Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Royal Fantasia Gala: A Celebration of Nations


The rich certainly loved to prattle on. Were they getting paid per word, he wondered? They certainly seemed to treat it like it was. Firrerreo kept a calm expression as the organizers of this event stood on their personal stages and spoke. Lauded their own family. To his credit, his annoyance wasn't clear on his face. If anything, the fact it was Taelie Raaf had him more excited than the outright disdain he felt for the rich here.

The Mother of Monsters.

The longer he spent at the Academy trying to learn about Alchemy and the art of Sithspawning, the more her name continued to crop up. She was practically the mad creator of likely a hundred different strands and species. No, even more. There was nothin quite like seeing an idol to calm his disgruntled state. No flickering of silver on his otherwise golden skin here, he was plenty content.

His eyes shifted, though, as he felt eyes. Well, no he didn't, the familiar with him caught that for him. Zarava Dekki Zarava Dekki . He smiled in turn, giving her a brief wave from where he stood. At least he wasn't the only Acolyte here among the masses. Then again, wasn't her sponsor here? That might be why. He let out a sigh, turning his gaze towards where he could smell the meals.

Hopefully they'd stop talking soon so he could go feast on some good food.
Was it normal to be related to everyone up there? Ivalyn was a cousin, Aerys was his aunt, and Taeli was his grandmother. Kai was pretty sure it wasn't normal, but the more they talked the more he wanted to shrink away to the library. Yet, as he looked around the ballroom, his eyes fell to the younger ones there. He didn't know them Rosalia Aros Rosalia Aros for example, and Zarava Dekki Zarava Dekki and Firrerreo Firrerreo and so he tugged on his suit and ran a hand through his hair. Kai looked around again and spotted the old guard Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn and inwardly Kai grimaced. Of course he was here, with however many Raafs and Yvarros were there. He pushed his lips to the side, maybe if Ami had been on the shuttle the ilk of Darth Strosius Darth Strosius would not have been able to get him or his siblings.

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted his mother and father quietly making their way toward him. The boy found his siblings not too far from him, and while he knew he should stay with them. He just wanted to be by himself, there were so many people there. He started to freak out a little, eyes going wide, a bantha with their eyes caught in the lights. Nervously, he started to step back, and took a deep breath and then exhaled. No, he could do this, he could do this, and somewhere between his aunt introducing the Queen and the singing of the new anthem. Kai found himself getting closer to one of the acolytes. He wasn't sure who the kid was but offered up, "apologies, sorry." The fifteen year old with amethyst eyes and black hair, whose features matched Lady Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf it would unmistakable as to who he belonged to, or with, depending on perspective.

Then as if things couldn't get worse as he was trying to make his way out of the crowded ballroom, he ran into a gold-skinned guy. From the looks maybe he was a student, Kai wasn't sure, "sorry, excuse me, just trying to... uh, get some air." Kai needed to just relax but each moment all he could think of was the amount of inquisitorial troopers that grabbed him and his siblings from the shuttle. "Apologies," he offered again trying to get by another person.

[Opening for Kal-El Kal-El ]

Empyrean ignored the crowds, the speech, and he didn't need the off handed guidance from the would be supplicants to guide him towards his wife. In spite of the various entities, the fog of other auras, her's yet shined in the darkness. He knew her as he knew himself, in spirit and soul they were one and the same. There would be no separation in any thing, even if they stood on different sides of the barrier called death.​
But that lack of separation felt sharp even now. He could feel her latent anger, her focus on him - but more than that, more that only they could tell in the subtle currents of their bond, he could feel her sadness. It was his too. Like another child birthed between them, it was raised by his words and their mutual failures - but he knew even then, it was his failures that had led them here. Nobody knew what plan they had set out, of what would come in the years should nothing change.​
It was a looming shadow, a dagger already in the heart waiting to be pulled out so they could bleed to death in agonizing marriage. He could not feel anxiety, not feel sadness as it had once driven its claws into him - but it yet stirred his cold body to know how he wife felt. It made his focus absolute, the words and music, the speech and bravado, all faded into nothing. There was only him and her - them, together, forever until the day would come they would retreat from the galaxy at large.​
When his sins were carved into the stars.​
He was before her before he could even realize he crossed the room, and his empty metal gaze looked upon her with the slightest hint of sadness - sadness only she would know reflected in phrik orbs. Some murmured even still of the Caesar who had come home to Rome, the Mors Mon crossing the Rubicon - but for him, this was his greatest hurdle. To speak to a wife he had asked to commit unto herself a cross too heavy to bear. The only time he could not save them both, their children, their empire, from the cost of his mistakes.​
In these moments, he wished he was religious. That there would be a god he could pray to, just to feel the solace of nothing whispering back to him the soft comforts he needed. But there was no God, nor Gods to save him.​
He was God now, and it felt all the more lonely in divinity.​
"Hello, my sun and stars.", he said after a softest, most painful second of silence he had ever felt, exceeding even his own death.​
He wanted to ask her to dance, but it was her who must break this canyon he had carved in the mountain of their love. Romance would build their bridge, love their foundation, but it was not his to force. It was hers, to respond as she wished, so that he might abide by her needs. It was always to be her needs, which made it all the more painful what he had asked of her.​
He would offer Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex no glance, nor even the subtle hint he had noticed him because in truth, he simply hadn't. In this moment, there was only him and her. Them. The singularity.​


Kurayami was content on the outer edges of the packed crowd as Taeli made her address to the gathering. The Corellian smirked sipping at his flask all the while, it was all so stock standard. One side thanking the other for deigning to show up to such events as if the Sith were so far above the Commonwealth. He had felt the means by which Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean entered the gathering. Grandiose and overwrought, much the same things some might think about the gala itself he was sure. Either way, it didn't concern him how everyone decided to enter or exit the gala itself so long as everything was done by the rules set down. Flashy may not have been his personal style, but it worked for Empyrean, so more power to the man.

