Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Starship Submission Modifications

Tanomas Graf

Submission Name: Imperial X-class Star Destroyer
Link to Submission:

Summary of Modification: Editing picture
Reason for Modification: Literally just editing the picture

Alternate Profiles: [*spoiler]



Image Source: Here.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Submission Name: The Chimaera
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Add armament ratings
Reason for Modification: Armament ratings have been standard for a while now and I want some. The Chimaera's gun count is pretty much in line with a rating 16 Star Destroyer, and its defensive assets and priorities seem like a rating 16 to me.
Modification: Add rating 16 to both armament and defense.
Submission name: Ultima-class bulk freighter
Link to submission:
Summary of modification: Upgrade of production level to mass-production
Reason for modification: The manufacturer having expanded in size, it now has increased its ability to produce large ships
New submission:

An Ultima-class ship in mining configuration: non-mining configurations would not have bow doors

Image Source: Tony Cardona
Affiliation: Open Market
Manufacturer: Ringovinda StarYards
Model: Ultima-class bulk freighter
Modularity: Yes: one can change the weapons, as well as to devote more space to transporting passengers vs. cargo, and even mount a mining bow door
Production: Mass-produced
Material: Alusteel hull
Classification: bulk freighter
Length: 2000m
Height: 573m
Width: 943m
Rating 4 (200 turbolaser equivalents)
4 Nekogal heavy turbolasers (48 standard turbolaser equivalents)
2 Bulkhunter heavy ion cannons (24 standard turbolaser equivalents)
3 Lusankya super-heavy turbolasers (in one triple turret; 90 standard turbolaser equivalents)
6 tractor beams, equivalent to one turbolaser each
8 Gatling rapid-fire turbolasers (in four double turrets; equivalent to 32 standard turbolasers)
20 Quad lasers

Defenses: 13
Hangar: 3 Squadrons (stock configuration means it is equipped TIE Reavers; a client may change the fighters equipped in it)
Manoeuvrability Rating: 17
Speed Rating: 17
Hyperdrive Class: 1
Special features:
- Tensor field generator
- Inertial compensator
- 60 Jessica landing gears
- 6 Marcia repulsorlift generators
- Watchtower collision avoidance system
- CHX 5.0 acoustic theater
- 4 Creveld-5 radial ion drives
- Can land on planets
- Strong hull
- High cargo capacity
- High maintenance requirements
- High cost of operation and purchase
- High crew requirements
- Lightly armed
- Concentrated
- Slow in realspace

Consumables: 3 months (regular passenger configuration) - 6 years (pure bulk freighter)
Cargo capacity: 50 million tons (pure bulk freighter)
Passenger capacity: 0 (pure bulk freighter)-100,000 (regular passenger operation)
Crew: 4,800

Based on plans stolen from Kuat Drive Yards for prison barges, the Ultima is the pinnacle in building starships capable of landing on planets. Larger than any known ship capable of landing on planets, it can do so thanks to a vast array of landing gears designed by the mastermind of the KDY theft operation. Rumors are that the landing gear designer had a personal grudge against Kuat Drive Yards for reasons that appear related to landing gears. Whereas the original ship could carry 100,000 prisoners, with very little cargo space, the Ultima promises to transport over a million standard "45-feet" high-cube containers for a grand total of 50 million tons or, alternatively, over half a million passengers as a lumbering starliner; however in the latter case the consumables will last only a week. As with all freighters built by Ringovinda StarYards, it is equipped with an inertial compensator and a tensor field generator to keep contents safe; without the repulsorlift generators, landing the behemoth would be impossible.

Such a large ship must be armed to minimize its reliance on escorts when operating in the roughest regions of the galaxy; unlike its baseline chassis, the Ultima features a Bulkhunter turret aft, as well as a few emplacements on the conning tower. The main battery is a single ventral turret containing three Lusankya super-heavy turbolaser tubes. In addition, it has a ventral hangar capable of housing 3 squadrons in ceiling racks, which also facilitates loading/unloading of the ship on the ground. But thanks to its modularity, virtually any possible mix of uses of a ship that big would be fair game, like a hospital ship, a prison ship, or a mining ship (requires taking the option of bow doors), or even a colony ship, especially with the addition of the CHX 5.0 acoustic theater, allowing its occupants unparalleled sound quality. Its sheer size requires a tier-4 corporation or a major faction contract to buy it; as a result the ship is classified as minor-production.

