Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Asmus Janes"]

The sonic shower was both a quick endeavor as much as it was a walk through memory lane. At least, in the sense of what had occurred within the small four walls that had enclosed Asmus and her.

Maybe that was why she took a perfunctory shower, cleaning away the dried sweat, grit, and trace of the last few hours under the gentle vibrations of the overhead sonic head.

She changed over to the pair of pants and shirt she wore on the first night Asmus met her. The rest she tossed into the sonic washer. In a few minutes, she could collect it to fold and place into her bag.

A sonic brush of her teeth and the finger comb of her hair, and Kaile was ready. Were Asmus to slide down the ladder well that led to the dormitories, he just might catch her as she left the refresher.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Oh hey, good morning," Asmus said, a broad smile on his face. On one hand he was struck once more that this was the final leg. On the other he had now been four hours without her. So far on the trip he'd barely left her side. The absence only made his joy at finding her again even greater. Silly really, they'd only been apart by a few metres. If four hours seemed long, what would a week or a month feel like? he wondered.

It was almost nostalgic to recognise the clothes she'd been in when he'd first spied her across the bar. That seemed so far yet near at the same time. As if observing something through a lens.

"I've been snacking all morning, but do you and Bobo want to come up for breakfast?" He steps slowed to a tentative approach as he mentally wrangled with his emotions. Yet three steps out he accelerated, almost colliding with her to wrap his arms around her waist.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

"Hey," Kaile managed to murmur out, tipping her head back to get a good look at him as his arms tightened around the curve of her waist. He drew her close, dipping his head a bit enough for the stray strands of his dark hair to fall forward again, framing his angular face.

He caught her with her small bag of toiletries found between them, arms pressing against his chest. Bobo wasn't in sight; he was back in the cabin. That didn't mean the tiny lizard wouldn't be too put off on wandering a bit.

Just staring up at him was kickstarting her heart. The corner of her mouth gave a small upward twitch, a half smile that barely grazed her expression. Reading him was easy. He was like a kath hound pup, all energy, and a dire need to stay close. Just how much of that were the rush of the moment and boundless youth?

Okay, she was getting a little bit too deep there. What was she even thinking? Kaile bit her lower lip, and only gave a nod.

"Food sounds swell," she said, trying her best to brighten up a bit. That was the irony, considering the wretched state he had found her four days back at that cantina.

"You want anythin' in particular?" she asked, offering to make something for them both.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus didn't reply at first. This was all starting to feel like something of a daydream. One that would suddenly break if someone stepped in and told them they had another week on the ship.

Stepping away he looked almost embarrassed. He ambushed her on the way back into the room.

"Just some breakfast biscuits will do fine to be honest. I got hungry through the morning. Been snacking. I...was... So I made something for you," he said as he turned back towards his room. He hadn't wanted to admit that he'd been fretting about saying goodbye. What was he even going to say?

He opened the door to his room. The bedroll had been tucked away. There was something greatly disheartening about that. As if the trip was already being swept away.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Embarrassment colored his cheek but for a moment as he stood there by the hatch, the dark strands of his hair shadowing his face. He was trying to keep his voice light, but even Kaile noticed the touch of melancholy that edged it. At least, until Kaile registered what Asmus had said.

Stepping inside behind him, chestnut eyes quizzingly studied the scoundrel. He made something for me? Puzzled, the door slid shut behind them, sealing them both from the rest of the Quintessence for a time.

"You made me somethin'?" she repeated, only to be distracted momentarily by the pitter patter of Bobo climbing on top of his tube. He gave a little huff, lifting his chest and stretching his forearms all the way out as if he were peering down at them both with suspicion.

Curiosity bathed her lightly freckled features, and a flicker of a dimple flashed in her half smile.

"Snacks?" she queried, seeing as how Asmus had been talking about them, to begin with. It was a small joke, perhaps made to ease the slight bit of tension that had been growing between them. Not the bad sort, nothing like that. Well, kinda. It was the kind that made Kaile feel as if they were carefully walking around the pink Rancor in the room.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus wasn’t entirely on the ball. He’d woken up half way through the night and now he felt slightly detached from events almost as if he was an observer of these last few hours. Perhaps he was slightly shielding himself from facing reality. He missed the attempt at a joke, but was still smiling at her first question.

“I’ll show you up in the mess,” he said with a coy smile. “Need a holoprojector.”

