Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Starship Submission Modifications

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Submission Name: The Chimaera
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Change affiliation. Add one paragraph of explanation to the end of the Description.
Reason for Modification: Everyone forgot about my ship but me. There are many ships but this one is mine. 1500m is not available to a T4 corporation for combat purposes, but is within the T4 restrictions for non-combat vessels. This vessel, as noted below, will ONLY be available for non-combat use until Theed Hangar reaches T5.
  • Change Affiliation to the following: "Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps (ONLY available for non-combat/testbed use until Tier 5)," without quotes.
  • Change tag to Approved.
  • Add this paragraph to the end of the Description: After the dissolution of the Lords of the Fringe, the Chimaera was one of the many vessels uprooted by private interests and reassigned to colonies near Primeval space. It was then mothballed and utterly forgotten by everyone except Ashin Varanin, later Ajira Cardei. Ajira, on the recommendation of a Theed Hangar shareholder with intimate knowledge of the vessel, dispatched an aide to locate and recover the vessel. The Chimaera was brought to the Naboo system, where it became a research site and testbed. Containing high-end if somewhat dated construction techniques and components from KDY, SFS, and ICE, the Chimaera proved educational for Theed Hangar's shipwrights and engineers. Though the Chimaera was ageing, Theed Hangar began bringing the vessel up to combat readiness, an extensive and laborious process, but one that familiarized Naboo personnel with a wide range of foreign arms technologies.

Zion Krayt

Submission Name: The Audacity
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Swapping Guns
Reason for Modification: Doesn't hit as hard as I initially thought
  • Six Dual Heavy Long-Range Turbolaser Cannons
  • Seven Dual Heavy Long-Range Ion Cannons
  • Twenty Quad Turbolaser Cannon Batteries
  • Twenty Quad Ion Cannon Batteries
  • Eighty Quad Laser Turrets
  • 30 Heavy Warhead Launchers - Baradium

  • One Hyper Velocity Gun
  • Seven Dual Heavy Long-Range Turbolaser Cannons
  • Six Dual Heavy Long-Range Ion Cannons
  • Twenty Quad Laser Turbolaser Cannon Batteries
  • Ten Quad Ion Cannon Batteries
  • Twelve Long-Range Turbolaser Cannons
  • Sixty Quad Laser Turrets
  • Thirty Heavy Baradium Warhead Launchers

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
Submission Name: OmniTech System
Link to Submission: OmniTech System
Summary of Modification: changing up how configurations work for Solar Ionization Cannons.
Reason for Modification: Nerfing it a bit in line with what was discussed in this newer tech entry. The addition include increased space for Solar Ionization cannons.

Light Solar Ionization Cannon (1 OmniSlots)
Solar Ionization Cannon (2 OmniSlots)
Heavy Solar Ionization Cannon (3.5 OmniSlots)

Light Solar Ionization Cannon (2 OmniSlots)
Solar Ionization Cannon (3 OmniSlots)
Heavy Solar Ionization Cannon (4.5 OmniSlots)
(Requires Solar Ionization Reactor to work)
Sasha Santhe said:
Submission Name: OmniTech System
Link to Submission: OmniTech System
Summary of Modification: changing up how configurations work for Solar Ionization Cannons.
Reason for Modification: Nerfing it a bit in line with what was discussed in this newer tech entry. The addition include increased space for Solar Ionization cannons.

Light Solar Ionization Cannon (1 OmniSlots)
Solar Ionization Cannon (2 OmniSlots)
Heavy Solar Ionization Cannon (3.5 OmniSlots)

Light Solar Ionization Cannon (2 OmniSlots)
Solar Ionization Cannon (3 OmniSlots)
Heavy Solar Ionization Cannon (4.5 OmniSlots)
(Requires Solar Ionization Reactor to work)
Technology modifications belong in the technology modification thread. Please request your modification(s) there.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Submission Name: Delta Class Xg-5 Star Wing II
Link to Submission: [x]
Summary of Modification: Changing Affiliation and such, and briefly updating description for why.
Reason for Modification: Moving all my former OS tech to FO.
  • Change Affiliation to: 'The First Order'
  • Change Model to: Delta-class Xg-5 Star Wing II
  • Change Manufacturer to: 'The First Order'
  • Add the following to the end of the Description: 'During Cyrus Tregessar's sudden departure from the One Sith, the complete design blueprints of the Star Wing II were stolen and turned over to the First Order Imperial Corp of Engineers. The craft would go on to become a common sight among First Order fleets.'

