Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Some Like it Hoth [Galactic Alliance Invasion of First Order Hoth|Bespin Hex]

Location, Bespin, - flying towards Cloud City
Allies: [member="Chloe Blake"] | [member="Makai Dashiell"] | [member="Kaili Talith"]
Enemies | First Order - @DT-371 | @ignatius rauseber - maybe?
Gear: - Thunderclap | Woebringer | Taozin A

Rekha looked ahead and saw the beldons moving erratic and yet still graceful on the currents using the tendrils that trailed behind them to navigate around the intruders to their space.

Rekha thought about how easy it would be to gently push one and treat it like a beach ball to bounce about but she controlled her urge to do so. They were gentle creatures that bothered no one and yet they were the key to Bespin and Tibanna Gas. Rekha had to admit she liked Bespin with all its little nuances of life. It grew on her.

The clouds moved slowly around them providing cover as if they had asked for it and it was simply complying. Rekha reached out as her hand passed through the white fluffiness it was magical at times.

But there was something bigger going on and she needed to keep her wits. She looked back for Makai and Kaili she saw them moving steadily along. She sure hoped he saw that group of crab gliders if not careful he'll get a faceful. She shuddered thinking about it.

Rekha picked up on where Chloe was pointing it looked safe enough, well as safe as a place could be for being under occupation by two opposing forces. "OK!" She turned to get Makai's attention to pass along where they were headed, "Go over there" she pointed, and hoped he heard.

Her thranta banked again Rekha had a great view of below. One false move and they'd pick her up with a vacuum. yeah....noooo.....her fingers curled tighter around the reigns.

There were so many things wrong with all of this. Entrusting your life to a beast, letting a mere teenager handle the reins and the fact that there were literally flying fish in the skies. Under most circumstances Kaili would have liked to imagine she was dreaming. It was nice to have this as a means of travelling with as much stealth as possible and all, but that did not take away the fact that this was by so many means the most terrifying experience Kaili had experienced in months.

And then, in the middle of that particular line of thought, Makai had decided to nose dive.

A panicked shriek tore at Kaili’s throat as her arms wrapped themselves around Makai in a tight grasp, pulling her in closer towards his back until something seemed to shift. Her hold grew weaker, it was there, but it was weaker. Her cheek collapsed onto Makai’s shoulder and no response was offered to Makai’s statement on how ‘awesome’ that was.

Kaili was unconscious at that point.

She had fainted.

It would take a good while until she recovered, but needless to say she was awake and shaken by the time they had reached their insertion point. In one part because of Makai’s shenanigan, another because it brought back memories she had much rather not pondered that day. Still, she would eventually touch ground and with it came the shaking of legs that needed to be stilled. It wasn’t anything serious, just remnants of the double-layered anxiety consisting of thoughts such as “I don’t want to fall to my death and die” and “Oh my god, he is making me fall to my death and die.”

Kaili looked at the others.

“Okay, so, uhm…” Her voice shook. “We have something to do, I assume?”

“I have no idea who you guys even are except Makai over there.” Kaili raised a shaky finger pointing rather, well, pointedly at the Dashiell. “Can we please take it from the start before I risk my life for complete strangers?”

“I am Kaili, and you people are…?”

Eyes set on Chloe. Who was she?

[member="Makai Dashiell"] // [member="Chloe Blake"] // [member="Rekha Kaarde"]​
Allies: [member="Castor Ren"]

Enemies: [member="Aela Talith"]
Enemies in vicinity: [member="Jamie Pyne"]

As Kaalia pursued the escapee the harsh cold of Hoth bit into her more and more. She wore protective clothing, but that only did so much in the middle of a harsh snowstorm and powerful wind that only got worse due to the high velocity of the speeder. There was one thing that she wouldn't let happen however, and that was letting it get to her. With a clenched jaw the woman stayed right behind Castor while keeping her eyes on their target. The male Knight of Ren doubled down on the bike's speed, causing her to do the same.

In the meantime the Kro Varian looked for any and all opportunities to stop Jamie from escaping. Most of her potential speeder blaster cannon shots were too risky however, the chance of hitting her ally too high. Castor himself did manage to take an amount of shots. Looking up Kaalia saw the Alliance forces in tow, just like she was told by Sieger. There was absolutely no time to waste, they couldn't let Jamie out of sight. The mountains came in sight, revealing her strategy. Making tracking as difficult as possible was key for their former captive and the upcoming environment would assist her in that. Such a thing had to be prevented, and quickly.

Her visor picked up the heat of a blaster cannon shot meeting the heat of Jamie's speeder bike, indicating Castor had managed to hit her vehicle. A slight smile crept into the face of Kaalia, knowing that if they could hit her once, they could hit her again. The redhead pursued her into a valley between two mountains, the sharp turns that were needed making her holding on to the controls as tightly as possible. They seemed to be closing in, which if true would mean the target's capture was only a matter of time.

That thought was promptly interrupted however as a sudden and sharp turn by the pursued blasted her into a set of caves, forcing Kaalia to slow down in order to make the turn. It was impossible to go at full speed, the constant turns and shifts that had to be made keeping the bike's speed down. As she turned a corner she saw Jamie jump off her speeder, the path blocked by the bike as she saw her run. Her own speeder came to a grinding halt as she jumped off before it had even come to a full standstill, starting her sprint without delay. As the woman approached the damaged bike she put her hands on it and jumped up, vaulting over the blockade in order to keep chasing the blonde down. The Force guided her steps, speeding her up as it did.

Allies: [member="DT-317"]
Enemies: [member="Chloe Blake"] | [member="Rekha Kaarde"] | [member="Kaili Talith"]
Loadout: SB-UO1 Wrist Datapad | Huginn Biocomm Network | Comet OSM-10
Objective: Archive all the messages.

Ignatius slowly crept towards the basement terminal for the data storage. The whole room was rather well lit, thanks to this, the FOSB agent found the interface reasonably easily. He unclipped the manual data transfer cord from the terminal, and plugged it into the port on his wrist pad. Carefully, Rausgeber began to transfer the data.

As he waited, Ignatius began to trawl through the correspondence between different personnel working on Bespin. Most of the messages were between the various administrative bureaus, most of it banal paperwork. There were some nuggets of gold within the sea of paperwork, including the correspondence of two saucy lovers, the plans of co-workers to meet up after work, and the gossiping that went with office politics.

However there was one piece of correspondence which did trouble Ignatius.

Date: 12/6/855
Time: 13:45
From: Marvelllo, Devron
Recipients: Archera, Terrarta |Derstell, Hannerhan| Battersby, Grehard
Subject: A Special Thank You!
Sent From: Terminal 34b, Carbon Freezing Centre 12-A3.


