Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Starship Submission Modifications

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko

Sor-Jan Xantha

Submission Name: YT-2400 Alderaan Queen
Link to Submission:

Summary of Modification: Overhaul of the ship; including the hyperdrive, navicomputer, medical bay, autochef, and comm unit.

Reason for Modification: Preparation for travel from Voss to the Kathol Outback for extended archaeological studies of the Kathol Sector.

Modification: These are rather extensive, so it would probably be better if the original submission could be unlocked and moved so that I could just edit that. In any event, the proposed modifications are behind the spoiler tag, below.
Image Source: Outrider by ColonialChrome, Princess Leia by SeanE, Photoshop Manipulation by me.

Special Features:
- Lucerne Labs LLT-6 Zephyr Hyperdrive [proof of purchase]
- Clan Rekali, Inc. Kol Mark IV Navicomputer [proof of purchase]
- Corellia Digital CD-9i Subspace Radio (with CD-X Cryptographic Key installed)
- Corellia Digital Holostation 4 (crew lounge)
- Sasori Research Hushed Casket (medical bay)
- 4x Smuggling Compartments (1 large, 1 medium, 2 small)
- 2x Sirplex Zr-41 Ray Shield Generators
- Standard Autochef

Maneuverability Rating: 3
Speed Rating: 3
Hyperdrive Class: 0.75 (Primary) / 10 (back-up)

- Highly maneuverable, fast ship.
- Interdictor resistant hyperdrive.
- Clan Rekali astrogation technology allows the ship to sustain hyperspace travel indefinitely, barring power failure or malfunction.

- Light armament
- Ray shielding leaves no defense against projectile weapons (concussion missiles, proton torpedoes, etc)
- Use of secure communications requires that both ends having supported encryption.
- Amount of time that the ship can remain in hyperspace is limited by the amount of stores and supplies available to sustain the crew's comfort and life support.

Description:The "Alderaan Queen" was a relic of the time before the Four Hundred Years Darkness. Passed through a variety of privateers, corporate holdings, companies, and subcontractors, it's impossible to know today who the original owner might have been. At some point however, the ship was modified to include Kathor shielded compartments in the interior of the ship. The large compartment could hold several adults, while the medium and small compartments were seemingly intended for spice or gun-running. The vessel was last owned by Pau'un trader Eion Moen. Moen bet the ship in a game of Sabaac on Lothal, losing it to Sor-Jan Xantha in 844 ABY.

Sor-Jan outfitted the ship with a hyperdrive from Lucerne Labs, coupled with a Clan Rekali navicomputer. This allowed the Alderaan Queen to travel in hyperspace indefinitely while passing through strong gravity wells or interdictor fields. By not dropping in/out of hyperspace in order to perform periodic navigational checks to verify navicomputer data, the Alderaan Queen achieved greater efficiency than is typical of a LLT-6 Zephyr Hyperdrive. Over extended distances, this efficiency results in an overall 0.75 hyperdrive rating as opposed to the standard 0.8. This is not the result of any modification, but reflects the time-savings of continuous hyperspace travel. Over shorter distances, the hyperdrive is less efficient and travels at the standard 0.8. The hyperdrive included a hyperwave inertia movement system, making the ship capable of passing through most interdictor fields without dropping out of hyperspace. The Alderaan Queen had to already be at hyperspace when it encountered the interdictor field, however, and was not capable of making the jump to lightspeed from inside an interdictor field.

Development Threads:
Showdown At Skye
The Alderaan Queen was a major plot point throughout this skirmish between the Resistance and the First Order, with heavy emphasis on the Queen's engines and performance characteristics relative to [member="Jorus Merrill"]'s Bullet Time. Specific posts highlighting and developing the Alderaan Queen as a literary vehicle for the story are #22, 23, 24, 26, 29, 30, 34, 35, 37, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 55, 56, 58, and 62.

A Little Less Conversation... A Little More Hyperdrive, Please!
Overhaul of the Alderaan Queen at Voss-Ka.

Who Can Use This: [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"], [member="3X744"]
Requesting that the following submissions be edited so they are in line with the new armament and defence scores.

I am quite happy to edit these in myself once they are approved to save you the messing around.

The 'vs Attack Craft' rating is merely an additional comparison I've added to contrast the capital gun and defence weapons. It is not 'official' like the other two scores.