Submission Name: Boneshatter-class Assault Frigate
Link to Submission: [x]
Summary Modification: General updating the sub, also changing affiliation.
Reason for Modification: Moving all my former OS tech to the FO. Also for this ship there's been a lot of interest by people in stealing them, so I figured I'd just make them open for general use. Finally, because the Boneshatter is old enough to not have a required Armament rating, updating that IAW its use in the Omega event.
  • Change Affiliation to: 'The First Order, One Sith, and Open Market.'
  • Change Manufacturer to: 'The First Order, various minor corporations.'
  • Add the following to the end of the description: 'With the collapse of the One Sith the once ubiquitous Boneshatter-class Frigate found itself acquired by many different parties, including the First Order. While the Imperials would go on to update and modernize the ship, it found a home amongst dozens of pirate, corporate, and minor system factions. Given the sheer number of these ships in service, it was not a surprise when the design schematics themselves were uncovered and sold across the galaxy.
  • Add Armament Rating '16'
  • Add line for Defense under Armament as follows (no numbers):
  1. Defense Rating: 14
  2. Armor: 16
  3. Shields: 14
  4. Point Defense: 8

Submission Name: Fenris-class Frigate
Link to Submission: [x]
Summary Modification: General updating the sub, also changing affiliation.
Reason for Modification: Moving all my former OS tech to the FO. Also for this ship there's been a lot of interest by people in stealing them, so I figured I'd just make them open for general use.
  • Change Affiliation to: 'The First Order, One Sith, and Open Market.'
  • Change Manufacturer to: 'The First Order, various minor corporations.'
  • Add the following to the end of the description: 'With the collapse of the One Sith the once ubiquitous Fenris-class Frigate found itself acquired by many different parties, including the First Order. While the Imperials would go on to update and modernize the ship, it found a home amongst dozens of pirate, corporate, and minor system factions. Given the sheer number of these ships in service, it was not a surprise when the design schematics themselves were uncovered and sold across the galaxy.

Submission Name: Corsair-class Gunship Corvette
Link to Submission: [x]
Summary Modification: General updating the sub, also changing affiliation.
Reason for Modification: Moving all my former OS tech to the FO. This one has proprietary tech so it's not for general use.
  • Change Affiliation to: 'The First Order'
  • Change Manufacturer to: 'The First Order'
  • Add the following to the end of the description: 'As part of Cyrus Tregessar's defection to the First Order the complete design schematics for the Corsair Gunship were stolen and soon after turned over to the First Order Imperial Corp of Engineers. The ship soon became a regular sight in First Order patrols and battle lines.'

Submission Name: Shadow-class Reconnaissance Corvette
Link to Submission: [x]
Summary Modification: General updating the sub, also changing affiliation.
Reason for Modification: Moving all my former OS tech to the FO. This one has proprietary tech so it's not for general use.
  • Change Affiliation to: 'The First Order'
  • Change Manufacturer to: 'The First Order'
  • Add the following to the end of the description: 'As part of Cyrus Tregessar's defection to the First Order the complete design schematics for the Shadow-class Picket were stolen and soon after turned over to the First Order Imperial Corp of Engineers. The ship soon entered service in both the Navy and the Security Bureau.'
Submission Name: Long Nines
Link to Submission: Long Nines
Summary Modification:
Change Manufacturer
Change Affiliation
Reason for Modification: Sasori Recovered Designs
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Sasori Research
Model: Long Nine Class T
Affiliation: Order of the Silver Jedi

Submission Name: Savan Carrier
Link to Submission: Savan Carrier
Summary Modification:
Change Manufacturer
Change Affiliation
Reason for Modification: Sasori Recovered Designs
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Sasori Research
Model: Planetary Assault Carrier
Affiliation: Order of the Silver Jedi
Submission Name: Long Nines
Link to Submission: Long Nines
Summary Modification:
Change Prefix
Reason for Modification: Didn't request it before
Modification: Change prefix to Approved

Submission Name: Savan Carrier
Link to Submission: Savan Carrier
Summary Modification:
Change Prefix
Reason for Modification: Didn't request it before
Modification: Change prefix to Approved

Tanomas Graf

Submission Name: Imperial X-class Star Destroyer
Link to Submission:

Summary of Modification: Updated the entire thing, made it more professional.
Reason for Modification: To me, it just looked imperfect, and the limited production was just crippling to us.

