Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Starship Submission Modifications

Submission Name: LongArm Salvage and Repair Cruiser
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: . . . . .additional/better picture because I am shallow

Image Credit: By Ansel Hsiao
The Admiralty
Submission Name: Modified Scion-class Stealth Corvette
Link to Submission: [x]
Reason for Modification: Transfer ownership from Rave Merrill to Jared Ovmar
Modification: Change Affiliation: Rave Merrill to Affiliation: Jared Ovmar
Submission Name: Ni-Gan Class
Link to Submission: Ni-Gan
Reason for Modification: Final fleeting battle between the Will of the Force and Ni-Gan fleet has happened, in accordance with Spencer Jacobs ruling. Requesting the ship be archived.
Modification: Event ship has fulfilled its role and been destroyed in thread.
[member="Quenladose"] [member="Jared Ovmar"] [member="Camellia Swift"] [member="Ashin Varanin"] [member="Alyesa Organa"] [member="Popo"]

Your submissions have been modified.

[member="Ronin Xyhn"]

Three out of four submission have been modified, I will need a message from the current ACA leader telling me it's okay to transfer the faction ships to another faction.

[member="Alyesa Organa"]

The fighter has been approved specifically with that speed and warhead count at minor, I will need you to do a small thread (or link one, if you have it) where you show the decision making in this. As in, scraping the one fighter and dealing with how to mass produce a relatively more expensive fighter. Tag me once that is done.


[member="Spencer Jacobs"]

With all due respect to the ASA, they never did own them in any IC capacity, and I'll be darned if I see anyone try to lay claim to something they put in absolutely zero effort into either making or attaining. I would even go so far to say any claim of it is a circumvention of the development thread rule. Their particular neglect is why I did not continue to make things.

Now, one of the two people operating the defunct squadron this was made for happens to be the owner of the Paecean Empire. IC and OOC.
Mass affiliation change from "Omega Protectorate" to "Omega Protectorate/Omega Pyre"

As the Pyre is still the separate mercenary branch the need for distinction is one I find important.
Submission Name: Rassilon-class Elite Starfighter
Link to Submission: Here
Reason for Modification: Last time I had this modified, boosting it to minor production, the development thread wasn't added to the submission.
Modification: Please to add development thread.
  • Design refined from prototype for full production
[member="Ronin Xyhn"]

Stop arguing and making the process more difficult than it has to be. The ship is tagged ACA which means it is in the ownership of that major faction, it takes two minutes to PM the current owner and get his permission. If the situation is described as you just did than Raziel will have no problems with allowing the transfer.

[member="Jorus Merrill"]


[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

All submissions have been edited, except the as it's already an open market fighter produced by the CEC.
Submission Name: Contention Class Cruiser
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Subach Innes vanished and HKD is going to continue manufacture
Modification: Manufacturer to Hoersch Kessel Driveworks Inc
Note discussion on IPR of design here:

Submission Name: Sickle class frigate
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Moving to HKD procution
Modification: Manufacturer to Hoersch Kessel Driveworks Inc
Discussed with TU foreman:

Submission Name: Pillar class frigate
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Moving to HKD procution
Modification: Manufacturer to Hoersch Kessel Driveworks Inc
Discussed with TU foreman:
Submission Name: Krakana-class Assault Cruiser
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: The treaty between the One Sith and Red Ravens ended, thus the contract for Krayt Industries to produce these for them was declared null and void, an agreement was never reached about the Ravens owning the designs and Krayt does not arm official One Sith enemies
Modification: Please switch affiliation to One Sith from Red Ravens and add this after the last paragraph in the description:

Because of the breakdown in relations between the One Sith and Red Raven crime syndicate, Krayt Industries has moved production of the Krakana back to their other shipyards, while also retaining the rights for development and production for all ships of this variety.

Who can use this: One Sith
Submission Name: E-Wing Defender X-27
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Removal of Galactic Republic from Affiliation.
Modification: Please replace it with Open-Market Contracts.

Submission Name: XJ-7 Stealth-X Elite Starfighter
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Modifications of Intent and Affiliation
· Intent: To provide unspecified governments and individuals with a Stealth Fighter that is capable of hitting hard and fast without being detected.
· Affiliation: Limited Market – See @Alyesa Organa for more details.

Submission Name: Aegis Class Heavy Dropship
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Modification Affiliation
Modification: Remove both OP and The Republic and replace with Open-Market Contracts

Submission Name: XJ-9 Advanced X-Wing
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Modification Affiliation
Modification: Remove Multiple and replace it with Open-Market Contracts.

Submission Name: XA-5 X-Wing
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Modification Affiliation
Modification: Remove Republic and replace it with Open-Market Contracts.

Submission Name: E-25 Starfighter
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Modification Affiliation
Modification: Remove Republic and replace it with Open-Market Contracts.

Can whoever does this please ensure they have the Incom Corporation tags? That would be appreciated.
Submission Name: Concordia-class Dreadnought
Link to Submission: Link
Reason for Modification: To bring the Mandal Hypernautics ships in line with the current Armament Rating system, to show support for the Armament Rating system, to expand upon the Armament Rating system, and to be an example for other writers that would otherwise avoid the armament rating system due to not understanding it.

(tweaked vulcan cannon placement. It was previously not declared.)