We appreciate the new translated specs you’ve sent. Backed them up here in case we have another comms meltdown, so should it flare back up, we’ll be ok.

It’s made things way easier down here. Now we can teach the Ug’s how to work these things in their own tongue. Efficiency has increased radically, our output for the last two days has effectively doubled. Anymore of these things, and we won’t have to work anymore. ;)

Hope to keep you up to date on our project status. Preliminary report should be in about a weeks’ time.
Wish you all the best, from me and the boys here.


PS: Drinks on us next time!

From the Office of Devron Marvello, Acting Manager for the Carbon Freezing Centre.

Enclosed with the message, was a picture of a gruff looking middle aged man in workers boilersuit, posing with several smiling ugnaut workers. All of whom holding alcoholic beverages, and standing around some form of droid, grinning. For Ignatius, it was immediately evident what this meant, there were additional mining drone schematics to take care of. But more importantly there would be delays to his mission.

Kark!” Ignatius swore, he’d now need to recalculate everything. The agent silently began to weigh up the variables, there would be no feasible way for him to collect all the data until the main Alliance force attacked. Unless, Trident could be contracted, or he could get a ship. As the data transfer began to finish itself, Ignatius reached to his wrist, and began scrambling through all sorts of maps to find the fastest exit to the carbon freezing centre. The office paperwork was secondary, the need to secure First Order industry was at the forefront of his mission, at least in Ignatius’ interpretation. The search was so far fruitless for a quick entry. The suburban planning map held nothing, as did waste management, and sewerage.

Eureka!” Ignatius exclaimed, as the datapad pointed out the locations of several passageways through the maintenance network to the carbon freezing centre. All of which were housed in this suburb alone. He began narrowing them down, most of the maintenance tunnels were too small for any man or being, bar an ewok to get through.

Those tunnels were designed to carry oxygen to the surface in case of an exceedingly dangerous tibanna storm, or carry air down in the case of an airlock malfunction in the myriad of factories enclosed within the city. But the pathway Ignatius eyed was one which was antiquated. An old tibanna supply route, designed to carry frozen carbon to the surface, a relic which had yet to be rectified by FICUP.

Perhaps there was hope yet. The excited agent began to run through the calculations for getting to the centre and back, when he heard Carnage’s approach. Ignatius nearly crapped himself, then and there. The agent raised his hands to his head, “Hey, hey, easy there.” He began, caught unawares. “I didn’t mean any trouble,” he added, not recognising the soldiers, for all he knew they were Alliance special forces. Or perhaps even some form of Jedi. Caution would be the best approach.

I’m with the First Imperial Foreign Office.” He added hurriedly. Ignatius was going to use his cover story as a shield. The agent realised a weapon was incriminating in this sort of scenario, and would warrant a hostile response. Ignatius reached for his pistol, and threw it away. The comet clattered to the floor, sending an echo across the basement.

Any action you take to forcibly arrest me will be in direct contravention of diplomatic norms acknowledged by both the First Order, and the Galactic Alliance.” He continued, having found some semblance of backbone now. “I will surrender, but as a diplomatic agent, I am entitled immunity in your courts, and you are denied access to my personal effects.
Location: In transit to Anoat
Objective: Hijack or destroy the Itsukusk
Allies: First Order, Mando Friends ([member="Fiolette Yvarro"], [member="Aleksander Miles"])
Opposition: Galactic Alliance ([member="Sieb Tevv"])
Neutral: Wampas (Freedom or Death!)​

Mandalore itself may be a dump, but business was booming for all Mandalorians working abroad as vassals or mercenaries. It was a galaxy at war. The PMC owner herself was back at work with the First Order, not a single care in the world for their cause or creed. Though as long as the credits kept flowing, then they could count on Face and her legions of (now mostly homeless) mercenaries to honor their contract and smite the FO's enemies as their own.

Tekkadan naval and marine elements already prowling First Order space on patrols would be among the waves of reinforcements deployed to the Anoat sector to repulse a large scale offensive by the Galactic Alliance. Alliance forces were still rolling in as she had taken to hyperspace, so she wouldn’t even receive any specific tasking during transit. Though she was able to follow events as she was keyed into the First Order’s battlenet as a long standing and trustworthy contractor. An amazing network built off a quantum communication system immune to eavesdropping, and protected from physical attack by a myriad of security measures that included mobile servers, quantum keys, and ever evolving encryption schemes generated by neural networks in the process of deep learning.

Not until she reverted within the sector did she finally make contact with the FO’s Central Command out of Dosuun. On holoprojector from the CIC of her flagship, she came face to face with an Admiral Huber. A wiry balding man, the Imp’s face twisted in an expression that was a cross between scowling and constipation. For 50 credits, I’d more than happy to dislodge the hydrospanner stuck up your behind.

“My forces have all arrived in sector, now where do you fine folks want me?”

“Reviewing your force strength, some of your units would be helpful at Bespin, but I need most them directed to Anoat.”

“I can do that,” she replied with a small nod. “What’s going on at Anoat?”

“Our sector command is now under direct assault by GADF naval forces following a smaller altercation aboard the Kuragin. For whatever reason, the GADF deployed the Itsukusk here. That’s your main target in this operation.”

The Itsukusk? That ancient carrier hadn’t been seen since its emergence over Polis Masa
a long time back. Easily the largest ship still operational after the galaxy was still piecing itself together from the Dark Ages. Definitely a most tantalizing target.

“This will be a pleasure. Do you want it captured or destroyed?”

“It makes no difference to us. We just want it out of Alliance hands. Success in this mission would result in a devastating setback for the Galactic Alliance.

Face was grinning, then. If she had the chance to run off with the pride of the Alliance navy, then she would most certainly do so. What she would do with said behemoth remained unclear, she would cross that bridge if/when she got there.

“I’ll get it done. Now get me a direct line to the theater commander (Yvarro), and give me every scrap of intel you have on that hunk.”

((Fleet comp will be provided upon reversion into the battlespace.))
Location: Bespin
Allies: [member="Jorg"] [member="Elliot Locke"]

Enemies: Lol
Objective: itscoming.jpg

Oh, no.

He couldn't believe that there was documentation of the events from last night and he couldn't permit that his associates know of whatever he did under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

And he had one solution for that problem.

"Here, let me see that," the Clone said to Jorg with his hand stretched out. What appeared to be was that Canal wanted to see his photos of last night, but his main intention was to break it over his knee if he had gotten it. If he didn't received the device, then he would try to rip it out of the Major's hands.
Location: Bespin, Hotel Suite
Objective: Find Armor, Equipment
Allies: [member="Elliot Locke"] | [member="Canal"]
Enemies: Alcohol, Women, Hangovers

"No!" As soon as Canal tried to tear the datapad out of his hand Jorg pulled back, his other hand dragging Elliot forward so that the SIS agent could protect him.

