Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Starship Submission Modifications

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Submission Name: H-SDV1 "The Truck"
Link to Submission: Link
Summary of Modification:
-New Image Source This Guy
-New Image
-Manufacturer: Blood Hunter's Iron Works
Please Add the following information:
-Armament Rating: 8
-Defense Rating: 16

Reason for Modification:
-Bringing Submission up to date
Submission Name: Deliverance Corvette, Hellfire Cruiser, Shard Pods, Umbra Dropship

Link to Submission:

Summary of Modification:
Affiliation Changed to “Approved Keshiri Driveworks Customers”
Manufacturer Changed to “Keshiri Driveworks”

Reason for Modification: Production of these ships are now done by Keshiri Driveworks, as the products rights were retained by Solan Charr before, during, and after production by their original Companies. Thus when he created his own company, those products were as such moved to his line and removed from those of the other’s.

Affiliation: Approved Keshiri Driveworks Customers
Manufacturer: Keshiri Driveworks
Submission Name: Sovereign-class Star Destroyer
Link to Submission: Click
Summary of Modification:
  • +2 Armament (Included Energy Siphon Cannons)
  • +2 Speed/Man (Stealth Speed remained unchanged)
  • Addition of Mandal Hypernautics as Manufacturer
  • Minor Edits, Spelling/Grammar
  • Added several Dev Threads to compensate
Reason for Modification: To better fit in line with its role in the Mandalorian Fleet

Image Source: Here
Intent: To provide the Mandalorians with a Destroyer of the Line

Development Thread:
Who Can Use This: Select Buyers
Manufacturer: ArmaTech Industries | Mandal Hypernautics
Model: Mk2
Affiliation: Private Market
Modularity: Yes
  • Non Combat Systems can be exchanged
Production: Minor
Classification: Ship of the Line
Length: 1,500 Meters
Width: 750 Meters
Height: 350 Meters
Armament Rating: 14
  • Offensive Combat Rating: 14
  • Point Defense Rating: 15
Defense Rating: 16
  • Hull and Armor: 18
  • Shield Rating: 14
  • ECCM: 16
  • Squadrons (4)
  • Freighters, Shuttles, or Drop Ships (3)
Minimum Crew: 1,115
Optimum Crew: 12,435
Passenger Capacity: 5,000
Cargo Capacity: 15,000 Metric Tons
Consumables: 18 Years
Maneuverability Rating: 14 (18 with Stealth)
Speed Rating: 14 (18 with Stealth)
Hyperdrive Class: 0.5
Backup Hyperdrive Class: 12.0

Sensor and Targeting
The Sovereign-class is simple. It was designed to do it all for extended, long term, all-purpose operations. ArmaTech designers boasted that long after the One Sith's empire falls, the original line of Sovereign-class Star Defenders will have yet to require replenishment. While the ship specializes in nothing and is outclassed by specialist ships in numerous categories, it is able to operate independently without struggle, unlike its predecessors. Because of the numerous systems included into the Sovereign-class it is able to operate as a small fleet's command ship, however in larger engagements, it forms a solid line with enough support on its own to assist in virtually any role.

What allows the great lengths of extended operations is the use of a small Molecular Furnace, used to process waste for conversion into ammunition, war materials such as battle droids, and repair components for the ship, its complement, and its ground based units. This very small Molecular furnace is buried within the bowels of the ship, replacing the need for a trash compactor or waste disposal service. It is of course limited in its capacity to produce, unable to create whole starfighters or tanks through the conveyor and construction systems that operate along side it, more fit for producing a few companies of battle droids between engagements, replacement parts for starfighters and minor damage to the ship. Given enough time it could theoretically produce enough material to repair major damages, but it could be years given the size of the furnace and thus major repairs should be done at a repair station. Along this same vein, the ship makes use of a Solid Fuel Converter, designed to convert virtually any matter into power for fuel cells. When the molecular furnace is not in use, waste and trash is rerouted to this system to allow for replenishment of the ship's fuel cells.