Old Armament/Hanger Section
Armaments: Assault (700/700 Capital, 100/100 Launchers, 65/65 Defense)
(5x) Triple Heavy, Long Range Deck Cannon Turrets (300 Capital)
(5x) Quad Heavy, Long Range Deck Cannon Turrets (400 Capital)
(10x) Mass-Driver Concussion Missile Launchers (100 Missile) (16x ammo each)
(2x) Vulcan Mass-Driver Flak Cannon Turrets (60 Defense)
(5x) Point Defense Lasers (5 Defense)

Hangar: Assault (0/12, 0/24, 0/12, 0/10)
NONE! External docking only. Hanger traded for compartmentalized design.

New Armament/Hanger Section
Armament Rating: 20

The ship's armament consists of Several Heavy, Long Range Deck Cannons arranged into multiple quad and triple turrets arranged strategically over the ship. The turret placement is such that the ship can fire all guns forward, arrange its weapons into broadsides, or spread even coverage of fire over multiple fire arcs. Supporting these turrets are multiple forward facing Mass-Driver Missile Launchers, which can match the Heavy, Long Range Deck Cannon Turrets in range, but come with a limited ammo supply before needing to be reloaded with supplies from the cargo bay. A pair of Vulcan Mass-Driver Flak Cannons on the dorsal and ventral sections of the ship augment a modest assortment of point defense lasers spread evenly over the hull.

NONE! External docking only. Hanger traded for compartmentalized design.

New Submission
Image Credit: Here
Image: Here

Intent: To create a capital ship for the Mandalorian Navy that can go toe to toe with the mightiest ships of other Navies with massive long range batteries.

Manufacturer: Mandal Hypernautics
Model: Concordia-class Dreadnought
Affiliation: Mandalorian Navy,
Modularity: None
Production: Limited
Durasteel Spine and Frame
Ferro-Magnesium Ceramic Interior Hull
Alusteel Outer Hull
Quadanium Armor Plating
Glasteel Viewports
Durasteel Shutters over Viewports
Durasteel Plated Weapon Turrets and Turret Mountings


The Concordia-class Dreadnought was designed by Mandal Hypernautics engineers for the express purpose of going shot-for-shot with the largest and heaviest hitting ships in the Navies of their neighboring factions. The ship is not intended to operate un-escorted and is severely vulnerable to attack from a large number of smaller ships. Equipping the Dreadnought with a pair of Vulcan turrets was an attempt to mitigate this vulnerability, but has only proven to be a marginal improvement.

The ship is designed to dish out heavy damage at long ranges and withstand similar bombardments. Great effort has been put into the design of the craft to ensure that she be capable of continuing to operate in a combat zone even after sustaining severe and otherwise crippling damages. To achieve this, engineers looked to the design of the Ordo-class Frigate and the modular and compartmentalized sections that make the craft so durable.

The final draft of the Concordia-class incorporated numerous design elements from the Ordo Frigate. A powerful Hypermatter reactor backed up by a secondary Solar Ionization reactor provide the ship and weapons with plenty of power. Redundant power conduits run the length and breadth of the ship, allowing for easy rerouting of power past damaged sections. Compartmentalized life support localized in each section of the ship allows for safe operating conditions in most of the ship even after the ship herself has suffered critical damages.

A Compartmentalized shielding system localizes the shield projectors for the ship into thirty sections. Each projector produces enough shielding to cover its entire sector and receives power separately from nearby shield projectors. This means that while each individual section of shielding is weaker overall than a traditional shielding system would be, it allows for an overloaded shield projector to only compromise a single section instead of making the entire ship vulnerable.

There are a total of forty primary compartments on the ship. Each of which includes an emergency power cell to provide the compartment with a maximum of 24 hours of low-operational power or 30 minutes of combat operational power. Desperate commanders can tap into these emergency power reserves to overcharge the shielding for that section of the ship. This can either be used to compensate for a weakened section of shielding or to provide temporarily stronger shielding in a single area at the risk of overloading the shield projector and at the cost of bleeding out the emergency energy reserves.

Turret placement aboard the Concordia is spread out in such a way that each turret is capable of firing forwards. Each weapon turret is partially protected by Durasteel plating over the housing itself and the entire housing is mounted on top of a pneumatic pylon that allows each turret to be raised and lowered individually to fire over other turrets, get a superior fire arch, or to recessed into the hull. When recessed, the weapon barrels are lowered under a protective 'lip' of durasteel plating and only the durasteel-plated top of the turret remains exposed. While recessed, the weapon can still be damaged by a direct hit from a sizable weapon, but it can often mean the difference in losing a single barrel or the entire turret. It does, however, take a fair amount of time to transition a turret from an active-fire mode to a recessed state. The weapons cannot be recessed quickly enough to protect themselves against turbolaser fire or fast enough to perform a “fire, cover, reload, fire” type of firing solution. Instead, they are mainly used to protect against missile bombardment or from a bombing run from hostile attack craft.

In combat, the Concordia-class Dreadnought is intended to be used to compensate for the relative short ranges of traditional Mandalorian fleets. Only used in the largest of engagements, a pair or more of these craft will be added to a unit specifically designated to protect and escort these rare, expensive, and valuable ships. After their introduction to the fleet, entire battlegroups and assault formations have been restructured and retrained specifically to support one or two pair of Concordia Dreadnoughts purchased for that fleet.

While the Hypermatter reactor provides the ship with plenty of energy to power its massive weapons and specialized shield systems, the reactor itself is highly volatile. Despite the incredible durability of the ship design, the Hypermatter reactor has proven to be its greatest weakness. Even though the bulk of the ship can survive and remain 40 to 60 percent combat effective after capital weapons have punched clear through the hull and out the other side, far weaker shots can cause a catastrophic containment failure should they manage a penetrate the hull and impact the reactor housing. Similarly, pulling too much energy from the primary reactor over a brief period of time can destabilize the reactor and cause a similar containment failure.

