Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Starship Submission Modifications

Submission Name: Victory III class Star Destroyer
Link to Submission: Here
Reason for Modification: It was brought to my attention that individuals have been using my submissions without my permission as members of factions unaffiliated with who or what this submission was intended to support. As such, I've created a corporation to handle the IC manufacture, licensure, and distribution of this submission.
Manufacturer: Imperial State Hypernautics
Affiliation: Restricted Sales to Imperial Factions

Submission Name: Raider III class Corvette
Link to Submission: Here
Reason for Modification: It was brought to my attention that individuals have been using my submissions without my permission as members of factions unaffiliated with who or what this submission was intended to support. As such, I've created a corporation to handle the IC manufacture, licensure, and distribution of this submission.
Manufacturer: Imperial State Hypernautics
​Affiliation: Restricted Sales to Imperial Factions
Submission Name: Sangromancer
Link to Submission: Here
Reason for Modification: To bring more into line with Domino's current feelings. I really dont know what I was thinking when I included that bit.
Modification: Remove " save its unique art where the circle fleet emblem once lay" from the second to last line of the first paragraph in the description.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Submission Name: Seroth-class Frigate
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Stole it. Basically, it's from a defunct faction, it got forgotten for a year or so, and we figured out where it would be and went and got it. We tagged the last person who had any kind of an OOC claim on it, and he liked the post and knew what we were up to. All aboveboard.
Modification: Change Affiliation to "Personal (Isley Verd and Ember Rekali)/The Witchmasters".

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
Submission Name: S90 MAAT
Link to Submission: [x]
Reason for Modification: Broken picture link, and while I was at it I upgraded to the new format and nerfed a few things. Lowered shields, lowered transport capacity, lowered maneuverability to be in line with what was discussed here and beefed up description to reflect changes.

Image Source: [x]
Affiliation: Open Market
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Model: S90 MAAT
Modularity: Yes
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Durasteel
Classification: Gunship
Length: 18 Meters
Height: 7 meters
Width: 19 Meters
Dual rotary blaster cannon
Rear Laser Cannon turret
3 Fixed Laser Cannons
2 Composite-beam Laser Turrets
2 Missile Launchers (6 Missiles Each)

Squadron Count: 6

Special Features:
Ion Engine
Rappelling rope
Communications Array
Encryption Network
Light Deflector Shield Generator
Standard Life Support Systems
Standard Navigational Systems
Standard Sensor Array
Standard Targeting Systems

Maneuverability Rating: 4
Speed Rating: 2.5
Hyperdrive Class: Class-2

*Heavily armed
*Low Maneuverability
*Relatively light shields
*Slow Hyperdrive for class with no backup

Description: The S90 MAAT (Multiple Altitude Assault Transport) is an engineering marvel. Designed by Sienar Fleet Systems as a long range troop insertion and support vehicle the S90 is capable of hyperspace travel, though at a slower pace than most craft of the type. The S90 is a heavily armed sporting rotary blaster cannons turreted on the nose, three laser cannons fixed to the wings, two missile launchers, and two composite-beam lasers. The ship is designed for quick insertion of troops, and the ability to support those on the ground. The vessel is crewed by four crew members. The Pilot, and captain, guides the ship and operates the laser cannons and missiles, the copilot navigates, and mans the rotary blasters, and two additional crew members act as gunners manning the two wing mounted composite-beam laser turrets remotely from the cockpit.

In its primary configuration the vessel is capable of delivering twenty troops into a hot zone. This is achieved through speed and the craft is capable of VTOL landing or hovering in place and allowing troopers to fast rope to the surface. While the S90 is a fast craft is has poor maneuverability at speeds and when supporting infantry and other ground forces is required to move at an alarmingly slow pace making it vulnerable to dedicated anti air units or starfighters.

Furthering its role as a utility combat craft the S90 is also able to be modified with relative ease with versions designed to carry heavy equipment, and armor onto the battlefield. A medevac version of the craft also exists complete with medic droid and space for ten critical patients. Special operations forces have been noted to modify the craft by adding heavy blasters mounts to the doors allowing them to fire from the sides down on the enemy.

Development Thread:
Intent: Imperial Blackhawk
Who Can Use This: Whomever purchases it from Santhe.
Primary Source:
Submission Name: Reason-class
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Affiliation Update & General Housekeeping - As the submission was never deployed/used IC since the prior alteration, I'm simply requesting this change. It is being requested with the permission of the FO faction owner [member="Aram Kalast"].
- Change Affiliation to "The Mandalorians (Clan Verd/Isley Verd)

- Update the submission's title to Reason-class Dreadnought.
[member="Ajira Cardei"]

Confirm please?

Ember Rekali said:
Submission Name: Seroth-class Frigate
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Stole it. Basically, it's from a defunct faction, it got forgotten for a year or so, and we figured out where it would be and went and got it. We tagged the last person who had any kind of an OOC claim on it, and he liked the post and knew what we were up to. All aboveboard.
Modification: Change Affiliation to "Personal (Isley Verd and Ember Rekali)/The Witchmasters".
[member="Sasha Santhe"]

Manoeuvrability 4 is pretty typical for a troop transport/gunship of this size, so isn't really a weakness.