Propulsion and Stealth
As the Sovereign is required to fulfill so many combat roles, including reconnaissance and system monitoring, it was deemed necessary that the vessel have limited stealth features. The Sovereign's drives are able to be baffled, at the cost of a great deal of speed and maneuverability, decreasing the likelihood that its efflux will be detected. The Sovereign also includes a sensor mask, able to hide the Star Destroyer's sensor signature at long ranges, reducing the likelihood of target locks being obtained on it at those ranges. The more advanced the sensor or targeting computer, the less effective this system is, even at long ranges. Specialized sensors, like mass detectors or electromagnetic sensors are not affected by the sensor mask.

The Destroyer's primary drives are two powerful Predator Interdiction Drives, capable of effecting the speed and maneuverability of other nearby ships negatively in short burst by using a gravitic field emitted from the drives. This is small and low power, not enough to pull ships from hyperspace, but enough to cause a some alteration in their speed and maneuverability at close range for short thirty second bursts every five minutes or so. This allows the Sovereign's defense guns to fire upon slightly more sluggish fighters and interceptors. Supported by four maneuvering thrusters, the Sovereign is capable of making quick adjustments for a Star Destroyer of its size. Additionally, the ship features a full set of Mandal Hypernautics propulsion systems, all of which are unable to be used at the same time as the drive bafflers.

Armor and Shielding
The exterior armor of the Sovereign is made from an AR-0B Damage Reduction Armor combined with Mandalorian Steel alloy, designed to absorb enemy fire and impacts and protect internal systems. It is only barely superior to standard Mandalorian Steel armoring, however. This is layered in a dual Horizontal and Vertical armor pattern, over a compartmentalized internal hull structure allowing the vessel to take damage without severely reducing its combat profile, and reduce hull degradation in combat and prevent massive pressure loss in sections of the ship, keeping more of the vessel operation in the event of a hull breach. The Sovereign has a durable, resilient Hull, made primarily from Mandalorian Steel, combined with traces of agrinium, honeycombed throughout the ship, with a high-density frame. The ship makes use of a high-density Mandalorian Steel Belt Armor lining for the interior of the hull, surrounding the superstructure of the Destroyer, covering the internal regions of the Reactor, Furnace, bridge, ammunition storage structure, and the main turrets. The inclusion of agrinium provides very limited resistance to EMP and Ion weaponry for the ship, normally simply reducing the wide spread electrical issues caused by either.

The Sovereign is protected by a dual layer shield array. The outer shield layer is a Retribution Ray Shield, equipped with a rapid shutter systems to allow weapons to fire out unimpeded and to disable the Dovin Basal 'shield grab' attacks made popular during the Yuuzhan Vong War and the resurgence of the One Sith. This outer layer's Ray shield is able to return some of the output it absorbs and lashes out at the ships damaging it with a portion of the energy, though it is less resilient than normal. This energy dissipates over time and distance, with the maximum damage at close range being about half. The inner layer is an Thermal Deflector Shield, comparable to standard shielding, designed to be top of the line. The long recycle rate of the Thermal Shield would normally prevent it from being able to be used on a vessel with so many Mass Driver weapons, however, by using a series of Shield Emitters, similar in design to the Aegis Receptor Node, around each weapon system, it is able to divert power around the weapon as it fires. These controls are tied to the weapon firing controls, diverting power around the weapon system right before firing, and returning afterwards. While still slower than a standard shudder shield, it allows the Thermal Shield to be used without disabling the entire system for a lengthy time.

Sensor and Targeting Systems
The Sovereign's sensor orbs are standard for a ship of its size and class, powerful arrays designed for detecting enemy craft. It uses a Dedicated Energy Receptor, Electro-Photo Receptor, Phased Tachyon Detector, and Aural sensor in conjunction with a Full-Spectrum Sensor array. Its targeting systems however are much more complex, featuring a series of Precision Holo-Targeting computers fitted with backup targeting lasers with updated processors and enhanced Threat Analysis Grids. These computers are able to filter more data than standard computers, capable of greater accuracy than standard computers.