OOC Description: (also used here)
The Mass-Driver Missile Launcher systems -count as- Heavy, Long Range Mass-Drivers in terms of range and power.

Weapon Placement-
Quad-Barreled Turrets: 2 Port/Starboard Hull
Quad-Barreled Turrets: 2 Port/Starboard 'fins' Dorsal
Quad-Barreled Turrets: 1 Dorsal Hull, fore

Triple-Barreled Turrets: 2 Port/Starboard Hull
Triple-Barreled Turrets: 2 Port/Starboard 'fins' Ventral
Triple-Barreled Turrets: 1 Ventral Hull, center

Vulcan Mass-Driver Flak Cannon Turret: 1 Ventral Hull, fore
Vulcan Mass-Driver Flak Cannon Turret: 1 Dorsal Hull, rear, elevated

Each weapon is capable of firing forwards and the two turrets that are placed along the dorsal and ventral sides of the ship are also capable of firing to either the port or starboard side, as well as up and down, respectively. The four turrets along the port and starboard side of the ship's main fuselage are each capable of firing up and down and can adjust the pneumatic pylons they are mounted upon to shoot over each other. The same four weapons are each capable of firing to the port or starboard, respectively. Similarly, the four weapon turrets mounted on the 'fin' sections to either side of the ship are capable of firing to the port and starboard respectively and the dorsal and ventral pairs are capable of firing up or down respectively. The four weapon turrets placed on the side fin structures are each capable of firing to the rear of the ship, as is the triple-barreled turret on the dorsal bulge of the ship. Both flak cannon turrets are capable of firing forward, port, starboard, and up or down respectively. The dorsal flak cannon turret is also capable of firing to the rear of the ship.

Intended to engage formations of hostile capital ships at extreme ranges, the sensors, tracking systems, and turrets of the Concordia-class Dreadnought are fine tuned to operate at long ranges against slow moving targets, such as enemy super-capital ships. While the weapon systems are capable of firing in numerous directions, they are nearly useless at closer than 'long' ranges against anything smaller than a Heavy Cruiser and the massive turrets take a fair amount of time to zero in on a new target that is not within the same 'formation' as their last target.

Classification: Star Destroyer (Gun Heavy)
Role: Assault Ship, Siege Ship, Ship of the Wall,
Height: 450 Meters
Width: 650 Meters
Length: 1,550 Meters
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Primary Hypermatter Reactor, Backup Solar Ionization Reactor, Emergency Power Cells (40)
Hyperdrive Rating: 1.5
Minimum Crew: 20,000
Optimal Crew: 40,000
Armament Rating: 20

The ship's armament consists of Several Heavy, Long Range Deck Cannons arranged into multiple quad and triple turrets arranged strategically over the ship. The turret placement is such that the ship can fire all guns forward, arrange its weapons into broadsides, or spread even coverage of fire over multiple fire arcs. Supporting these turrets are multiple forward facing Mass-Driver Missile Launchers, which can match the Heavy, Long Range Deck Cannon Turrets in range, but come with a limited ammo supply before needing to be reloaded with supplies from the cargo bay. A pair of Vulcan Mass-Driver Flak Cannons on the dorsal and ventral sections of the ship augment a modest assortment of point defense lasers spread evenly over the hull.

NONE! External docking only. Hanger traded for compartmentalized design.

Non-Combative Attachments:
5x Heavy Tractor Beam Projectors
Standard Communications Array
Escape Pods
Encrypted Holonet Transceiver
Standard Detention Cells
Compartmentalized Life Support Systems
Standard Navigational Systems
Compartmentalized Particle Shield Generator
Compartmentalized Ray Shield Generator
Standard Sensor Array
Advanced Targeting Systems

Passenger Capacity: 8,000
Cargo Capacity: 18,000 Tons
Consumables: 4 Years
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: 9 (2.0 Guide) 18/18 (3.0 Guide)

Submission Name: Skira-class Battleship
Link to Submission: Link
Reason for Modification: To bring the Mandal Hypernautics ships in line with the current Armament Rating system, to show support for the Armament Rating system, to expand upon the Armament Rating system, and to be an example for other writers that would otherwise avoid the armament rating system due to not understanding it.


Old Armament/Hanger Section
  • (4) Triple Heavy Long Range Turbolaser Turrets (120 Capital Guns)
  • (9) Dual Heavy Turbolaser Turrets (36 Capital Guns)
  • (2) Dual Ion Cannon Turrets (4 Capital Guns)
  • (10) Assault Concussion Missile Launcher (10 Heavy Missile Launchers) (12x Ram'or or Assault Concussion each)
  • (18) Mass-Driver Flak Cannons (18 Defensive Guns)
  • (1) Vulcan Mass-Driver Flak Cannon [Dorsal Turret] (30 Defense Guns)

New Armament/Hanger Section
Armament Rating: 18

The ship sports a balanced armament of heavy, long range turbolasers, heavy turbolasers, and ion cannons arranged into turrets capable of firing forward, as well as covering most of the ship's fire arcs in an even coverage of fire. A large number of forward facing Assault Concussion Missile Launchers supplement this armament. Mounted dorsally is a Vulcan Mass-Driver Flak Cannon capable of firing forward, port, starboard, aft, and above the ship up to a 50 degree inclination or 30 degree declination. Supporting the Vulcan Cannon are a number of traditional flak cannons arranged evenly over the hull