Speed 2.5/20 compared to speed 2.5/10 in the old system is essentially an upgrade

However, if you call it speed 3, remove the manoeuvrability weakness I'm happy to make the change.

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation

I'd rather not edit it all and just put the broken image link in then. Also I've seen speed/maneuverability 3/3 shuttles as heavily armed and maneuverability 4 corvettes... Considering the edit already nerfed an article that hasn't ever been Reported and my intent was just to fix a broken image link I don't see why I need to edit further. But whatever keep the old data and just add the picture link if it bothers you that much I shouldn't have to fight you to fix a broken image link.
[member="Isley Verd"]

I have discussed this with the TU faction admins and the change has been made.

Next time you want to steal something, give the opposition faction genuine time to oppose, even if you think they're inactive.
Submission Name: Bes'Drahr-class Battleship
Reason for Modification: Changing the formatting, altering the weapons (change results in 4 more capital weapons total and 8 total defense guns, but less damaging weaponry), spelling corrects, use of Mandalorian Steel instead of super complicated mixture (fits the original theme better) and added a specific resistance to kinetic weapons, pulled Advanced Sensor Computers, Reduced Hyperdrive


Image Source: Here
Intent: Make a Heavy Battleship

Development Thread:
Who Can Use This: Select Buyers
Manufacturer: ArmaTech Industries
Model: Mk1
Affiliation: ArmaTech Industries
Modularity: Yes
Production: Minor
Material: Mandalorian Steel, Hafnium-Tantalum Carbide, Neutronium-Agrinium Mesh, Turadium, Starship Components

Classification: Assault Cruiser
Length: 850
Width: 250
Height: 200
  • None
Minimum Crew: 1,230
Optimum Crew: 8,655
Passenger Capacity: 3,500
Cargo Capacity: 8,000 Metric Tons
Consumables: 2 Years
Maneuverability Rating: 14
Speed Rating: 14
Hyperdrive Class: 1.0
Backup Hyperdrive Class: 8.0

Sensor and Targeting
  • Encrypted Segregated Communication Network
  • HoloNet Transceiver
  • IFF Transponder
  • LOS Communication Lasers
  • Life Support Systems
  • Precision Navigation Computer
  • Escape Pods
  • Repulsorlift Stabilizers
  • Atmospheric Flight Stabilizers
  • Tractor Beam Projectors (4)
  • Pressor Beam Projectors (2)
The hull of the Bes'Drahr is one of the main reasons the ship is so durable, and able to survive against larger heavier ships. Layering of the hull was deemed absolutely necessary in order to defend the vessel properly, and so the metal and ceramics used to protect the ship are state of the art. The outermost layer of the armor consists of molecularly-aligned high-density Mandalorian Steel plates, sandwiching hafnium-tantalum carbide to provide excellent heat and piercing protection. These layers alternate between horizontal and vertical armor, and are reinforced with a crossweb of duranium rebar. This provides an increased resistance to mass drivers, hypervelocity rounds, and missiles. The next layer consists of a micro-mesh of chainmail like links of Neutronium-Agrinium metal matrices. These matrices help to disperse kinetic, electrical, and blaster based energy across a larger area of the hull decreasing the likelihood of a piercing hit. The Agrinium will also provide very limited Ion and EMP resistance. Filled with Sealant Foam the layer can be used to nearly instantly sealed rather than venting atmosphere until bulk heads can be locked in place. This foam is very weak and is solely meant to retain atmosphere, not repel capital ship weapons. This layer of Micro-mesh is separated into triangular sections by Mandalorian Steel reinforcing bracers to strengthen the over all hull and limit the 'give' of those layers. The interior hull is reinforced with a layer of Hafnium-Tanalum carbide plating over vertical high-density Turadium belt armor offering added protection against direct fire mass drivers and missiles, as well as being fairly resilient against blaster based weapons given the structure and density of the belt armor. The inner most layer of the hull consists of Mandalorian steel reinforced Turadium plates and bulk heads. The frame of the ship provides a great deal of structural resilience to the ship being crafted of thick Turadium beams along the spine. The prow of the ship is double the standard thickness of the armor to strengthen it against full forward assaults and potential suicide runs by enemy ships.

Propulsion System
The Bes'Drahr makes use of a powerful Firestorm-class Isotope-5 Power Generator. The extremely powerful system has allowed the Bes'Drahr to include a heavier payload of weaponry and more potent shields than the basic power plant, however, it is not an end all be all vessel. The Firestorm provides a relatively stable enhanced power-supply but also packs the destructive force of several tactical nuclear weapons and should be respected. That is why it is buried within the Citadel of the ship and its own chamber is a heavily armored tube to defend it. Even still the danger of having such a powerful reactor did not go unnoticed. Catastrophic Release Braces were included in the design just in case the reactor suffered from critical melt down. The main drive system includes Two Primary Engines and Four Auxiliary Engines for boosting acceleration, maneuvering and stabilizing. Two smaller dedicated reactors were connected to the primary engines, and several smaller auxiliary reactors were located throughout the ship. Life support and lights had its own dedicated power source that was EMP and Ion Shielded, as did the Bridge. While the ship could still be disabled, power to these systems remained functional after an EMP or Ion attack.