He understood Canal's point of view of course, it was better not to learn what they had done on the night before, but the truth was they needed to. Their equipment was gone, he'd forgotten their mission parameters, and part of him was just filled with raw curiosity. There was no telling what had happened, for all he knew they had murdered half a dozen people and hid the bodies somewhere all over Cloud City. He found that unlikely since none of them had blood on them but...well they were all highly trained agents.

"We have to look!" He swatted at Canal. "We need our equipment."

Jorg pulled back, placing himself between Elliot and Canal. "And we need to figure out what the frak we're actually here for."

He reminded the soldier.

"Otherwise we're karked." He hoped the other Soldier would see the logic in that argument.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry

Hoth: Outpost Veers – Trenches
Team S: [member="Tomas Yarrow"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Aver Brand"]

Team U: [member="Aeron Kreelan"] | [member="Isar Kislo"] | [member="Tsuki Aihara"]

[member="HK-36"] | [member="Sol Stazi"] | [member="Draco Vereen"]
Enemies: [member="Chron Terix"] | [member="TK-4261 Strain"] | [member="Shaydae Desmaris"] | [member="Torian Pierce"] | [member="Rexus Wenck"] | [member="Hatori Ikari"] | [member="Pharazon Draken"] | [member="Pierce Fortan III"] | [member="Anora Shaw"] | Outpost Veers
Directly Engaging: [member="Kyrel Ren"]
Kit: RR-1 with 5 rounds HVP, 3 rounds HEAT, 2 rounds Canister, ER-1, EPC with 20 Light Darts

For much of this time, Rusty had been, well, distracted was a good word. In general, he wasn't the sort of fellow who showed up underdressed for parties. And yet, for about the millionth time in the last few minutes, he felt himself wishing he'd brought along Gertrude. The massive rifle could​ take down TIEs. For that matter, it could probably take down a light cruiser if it was obliged to sit still and let him hammer away at it long enough. But no, Rusty didn't have time for all that mess. What he had was a carbine with a microgrenade launcher, a rifle that could punch through mid grade armor, and a recoilless rifle that could punch a hole in through just about anything short of the Force.

Unfortunately, it looked like the Force was what they were up against.

The Shard had been magclamped to the tank ever since the avalanche, biding his time and seeing where his fire would be most effective. He didn't bother wasting shots against the fighters. He didn't really think harpooning a multiton tank with something as light and fragile as a TIE was a good idea, but it also wasn't his idea, and consequently wasn't his problem. He was on the lookout for Forcies, because in a fight like this, they always managed to show up.

"Psst, hey buddy," he whispered to one of the jarheads riding the tank next to him. Well, whispered is a bit of a misnomer. It was louder than the outside of a Hutt's cloaca out here, so what the Shard was really doing was shouting just loud enough that it wouldn't carry past the poor woman's ears. "When I give the signal, point this at anything that looks like it jerks it to pictures of Vader and hold the trigger."

"WHAT? That's just- You know what? Fine," the marine replied, glaring at the weaponsmith as he passed over the EPC. The trigger he indicated was the grenade launcher's. It was loaded with five Light Darts, the miniature lightsabers that RCFC built. They were mainly for piercing armor, but hey, he was willing to bet a stream of crimson lightsaber blades hurling through the air at a couple hundred meters per second would look a lot bigger if they were coming at you. "What's the signal?"

"You'll know it when you see it," Rusty shouted back.

In the meantime, he loaded a canister round into the RR-1.

It didn't take long for the Forcies to pop up. The tank grounded in a shower of sparks and swearing as something took out the repulsorlifts. ​Oh yeah, definitely going to use fans on mine,​ he thought to himself. Repulsorlifts were just too fragile for something like a frigging tank.

The Shard kept his head on a swivel, looking for the source of the attack. He wasn't sure if it came from the guy who just stopped a freaking hypersonic tank round, but on second thought, it didn't really matter because ​holy crap that dude just stopped a freaking tank round. ​That was just...insane. Could Forcies do that? Apparently so, but at some point, Rusty had to wonder if he was in the right line of work.

The marine clearly noticed the fellow, and, keeping her head down so as not to make an obvious target, she pointed the EPC over in that general direction. It was a rule of thumb when fighting Forcies: never, ever, show killing intent until you're ready to pull the trigger. Their mystical powers usually warned them when someone wanted to put a hole in their face. Instead, you focus on just about anything else. Tell jokes, scream in terror, whatever it took to keep from thinking about the plan.

"Holy crap," the marine cackled. "You weren't joking about the jerk it to Vader thing. That's awesome! I want a freaking action figure of this guy when we're done. You think the FO sells them to little kids?"

"Hell if I know," Rusty replied. He kept a casual ear out for anything resembling banter. Forcies and banter went together like a Gungan and defenestration. "There are so many of these Ren jokers these days, they'd have a hard time keeping up. I can understand the classics, like Rylo Ren and maybe Stimpy-"


"You know, Ren and Stimpy."

The marine was practically howling with laughter by this point, as were several of the others in earshot. Meanwhile, the Shard's sensitive ears detected the telltale signs of bloviating.

Kyrel Ren said:
"You know for a coward I was expecting a bit more, you are not the only one who is powerful. I thought you were more than just hiding in a tank, perhaps I may be wrong after all it shows-
Eh, kark it. Close enough. In one smooth motion, Rusty stood and fired, and his pet marine did the same.

Two things happened. First, the RR-1 coughed smoke in a hideous bang as the canister round spat hundreds of tungsten/steel ball bearings towards the target. The round had a maximum effective range of about 150 meters, meaning that was about as far as you could fire and expect to hit what you were aiming at. At 150 meters, you were assured to get one pellet per 30 square centimeters in a cone about 20 meters across. Rusty estimated the Ren fellow to be around 80 meters away when he fired.

Secondly, the marine snapped the little carbine to her shoulder and dumped all five of the light darts in the grenade launcher's magazine out towards the fellow in the span of a second. The little bastards burned crimson streaks through the air as they screamed towards the target. Mission accomplished, she tossed the carbine back towards Rusty and picked up her own weapon again.

Rusty's plan was simple. He expected the guy to be worn out. No one he knew of could sling around that sort of power and not be. Secondly, he was expecting him to be jumpy. Being jumpy and being on a battlefield went hand in hand. You couldn't afford not to be, at least if you wanted to live. When death could come from any direction, you couldn't afford the luxury of nonchalance. Sure, you might pretend otherwise, but it was a struggle to keep from voiding your bowels with every unexpected BANG.