Submission Name: Frontier Corvette
Link to Submission: Frontier Class Corvette
Summary of Modification: Add armament and defence scores.
Reason for Modification: To bring sub in line with new template.
Armament Rating:
Overall: 4
Vs. Attack Craft: 10
Defence Rating: 10

Submission Name: Fulminatus Missile Corvette
Link to Submission: Fulminatus Class Missile Corvette
Summary of Modification: Add armament and defence scores.
Reason for Modification: To bring sub in line with new template.
Armament Rating:
Overall: 18
Vs. Attack Craft: 2
Defence Rating: 8

Submission Name: Vigilance Frigate
Link to Submission: Vigilance Class Frigate
Summary of Modification: Add armament and defence scores.
Reason for Modification: To bring sub in line with new template.
Armament Rating:
Overall: 16
Vs. Attack Craft: 6
Defence Rating: 14

Submission Name: Guardian Frigate
Link to Submission: Guardian Class Frigate
Summary of Modification: Add armament and defence scores.
Reason for Modification: To bring sub in line with new template.
Armament Rating:
Overall: 6
Vs. Attack Craft: 16
Defence Rating: 8

Submission Name: Sentinel Cruiser
Link to Submission: Sentinel Class Cruiser
Summary of Modification: Add armament and defence scores.
Reason for Modification: To bring sub in line with new template.
Armament Rating:
Overall: 14
Vs. Attack Craft: 10
Defence Rating: 10

Submission Name: Heavenshield Heavy Cruiser
Link to Submission: Heavenshield Class Heavy Cruiser
Summary of Modification: Add armament and defence scores.
Reason for Modification: To bring sub in line with new template.
Armament Rating:
Overall: 16
Vs. Attack Craft: 12
Defence Rating: 16

Submission Name: Crusader Star Destroyer
Link to Submission: Crusader Class Star Destroyer
Summary of Modification: Add armament and defence scores.
Reason for Modification: To bring sub in line with new template.
Armament Rating:
Overall: 12
Vs. Attack Craft: 10
Defence Rating: 14

Submission Name: Paladin Star Destroyer
Link to Submission: Paladin Class Star Destroyer
Summary of Modification: Add armament and defence scores.
Reason for Modification: To bring sub in line with new template.
Armament Rating:
Overall: 18
Vs. Attack Craft: 0
Defence Rating: 18
Submission Name: Eidolon-class Transport
Link to Submission: here
Summary of Modification: add "Directorate" to affiliations
Reason for Modification: This reflects Lucerne Lab's willingness to use its own starship designs as part of the Directorate
Modification: add "Directorate" to affiliations
Submission Name: Holepunch-Class Transport
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Fixing the image
Reason for Modification: The image broke shortly after posting. After a few people have complained, I would like to amend that.

Image Source: Here

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
Submission Name: Revenant Class Infiltrator
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Add two pieces of purchased tech to the ships.
Reason for Modification: To use the new equipment to better make these ships stealthy.

Please replace 'Special Features' with:
Special Features:
  • Redundant shield generators
  • Stygium stealth array
  • Gravitic Modulators and Thrust Trace Dampeners to increase stealth abilities
  • Advanced sensor and communication suite
  • Supplies and parts for 6 months
  • Kol Mk-IV Navicomputer for better jump coordination and longer hyperspace jumps.
  • Dha’karbakar Hyperdrive for avoiding most early warning detection.
  • Both the above purchased here.
Submission Name: Holepunch-Class Transport
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Fixing the image
Reason for Modification: The image broke shortly after posting. After a few people have complained, I would like to amend that.

Image Source: Here


Well-Known Member
Submission Name: Echoy'la class fighter
Link to Submission: [x]
Summary of Modification: Producer Change
Reason for Modification: Approval of Clan Kryze Shipyards
Modification: Replace Producer with Clan Kryze Shipyards

Submission Name: Redundance-Class corvette
Link to Submission: [x]
Summary of Modification: Producer Change
Reason for Modification: Approval of Clan Kryze Shipyards
Modification: Replace Producer with Clan Kryze Shipyards

Submission Name: Behemoth-class cruiser
Link to Submission: [x]
Summary of Modification: Producer Change
Reason for Modification: Approval of Clan Kryze Shipyards
Modification: Replace Producer with Clan Kryze Shipyards

Submission Name: Finisher-class cruiser
Link to Submission: [x]
Summary of Modification: Producer Change
Reason for Modification: Approval of Clan Kryze Shipyards
Modification: Replace Producer with Clan Kryze Shipyards

Submission Name: Starbird-class Interceptor
Link to Submission: [x]
Summary of Modification: Producer Change
Reason for Modification: Approval of Clan Kryze Shipyards
Modification: Replace Producer with Clan Kryze Shipyards
Submission Name: Frontier Corvette
Link to Submission: Frontier Class Corvette
Summary of Modification: Remove SSC from affiliation, add Open Market.
Reason for Modification: Firemane wishes to expand its markets, and has cut ties with SSC.
Affiliation: Open Market