Internal Layout
Much like the ancient Turbulence-class Star Destroyer the Bes'Drahr was designed to repel and survive boarding actions, and is compartmentalized to minimize the amount of internal systems lost by hull breach, keeping as much of the ship functional as possible as it takes damage. Its been known that a Bes'drahr with just engines, primary reactor, bridge and guns to be still somewhat combat functional. In this vein, the ship almost must be chipped away, or have its movement crippled to prepare it for a direct strike on its reactor. By creating a Citadel of heavy 1.5 meter thick bulkheads and blast doors cutting off the Bridge, Reactor, Primary Engineering rooms from the rest of the super structure allowed the crew to maintain primary control of the ship should it be boarded during combat for an extended amount of time. Additionally the Citadel is constructed with a labyrinth like maze of corridors and passages with defending the key locations in mind. Choke points, ray shields, stasis fields, and barriers can be activated, providing cover, funneling enemies into these defended positions or away from important areas if need be. Automated defense turrets can be lowered from ceilings providing heavy weapon support for the ships defenders within the Citadel. Dual ACS-205 Advanced Dual Weapon Systems can descend at most connections within the Citadel when activated and at key locations such as those near the bridge, reactor, VIP suites, and engineering rooms have a larger turret featuring a single ASC-203 Hellfire Autocannon or ACS-203 Hellstorm Blastercannon. These turrets are controlled by a droid brain using IFF Transpoders to identify targets. Outside the Citadel the superstructure is sleek, maintaining a smaller number of defensive positions than within. Corridors are smaller on this ship, compensating for its large amount of weaponry and thick hull. The primary bridge is secured at the base of the where the superstructure and the main body meet, buried under several levels of weapon decks and other secure bulk heads. In cruising deployment it features simple transparisteel windows, fitted with Holoscreens within them, allowing the officers to see data transplanted on the screen as though looking through the windows with data readouts on subjects of note listed on them. In combat however a meter thick plate of High-Density, Molecularly-aligned Turadium alloy drops into place in front of these windows, which still appear to be viewing the outside of the armor blast screen. This protects the bridge from suicide runs to a high degree. The Auxiliary bridge is located five levels below the main bridge within the super structure and has a similar set of viewscreens.

Weapon Systems
The Bes'Drahr's is most effective offering a full forward barrage at knife-edge range against enemy ships, in which it can concentrate the vast majority of its power into a single ship. Its broadsides can be absolutely devastating, arguably as potent as your average cruiser. Because of the wide forward facing angle of its broadside weapons at normal and even medium ranges the weapons won't be able to hit the same target unless they are almost point-blank, and even then it depends on the enemy vessel's position and shape, as the twenty degree gap in its forward arc can only be fired into by the Dorsal turrets. It features numerous Point-Defense weapons covering each arc of the ship, though these aren't effective against even mid sized capital ships doe to their small number and lack of firepower. Heavy Warheads offer the ship significant forward offense and supplement the powerful broadsides the ship is made to deliver to its enemies.

The Triple ACS-802 Super Heavy Turbolaser Turrets are Dorsal mounted turrets with 360 traverse. They can elevate to 90 degrees and depress to -10 degrees.
The Heavy Mass Driver Batteries are set with twelve batteries to Port and Starboard and ACS-803 Energy Siphon cannons are arrayed with two cannons to port and starboard. These weapons can almost fire full forward, but because of the slight angle (20 degrees) against anything not at point-blank only one side can be brought to bear at a time.

The Heavy Flex-Tube Warhead Launchers have twelve launchers set forward and six set forty five degrees to port and starboard each.
The defensive weaponry is dispersed equally along the hull.

Support Systems
The Bes'Drahr features heavy shield systems, dual layering an advanced Retribution Ray and Particle shield over its considerably durable hull. These shields are able to survive a great deal of punishment allowing the Bes'Drahr to punch above its weight-class and survive the return attack for a considerable amount of time. Seeing as the Bes'Drahr was built to engage and stall larger ships or several ships of equal class, it makes sense for it to feature such shielding. The shields it uses are Feedback shields, meaning when it is damaged, an energy charge responds to enemy attacks with an energy charge lashing out at the attacking starship. It features a form of hydrostatic fields allowing the ship to be used in aquatic warfare, though its size makes this unlikely to be exceptionally useful. It does allow the ship to hide in oceans if necessary, or set ambushes from there.