As a mining ship the ship can use its dorsal turbolasers at a reduced power rate (they have 7 power settings; settings 1-2 are suitable for mining) to shoot at asteroids and the tractor beam projectors, which are lined up along the bow doors, are collecting the ores for storage inside the bow doors.

Development Thread: Bedridden (the planning of the raid; 14 posts)
Vengeance served freezing cold [KDY/OS heist] (the raid itself, led the Design Triumvirate to Jabiim in its wake; 54 posts)
For 3000 Years, They Ignored Our Calls for Help | SSC Dominion of Jabiim (the aftermath of the raid; 23 posts, specifically #4, 12, 17, 23, 32, 39, 45, 52, 61, 67, 72, 77, 82, 91, 97, 103, 109, 115, 127, 132, 137, 142 and 147)

Total: 91 posts
Intent: To provide a bulk freighter capable of moving the massive loads required to sustain a galactic economy
Who Can Use This: Anyone
Primary Source: Imperial prison barge, Tormentor-class battlecruiser (of which it is an adaptation)
Submission name: Mateus-class fleet carrier
Link to submission:
Summary of modification: Increase in armaments
Reason for modification: Incorporation of the lessons from the Omega War and the Stygian Caldera campaign
Pertinent development threads:
Modified submission:

A Mateus-class ship

Image Source: Tony Cardona
Affiliation: Open Market
Manufacturer: Ringovinda StarYards
Model: Mateus-class fleet carrier
Modularity: Yes: can swap out weapons hardpoints
Production: Minor
Material: Alusteel hull
Classification: Dedicated fleet carrier
Length: 2000m
Height: 573m
Width: 943m
Rating 10 (600 turbolaser equivalents)
18 Nekogal heavy turbolasers (in six triple turrets; 216 standard turbolaser equivalents)
1 Summer heavy mass driver (90 standard turbolaser equivalents)
2 tractor beams, equivalent to one turbolaser each
48 Gatling rapid-fire turbolasers (in 24 double turrets; equivalent to 192 standard turbolasers)
10 heavy flex-tube launchers, (100 turbolaser equivalents)
150 point-defense quad lasers
Defenses: 13
Hangar: 10 Squadrons
Manoeuvrability Rating: 17
Speed Rating: 17
Hyperdrive Class: 1
Special features:
- Tensor field generator
- Inertial compensator
- Castameer tactical display
- 60 Jessica landing gears
- 6 Marcia repulsorlift generators
- Watchtower collision avoidance system
- CHX 5.0 acoustic theater
- 4 Creveld-5 radial ion drives

- Ship-wide neural net
- 7 Sabrina waste heat recovery devices

- Can land on planets
- Strong hull
- High cargo capacity (for a carrier)
- High maintenance requirements
- High cost of operation and purchase
- High crew requirements
- Slow in realspace
- Exposed conning tower


Consumables: 2 years
Cargo capacity: 5 million tons
Passenger capacity: 16,000
Crew: 11,000

As proposed by the chief process officer during the quarterly meeting, the Mateus-class carrier was a carrier design borne from an existing design already built by Ringovinda StarYards, making it the first dedicated fleet carrier ever built by the corporation. It was decided that, to keep maintenance costs down, while retaining its ability to land on planets, to concentrate the firepower on as few hardpoints as possible. As with the original Ultima-class bulk freighter from which it is derived, it features several systems designed to ensure the comfort of the crew. In addition, to save space and mass, the ship-wide neural net is in use, also ensuring redundance. Redesigning the ship was made at a minimal cost because there has been no real upgrade in the defenses, and the original hull was already rather heavily armed. It is also the first ship to equip the 380mm-caliber Summer heavy mass driver, enabling it to engage even battlecruisers with the accuracy of long-range hypervelocity cannons. And also it is equipped with waste heat recovery devices enabling it to power non-combat systems without the need to divert reactor power from propulsion, shields or weapons.

Also, the ventral hangar has been vastly expanded, from the 3 squadrons of the original hull, now housing 10 squadrons at the expense of gutting 3/4 of the original cargo hold for housing the additional 7 squadrons.

During the Stygian Caldera campaign, and especially during the Omega War, the original Mateus-class has shown a number of weaknesses, most of which related to its firepower. Several fleeters have expressed an interest in carriers capable of defending itself and its attack craft while its own attack craft are deployed away from its screen, especially one Cathul Thuku among the Alliance, who oversaw the refit process of the Mateus, showing on Hakassi that increased firepower allowed a carrier to reduce its reliance on escorts, if not eliminate it altogether.