If everything went far better than expected, the Ren fellow would disintegrate into bloody chunks as the canister round sliced him apart. But since that wasn't likely, he expected him to try to block the pellets with the same sort of short duration shield that these guys tended to use to save their strength. After all, stopping that much metal flying that quickly was asking a lot of physics. Meanwhile, what looked like five lightsabers would come screaming towards the Ren's face. Since everyone knew that only Forcies used lightsabers, and since he would hopefully be too distracted trying not to get sawn apart by ball bearings of death, he might not see where they were coming from. That moment of distraction would give the tank's Forcie contingent (Rusty didn't believe for a second that there wasn't one on board at this point) a chance to deal with the guy.

That was the plan. Whether it would work remained to be seen. In the mean time, he hunkered down and loaded another canister round into the RR-1.

Allies: [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Alkor Centaris"]
Enemies: :( [member="Ghorua the Shark"] :(

In another situation, one where Ghorua wasn't facing down two people who would happily kill him, given the chance, he might have noticed the sharp recoil, almost as if she'd been slapped when he flung the word Zambrano at her. Again and again and again- she could never truly get away from them. Not the reminders of them, not their actual presence.

Despite the side she'd chosen, there were doubts. And Irajah was not such a zealot that she was unable to see that he was not wrong.

His observations regarding the Ren certainly lined up with her own, and with her decision regarding Samka's offer to join them. Now was not the time, not even remotely, but his words brought her gaze flickering to the back of the girl's head, and her resolve only strengthened. Not merely to decline..... but to try to find a way to bring her back.

There was no doubt in the Doctor's mind that 'Cassidy' had been a true part of the girl.

In some ways, Irajah was a fool.

Weakness, [member="Carach"] whispered in the back of her mind.

No, compassion, she murmured back.

She wasn't certain how, but she could feel the way his eyes would have fallen upon her then. See his shrug that said your funeral without a single word needed.

Irajah fell back, unwilling or unable to engage, though which was unclear from the outside. In truth, it was a combination of both. The Doctor was not a warrior, not a soldier. She could fight, yes, to protect herself. But she wouldn't raise a hand to any of the trio arrayed before her. The fact that Ghorua was there as an 'enemy' didn't change the fact that, even now, she regarded him as a friend.

Her attention was riveted on these three, indecision and yes, weakness, staying her hand.
Anoat Sector
FIS Kuragin

Location: Deck C
With [member="Micah Talith"] and [member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Spark Finn"] [member="Ipsy"] [member="Keric Dynt"]
Enemies: @camaeron centurion

[ Vex! Take Ipsy and Spark -- someone's coming to play. ]


Vexen had hunkered down at the crash that reverberated through the ship. Whatever had happened it sent a cry of tortured metal through the ship. It stung her sensitive ears. It was almost fortunate that she was taking cover as Cameron appeared. The Force coalesced around the master as he strode into the corridor out of thin air. Vexen raised her arms instinctively as the wave struck, sending her small body tumbling a few meters.

Claws scraped the elephant-tread deck beneath them as she brought herself to a halt. The arrival of the Sith Lord had at least confused the First Order’s stormtroopers enough to give Vexen time to scramble for cover once more.

Spark Finn said:
"Vexen, help," she whispered. She needed help moving.
Vexen looked towards Spark. The slender girl looked shaken, in trouble. From behind dark goggles she looked from the slicer to the set of doors that had opened. Right now any way out would look inviting. She desperately didn’t want to leave Micah here, but she couldn’t let Ipsey and Spark head out on their own.

A shadow, she darted towards Spark. “Ipsy!” she called as she went to try and draw the amaran’s attention. A flash of red illuminated her view. Another flash of pain up her arm and she fell into a roll. She yelped loudly. Fear guided her as she lashed out at the trooper who had shot at her. The Force struck him with much more venom than she had intended and was thrown backwards. Vexen didn’t have time to consider if she had seriously hurt the man. The blaster wound was just a graze, but it hurt tremendously.

Pushing herself to her feet she ran on. Her left paw caught Spark under the arm and she hauled her to her feet. A pair of Alliance soldiers followed as they moved for the lift.

Location: Ison Corridor
Objective: Control the Corridor
Allies: [member="Zark"] [member="Alexandra Morrow"] [member="Silara Varis"] [member="Rick Kaloo"]
Enemies: First Order [member="Achim Veers"] [member="Ashin Varanin"] [member="T'yr Dellos"]
Engaging: [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]
Music: Bowser Castle 2 (Mario Kart Super Circuit)

"Close that channel to the enemy commander: it didn't work - also, brace for impact"

"It appears the enemy has begun slicing our own systems" the security officer reported.

"Search for suspicious magnetic signatures: we might be able to fire at enemy craft or ships that could use the nebula to hide" Tanith ordered.

While the Malice fired at a Lictor that used an asteroid for cover, which was the very same asteroid used by the Mustafar for that same purpose, the majority of the fire was absorbed by that asteroid, regardless of how much the Despoilers sported by the enemy actually dissipated over long ranges. In doing so, the asteroid was blasted into a lot of smaller pieces, which flew in equally random directions. Nevertheless, the Mustafar and the took some serious damage to their shields, despite the Mustafar being bow-on. By and large fighters, friendly and hostile, were able to evade the asteroid pieces sent flying. Also, since other asteroid pieces were blasted when the Kaga was fired at, there were some collisions between asteroid fragments, grinding them down to dust. With that said, the scan for those suspicious magnetic signatures began in earnest, as was the dogfight outside. Also, despite the enemy only making a limited engagement, the fighters furiously engaged their enemies, with several hits being scored, but also at the price of some losses. But even as the enemy attempted to draw the fighters in the screen out of the main fleet, they mostly remained to screen the fleet against the enemy X-Wings and the Remnants, as well as other craft that the enemy sent their way.

"Slicing team Alpha, defend this ship's computer systems, slicing team Beta, commence slicing the Malice's systems for those crew-less casvac ship schematics, and cover slicing team Cresh, which will attempt to cause the Malice's reactor control systems to go haywire, hopefully making the reactors spike"

"Roger, roger" the slicing droids acknowledged.

