Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Starship Submission Modifications

Submission Name: Watts-class Heavy Cruiser
Link to Submission: Here
Reason for Modification: The Watts-class was retired by the Republic following Alli Wren's sabotage over Druckenwell. This is referenced in multiple places, and [member="Popo"] (Who was Supreme Chancellor at the time) can confirm this fact.
Modification: Moved to Archives

Submission Name: Noble-class Star Defender
Link to Submission: Here
Reason for Modification: To reflect recent events
Modification: Change affiliation solely to OmegaPyre
Submission Name: Saelari Medical Center
Link to Submission: Here
Reason for Modification: Located it, stole it twice, refitted it, adding 3.0 template.


Please change the name to Port Dameron.


Image Source: [here]
Affiliation: The Underground
Manufacturer: Alderaan Royal Engineers, modified by the Underground and the Exchange.
Model: Oasis-class medical station, heavily modified.
Modularity: Can be modified, but not to the extent of full militarization or its former dedicated hospital function.
Production: Unique
Material: Hull composed mainly of durasteel and duraplast. Viewports are transparisteel.
Classification: Spaceport

Length: 7,000m
Width: 7,000m
Height: 4,500m

Armament: 5, focused on defensive weapons: a mix of quad lasers, point defense CIWS, flak cannons, antimissile octets, and QQ-C15 Hushabye rotary ion cannons.

Hangar: The original Saelari Medical Centre had 15 docking bays and no dedicated starfighter complement. The refitted station likewise prioritizes non-military hangar capacity. As a result, the station has comprehensive docking capabilities for freighters of nearly any size, though obviously the largest bulk freighters must dock rather than entering a hangar. It carries six squadrons of starfighters, as follows:

Special Features:

  • Silk Holdings QQ-4L-Y354 Angel Eye sensors (near hangers, to prevent stealth incursion)

  • QQ-C15 Hushabye rotary ion cannons

  • QQ-543N/53R cap drains

  • Heavy shields

  • Numerous tractor beams

  • Clan Rekali Ori’beskaryc escape pods

  • Crystal gravfield trap

  • Hyperspace early-warning sensors

  • Ion-scramblers prevent communications tracing

  • Comprehensive medical facilities

  • Comprehensive refit and repair facilities

  • Refining and manufacturing facilities, mainly for spare parts fabrication

  • Gravity well projector (4)

  • Navicomputer

  • Advanced sensor suite, comprising long-range and wide-angle detectors, both active and passive

Maneuverability: 20
Speed Rating: 20
Hyperdrive Class: 3

Strengths: (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 3 strength of this submission.)

  • Compartmentalized interior mitigates decompression damage.

  • Excellent spread of sensors and advance warning systems.

  • Decent defensive systems.

  • Absolutely immense; difficult to miss. The definition of the broad side of a barn.

  • No capital-scale weaponry.

Description: The Saelari Medical Centre was the pinnacle of modern Republic engineering, a gigantic station capable of saving lives on a grand scale. Decommissioned and forgotten during one of the Republic’s more warlike and revisionist phases, it languished at the edge of the Coruscant system for years. When the One Sith took Coruscant, the hulk was overlooked. Led by General Jorus Merrill, an Underground covert team infiltrated the system in freighters and linked the decrepit station to the equipment necessary for its theft. The station was moved to the Anaxes system, where the Republic happily paid for its return -- and then, pressed by the demands of a long and losing war, did absolutely nothing about it. The Anaxes system fell shortly thereafter; once more, the One Sith overlooked the immense, powerless hulk. Merrill’s young daughter Mara, enlisting the aid of an Underground team, repeated her predecessors’ feat and stole Saelari Medical Centre again. The station was moved to a secure location in Mandalorian territory, under the aegis of a sympathetic clan willing to look the other way. With the aid of the Exchange, the station was retrofitted under the code name Port Thesh. Its appearance was changed somewhat, to obscure its origin and bolster its structural integrity. Eventually dubbed Port Dameron, the station became a full-scale shadowport and resistance base of operations, comparable to Rebellion Actual.

