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Sor-Jan Xantha

Sor-Jan Xantha

Character transferred from Moons of Iego & Star Wars: Threads of the Force
Name: Sor-Jan Xantha
Alias(es): SJ
Faction: The New Republic; Jedi Praxeum
Rank: Commander, New Republic Navy
Race/Species: Anzati
Chronological Age: 913 years [ b. 69 BBY ]
Actual Age: 57 years [ 69-19 BBY; 844-851 ABY ]
Apparent Age: Youngling
Sex: Male
Height: 137 cm
Weight: 32 kg
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark Blond
Skin: Fair
Homeworld: Bela Vistal, Corellia
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force User Rank: Master [x]
Voice Sample: Jake Lloyd

[ + ] The Dork Knight. "Droid brain" is an antagonistic diminutive that's often been applied to him. Analytical, creative and contemplative, Sor-Jan demonstrates both patience, ingenuity, and a particular brand of wit. He's served the Jedi Order as a scholar, soldier and strategist, demonstrating the breadth of his knowledge and experience.

[ + ] The Mechanic. Demonstrates a high degree of mechanical aptitude, particularly for Corellian engineering. Often works on a YT-2400 light freighter in his off-time as a hobby.

[+/-] Improv Fu. SJ hails from the "Anything Goes School of Martial Arts." As a master of the Sixth Form of Lightsaber Combat, he excels at a little bit of everything and a whole lot of nothing. This applies in business as with adventuring. Oddly, his plans usually works. Never as he intended for it to work, but it usually works. As a Corellian Jedi, he was also known to follow his own path and interpret his assigned mission objectives to suit his beliefs.

[+/-] Improbable Age. He fought in the Stark Hyperspace War, the Yinchorri Uprising, and the Clone Wars... and he hasn't even hit puberty yet. The reason for this is the metabolic rate at which Anzat age and mature. The youngest Anzat were said to be ancient. "Youthful Anzati reached puberty at approximately one hundred standard years of age..." [source]

[ - ] Squishy Space Wizard. Sor-Jan doesn't wear armor and gets by using his telekinetic abilities. Without the Force, he's as powerful as the average 10 year old.

[ - ] Growing Up Sucks. Sor-Jan knows what he is, and what he will grow into. The spectre of his own maturity looms over him like a shadow, fueling his nightmares for the fear of whether or not he will be able to control the desire to feed on the lifeforce of others.

A boy who is exactingly near-human in almost all details. The primary distinguishing characteristic is that Sor-Jan, like all Anzat, has no detectable heart rate or body rhythm. Sor-Jan also possesses two tendril-like proboscises, which are ordinarily retracted into cheek pouches on either side of his nose. The cheek pouches and proboscises are not visibly apparent when retracted. He wore clothing traditional to Corellia, making him outwardly indistinguishable from any number of spacers in the galaxy. He would sometimes wear the green robe of a Corellian Jedi over his normal clothes.

Sor-Jan is a very curious individual, possessed of both an interest in other cultures and a wanderlust; both traits attributable to his padawan apprenticeship to the Thisspiasian Jedi Sentinel Azul Gol. In terms of practical Jedi philosophy, Sor-Jan was neither a strict diplomat nor a warrior, but adopted the ‘middle of the road’ approach more typical of a Jedi Sentinel. A playful free spirit, though not rebellious, Sor-Jan occasionally came into conflict with the Jedi Counsel for his tendency to follow his own path.

Body Rhythm: Though possessed of a circulatory and respiratory system, the Anzat has evolved into the penultimate predator of humanoids - presumptively themselves the top of the food chain - to the point that neither a heart beat or breathing will give away the Anzat as these facets of their physiology take place at a level which is unperceivable to detection even scientifically. How the Anzat circulatory functions remains a particularly confounding medical question, primarily due to the lack of living Anzat willing to be studied. Similarly, the Anzat gives off no discernable body heat. The combination of these features would allow for an Anzat to pass for a recently deceased corpse by simply lying prone.

Feeding: As an Anzati adolescent, the onset of mature development in an Anzat will begin the Hunt for 'soup'. The necessity will be mild at first, increasing in intensity with every successive year of his life after; thus transitioning the Anzat from normal foods to sustaining themselves through the Hunt for soup alone. This makes ancient Anzat particularly fearsome creatures.