Meanwhile, Taeli finished her speech and Aerys began hers. This was seemingly a reinforcement of what Ivalynn and Taeli had already stated. Nothing jaw dropping or surprising in that fact. Right after this was a recorded message from the High Queen herself. Kurayami nodded, whether or not the woman's consort had truly had a child, it was the perfect cover to keep her away from such a gathering should it go south. All signs as of now showed that such a thing was highly unlikely and for that he was more than thankful, it would be such a sad thing to lose all this great architecture because someone couldn't keep their mouth shut when they should have known better. The High Queen's speech ended with the introduction and playing of a new national anthem. A fine selection he had to admit.

Ivalynn once more took the podium to thank those whom had addressed the crowd, as well as the celebrants themselves. This in addition to opening the bar room and banquet hall at long last. As he wandered more into the crowd, he felt the familiar feeling of someone watching him, and closed his eyes, sighing as the namana liquor provided him with its comforting burn once more. There had been a strange feeling attached to the feeling of being watched. Anger? Resentment? It was hard to tell, perhaps it was neither of these it was entirely possible the other party was simply trying to figure out if he was someone they knew or not. That wasn't what was important o him though, he was curious as to what it was and who had caused the feeling. Even in the large crowd he had managed to pin down the direction and began to weave through people in said direction. He would catch up with the others soon. He had an inkling when he caught sight of one of the Acolyte aged students stumbling through the crowd.

Kaivaan Raaf Kaivaan Raaf | Open



Tags: Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro , Kaivaan Raaf Kaivaan Raaf , Kal-El Kal-El

Politics. Zarava never had to deal with them before until now. More often than not she avoided the topic, and basically just did whatever she wanted back home. She rarely got into trouble, for the simple fact that she had never been caught by the authorities. Not that she stole anything of extreme value in the first place so that she would always remain under the radar. There were plenty of politicians who had used their spaceports, and from her experience with those people, politicians were snobs. However, she wasn't that naive and knew that politics was an important aspect of how the world ran itself. Zarava had no intention of getting into the likes of politics, but she doubted that she was going to be given much of a choice on that matter being with the Sith order.

Zarava was content with simply standing by herself for the most part. She had no reason to converse with anyone other than the person who sponsored her. Not to mention that she could simply eavesdrop on any conversations that were happening close to her to get any information that she needed. Most of the people here she didn't recognize and some of the individuals who attended had an aura about them that made her instincts scream that they were dangerous.

Movement caught her attention at the corner of her eye as she looked at a boy around her age with dark hair. He seemed to be at the edge of the crowd that was surrounding Fiolette. One of her eyebrows raised at the gesture, and he noticed that he did that to a couple of other acolytes who were here as well. Did he want something? Maybe he was important. The young redhead began to make her way over toward Kaivaan Raaf Kaivaan Raaf , although she kept some distance between them as she didn't want to draw too close. Zarava after a small grin and a wave of her own, but didn't spark up a conversation as the speeches seemed to be starting.

The teenager watched as Taeli Raaf took the stage and talked about the alliance that they had with the Commonwealth. She listened to the mention of the First Order, one of the few groups that her lovely mother had mentioned in her few history lessons. Her blue eyes looked around at the gathered crowd, and it made her wonder if this whole event was for an alliance that the Sith had with the Commonwealth, what was the reason for having all of the added security? It didn't make sense to the young redhead, as she thought that allies were supposed to trust one another.

Not to mention with so many powerful people around, if they were worried about an attack from a third party, she was sure that whoever it was would be destroyed in a matter of seconds. From where she stood, the Commonwealth didn't trust the Sith in the slightest, not that she could blame them as going through the trials in the Academy showed her the true colors of the Sith.

Someone else walked to the pedestal, someone named Aerys Fortan who was related to Taeli Raaf. Zarava made sure to make note of the connection and watched as someone in a red uniform made their way up. As the other woman began to speak, she shifted her stance slightly and stuck her hands in her suit pockets. Much of this speech was also the same, as Aerys spoke of the alliance they had with the Sith and remaining strong through any future challenges they would face. Once the lady in red was done, Zarava watched as the screen came down to play a message from the Queen, a name that she would make sure to remember in the future. The message was soon over, and Zarava had to do everything in her power to keep a bored look from spreading across her face as the groups entered the ballroom.

Soon after, she watched as the dark-haired boy who had waved at her started to grow closer to her, and Zarava couldn't help but lean away from how close he was. She had no intention of letting anyone get too close to her, and she looked him over as if there was something wrong as he apologized. A quizzical look replaced the neutral expression that she had on her face the entire time that she had been here. Then, out of nowhere, the boy began to make his way out of the ballroom, seemingly panicked for some reason. Even to the point of walking into another person. Zarava thought for several seconds, her eyes darting between Fiolette and a boy she did not know. She wanted to remain close to her sponsor to gather as much information as possible, but at the same time, she could acquire that information whenever. As far as she knew, her sponsor would be part of her life for a while.

Zarava sighed to herself as she walked after Kaivaan Raaf Kaivaan Raaf , her hands remaining in her pants pockets as she walked. Her blue eyes looked at the acolyte that he had practically run into and recognized the golden-skinned boy from the academy. She would offer him a small nod before turning her attention to the raven-haired boy. "Hey, are you okay?" Zarava asked, filling her voice with concern, though it wasn't completely genuine. However, when spoken, it sounded like she truly cared about the other's wellbeing. She didn't get closer to the two boys, not wanting to panic Kaivaan further.


Fiolette clapped at the end of the speeches, each one resonating deeply with her. Ivalyn, Taeli, and Aerys' words were a testament to the evening, celebrating the historical alliance, the perseverance of the nation, and the hope for the future. Of all the speeches, Aerys' tugged at her heart the most. It wasn't just the words she spoke but the way she looked up there. Fiolette and Taeli should have been the ones who raised her, and her name should be Fortan-Raaf. It was clear, though, Aerys had made her choice and was happy for it.