Asmus walked towards where Bobo was perched. Perhaps the little lizard had become accustomed to being entirely ignored by the pair when they returned to the room but he viewed this with suspicion. “I’ll miss you too little guy,” Asmus said as he offered a scratch. The reptile cast another discerning glance over the smuggler, but turned his head so that the best spot received attention.

“Yeah snacks, I just got hungry whilst I was up there watching lights blink,” Asmus added, oblivious.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Her joke went completely over his head.

For some reason that endeared him more to Kaile. Or maybe that was just the mind trying to place everything in a good light on the last day.

“A holoprojector?” she’d ask quizzingly, the dark slash of her brows giving a curious scrunch as her eyes followed him around the cabin. Seeing him scratch Bobo’s back made her smile. The tiny reptile was at least softening to the man, but he was also rather possessive of her time.
“Come on now,” she murmured to her little friend, extending out her hand for Bobo to climb on up after the scratch. “ What for?” turning back to Asmus.

“A holoflick?” Really the only things she figured one would use it for.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

“No,” he replied. The coy smile became worse. Perhaps he shouldn’t have started on the subject. After all the bit he was most proud of wasn’t supposed to be found for a while. He decided that he’d hint at his existence.

Though given how well she’d reprogrammed the Twins perhaps she’d be able to dig it out if she knew there was hidden code. The code to call up the playlist was encrypted, with the specific routes as the keys. Even if she found it she would have to then work out what route would unlock the files.

The lizard darted up her arm at the offer, clearly feeling starved of attention from his master. His fault, he supposed. Mouth half open he stopped turning for the door. His eyes settled on Kaile’s before diverging to take her all in once more. If he could just sear the moment of her into his mind so it would stay fresh for the coming weeks.

“Let’s get some food.”
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Now she was intrigued.

A slight tilt of her head and she narrowed her eyes at him. It wasn't in suspicion, but more of questioning look, as if there was an unspoken guessing game going on. Mildly playful, still have somber.

"Hmm..." she hummed, just as Bobo darted up and skittered over to her left shoulder. He peeked out from under the waves of her strawberry blonde hair, twin beady black eyes looking around. Well he was apparently ready to go.

"If I start guessin' will you tell me if I'm hot or cold?" she countered, walking over to pass him with a half twitch at the corner of her mouth, she stood out in the corridor.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus grinned as he stepped out into the corridor. Bobo seemed to be happy to have his place again. He'd get her all to himself shortly.

"If you need spoilers that much, go for it," he replied. Amusement danced in his eyes again. Genuine, cutting through the air of detachment that had settled over him since his hours of fretting on the bridge.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Now he was brightening up a bit. A glimmer shone within the depths of his green eyes.

"Well what else would require a holo-projector?" she queried aloud. "If'n ain't a holo-flick..." her face scrunched as she made a rather dramatic display of one in deep thought. The door slid shut behind him, and they began their little walk.

"Something havin' to do with the holo-net?" she asked, their walk slowly taking them to the galley.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus tipped his head from side to side and made a non-committal hum. "It uses the holonet to carry out some queries of public data, but will work without it. It'll also work without a holodisplay, but 3D is best."

They walked slowly around the circular corridor. Inside that curve was the ships computers, cooled down to beyond freezing. Within that was the tunnel that connected the galley to the quad laser.

"I'd say, you're fairly cold right now," he added with a smirk, turning to walk backwards and face her as she pondered.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Fairly cold...

Kaile pursed her lips and scrunched her brows. Okay, so it wasn't that? Then what could it be? "Oh give me a right minute and I'll get it!" she assured him, flashing him a silly grin.

"So brave walking backwards!" she told him, even though she was as much of a hypocrite in that. Kaile was prone to walking backward and talking to people rather than side by side. That was because she was able to see the full extend of their body language, something that as a Lorrdian became handy for her to truly read someone.

"What if you trip or knock your head?" she quipped out, her eyes darting to just behind the scoundrel as he neared a low hanging overhead beam.

"Don't want to get an extra lump on your head!"
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus' lips twitched at that; he didn't like to think about the ugly welt spoiling his face. "Not on my ship," he replied. A moment later he smoothly ducked under the beam and carried on walking backwards.

"That would have looked so stupid if it'd gone wrong," he said. He wished he had caught the beam now, if only a little to see her grin. Asmus had a head for spatial awareness and plotting out routes. He could very well get from one side of the ship to the other in total darkness without breaking step, just as he could traverse the Asbeth Nebula and shake off a sith patrol ship.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Asmus wouldn't be disapointed about missing Kaile grin. Just the sheer cocksure manner that the scoundrel so easily ducked his head and avoided it was enough to prompt not only a toothy smile, but even a short laugh.

