gather the materials.”

It would be something to keep me busy, that’s for sure.
Her fingers would loosen her hold on the fabric of his shirt, as if realizing what she was doing. Carefully, Kaile used her fingers to smooth it over, as if to offer an apology. The flat of her palm swept over and up, then back down, feeling the steady thrum of his heart.
The symbolism of her clinging so tight wasn't lost on Asmus. It actually served to lessen the impact of that reminder of their destination, knowing that it was affecting her too. He stopped the dance of her hand just long enough to give it a reassuring squeeze before letting it resume its path.

“Does he just tend to root in place when he's drawing nutrients out of the branch, or whatever it is you use in its place, or does he tend to roam up and down?” he asked. She'd feel a shift of his weight as he leaned closer to plant a kiss on the top of her head, lingering to drawn in the scent of her hair before leaning back down and holding her close.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

“He is.” Kaile agreed, giving a small sigh, her shoulders dropping a bit. At his prompting of getting more snacks and a caf, she perked her head up. “Oh,” while she didn’t want to, she began to push herself up.

“Here let me get off.” she said, hands moving from his chest to grab at the blanket that was already sliding down her back again. They would be at the inspection site soon. That will be a doozy. Thankfully, she didn’t have anything to worry about. She had dozens of aliases and identisticks, this particular one had her as Kaley Cobb. So if they got to really digging into things, she was sure she’d be fine.

It was just a matter of keeping under wraps. She didn’t want any trouble for the Quinessence and her crew.
Asmus made a throaty sound that made it quite clear he didn't like the notion of her getting up. As she slid off he pushed himself to his feet with a grimace. All his joints complained after a long while in the chair, most of it with Kaile’s dead weight spread across him.

Once again he used to blanket to steer her closer. Asmus had intended a brief parting kiss, but lingered. His hand snaked around her neck and pulled her close.

“Hmm,” he went as his eyes went searching again, just inches from her own. “You want anything?” he asked softly. As he held her he stretched up on his toes, wincing faintly again at the ache in his back.

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