As she scanned the room, her eyes fell on her oldest daughter, Nerralyn. The coldness in Nerralyn's demeanor was palpable, a stark reminder of the strained family ties. Fiolette had hoped time would heal these wounds, but the chill in Nerralyn's gaze told her that the scars ran deep. It was a painful reality to accept, but Fiolette remained determined to keep trying, to keep reaching out.

Her grandchildren, scattered around the room, felt like strangers to her. Their unfamiliar faces and distant interactions were a stark contrast to the warmth she had envisioned. She longed to know them, to be a part of their lives, but the years of estrangement had created a divide that seemed insurmountable. Still, Fiolette clung to hope, believing that with time and effort, bridges could be rebuilt.

Among the gathered dignitaries and attendees, Fiolette noticed Zarava Dekki, the young red-haired acolyte she and Taeli were sponsoring. Zarava's presence was a small beacon of light in the otherwise heavy atmosphere. The young acolyte's enthusiasm and potential were reminders of the future, of the possibilities that lay ahead. Fiolette found solace in the fact that they could still make a positive impact on someone's life, even if their own family bonds were strained.

With this in mind, Fiolette decided to reach out to the young woman. Crossing the ballroom, dressed in her black naval uniform with gold accents and a lilac-lined cape, she watched for a moment and then noticed Kai. Her grandson, the poor lad, was likely having something of a panic attack. She knew this would be a bit much for him so soon after having been recovered. Quietly and politely, she walked toward the pair.

"Kai," Fiolette calmly spoke his name, seeing the panic in his wide, bewildered amethyst eyes. "Thank you, Zarava, isn't it? Fiolette Raaf. This is my grandson, Kaivaan."

Kai looked between the two, and Fiolette glanced around, spotting Kurayami. She gave a small incline of her head; he would be watching from a distance. "Kai, why don't you go with Zarava here and get some fresh air? The gardens might be lovely, and then perhaps you can spend time in the library." That's where the boy likely should've been from the start, but he so desperately wanted to prove that he was alright.

The young man only nodded and gave Zarava a pleading look. "Zarava, my wife and I will speak with you later on in the evening, perhaps in the Banquet Hall."

Fiolette turned and gave a sidelong look toward Taeli, sharing through their bond her suspicions regarding Kai. Once she was sure Kai would be alright, the once Lord Admiral stepped away just as the conductor took over and a more lively, party-like atmosphere began to kick in. One of her granddaughters, Lucette, if she remembered correctly, quickly joined her.

"Nan, will Kai be alright?"

"Oh, yes, I'm quite sure he will be. The lad just needs a bit of air. Will you come with me to greet nana Taeli?" Fiolette inquired with a smile.

Lucette nodded and walked with her grandmother to meet Taeli at the side of the stage. They weren't the only ones to be greeted; Ivalyn and Aerys had just stepped down from the stage as well.

"Wonderful speeches, ladies, and Taeli," Fiolette added warmly.

Lucette gave her mother a side hug and looked over at nana Taeli with admiration. Ivalyn gave a bow to everyone. "Respectfully, I have a date. So I'll speak with all of you later." She booped Lucette's nose with the tip of her index finger and hurried off to find Merryn.

Aerys looked between her mothers and then at her daughter. "Well, we'd really love to—"

"Maybe we can have some desserts later, or maybe you can come by the house. That'd be cool," the fourteen-year-old nonchalantly added. "C'mon, Mom."

Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn | Zarava Dekki Zarava Dekki | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Open to Interaction

Fiolette only answered, "We will most certainly discuss it, Lucette." She exhaled only after Aerys and Lucette were out of earshot. "Right, my love, I believe we have a few people to mingle with." She offered her arm to her wife.


"I've some shapeshifting capabilities now, actually. If you'd like, I can easily make sure none recognize me on Eshan. Don't want to make any problems for the First Princess with a scandalous fiancé, mm?" Alina flashed a fangless smile to accentuate her point. She hummed softly, idly swirling a glass of a rather red wine. No anima from any of the guests or employees. Just some left over from the air around them, coalesced into a neat little cup for her to savor and enjoy.

There was no extravagant dress on the Sangnir's form this time around. Instead, she wore a sleek suit, tailored perfectly to her size. Black, naturally. She paused her sip, though, at the mention of Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr . There was a subtle twitch of her brow, at that even.

"So my dear sister's ex boyfriend was trying to poach my beloved? Mm. You're giving me less reasons not to keep my promise to not kick his door in again now." She hummed softly, setting her glass, full as it was, on the tray of a passing server. That'd be interesting for them to figure out, eventually.

"Indeed we should. Don't need her to think you need to find another suitor, mm? I'm a terribly jealous, as it turns out."

Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin


Wearing | Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Thessa Kai Thessa Kai | Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell | Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro | Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

Greetings with the Yvarro-Raaf family were done, he quietly listened to the opening ceremony and following speeches. This was, in distilled essence, the introduction of the Commonwealth to the wider galaxy. Mainly the Sith galaxy, but there were enough businesses here and the Trade Federation to consider it an introduction in his eyes.

After the speeches were done, accolades had, the Gala was getting fully underway. Makai noted the appearance of teenagers and gave a wry smile. It reminded him of the days he and Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell were left to their own devices at these things, trying to make their own fun while their parents conducted business.

Speaking of business, it looked like his father was being called away in a sense. Either way, Makai had an objective to keep his mother away from some of the more...corpse-like Sith. Considering he could always eat, abandoning the main group for the banquet sounded great.

Makai looped his arm through his mother's, leading her towards the smell of food.

"You know, if these things have crabcakes, I always attempt to eat my weight in them." Makai chuckled. "I see tonight they have salmon canapes. I think its our duty as two partially-aquatic species that we should discern the quality of the salmon several times over."