Communication and Miscellaneous Systems
The Sovereign makes use of a full communication suite, including comm lasers for LOS communications, a Holonet Transceiver for instantaneous galactic communications, and a Ranger Transceiver for monitoring subspace frequencies. The network is segregated from the ship's primary systems that control the ships necessary functions, receiving and processing all wirelessly received signals on a separate network from ship operations. Socketguards protect the computer systems from slicing, though skilled slicers are still able to overcome this obstacle. The LOS communication lasers are used if communications are jammed, the system suffering severe static, or if the receiving ship has lost communication. The lasers suffer from lag over great distances, but are reliable and difficult to disrupt. They simply require clear line of sight to the target.

The ship also includes a distress beacon, capable of broadcasting through the holonet, normally using an All-Clear signal that if disrupted will alert nearby allies of trouble, though this feature can be adjusted depending on the region of space the Ship is operating from. The Sovereign includes a single Gravity Well Projector as opposed to the four used by the much smaller Immobilizer, designed off the Mon Mothma and Elegos A'kla with a streamlined form, lacking the large hub of the Immobilizer. This was to allow it to function as an interdictor, while still conserving space for its numerous weapons and support systems. Because of the single projector, the Sovereign is unable to drag whole fleets from hyperspace on its own, and relies on its Hyperwave Signal Interceptor to detect incoming ships so that it can properly position its Gravity Well. Small ships, such as frigates, ships with extremely fast Hyperdrives (less than 1.0), and ships traveling with slower Hyperdrives (More than 6.0), are often able to slip through its notice or be detected to late to allow the crew to react in time with enough accuracy to be effective.

The Sovereign's support weapons include an array of powerful Electronic Warfare systems, using their Jamming Beam Projectors systems to provide the ship with some protection from long range artillery, while being capable of firing at long range and being resistant to Electronic Warfare itself. A tertiary weapon included in the Sovereign is the Missile Deactivation Transmitter. Capable of effecting missiles at long range, the transmitter fires a condensed beam of data at the missile, detecting its guidance frequency, and deactivating its guidance, propulsion, and detonator. At Long Range the transmitter can be used against twelve missiles effectively before they reach the ship, at Standard Range the transmitter is effective against six missiles, and for targets at Close Range, the transmitter is only able to track and fire against three missiles before they are able to strike the ship. It is set to target approaching missiles only, and its automated targeting system will target the closest threat in order of precedence, with Assault warheads taking precedence, then capital grade missiles. It will not target anything smaller than a capital ship missile as there would simply be so many, it would be a waste of time and allow larger missiles to close in on the ship. More advanced guidance computers are more difficult to disable taking a longer time, reducing the amount of missiles that can be engaged, with weapons like the Ram'or and ACS Cluster being practically immune to such a weapon due to their use of numerous internal warheads that are either unguided or independently guided.

Weapon Systems
The Sovereign-class uses a pair of Repeating Hypervelocity Cannons as its long range armament, supported by ten long range Turbolasers and ten long range Ion Cannons. These weapons are specially calibrated for high accuracy across long range and each use a pair Targeting computers, with their programming meshed allowing for enhanced precision at long range.

For its primary armament, the Sovereign has six Dual Hypervelocity Cannons and two Dual Binary Fusion Ion Cannons, the powerful weapon systems allowing the ship to be brutal at close range. Four Energy Siphon cannons Supporting these are twenty batteries of over-sized, heavy Deck Cannons, using the dual Ion/Mass Driver cannon set up to increase the likelihood that the mass driver rounds are able to slip through deflector shields, though this isn't guaranteed. Split Particle and Ray shields are more effective against these weapons, as each one is only effected by half the weapon system. The Sovereign uses Helliod Missile systems, granting the vessel the ability to fire sixteen assault warheads or up to sixty four standard capital ship grade warheads from its launchers. These use G-003 Tri-Trackers in conjunction with their targeting computers to enhance the warheads' capabilities and effectiveness against countermeasures.