Alignment: Light
Class/Subclass: Green Jedi / Jedi Sentinel (Technical/Slicer)
Known Masters: Jedi Master Azul Gol (d. 33 BBY)
Contemporaries: Jedi Archaeologist Rachi Sitra
Known Students: Joshua Vantal, Lilli Sinopi, Noriko Ike

Lightsaber: Paperweight
Primary Form: Form VI
Influences: Form III | Center of Being
Technique: Sor-Jan always opens with Soresu, the primary form that was taught to his Youngling Clan. His master, Azul Gol, was a master of Niman and provided Sor-Jan with an excellent understanding of its form; however, when cornered or surprised, Sor-Jan always falls back upon his own mastery of Soresu. Sor-Jan typically looks for ways to survive a conflict as opposed to seeking victory, favoring a strong defense over offense.

Philosophy: In his own words, Sor-Jan describes himself as a scholar or student of the galaxy rather than the traditional view of the Jedi as guardians, warriors, or diplomats.

Incom T-85 X-Wing Starfighter
CEC YT-2400 Light Freighter "Alderaan Queen"


Pathfinder Armor
Paperweight (original lightsaber)
Papercut (second/dueling lightsaber)
Clone Trooper blaster pistol
Silk QQ-83N Sidearm (paddle beam) (proof of purchase)
AEL Warden Cloak, green
Corellia Digital HoloLink

Corellia Digital HoloBoy Advanced (Slicer Datapad)
A99 Rebreather
Sabaac Deck

None, currently

None, currently

The Anzat who would become the boy-general of the Republic was first discovered as a newborn infant outside of an orphanage on Corellia in 69 BBY. Being largely unfamiliar with his species, the unusual body rhythm was cause for concern among the Corellian medical community. He was adopted by one of the nurses who cared for him, who happened to have been married to a member of the prestigious Xantha Medical Research Group, giving him the name Sor-Jan Xantha. When blood tests revealed the presence of concentrated midi-chlorians, the law required that the records be sent to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for review. Inevitably, the Jedi came for him around his second birthday; however, in the custom of Corellian Jedi Sor-Jan was permitted to maintain some ties with his adoptive family on Corellia.
As a newborn, Sor-Jan was discovered outside a hospital in Bela Vistal on Corellia. Originally mistaken for dead, owing to the mystery of the Anzat biorhythm, he was adopted by the Xantha family and raised until he was a toddler. Identified as an Anzat, a race that is Force Sensitive, the Jedi Order came for the boy shortly after his third birthday. Sor-Jan's adoptive family appealed to the Corellian Jedi, who ensured that the boy continued to have contact and maintain ties to his family on Corellia even while training as a Jedi on the Republic capital of Coruscant.

As a youngling, Sor-Jan was mentored by Jedi Master Tyvokka in Clan Womprat. As might be expected of an Anzat, with their preternatural ability to psionically sense the Force, Sor-Jan was a very empathic child. Its believed this sensitivity toward others was likely what attracted the attention of a Thisspiasian Jedi Knight by the name of Azul Gol. Ordinarily a Watchman in the Outer Rim Territories, Gol had returned to Coruscant at the request of his own former master in order to find a student for himself – a task for which Gol spent the better part of a year deciding upon before selecting Sor-Jan as his padawan learner in 60 BBY. To demonstrate his dedication to his new pupil, Gol built a custom training lightsaber for Sor-Jan with a yellow blade to denote his apprenticeship to a Jedi Sentinel.

Departing Coruscant shortly after, Sor-Jan traveled to the Outer Rim with his new master. Neither his family on Corellia or the Jedi Counsel would have more than sporadic contact with the pair over the course of the next decade, with Gol showing Sor-Jan wonders and mysteries of the galaxy which in some cases had even been known to the Jedi Archives. Often the voice of the Republic to new colonies, the pair would sometimes go on assignments for the Jedi Counsel in the Outer Rim but were typically both out of sight and out of mind. It’s believed now that their discovery of previously unknown ruins may have been what sparked Sor-Jan’s interest in galactic history.

