Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler
Submission Name: The Chimaera
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Change affiliation. Add one paragraph of explanation to the end of the Description.
Reason for Modification: Everyone forgot about my ship but me. There are many ships but this one is mine. 1500m is not available to a T4 corporation for combat purposes, but is within the T4 restrictions for non-combat vessels. This vessel, as noted below, will ONLY be available for non-combat use until Theed Hangar reaches T5.
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Change affiliation. Add one paragraph of explanation to the end of the Description.
Reason for Modification: Everyone forgot about my ship but me. There are many ships but this one is mine. 1500m is not available to a T4 corporation for combat purposes, but is within the T4 restrictions for non-combat vessels. This vessel, as noted below, will ONLY be available for non-combat use until Theed Hangar reaches T5.
- Change Affiliation to the following: "Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps (ONLY available for non-combat/testbed use until Tier 5)," without quotes.
- Change tag to Approved.
- Add this paragraph to the end of the Description: After the dissolution of the Lords of the Fringe, the Chimaera was one of the many vessels uprooted by private interests and reassigned to colonies near Primeval space. It was then mothballed and utterly forgotten by everyone except Ashin Varanin, later Ajira Cardei. Ajira, on the recommendation of a Theed Hangar shareholder with intimate knowledge of the vessel, dispatched an aide to locate and recover the vessel. The Chimaera was brought to the Naboo system, where it became a research site and testbed. Containing high-end if somewhat dated construction techniques and components from KDY, SFS, and ICE, the Chimaera proved educational for Theed Hangar's shipwrights and engineers. Though the Chimaera was ageing, Theed Hangar began bringing the vessel up to combat readiness, an extensive and laborious process, but one that familiarized Naboo personnel with a wide range of foreign arms technologies.