Port Dameron retains several elements from Saelari Medical Centre. Like the original station, Port Dameron can comfortably support upwards of eighty thousand passengers and crew. It has a consumables rating of fifteen standard years. Its supercapital-grade hypermatter reactor has been retrofitted and thoroughly updated. Its immense hangar capacity has been repurposed from medical transportation to civilian and starfighter docking. Though its gigantic medical capacity was removed years ago -- Saelari once boasted a hundred thousand bacta tanks -- Port Dameron is still capable of serving up to five hundred patients if necessary. It is a common location for Underground fighters to get patched up. As one might expect, internal security is highly competent.

Port Dameron has basically any service one might need in a shadowport. Infochants, outlaw techs, fences, cantinas, everything. However, it spent years as a derelict and was not professionally restored. Its interior is still a little wreck-ish.

Currently, Port Dameron is located inside the Gordian Reach. It moves when necessary for security reasons.

Development Thread:

Intent: To convert this old wreck into a shadowport.
Who Can Use This: Members of the Underground and guests.
Primary Source: See original submission in spoiler. Some elements influenced by Rebellion Actual.

Saelari Medical Center


  • MANUFACTURER: Alderaan Royal Engineers

  • MODEL: Medical Station

  • PRODUCTION LINE: Oasis-Class

  • CLASSIFICATION: Space Station

  • ROLE: Medical Treatment & Research

  • AFFILIATION: The Republic



  • COMPOSITION: Durasteel, Duraplast, etc.

  • LENGTH: 7,000 meters

  • WIDTH: 7,000 meters

  • HEIGHT: 4,500 meters

  • POWER GENERATOR: Hypermatter Reactor

  • SPEED RATING: Class 11 (Orbital)

  • Advanced Shielding Systems

  • Advanced Sensory Array

  • Advanced Communications Array

  • Advanced Life Support

  • Advanced Detention Cells

  • Bacta Tanks (100,000)

  • Docking Bays (15)

  • Encrypton Network

  • Security Forces (25,000)

  • Military & Civilian Patients (50,000)


  • CARGO CAPACITY: 120,000 Tons

  • CONSUMABLES: 15 years

  • MINIMUM: 1,500

  • OPTIMAL: 9,000
In the wake of the Gulag Virus, a crippling fear has come to grip the Core Worlds of another plague with the power to decimate the galaxy. Yet, in response to this fear, an enormous priority upon medicinal research, skill, and preparation has come to exist. As the Republic struggled to get back on its feet, one of the primary areas that was built up were the medical facilities. Untold millions of credits were spent in the researching and developing new ways to combat any and all biological threats: the pinnacle of these innovations being the Saelari Medical Center; named in honor of the Republic's current Chancellor. Located in the orbit of a moon-sized asteroid in the Coruscant system's "Covey" asteroid belt, the station exists as the Republic's center of medical research and treatment. It is enormous in size, housing numerous facilities in which research and treatment are carried out. Furthermore, its position within the Coruscant system makes it easily defensible by the Sector Army stationed there. In terms of capabilities, the station has been conjectured to hold the capacity to treat tens of thousands of soldiers.

Submission Name: YT-2000 Tachyon Rising
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Story


Image Source:
Affiliation: Starchaser and Topol family, and allies
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corps, construction, Dawn Treader engineers for modifcations, Iron Crown works for upgrades Starchaser Enterprises for further upgrades
Model: YT-2000 Tachyon Rising (Note: Thread title incorrect)
Modularity: Cargo bay
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel, Transparisteel, electronics
Classification: Freighter/Personal Transport
Length: 29.4 meters
Width: 21.6 meters
Height: 9.6 meters

  • Dorsal dual-cannon maser turret (Automated or crewed)