With the communications channel closed, the enemy would find it that much harder to attempt to slice, and also the ship-wide neural net provides some defensive redundancy. Meanwhile, the crew of the Malice would be prompted to install critical system updates, which would pertain to enhancements in operational capability while the ship is in Otherspace, but they don't suspect anything about what lurks behind those system updates for the time being, including the possibility of backdoors or worse still, ransomware. That, even though Cathul expects the enemy to be busy trying to counter the attempt made to steal the schematics of what she calls the crew-less casvac ships or at least their location. Also, while slicers on each side are busy attempting to one-up each other, they realize this is much, much more than just a battle of code, so they have to adjust their pew-pew strategy, even while accounting for the arrival of another Rick Kaloo. Even though she realizes that it might not be much, his arrival as reinforcements might be better than nothing, asteroid fragments or not.

"To all Alliance units in the Corridor, asteroid fragments are flying in all directions: they might affect targeting solutions" Cathul told all her friendlies, namely [member="Silara Varis"], [member="Alexandra Morrow"], [member="Rick Kaloo"] and [member="Zark"], through the encrypted tactical channel.

"The latest news packet, admiral" the communications officer received.

Gabriel Sionoma said:
The face of an old war veteran, grey of hair and beard, showed himself on screens all across Cloud City, Ugnorgrad, and the Holonet. Billboards, security terminals, personal datapads, and personal holonet receivers within apartments and domiciles. Even loudspeakers, should they be tapped into the emergency line.


Good day, citizens of Bespin, Cloud City and Ugnorgrad. My name is Omai Rhen...and I am the Grand Marshal of the Galactic Alliance.

The screen faded from view and transitioned to a different display. One of tyranny and view of what some what called righteous judgment. But the Galactic Alliance had a simpler descriptor: Insanity.

This is a recording of the First Order doling out punishment. For disobedience, for insubordination, soldiers were forced to kill one another. These were men, brothers, sons, fathers, and friends. Some of you in Cloud City may have known them, or perhaps just told that you benefited from their service. I apologize for the graphic nature of these images. These are not the recordings of a healthy government.

The video faded and turned back to Omai as he sat in what could only be an office. “The same sort of corruption ridden faction that would align itself with Kaine Zambrano, a butcher by every meaning of the word. Raping, pillaging, sentient experimentation, genocide - he has committed more war crimes than any other known entity, dating as far back as to the One Sith. And this is who the First Order would call ally and friend?

If he was reading from papers or prompts, this would be the moment he would turn away from that and speak from the heart.

Citizens of Cloud City, Citizens of Ugnorgrad...this is your home. And hailing from a long history of hard work and labor, you’ve earned it. And how are you rewarded? Veiled intimidation tactics and nationalization of your products, forced to benefit from unneeded conquest instead of capitalism. Some of you might say your lives are fine, perhaps maybe even better? But at what cost? They burned and bombarded the streets of Eriadu, put the people of Thakwaa to re-education camps, and use heinous war tactics without thoughts towards civilian casualties. Those tactics include defiling and blinding their enemy's, soldiers of the Galactic Alliance, to mark them with shame.

The feed transitioned to images of The Scarred, bearing scars of burned and blinded eyes and marks across the forehead to denote offenses against the First Order.

Your lives are fine now but for how long? How long until you realize that you have been stripped of your sovereignty and without it, how fragile your livelihood is? There is a better way. A better way than this…

The feed transitioned to a small ugnaught child playing with a deflated ball on the outskirts of Ugnorgrad. Then to children picking through trash. “The Galactic Alliance will not stand by and watch as you are enslaved once more by an Imperial nation. Even now, we move to free you from the bindings of nationalism for a government that is not yours. Because we have not forgotten your suffering, past and present. We have not forgotten King Ozz and the Ugnaught Rebellion We have not forgotten theRenegades.”

The feed transitioned back to Omai as he prepared his last heartfelt words. “This is your city, your planet. The Galactic Alliance is here, to help rid you of this corruption once and for all. Rise up! Rise up and take back what you have rightfully earned!

"Slicing teams, include that news packet in the code injection"

"Roger, roger" the slicing droids ackowledged.

"The targeting solutions, quick!" the chief gunnery officer reported.

"The FIV Law is vulnerable to MIRV fire: concentrate our stealth MIRVs at it. Also, Lictor, Mustafar, fire on the Law; too"

"Port trench batteries, fire on the Kaga, starboard trench batteries, fire on the Law; it's now within standard turbolaser range! Everyone else fire at the Kaga!" Tanith ordered.

And so three humongous, stealth MIRVs were fired at the Law's thrusters, later to unleash a whopping 21 assault concussion missiles on that ship. In addition to the MIRVs, the Law has 126 turbolasers' worth of long-range turbolaser fire as well as 448 standard turbolaser shots fired on it, thnks to the starboard trench batteries of the Excubitor also being aimed at the Law. Even though the Excubitor might be out of standard turbolaser range of the Kaga, perhaps some damage can be dealt to it by firing the trench batteries, despite them bleeding power over distance. Also, the Kaga turning 20 degrees to port might make the command tower a smaller target, it made the ship as a whole a much larger target from the Excubitor's perspective. With that said, the Kaga have a wide array of weapons fired at it, mostly similar to the last one, with the main difference compared to the previous volley being that the MIRVs were changed for 384 turbolaser standard shots, fired from the Excubitor's port.

  • Attempted a two-pronged slicing attempt on the Malice (to steal the crew-less casvac ship schematics and to cause the reactor control systems to go haywire respectively)
  • Had the fighter screen engage the enemy fighters while staying close to the fleet
  • Had stealth MIRVs and my escorts fire on the FIV Law
  • Split my remaining fire between 2 different enemies (384 turbolasers fired at the Law) with most of the remaining weapons fired at the Kaga

Capital ships:

ANS Excubitor (Procurator-X-class Grand Battlecruiser) Shields: 90% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: several
ANS Gravitational Anomaly (Peregrine-class pocket carrier) Shields: 95% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Enemy fighters
ANS Lictor (Duquesne-class heavy frigate) Shields: 0% | Hull: 80% | Firing at: FIV Law
ANS Mustafar (Mustafar-class monitor) Shields: 40% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: FIV Law

Attack craft:

91 OS-G2s
33 BTL-A-4 Y-Wings
11 Inimica-class gunships

Location: Hoth: Outpost Veers, at a mountain slope.
Objective: Purgify
Allies: Team S: [member="Aver Brand"], [member="siobhan kerrigan"], [member="rusty"] Other allied folks: [member="Draco Vereen"], [member="Aeron Kreelan"], [member="HK-36"], [member="Sol Stazi"]
Engaging: [member="kyrel ren"] and [member="anora shaw"]
Gear: Link in Sig

Kyrel Ren said:
"Kerrigan come out and face me."

Tomas's eyes narrowed on the figure that had just called out his employer. Within the helmet of his power armor, Tomas grinned. It was neither a happy grin, nor a rictus of anger. It was simply the smile of a marine who now had a primary target. He drew a bead on the form of Kyrel Ren, ready to throw massive amounts of miniature pellets careening down range at the offending creature.