The ship features sensor equipment with decent long range active scanners, and passive sensors for close range. The system includes full-spectrum transceivers, aural sensors, emission tracers, Sonar systems for atmospheric and aquatic use, and communication interceptors, allowing it to detect most ships. Ships that aren't cloaked can be detected through the wide range of sensors when actively deployed at close range. It features advanced, high processing speed, Hi-Track Targeting computers for all point-defense weapons while all its other weapons make use of Precision Holo-Targeting Computers when employed against enemy vessels. Because its intended for close range combat, the vessel also makes use of powerful wide angle targeting lasers, able to be used at standard range to collect targeting data as a form of laser mapping, so that visual obstruction and sensor jamming are ineffective, as only light absorbing are able to negate the lasers mapping ability. These lasers are not as effective as normal sensors and targeting computers, but they are a substantial benefit for the close combat brawler should its visual targeting abilities be reduced.

Its communication and wireless receivers are kept on a segregated network from the majority of the ships functions, specifically the necessary system for combat and flight functions. The Bes'drahr features a LOS communication system, used to maintain stable communication during combat, where communication is essential. These lasers are light-speed, unlike Holocomms or HoloNet Transceivers, and thus suffer from a small degree of lag when used at range. Featuring a set of tractor beams and a half set of pressor beams the Bes'Drahr can disrupt the movement of smaller ships, normally only as large as a corvette by either pushing or pulling them, straining their engines to compensate for the adjustments. Its mainly just a way to reduce the speed and maneuverability of smaller ships rather than actually trapping or disabling them.


  • Tank: Made with a complex, thick, and technologically advanced, layered under heavy shields, the Bes'Drahr is built to absorb fire, take punishment, and get knocked around and keep on trucking. It can take punches well above its weight-class, but it isn't indestructible.

  • Firepower: Utilizing the more advanced Firestorm Generators it is capable of supporting additional weaponry over most other ships of its class.

  • Piercing Resistance: The Hull is specifically designed to be very difficult to pierce with Mass Drivers, Missiles, and Hypervelocity rounds, and is designed to limit the damage done by these weapons.

  • Slow and Cumbersome: For its size it is slow and doesn't turn well due to the extensive hull armor, shields, and weapon systems draining power off the primary reactor

  • Blind Spot: Its rear ventral sector is relatively blind, minus a few defensive guns. This is not true of its dorsal rear sector as this area can be fired upon by its primary weapons

  • No Complement: The Bes'Drahr features too many weapons and too large of a reactor to house starfighters for combat.

Submission Name: Guardian-class Shield Support Carrier
Reason for Modification: Changing the formatting, adding in a Dev Thread, fixing broken links, making spelling corrections


Image Source: Here
Intent: Make a Support Carrier

Development Thread:
Who Can Use This: Select Buyers
Manufacturer: ArmaTech Industries
Model: Mk1
Affiliation: ArmaTech Industries
Modularity: Yes
Production: Limited
Material: Titanium Reinforced Matrix Armor Hull, Duranium Vertical Armor, Bronzium Horizontal Armor, Transparisteel Starship Components

Classification: Dedicated Carrier
Length: 800
Width: 500
Height: 500
  • Squadrons (6)
Minimum Crew: 1,150
Optimum Crew: 4,350
Passenger Capacity: 1,700
Cargo Capacity: 6,000 Metric Tons
Consumables: 4 Years
Maneuverability Rating: 14
Speed Rating: 14
Hyperdrive Class: 1.0
Backup Hyperdrive Class: 8.0

Sensor and Targeting
  • Encrypted Segregated Communication Network
  • HoloNet Transceiver
  • IFF Transponder
  • Com-Scan System
  • Life Support Systems
  • Navigation Computer
  • Escape Pods
  • Repulsorlift Stabilizers
  • Atmospheric Flight Stabilizers
  • Tractor Beam Projectors (6)
  • Pressor Beam Projectors (4)
The hull of the Guardian has been designed and made in order to survive some light bruising. As the ship lacks any weapons capable of disabling an enemy capital ship, it needed to be able to survive against bombardment. As a support ship its armor is extensive, but that is most likely because the ship only has a pair of weapons, which while decent size, do not require the immense crew space of a ship laden down with weapons. The hull's outermost layer is a thick sheet of titanium grid reinforced matrix armor. Beneath this there are numerous alternating layers of duranium vertical armor and bronzium horizontal armor which assists in keeping missiles, particle beams, and projectiles from penetrating the hull, though everything has its limits. Beneath this there is Alusteel belt armor that has been magnetically compressed into a dense plate to increase its durability. This is the outer hull, with the dorsal half of the ship and the prow receiving a double hull with a small gap between the two filled with a duraplast chainmail-like mesh for additional resilience. Despite this extensive armor, the weak spots are present. A pair of large ventral hangars are unable to close, and thus would rely on shields to keep from suffering internal damage, as well as the rear armor being significantly thinner and less protective.

The Guardian-class makes use of a pair of ventral hangars, each capable of supporting a full wing of Starfighters. The fighters are held on launch racks to make disembarking as easy as possible. With dual hangars it is able to launch a pair of squadrons simultaneously, and also recovers its complement quicker than a single hangar ship could. Because it was made with thick upper and front armor it is perfectly suited for releasing its fighters and shielding them from concentrated enemy fire while they disperse.