Two and a half squadrons of starfighters
One squadron of bombers
Half a squadron of shuttles or dropships

New Submission
Image: Sheer Sexiness
Image Credit: This Awesome Thing Right Here

Intent: To create a top-of-the-line cruiser that can compete with MandalMotors' Shev'la Stealth Cruiser as a viable reconnaissance platform, but without requiring a supply of a rare and expensive minerals. Secondary intent, to test experimental weapons technology.
Development Thread: SSB Auction, SSB Expo,
Manufacturer: Mandal Hypernautics
Model: Skira-class Heavy Cruiser ("Settled Scores"-class, "Revenge"-class, or "Feud"-class; in Galactic Basic)
Affiliation: Mandalorian Navy, Hyperion Security, Open Market
Modularity: None
Production: Minor Production
Material: Alusteel, Durasteel, and other common construction materials,
Description: The pinnacle of Mandal Hypernautics technology, the Skira-class Heavy Cruiser was built specifically as a counter to the MandalMotors produced Shev'la-class Stealth Cruiser. Rare and extremely expensive to produce, the Skira-class's original prototype was built as a weapons testbed and personal flagship for Mandal Hypernautics CEO Rygel Larraq after the battle for Dromund Kaas.

Equipped with moderate stealth capabilities and extended range weaponry, this ship is designed to skirt the edges of the battlefield and provide precision fire support on key targets from the relative safety of its chosen position. Due to the hefty requirements of the sensor mask system, the ship has sub-standard shields for a ship of its size. Furthermore, activation of the sensor mask requires the shields to be brought down and weapons discharges from main battery gives away its position regardless of the sensor mask being online or not.

After a relative few deployments in combat, the Skira quickly became an object of interest for private buyers and military leaders alike. Initially hesitant to offer the pride of Mandal Hypernautics to outside sources, CEO Rygel Larraq was then convinced of the potential revenue such a warship could have on the open market when Tenloss CEO and known kingpin of the Hutt Cartel Popo continued bidding well beyond market price to obtain one of the rare and exclusive vessels. Walking out of the SSB Auction with a profitable contract and having sold a second Skira-class Heavy Cruiser to an eager buyer, Larraq was fully convinced to expand production of the Skira-class and make it more available to the open market.

Each 'fin' towards the aft of the ship is actually a sensor mast. At the tip of each mast are a number of individual sensors. The H.I.V.E. Droid processor analyzes the data from each sensor and then compares the minuet differences in sensor data to calculate the exact three dimensional location of all noteworthy objects within sensor range of the ship. The Ship has a sophisticated system of long range sensors to help it identify and track targets well outside of standard sensor ranges. Should the ship wish to track a target at even further ranges, the ship's LOS communications suite allows the ship to maintain a secure line of communication with cloaked and uncloaked fighters that can scout out targets for the ship. When the captain of this vessel chooses to fire upon a target, the H.I.V.E processor uses the data collected by the multiple sensor systems of the Skira-class Heavy Cruiser to triangulate the exact location of the target in relation to the cruiser and calculates the exact trajectory and timing required to strike a moving target at long ranges. These calculations are increasingly difficult for the processor at extreme ranges and require a considerable amount of time between shots, unless the target is moving directly towards the Cruiser or is particularly large or stationary.

Classification: Balanced Heavy Cruiser
Role: Strike/Recon Cruiser
Height: 420 meters
Width: 420 meters
Length: 850 meters
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Primary Antimatter Reactor, Secondary Antimatter Reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: 2 (Class 10 Backup)
Minimum Crew: 843
Optimal Crew: 3,211

Armament Rating: 18

The ship sports a balanced armament of Heavy, Long Range Turbolasers, Heavy Turbolasers, and Ion Cannons arranged into turrets capable of firing forward, as well as covering most of the ship's fire arcs in an even coverage of fire. A large number of forward facing Assault Concussion Missile Launchers supplement this armament. Mounted dorsally is a Vulcan Mass-Driver Flak Cannon capable of firing forward, port, starboard, aft, and above the ship up to a 50 degree inclination or 30 degree declination. Supporting the Vulcan Cannon are a number of traditional flak cannons arranged evenly over the hull

Two and a half squadrons of starfighters
One squadron of bombers
Half a squadron of shuttles or dropships

Non-Combative Attachments:
Passenger Capacity: 900
Cargo Capacity: 10,000 tons
Consumables: 6 Months
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: Class 6 (Class 7 in Reverse)
(2.0 Guide) Class 10 (Class 12 in Reverse) (3.0 Guide)

Submission Name: Kyramund-Type II Battleship
Link to Submission: Link
Reason for Modification: To bring the Mandal Hypernautics ships in line with the current Armament Rating system, to show support for the Armament Rating system, to expand upon the Armament Rating system, and to be an example for other writers that would otherwise avoid the armament rating system due to not understanding it.