"Maybe... But then I guess I could have made it a bit better." She shot back in a light quip, ducking low as she too passed the hatch. The galley would be up ahead.

"Although, I rather you not be knocked out cold on the deck anytime soon." she'd add, managing to catch up to Asmus so she was about two feet behind him. With the way she was looking at him and talking, it was easy to slow their steps as they shuffled along.

"A hint then." she tossed back, bringing them back to their original conversation. Her guessing of what he had made.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]


Asmus pondered this. What could he give away? They were seconds from being on the galley and the holo projector.

"It's pretty simple so it's hard not to give the game away," he admitted. "Alright, what's good to have a 3D projector for, other than holofilms and calls?"

He turned and placed his first foot on the ladder up to the galley. Again, he thought that perhaps he should have just shown her and not dropped hints. The build up might be followed with dissapointment.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Hmm... What 's nice to have a 3D projector other than a holofilm?

Kaile mulled that over as Asmus began to climb the rungs of the ladder will. Fingers went curling over the smooth metal, and she followed him up, both of their boots making a soft clanking noise throughout the climb.

The Lorrdian had a short frame of time to really consider what it might be, but Asmus was right. There were few routes she could travel to get the answer when it came to a holoprojector, all the more when she considered that the pilot had been on duty at the bridge of the Quintessence for the past four hours. All the more when it was easy to think back when Asmus had realigned the ship just before the jump to show her the stars.

"A holomap?" came her tentative inquiry just as they both came topside. A hand came down, clasping over her own and helping her up. Funny how just that allowed her to catch the green in Asmus' eyes, the long hair shadowing his face as he drew to his full height. Oh yeah, here it came again. The hop-skip of her heart as she stared up at him.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

He didn’t even see the flash of green as Bobo switched shoulder and fixed him with another suspicious glare. The little reptile twisted its head back and forth between Kaile and Asmus in an exasperated manner. The knowledge that she was going away, so loud at the front of his mind all morning fell to a hushed silence. Everything faded away beyond the view of those dark cognac islands on white orbs.

“Map…yes…” some vague awareness of their surroundings crept into his thoughts He took a full step back and tugged on the hand to draw her closer so he wouldn’t accidentally push her back down the ladder. She draw near, as he tipped his head forwards his hair cascaded forwards again to leave them surrounded, alone.

“There any breakfast?” came a shrill cry from below.

Asmus leant back as if he’d been slapped. “Nothing is out yet Mai,” he called back down softly. Moment ruined he offered Kaile a weak smile and turned towards the holoprojector in the galley. Already he was forming a plan to get some privacy together either down in engineering or on the cockpit.

A map of the galaxy bloomed into existence above them. It picked out their current location. He flicked through a few overlays that showed hidden hyperspace routes, warning points flagged by the smuggler’s alliance and public broadcasts, known sith inspection points.

“Pick a destination,” he said.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Well, talk about a mood crusher.

Both of them had jumped apart as if they were two startled cats. A sheepish expression fell over Kaile's face, prompting her to rock on her heels and sink her hands into the back pockets of her trousers.

Thankfully, there wasn't much time to really marinate in that awkward tension. Asmus had a knack of simply being able to stir Kaile's curiosity and focus with his charm.

A shy smile and before she knew it, they were both shrouded in the pale cerulean light of the holographic galaxy map. The slow, spinning 'verse was interactive, highlighting their current location with a soft pulse.

What was this all about? Kaile knew he had a fondness for stars and their respective positions, and the way he was looking at her now rather expectedly made her slightly hesitate. He was anxious, just a tiny little flex of a nerve right there on his jaw and the bob of his throat. He was trying not to show it, though.

"Alright," she murmured, keeping her voice level as if they were sharing a secret. Biting her lower lip, she panned her attention back to the map. Hmm... Rhommamool and Osarian.

A tiny boop, and the map expanded...
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"So..." Asmus said as the program started running numbers. "It's now checking it's got the latest data off the net. Now don't tell Kairon but I put in a few non public hyperspace lanes. And then..."

Several coloured traces appeared across the map. "Routes sorted by public transport or custom hyperspace routes. Optimised by time, fuel or low probability of detection using my own codes. I also threw in a few hidden surprises."

Oh. He hadn't meant to say that.

"Also put a letter of recommendation on the disk. Digitally signed with the ship's code. Lot of good transports out there will take you on for a trip and pay wage in exchange for some spanner work with that," he added quickly.

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