Support Systems
The Guardian is named such because it is made to protect other ships from harm. A powerful support vessel the ship is a carrier, bringing several squadrons to bear on an enemy. Its key component however is not its ability to ferry starfighters into battle, but its ability to transfer its shields to other ships. Featuring a full Dorsal and Ventral Aegis Shield Transfer array the Guardian is able to defend other ships from harm. Used in conjunction with Aegis Shield Receptor nodes the Guardian can defend numerous squadrons or large capital ships, acting as a buffer against long range artillery ships or allowing a squadron of heavily armed starfighters to smash through enemy swarms with ease.

In addition the Guardian features a Full Spectrum Sensor Suite providing it with a great deal of tactical data. As a Carrier it features a Tac-Com for its fighter support and thus it is imperative that it be able to provide them with accurate data on the battle as the situation progresses. With a Hydrostatic Field and Cap Drains, the ship can enter aquatic environments, dense celestial anomalies, and hide in places other ships could not.

It has numerous point defense weapons that a spread evenly over the hull to provide total coverage from enemy starfighters and missiles. It mostly makes use of point defense Ion Cannons and CIWS weapons to counter incoming missile weapons.

Its only capital ship weapon is an ACS-803 Energy Siphon Cannon. While these are powerful anti-shield weapons, and reinforce the ships own shields (Or the shields it is loaning out) they are unable to damage the hull of ships or disable enemy ships meaning that the Guardian is basically defenseless against capital ships. This turret is located on the prow of the ship, both being able to fire forward, and into the Port and Starboard fire arcs.


  • Shield Loan: It has the ability to project its shields to support friendly ships (With proper Modifications), shedding its own shields and granting them to others.

  • Heavy Hull: It was built knowing most of the time it would not have shields, thus, it has heavy hull plating on its dorsal side and prow.

  • Offensive Weaponry: It has very little of it, and nothing to hurt capital ships Hulls

  • Bulky: Its big and shaped like a teardrop. It doesn't really do moving around for a relatively small ship.

Submission Name: Hra'nadetr Jair'Galaar-class Strike Cruiser
Reason for Modification: Changing the formatting, fixing inconsistencies (Description said 6 fighters, hangar said 2, weaknesses said 4), fixing broken links, altering weapons (Swapped heavy turbolasers for equal number of Deck Cannons, Deck Cannons=2 Cap guns each) making spelling corrections


Image Source: Here
Intent: Make a strike cruiser

Development Thread:
Who Can Use This: Select Buyers
Manufacturer: ArmaTech Industries
Model: Mk1
Affiliation: Mandalorians
Modularity: Yes
Production: Minor
Material: Bronzium, Titanium, Alusteel, Starship Components

Classification: Planetary Assault Cruiser
Length: 500
Width: 200
Height: 250
  • Starfighters (2)
  • Drop Pod Launchers (24)
Minimum Crew: 325
Optimum Crew: 1,120
Passenger Capacity: 750
Cargo Capacity: 1,000 Metric Tons
Consumables: 2 Years
Maneuverability Rating: 12
Speed Rating: 8
Hyperdrive Class: 0.75
Backup Hyperdrive Class: 8.0

Sensor and Targeting
  • Standard Full Spectrum Sensor Computers
  • Standard Targeting Computers
  • G-003 Tri-Tracker
  • Encrypted Segregated Communication Network
  • HoloNet Transceiver
  • IFF Transponder
  • Life Support Systems
  • Precision Navigation Computer
  • Escape Pods
  • Repulsorlift Stabilizers
  • Atmospheric Flight Stabilizers
  • Tractor Beam Projectors (4)
  • Pressor Beam Projectors (2)
Basically the ship is designed to bolt into a system at a moment's notice, appear just outside atmosphere from reversion, and unload its hefty payload of troops to the planet's surface in no time flat. If you are after a ship or space station, it has Assault Warhead Launchers than can fire Boarding Torpedoes. Designed from lessons learned from similar designs produced by MandalMotors, the Hra'n is an up-sized version of the Hokaanir-class Frigate designed to specialize in planetary assault.

The hull of the Hra'n is a thick hide of bronzium and magnetically compressed titanium Horizontal and Vertical Armor. These overlapping, alternating layers of armor and a wide alusteel belt armor protect the ship and make it extremely durable, able to suffer a great deal of punishment even after its shields are destroyed. Secondly, the ship is built in sections, each able to operate fine without the support of another section. Only the engines are necessary for movement, every other section is independently powered. This means that serious hull damage may not cripple the ship as a whole, but only damage one quarter of the vessel. The vessel features heavy shields over top this hull allowing it to survive the initial punches it is sure to suffer.