  • Ventral quad laser turret (Automated or crewed)

  • 1 forward facing ion cannon (pilot controlled)

  • 1 forward facing missile launcher (6 concussion missions)

  • 1 forward facing maser cannon (pilot controlled)
Hangar: One sport-speeder, two speeder bikes, room for cargo containers equal to half an empty YT-2000 load
Special Features:

  • Standard targeting system

  • Advanced sensor suite

  • Life Support

  • Standard Shields

  • Standard navigation system

  • Encrypted Communications Array

  • Advanced engines

  • Full bar

  • Sound system that would make the SW equal of Dr. Dre jealous

  • Cap Drain Module

  • Countermeasure Module

  • Silkworm Hypertransit Module
Maneuverability Rating: 4
Speed Rating: 4
Hyperdrive Class: 0.50 (Primary) 2.0 (backup)
  • Fast ship
  • Advanced Sensors Array
  • Various systems married into one ship, causes more chances for break down
  • Sub-standard shielding system
Description: The Tachyon Rising started its life as a freighter used by Coren Starchaser and his father, who was a Jedi running from the former Sith Empire. While Coren's father was part of the ExplorCorps, he opted to use his own vessel and the pair quickly fell into gun and rum running alongside the missions granted by the Jedi. As the Sith rose to power, the Starchasers hid from their Jedi legacy, and the ship began making a name for itself in the local Corellian and core systems as a ship that got the job done.

When Coren's father was murdered by a Sith Inquisitor, the young man took the ship and moved away from the Force, working for a time with an Imperial warlord. When this Warlord began to lose himself in his quest for power, the ship found itself working with the Dawn Treader under Coren's direction when he was not flying fighter sorties, as a supply and courier ship. Several modifcations were made to it during this time, including the addition of an ion cannon, as well as upgrades to the engines.

During the time with the Imperial paramilitary group, the ship was not used for combat missions, as stated, working as the primary transport of the quartermaster. After Coren and Kelly were captured, and frozen in carbonite, the ship fell under the ownership of Jared Starchaser who kept it safe aboard the Dawn Treader in the Fringe Federation. When the pair were reawakened, he had the ship recommissioned, and made space worthy again, with the help of Iron Crown Enterprises.

Things being different between Coren and Kelly since the carbonite-and-Force induced amnesia, the former gifted the ship to protect his wife on her quests through the galaxy, and whenever the pair travel together, they use this ship as opposed to Coren's D5-Mantis.

After the death of Kelly Topol during the events of Netherworld, Coren Starchaser took the ship over as his primary vessel. Working with engineers in Fringe space and the Underground, he had began upgrades on the vessel, to allow himself to better explore the galaxy. This was followed by a contract with Azure Executive Intergalactic. Parts were purchased and installed, including the Silk Holdings Cap Drain Module, Countermeaure Module and Silkworm Package as well as the Iron Crown Enterprises Wild Space Kit. From here, he would take the vessel nearly everywhere he was going. []

When Coren joined hte Galactic Alliance, the Tachyon Rising came with him. The vessel was continually upgraded, with a new hyperdrive installed, as well as updated maps, being the first upgrades. Following a trip to Csilla, the Tachyon Rising was given a maser turret, compliments, and as a shout out, to his roots within the Chiss community.

During his time in the Alliance, especially since he had left the Alliance, Coren put further modifications into the ship, including upgrading the power plant for the ship, and further personal customization. A personal hot rod in every sense of the word, the ship is nearly impossible to fly by anyone aside from Coren, as its systems are hardwired for his preferences and flight style.