Submission Name: Fulminatus Missile Corvette
Link to Submission: Fulminatus Class Missile Corvette
Summary of Modification: Remove SSC from affiliation, add Open Market.
Reason for Modification: Firemane wishes to expand its markets, and has cut ties with SSC.
Affiliation: Open Market

Submission Name: Vigilance Frigate
Link to Submission: Vigilance Class Frigate
Summary of Modification: Remove SSC from affiliation, add Open Market.
Reason for Modification: Firemane wishes to expand its markets, and has cut ties with SSC.
Affiliation: Open Market

Submission Name: Guardian Frigate
Link to Submission: Guardian Class Frigate
Summary of Modification: Remove SSC from affiliation, add Open Market.
Reason for Modification: Firemane wishes to expand its markets, and has cut ties with SSC.
Affiliation: Open Market

Submission Name: Sentinel Cruiser
Link to Submission: Sentinel Class Cruiser
Summary of Modification: Remove SSC from affiliation, add Open Market.
Reason for Modification: Firemane wishes to expand its markets, and has cut ties with SSC.
Affiliation: Open Market
Submission Name: Heavenshield Heavy Cruiser
Link to Submission: Heavenshield Class Heavy Cruiser
Summary of Modification: Remove SSC from affiliation, add Open Market. Change name.
Reason for Modification: Firemane wishes to expand its markets, and has cut ties with SSC. Change of name because Firemane is no longer solely affiliated with the SSC.
(Submission Name): Hunter Class
Affiliation: Open Market
(Replace all mention of Heavenshield with ‘Hunter’)
Primary Source: None

Submission Name: Crusader Star Destroyer
Link to Submission: Crusader Class Star Destroyer
Summary of Modification: Remove SSC from affiliation, add Open Market.
Reason for Modification: Firemane wishes to expand its markets, and has cut ties with SSC.
Affiliation: Open Market

Submission Name: Paladin Star Destroyer
Link to Submission: Paladin Class Star Destroyer
Summary of Modification: Remove SSC from affiliation, add Open Market.
Reason for Modification: Firemane wishes to expand its markets, and has cut ties with SSC.
Affiliation: Open Market

Submission Name: The Barsen’Thor
Link to Submission: The Barsen'Thor
Summary of Modification: Remove SSC from affiliation, add Open Market.
Reason for Modification: Firemane wishes to expand its markets, and has cut ties with SSC.
Affiliation: Open Market
[member="Kyrana Gould"]
All requests finished except for the Barsen'Thor.

4. Companies may own and operate a realistic amount of combat starships where maximum length per ship = ( Tier Number x 1000 ) / 3 and maximum fleet length = ((Tier Number x 1000) x (Tier Number)) / 2
That would put the maximum at 2,000 meters per ship at tier 6, which is 900 meters short of the submission for Barsen'Thor. You'll have to find another Major Faction to alter the affiliation to.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Submission Name: Watts Class
Link to Submission: Watts Class
Summary of Modification:
New manufacturer
New template
Reason for Modification: At the time Sasori didn't have the resources to manufacture and now it does, additionally thread with the supreme chancellor to have the subs this writer created moved to my own company was approved.
Modification: New Manufacturer, New Template

New Sub


Image Credits: [x]
Affiliation: Private
Manufacturer: Sasori Research/Saotome Foundry/Phenex Industries
Model: Heavy Cruiser
Modularity: N/A
Production: Mass-Produced. (Anyone.)
Quadranium Steel (Frame)
Durasteel (Hull plating)
Crystasteel (Viewports)
Valen event tech
Classification: Heavy Assault Cruiser

Length: 1000m
Width: 400m
Height: 300m

Armament: 20

2 heavy octuple barbette turbolasers (8 battery equivalence)
2 heavy octuple ion cannons (8 battery equivalence)
15 heavy dual turbolaser batteries (60 battery equivalence)
10 heavy quad turbolaser batteries (80 battery equivalence)
9 long-range turbolasers (11.25 battery equivalence)
5 triple heavy ion cannons (7.5 battery equivalence)
25 heavy mass driver cannons (25 heavy warhead equivalence)
65 mass driver flak cannons
Defenses: 10
Medium Armor
Deflector Shield Generator
Hangar: 0

Special Features:
Communications Array
Encryption Network
Escape Pods
Holonet Transceiver
Standard Detention Cells
Standard Life Support Systems
Standard Navigational Systems
Standard Sensor Array
Standard Targeting Systems
Tractor Beams [2]
Maneuverability Rating: 8
Speed Rating: 8
Hyperdrive Class: Class 1, Class 16 (back up)

Very High Gun Count
Mass Produced Event Ship
No Hanger
Medium Armor

After the events of Valen and the testing of the Firekilns the Republic brought in Alli Wren and Baktoid industries to study and work on. The technology of Valen using cortosis for hyperdrives and maximizing armaments while minimizing space was something to be glad about. With the help of the designed and some reports from Valen’s space battle provided by Vice Chancellor Yusan Fenn,jedi Master Kiskla Grayson and jedi knight Vexander Graves the hanger was removed in favor of anti starship capabilities and additional weapons.

