Image Source: EVTKPzR.jpg?1
Affiliation: The First Order
Manufacturer: First Order Imperial Corps of Engineers (Aka First Order Faction)
Model: Resurgent-class Star Destroyer
Modularity: No
Production: Limited
Material: Durasteel hull, Transparisteel viewports
Classification: Command Ship
Length: 2900m
Width: 1500m
Height: 650m
Armament: 18
x1500 Turbolasers
Evenly distributed Dorsally and Ventrally
x1500 Ion Cannons
Evenly distributed Dorsally Ventrally
x30 Mk 26 'HARM' Guided Missile Weapon Sytem
10 Port
10 Starboard
10 Ventral
x60 Point Defense Cannons
15 port
15 starboard
15 aft
15 Ventral
x60 Quad Laser Cannons
20 fore
20 aft
20 Ventral
Defenses: 17
x12 Squadrons
6 Squadrons of TIE/In
6 squadrons of TIE/sf
x100 Sienar-Jamus First Order Atmospheric Assault Landers
x10 Upsilon-class Command Shuttles
Ground Forces:
x30 All Terrain Armored Transports
x50 All Terrain Scout Transports
x40 Light Infantry Utility Vehicles
x2 IM-455 Modular Garrisons
x2 Legions of Stormtroopers (Max Capacity, optimal will be one Legion)
Special Features:
x3 KDY Destroyer Ion Engines
x8 Germon-8 Ion Engines
x1 SJFS III-a1a Primary Hypermatter-Annihilation Reactor
Hyperwave Comm Scanner
Emergency Secondary Bridge
Bastion Advanced Fighter/Missile Defense System
Maneuverability Rating: 20
Speed Rating: 20
Hyperdrive Class: 2
Heavy Armament: The sheer amount of turbolasers of this ship alone is the equivalent of an entire starfleet of First Order ships, easily tearing through enemy starcruisers like a knife through warm butter.
Heavy Shielding: Even with hundreds of turbolasers, the battlecruiser still needs protection. The First Order engineers have installed a massive shield generator that could only fall under the combined fire of multiple star destroyers.
Command Ship: Invasions have never been easier, this ship has a full wing of TIE Fighters, as well as a hundred AALs. It also ferries an impressive ground force of walkers and even prefabricated garrisons.
Extremely Expensive To Produce: One of these ships alone costs billions upon billions of credits to construct, crew, and maintain, and that is not even factoring in its complement of starfighters and ground vehicles.
Blindspots: On the aft side of this battlecruiser, there is a minuscule amount of turbolasers, allowing smaller and larger ships to get behind and destroy its engines.
Slow Speed And Maneuverability: The price of turbolasers took a toll on the Resurgent, in the form of the fact that it moves and turns like a nerf.
Command Ship: Even with heavy amounts of turbolasers and shields stronger than Mandalorian iron, if this ship were somehow destroyed, the entire fleet would be sent into disarray, not to mention the millions of taxpayer credits now being a blasted hulk of space debris.
Description: The iconic star destroyer of the first order. Special features are listed above.
Development Thread:
Intent: To bring the iconic Star Destroyer from the First Order.
Who Can Use This: Limited, Only being made for Officers in command positions. Within the First Order, this means Commodores and above would be able to use this. Unless given authority by First Order leadership. One per writer of Commodore or above.