"Perhaps we can discuss more this evening about the Centrality. To be frank, that was more Makai, Myra's and Danger's project than my own. However, we would like to have long-term ties in the region."

Business could always be discussed later or a meeting set up in the future with Miss Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf . Judah had been away during that time period and had only been able read about the project and see the half-way point. However, he was able to take over at this point, with Makai and Myra married the old salvager knew his son's focus was turning back to focusing on expanding the mining and extraction business of the companies. However, he was aware that himself, the kids, and Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau wanted to continue to deepen their ties in the area.

Opening ceremonies and speeches were underway, he listened with his wife and son before Makai suggested to take Thessa Kai Thessa Kai elsewhere. Given she had already quietly mentioned to him she wished she had her blaster (which would be usless here), it was wise to have her off and away and distracted by their son.

Grabbing a drink from a passing waiter, Judah figured he would have to mingle for awhile. Salacia Consolidated was doing business in the region and as such, it was important to be present and wander around. His gaze had spotted an interaction with the Trade Federation and a sulk-off by a blonde ( Saryn Zambrano Saryn Zambrano ) earlier and wondered what was going on there.

Business deal gone wrong? Seemed far too early in the party for such things.

This wasn't his usual scene, otherwise he would have made his way over and asked and got a touch of gossip. Not that the business world had exciting gossip, but Judah liked to keep abreast of the Trade Federation. Their control of the hyperlanes demanded it.

Thessa nodded to Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf . She could respect another woman who took the time to do things the hard way. Get to know faces and people rather than rely on a sticky slip. The middle-aged woman gave Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell a small squeeze before her son dragged her away toward the food.

"A dance later? For old time's sake?"

Thessa couldn't help the pride welling in her chest about who he turned out to be. A good head on his shoulders in a 'verse that threatened to make even the sanest turn otherwise.

"It's only fair," she agreed with her son. "I think I see some sashimi, too and seaweed crisps. How kind of our hosts." Coming to the banquet buffet, Thessa released Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell 's arm and took a plate. As she put some items on her plate, she gave her son a closer look.

"You okay? You seem a little nervous."

Thessa had to wonder was it the room full of darksiders or her?


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Thessa Kai Thessa Kai

"Nervous? No..." about incredibly worried and distracted. I've only sent my wife about eighty messages tonight to ensure she's okay.In fact, I need to check and see if she replied. Why, you ask? Oh, nothing major, just pregnant with your first grandchild. I've got to haul ass to Fondor for her appointment after this. Should get to see the little blob for the first time. If all is going well, of course.

Why haven't we told you and the family? Oh, just trying to game the system so you guys won't know she was actually pregnant when we got married. Not like we knew either, talk about a surprise.

Just balancing that secret, working, and being away from my now-growing family. No big deal Mom.

"...just tired from working is all. Trying to open several mines at once. Not all of them need my presence but it's still a bit to juggle."

He plastered on the boyish grin he was typically known for.It wasn't a complete lie, but no one could know the truth just quite yet. It wasn't as if Ellie was showing anyway - they were waiting until the last possible moment.

"How about you? You come all this way to hang out with Sith...oh, and Dad. Tough night for you."



Jhyrack had always spoken less when he wanted something done. By contrast he was usually talkative when relaxing. He still listened to every word.

He was not relaxing here, despite it being a social gathering.

Whilst he had met outsiders many times and had some understanding of their cultures - including a full briefing on this event from his advisors - he felt out of place.

His home was grand in its own way. Angular lines and iconography carved out of the blue-grey stone. This hall was light and open and ornately decorated. The people were dressed to impress, a collision of cultures and colours.

Jhyrack wore simple robes of black and red that hung loosely from his broad shoulders. He wanted to emphasise the sith heritage of his home, a small and unimportant world just beyond the fringes of sith space.

In the midst of the throng, with most of his bulk above it, the fearless warlord felt slightly uncomfortable, almost nervous. He would not admit to that, not when he had grand ambitions that extended beyond his world.

A drink would help. Or six, given the thimbles these small humans served their drinks in.

Kaivaan Raaf Kaivaan Raaf | Zarava Dekki Zarava Dekki | Firrerreo Firrerreo | Rosalia Aros Rosalia Aros | Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro | @Everyone Else & @Any Fellow Acolytes

Tugging at the neck of the long-sleeved academy undershirt, Kal-El simply groaned at his apparel. These formal outfits were rarely comfortable, and even weightless and flexible as the uniform was, Kal simple felt the opposite problem wearing this uniform. He simply felt naked with how light the outfit felt, and he would rather his robes and old boots. Those felt like he was wearing something of substance and weight than these more fashionable yet utilitarian uniforms.

Adjusting the cuffs of the uniform, Kal could not deny he at least looked good in this uniform. A small part of his mind thought he could do better if he had the chance of selecting his own clothes, but no one could go wrong with a formal undershirt, pants, and boots. The only real obstacles left would be entering the party without being barred from entry.

That is what the service doors were for, assuming the uniform alone did not grant him entry. This was supposed to be a gathering of Commonwealth and Sith alike, and Kal figured that, for once, he would not need to take an alternative route and attend the party by his own means.

Standing outside the palace doors, Kal-El simply waited before introducing himself to the security detail at the entrance. A few moments passed as Kal-El knew he was most likely one of the bottom few on the list. To the Sith, Kal-El may as well have been a second-class citizen in terms of his ranking on the hierarchy. The Commonwealth would simply see him as another recruit of the Sith Order. Not that he cared all that much about what either thought of him, but it was important to at least be aware of such standings.

That knowledge kept him alert and proactive to stop many attempts on either his dignity, personal belongings, or--in the rare case--his life.

Let's just hope they do not ask where my sponsor is.

