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Starship Submission Modifications

Desmond C'artyom said:
Submission Name: FC-115
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: To better suit armament standards
Modification: 3 more twin laser cannon turrets
Please use the correct modification request format in the future for all submission modification requests.

You can find the format as a template on the first post in any submission modification request thread.
Wandering Naval Officer
Submission Name: Resurgent Star Destroyer
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: 8 Squadrons of Starfighters to 12 Squadrons
Reason for Modification: New information about Imperial Fighter Squadron sizes

Image Source: EVTKPzR.jpg?1

Affiliation: The First Order
Manufacturer: First Order Imperial Corps of Engineers (Aka First Order Faction)
Model: Resurgent-class Star Destroyer
Modularity: No
Production: Limited
Material: Durasteel hull, Transparisteel viewports
Classification: Command Ship

Length: 2900m
Width: 1500m
Height: 650m

Armament: 18

x1500 Turbolasers
Evenly distributed Dorsally and Ventrally
x1500 Ion Cannons
Evenly distributed Dorsally Ventrally
x30 Mk 26 'HARM' Guided Missile Weapon Sytem
10 Port
10 Starboard
10 Ventral
x60 Point Defense Cannons
​15 port
15 starboard
15 aft
15 Ventral
x60 Quad Laser Cannons
​20 fore
20 aft
20 Ventral

Defenses: 17


x12 Squadrons
6 Squadrons of TIE/In
6 squadrons of TIE/sf
x100 Sienar-Jamus First Order Atmospheric Assault Landers
x10 Upsilon-class Command Shuttles

Ground Forces:

x30 All Terrain Armored Transports
x50 All Terrain Scout Transports
x40 Light Infantry Utility Vehicles
x2 IM-455 Modular Garrisons
x2 Legions of Stormtroopers (Max Capacity, optimal will be one Legion)

Special Features:

x3 KDY Destroyer Ion Engines
x8 Germon-8 Ion Engines
x1 SJFS III-a1a Primary Hypermatter-Annihilation Reactor
Hyperwave Comm Scanner
Emergency Secondary Bridge
Bastion Advanced Fighter/Missile Defense System
Maneuverability Rating: 20

Speed Rating: 20
Hyperdrive Class: 2


Heavy Armament: The sheer amount of turbolasers of this ship alone is the equivalent of an entire starfleet of First Order ships, easily tearing through enemy starcruisers like a knife through warm butter.
Heavy Shielding: Even with hundreds of turbolasers, the battlecruiser still needs protection. The First Order engineers have installed a massive shield generator that could only fall under the combined fire of multiple star destroyers.
Command Ship: Invasions have never been easier, this ship has a full wing of TIE Fighters, as well as a hundred AALs. It also ferries an impressive ground force of walkers and even prefabricated garrisons.


Extremely Expensive To Produce: One of these ships alone costs billions upon billions of credits to construct, crew, and maintain, and that is not even factoring in its complement of starfighters and ground vehicles.
Blindspots: On the aft side of this battlecruiser, there is a minuscule amount of turbolasers, allowing smaller and larger ships to get behind and destroy its engines.
Slow Speed And Maneuverability: The price of turbolasers took a toll on the Resurgent, in the form of the fact that it moves and turns like a nerf.
Command Ship: Even with heavy amounts of turbolasers and shields stronger than Mandalorian iron, if this ship were somehow destroyed, the entire fleet would be sent into disarray, not to mention the millions of taxpayer credits now being a blasted hulk of space debris.

Description: The iconic star destroyer of the first order. Special features are listed above.
Development Thread:
Intent: To bring the iconic Star Destroyer from the First Order.
Who Can Use This: Limited, Only being made for Officers in command positions. Within the First Order, this means Commodores and above would be able to use this. Unless given authority by First Order leadership. One per writer of Commodore or above.
Aran Piett said:
8 Squadrons of Starfighters to 12 Squadrons
A squadron is 12 starfighters at 12 meters.

