Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Starship Submission Modifications

Submission Name: The Phantom Limb
Link to Submission: X
Summary of Modification: Change of Hyperdrive.
Reason for Modification: To conform to the idea behind the starfighter even more, and to sum up some of its intended capabilities in the form of a concise submission.

Submission Name: Aegis Class Heavy Dropship
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Update
Description: The Aegis Class Heavy Dropship was another project designed under the Modernization Program under the tenure of Alyesa Organa. This dropship was much like other pet projects of Alyesa Praxon and was intended to launch Incom Corporation into the next level of business. The design would catch the ever watching eye of the Omega Protectorate, more specifically Ayden Cater. Incom Corporation would strike a private deal to exclusively produce this product for the Omega Protectorate.

When Project Dark Tide was completed and Incom Corporation began fielding XJ-7 Stealth-X Starfighters, Alyesa Organa agreed to field up to fifteen new upgrade kits to Omega Protectorate forces for the Aegis Class. These kits would include the Starry Night Camo, Retooled Tibanna X burning engines and the Sensor Suite similar to the design in the Stealth-X. This would enable the Omega Protectorate Forces to strike anywhere, anytime. They would also be equipped with the similar anti-tampering devices as the Stealth-X models to prevent capture or reverse engineering.

Upon the dissolution of the Omega Protectorate and the Galactic Republic, the assets were obtained by Incom Corporation for use by the Galactic Alliance and other entities that Alyesa Organa as CEO deemed fit.

There are currently 30 Stealth variants known to have been produced.

Submission Name: XJ-7 Stealth-X Elite Starfighter
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Update
Description: Alyesa Organa saw a need to bring back a design which the Jedi and Republic desperately required in the fight against an enemy that was beating them in the forefront of ship production. This ship was capable of hit-and-run attacks deep within enemy territory and even after attacking, was capable of breaking off before the enemy realized what had hit them. She also knew that the job of the Jedi Order was getting more dangerous, and with it, they would require a transportation that would be safe and reliable. Alyesa designed the Starfighter in mind to ensure that should a Jedi fall or be captured, there was a failsafe where the vessel could be destroyed remotely, by Incom Corporation without interference from outside sources. So, no matter where it was, should it be tampered with, the ship would detonate and destroy all classified evidence onboard, to include industrial secrets contained within.

It was a short time after the battle at Empress Teta that design and implementation began, Alyesa had taken information that was degrading from the old archives, as well as pieces from an old XJ-3 Stealth-X Model that was contained in a Republic warehouse and began to reverse engineer all the components. Soon, she had an upgraded countermeasure package, faster engines and a more powerful hyperdrive. She wanted to ensure it was no longer a poorly armed, lightly-armored vessel but a capable fighter of handling it’s own in most situations to include dog-fighting if it needed to get out of a pinch. She worked with various other companies to include Akure Executive Leatherworks to protect individuals who did not have the capability of concealing themselves with the Force to protect them from Force detection or senses.

Submission Name: XJ-9 Advanced X-Wing
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Update
Description: The XJ-9 Series was apart of the Modernization Program that was the brainchild of Alyesa Organa. This program sought to take old designs that worked well for Corporations and Governments alike and recreate them using modern technology. Alyesa saw the advantages of the XA-5 but saw a need for a Starfighter that would pack a bit more of a punch when it was called upon and she pressed her team of engineers hard to recreate a fighter from the days of the New Republic. It was decided to take a common design that worked well in the later years of the New Republic, just before the Galactic Alliance was formed that was known as the XJ Series and implement it into the Modernization Program. Alyesa would then take the XA-5 Design and the various designs of the XJ Series and work out the best known capabilities until the XJ-9 was born. In the process of creating the XJ-9, Alyesa was able to improve on the common areas that many starfighters needed, such as maneuverability and increased shield capability. In addition to these critical components, better avionics and electronics were added to boost the fighter's ability in a dogfight.

Submission Name: E-Wing Defender X-27
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Update
Description: The E-Wing Defender X-27 was created in response to the demand for another multi-purpose Starfighter on the front lines of the Galactic Republic and its war against the One Sith. This was yet another fighter that was apart of Incom Corporation’s modernization program designed to put the best fighters on the market. With the war at its height and the XA-5 no longer being produced, a new recon and escort fighter needed to be put out in replacement of the XA and XJ-9 Series. In a joint corporation effort, and the minds of two great shipwright companies, the X-27 was born. The multi-role fighter would serve as a general recon or escort fighter when the XJ-9 was not available for duty, or could be sold to Independent systems or governments and individuals.

Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Update
Description: Aaralyn Rekali saw the need for her daughter to have a specialized Starfighter once her daughter reached a suitable age to fly. She got in touch with Alyesa Organa, the CEO of Incom Corporation and explained to her that Mira had been working on upgrading and modifying the original frame of the XJ-7 that Alyesa had sold to the Jedi Academy network. Curious by this, Alyesa sent technicians to Yavin IV and investigated all that the child had done. Amazed at the results, they took the fighter and finished the modifications for Mira Rekali before her 16th birthday. They had also added the Anti-Tampering device to prevent theft - much like the other XJ series fighters. They then removed the Nullification Resin to make sure that Mira was able to use her Force powers as well.
Wandering Naval Officer
Submission Name: FIV Accuser-Resurgent Class
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Replacing the TIE/IN with TIE/R Mk 1 Raptors
Reason for Modification: Better Interceptors with Ion Cannons more tuned to the Imperial TIE Interceptors

[member="Captain Larraq"]

I don't have the willpower to go through all those ratings myself. The submissions have them all over the place.

I'll bring them back out a few at a time and unlock them and you can make the edits if you'd like?
Raziel said:
[member="Captain Larraq"]

I don't have the willpower to go through all those ratings myself. The submissions have them all over the place.

I'll bring them back out a few at a time and unlock them and you can make the edits if you'd like?

That could work.

Ooooor. You could give me super-duper moderator powers for a couple of days. Get the headache over sooner and with less work on your end.

Or... I don't know, toss them all in a faction's pre-factory forum for a couple days and then move them back to the approved subs forum.

Tanomas Graf

Raziel said:
[member="Tanomas Graf"]

Is permission from the submission authors given in the auction thread anywhere?
I don't believe so, but if they were up for auction, isn't it technically assumed? If not, then apologies.
[member="Tanomas Graf"]

I'm afraid I can't make changes to a submission without approval from the author.

You can submit your own versions of submissions however and reference the auction and other threads.
Submission Name:Dolos Class Frigate
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Changing affiliation and manufacturer
Reason for Modification: To still use some of my old OS tech
Modification: Changing affiliation to Closed Market
Changing manufacturer to Drakos Systems

Submission Name: Teta Class Independent Station
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Changing affiliation and manufacturer
Reason for Modification: To centralize a lot of my old OS designs under a company; also, Malos used to work with Krayzen in the old project that culminated in the creation of the space station, and he would give the designs to him.
Modification:Changing manufacturer to Drakos Systems ; Changing affiliation to Closed Market.

Sieb Tevv

Due to photo bucket's change in policies, they no longer allow 3rd parties to host for free. Consequently, a number of my links for submissions are broken. I'm just asking that the following submissions be edited to replace the broken link.

Submission Name: Leviathan-class Sullustan Monitor
Modification Requested:
Replace the first broken link with this image: sorosuub_logo_banner_by_viperaviator-d520jta.png
Replace the second broken link inside the spoilers with this image: 1wpA1Ds.jpg

Submission Name: Vekker-class Battle Cruiser
Modification Requested:
Replace broken link with this image: QF0XYuY.png

Submission Name: Nebulon-L multirole frigate
Modification Requested:
Replace broken link with this image: p62dAKk.jpg

Submission Name: Orbalisk-class boarding shuttle
Modification Requested:
Replace broken link with this image - lAtI9Mk.jpg

Submission Name: Dreadnought-class Mark III
Modification Requested:
Replace first broken link with sorosuub_logo_banner_by_viperaviator-d520jta.png
Replace second broken link with Q9SHhML.png

Submission Name: GR-90E Transport
Modification Requested:
Replace broken link with s5SK9VZ.jpg
Submission name: Lucrehulk-X-class supercarrier
Summary of modifications: Change of affiliation and dimensions
Reason for modification: It has actually been used in Silver Jedi service as well