Luckily, for the party and for himself, there was no issue to be found. The guard simply ushered Kal-El through as the young man's amber eyes began viewing carefully in the interior decoration and architecture of the palace. As he began wading his way through the different socialites and rooms, Kal wondered if maybe he should have used a side entrance. At least he would not have to bother with the hassle of moving around and dealing with so many people. That and perhaps he could have found a better view of not only the festivities but also a vantage point to observe each person as well as each entrance and exit, to note down for later.

Event or not, his guard would not be let down around other acolytes or anyone that may want to cause him trouble. Unlikely given how public this event was, but letting one's guard down even in a place like this never sat right with him. It looked like it did not sit right with the Commonwealth either considered how armed to the teeth they were for a simple gala.

While he made his way to the ballroom, Kal could make out the murmurs from certain individuals about his attire or, rather, lack of. He rolled his eyes a little before chuckling.

Behind me.

Not so much a thought as trained instinct and honed senses culminating into one singular truth. Someone was moving close and fast towards him. Here? Now? Of all places and times? Kal turned around quickly to at least get eyes on who was approaching him. This . . . this was not someone he recognized at all. No sign of the academy uniform either. Kal did not know this person. No, that was wrong. There was a familiarity there.

As Kal listened to Kaivaan Raaf Kaivaan Raaf 's brief and hurried apology as the two briefly bumped shoulders, Kal kept his eyes on the young man's back as confusion overwrote Kal's features. Was something wrong? A case of gala fright? Whatever it was, the stranger's heart rate was through the roof. Right now, however, Kal chose to be patient and wait before acting. Observing as the stranger briefly bumped into other acolytes, a few of which Kal recognized right away.

Zarava Dekki Zarava Dekki . She had gotten into the thick of it rather quickly.

Kal kept to the sidelines for now, listening to the conversation. He did not need to be near them or look their direction either to get the details. Garden and then library. He could meet the pair at either location. But, first, Kal-El needed to focus on helping Zarava and this Kaivaan without stealing her spotlight. It seems she caught the full attention of two rather important individuals. One who went by the name of Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro .

And he would not take even a little bit of that away from her.

So he did what anyone would do in this situation. Kal visited where all the beverages were being held.

I find the lack of variety of tea . . . disturbing.

Stacking several different drinks atop a serving tray, Kal began grabbing every non-alcoholic drink he could fit upon the tray. It was easy when he could smell the alcohol in whichever drink he did not need at the moment. Lifting the tray up with one hand, Kal simply made his way towards the garden. His biggest trial getting there?

Making sure no one touched these drinks until he reached the garden.


Entering the garden, Kal-El barely spent even a moment to examine his surroundings and instead concentrating on locating Zarava and her new friend. Locking eyes on the two of them, Kal began to slowly pace himself over to the pair. No need to appear all that imposing, if that was even possible with the low-ranking uniform he wore. If anything, maybe his scar might scare the pair more than his horrid dress sense.

"It's a jungle out there," Kal quipped as he approached Kaivaan Raaf Kaivaan Raaf and Zarava Dekki Zarava Dekki , "I had to beat an old lady with a stick to get these drinks."

He offered the tray to the pair. One of each drink, for variety's sake. A simple smile tainted with a little anxiety. He sure hoped he was not imposing. This was one of the few times he felt anxious about helping someone.

"I figured the pair of you could use a little pick-me-up. I got one of everything."

A small shrug followed, like none of this was a big deal. It was not supposed to be a big deal. He really hoped it was not a big deal.

In and out, Kal. You check on the both of them, make sure they are okay, and then leave. No sense in taking away Zara's spotlight when she got two important people interested in her.

If anything, remaining under the radar for the most part served him quite well. No one paid attention to him whenever he chose to do something. It made everything so much easier without a pair of eyes or a dozen over his shoulder.



Tags: Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro Kaivaan Raaf Kaivaan Raaf Kal-El Kal-El

Family. Zarava didn't have anyone that she would consider to be part of her family. Other than her immediate parents, there was nothing that she knew about her extended family. Thinking about it now, Zarava wondered if it was a way to control her so that she wouldn't go looking for any other sources of refuge and be stuck with her. It was possible, but also not likely, as her mother only started to change for the worse after the death of her father. However, it might have been her just showing her true colors for the first time in her life. There was a chance that there was a more extended family out there, but her ability to look for them had been snuffed out once the Sith had gotten custody of her. Zarava knew that she would be fine working alone for the most part, and would do everything she could to ignore the suffocating feeling of loneliness as much as possible.

The raven-haired boy was panicking over something, whatever it was, Zarava wasn't able to pinpoint. She was certainly the last person who was qualified in trying to calm someone down. The Acolyte already knew that her social skills weren't as good as compared to others, but it was starting to look like it would have to do. It was then that movement caught her eye at the edge of her vision. Her attention turned away from the panicking boy to the figure of Fiolette making their way toward the three Acolytes. The teenager made sure to stand up straighter as her sponsor approached. Her attention was solely on the woman in front of her as she addressed the person that she had gone to console. It seemed like she had made the right choice, as Kaivaan was her sponsor's grandson. She couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at having made the right move that would give her even more favoritism for those who were sponsoring her. It took a second for Zarava to realize that Fiolette's last name was Raaf. Just like Taeli's last name. Married maybe? Regardless, from the sounds of it, they were closely connected to one another somehow.

Zarava would blink a couple of times when she realized that Fiolette was trusting her to take care of her grandson. Another test. It had to be. Zarava had a hunch that after the trials of the Academy, there would be more tests for her to be subjected to. The young redhead knew that she was more than capable, and compared to the trials this task seemed easy in comparison. The acolyte gave a curt nod of her head toward Fiolette before speaking. "Yes ma'am," Zarava stated curtly, but she still wasn't sure if that was the correct way to properly address the other woman.

She had grown up most of her life being casual, only having to address her parents. She never had talked to anyone who was remotely in power before. Her attention would flicker to Kaivaan, noticing his pleading look. Seemed like he really wanted to get out of there. Zarava had no idea where the gardens were, but they couldn't be that hard to find. Zarava nodded her head again, and it clicked that she had been right that Fiolette was married to Taeli Raaf. Two powerful individuals. She was able to quell the dread that started to develop in the pit of her stomach. What had she gotten herself into?

