Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Staff Second Chance

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Roger. Pull it out for a couple of edits. As is it can only be preprogrammed with 2 very short jumps at best (round trip), so its really only a minor edit.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
So, here I am again.

The premise was sound per a previous FJ's discussion with me and there are canon precedents for both function and for not breaking any core board rules. The engine it uses is already approved without issue using canon technology and while I understand the viewpoint given for the denial, the reason for the denial sits in the approved section of the factory. I could feasibly swap a picture out and have potentially no issues. So... Not sure what to do here. Not trying to be a pain, but...

I'd like to second chance this submission.

Though I agree that I was argumentative in the submission I was never rude nor belligerent in my arguments. Discussions on subs are a give and take, and throughout I was simply explaining my position on why I didn't want to make the edits initially requested. When the FJ stated his last I made edits to the sub, quoting the sections of the sub that were edited and complied with his request to make the item seem as more of a focus rather than a force nexus.

Something he himself called a compromise. I'm unsure as to why this was denied when I did exactly as requested after discussion.

Hmm, in essence, is this a propeller type aircraft that can fly in space?

[member="Torian Pierce"]

You second chance is granted for edits. Please tag me when you are done so that I may move it back and assign a new judge to review.

[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]

Upon review of the submission, I was a bit disappointed to see how this conversation turned out. Tone is hard to discern through words, but the way that you spoke to the Factory Judge leaves much to be desired.

I'll approve your second chance, but please, I rather not see another scene like the one that occurred here. You have the right of a second chance at any time of the process -- if you felt that you were not able to come to terms or a compromise with the Judge, you are more than welcomed to request it then before it turns into sassy back and forth.

The Factory is optional, but in that the Factory Staff are volunteers who are only here to help you move your submission through the approval process. Ultimately, you don't need to use the Factory to roleplay on the site, but at the very least, I do expect a respectful tone from members as well as my judges.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]

I will grant the second chance, but as stated earlier in the submission, please do consider the tone your state your observations or opinions in.

Please review your submission and make any edits required and tag me when you are done.


I'm Sexy and I Know It

It works via etheric rudders, a canon technology that IC'ly is used to allow X-WIngs and starfighters to maneuver through space without the use of retro-thrusters and such. OOC'ly, it was a contraption created to explain why starfighters bank and turn like aircraft in space. It was never specified how they work exactly or if its a physical moving part or energy technology/projection. All the engine its equipped with does is assume it is or can be a physical moving part and puts those etheric rudders around a rotating axle to make a "propeller" that works in space. More etheric rudders mounted in traditional areas on the craft allow it to maneuver as appropriate.

As for any questions of it being non-star-wars-y, the Ganathan navy features starships with propellers, albeit larger ones, in the artwork. Since they're considered lower in some areas of technology, the FJ and I figured that between the starship propellers in the art and the steampunk vibes/technology used in their technology that the concept of "propeller planes in space" wasn't a far cry at all.

Outside of the tech it uses for propulsion, description of the physical appearance/propulsion of the craft, and the base concept, its arguably just an up-gunned X-Wing using subbed and approved weaponry (with ammunition limits) with some variable speed/maneuverability settings dependent on the etheric rudder settings, plus with a great deal less armor on the starfighter as well.


I'm Sexy and I Know It








Sorry, couldn't resist. There were too many gifs @_@

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Krasnaya Xue"]

Moved your request from the Codex Second Chance thread to the Factory Second Chance thread. Someone will be along shortly.

[member="Cira"] [member="Jamie Pyne"]


Well-Known Member

So I made a application for some large changes in my company, name change, description updated etc. [member="Jamie Pyne"] told me to create a new application for it instead here, and so I made a new submission yesterday, including a link to the company's original sub. However it was denied and I was told to make an application for an edit, could I have the new submission second chanced please? Thank you.
[member="Popo"] Upon review I can understand the RPJ's reasoning; however, does this submission need to be space capable? Can it simply be atmospheric?

[member="Krasnaya Xue"] second chance approved.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"] Submission moved from archives

[member="Tek'alor"] - Are you completely redoing your company into a new one, or are you trying to make a new company? Because depending on the extent of the change, both are correct.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
The engine is already approved and works on the principles I noted above. It also has space and atmospheric capabilities listed in the submission itself. The starfighter itself simply takes the concept of the engine mounted in it and uses the etheric rudders standard on many canon and non-canon ships to maneuver. In essence, outside of the simple fact that it uses a propeller made of etheric rudders to propel itself... it basically functions exactly similar to, say, an X-Wing. The only thing it can't do is zero-g maneuvers like spinning in place, 180 degree turns on a dime while maintaining the same vector and velocity, and that it can't VTOL like other starfighters which means it needs a runway instead of a landing pad.

So... does it need to be space capable? Kind of. It's designed to be that way and uses a pre-approved factory submission of a space and atmospheric capable propeller engine as locomotion. It really wouldn't make sense to limit it to only atmosphere when the engine does both.

If you are just redoing the description and the name of the company, you can do so under company modifications. Perhaps the RPJ misunderstood your previous request.

If you are not changing the operations, locations or ownership, you can simply modify it.
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