In the late-40’s (BBY), the pair began to work their way back toward the Core Worlds and Coruscant – with Azul Gol believing that Sor-Jan was ready to undertake the Gathering and wanting to give his padawan the opportunity to apply for the Jedi Trials should he opt to take it. Content to remain merely an avid learner, it is possible that Sor-Jan would have happily remained a padawan were it not for the Stark Hyperspace War thrusting him into a position of responsibility that was different than anything he had experienced before. As Gol’s padawan, Sor-Jan found himself charged with directing Republic Judicial Forces as a Jedi Commander commissioned in the field. Assigned to safeguard convoys of medical supplies, which had been subject to heavy raiding and the creation of a bacta shortage, the pair were often separated as Gol pursued the pirates and Sor-Jan guided the convoy. By the war’s end, Sor-Jan was directing a flotilla of medical transports with almost total autonomy.

At the end of the conflict, Sor-Jan applied for the trials with Gol’s sponsorship. At his knighting ceremony, Sor-Jan returned to Gol the lightsaber which the Thisspiasian had constructed for him nearly two decades before. When the current class of Jedi Hopefuls had graduated its younglings in 37 BBY, Sor-Jan selected a Twilek boy by name of Dil Andau – whom he referred to as “Dilly” – to be his own padawan learner. After six years on Coruscant, Sor-Jan was eager to get back out and explore the reaches of the galaxy, and to show them to his own apprentice as Azul Gol had done for him decades earlier. Prior to departing, Master Gol met with the pair in order to present a gift to young Dil Andau; the lightsaber he had constructed for Sor-Jan. Sor-Jan and Dilly departed Coruscant on what had been planned as a five-year excursion into the Outer Rim and a return to the ruins which Azul Gol and Sor-Jan had discovered in the 50’s.

Only three years into the study; however, Sor-Jan had a vision of events which would come to be known as the Yinchorri Uprising, including something disturbing enough that Sor-Jan and Dilly immediately abandoned the archaeological dig and immediately rushed back to Coruscant – a journey that would take them six months. Always one step behind the events of his visions, Sor-Jan arrived in the Yinchorri System with Judicial Forces reinforcements in time to provide cover and support for Azul Gol’s battalion, which had become outflanked. Sor-Jan was successful in evacuating Gol’s forces and directing a counter-offensive, but was unable to save the life of his former master.

Sor-Jan emerged from the conflict as a lauded Jedi General, decorated with the award of the Corellian bloodstripe, though he was most proud of Dil Andau – who, like Sor-Jan before, had risen to the challenge of being a Jedi Commander despite his teenage youth. Sor-Jan and Dilly traveled to Sor-Jan’s adopted home on Corellia to mourn and to meditate, before being sent on assignments for the Jedi Council. Though occasionally able to survey archeological points of interests, the pair were not able to return to the far Outer Rim to complete their study of the ruins there.

In 28 BBY, the pair returned to Coruscant so that Dilly could undertake the trials. His success and knighting proved bittersweet, as Sor-Jan was presented (for the second time) with the lightsaber which Azul Gol had constructed for him as a padawan when Dil Andau returned it to his care. Unlike Sor-Jan, Dil Andau applied himself to his master’s path – the Consular path – with the only difference being that the now grown Twilek would pursue the Jedi Healing Arts.

Possibly due to Dilly’s medical training taking place on Coruscant, Sor-Jan opted to return to working in the Jedi Archives. While there, Sor-Jan discovered a holocron that Azul Gol had left for him and, after consultation with it’s gatekeeper, Sor-Jan again took ownership of a new group of younglings; which he named Clan Womprat in reference to his own youngling clan. It is possible that his intent was to again select one of the younglings to be his new padawan learner, though the start of the Clone Wars took him away from Coruscant before their graduation ceremony. Before he left, however, he did help Dil Andau to select one of the younglings as his first padawan apprentice; perhaps his intent all along.

Charged with directing the newly re-christened Republic Navy, Sor-Jan fought to establish space superiority around Geonosis while Grand Master Yoda led the clone army in the rescue of Jedi forces on the planet, after which Sor-Jan didn’t return to Coruscant. While most Jedi Generals found themselves at the head of Clone Trooper armies, General Xantha’s experience in the Stark Hyperspace War and Yinchorri Uprising were better suited to directing strategy and approach – a task for which Sor-Jan undertook the training of former Judicial Forces and militia admirals to form together the first military officers of the Republic Navy.