Her attention would drift to the scarred Acolyte that she had met before the trials had even started. It seemed like he was hanging back despite having been bumped into by a panicked Kaivaan. Zarava didn't know what his plan was when he moved away to go somewhere. Her attention was drawn back to Kaivaan raising her arm to usher him toward the doors. "Come on, let's get some fresh air," Zarava said as she walked with him. It didn't take long for her to find the garden. It was beautiful, and she felt a pain that developed in her chest as it reminded her of the nature on her homeworld that she would never see again. The flora was different than Elrood, but it was in stark comparison when it came to the city planet of Jutrand. Zarava was able to find a small sitting area nestled in the garden, her eyes flickering around to see whether they were followed. If Kaivaan was panicking, he had a good reason to be. Was someone after him? This test couldn't be that simple, could it?

Zarava leaned up against one of the benches and didn't sit herself down so that she could remain alert. She didn't have the likes of a lightsaber, and her use of the force wasn't as developed as she would have liked. Her blue eyes would then look back to the grandson of Fiolette. "How are you holding up?" Zarava asked in a calm voice, not wanting him to freak out even further. While she waited for an answer, she adjusted the suit that she was wearing and put her hands into her pockets. The teenager would notice movement out of the corner of her eye, causing her head to snap in the direction. Her body only relaxed a fraction when she noticed that it was Kal-El Kal-El , with a tray of drinks. Zarava appreciated the slow approach, as when it came to the other Acolytes, she didn't trust any of them. She had a small alliance with one of her classmates, but she wasn't sure how long it would stay like that.

She was glad to have the other Acolyte here, as he would be a lot better at holding a conversation than she would. Her priority now was keeping Kaivaan safe, even if there was already plenty of security spread throughout the venue. The redhead couldn't help but let a soft laugh through her nose at his joke about the drinks. It was rare, to find anyone that had a sense of humor, at least from those that she encountered. For the most part, everyone she had encountered was worrying just like she was about their life and surviving what the Sith threw at them. A relaxed grin replaced the neutral expression that she had been wearing most of the night. "I appreciate you going through all the trouble then," The young Acolyte responded and looked over the drinks that he had for a couple of moments. A part of her brain wondered if any of the drinks were poisoned, as she hadn't been the one to grab them herself.

However, it would be rude not to accept the drink either, and the last thing she wanted was to make someone upset tonight. So, she decided to grab one drink that had a reddish hue to it and cradled the drink close. Zarava didn't drink it just yet, as she wanted to see if anyone drank before her to see if they turned out okay. "How are you enjoying the festivities?" Zarava asked Kal off-handedly, as she was just trying to spark conversation. Her voice remained soft, in case Kaivaan didn't want to be around a lot of noise. Despite wanting to talk, she remained alert of her surroundings, occasionally stopping to look around the garden, before turning her attention back to the two boys.



Well now this was interesting. Firrerreo's gaze shifted as he followed the only familiar faces he knew now. They were pulling off to the side it seemed. Was one of them, the one he didn't recognize, nervous? Well, they weren't all Sit here, but, maybe that'd be useful in it's own way? He smiled faintly before he slipped from his wall flowering to head over to the trio.

"It's quite the fun event, isn't it?"

He had no problem inserting himself, though at least he brought his own drink as he took a slow sip. The now owl on his shoulder glanced between the three as he instead looked over the view.

Zarava Dekki Zarava Dekki | Kaivaan Raaf Kaivaan Raaf | Kal-El Kal-El
Iced-azure eyes narrowed on her son as she saw right past that sweet smile of his. He used to give the same smile as a baby when his diaper was full and ready to be changed. Did he just not want to tell her what was going on?

"Your dad isn't so bad to hang out with. We're figuring things out," she gave him a small nudge with her shoulder. "And the sith. As long as they keep their lightsabers and space magic away from my family we won't have problems." A fierce protective gaze over her grown son. When had he gotten so tall and self-confident?

Stepping closer, she lowered her voice as she looked at the rest of those digging into food at the tables.

"This might not be the place but you know you can chat with me about anything. Right honey?"

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

As he stumbled, trying to steady himself, Kai collided with a young redhead. The momentary jolt broke his spiraling panic. With a quick attempt to regain composure, he recalled the breathing exercises his grandmother had taught him. The teen, appearing to be of his own age, asked if he was okay with a voice that conveyed genuine concern. Kai, barely above a whisper, admitted, "No."

Just then, his other grandmother approached. He looked up at her, nodded in acknowledgment, and followed her suggestion to head towards the garden. Stepping out into the open, Kai felt an immediate sense of relief. The suffocating press of the crowd was replaced by the cool, open air and the gentle rustling of leaves. Here, he could finally regain control over his spiraling emotions.

In the serene gardens of the Royal Fantasia Gala, where meticulously manicured hedges and vibrant floral displays created a tranquil oasis, Kai found peace. The lush greenery and the soft, moonlit glow cast by the garden's lanterns offered a stark contrast to the overwhelming crowd he had just escaped.

As he took a moment to gather himself, a boy with a distinctive scar on his face approached him, offering a glass. Unsure of the gesture, Kai hesitated before gingerly accepting the drink. He squinted at the glass, his curiosity piqued. He took a cautious sniff—no trace of alcohol—and a delicate sip. The effervescence tickled his senses, "Oh, that's one of those carbonated ones," he noted, feeling the sharp citrus flavor dance on his tongue. "It's, uh, pretty citrusy—tangy, at least."

Turning to the boy with the scar, Kai managed a grateful smile. "Uh, thanks. My name's Kai. Who're you?"