The tanks repulsors went out with a crunching noise and sparks, though the massive vehicle continued toward the two Ren at great speed through the sheer force of it's inertia. Closer it brought them to Tomas and his cohorts on the tank. His aim, however, was compromised by the tank grinding through snow and ice. He hefted his shield up, and emptied the clip of the gun at the two ren anyway. He had no care for if the shots hit, but not even the greatest of masters would just ignore hundreds of tiny pellets flying around them.

Weapon empty, Tomas grabbed up his hammer and stood a bit on the tank. His boots locked onto the tank, he knew he didn't have to worry about falling off. The armor he was in even helped balance him. Every sensor in his armor pinged Kyrel Ren as the tank continued to bore down.

"I'll help nail baby boy, then the fun can begin, right?" Tomas said over the local channel that linked him, [member="siobhan kerrigan"], [member="rusty"], and [member="aver brand"].

Rusty said:
"Holy crap," the marine cackled. "You weren't joking about the jerk it to Vader thing. That's awesome! I want a freaking action figure of this guy when we're done. You think the FO sells them to little kids?" "Hell if I know," Rusty replied. He kept a casual ear out for anything resembling banter. Forcies and banter went together like a Gungan and defenestration. "There are so many of these Ren jokers these days, they'd have a hard time keeping up. I can understand the classics, like Rylo Ren and maybe Stimpy-" "Stimpy?" "You know, Ren and Stimpy."

Tomas couldn't help but chuckle, and his deep voice flowed out over the channel for a moment before he indicated the marine who was telling jokes. He dropped his last drum for the weapon he'd anchored to the tank into the marines hands.

"You got time to chatter, do it while shooting my big gun at those small people." He said to the marine beside Rusty, pointing with his hammer at Anora and Kyrel.

Rusty shot his weapon at Kyrel, and Tomas saw his time as here. He shifted his weight forward and stepped over the weapon the marine was reloading. His next step took him to the nose of the tank, then off of it, aimed right at Kyrel Ren. The speed of the tank, plus the augmented push from his armor amounted to Tomas turning into a rocket. The HUD on his visor was limned in red for only a heartbeat, then turned yellow. Tomas started bringing his hammer forward as the limning turned green, pointing out the precise time to swing for him. He held his shield in front of him, held close to his body as he reached around and forward. His hammer was aimed at Kyrel's center mass, aiming to at the very least push Kyrel back. The power behind the hit, however, would likely be able to deal a significant amount of damage, even to an armored foe. That was the point of the hammer and the armor, shock, awe, and lots of red mist.

1) Suppressing fire at Kyrel and Anora
2) Leaped off tank at Kyrel, aiming to hit his chest with hammer (with massive inertia and augmented strength behind it.)
Allies: [member=Adder] [member="Loske Matson"] [member=Abel]
Enemies: unknown [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Irajah Ven"] and others in vicinity
Location: Upper Cloud City
Objective: Clear space around Cloud City. Escort U-Wings

Asmus kept his finger over the guard of his trigger, pistol held low as he moved towards the wreckage of the shuttle. When he had been a Rogue he’d never put his boots on the ground in an engagement. Whilst he’d never walked anywhere this hot before with the SIS he had been in a few firefights extracting agents from hostile territory. More than a few in spaceports as part of a crew of smugglers too. And that type of person - whilst lacking the training and discipline of a stormtrooper - tended to fight dirty.

The city was eerily quiet. He ducked into shadows as a cloud car passed overhead. Asmus paused as the intercom, once used by Lando himself, repeated a message from Rhen. That wouldn’t work in his opinion. Asmus was from Eriadu. When the people of Eriadu had decided to join the Alliance First Order flametroopers had marched through the streets burning citizens alive. Then they had bombarded the planet from orbit. Whatever they might say, such an event would stick in the memory. You couldn’t tell citizens to rise up against the First Order, you had to show them how to do it. Make them believe it could be done, that it was worth the cost.

“Moving up to the shuttle,” he called into his comm.

“Understood, they seem more focussed on civilian evacuation right now,” Chad replied in his ear.

Asmus stayed still and observed the shuttle for a few seconds, letting his eyes scan for movement. Such a noise would attract attention before too long. Deciding to press on he jogged forwards. The shuttle was upside down, the side doors knocked free. The pilot moved through the smoke, glad of his suite.

Inside there was a Jedi. At least that’s what the saber suggested. If he was on a medevac shuttle he was likely Servicecorps. He was still conscious, but hanging from the strapping. Asmus holstered his pistol.

“Commander Janes. Let’s get you down from there before the troopers show up,” he grunted before moving to help Abel down.

Hoth: Outpost Veers – Trenches
Team S: [member="Tomas Yarrow"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Rusty"] | [member="Draco Vereen"]

Team U: [member="Aeron Kreelan"] | [member="Isar Kislo"] | [member="Tsuki Aihara"]

[member="HK-36"] | [member="Sol Stazi"]
Enemies: [member="Chron Terix"] | [member="TK-4261 Strain"] | [member="Shaydae Desmaris"] | [member="Torian Pierce"] | [member="Rexus Wenck"] | [member="Hatori Ikari"] | [member="Pharazon Draken"] | Outpost Veers
Directly Engaging: [member="Anora Shaw"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Pierce Fortan III"]
Gear: Main in bio + stripped-down Power Armor with jetpack for atmo drop + SDC 13
Note for the Lazy: The Force Disperser makes Aver seem like a NFU

This was what she’d learned from the One Sith. Sure, usually she ran solo or in tandem with [member="Loray Tares"], but teams worked well. It helped disperse the workload, and it forced the enemy to split their attention between a greater number of foes. And you could flank.

Flanking was lovely.

They bore closer. The shard merc and the Firemane merc with a good bod both took verbal potshots at the the Vader Ren. She agreed in spirit, but her mouth was busy barking off a sitrep to the other team. “Prex, we’re stuck upside, fighting two Ren just outside Veers. Gonna be a while I’m guessing, one of them is the Vader guy form Mustafar. Your progress?” [member="Aeron Kreelan"]

The marines fired. The mercenaries fired. It was fireworks and it was death, in varying degrees of slug, bolt, lightsaber? and even a massive hammer attached to a dude.

No kill like overkill, right?

They seemed like they had Vader covered. The other Ren, however, was practically begging for some lethal attention, and Aver would never be so cruel as to deny her.

It was perhaps with a few milliseconds’ delay that the woman dropped off the speeding tank after Tomas. She was cloaked though – visually just like the mess of trampled snow and smoky air behind her. Force-wise, she was as unremarkable as the next trooper, and in the culsterkark of death and fire that reigned around Veers, Aver would melt right in.

