Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Asmus Janes"]

The more he kept revealing the little extra tidbits, the more Kaile became confused. He mentioned he had made something for her, and at first Kaile was touched by the holo map. Yet as he confessed that he added a few of the non public hyperspace lanes, the algorithm he used to optimize by fuel or low probability of detection, the more it became clear what he was giving her.

Her heart was jumpstarting again, and it took a moment before the Lorrdian realized she was holding her breath. A letter of recommendation?? Digitally signed by the Quinn?

“I..” Her jaw fell the snapped shut. Kaile was stunned. Touched really. Emotions welled and she didn't know what to say. She didn't even register the ‘hidden surprises’, what he'd done was too much already. He didn't have to do that.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"I mean... it's just a clever map really," he blustered. Asmus was clearly not sure what to make of her reaction. "I probably shouldn't have made out it was that interesting really..."

At least if it was practical she might get good use out of it and think of him. Asmus fell silent and watched Kaile curiously. There was a nervous smile on his face as he tried to see what Kaile was thinking.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

His tone came out rather loud and indignant. Oh.. was she making too much of it? Uncertainty crossed Kaile expression and she decided to tone it back a bit. Yeah, just a clever map. Something practical and then the acknowledgement of her skills. Guess helping them out with the Twins did that bit. Not like she really needed the references; being an espion meant she could counterfeit whatever she required.

Yeah.. just..

"It's fine. " Kaile replied, giving him a half smile with a twist of her lips. Looking down, she idly played with the selection. Booping Sullust, the routes changed and new hyperlane routes she didn't even know excited bloomed to life. Well, certainly would be handy. Another thought. Kurt would have liked this.

With a deep breath she squared her shoulders. Turning back to Asmus, she pressed a kiss on his cheek. " Thank you."
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"You sure you like it?" he asked, still uncertain if she was humouring him. His expression softened at the kiss, but his eyes darted over Kaile with a nervous twitch of the lips. That should have made it obvious to the Lorrdian that he wasn't certain how she felt about the gift.

His hand had instinctively snaked around her slender waist at the kiss, but now it reluctantly released her. "I can make some breakfast of you'd like?" he offered. She'd been pretty close to touching Eriadu a few moments ago. He likely would have felt a little embarrassed if she'd found the hidden surprise that quickly.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

At his uncertain query, Kaile brought both hands up. A second later, the Lorrdian set her palms along each side of his face, thumbs gently brushing the smooth skin. With a small tug, she brought his head down a few centimeters so that he could look at her fully. Their eyes met.

"I like it." she repeated, assuring him softly.

"Really, really," Kaile added, letting that linger for a bit so that Asmus wouldn't fret. After a few seconds, a hesitant smile bloomed between them, and Kaile lightly pushed up on her tippy toes and gave him another brief kiss.

"Breakfast sounds amazin'." she added, breath light on his lips, close enough for him to feel her smile.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Yeah..." he replied, current harboring no thoughts of breakfast at all. His mouth had suddenly turned quite dry. His arms kept tight about her waist and refused to let go. He could stand here and kiss her all morning long. Put all worried aside until they reached Denon and just lose himself in her.

Not here, where everyone would be trundling through all morning, he told himself. "What do you fancy?" he asked. Asmus hadn't been that hungry, but at the thought of a full breakfast his appetite returned despite the snacking he'd done all through the small hours.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

A sudden inhale of oxygen surged through her chest, forcing her head back to get a good look at Asmus’ eyes. Ah, tingling butterfly feeling again right there at the pit of her stomach. Good thing Asmus had brought back the focus to things of a far more neutral nature.

“Umm… biscutts and eggs. Any extra rashers would be nice.” she finally answered, sounding a bit too breathy for her taste. A mental chide later, Kaile pipped up with. “

Want caf?”

Figured it wouldn’t just be Asmus who would want a fresh pot, what with the Captain and Mai around. Reckon that they’d also want some grub once the scent of it all drifted on yonder. Something about crackling rashers of Nuna that was the most stimulating of wake up calls anyone in the ‘verse could invent.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"I'm alright, but it's probably best to put one on anyway," Asmus replied, thoughts very much aligned to Kaile's. He stole a glance over his shoulder at her as he dropped down to collect ingredients. She caught his eye and he simply smiled and returned to what he was doing.