He then glanced at the redhead, whom he recalled being named Zarava. "Thanks for checking on me," he said, a hint of apology in his voice. "Sorry about the awkward introduction."

Feeling a bit more at ease now that the crush of the crowd was behind him, Kai continued, "I'm a lot better now that I don't have everyone pushing up on me. It's a long story, but I appreciate it."

"Yeah, it's quite the party," he added with a nervous chuckle. "My aunt says the music's supposed to get better after all the adults finish their boring stuff." Kai, still unsure of the social dynamics at play, tried to make conversation. He wasn't accustomed to mingling with so many people his age.

From the back of the garden, another boy emerged. This one was strikingly different, with gold-hued skin. Kai tilted his head, trying to recall his earlier knowledge. Firr... Firrerreo? he wondered to himself, hoping he remembered correctly. "It's, well, it will be, there's plenty of drinks and food too." He took a step away from Zarava and the boy with the scar, approaching the gold-skinned lad. "The gardens aren't so bad either. So, uh, where are you all from?"


He needn't say anything in response, the faintest touch was all that was required to convey His affirmation. Long ago had they moved beyond the requirement for words to convey their feelings, now only a quick touch or a glance sufficed. Many often misconstrued their intimacy as romantic, and rumors swirled about secret trysts and children born far from the eyes of the Empire. Conspiracies burned like wildfire through the ears of those who cared to listen, some even circulated by the Dark Lord's own agents.

The truth was far less salacious. The Dark Lord of the Kainate and the Empress' intimacy had little to do with romance, but rather something that bordered on a shared kinship. Though they hailed from different cultures, they had found much that was similar between them. Their alliance was strong, and it's true nature concealed through the deliberate misdirection employed through the conspiracies born from it. In reality, the Dark Lord and the Sith Empress conspired to ensure the Sith would endure.

Unbeknownst to the vast majority of the Empire, Srina Talon had given birth to twins. They had been kept hidden from the galaxy, secreted away where no one but their mother could find them. Darth Carnifex had been brought to the children by the Empress to instruct them in the Sith arts. For four years the Dark Lord had supervised the twin's education and training, but now they had been moved beyond His direct control and placed into the Empire's academy system.

All depended on their success now, and the Dark Lord was resolute on ensuring they succeeded.

"I will give him time to compose himself, it seems as though the honorable Viceroy of the Trade Federation had turned down his offer. When he is ready, I shall go to him." A spark of anger did smolder in His chest. Though He could not blame the Viceroy for his rejection, He nonetheless felt offended that he had done so. To deny one of His own was almost tantamount to denying Him in turn, but the Dark Lord had warned the Nabooian princeling that things could not go his way.

Srina's question surprised Him, something that was very difficult to do. He took a moment to think, to ruminate on His answer. When He did answer, it was through a soft voice, one only she could hear. "It is not so different from the Sith, my lady Talon. All have pride, all desire to be the object of your desire. It is knowing how to balance it all, and where to leverage your own skill. You are Sith, but you are not like our kind in many ways. And neither does Empyrean's condition do you any favors, not with the worm gnawing at his heart. It is your burden to bear, though I will heed your call."

As though the Dark Lord's words were laced with prophecy, the Emperor himself arrived; much to the surprise, and often horror, of those attending. The Sith Emperor was little more than a mangled corpse held together by powers unnatural, the insidious miasma of the worm giving animation to a body cloven in twain. Monstrous to behold, a wound in the Force. All his sins and iniquities carved right into his flesh, his body an unliving edifice to the true malignancy of the Dark Side's promise.

As Darth Carnifex embodied the raw passion and cruel regality of the dark, so did Darth Empyrean embody its abject brutality and grotesque malfeasance. In that way, they were two sides of the same coin.

All fled from the Emperor as he approached, all but the Empress and the Dark Lord of the Kainate. Carnifex said nothing, made no move to do anything other than watch Empyrean. Then His head turned to look at Srina, and then back to Empyrean. With a solemn gesture, Darth Carnifex withdrew from Srina's side. Though He was her erstwhile ally, this was something that was between herself and her husband; He had no right to intrude upon it, nor did He wish to. Rather, He would seek the company of His own beloved.

His shadow fell across the younger man as He approached. "I will not presume to suspect that things did not go as you hoped?"



Tag: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Others Tagged In Post
Appearance: XoXo
Location: Monarch Hall Ballroom [Listening to the Address]

She noticed a few familiar faces. Iuuna Talon Iuuna Talon , Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin , and their guests. She hoped for the chance to catch up with them but they seemed otherwise occupied. It was to be expected. They were young and she could not assume to monopolize all their free time. Her attention returned to the subject at hand… Saryn Zambrano Saryn Zambrano and their business woes.

"…Extend my sympathy—Won't you?"

The request was issued with glacial indifference. But, that wasn't the case. The frigid tones that often left her were little more than a byproduct of her distant personality. As the much taller male at her side cared for his partners, so did she, hold a certain degree of respect. It was never anything that had been expected of her…But it had developed, with time, and exposure to the one she entrusted the well-being of her most precious things to. Their shared kinship bred conviction, fondness, and allegiance.


As close as she was to Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and as often as she visited the Malsheem she didn't have much contact with his varying spouses. The pale woman knew of them, quite intimately, but it would be rare for them to notice her presence. Her hours were spent primarily in the archives pouring over old skin-bound tomes and seeking inexplicable answers to the universe. Finding ways, perhaps unorthodox, to connect with her younglings and keep them safe. Part of their survival depended on their prowess.

Kaine often saw to that…But lately? Since they'd been shuffled to the Academy to learn with peers their own age? There was something of a gap in her schedule. A hold in her heart.

Now—Even she could not be with them. What good was it to be titled the Empress of an entire nation if she could not do as she pleased? Srina was quiet while her query settled in for the Dark Lord and gave him all the time required for a response. Her head tilted to hear the softness of his tone. The truth of such a personal admission. Perhaps…She should not have asked in such an unfamiliar venue but her companion was often gracious in handling the bluntness of her nature.