For weaponry it features an array of Deck Cannons, the dual Ion Cannon, Mass Driver weapons made popular by the CIS during the clone wars. These weapons are used in concert to increase the likelihood of the Mass Driver round slipping through shields, though its hardly a guarantee. These are split, forming a pair of twelve weapon broadsides on either side of the weapon, with half able to fire port, half able to fir starboard. Likewise they are half able to fire ventral, half able to fire dorsal. The ship also has an array of turbolasers or ion cannons spread evenly across the hull, with half able to fire port, starboard, and fore, half able to fire port, starboard, and aft. The prow is laden with several Assault Flex-Tube Warhead Launchers to lash out at enemy capital ships at close range with a devastating barrage of powerful warheads. These are arrayed with eight facing directly forward, four facing port at a forty five degree angle, and four facing starboard at a forty five degree angle. Finally it has a fair number of defensive weapons lining the hull evenly on all sides.

For its complement the ship focuses on Drop pod launchers, able to accelerate and launch drop pods at a planets surface twenty four at a time, and carrying a total of seventy two drop pods within its hull. A small ventral hangar carries two starfighters normally used as scout ships to send in before the ship makes its rapid assault.

Finally, the main power behind the ship is its advanced navigation computer, able to accurately make precision hyperspace jumps, microjumps, and avoid a great number of hyperspace distortions allowing its short jump in to be plotted around enemy formations and obstacles. It also features an HIMS so that it is able to bolt into a system and into the gravity well of a planet. This is an extremely dangerous feat, as a minor miscalculation can result in the death of the ship, and a spectacular explosion on the planet. Nonetheless, when combined with proper reconnaissance, the advanced navigation computer, it allows the Hra'n to appear just outside of a planet's atmosphere, firing drop pods and boarding torpedoes at its unsuspecting victims.


  • Heavy Defense: It features a thick hull and heavy shielding making it a durable and difficult to disable ship.

  • Rapid Response: The Point of the ship is to hit a system, dump its payload of troops to the ground in no time flat.

  • Aft: The amount of capital ship weapons this ship can point to the rear is abysmal, most corvettes can out gun it to the rear.

  • Cumbersome: Its faster than most, but doesn't turn well. There won't be any crazy maneuvers with this.

  • Light Hangar: It carries only two starfighters outside of its drop pod capabilities.

Submission Name: Warden-class Sentinel Frigate
Reason for Modification: Changing the formatting, Changed weapons (+6 Total), added to description, fixing broken links, making spelling corrections, added Ranger Transceiver (Technically already had the capabilities just not the link), DROPPED TO LIMITED, increased the size of ship that slips through its Early warning Detectors to corvettes, reduced Hyperdrive Class


Image Source: Here
Intent: Make a Detector Frigate

Development Thread:
Who Can Use This: Select Buyers
Manufacturer: ArmaTech Industries
Model: Mk1
Affiliation: ArmaTech Industries
Modularity: Yes
Production: Limited
Material: Duranium Hull, Neutronium-Agrinium Mesh, Starship Components

Classification: Detector Frigate
Length: 300
Width: 100
Height: 80
  • Light Freighters or Shuttles (2)
Minimum Crew: 375
Optimum Crew: 810
Passenger Capacity: 80
Cargo Capacity: 1,000 Metric Tons
Consumables: 2 Years
Maneuverability Rating: 8
Speed Rating: 8
Hyperdrive Class: 1.0
Backup Hyperdrive Class: 8.0

Sensor and Targeting
The main weapon on this craft is its so called Nebula Cannon. It is known that no matter the cloaking and stealth aboard a ship it cannot pass through a cloud of dust and gas without disrupting that cloud. So, as a way of counter larger stealth ships ArmaTech modified a Hypervelocity Gun to fire large amounts of ionized dust and gases in a 15 degree cone as a way of detecting, and highlighting stealthed ships for a fleet. The ionized dust shows up on sensors easily and adheres to ships struck with it very well, lowering the effectiveness of sensor negators immensely. These means ships without True cloaking devices that rely on sensor negators and paint are the most vulnerable to this weapon as they will appear on standard scanners and sensors once outside of the cloud. This weapon is completely harmless unless a ship were parked mere meters from the barrel, and even then only against small, sub-capital ships. The Dust cloud continues moving until disrupted, so other ships are able to visually see the point where the cloud is disrupted. While useful in detecting stealth based capital ships, it is less able to detect smaller ships given the relatively small size of the target, and the weapon's fixed position.
Range: Long Range Hypervelocity Gun
Rate of Fire: Hypervelocity Gun equivalent
Damage: None (If a Starfighter is parked literally right in front of the barrel, its going to get knocked around)

The ship's other weapons are evenly spread across the hull. It primarily uses its Ion Cannons and Point Defense Ion Cannons to fire at ships that are now visible on their sensors.

Support Systems
The Warden features standard shield systems, as it focus on support much more than offense or defense its power is drawn elsewhere. It features a form of hydrostatic fields allowing the ship to be used in aquatic warfare. These does allow the ship to hide in oceans if necessary, or set ambushes from there. The ship features advanced sensor equipment with exceptional long range active scanners, and advanced passive sensors for close range.