The seriousness of armaments came at another price and that was more a piece of their integrity. Saying that they were all about peace while creating a ship designed to wage war on a large scale. Adapting some of the tactics employed by the Firekilns and their swarm mentality using speed to pick and choose targets. Using their data on Imperial ships destroyed at the scene. A wide assortment of weapons to make this an everyman’s ship so it can handle all engagements that are needed.

Further enhancements were made using relations with the Hapes Consortium thanks to the efforts of Hanna the third in command of the Republic. Their stardragons weapons were something that could be adapted and used. The triple heavy ion cannons and pulse mass launchers were something that could prove useful. The medium armor being used to balance out the heavy guns or the ship, if it was lesser used could maybe be hardened ionized heavy armor to blast through. The wanting to create a ship to match the Empires fleets is further needed.
Development Thread:
Valen Dominion Reward
Office of the Supreme Chancellor
Intent: To use the Valen event reward and bring it in line with the new starship guide
Who Can Use This: N/A
Primary Source:

Submission Name: Teyan Prison
Link to Submission: Teyan Prison
Summary of Modification:
New manufacturer
New template
Reason for Modification: At the time Sasori didn't have the resources to manufacture and now it does, additionally thread with the supreme chancellor to have the subs this writer created moved to my own company was approved.
Modification: New Manufacturer, New Template


Image Credits: http://images5.alpha.../446/446200.jpg
From the library of Ayden Cater this picture is awesome

Affiliation: Jedi order
Manufacturer: Sasori Research

Model: Ghost Prison
Modularity: N/A
Production: Unique (Only Your Character)
Turadium (doors)
Classification: Starbase

Height: 1,500m
Width: 500m
Length: 500m

Armaments: 16
10 quad turbolasers (40 capital)
10 quad ion cannons (40 capital)
10 point defense lasers (10 ship)
10 mass driver flak (10 ship)
2 heavy warhead launchers (16 capital)
Hangar: 1
One resupply ship and droid storage/security

Special Features:

300 Prisoners, 5000 droids, 500 Warden Droids, 1 jedi master

Detachable detention blocks
Hydroponics bay
Nullifying resin
Communications Array
Encryption Network
Escape Pods
Standard Deflector Shield Generator
Standard Detention Cells
Standard Life Support Systems
Standard Navigational Systems
Standard Sensor Array
Standard Targeting Systems
Tractor Beam [10]
Medical bay
Gymnasium module
Universal energy cells
Maneuverability Rating: 20
Speed Rating: 20
Hyperdrive Class: -


Designed to be self sustaining
Unknown Location
Able to hold powerful force users

Lost to most information source
Derelict without power

Description: Developed in secret by the jedi and hidden away by the jedi grandmaster of this time with the help of researcher and the architect Matsu Ike. It was modeled after the ancient Prism and hidden in the nearly impassable nebula. The warden and maintenance droids keeping the prison running as needed with minimal organic interaction. Supplies are brought in via droid pilots through the deep core and memory wiped before being sent back to Tython to be loaded for the next run. Prisoners are thoroughly searched and scanned then issued new sanitized clothing that comes from the prison. Their previous garments are discarded into an incinerator for security purposes. The anti riot and anti break out defenses will send prison blocks to drift in space with minimal air support. Individual prison cells can be ejected as well to the planet below, or sent into the nebula so the prisoners can suffocate. Locating the prison for councilors and the grandmaster is a matter of knowing what to search for and setting a course like flying to Ilum in the old Republic before the jedi set up a base there.

Development Thread:
Unknown Je'daii World:26 replies
Dathomir Investigation: 27 replies
Corellia Investigation: 65 replies
Ossus Investigation:84 Replies
Kashyyyk Investigation:12 replies
Ryloth investigation:45 replies
Iridonia Investigation:60 replies
Office of the Supreme Chancellor
Intent: To cash in our Brawl of the Dead investigations reward and have a Ghost Prison within the Apoligia Nebula secured over Teyan within the Apoligia Nebula: Grand Total: 319 posts
Who Can Use This: Jedi Order
Primary Source:

the subs are old and moving them into the new template and guide might require additional balancing and I filled in fields that were not there originally

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