  • Manufacturer: Ringovinda StarYards
  • Model: LH-3500 Lucrehulk-X-class supercarrier
  • Affiliation: Silver Jedi Order, The Dominion
  • Production: Semi-Unique (1 per writer)
  • Material: Quadanium frame, durasteel hull
  • Great point-defense
  • Great long-range firepower
  • Shields can recharge quickly if EMPs or ion weaponry are used against it
  • Detachable centrisphere allows the ship to support offensive ground operations
  • Large target from topside or underside
  • Very slow and ponderous
  • If the repulsorlift generators on the centrisphere fail, they must be repaired in orbit
  • If the centrisphere is detached or destroyed, a stray fighter, corvette (and perhaps even a rather maneuverable light frigate) or missile can destroy the exposed reactors, bringing the carrier down with it
  • Target: Because of its purpose, the supercarrier will almost always be a priority objective of almost any enemy commander
Description: Designed in an attempt to counter the MC180 Progenitor fielded by the Galactic Alliance, Ringovinda StarYards turned to the chassis of the Lucrehulk-X-class bulk freighter, finding it easier and less expensive to redesign an existing ship into a carrier than to develop a new carrier from scratch. As with its predecessor, the carrier ring cannot land on planets and take up a large proportion of the volume, and the detachable centrisphere allows it to load and unload cargo, including but not limited to, troops, on planetary surfaces. Also, the redundancy of the command-and-control facilities mean that the centrisphere and the carrier ring both have a bridge and a CIC apiece. Like the Trade Federation during the blockade of Naboo, much of the cargo space was given to the hangar space, while the remaining cargo space is used to carry ground forces alongside the vehicles they employ. However, detaching (or destroying) the centrisphere makes the carrier vulnerable to smaller, more agile ships capable of sneaking into the donut hole and able to fire a few shot at the main reactor, which would then be exposed.

To make up for its somewhat ordinary shields (strength-wise), the Lucrehulk-X sports the Haruna regenerative cap drain, which uses and absorbs enemy ion-based weapons fire to enhance the recharging of shields, thanks to its use of Hijarna stone inlays. It is also equipped with ten MIRV launchers, making it capable of overwhelming enemy point-defense with its combination of fighters and missiles. As with the original chassis, the weapons placement on the hull allows it to cover nearly every single arc: topside, underside, forward, broadside or aft, so that it is able to face enemies coming from any direction. Speaking of which, there is a dorsal hangar capable of housing 4 squadrons of attack craft as well as port and starboard forward hangars capable of housing 8 squadrons each, for a total of 20 squadrons.

Consumables: 3 years
Cargo capacity: 20 million tons
Passenger capacity: 100,000
Crew: 34,000
Submission name: Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser
Summary of modification: Affiliation change, rating switch to 4.0 standards
Reason for modification: The CIS is dead IC


A Munificent undergoing refits to Munificent-X standard

Image Source: Wookiepedia
Affiliation: Open market
Manufacturer: Ringovinda StarYards/Hoersch-Kessel Driveworks, Incorporated
Model: Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-produced
Material: Alusteel hull
Classification: Heavy Cruiser
Length: 825m
Height: 243m
Width: 426m
Rating: High (564/0/66)
Defenses: High
Hangar: 2 squadrons
Special Features:
Manoeuvrability Rating: Low
Speed Rating: Low
Hyperdrive Class: 1
  • Internal systems are difficult to slice
  • Heavy defenses
  • Heavy firepower can be aimed across all directions
  • A little slow
  • Bridge tower is exposed
  • Exposed hangars
Description: A holdover from the Clone Wars, the old Munificent-class was converted to today's technology by Hoersch-Kessel Driveworks, with the help of Ringovinda StarYards. Unlike its old Clone Wars-era incarnation, it was designed for use by organic crews as much as droid crews, meaning that proper use of the waste heat is essential. Also, it corrected a design flaw of the original design, where the heavy firepower can now be deployed in all directions: the twin super-heavy turbolaser is now turreted on the underside, rather than axis-mounted, delivering the same firepower in a fraction of the space of the original, saving space for crew quarters. Also the hollowed-out original hull has been filled out in an attempt to reinforce the defenses and to enable it to carry organic passengers as well as crew. However, fitting such heavy firepower requires speed to be sacrificed even in the presence of waste heat recovery devices to power the non-combat systems. Nevertheless one of the flaws of the original model remains: the bridge tower is exposed. Since it is also expected to use as a flagship for picket fleets, the Munificent-X is also equipped with the latest tactical displays in its combat information center. Its propulsion systems include three ion drives as well as two reactors; normally one reactor can supply for most of the ship's power needs when the other is damaged.