By 20 BBY, however, the Republic was in the thick of the Separatist rebellion. With even Coruscant as a target of Separatist attack, it was no surprise that other Core Worlds were feeling internal and external pressures. Piracy in the Corellia Sector again threatened to plunge the Republic into a shortage of necessary military and medical supplies, which political insurrection on Drall spread to parts of Corellia and even Selonia. The Jedi Council recognized that the Corellian situation would have to be dealt with, but losses in the Yinchorri Uprising and the Battle of Geonosis had significantly thinned their numbers.

General Xantha was seemingly the best answer, being that he was not leading clone troopers on the front lines – a task for which the Jedi Council had already ruled him out as being unsuited for. Not that he was unable to rise to the challenge, but the Jedi Council couldn’t see the clone commanders as having any way of relating to the general any more than the general would be able to relate to the clone troopers. Faced with no other available option, the Jedi Council placed Sor-Jan in command of the 432nd Marine Expeditionary Force and requisitioned a unique resource from Kamino to serve as a kind of ‘liaison’ between Sor-Jan and the clone troopers; a juvenile clone.

Sor-Jan took a fleet of corvettes, in lieu of larger star destroyers, in order to have a versatile and fast maneuvering force against the pirates. Arriving in the Corellian Sector, Sor-Jan quickly set to approaching the conflict as one might have expected a Jedi Sentinel to do – making political as well as military inroads into the system. One surprise twist, however, was community-level engagement. In at least one instance, Sor-Jan had the 432nd paint and repair an orphanage on Drall in order to establish good will with the communities there. Sor-Jan was noted for even engaging some of the Separatist and Insurgent leaders on Corellia and Drall in direct negotiations, such as for the limiting of civilian casualties. Though initially wary of their general, the clone troopers seemed genuinely appreciative of the manner in which Sor-Jan had adopted the juvenile clone, whom Sor-Jan had even given a name to, as his friend.

The exercise however, intended as a stop-gap so that the Jedi Council would not have a Corellian problem to deal with after the Clone Wars were over, was merely a countdown to disaster. The following year, while pursuing pirates to the neighboring Duro Sector, the clone troopers suddenly turned on Sor-Jan.

The boy-general was not wholly unprepared for the shock and awe of having the formerly loyal soldiers betray him. While traveling in hyperspace, the boy had become aware of a great disturbance in the Force. First on Coruscant, then suddenly everywhere around him. It was as though the Jedi were like stars in space, dying out en masse one after the other. The time dilation of hyperspace worked to his advantage, with the clone troopers on board not receiving Order 66 until after the ship had emerged back into normal space-time; by which time Sor-Jan’s concern and suspicion were raised.

This was the fatal mistake of the 432nd. His predatory and defensive instincts already aroused, the Jedi Knight was all ready on his guard when the clones made their move. Without hesitation, Sor-Jan attacked the clone troopers – a move mirrored by some of the Republic's human crew. As word spread across the fleet – despite efforts by the clone troopers to contain the naval officers – the ship’s crews also took up arms against the clone troopers. With battles taking place among Sor-Jan’s ships, those under ‘loyal’ Republic control began to turn their turbolasers on the ‘Jedi dissident’ vessel – originally Sor-Jan’s command ship. Taking fire within and without, by the time Sor-Jan reasserted command and control over his ship he found himself unable to maneuver, most of the crew dead, and another of his own ships on a collision course.

The only solution left was a blind hyperspace jump. And so his ship disappeared, not to be heard from again, and Sor-Jan’s name went down as presumed dead in the records of Order 66.

But the story didn’t end there. Instead, that was merely the beginning.

The relativistic shields of the corvette damaged, the blind hyperspace jump exited into an unknown galaxy. A different time, with a different history. Many of the names appeared to be the same, but the political map had changed. As his ship crashed down on a fringe world, the Corellian Jedi found himself in a time and place he knew nothing about. Sor-Jan found himself out in the Outer Rim, where he met a galaxy divided. Many political factions were familiar to him, but it was many hundreds of centuries after the life he had known.



Initially, Sor-Jan settled back into that role for which he was most familiar; that of a teacher. He befriended the Jedi of the Jedi Academy Network and found himself teaching at the Jedi Temple on Yavin 4. This led to his introduction to a group of fringers out in the Tingel Arm Region that was known as the Levantine Sanctum. His curious wanderlust re-ignited, the boy ventured out in pursuit of what mysteries may lie in this unknown region of the galactic map. He encountered the Dark Side. Not the Sith, but an evil that was comparable. It was an artifact related to the Krath Holy Crusade that had struck from the Core Worlds in the days before Jedi had carried lightsabers. On the distant world of Tash-Taral, Sor-Jan found the tomb of a Krath Sorcerer and was successful in destroying the spirits worldly tether, sending the malicious entity into the Force.