He was feeling quite pleased with the morning's work now she'd made it quite clear she liked her little gift. A parting gift. A tremor of concern started deep down and seemed to rush up his throat. He pushed it back down.

Frozen rashers could be cooked after a moment of reheating, they still had some fresh eggs fortunately. Kairon would be here in short order, but Mai almost as soon as the meat was unwrapped.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

There was this odd passage of time between the two. In every action. In every small open and shut of a cupboard, the curling of fingers against a tin of processed caf, and in the sudden spurt and bubble of hot water passing through a square of a metal filter.

Asmus and Kaile set to making breakfast together with a sort of lingering presence as if neither wanted the time to pass. Every minute, every second, were precious in their absolute normalcy. The flare of heat from the stove. The set of a pan. The crack of an egg against well-worn durasteel.

Asmus's actions were mirrored by Kaile's as she took the frozen rashers from the freezer and set them on the small counter beside him. Eyes met over the soft wafting curls of steam of cooking eggs. Silence lingered, but their conjoined gaze spoke volumes.

"Food almost done?" another startled jump, Mai's voice interjecting the brief respite. Kaile gave the feline a broad smile, slipping from Asmus' side as she went to check the coffee.

"Soon will be!" she assured her, chocolate brown eyes giving one last glance over her shoulder at the scoundrel.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Earlier in the trip they had talked about his aspirations. Often to Asmus it felt as if he drifted through life. He had set off on a grand adventure to avoid the path set out for him by his father, but more and more it had felt unfulfilling. Perhaps, in hindsight, he was now attributing that feeling to the past few months. Was it because Kaile had agreed that he could go on to do better things? Certainly his mind had already turned that way since Malia had Kairon talking more openly about a career in the Navy.

Nothing had ever felt like drifting more than these minutes. Such a short period of time, far more had been crammed in than any few days had a right to hold. Precious seconds slipping away but was there to do but go forwards? Nothing could make the time stretch out further. Mai's voice was a particularly unwelcome intrusion. As together, they finished serving up breakfast and every meeting of their eyes was another sharp jolt, another window into the past and future. As Kairon arrived, a plan formed in his mind.

Without shame he sidled his chair up beside Kaile's so he could place an arm across her shoulders before starting on his breakfast. All notions of not being hungry had long since fled at the smell of rashers and eggs frying together.

"Kairon, you alright if myself and Kaile go down to engineering and..."

"Ah have the morning off," Kairon replied with a shrug. The plan was entirely dispelled, but Asmus was not displeased.

"Oh sure. Alright. We can chill out or go chuck a ball around for a bit?" A few hours alone before they started to unload at Denon was what he'd been after.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

If there was ever any evidence that Asmus Janes could quickly bounce back from any bump in the round, it was then. Kaile didn't pay no mind to the arm round her shoulder, although the few spare glances from the Captain was rather comical as Kaile began to eat.

"Could go check over the Twins again," she added, scooping a forkful of eggs before slipping them into her mouth. In her mind, the Lorrdian was thinking of what she could do before she left. Perhaps it was a need to keep busy, a thought that formulated deep in the recesses of her mind that said that maybe that would make the time go by a bit slower. Rather silly to be honest.

"We could play another round," Kaile perked at that. More time spent regardless.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Twins are fine," Kairon grunted. "But that backup conduit needs a look please?"

"Of course," Asmus replied without any intention of giving the conduit a cursory check and returning hid attention to Kaile.

"I've got work up here to do then another game of ball before we come to denon."

Asmus' smile faded a touch at that word, but he out it aside and went back to finishing off his breakfast.

"Want to grab your tools?" he asked Kaile.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

“What’s wrong with the backup conduit?” Kaile asked, perking up a bit as she focused in on that comment. Work was work, and she could still work along side Asmus. And if she could help out the crew…

All the better.

“Yeah,” Kaile said, finishing up her meal. A few sips of that fresh caf and everything settled nicely in her belly. Warm and fed, it should have made her feel a bit better. To be truthsome, it really didn’t . Just felt empty.

Bobo scurried around and took a peep around. Apparently he was quite fascinated by Mai.
“I can do that after we clean up.”
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Down in efficiency. Either it needs replacing or the sensor does," Kairon replied simply.

"Half the damn sensors on this ship are on their way out, but she keeps limping on," Asmus chuckled.