You have 8 normal sized squadrons, then you have 10 Upsilon-class command shuttles (starfighter-sized starships that are 37.2 meters, and are armed with the same sort of armament seen on a starfighter minus ordinance) which is essentially 3 squadrons of 12 meter starfighters.

Basically, you already have 11 squadrons here.

If you would like to go over 12 squadrons I'll accept ten posts of development, otherwise please change your configuration around to meet the average found in the template for super carriers (command ships).
Wandering Naval Officer
Darth Vitium said:
A squadron is 12 starfighters at 12 meters.

You have 8 normal sized squadrons, then you have 10 Upsilon-class command shuttles (starfighter-sized starships that are 37.2 meters, and are armed with the same sort of armament seen on a starfighter minus ordinance) which is essentially 3 squadrons of 12 meter starfighters.

Basically, you already have 11 squadrons here.

If you would like to go over 12 squadrons I'll accept ten posts of development, otherwise please change your configuration around to meet the average found in the template for super carriers (command ships).
Okay I see where the math is now understood, so I will recend my request

[member="Darth Vitium"]
Submission Name: Orar'galaar Assault Starfighter
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: need to add that this fighter is a two-seater ship and that the Astromech is loaded from the bottom of the vessel using a built-in lift. The port where the head of the Astromech emerges is covered by a retractable armor panel to protect the droid and improve the ship's aerodynamics.
Reason for Modification: I'm an idiot. I didn't proof read carefully enough to notice that I never added the data.

Minimum Crew: 1
Optimum Crew: 2 + Astromech Droid
Passenger Capacity: 1 pilot, 1 copilot, 1 astromech

Cargo Capacity: 75 Kilograms

I also need to mention the concealed Astromech port
Submission Name: The Barsen'Thor
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Change owner from the defunct SSC to the Galactic Alliance. Also change description, intent and 'who can use' fields to reflect this.
Reason for Modification: After SSC and Firemane parted ways the Barsen'Thor no longer has a valid owner, since Firemane cannot use it. [member="Zark"] agreed to take the Barsen'Thor into the Galactic Alliance fleet in return for assistance at Kaeshana.

The Barsen’Thor was an ancient Jedi rank given to very few in the Order. It was given only to those who had accomplished great deeds, and who were defenders of the Jedi.
It was only natural therefore when Admirals Stahlmann and Gould came to name the flagship of the Silver Sanctum Coalition that it should be the name they chose.

Developing the Barsen’Thor was a long and complicated process since many components needed to be created before they could be applied to the ship.
The ethos for designing the ship was quite simple; the Coalition would inevitably face many enemies and lacked a large battlecruiser to face off with the Immortals and Leviathans of the galaxy. A ship large enough to attain naval superiority would not be cheap or simple to develop, but the benefits were great.

After the souring of relations between Firemane and the Silver Jedi the ship was offered to the Galactic Alliance, and was accepted.

To give the Barsen’Thor a formidable clout, a main weapon was designed; the Nova Cannon. Though eventually scaled down from a miniature death star laser, the end result was a formidable cannon capable of striking with great ferocity at considerable range.
Next, to protect the Barsen’Thor, the Aegis molecular shields were developed to ensure the ship was well protected against the barrage it would inevitably endure. Added to this the armour was reinforced with a second layer as well as Graphite underlay, and the ship could take an absolute beating without flinching.
To power all these systems, the Colossus Reactor, or rather two of them, were installed to provide enough power for these systems.

With so many heavy weapons on board, the Barsen’Thor can take on almost any ship in the galaxy head first and win. In addition to the special weapons it features hundreds of turbolasers, ion canons and defence guns. These weapons are designed primarily to be directed forward, but can be directed to either side almost as effectively. The ship is also lethal at targets above it or below it.

Naturally the vessel suffers from the flaws of all such big ships; it is slow and has few weapons to its rear. These weaknesses necessitate that the ship be well supported by escorts and other capital ships to prevent the Barsen’Thor being overwhelmed.