Which was sort of the idea when you were trying to do some old fashioned flaking. Vader Ren would be busy fending off a small arsenal of attacks. And a flying marine. Woman Ren was still busy healing a wound – probably sustained when they fired on their position earlier.

Her chances? Pretty damn good. Especially when she considered that Kerrigan was about to give the female Ren a muzzle and some Force to worry about.

Yeah. Flakin’.
Location: In space​
Allies: FO [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] [member="Aleksander Miles"]​
[member="Nils Brenner"] - wingman​
Enemies: GA [member="Sieb Tevv"] [member="Choli Vyn"] [member="Kamon Vondiranach"]​
:: FIS Kuragin, be advised. What appears to be boarding vessels detected along your hull. Striker Flight will attempt to eliminate them. ::

Jianna's stomach churned and wanted to up end when more bodies seemingly floated past the two TIE Raptors as they made their patrol run around the Kuragin. She pushed down that ill feeling because throwing up in your sealed helmet was not pleasant and most humiliating to boot.
:: Striker Two - Let's clear up Kuragin's parasite problem. Tag em, and bag 'em. ::

::Roger that, One. ::

Gloved fingers readied themselves as Raas' targeting computer locked in the same solution as her wingman had used. When the targeting lock chimed, she followed with a volley of her own triggering all four ionization cannons and the two ion canons. The pod attached to the hull of the space station seemingly weakened by the first blasts gave way to the second and exploded.

:: One boarding vessel confirmed tagged and bagged. :: Gee reported, probably with a little too much glee for government work, though the captain would have to be blind not to have known that. Which a blind pilot would be a bad thing... just saying.

Suddenly Anoth air space got crowded real quick like. First a monstrosity of a ship decanted registering as the Itsukusk, the Galactic Alliance's flagship, then moments later another large capital ship dropped out of hyperspace, the Mando'ade's Mythosaur, marked as a friendly to the First Order.

:: We've got company, Striker One. Advancing screen incoming... I've got, whoa um, too many to count. :: the dark skinned pilot officer said, then maneuvered her elite TIE fighter around. There wasn't panic in her voice, but a bit of trepidation for sure. The odds weren't looking good, though perhaps the Mando fighters would give them some help as well.

Even though the suit the frost bit deep. Just the first gust of wind had his hairs standing on end. He couldn’t imagine what a desolate place this would be at night. Perhaps tonight it would still be illuminated by the laser cannons. Thin clouds high above were subject to a lightshow and flared red and blue as the two sides clashed.

Raziel directed his small strike team forwards with simple hand gestures. They were in full covert mode which meant now GNS systems, no comms, no situational awareness data. There were entirely silent in EM emissions.

Raziel pushed himself into the snow and drove himself to the top of a drift. He sighed as he looked down at the scene. Heavy tanks and walkers had already advanced together and were exchanging fire. Clouds of snow were still settling around echo base itself, as if an avalanche had fallen or a heavy artillery bombardment had been deployed by the Alliance. Neither of those possibilities boded well for the small team. This task for the FOSB had seemed a challenge at first, but there was little challenge to be had in running across an open field an hoping that death did not find you.

Another series of quick hand gestures. Push west, try and advance down that trench

By the time Linna slipped into one of the cult's speeders and drove off, she was shivering in earnest. Snow had packed itself down her collar and up her cuffs, and apart from her speeder jaunt she'd been more or less in the elements for hours now. The enclosed speeder shook with every impact behind it, at least until she separated herself from the battlefield. Mentally, she felt like the ploy had been a success -- it had to be, as she was still alive and had probably dropped the cult in circumstances that would eliminate them. Physically, emotionally, she couldn't quite shake the fear, or the sense that something would tear open her vehicle and toss her in the snow.

As she warmed up, however, heading back down the Nev Ice Flow and around the hairpin bend to the glacier, she found a measure of equilibrium. With the cult eliminated, or close enough, she could return to her room, her luggage, and her blessed, blessed hot tub.

Location: Landing at the the Paradise Atrium
Vessel: Chir'daki
Objective: Bespin infiltration, Potential Uprising communication
Allies: Galactic Alliance, [member="Ghorua the Shark"]
Enemies: First Order, [member="Irajah Ven"], [member="Samka Derith"], [member="Alkor Centaris"]
Equipment: Armor, Stealth Pistol and Carbine, Primitive Bow and Arrow, Jetpack , No-Show, Ankarres Crystal, Pouch of Seeds from Marshland of Ugnorgrad

The Chir'daki monstrosity moaned as it rattled in flight. The old leader had stuck a bobble head of a First Order soldier on the dash and Relit couldn't help but smile as the thing perpetually nodded. This was far from a smooth ride.

He looked over as he heard the encrypted channel open up, a hail from one of the various alliance fleets.

::Unnamed Vessel, please indicate call sign for coordination::

He looked down and then back over. He didn't have a call sign, nor did he need one. He was landing in a hot second, not taking part in the fleeting over Bespin. He was a Jedi Master, not a pilot. So he thought real quick and answered with the first thing that came to mind.

::This is Rhizome::


::Good Copy, Rhizome. Join in line with the SIS Squadron, we got a helluva a fight going on here.::
::Negative. I am en route to the Paradise Atrium. Orders.::
::Rodger, Rhizome. Good luck::

The ship cut hard through one of the many ports provided through Bespin, though none were truly big enough for any form of staging attack. In all respects, it seemed attack in the sky and infiltration was the primary means for which an attack could have occurred. The body of the ship spun as the wings changed axis, fitting in tight spots as it moved forward. With the evacuation going, as he had assumed would occur, he also assumed a little bit of flight here and there might go unnoticed.

Finding a nice bit building to land on, the feet ejected from the body and clamped in. Setting out, he gathered his gear and his equipment. Concealing his face once more in the mask afforded by the armor, he made his way to the paradise atrium. In times long past, such a place was used for coordination against the Iron Blockade. In times of need, he wondered if such would be the case once more.

In his breast pocket, the Ankarres crystal throbbed as a beacon of the lightside. While he caught no wondering eyes immediately in response to it, he was sure that any force users would see such as an invitation. But there was nothing that could be done. He needed it for the Ugnaughts and it was far too important to simply toss away.

He did his best to blend in but quickly realized success would be difficult in this regard.