Old Armament/Hanger Section
Armaments: (160/160 capital, 40/40 missile, 48/48 defense)
(25x) Double Turbolasers (50 capital weapons)
(25x) Deck Cannons (50 capital weapons)
(20x) Heavy Concussion Missile Launchers (8x ammo) (40 missile weapons)
(18x) Point Defense Ion Cannons (18 defense weapons)
(1x) Vulcan Mass-Driver Flak Cannon (30 defense weapons)
(3x) Vulcan Mass-Driver Flak Cannon Battery (60 capital weapons)

(12) Cabur-class Starfighters
(12) Kandosii-Bombers
(12) Naast Missile Boats
(3) Shaadlar-type troopships
(12) Basilisk War Droids

New Armament/Hanger Section
Armament Rating: 19

The Type II Kyramund sports a balanced mix of Deck Cannons, Double Turbolaser Turrets, and Heavy Concussion Missile Launchers arranged to fire either forwards or in broadsides. Supporting this is an entire battery of Vulcan Mass-Driver Flak Cannons arranged to fire in a similar manner and an assortment of point defense ion cannons spread evenly over the hull.
Three Squadrons of Fighters or Bombers
3x Shaadlar-type Troopships
One Squadron of Basilisk War Droids

New Submission
Image Credit: Wookieepedia
Image: Here

Intent: Bringing a canon design up to par.

Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Mandal Hypernautics
Model: Kyramund-type 2 Battleship
Affiliation: Mandalorian Navy, Hyperion Security, Open Market,
Modularity: Interchangeable ammo
Production: Minor
Durasteel-Reinforced Vulcan Mountings
Glasteel Viewports
Alusteel-Reinforced Quadranium {Hull}

Inspired by the success of the Type-2 Keldabe design, Mandal Hypernautics engineers sought to upgrade more of their older designs with modern technology. Equipped with additional defensive weaponry, double the original number of missile launchers, a battery of Vulcan Cannons, and an added 25 Deck Cannons, the Kyramund-type 2 Battleship is now a deadly addition to the Mandalorian arsenal.

Filling the role of a battleship, the Type 2 Kyramund is often the front line of a naval formation, weathering hostile fire as it closes the gap. Once within medium ranges, the ship opens fire with all guns and engages the opposing ships with maximum force. Wielding enough firepower to tare apart most ships in its own class and equipped with high powered defensive weaponry, the modernized Keldabe Battleship is a formidable foe on the battlefield, though its tactical options are limited by its lack of long range weaponry.

Classification: Heavy Cruiser
Role: Balanced, Battleship,
Height: 750
Width: 200
Length: 752
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Hypermatter Reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: 2 (backup 15)
Minimum Crew: 1,200
Optimal Crew: 6,000

Armament Rating: 19

The Type II Kyramund sports a balanced mix of Deck Cannons, Double Turbolaser Turrets, and Heavy Concussion Missile Launchers arranged to fire either forwards or in broadsides. Supporting this is an entire battery of Vulcan Mass-Driver Flak Cannons arranged to fire in a similar manner and an assortment of point defense ion cannons spread evenly over the hull.
Three Squadrons of Fighters or Bombers
3x Shaadlar-type Troopships
One Squadron of Basilisk War Droids

Non-Combative Attachments:
(6x) Tractor Beam Projectors
Encrypted HoloNet Transceiver
Standard Communications Array
Ray Shielding
Deflector Shielding
Enhanced Combat Sensors

Passenger Capacity: 2,000
Cargo Capacity: 8,000 tons
Consumables: 1 year
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: 6 (2.0 Guide) 10 (3.0 Guide)

Submission Name: Keldabe-Type II Battleship
Link to Submission: Link
Reason for Modification: To bring the Mandal Hypernautics ships in line with the current Armament Rating system, to show support for the Armament Rating system, to expand upon the Armament Rating system, and to be an example for other writers that would otherwise avoid the armament rating system due to not understanding it.

Modification: (
Changed image. Declared weapon placement on ship.)

Old Armament/Hanger Section
Armaments: (160/160 capital, 40/40 missile, 48/48 defense)
(25x) Heavy Turbolasers (50 capital weapons)
(15x) Heavy Ion Cannons (30 capital weapons)
(1x) Shield Leecher Weapon (20 capital weapons)
(4x) Mass-Driver Missile Launchers (10x ammo each) (40 missile weapons)
(18x) Point Defense Lasers (18 defense weapons)
(1x) Vulcan Mass-Driver Flak Cannon (30 defense weapons)
(3x) Vulcan Mass-Driver Flak Cannon (60 capital weapons)

(36) Cabur-class Starfighters
(2) Galaar-class Heavy Shuttles
(2) Light Freighters

New Armament/Hanger Section
Armament Rating: 19

The Type II Keldabe sports a balanced mix of Heavy Turbolasers and Heavy Ion Cannons arranged to fire either forward or in broadsides. Supporting these primary weapons is a battery of Mass-Driver Missile Launchers worked into the prow of the ship and an assortment of point defense lasers is spread evenly over the hull and a battery of Vulcan Mass-Driver Flak Cannons is installed on dorsal and ventral sides of the wing-like structures on the port and starboard of the ship. Also installed on the wing-like structures on the port and starboard of the ship are a pair of emitters for the forward facing Shield Leecher Weapon that makes this ship unique.

Three Squadrons of Fighters or Bombers
Half a Squadron of Shuttles, Dropships, or upto 3 Light Freighters

New Submission
Type-2 Keldabe-class Battleship

Image Credit: Here
Image: Here
Intent: Filling a custom order for Ori'Alor Tal'Verda, and then stealing the design because I like the idea.