A silence followed. Asmus looked concerned. Kaile wouldn't recognise the silence, but asmus did. It was the silence of an old pirate thinking up a punishment for a young man who had insulted his vessel.

"Let's go have a look then," Asmus said curtly, standing up from the table. They could check the sensors in a few minutes and dedicate the following hour to finding an appropriate way to saying goodbye.
[member="Asmus Janes"]


Such a simple word. Yet in the span of four days, meant a plethora of things. Signified so much. The pair took little time to clean up, Kairon waiving Kaile off to say he could take care of his own plate. Mai minded her own, but at the knowledge that the pair were going to go to the Engineering meant. She was going to avoid it by staying on the other side of the Quin. Her hearing worked just fine, and she wasn't about to subject herself to any possibility of overhearing things she rather not.

"Hmm, did you want to come with us Bobo?" Kaile would ask, gently tickling the side of his body. Seeing as how the lizard couldn't spend more than an hour away from his nutrient tube, it wasn't likely the best idea if they were going to take a while fixing whatever needed to get fixed.

"Just need to get 'em from your room," she told Asmus, walking the same path in reverse that they had just a while ago.

"Though I reckon ya'll probably have all I'd need anyways."
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus stole her hand as they made their way back to the room. He was a thief of time now, doomed to failure. First of all he would be stealing an hour with her. Later he would greedily grasp at minutes, before the last of the seconds slipped through his fingers.

Taking her things from his room was a reminder that it would all be gone soon.

"I don't expect it'll take much to check. Truth be told the local console might tell us the truth. But at least we get some peace for a time," he added with a smile.

"Can I hold Bobo again for a minute before he goes back in his tube?" he asked suddenly. He was swinging back and forth a little now, drifting through the morning.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

"Sure," Kaile replied with a half twitch at the corner of her mouth. Bobo gave a little scramble, having heard the request. However, with Kaile scooping him up in her hands, the tiny furred lizard soon was deposited within the palm of Asmus' hands.

"It takes a while for him to grow on people." she reinforced, one boot hitting the ladder well before she began lowering herself down.

"He means well, though." Which was true. While he might have had a little huff at being taken away from his favorite perch, having someone rub along his back and pet him generally softened Bobo into a more manageable state. Much like a cat, he responded to affection, if a bit aloof at times.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Bobo gave Asmus a defiant glare. Asmus was relatively immune to such things and continued to pet him anyway. The ysalmiri seemed to relent right before Asmus went for the ladder. Bobo scrabbled for his neck and clung tight. Despite the stinging sensation of the grip, Asmus chuckled as he climbed down the ladder.

Don't worry, it'll just be you and Kaile soon enough, he thought. Instead he said: "A shame he doesn't eat in a way. Could have brought you something interesting from another part of the galaxy for when we next pull into Denon."

Asmus left him where he was as they reached the ladder, the ysalmiri peeking his head out through this forest of his hair. He continued to receive attention on the walk round to the cabin.

"Not sure I've grown on him yet," he added.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Could have brought you something interesting from another part of the galaxy for when we next pull into Denon...

Ah, see, Kaile thought to herself, I won't be on Denon next time. She didn't know where she would be next, where the Big Guy would assign her to. Odds were, it wasn't going to be the best place, what with having to come back with her tail tucked in between her legs.
Not only was she not supposed to tell Kurt about who she really was, but now there was a civilian out there who could potentially place her and the Alliance in danger.

Not that Kaile thought Kurt would do anything. But it made things difficult. It meant she'd have to mind herself and stay low. Which meant, well... there ain't room for scoundrel pilots with a charming little boy smile.

"His bark is worse than his bite," Kaile told him, trying to keep her mind the next few hours were ticking on by.

"He likes you," she assured him, giving him a half smile over her shoulder. Had to keep active. Had to. Ain't no way she was going to break down any more than how he found her.

That wasn't fair nor was it right.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Aww and I'll miss you too little guy. Does he?" Asmus asked. "Bite I mean?"

Bobo decided that now was an appropriate time for a wide yawn. Asmus peered at the row of little white serrated teeth curiously.

"Those probably wouldn't even break the skin...Kaile... An ysalmiri can't grin can it?"

Whatever expression had crossed Bobo's face vanished the moment Kaile looked in their direction. Instead he was back to turning his head aside pliantly to allow Asmus to scratch his neck.

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