Fiolette Fortan

[member="Cameron Centurion"] (Come Find Me) | [member="Magnus Ren"] | [member="Aralu Sar"] | [member="Brask'ari'sabosen"] | [member="Lydia Finn-Camden"] | [member="Jianna Raas"] | [member="Nils Brenner"] | [member="Face"] |
[member="Sieb Tevv"] | [member="Vexen"] | [member="Ipsy"] | [member="Spark Finn"] | @Micah Talith | [member="Allyson Locke"] (<3) | [member="Keric Dynt"] | [member="Atham'aali'kema"] | [member="Taheera Sollo"]

“We head up, pick up stragglers and get out of here,” Leona told Dr. Kay as she stood with her back to the viewport. Medical looked a helluva lot different than it did hours ago when it was busy. Patients checking with the front desk, nurses taking vitals, talking about concerts and boloball games and now. Now it looked like the apocalypse had stormed through. The major, now Colonel Leona Eldrel looked over her shoulder and she saw what Fiolette was looking at. Her expression soured, and then it faded into nothing. The blonde hardened her mindset, there was still a job to do and that was to ensure all personnel both military and civilian were gone. She checked back over her flashlight and wondered about a sidearm. And then her eyes fell over her comrade, the Admiral she watched the woman's body tense up and then relax.

Everything in Fiolette’s body screamed for her to do something. Outnumbered, outgunned, she’d been here before. Years of service, scars and battle wounds reminded her that with the countless victories there had been losses. She would bear the brunt of this one, crawling out of Kuragin wouldn’t be easy but she would be damned if she was about to give the Alliance on more inch of territory. Her tablet lit up from data incoming from the Warspite, she had an FOSB report on this ancient Sith ship. “Funny,” she deadpanned, “and here I thought we were the ones consorting with darkness, and here they are killing civilians, consorting with darksiders and wielding an ancient Sith ship...”

“That’s a very interesting definition of good guy,” she said and then looked over her shoulder to Leona and now Dr. Kay. “Move up, we’ve still got people to get out of here, and the Warspite isn’t without resources and neither am I.”

“Captain Walzer,” she called on her tablet, “launch the Nightshrikes, queue up their targeting systems it’ll be the most effective against those swarms. I want the Bolt II’s to start targeting shields working with our ‘Shrikes.” She ordered all the while walking toward the stairwell. “I wouldn’t trust the lifts boys and girls, when they boarded the Kuragin they severed key parts of her systems. Warspite’s all we got for now -”

She quirked a brow as she looked down at her tablet, “Mandalorians?”

Leona also raised a very curious brow, and then Fiolette decided to let the communication through and she wanted to know for what reason they were here. The Galidraani woman would have to hold her questions for later, “this is Fleet Admiral Yvarro, as you can see we’re outgunned, any help would be appreciated. I’ve dispatched part my own fleet to help reinforce Bespin.” She said to the Mandalorian on her screen while she flipped back to monitor the situation outside of Kuragin through the Warspite’s eyes.

The situation looked grim, but the Galaxy had thrown much worse at her. “Right, up these stairs past level three of the next section, which should... Should be engineering, level three - from there we’ll get better access to the station. I might be able to cut off power and help get rid of the pest there.” And then Fiolette finally got a look at Dr. Kay’s weapon, and then looked at Dr. Kay again, “remind me when this is over to have you stationed on the Warspite.”

“I’m touched,” Colonel Eldrel remarked, “you love me so much.”

“I need you to keep Commodore Rashad happy, she’s going to be down my throat when this is all done.”

Colonel Eldrel shook her head and refrained from commenting. "There an armoury nearby?"

"Should be, chief engineer's office is on the same level, we can gear up there." Admiral Yvarro answered, "until then let's hope the Alliance is allergic to duraplast flashlights."

In the Anoat System, Defensive Unit: Adrastia
FIV Warspite | Warspite II
Deployed: 4 Squadrons of Nightshrikes
FIV Spark | Bolt II
FIV Surge | Bolt II
FIV Sonic | Bolt II
FIV Sound | Bolt II

1x Warspite (2292m)
4x Bolts (240m)

At Bespin, Support Unit: Celestian
[member="Hogrum Veed"]'s Disposal, Orbit of Bespin
FIV Kama | Dagger II
FIV Katar | Dagger II
FIV Dowager | Fortan II
FIV Duchess | Fortan II

2x Daggers (488m)
2x Fortans (400m)


Location: Hoth: Outpost Veers - Trenches.
Objective: Purge
Allies: Team S: [member="Aver Brand"], [member="Tomas Yarrow"], [member="Rusty"], [member="Draco Vereen"]
Other allied folks: [member="Aeron Kreelan"], [member="HK-36"], [member="Sol Stazi"]
Enemies: First Order. [member="Pierce Fortan III"], [member="Kyrel Ren"], [member="Anora Shaw"]
Outpost Veers. Tagging those I'm actively engaging.
Gear: Imperatrix Armour, shatterbolter, hard sound carbine, revolver, grenades and thermal dets, wrist bolter, 2x lightsabres.

The Ren in the Vader outfit kept on ranting. To Siobhan, it sounded like puerile posturing. If this was supposed to constitute an attempt at Dun Möch, it was a terribly amateurish one. Besides, all the noise made it a tad difficult to hear all he said. Her expression remained stoic.

She felt a surge of the Force as he tried manipulate the inner workings of the tank. Unfortunately for him, the manoeuvre would require line of sight. The generator that kept the shield running was very small and like five metres above him. Thus, it stayed intact.

Drawing upon her own power, she let the Force flow through and nullified his assault upon the by now battered colossus of steel, banishing his grip. The icy wind whipped across the snowy land, howling loudly. She gave HK a ping over the usual channel. "Moving on Veers. Beating on Ren. Few TIEs. Status?" the message was terse and to the point.

Their Shard ally and Yarrow were throwing both verbal and very physical barbs at the masked Ren. "Go smash," she responded to Yarrow. Tone icy, face stoic. She was still brazely positioned on top of the tank's outer shell. It was a cool light show. Laser cannon fire splashed against the tank, burnt the snow, and the shield shimmered. It was coming under pressure, but worked well enough.

Then the Firemane marine leapt off the tank towards Vader Ren, becoming a literal wrecking ball meant to deliver an ungodly amount of pain, massive phrik hammer in hand. Siobhan decided she liked Yarrow's style. As far as malelings went, he wasn't bad at all. It helped that he obeyed her orders. Which generally involved bashing things with his hammer or pulverising them with a cannon, but that was besides the point.

'Vrygg' dashed after him, vanishing as she blended in amongst the snow. Siobhan knew what her role was. Standing on top of the tank, not worrying about falling off it due to magclamps, she focused her power upon the Lady Ren. Said power was unleashed in the form of a powerful telekinetic punch that was meant to connect with Anora's face with terrible force.

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