Development Threads:
51 posts total

Intent: To convert a bulk freighter into a dedicated fleet carrier
Who Can Use This: Anyone
Primary Source: N/A
Submission name: Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser
Link to submission:
Summary of modification: Increase of armaments, increase in production, change in affiliation
Reason for modification: Incorporation of the lessons of battle
Pertinent development thread: Blazing Sky [Techno Empire] (52 posts)
New submission:

A Munificent undergoing refits to Munificent-X standard

Image Source: Wookiepedia
Affiliation: Confederacy of Independent Systems
Manufacturer: Ringovinda StarYards/Hoersch-Kessel Driveworks, Incorporated
Model: Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-produced
Material: Alusteel hull
Classification: Heavy Cruiser
Length: 825m
Height: 243m
Width: 426m
Rating 18 (380 turbolasers)
Hangar: 2 squadrons
Special Features:
Manoeuvrability Rating: 16
Speed Rating: 16
Hyperdrive Class: 1
  • Internal systems are difficult to slice
  • Good point-defense
  • Heavy defenses
  • Heavy firepower can be aimed across all directions
  • Cannot land on planets
  • A little slow
  • Bridge tower is exposed
Description: A holdover from the Clone Wars, the old Munificent-class was converted to today's technology by Hoersch-Kessel Driveworks, with the help of Ringovinda StarYards. Unlike its old Clone Wars-era incarnation, it was designed for use by organic crews as much as droid crews, meaning that proper use of the waste heat is essential. Also, it corrected a design flaw of the original design, where the heavy firepower can now be deployed in all directions: the twin super-heavy turbolaser is now turreted on the underside, rather than axis-mounted, delivering the same firepower in a fraction of the space of the original, saving space for crew quarters. Also the hollowed-out original hull has been filled out in an attempt to reinforce the defenses and to enable it to carry organic passengers as well as crew. However, fitting such heavy firepower requires speed to be sacrificed even in the presence of waste heat recovery devices to power the non-combat systems. Nevertheless one of the flaws of the original model remains: the bridge tower is exposed. Since it is also expected to use as a flagship for picket fleets, the Munificent-X is also equipped with the latest tactical displays in its combat information center. Its propulsion systems include three ion drives as well as two reactors; normally one reactor can supply for most of the ship's power needs when the other is damaged.

Crew: 1,800 (skeleton)/7,500 (optimal)
Consumables: 2 years
Passengers: 6,000
Cargo capacity: 40,000 tons
Development Thread: Blazing Sky [Techno Empire] (52 posts)
Intent: To provide a mainline heavy cruiser for the Confederacy of Independent Systems
Who Can Use This: CIS PCs
Primary Source: Munificent-class star frigate
Submission name: Mateus-class fleet carrier (can it be renamed to Mateus-class destroyer/carrier, please?)
Link to submission:
Summary of modification: Increase in armaments and defenses
Reason for modification: Change of priorities for the Alliance Navy
Pertinent development thread:
  • The Full Reach of Law (GA Dominion of Atrisia Hex) - a Mateus unit takes part in the Atrisia Campaign as the flagship of Therapy Command (post #168, 170, 171, 173, 175, 176, 179, 180, 182, 183, 199, 200, 201, 206, 207, 210, 216, 224, 228, 232, 241, 255, 292, 319, 326, 328, 362, 367, 549; 29 posts)
Modified submission:

A Mateus-class ship

Image Source: Tony Cardona
Affiliation: Open Market
Manufacturer: Ringovinda StarYards
Model: Mateus-class destroyer/carrier
Modularity: Yes: can swap out weapons hardpoints
Production: Minor
Material: Alusteel hull
Classification: Destroyer/carrier
Length: 2000m
Height: 573m
Width: 943m
Rating 15 (700 turbolaser equivalents, 20 heavy launchers)
18 Nekogal heavy turbolasers (in six triple turrets; 216 standard turbolaser equivalents)
2 Summer heavy mass drivers (180 standard turbolaser equivalents)
4 tractor beams, equivalent to one turbolaser each
75 Gatling rapid-fire turbolasers (in 25 triple turrets; equivalent to 300 standard turbolasers)
20 heavy flex-tube launchers
150 point-defense quad lasers
Defenses: 14
Hangar: 10 Squadrons
Manoeuvrability Rating: 17
Speed Rating: 17
Hyperdrive Class: 1
Special features:
- Tensor field generator
- Inertial compensator
- Castameer tactical display
- 60 Jessica landing gears
- 6 Marcia repulsorlift generators
- Watchtower collision avoidance system
- CHX 5.0 acoustic theater
- 4 Creveld-5 radial ion drives