Development Thread: SSB Expo,
Manufacturer: Mandal Hypernautics
Model: Keldabe T2-class Battleship
Affiliation: Mandalorian Navy, Hyperion Security, Akaan'Ade, Liberty Concord, Open Market,
Modularity: Interchangeable ammo
Production: Minor

Durasteel-Reinforced Vulcan Mountings
Glasteel Viewports
Alusteel-Reinforced Quadranium {Hull}

Originally a unique ship built to order per the specifications of Ori'Alor Tal'Verda, the Type-2 Keldabe Battleship is an old Mandalorian design brought up to modern standards with some added firepower in the form of a battery of Vulcan Cannons and a number of defensive weapons, as well as double the number of Mass-Driver Missile Launchers from the original design. Upon realizing the effectiveness of the new design, Rygel Larraq drafted up new blueprints for the Keldabe-class using the unique retrofit as the core of the new design. The product is the Type-2 Keldabe Battleship.

OOC Description:
The Mass-Driver Missile Launcher systems -count as- Heavy, Long Range Mass-Drivers in terms of range and power.

The Shield Leecher Weapon requires the ship to reach close range with a ship of equal or greater size. The weapon draws in the energy of a nearby starship's energy shielding, causing roughly the same amount of damage that 20 Ion Cannons would do. The weapon routes the majority of the energy absorbed in this way back into the weapon, continuing the power the drain effect. The remaining 30% gets applied to the Keldabe's shielding. This effect can only restore shield strength lost while in combat and cannot charge the ship's shielding beyond standard levels. Should the Keldabe attempt to restore more shielding than it can maintain, the weapon will overload and become inoperable, potentially damaging nearby subsystems. This effect can remain in effect for so long as the Keldabe and her prey stay within 'close' ranges of each other. However, extended use of this sensitive weapon system comes with increased risk of the weapon overloading or suffering an electrical malfunction.

Classification: Heavy Cruiser
Role: Balanced, Battleship,
Height: 300
Width: 350
Length: 750
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Hypermater Reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: 2
Minimum Crew: 4,000
Optimal Crew: 6,000

Armament Rating: 19

The Type II Keldabe sports a balanced mix of Heavy Turbolasers and Heavy Ion Cannons arranged to fire either forward or in broadsides. Supporting these primary weapons is a battery of Mass-Driver Missile Launchers worked into the prow of the ship and an assortment of point defense lasers is spread evenly over the hull and a battery of Vulcan Mass-Driver Flak Cannons is installed on dorsal and ventral sides of the wing-like structures on the port and starboard of the ship. Also installed on the wing-like structures on the port and starboard of the ship are a pair of emitters for the forward facing Shield Leecher Weapon that makes this ship unique.

Three Squadrons of Fighters or Bombers
Half a Squadron of Shuttles, Dropships, or upto 3 Light Freighters
Non-Combative Attachments:
(5x) Heavy Tractor Beams
Encrypted HoloNet Transceiver
Standard Communications Array
Ray Shielding
Deflector Shielding
Enhanced Combat Sensors

Passenger Capacity: 1,000
Cargo Capacity: 20,000 tons
Consumables: 2 years
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: 6 (2.0 Guide) 10 (3.0 Guide)

Submission Name: Nexus-class Cruiser
Link to Submission: Link
Reason for Modification: To bring the Mandal Hypernautics ships in line with the current Armament Rating system, to show support for the Armament Rating system, to expand upon the Armament Rating system, and to be an example for other writers that would otherwise avoid the armament rating system due to not understanding it.


Old Armament/Hanger Section
Primary Armament:
  • (10) Heavy Turbolaser Cannons
  • (4) Quad Heavy Mass-Driver Turrets
  • (4) Heavy Ion Cannons
  • (12) Mass-Driver Flak Cannons
  • (12) Point Defense Lasers(8) Assault Concussion Missile Tubes (12 each)
Alternative Armament: ((Sold to Mandalorian Faction only)
  • (10) Heavy Turbolaser Cannons
  • (4) Quad Heavy Mass-Driver Turrets
  • (4) Heavy Ion Cannons
  • (12) Mass-Driver Flak Cannons
  • (12) Point Defense Lasers
  • (4) Assault Concussion Missile Tubes (12 each)
  • (4) Pulsemass GeneratorTubes (4 each)
New Armament/Hanger Section
Armament Rating: 16

The Nexus sports a balanced mix of Heavy Turbolasers, Quad Heavy Mass-Drivers, and Heavy Ion Cannons arranged evenly over the hull. The ship is defended by a mix of Mass-Driver Flak Cannons and Point Defense Lasers spread evenly over the hull. This armament is augmented by a respectable complement of forward facing Assault Concussion Missile Tubes. A "Type B" variant of the ship is available that re-purposes half of these missile tubes to launch Pulsemass Generator Probes.

One Squadron of Starfighters
One Squadron of Bombers, Gunships, or Large Starfighters
One Squadron of Shuttles, Gunships, or Dropships

New Submission
Image: Here

Image Credit: Nexus 2
Intent: To create a competitive cruiser for sale on the galactic market in direct competition with other, similar designs.
Development Thread: NA
Manufacturer: Mandal Hypernautics
Model: Nexus-class Cruiser
Affiliation: Mandalorian Navy, Hyperion Security, Restricted Private Sales
Modularity: Alternative loadout; Minor Production
Production: Mass Production
Material: Alusteel, Durasteel, Duraplast, and other common construction materials,
Description: Built from the ground up with efficiency in mind, the Nexus-class Cruiser is a simple and reliable warship that serves in a number of fleets. The engineers of this vessel set out to lower the production cost of the vessel by substituting a large portion of the ship's laser weaponry with cheaper mass-driver weapons. This balance of different weaponry, which included concussion missile launchers, inadvertently made the Nexus remarkably well-rounded on the offensive. Thanks to the wide range of weaponry, captains of this vessel found themselves capable of exploiting a number of weaknesses in an enemy ship's design. From insufficient ray shielding to neglected particle shields, the Nexus was capable of registering a target ship's vulnerabilities and focusing its efforts into coordinated strikes.