Image Source: Here.
Affiliation: The First Order

Manufacturer: The First Order, First Order Corp of Imperial Engineers
Model: Imperial II-class Star Destroyer
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced
  • Quadranium-lined Durasteel Hull
  • Titanium-reinforced Alusteel Frame
  • Transparisteel Viewports
  • Turadium Blast Doors/Shutters
Classification: Assault Star Destroyer
Length: 1600m

Height: 290m
Width: 570m
Rating 16
  • x150 Turbolasers
    ​50 fore
  • 50 port
  • 50 starboard

[*]x12 Capital-Grade Heavy Quad Ion Cannons
  • ​3 port
  • 3 starboard
  • 3 dorsal
  • 3 ventral

[*]x24 Heavy Long Range Turbolasers Batteries
  • ​12 port
  • 12 starboard

[*]x60 Point Defense Cannons
  • ​20 port
  • 20 starboard
  • 20 aft

[*]x20 Quad Laser Cannons
  • ​10 fore
  • 10 aft

  • Reinforced Hull
  • Advanced Warship Deflector Shields
  • EWAR
Ground Forces:
Special Features:
  • ​Standard Warship Ion Drives
  • Advanced Warship Hazard and Damage Control Systems
  • Standard Warship Life Support Systems
  • Standard Warship Navigational Systems
  • Advanced Warship Sensors and Targeting Systems
  • Standard Warship Communications Systems
  • Standard Warship Environmental Control Systems
  • Standard Warship Tractor Beams
  • Standard Warship Escape Pods
  • Standard Holonet Transceiver and Encryption/Decryption Networks
Maneuverability Rating: 18
Speed Rating: 17

Hyperdrive Class: 1.0
Minimum Crew: 5,000
Optimum Crew: 36,755 (+330 Gunners)
Cargo Capacity: 36,000mt
Consumables: 6 years
  • Ship of the Line: After dozens of successful field tests and missions with the IDX, it has now gone through the process of becoming the mainline ship for the First Imperial Navy, with thousands across all of their sectors.
  • Heavy Shielding: The IDX carries massive generators that envelop the warship in near-impenetrable shielding, protecting it from any turbolaser or projectile the enemy may throw at it.
  • Invasion Force: Within the belly of this beast is a complex and storage bay, with a two squadrons of fighters, dozens of walkers, and even a prefabricated garrison for the invasion and occupation of planetary bodies.
  • Low Maneuverability: Even though the star destroyer has a good speed for its class, it's slower to turn than an army being forced into a bottleneck.
  • Lack of Aft Weaponry: With the terrifying amount of weaponry, the IDX only has an abysmal amount of weaponry on its aft, sporting only a few light laser cannons and point defense guns.
  • Vulnerable Bridge: While maintaining the design of the Imperial-class, the IDX still has the same flaw. A magnificient command tower that continues to be the target of rampant concentrated firepower and kamikaze attacks.
Description: For the First Order, Naval superiority has always been about having the largest, most terrifying ships with the largest, most destructive turbolasers as evident by their lack of frigates and other sub-capital vessels. The same could be said about their ancestor the Galactic Empire with their notorious Imperial-class line of ships and others such as the Tector-class and the Praetor-class.

So when they had the chance to salvage the ancient designs and technology of the former Empire, it was an offer too great to refuse. Afterwards, the ingenious technicians, engineers, contractors, and even naval commanders came together to create a technological wonder, a new Imperial Star Destroyer that would combine the orderly design of the Old Empire with the devastating technology of the New Order.

The Imperial X-class Star Destroyer has merged destruction, subjugation, and defense all into one entity. On the exterior are numerous individual guns that can reign havoc on enemy vessels, along with decent armor plating and fantastic shielding. On the interior is two full squadrons of starfighters ready to intercept and destroy enemy craft, but the most notable thing is the fully equipped invasion force ready to conquer a planet for the Order in record time.

All in all, the Imperial X is a ship to be feared by its enemies and respected by its allies. Though even the most greatest of battleships have their flaws; due to the amazing amount of technology and the sheer size of the destroyer, its ability to turn is sluggish at best, which unfortunately compliments its lack of aft weaponry, giving the enemy an advantage if they so happen to maneuver behind it. But its last and most fatal flaw is its towering command bridge which, as proven by the super star destroyer Executor, is vulnerable to suicidal fighter pilots and angry enemy fleets.


Rise of the Imperials [First Order Dominion of Yalara and Effekt]
Progenies of Asymmetric Warfare [FO Dominion of Zarnathea Hex]
Intent: To create a mainline star destroyer, easy to produce in large numbers but powerful enough to not fool around with.
Who Can Use This: The First Order Navy
Tanomas Graf said:
Modification: I need a Factory Judge to bring it out for me to edit it.
Factory judges do not handle submission modifications, nor have they the ability to move submissions around in the forum.

If you have a lengthy edit that needs to be made, simply copy & paste the submission and spoiler it in your modification request with the changes made.

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