Crew: 1,800 (skeleton)/7,500 (optimal)
Consumables: 2 years
Passengers: 6,000
Cargo capacity: 40,000 tons
Development Thread: Blazing Sky [Techno Empire] (52 posts)
Intent: To provide a mainline heavy cruiser
Primary Source: Munificent-class star frigate

Submission name: Hardcell-X-class anti-starfighter frigate
Summary of modification: Affiliation change, rating switch to 4.0 standards
Reason for modification: The CIS is dead IC



Three Hardcell-Xs firing their turbolasers

Image Source: [X]
Affiliation: Open Market
Manufacturer: Ringovinda StarYards
Model: Hardcell-X-class anti-starfighter frigate
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Durasteel hull
Classification: Anti-starfighter frigate
Length: 220m
Height: 50m
Width: 50m
Armament: Low (30/0/60)
10 dual turbolasers
5 dual ion cannons
60 Korriban heavy machineguns
Defenses: Average
Hangar: 0 Squadrons
Special Features:
Manoeuvrability Rating: High
Speed Rating: High
Hyperdrive Class: 1 (backup class 8)
  • Strong point-defense
  • Capable of landing on planets
  • Exposed fuel cells
  • Weak against capital ships
Description: The Hardcell-X was borne out of designs dating back from the Clone Wars, where the Techno Union used Hardcell-class ships as interstellar transports for surgical transportation of droid troops. Ringovinda StarYards, using schematics obtained from its orbital starship graveyard, decided to modify the design to be refitted into an anti-starfighter role. Nevertheless much of the cargo and passenger space was gutted to make way for weapons systems. Due to its anti-starfighter role, the sensor suite of the Hardcell-X was designed to be able to track a large number of targets at once. It has also retained its ability to land on planets, as well as to be manned by either organic or droid crews. Nevertheless the Hardcell-X shares the same weaknesses as are common in anti-starfighter frigates, especially little anti-capital weaponry. Even though the fuel cells are not as exposed as in the original Hardcell, the fuel cells are still a weak spot: a few well-placed hits and the ship goes down.

Consumables: 6 months
Crew: 190
Passengers: 500
Cargo capacity: 1,000 tons

Development Thread: No
Intent: To create an anti-starfighter frigate
Primary Source: Hardcell-class interstellar transport

Submission name: C-9980-class assault frigate
Summary of modification: Affiliation change, rating switch to 4.0 standards
Reason for modification: The CIS is dead IC


A C-9980 in flight

Image Source: Star Wars Combine
Affiliation: Open Market
Manufacturer: Ringovinda StarYards
Model: C-9980-class assault frigate
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Alusteel hull
Classification: Heavy Frigate
Length: 210m
Height: 150m
Width: 370m
Rating: High (100/20/10)
2 Toprawa heavy long-range turbolasers (36 turbolaser equivalents)
16 Gatling rapid-fire turbolasers (64 turbolaser equivalents)
4 heavy warhead launchers (20 warhead launcher equivalents)
10 Korriban heavy machineguns (4 wingtip-mounted, 6 turreted)
Defenses: High
Hangar: 0 Squadrons
Special Features:

Manoeuvrability Rating: Low
Speed Rating: Low
Hyperdrive Class: 1
  • Strong hull
  • Turbolaser firepower across all arcs
  • Can land on planets
  • Weak point-defense
  • Missile firepower confined to its broadsides
  • Tensor field generator failures must be repaired in orbit
Description: The C-9980-class frigate was redesigned to be able to fit more weapons so that it can be used as a decoy and escort for its C-9979 brothers, much like the Hardcell-Xs were able to act as anti-starfighter escort for Hardcells. As a result, it suffers from reduced transportation ability. Its wingtips each contain one heavy proton torpedo launcher, worth 5 regular proton torpedo launchers, outfitted by default with Morcus heavy proton torpedoes but can otherwise fire other heavy proton torpedoes. However the drawback of wingtip-mounted heavy proton torpedo launchers is that the power is confined to its broadsides due to them facing port or starboard. Nevertheless, it can provide some capacity to land troops, albeit at a greatly reduced rate: only about 15% of the original transportation capacity of the C-9979 has been retained, with the remaining 85% of the capacity being taken up mostly by tactical systems and crew quarters. With the refits undertaken in Silver Jedi service, the C-9980s in today's service are quite different from its original incarnation.

Consumables: 3 months
Crew: 500
Passenger count: 200
Vehicle count: 2 MTTs and 12 main battle tanks (such as AATs)
Cargo capacity: 800 tons
Restricted Missions: No
Intent: To provide an assault frigate
Primary Source: C-9979 landing craft on Wookiepedia


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Submission name: Chiloon-class fighter/bomber
Summary of modification: Affiliation change
Reason for modification: It has actually been used by other factions in IC threads