Supporting these is an extensive set of Point Defense Weapons all known for using Hi-Track computers similar to the Ranger-class Gunship of old. Certain weapon systems favor firing upon specific targets, the Point-Defense cannons favoring starfighters and bombers, the Witch Fire CIWS favoring missiles and interceptors the weaker bolts are more effective against, the Light Turbolasers set for use against gunships, freighters, and strike corvettes, while the Ra missile turrets, connected to G-003 Tri-Trackers, are less specific in their targeting, useful against all craft.

Fire Arcs
  • Full Forward: Every Capital Ship Weapon is able to Fire in the Forward Arc.
  • Broadsides: Its weaponry is able to split in half, half to port or starboard, or half dorsal and Ventral.
  • Only its primary weapons (Dual HVC’s and BFIC’s) are able to fire in the Dorsal, Fore, Port, Starboard, and Aft arcs.

The Sovereign features a single Ventral hangar, however instead of a large opening presenting an obvious weakness against heavy weaponry, the actual hangar is enclosed with a launch bay to either side, facing Fore. The diagonally arranged launch bays allow the ship to quickly release and collect its fighters, featured a pair of smaller openings instead of a single larger one. These openings are small enough to be sealed at the hull and at the hangar entrance with heavy Turadium blast doors. Inside the hangar, it is arranged in two levels with the middle of the top level cut out. Each squadron is held in its own mechanic bay, so that flight crews are able to work on, repair, and rearm squadrons independently. The Sovereign also features a pair of loading bays to either Port and Starboard containing additional drop ships and shuttles for troop deployment, allowing it to attach to mooring towers, replenishment ships, and other capital ships for the exchange of supplies. These can also be sealed by turadium blast doors when not in use.

  • Jack of All: The Sovereign-class includes minor Ewar Support, Long Range Support, Anti-Fighter Support, and Close combat capabilities. While it doesn't excel at any of these, it is able to provide these services to a fleet.
  • Limited Stealth Capabilities: At long ranges the Sovereign is able to shunt a portion of its speed and maneuverability in order to be partially stealthed. This doesn't affect specialized sensors like Mass Detectors and Electromagnetic Sensors and is far less effective against powerful advanced sensors. This also makes it difficult for more basic targeting systems to get positive locks at long range.
  • Support Interdictor: The Sovereign has a single streamlined Gravity Well Projector, compared to the four found in an Immobilizer 418. This means that the area it can effect is 1/4th the area of a standard interdictor.
  • Electronic Warfare Suite: The Sovereign is supported by an Electronic Warfare suite, capable of hampering long range targeting systems. While its capabilities are less than a dedicated Electronic Warfare frigate, is a support weapon that it is able to use to hinder enemy artillery ships while the Sovereign makes its approach.
  • Balanced Armament: While neither excelling at Long Range of Close Brawling, the Sovereign-class is able to compete in either well, with a preference for close range ship-to-ship battle.
  • Extended Operation: The Sovereign-class uses several components designed to allow the Sovereign-class to simply outlast. It may lose the battle, but it will likely survive the war.
  • Master of Nothing: The Sovereign-class is out matched in any field by a dedicated specialist ship. It doesn't have as powerful an Electronic Warfare suite as a Jahaatir-class Frigate, as large an Interdiction range as an Immobilizer 418 Cruiser, isn't a dedicated stealth ship and even standard sensors are able to pick it up at standard range without issue, and its weapons aren't dedicated to long range or close combat.
  • Aft Armament: Other than the primary armament of Hypervelocity Cannons and Binary Fusion Ion Cannons, none of the Capital ship weaponry is able to fire to the rear arc.
  • Shield Gaps: Its Thermal Shielding takes time in between firing to recover weapon systems, exposing them to kinetic fire during firing.
Special Features:
  • Increased Armament
  • Enhanced Defenses
  • Multiple Roles
  • Minor Electronic Warfare Capabilities
  • Minor Interdictor Capabilities
  • Minor Stealth Capabilities
Zenva Vrotoa said:
Please Add the following information: -Armament Rating: 5 -Defense Rating: 16
Your defense rating request is fine, but 5 is a bit low for what you have listed on the ship. A standard X wing with 4 Laser Cannons and 2 Proton Torpedo Launchers is considered an armament rating of 10, and while Nano missiles are not nearly comparable to Proton Torpedos, we're looking at a reduction of 2 at most. An example of an 8 rating loadout is the A Wing (in our Starship Template) that has 2 laser cannons and 2 concussion missile launchers. You have two laser cannons, two laser cannon turrets, and your six nano missiles. Essentially 4 laser cannons and very small-powered missiles. Somewhere around 8 would be O.K.
Submission Name: Daisya Infiltrator:
Link to Submission: Daisya Infiltrator:
Reason for Modification:
Due to the Omega Event, this vessel is no longer available unless purchased by Intergalactic Solutions directly.