The Barsen’Thor is a very powerful ship, but it is not invincible and it cannot win a battle alone. As part of a balanced fleet however it is a guaranteed headache for the enemies of the Alliance.
Affiliation: The Galactic Alliance
Intent: To create a unique, very powerful warship for the Galactic Alliance. This ship is one of the, if not the, strongest warship in the galaxy, gun for gun. It represents the culmination of this writer’s creation of warships, and as an in character representation of this character’s views on war.
It is, however, not without weaknesses. With relatively small hanger (especially compared to other ships of this size), limited defence guns and slow speed it can be preyed on by smaller or more agile ships. As it is also unique it is less replaceable than the ironically named Immortals or the larger Collateralhulk.
Who Can Use This: Galactic Alliance, or Firemane allies in Galactic Alliance threads with permission.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Submission Name: Saotome Light Corvette
Link to Submission: Saotome Light Corvette
Summary of Modification:
New links for flavor
Reason for Modification: When I made the ship the links were not consolidated and now they are in less links
Modification: New links swapped in
Submission Name: Saotome Light Freighter
Link to Submission: Saotome Light Freighter

Summary of Modification:
New links for flavor
Reason for Modification: When I made the ship the links were not consolidated and now they are in less links
Modification: New links swapped in

Submission Name: Saotome Freighter
Link to Submission: Saotome Freighter
Summary of Modification:
New links for flavor
Length/width adjusted
Speed /maneuverability adjusted
Reason for Modification: When I made the ship the links were not consolidated and now they are in less submissions, the numbers I like to have rounded to increments of 50 or 100 for counting purposes and increased to match along with higher speed/maneuverability
Modification: New links swapped in

Special Features:
Length: 50m
Width: 50m
Height: 20m

Maneuverability Rating: 13 (normal) 15 (booster)
Speed Rating: 12 (normal) 10 (booster)

Submission Name: Saotome Interceptor
Link to Submission: Saotome Interceptor
Summary of Modification:
New links for flavor
Reason for Modification: When I made the ship the links were not consolidated and now they are in less links
Modification: New links swapped in

Submission Name: Saotome Bomber
Link to Submission: Saotome Bomber
Summary of Modification:
New links for flavor
Reason for Modification: When I made the ship the links were not consolidated and now they are in less links
Modification: New links swapped in

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Submission Name: Blade Wing
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: change of affiliation
Reason for Modification: to prevent people using Inquisition products without purchase
Modification: affiliation: Closed Market

Submission Name: Split Wing T90
Link to Submission:�
Summary of Modification: change of affiliation
Reason for Modification: to prevent people using Inquisition products without purchase
Modification: affiliation: Closed Market

Submission Name: Vesparum Interceptor
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: change of affiliation
Reason for Modification: to prevent people using Inquisition products without purchase
Modification: affiliation: Closed Market

Submission Name: Dynamic Class Freighter II
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: change of affiliation
Reason for Modification: to prevent people using Inquisition products without purchase

Submission Name: YT-1300
Link to Submission:�
Summary of Modification: change of affiliation
Reason for Modification: to prevent people using Inquisition products without purchase
Modification: affiliation: Closed Market

Submission Name: Sekallien Runner
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: change of affiliation
Reason for Modification: to prevent people using Inquisition products without purchase
Modification: affiliation: Closed Market

Submission Name: C-023 Troop Air Transport
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: change of affiliation
Reason for Modification: to prevent people using Inquisition products without purchase
Modification: affiliation: Closed Market

Submission Name: C-046 vehicular Air Transport
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: change of affiliation
Reason for Modification: to prevent people using Inquisition products without purchase
Modification: affiliation: Closed Market

Submission Name: Udarnik Assault Frigate
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: change of affiliation
Reason for Modification: to prevent people using Inquisition products without purchase
Modification: affiliation: Closed Market

Submission Name: Udarnik Transport Frigate
Link to submission:
Summary of Modification: change of affiliation
Reason for Modification: to prevent people using Inquisition products without purchase
Modification: affiliation: Closed Market