The system includes four suites of full-spectrum transceivers, aural sensors, hyperwave signal interceptors, emission tracers, Sonar systems for atmospheric and aquatic use, and communication interceptors, allowing it to detect most ships by processing space phenomena and sensor data from every spectrum of light, heat, and electromagnetic spectrum. These are featured in four clusters on the ship, and gather data, processing it through the very powerful Battle Analysis Computer. This allows the sensors suites to detect the minute differences that might be caused due to electronic interference or space phenomena such as gas clouds, ion clouds, solar flares, and the like, reducing the effects of Sensor masks. The suite is also adept in detection efflux trails, ion trails, and heat transmissions in local space, making it difficult for non-baffled drives to move undetected in its line of sight. Boosting this system is a Phased Tachyon Sensor Array used for visual targeting at extreme distances with little to no lag, though for this to be useful it must first lock onto a sensor signature. It features a Crystal Grav Trap to detect visually cloaked ships or ships using stygium or hibridium cloaking devices. The ship can detect magnetic signatures using its complex sensor and scanner systems, allowing it to detect most stealth ships it might encounter. The ship can use these sensors to detect the subtle differences in the local magnetic field of the celestial body caused by a stealth ship, providing it with a general location of the enemy ship.

Although much smaller than the average interdictor, the Warden features a single Gravity Well Generator, rather than the four found on the Immobilizer and Interdictor-class Star Destroyers. This Gravity Well Generator, combined with a Hyperwave Signal Interceptors, S-Thread Monitors, and Gemcutters similar to those used in the Imperial Hyperspace Security Net, able to detect cronau radiation from ships exiting hyperspace nearby. These allow it to detect the majority of incoming ships, draw them out of hyperspace and fire upon them with the Nebula Cannon. There are a few ways around being detected like this. Small sub capital ships may slip by undetected, ships using special Hyperdrives, reverting outside its sensor range, or reverting behind a planetoid or major celestial body relative to the Warden. The ideal scenario is the enemy ship is pulled from hyperspace and painted with the Nebula Cannon, but smaller stealth vessels such as corvettes, or high traffic systems severely hamper this strategy. In addition it cannot use the Crystal Grav Trap and the Gravity Well Generator at the same time.

The Warden doubles as a coordinator for small fleets, and so, it features a Battle Analysis Computer and Data-Relay Systems. The Battle Analysis Computer is used to collect the data from its multitude of sensors and scanners, to predict enemy movements, targets, plot enemy courses, analyze their tactics, and provide statistics of the enemy commander based on the information it was able to collect. It then sends this data to other ships it is accompanying, allowing the battleships, dreadnoughts, and destroyers to act upon the information it analyzes. This requires the ship to be able to use its sensors and communication devices in order to work properly and there is always a delay in human actions. The information has to be relayed to the ships, then to the officers, then they adjust based on its data. This means that while it increases their effectiveness, it isn't an instantaneous way for a Destroyer to fire upon a stealth ship the Warden has detected and analyzed. It simply increases the likelihood they are able to fire upon it effectively as they are able to ballpark the enemy ships location.

Its communication and wireless receivers are kept on a segregated network from the majority of the ships functions, specifically the necessary system for combat and flight functions.


  • I See You There: Outfitted with a wide variety of sensors and detection equipment the ship specializes as an early warning ship and Stealth Detection Ship. It also has the ability to real time relay its sensor data to another Capital ship it is with Data Relay Systems.

  • Interdictor: It features a single Gravity Well Generator (Compared to the Four on Immobilizer's) allowing it to cover a relatively small space with an Interdiction Field.

  • Weak Armament: For its size, its under-gunned. It is meant to be a sensor ship paired with larger, more heavily armed vessels.

  • No Complement: The Warden has replaced its hangars with a Battle Analysis Computer and Gravity Well Generator. It doesn't have support ships within it.

Submission Name: Myrmidon-class Frigate
Reason for Modification: Changing the formatting, added to description, fixing broken links, making spelling corrections


Image Source: Here
Intent: Make a Fast Frigate

Development Thread:
Who Can Use This: Select Buyers
Manufacturer: ArmaTech Industries
Model: Mk1
Affiliation: ArmaTech Industries
Modularity: Yes
Production: Minor
Material: Layered Duranium-Neutronium Hull, Bronzium Reinforcing, Neutronium-Agrinium Mesh, Thermal Gel, Sealant Foam, Starship Components

Classification: Fire Support Frigate
Length: 300
Width: 90
Height: 80
  • Squadron (1)
Minimum Crew: 225
Optimum Crew: 850
Passenger Capacity: 320
Cargo Capacity: 2,500 Metric Tons
Consumables: 2 Years
Maneuverability Rating: 9
Speed Rating: 8
Hyperdrive Class: 0.75