Added to the description:

Due to the Omega Event, this vessel is no longer available icly or oocly in any manner unless acquisitioned by Intergalactic Solutions directly. Vessels may be purchased and owned as per Major Factions and Minor faction's ship ownership limits.

Submission Name: Razor Class Frigate:
Link to Submission: Razor Class Frigate:
Due to the Omega Event, this vessel is no longer available unless purchased by Intergalactic Solutions directly.

Added to the description:

Due to the Omega Event, this vessel is no longer available icly or oocly in any manner unless acquisitioned by Intergalactic Solutions directly. Vessels may be purchased and owned as per Major Factions and Minor faction's ship ownership limits.

Submission Name: Dark Blade Class Dreadnought:
Link to Submission: Dark Blade Class Dreadnought:
Due to the Omega Event, this vessel is no longer available unless purchased by Intergalactic Solutions directly.

Added to the description:

Due to the Omega Event, this vessel is no longer available icly or oocly in any manner unless acquisitioned by Intergalactic Solutions directly. Vessels may be purchased and owned as per Major Factions and Minor faction's ship ownership limits.

Submission Name: Wyyrok Class Star Destroyer:
Link to Submission: Wyyrok Class Star Destroyer:
Due to the Omega Event, this vessel is no longer available unless purchased by Intergalactic Solutions directly.

Added to the description:

Due to the Omega Event, this vessel is no longer available icly or oocly in any manner unless acquisitioned by Intergalactic Solutions directly. Vessels may be purchased and owned as per Major Factions and Minor faction's ship ownership limits.

Submission Name: The Immortals:
Link to Submission: The Immortals:
Due to the Omega Event, this vessel is no longer available unless purchased by Intergalactic Solutions directly.

Added to the description:

Due to the Omega Event, this vessel is no longer available icly or oocly in any manner unless acquisitioned by Intergalactic Solutions directly. Vessels may be purchased and owned as per Major Factions and Minor faction's ship ownership limits.
Submission Name: "The Eagle"
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification:
Production: Unique (Normandy)
Reason for Modification: Due to recent discussion with my comrades I have chosen A new name for the Ship that is a Easter egg and a pun from the name of my character.
Modification: Name of Thread and the Name of the ship changed from "The Eagle" or (Eagle) to "The Normandy" and (Normandy)

Fiolette Fortan

Submission Name: Vindicator-class, Light Carrier
Link to Submission: Here (x)
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation/Who Can Use This
Reason for Modification: PVS wishes to expand its markets beyond the First Order. Primo Victorian Shipwright is no longer producing exclusively for the First Order.
Affiliation: Open Market - Contract Thread Required
Who Can Use This: PVS Customers Only