Development Thread: N/A
Intent: To provide Coren Starchaser with his signature starship.
Who Can Use This: Coren Starchaser, allies
In Umbris Potestas Est
Submission Name: GUIDE Transport
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Request of the individual the ship is being made for
Modification: Add in 'tracking device' and 'remote system override' under the ship's Special Features. Add in the description:

"GUIDE Transports, due to their significant value, have an in-built tracking system that can be activated by GUIDE in the event that a ship is lost. The tracking system does not work when the ship's cloak is active. As such, a remote system override has also been involved, to ensure that even a cloaked vessel will not be able to escape. Upon overriding manual control, the ship will exit cloak and will become trackable again."
Kelly Perris said:
Submission Name: Incisive-Class Dropship Link to Submission: for Modification: Update due to faction contract/affilation having ended. Modification: Please change affiliation to 'Open Market'.
I'll need to take the Spynet module out for an Open Market version

Kelly Perris said:
Submission Name: Espada-Class Stealth Transport Link to Submission: for Modification: Update due to faction contract/affiliation having ended. Modification: Please change affiliation to 'Closed Market (Galactic Alliance and Allies; Select ARIN customers)'
Manufacturer: Techno Union (Arakyd Industries, Incom Corporation)

This is currently manufactured by a Major Faction, with two other companies working on it. I won't make an affiliation change here without confirmation from [member="Isley Verd"]
[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]

Mara D'Lessio Merrill said:
Submission Name: Saelari Medical Center
Link to Submission: Here
Reason for Modification: Located it, stole it twice, refitted it, adding 3.0 template.


Please change the name to Port Dameron.


Image Source: [here]
Affiliation: The Underground
Manufacturer: Alderaan Royal Engineers, modified by the Underground and the Exchange.
Model: Oasis-class medical station, heavily modified.
Modularity: Can be modified, but not to the extent of full militarization or its former dedicated hospital function.
Production: Unique
Material: Hull composed mainly of durasteel and duraplast. Viewports are transparisteel.
Classification: Spaceport

Length: 7,000m
Width: 7,000m
Height: 4,500m

Armament: 5, focused on defensive weapons: a mix of quad lasers, point defense CIWS, flak cannons, antimissile octets, and QQ-C15 Hushabye rotary ion cannons.

Hangar: The original Saelari Medical Centre had 15 docking bays and no dedicated starfighter complement. The refitted station likewise prioritizes non-military hangar capacity. As a result, the station has comprehensive docking capabilities for freighters of nearly any size, though obviously the largest bulk freighters must dock rather than entering a hangar. It carries six squadrons of starfighters, as follows:

Special Features:

  • Silk Holdings QQ-4L-Y354 Angel Eye sensors (near hangers, to prevent stealth incursion)

  • QQ-C15 Hushabye rotary ion cannons

  • QQ-543N/53R cap drains

  • Heavy shields

  • Numerous tractor beams

  • Clan Rekali Ori’beskaryc escape pods

  • Crystal gravfield trap

  • Hyperspace early-warning sensors

  • Ion-scramblers prevent communications tracing

  • Comprehensive medical facilities

  • Comprehensive refit and repair facilities

  • Refining and manufacturing facilities, mainly for spare parts fabrication

  • Gravity well projector (4)

  • Navicomputer

  • Advanced sensor suite, comprising long-range and wide-angle detectors, both active and passive

Maneuverability: 20
Speed Rating: 20
Hyperdrive Class: 3

Strengths: (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 3 strength of this submission.)

  • Compartmentalized interior mitigates decompression damage.

  • Excellent spread of sensors and advance warning systems.

  • Decent defensive systems.

  • Absolutely immense; difficult to miss. The definition of the broad side of a barn.

  • No capital-scale weaponry.