Since its introduction, the Nexus-class Cruiser has become a common sight in fleets across the galaxy. Its relatively cheep price, combined with its tactical flexibility have made it a favorite of many as struggling government or fringe warlord who have turned this vessel into the backbone of any fleet unable to afford to field large numbers of star destroyers.

Classification: Balanced Cruiser
Role: Assault Cruiser
Height: 250 meters
Width: 225 meters
Length: 550 meters
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Solar Ionization Reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 2 (Class 10 Backup)
Minimum Crew: 750
Optimal Crew: 2,500

Armament Rating: 16

The Nexus sports a balanced mix of Heavy Turbolasers, Quad Heavy Mass-Drivers, and Heavy Ion Cannons arranged evenly over the hull. The ship is defended by a mix of Mass-Driver Flak Cannons and Point Defense Lasers spread evenly over the hull. This armament is augmented by a respectable complement of forward facing Assault Concussion Missile Tubes. A "Type B" variant of the ship is available that re-purposes half of these missile tubes to launch Pulsemass Generator Probes.

One Squadron of Starfighters
One Squadron of Bombers, Gunships, or Large Starfighters
One Squadron of Shuttles, Gunships, or Dropships

Non-Combative Attachments:
  • Communications Array
  • Encryption Network
  • Escape Pods
  • Holonet Transceiver
  • Standard Detention Cells
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Particle Shield Generator
  • Standard Ray Shield Generator
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Tractor Beams (x2)
Passenger Capacity: 500
Cargo Capacity: 8,000 tons
Consumables: 6 Months
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: Class 6 (2.0 Guide) Class 10 (3.0 Guide)
Submission Name: Krayt-class Light Cruiser
Link to Submission: Link
Reason for Modification: To bring the Mandal Hypernautics ships in line with the current Armament Rating system, to show support for the Armament Rating system, to expand upon the Armament Rating system, and to be an example for other writers that would otherwise avoid the armament rating system due to not understanding it.


Old Armament/Hanger Section
Armaments: (0/15 capital, 80/80 defense)
(30x) Mass-Driver Flak Cannons (40 Defensive Weapons)
(20x) Quad Laser Turrets (20 Defensive Weapons)
(30x) Point Defense Laser Cannons (40 Defensive Weapons)

Hangar: (48/72 Fighters, 4/6 Gunships, 8/12 Dropships)
(12) Purudii Fighers
(12) Vhe'viin Intercepters
(12) Kandosii Bombers
(12) Naast Missile Boats
(4) Mandalorian Gunships
(8) Rodarch LAATs
(2) Light Freighters (2 Dropships + 1 Gunship traded for each)

New Armament/Hanger Section
Armament Rating: 05- Offensive / 18- Defensive

In lieu of a traditional offensive complement, this cruiser instead supports a heavy assortment of anti-starfighter weaponry. A balanced mix of Mass-Driver Flak Cannons, Point Defense Lasers, and Quad Laser Turrets are positioned in broadside batteries on the port and starboard of the ship.

Two Squadrons of Fighters
Two Squadrons of Bombers or Gunships
One Squadron of Dropships, Gunships, or Shuttles
Two Light Freighters

New Submission
Image Credit: Here

Intent: Expanding the Mandalorian Cruiser options with a Fast Cruiser and a dedicated Interdictor.
Development Thread: NA
Manufacturer: Mandal Hypernautics
Model: Krayt-class Light Cruiser
Affiliation: Mandalorian Navy, Hyperion Security, Open Market,
Modularity: None
Production: Mass

Durasteel Frame/Spine
Glasteel Viewports
Quadanium Hull


The Mandalorian Krayt-class Light Cruiser is a recent development brought about by Mandal Hypernautics engineers seeking to provide additional support to the Mandalorian Fleet. Needing a Light Cruiser capable of keeping up with lighting raids and lacking a true interdictor for the Mandalorian fleet, several of the design choices were obvious for the engineers. What wasn't obvious was the choice of weaponry.

Originally wanting to pack in heavy weaponry to add a larger punch to a light fleet, engineers quickly realized that there would be considerable power limitations that could only be overcome by increasing the size of the reactor and reducing the speed of the ship. Not wanting to sacrifice speed for power, the designers turned to alternative options. Eventually settling for a mixed arsenal of light weaponry, the engineers chose to complement this significantly lighter loadout with an equally mixed arsenal of attack craft to support the ship and supplement its lighter loadout.

Classification: Light Cruiser
Role: Support, Interdictor,
Height: 200
Width: 200
Length: 450
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Hypermater Reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: 2 (backup 15)
Minimum Crew: 1,200
Optimal Crew: 6,000

Armament Rating: 05- Offensive / 18- Defensive

In lieu of a traditional offensive complement, this cruiser instead supports a heavy assortment of anti-starfighter weaponry. A balanced mix of Mass-Driver Flak Cannons, Point Defense Lasers, and Quad Laser Turrets are positioned in broadside batteries on the port and starboard of the ship.