The Levantine Sanctum also served to introduce him to the freedom fighters operating in the galaxy. [member="Jorus Merrill"] of the Underground and members of the Resistance against the First Order. The latter of which resulted in Sor-Jan participating in the Battle of Skye against the First Order as a captain in the Resistance.

In his spare time, Sor-Jan returned to the broken world of Corellia and searched for a way to re-kindle the Corellian spirit in that system. Picking up a shattered electronics company, he began trying to create jobs and increase economic opportunities among the Five Brothers. At first it was only the Corellia Digital Company, but contracts with Sasori Research quickly prompted him to open a banking firm on Denon. It was a hobby that seemed very much a second (or even second and third) job.


Sometime later, Sor-Jan transitioned from the Jedi Academy to a reclusive group of Jedi who occupied the Tingel Arm Region of the galaxy. Known as the Order of the Silver Jedi, they did not have the traditional divisions of Jedi Guardian or Jedi Consular. Sor-Jan became a general in the peacekeeper forces that looked over a league of non-aligned worlds, which the Silver Jedi protected. Corellia Digital, now a growing interstellar corporation encompassing two subsidiaries, demanded too much of his attention. He turned the reigns over to a former Levantine officer named Aisha Marc so that he could commit himself wholly to the life of a Jedi Knight.

At the same time, his connections with the Underground deepened. He met [member="Alec Rekali"] of Clan Rekali and traveled down to the Kathol Outback, where he served as a Jedi Watchman for several years. He, along with [member="Bryce Bantam"] and [member="Joza Perl"] re-discovered the world of Exocron. During the Omega Crisis, he fought alongside [member="Jorus Merrill"] a second time. He may have stayed in the Kathol Outback longer, but a brewing war in the Tingel Arm demanded his presence on Voss.

When Mand'alor [member="Vilaz Munin"] declared war on the Silver Jedi, Sor-Jan fell back into the role of General Xantha, leading and directing naval forces along the border between Mandalorian and Silver Jedi controlled space. When terrorists detonated a super-volcano on the planet Mandalore, Sor-Jan made the decision to direct a humanitarian aid lift mission to the planet. His connections to Clan Rekali from the Kathol Outback proved a saving grace, as the mission almost ended in a total disaster.

Sor-Jan Xantha


Chapter 1 | The Ashes of the Clone Wars
.:Galactic Republic Stories
Chapter 2 | The Tomb of Liber Mordu
.:Levantine Sanctum Stories
Chapter 2.5 | The Silver Sanctum Coalition
.:The Merger of the Levantine Sanctum & the Order of the Silver Jedi
Intermission | The Corellia Digital Corporation
[ Corellia Digital ] | [ Corell Financial ] | [ Corellia Defense ]
.:A Tier V Canon Company

Chapter 3 | The Kathol Outback
.:Stories of the Underground

Chapter 4 | Return of the Jedi
.:New Republic Stories
Taking the First Steps | New Republic Dominion of Rendili Hex
New Republic vs John Doe | New Republic Dominion of Brentaal IV Hex
Last Taungsday Night

Sor-Jan Xantha

Mysa Snowstrider said:
I'm not using Asa anymore :p
Well.... poodoo. Now I gotta think about if Jake's staying or not then.

Aaaaaaand Jake's fired.

Yes, Jake is back. Yes, I'm fickle as hell.

Sor-Jan Xantha

Great question, [member="Davin Skirata"]. I actually struggled with that for awhile, hence why I wrote him as a padawan for 6 years before promoting him.

Yes, he is knighted. As for knight-level abilities, that depends on the type of ability. Mental and academic disciplines, yes. Physical disciplines, not so much. As noted in Alen Na'Varro's "Protective Posture" thread, Sor-Jan had never trained or even thought about Force Shield before, as an example.

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
Cool character, and to be honest, Anzat scare the fudge out of me, makes me sure to keep my helmet on tight and securely sealed around them, no offense. anyway, nicely written and well rounded character

[member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]

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