Submission Name: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Link to Submission: Here (x)
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation/Who Can Use This
Reason for Modification: PVS wishes to expand its markets beyond the First Order. Primo Victorian Shipwright is no longer producing exclusively for the First Order.
Affiliation: Open Market - Contract Thread Required
Who Can Use This: PVS Customers Only

Submission Name: Fortan-class, Escort Frigate
Link to Submission: Here (x)
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation/Who Can Use This
Reason for Modification: PVS wishes to expand its markets beyond the First Order. Primo Victorian Shipwright is no longer producing exclusively for the First Order.
Affiliation: Open Market - Contract Thread Required
Who Can Use This: PVS Customers Only

Submission Name: Empire-class, Heavy Frigate
Link to Submission: Here (x)
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation/Who Can Use This
Reason for Modification: PVS wishes to expand its markets beyond the First Order. Primo Victorian Shipwright is no longer producing exclusively for the First Order.
Affiliation: Open Market - Contract Thread Required
Who Can Use This: PVS Customers Only

Submission Name: Charger-class, Escort Corvette
Link to Submission: Here (x)
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation/Who Can Use This
Reason for Modification: PVS wishes to expand its markets beyond the First Order. Primo Victorian Shipwright is no longer producing exclusively for the First Order.
Affiliation: Open Market - Contract Thread Required
Who Can Use This: PVS Customers Only

Fiolette Fortan

Submission Name: Bolt-class, Picket Corvette
Link to Submission: Here (x)
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation/Who Can Use This
Reason for Modification: PVS wishes to expand its markets beyond the First Order. Primo Victorian Shipwright is no longer producing exclusively for the First Order.
Affiliation: Open Market - Contract Thread Required
Who Can Use This: PVS Customers Only

Submission Name: Raptor-class, Assault Frigate
Link to Submission: Here (x)
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation/Who Can Use This
Reason for Modification: PVS wishes to expand its markets beyond the First Order. Primo Victorian Shipwright is no longer producing exclusively for the First Order.
Affiliation: Open Market - Contract Thread Required
Who Can Use This: PVS Customers Only

Submission Name: Stormcloud-class, Assault Cruiser
Link to Submission: Here (x)
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation/Who Can Use This
Reason for Modification: PVS wishes to expand its markets beyond the First Order. Primo Victorian Shipwright is no longer producing exclusively for the First Order.
Affiliation: Open Market - Contract Thread Required
Who Can Use This: PVS Customers Only

Submission Name: Blackwell-class, Medical Transport
Link to Submission: Here (x)
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation/Who Can Use This
Reason for Modification: PVS wishes to expand its markets beyond the First Order. Primo Victorian Shipwright is no longer producing exclusively for the First Order.
Affiliation: Open Market - Contract Thread Required
Who Can Use This: PVS Customers Only

Fiolette Fortan

Submission Name: Steadfast-class, Medical Cutter
Link to Submission: Here (x)
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation/Who Can Use This
Reason for Modification: PVS wishes to expand its markets beyond the First Order. Primo Victorian Shipwright is no longer producing exclusively for the First Order.
Affiliation: Open Market - Contract Thread Required
Who Can Use This: PVS Customers Only

Submission Name: Inflictor-class, Heavy Cruiser
Link to Submission: Here (x)
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation/Who Can Use This
Reason for Modification: PVS wishes to expand its markets beyond the First Order. Primo Victorian Shipwright is no longer producing exclusively for the First Order.
Affiliation: Open Market - Contract Thread Required
Who Can Use This: PVS Customers Only
Fiolette Yvarro said:
Submission Name: Vindicator-class, Light Carrier
Link to Submission: Here (x)
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation/Who Can Use This
Reason for Modification: PVS wishes to expand its markets beyond the First Order. Primo Victorian Shipwright is no longer producing exclusively for the First Order.
Affiliation: Open Market - Contract Thread Required
Who Can Use This: PVS Customers Only