  • Ion Drives
  • Maneuvering Jets
Sensor and Targeting
  • Encrypted Segregated Communication Network
  • HoloNet Transceiver
  • IFF Transponder
  • Life Support Systems
  • Navigation Computer
  • Escape Pods
  • Repulsorlift Stabilizers
  • Atmospheric Flight Stabilizers
  • Tractor Beam Projectors (4)
  • Pressor Beam Projectors (2)
The Myrmidon features a hull, similar in construction and layout to the larger more powerful Bes'Drahr, giving it a great deal of durability and resilience, finding the middle ground between standard ships of its class and ships of a larger class in terms of its resilience. Layering of the hull was deemed absolutely necessary in order to defend the vessel properly, and so the metal and ceramics used to protect the ship are state of the art. The outer most layer of the armor consists of thick alternating horizontal and vertical Duranium-Neutronium slabs, providing a high level of protection from plunging and direct fire weapons. The next layer consists of a micro-mesh of chainmail like links of Neutronium-Agrinium metal matrices. These matrices help to disperse kinetic, electrical, and blaster based energy across a larger area of the hull decreasing the likelihood of a piercing hit. The Agrinium will also provide very limited Ion and EMP resistance. Filled with a mixture of Thermal Gel and Sealant Foam the layer can be used to nearly instantly sealed rather than venting atmosphere until bulk heads can be locked in place. This foam is very weak and is solely meant to retain atmosphere, not repel capital ship weapons. Beneath this layer consists a rubber sheet covering most of the inner hull, acting as non-explosive reactive armor providing limited additional defenses against kinetic rounds. This layer, and the Micro-mesh layer are both separated into triangular sections by Duranium-Bronzium alloy reinforcing bracers to strengthen the over all hull and limit the 'give' of those layers. The next layer consists of High-density Alusteel vertical belt armor to provide some protection from direct fire mass drivers and missiles, as well as being fairly resilient against blaster based weapons given its structure and its density. The inner most layer consists of bronzium reinforced horizontal durasteel plates and bulk heads.

Propulsion System
Featuring a pair of smaller Solar Ionization Reactors the Myrmidon is able to function reliably even after sustaining damage. Because each reactor features its own Catastrophic Release Braces if one is heavily damaged its contents can be ejected and the ship can still function at half power. One of these sits in the aft end of the ship, the other sits amidships, both making up the primary power plant. The two primary ion drives are connected to smaller dedicated power reactors as is common among large ships. These additional generators weren't the only ones featured in the ship as Life support and lights had their own dedicated power source that was EMP and Ion Shielded, as did the Bridge. While the ship could still be disabled, power to these systems remained functional after an EMP or Ion attack.

Internal Layout
The Myridon features a layer of internal defenses to defend it from boarding actions during combat. Choke points, ray shields, stasis fields, and barriers can be activated, providing cover, funneling enemies into these defended positions or away from important areas if need be. Corridors are smaller on this ship, compensating for its large amount of weaponry and thick hull. The primary bridge is secured at the base of the where the superstructure and the main body meet, buried under several levels of weapon decks and other secure bulk heads. In cruising deployment it features simple transparisteel windows, fitted with Holoscreens within them, allowing the officers to see data transplanted on the screen as though looking through the windows with data readouts on subjects of note listed on them. In combat however a meter thick plate of duranium drops into place in front of these windows, which still appear to be viewing the outside of the armor blast screen. This protects the bridge from suicide runs to a high degree. The Auxiliary bridge is located five levels below the main bridge within the super structure and has a similar set of viewscreens.

Weapon Systems
The Myrmidon is built to saw enemy ships in half under a withering hail of forward firepower. All of its capital ship weaponry can face forward and target an enemy vessel, allowing it to hit harder than the majority of its class against individual opponents in its forward arc. However, very few of its weapons are able to face any other direction, meaning it has little capability as a broadside ship. It relies on adjusting its facing in order to bring its armament to bear on its opposition. Furthermore it lacks long range weaponry, meaning it is unable to strike at enemies from far away, and unable to return long range fire.

Support Systems
The Myrmidon features heavy shield systems, dual layering an advanced Ray and Particle shield over its hull. It features a form of hydrostatic fields allowing the ship to be used in aquatic warfare. It does allow the ship to hide in oceans if necessary, or set ambushes from there. Ships that aren't cloaked can be detected through the wide range of sensors when actively deployed at close range. Its communication and wireless receivers are kept on a segregated network from the majority of the ships functions, specifically the necessary system for combat and flight functions. Featuring a set of tractor beams and a half set of pressor beams the Myrmidon can disrupt the movement of smaller ships, normally only as large as a freighter by either pushing or pulling them, straining their engines to compensate for the adjustments. Its mainly just a way to reduce the speed and maneuverability of smaller ships rather than actually trapping or disabling them.

  • Cross of Fire: This ship can bring all of its guns to bear to its forward arc, allowing it to pack more of a punch than it looks like it should
  • Durable: For what it is, it can take a beating, capable of outlasting other ships of its class by a noticeable margin, but not equal to ships of a larger class
  • Flanks: It lacks significant armament to its sides or rear.
  • Angled Shields: Its shield projectors are angled to be very heavy in the front, and while this allows them to be stronger to the forward and sides, to the rear they are weaker than a ship of its size would normally be.

As a note, the Copy-Paste seems to adjust my font sizes back to default.

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