A Chiloon with a Mk84 about to be dropped

  • Intent: To provide a ground attack craft
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: A-10 Thunderbolt
  • Manufacturer: Ringovinda StarYards
  • Model: Chiloon fighter/bomber
  • Affiliation: Open Market
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Ditanium hull, quadanium frame
  • Classification: Fighter/bomber
  • Length: 12m
  • Width: 12m
  • Height: 3.5m
  • Armament: Average
  • 2 Kaeshana hypervelocity cannons (counts for 4 laser cannons)
    1 Guernica ordnance launcher (counts for 2 bomb bays)
  • Defenses: Average
  • Squadron Count: 12
  • Maneuverability Rating: Average
  • Speed Rating: Average
  • Hyperdrive Class: 1
  • Can drop heavy bombs
  • Slim flank profile
  • Ordnance modularity
  • No particle shields
  • Limited HVC ammunition
  • Short-range hyperdrive
  • Exposed engines
Description: The need for the Chiloon arose from the eponymous Chiloon Rift campaign, when it was found that the TIE Reaver was vulnerable to spinning and was too sluggish to be of much use. In the Chiloon, the cockpit is placed forward, with the Guernica bomb bay being behind the cockpit and the reactor right behind it. Saod Guernica can hold proton torpedoes, proton rockets, concussion missiles as well as various sizes of proton bombs, ranging from the standard (light) proton bomb to the heavy proton bomb (worth four standard proton bombs for bookkeeping purposes). On the wing blisters are the primary weapons of the craft: two 20mm hypervelocity cannons outfitted with HEAP (high explosive armor-piercing) 20x139mm shells, capable of penetrating up to 100mm of duracrete, with the wings housing hundreds of rounds of ammunition (ca. 400 rounds per tube). However, due to the finite supply of ammunition, the ammunition must be resupplied between each sortie. Due to its reliance on projectiles, the Chiloon also eschews particle shields. Also, its limited fuel tank means that it can only last so long in a hyperspace flight before it needs to refuel.

However, its exposed engines at the rear make it a liability in a stern chase: a skilled enemy can aim at the engines and swat out a Chiloon of the sky in a stern chase. That, even though the Chiloon is not the fastest nor the most maneuverable, it can keep up with the T-70 X-Wing (albeit barely). Nevertheless the Chiloon can accomplish a wide variety of aerial missions: dogfights, ground attack (strafing or bombing).

Consumables: 3 weeks
Crew: 1
Cargo capacity: 100 kg
Hyperdrive range: 5,000 light-years

Submission name: Yutan-class fighter/bomber
Summary of modification: Affiliation change
Reason for modification: The Commonwealth is dead IC


A one-seater Yutan

Image Source: [X]
Affiliation: Closed-market
Manufacturer: Ringovinda StarYards
Model: Yutan-class stealth fighter/bomber
Modularity: Ordnance, one or two-seater
Production: Limited
Material: Quadanium hull, ditanium frame
Classification: Stealth fighter/bomber
Length: 12m
Height: 3m
Width: 6m
Armament: Rating 14
2 Kaeshana hypervelocity cannons (counts for 4 laser cannons)
1 Guernica ordnance launcher (counts for 2 bomb bays)
Defense: 12
Squadron Count: 10
Special Features:
Manoeuvrability Rating: 3 (4 if cloaked)
Speed Rating: 3 (4 if cloaked)
Hyperdrive Class: 1
  • Modularity of ordnance
  • Large ordnance capacity
  • Slim flank profile
  • Strong hull
  • Can cloak
  • Limited ammunition
  • If the magnetic signature is detected, the cloaking device can be defeated
  • Large target if an enemy comes from the top or bottom
  • Short-range hyperdrive
  • No particle shields
Description: Named after the last capital of the Third Republic, the Yutan is the product of the Commonwealth's need for attack craft that can cloak so as to conduct surgical, stealth strikes. Its Guernica ordnance launcher allows it to be outfitted with a number of different weapons for flexible mission profiles: for example it can be used for bombing targets, engaging combat patrols. Thanks to its waste heat recovery devices, the Yutan can keep the life support and other avionics supplied with power so long as the engines or reactor still work. However, due to the short range of the hyperdrive (5000 light-years), it is best to operate the fighter a short distance from the home base or from a carrier. Due to the high energy consumption of the cloaking device, the fighter slows down when the cloaking device is in use. To cut on maintenance costs, 2 hypervelocity cannons have been installed, providing the tactical equivalent of 4 standard laser cannons. Because the Yutan depends so much on projectile weapons, particle shields are eschewed. Nevertheless, pilots can also use flares to get missiles off them. Also, the Yutans are available in two versions: one-seater for normal operation and two-seater, used for training purposes.

Consumables: 3 weeks
Crew: 1
Cargo capacity: 100 kg
Hyperdrive range: 5,000 light-years
Development Threads: (30 posts total)
Intent: To provide the board with an elite, cloaking fighter
Primary Source: N/A

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