Description: The Saelari Medical Centre was the pinnacle of modern Republic engineering, a gigantic station capable of saving lives on a grand scale. Decommissioned and forgotten during one of the Republic’s more warlike and revisionist phases, it languished at the edge of the Coruscant system for years. When the One Sith took Coruscant, the hulk was overlooked. Led by General Jorus Merrill, an Underground covert team infiltrated the system in freighters and linked the decrepit station to the equipment necessary for its theft. The station was moved to the Anaxes system, where the Republic happily paid for its return -- and then, pressed by the demands of a long and losing war, did absolutely nothing about it. The Anaxes system fell shortly thereafter; once more, the One Sith overlooked the immense, powerless hulk. Merrill’s young daughter Mara, enlisting the aid of an Underground team, repeated her predecessors’ feat and stole Saelari Medical Centre again. The station was moved to a secure location in Mandalorian territory, under the aegis of a sympathetic clan willing to look the other way. With the aid of the Exchange, the station was retrofitted under the code name Port Thesh. Its appearance was changed somewhat, to obscure its origin and bolster its structural integrity. Eventually dubbed Port Dameron, the station became a full-scale shadowport and resistance base of operations, comparable to Rebellion Actual.

Port Dameron retains several elements from Saelari Medical Centre. Like the original station, Port Dameron can comfortably support upwards of eighty thousand passengers and crew. It has a consumables rating of fifteen standard years. Its supercapital-grade hypermatter reactor has been retrofitted and thoroughly updated. Its immense hangar capacity has been repurposed from medical transportation to civilian and starfighter docking. Though its gigantic medical capacity was removed years ago -- Saelari once boasted a hundred thousand bacta tanks -- Port Dameron is still capable of serving up to five hundred patients if necessary. It is a common location for Underground fighters to get patched up. As one might expect, internal security is highly competent.

Port Dameron has basically any service one might need in a shadowport. Infochants, outlaw techs, fences, cantinas, everything. However, it spent years as a derelict and was not professionally restored. Its interior is still a little wreck-ish.

Currently, Port Dameron is located inside the Gordian Reach. It moves when necessary for security reasons.

Development Thread:

Intent: To convert this old wreck into a shadowport.
Who Can Use This: Members of the Underground and guests.
Primary Source: See original submission in spoiler. Some elements influenced by Rebellion Actual.

Saelari Medical Center


  • MANUFACTURER: Alderaan Royal Engineers

  • MODEL: Medical Station

  • PRODUCTION LINE: Oasis-Class

  • CLASSIFICATION: Space Station

  • ROLE: Medical Treatment & Research

  • AFFILIATION: The Republic



  • COMPOSITION: Durasteel, Duraplast, etc.

  • LENGTH: 7,000 meters

  • WIDTH: 7,000 meters

  • HEIGHT: 4,500 meters

  • POWER GENERATOR: Hypermatter Reactor

  • SPEED RATING: Class 11 (Orbital)

  • Advanced Shielding Systems

  • Advanced Sensory Array

  • Advanced Communications Array

  • Advanced Life Support

  • Advanced Detention Cells

  • Bacta Tanks (100,000)

  • Docking Bays (15)

  • Encrypton Network

  • Security Forces (25,000)

  • Military & Civilian Patients (50,000)


  • CARGO CAPACITY: 120,000 Tons

  • CONSUMABLES: 15 years

  • MINIMUM: 1,500

  • OPTIMAL: 9,000
In the wake of the Gulag Virus, a crippling fear has come to grip the Core Worlds of another plague with the power to decimate the galaxy. Yet, in response to this fear, an enormous priority upon medicinal research, skill, and preparation has come to exist. As the Republic struggled to get back on its feet, one of the primary areas that was built up were the medical facilities. Untold millions of credits were spent in the researching and developing new ways to combat any and all biological threats: the pinnacle of these innovations being the Saelari Medical Center; named in honor of the Republic's current Chancellor. Located in the orbit of a moon-sized asteroid in the Coruscant system's "Covey" asteroid belt, the station exists as the Republic's center of medical research and treatment. It is enormous in size, housing numerous facilities in which research and treatment are carried out. Furthermore, its position within the Coruscant system makes it easily defensible by the Sector Army stationed there. In terms of capabilities, the station has been conjectured to hold the capacity to treat tens of thousands of soldiers.

[member="Darth Metus"] to confirm.

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