Submission Name: S-14N Hauler
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: change of affiliation
Reason for Modification: to prevent people using Inquisition products without purchase
Modification: affiliation: Closed Market

Submission Name: Gundark-class Mining Barge
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: change of affiliation
Reason for Modification: to prevent people using Inquisition products without purchase
Modification: affiliation: Closed Market

Submission Name: Strays Assault Boarding Pod
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: change of affiliation
Reason for Modification: to prevent people using Inquisition products without purchase
Modification: affiliation: Closed Market

Submission Name: Voi Speeder
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: change of affiliation
Reason for Modification: to prevent people using Inquisition products without purchase
Modification: affiliation: Closed Market

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
Submission Name: Harbinger-class Star Destroyer
Link to Submission: Harbinger-class Star Destroyer
Summary of Modification: New picture, Updated Layout
Reason for Modification: Bring the sub inline with newer Iron Imperial subs


  • Intent: To create an assault cruiser for The Iron Empire
  • Development Thread: If needed
  • Image Source: Star Wars: Warlords


  • Classification: Assault Cruiser
  • Length: 900m
  • Width: 475m
  • Height: 250m
  • Maneuverability Rating: 15
  • Speed Rating: 15
  • Hyperdrive Class: Class 1.0 (Class 15.0 Backup)
  • Crew: 5,200
    Minimum Crew: 1,785

[*]Passengers: 2,040
[*]Cargo Capacity: 8,100 metric tons
[*]Consumables: 4 years

[*]Environmental Systems:

[*]Medical Bay
[*]Navigation System

[*]Propulsion Systems:

[*]Ion Drive
[*]Maneuvering Jets

[*]Sensor and Targeting Systems:


  • Rating: 15 (320/200/80)
  • Armaments:
    Capitol Armament:
    40x Turbolaser Battery (160)
  • 20x Long Range Turbolaser (80)
  • 20x Ion Cannon Battery (80)
  • Total: 320

[*]Warhead Armament:

[*]Total: 200

[*]Defensive Armament:
  • 30x Point Defense Cannon (15)
  • 30x Antimissile Octet (15)
  • 20x Flak Cannon (10)
  • 4 x Heavy Tractor Beam (40)
  • Total: 80

[*]Overall Total: 600



  • 1x Squadron
  • Multiple troop, and vehicle, transports.

  • Strengths:
    [+] Jack of All Trades: With a variety of offensive, and defensive, capabilities, the Harbinger is a versatile cruiser.
  • [+] Firing-Arc: The dagger-shape design allows the Harbinger's weaponry to focus on targets in the forward firing arc.
  • [+] Fighter Contingent: The Harbinger can house a squadron of starfighters.

  • [-] Jack of All Trades: However, this means that the Harbinger is outclassed by specialty cruisers.
  • [-] Firing-Arc: Few of the Harbinger's weaponry can fire on targets to its rear.
  • [-] Bridge Tower: The bridge tower serves as a glaring target for enemy vessels.


The Harbinger-class Cruiser, also known as the Harbinger-class Star Destroyer, was a warship designed for planetary defense, planetary assault, troop transport, and ship-to-ship combat. It was produced by Ironwrath Industries, and saw use as part of the Iron Empire's Navy, following their rebellion of the Sith-held world of Csilla.

Intended to serve as the backbone of the Iron Navy, the Harbinger was very much a Jack of All Trades. With a diverse range of weaponry, and a small contingent of starfighters, the Star Destroyer could be deployed to variety of situations. Additionally, due to its dagger-shaped design, the Star Destroyer could bring most of its weapons to bear simultaneously on a frontal target.

However, the Harbinger was not without its faults. Its broad focus meant the Star Destroyer was outclassed by specialist cruisers, in their respective roles. It was not as heavily armed, or armored, as a heavy cruiser. It could not carry as many starfighters as a carrier cruiser. Nor was it as fast as an escort cruiser.
Furthermore, the dagger-shaped design of the Star Destroyer precluded it from bringing most of its weaponry to bear on targets situated to its rear.



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