- Ship-wide neural net
- 7 Sabrina waste heat recovery devices
- Colossus reactor
- Double-redundancy shields
- Can land on planets
- Strong hull
- High cargo capacity
- High number of squadrons
- High maintenance requirements
- High cost of operation and purchase
- High crew requirements
- Slow in realspace
- Exposed conning tower


Consumables: 2 years
Cargo capacity: 3 million tons
Passenger capacity: 16,000
Crew: 12,000

As proposed by the chief process officer during the quarterly meeting, the Mateus-class carrier was a carrier design borne from an existing design already built by Ringovinda StarYards, making it the first dedicated fleet carrier ever built by the corporation. It was decided that, to keep maintenance costs down, while retaining its ability to land on planets, to concentrate the firepower on as few hardpoints as possible. As with the original Ultima-class bulk freighter from which it is derived, it features several systems designed to ensure the comfort of the crew. In addition, to save space and mass, the ship-wide neural net is in use, also ensuring redundance. Redesigning the ship was made at a minimal cost because there has been no real upgrade in the defenses, and the original hull was already rather heavily armed. It is also the first ship to equip the 380mm-caliber Summer heavy mass driver, enabling it to engage even battlecruisers with the accuracy of long-range hypervelocity cannons. And also it is equipped with waste heat recovery devices enabling it to power non-combat systems without the need to divert reactor power from propulsion, shields or weapons.

Also, the ventral hangar has been vastly expanded, from the 3 squadrons of the original hull, now housing 10 squadrons at the expense of gutting 3/4 of the original cargo hold for housing the additional 7 squadrons.

During the Stygian Caldera campaign, and especially during the Omega War, the original Mateus-class has shown a number of weaknesses, most of which related to its firepower. Several fleeters have expressed an interest in carriers capable of defending itself and its attack craft while its own attack craft are deployed away from its screen, especially one Cathul Thuku among the Alliance, who oversaw the refit process of the Mateus, showing on Hakassi that increased firepower allowed a carrier to reduce its reliance on escorts, if not eliminate it altogether. But, after the engagement over Hakassi, the priorities of the Alliance Navy changed; while the Mateus could still be useful, the modifications requested forced it to reduce the cargo capacity: double redundancy shields, additional weapons hardpoints, such as an additional hypervelocity cannon and additional heavy launchers, as well as the conversion of all light turbolaser emplacements to triple turrets and an additional reactor.

Development Threads:
80 posts total

Intent: To convert a bulk freighter into a Star Destroyer
Who Can Use This: Anyone
Primary Source: N/A

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Submission Name: X-HKI "Blood Dart"

Link to Submission: {x}

Summary of Modification:
Bring up to date, and reassessment of squadron count.

Reason for Modification:
~X-Wing Squadron is 12 ships at 12.5 meters long each, totals 150 meters in the full template description. Even under the new example templates, the X-Wing is 12 ships at 12 meters, totals 144 meters. My Interceptors squadron is 12 ships at 10 meters long, making my squadron total 120 meters.
~Add-in of Armament and Defense Rating to fit new template requirements.

-Squadron size increased to 14
-Armament Rating: 12
-Defense Rating: 10

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Submission Name: B-W Medium Fighter

Link: {x}

Summary of Modifications:
Add-in Armament and Defense ratings.

Reason For Modifications:
Bringing submission up to date.

Armament Rating: 9
Defense Rating: 14

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Submission Name: H-K Fighter

Link: {x}

Summary of Modifications:
Add-in Armament and Defense ratings.

Reason For Modifications:
Bringing submission up to date.

Armament Rating: 16
Defense Rating: 14

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Submission Name: D-HB1 "Pack Master"

Link: {x}

Summary of Modifications:
Add-in Armament and Defense ratings.

Reason For Modifications:
Bringing submission up to date.

Armament Rating: 14
Defense Rating: 13
Submission Name: The Chimaera
Link to Submission: Click Here.
Summary of Modification:
Change of Ownership & Affiliation.

Reason for Modification:
Former owner's Character has been killed, the following vessel inherited by an associate of his, Cyril Grayson (Darth Mephirium).

Click here to view the thread where the ship was placed into Veiere's command.

Click here for recent questions asked and the following post here from the original owner Darth Arcis/Judas Foster who has consented for the items transferred.

Change of faction affiliation to Silver Jedi Order.
Change of Ownership from [member="Darth Arcis"] to @Veiere Arenais,

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