The answer left her with more questions that twined around a sense if futility.

"My husband knows what he is to me… Desire cannot be. Balance cannot be."

There were so many things she could not do, could not become, because the body of her beloved had more in common with the living dead than anything else. There was a monstrous cloud within him that provided what appeared to be unlimited power in the face of his enemies…But it also wanted her dead. It was only his love that kept her breathing. Only, his restraint.

It was a constant war.

Her gaze shifted to Carnifex for a long moment and the perfect glass-like reflection she offered seemed to crack. For just a moment. A split second where he might see the horror, carnage, and agony that she kept away from everyone else. "You know not what he has asked of me…This burden may yet cause my breaking. Should I become the Sith you know? Change all that I am until I am the Empress required?"

He would heed her call. For that, she was grateful.

As Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex moved to depart her eyes fixated on his retreating form.

"She misses you."

Srina would not define the "she" that her statement referred to. It was loud enough that others, certainly, her husband would hear—But without any context it would be easy to make incorrect assumptions. One of his wives, a courtier. One of his children. The rumor mill was already turning itself inside out with speculation…She held not a care in the universe for sorting it. Every bit of misinformation helped her children, her beautiful, hidden stars.

Unfeeling golden orbs settled on the remnants of the man ( Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean ) she loved so completely. Even while the crowd cringed away during the speech, she remained steadfast, and she became aware of the moment when everything else fell away. They had not spoken since that night on the Mors Mon and Srina would have likely gone much longer had he not arrived in the Commonwealth. Strange…That he would come here. He despised gatherings like this and knew she was attending in his stead.

Had he come for her?

"Emperor…", she murmured, quietly, in a greeting that was not at all what he would be accustomed to. She had noted the sad edge in his metallic orbs but her head bowed to keep from looking into them. It was too painful in the moment. Ever since sight had been taken by the Mandalorian Enclave she had been denied her windows to his soul. There was a well of sadness that he would feel in the core of her being, a well, that had no end. "Congratulations on your victory."

It brought him one step closer.

One step closer to the heinous, impossible, unforgivable act he demanded of her.

The familiar reference to her epithet made her eyes shoot back toward his gruesome face. He would feel her then. The swell of her power, was dark, and just as potent as anything he had to bear. The subtle scent of jasmine and rain would follow. It would have been pleasing, save, for the fact that it was tainted by the threat and presence of ozone. It was only the rules of this gathering and her iron will that kept her from lashing out. Only, that. "You do not get to say that to me tonight. I am your Empress."

Not today. Not right now. Her strength depended on being able to emotionally distance herself from the source of her deepest love and deepest hate. She offered him the titled presence of his spouse in the eyes of the community. Nothing more. Knowing that he had returned the conquering demon only lit her ire beyond what was currently acceptable. Her head tilted and her eyes closed. Settling.


Her hands rose to accept the dance that he was thinking of, but, hadn't asked her for. She could feel his remorse. His want to feel to undo what had been done. She could feel her own pain through him…But it was an echo. Did he really understand? Could he, understand? The crowd, the speech, and the people that had gone back to their own little worlds when it seemed these pair were entranced with one another. Drawn together like magnets—Focused solely, on one another.

She was dimly aware…They had a show to put on. The Commonwealth was new to the Sith Order and in their predetermined fears could lead them to seek rebellion. If the Imperial Couple looked weak? Rebellion. If they couldn't respect their customs? Rebellion. If they couldn't maintain themselves? Rebellion. So many things could lead this event to disaster and the milk-pale Echani was not the one who would see it undone. She had never fought in public with her husband and she would not start now. The people would see what they needed to see. Stability.

The most terrifying romance taking flight.

A cold, cruel beauty, and her devoted, monstrous beast.

Open for Interaction
| Glistaweb Dress x & x | x | x | x | x| x |
Well, reckon one had to be fashionably late once or twice.

Danger gracefully strolled into the luxurious Grand Atrium, her slow, full-hipped walk as mesmerizing as a lullaby on a warm Southern Systems night. She lingered, those emerald-fire eyes of hers taking in the room with a casual, calculated glance. It was her way -- like a grand entrance from a long-gone era, pausing just enough to cast her eyes towards the Great Ballroom, the Banquet Hall, or the gardens, leaving everyone guessing where she would go -- or wouldn't. Most women lacked that sense of timing, rushing or stalling, but not Danger. For her, every breath was an invitation, every moment a tease; in the end, all Danger Arceneau had to do to capture a person's undivided attention was simply to show up.

The Queen of Trade was a vision of Hapan genetics in elegance and beauty; she'd aged like a fine whiskey, her full curves elegantly encased in a hip-hugging, shimmering sapphire dress. She hadn't lost a bit of what her mama gave her; after all, the Gods created cleavage so men wouldn't spend all their time talking behind a woman's back.

No longer in mourning black, Danger's bright auburn hair was pinned up in soft curls, held in place by an exquisite Aurodium comb. Delicate ice crystal earrings dangled from her ears, and on her fingers, she wore her wedding ring and the Corseca Ring, which secretly controlled her late husband's Black Fleet.

The room was abuzz, but now that Myra's and Makai's wedding was complete, it was back to business as usual -- select parlors and grand galas, making her acquaintances, and facilitating Arceneau Trade's negotiations. The conglomerate was seizing opportunities with Hypergate travel, setting up warehouses and trade stations on Byss, Weken, Chandaar, and Sev Tok. Arrangements were in the works for Hoth and Mechis, and she didn't foresee any issues there.

A renewed confidence marked her steps. The grief over Alric's passing had softened; while she still held his memory dear, it was time to move on. To live. For her daughters as much as for herself.

Ever so slowly, Danger continued her stroll, her walk smooth and easy. It was time to make the rounds once she said her greetings to the host, for business never waited, and neither did she.


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