Submission Name: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Link to Submission: Here (x)
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation/Who Can Use This
Reason for Modification: PVS wishes to expand its markets beyond the First Order. Primo Victorian Shipwright is no longer producing exclusively for the First Order.
Affiliation: Open Market - Contract Thread Required
Who Can Use This: PVS Customers Only

Submission Name: Fortan-class, Escort Frigate
Link to Submission: Here (x)
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation/Who Can Use This
Reason for Modification: PVS wishes to expand its markets beyond the First Order. Primo Victorian Shipwright is no longer producing exclusively for the First Order.
Affiliation: Open Market - Contract Thread Required
Who Can Use This: PVS Customers Only

Submission Name: Empire-class, Heavy Frigate
Link to Submission: Here (x)
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation/Who Can Use This
Reason for Modification: PVS wishes to expand its markets beyond the First Order. Primo Victorian Shipwright is no longer producing exclusively for the First Order.
Affiliation: Open Market - Contract Thread Required
Who Can Use This: PVS Customers Only

Submission Name: Charger-class, Escort Corvette
Link to Submission: Here (x)
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation/Who Can Use This
Reason for Modification: PVS wishes to expand its markets beyond the First Order. Primo Victorian Shipwright is no longer producing exclusively for the First Order.
Affiliation: Open Market - Contract Thread Required
Who Can Use This: PVS Customers Only

Fiolette Yvarro said:
Submission Name: Bolt-class, Picket Corvette
Link to Submission: Here (x)
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation/Who Can Use This
Reason for Modification: PVS wishes to expand its markets beyond the First Order. Primo Victorian Shipwright is no longer producing exclusively for the First Order.
Affiliation: Open Market - Contract Thread Required
Who Can Use This: PVS Customers Only

Submission Name: Raptor-class, Assault Frigate
Link to Submission: Here (x)
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation/Who Can Use This
Reason for Modification: PVS wishes to expand its markets beyond the First Order. Primo Victorian Shipwright is no longer producing exclusively for the First Order.
Affiliation: Open Market - Contract Thread Required
Who Can Use This: PVS Customers Only

Submission Name: Stormcloud-class, Assault Cruiser
Link to Submission: Here (x)
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation/Who Can Use This
Reason for Modification: PVS wishes to expand its markets beyond the First Order. Primo Victorian Shipwright is no longer producing exclusively for the First Order.
Affiliation: Open Market - Contract Thread Required
Who Can Use This: PVS Customers Only

Submission Name: Blackwell-class, Medical Transport
Link to Submission: Here (x)
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation/Who Can Use This
Reason for Modification: PVS wishes to expand its markets beyond the First Order. Primo Victorian Shipwright is no longer producing exclusively for the First Order.
Affiliation: Open Market - Contract Thread Required
Who Can Use This: PVS Customers Only

Fiolette Yvarro said:
Submission Name: Steadfast-class, Medical Cutter
Link to Submission: Here (x)
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation/Who Can Use This
Reason for Modification: PVS wishes to expand its markets beyond the First Order. Primo Victorian Shipwright is no longer producing exclusively for the First Order.
Affiliation: Open Market - Contract Thread Required
Who Can Use This: PVS Customers Only

Submission Name: Inflictor-class, Heavy Cruiser
Link to Submission: Here (x)
Summary of Modification: Change of Affiliation/Who Can Use This
Reason for Modification: PVS wishes to expand its markets beyond the First Order. Primo Victorian Shipwright is no longer producing exclusively for the First Order.
Affiliation: Open Market - Contract Thread Required
Who Can Use This: PVS Customers Only
Because the First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers (FOCIE) is the actual manufacturer for these submissions, is an NPC organization owned by the First Order, and these submissions currently exist in the First Order fleet, I cannot simply remove them from the affiliation.

I will be adding your company (Primo Victorian Shipwright) to the Manufacturer section in each of the submissions and will add your request to the affiliation, but it will read as:

Manufacturer: First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers, Primo Victorian Shipwright
Affiliation: First Order, Open Market - Contract Thread Required

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