Two Squadrons of Fighters
Two Squadrons of Bombers or Gunships
One Squadron of Dropships, Gunships, or Shuttles
Two Light Freighters

Non-Combative Attachments:
(2x) Gravity Well Projectors
(4x) Tractor Beam Projectors
Encrypted HoloNet Transceiver
Standard Communications Array
Ray Shielding
Particle Shielding
Standard Combat Sensors

Passenger Capacity: 800
Cargo Capacity: 2,000 tons
Consumables: 1 year
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: 5 (2.0 Guide) 9 (3.0 Guide)

Submission Name: Nynir-class Heavy Frigate
Link to Submission: Link
Reason for Modification: To bring the Mandal Hypernautics ships in line with the current Armament Rating system, to show support for the Armament Rating system, to expand upon the Armament Rating system, and to be an example for other writers that would otherwise avoid the armament rating system due to not understanding it.


Old Armament/Hanger Section

(6) Long-Range Turbolasers (30 capital)
(1) Dual Heavy Mass Driver Cannon (4 capital)
(2) Mass Driver Cannon (2 capital)
(4) Concussion Missile Launcher (10 missiles each) (4 missile)
(6) Point Defense Cannons (2 point defense)

Hangar: None

New Armament/Hanger Section
Armament Rating: 20

The Nynir-class Heavy Frigate sports a powerful array of forward-locked Heavy, Long Range Turbolasers. Supporting these powerful weapons is a light complement of Heavy Mass-Driver Cannons and Point Defense Laser Cannons spread evenly over the hull. The ship also supports a complement of Vertical Launching Concussion Missile Launchers.


New Submission
Image: Here and Here

Credit: AStepIntoOblivion

Intent: Seeking to enter direct competition with MandalMotors for military contracts in Mandalorian space, Mandal Hypernautics set out to design a frigate unlike anything currently on the market. For the first in a new generation of warships, Mandal Hypernautics decided to go with a medium sized vessel with enough punch to take on significantly larger opponents. Settling on the frigate classification, designs then focused on getting the maximum damage output in the shortest time possible. Engineers developed up-scaled turbolasers capable of significant damage at extreme ranges, but with the drawback of such a severe power-draw that conventional ship designs were deemed impossible. Experimenting with the design, engineers discovered that by drastically reducing hanger space they could install a secondary reactor specifically to power these Long-Range Turbolasers.

Development Thread: NA
Manufacturer: Mandal Hypernautics
Model: Nynir-class Heavy Frigate ("Strike"-class; in Galactic Basic)
Affiliation: Mandalorian Navy, Hyperion Security,
Modularity: None
Production: Minor Production
Material: Alusteel, Durasteel, and other common construction materials,

Designed for both long range strike attacks in support of capital ships and surprise attacks from a target's flanks, the Nynir-class Heavy Frigate is a versatile attack platform that can fill a number of roles. While not necessarily more powerful than any other frigate, the Nynir-class shines among its peers due to how it consolidates its firepower into a single, devastating salvo. While the six second reload between salvos presents a considerable down side, as does the maneuvering required to line a target with the semi-locked weapons, most commanders of this vessel are capable of choosing their engagements carefully to minimize these flaws.

More than just a weapons platform, the Nynir-class Heavy Frigate is equipped with a host of supplemental equipment designed to give commanders a wide range of tactical options on the battlefield. One of which being their advanced LOS Communications Suite. The system uses a series of pinpoint lasers over long distances to communicate with ally ships and vehicles without spreading radio chatter in all directions. This system serves a dual purpose. It allows the ship to send secure communications to its target, as well as transmitting signals without risk of giving away its position. Additionally, the ship comes with a medium range HoloNet Transceiver. This smaller transceiver is able to send and receive signals to nearby ships and neighboring star systems, as well as connecting to a network of more powerful transceivers capable of relaying long range communications for the vessel.

Another noteworthy bit of hardware installed on the Nynir-class Heavy Frigate is a string of three droid processors connected to the core of the ship. The droid processors share processing power for a single intelligence which supports the crew by assisting with calculations for weapon targeting, navigation, hyperspace navigation, sensor systems, and communications systems. The droid brains are also capable of using the LOS Communications Suite to communicate with and direct any nearby droid fighters that happen to be friendly. Shackled by strict protocols, the droid brain can only follow direct orders issued by the commander of the vessel and serves the purpose of increasing the overall speed and effectiveness of the vessel in the complex, ever changing environment of the battlefield.

Classification: Heavy Frigate
Role: Strike/Recon Frigate
Height: 140 meters
Width: 140 meters
Length: 350 meters
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Solar Ionization Reactor, Secondary Antimatter Reactor,
Hyperdrive Rating: 2 (Class 10 Backup)
Minimum Crew: 87
Optimal Crew: 328

Armament Rating: 20

The Nynir-class Heavy Frigate sports a powerful array of forward-locked Heavy, Long Range Turbolasers. Supporting these powerful weapons is a light complement of Heavy Mass-Driver Cannons and Point Defense Laser Cannons spread evenly over the hull. The ship also supports a complement of Vertical Launching Concussion Missile Launchers.


Non-Combative Attachments:

Ray Shields
Particle Shields
Triple Droid-Brain Support Processor
LOS Communications Suite
Dedicated Energy Receptor
Hyperwave Signal Interceptor
Limited HoloNet Transceiver
Small Medical Bay

Passenger Capacity: 280 Marines
Cargo Capacity: 1,800 tons
Consumables: 6 Months
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: Class 5.5 (2.0 Guide) Class 9 (3.0 Guide)

Submission Name: Haran'uliik-class Light Frigate
Link to Submission: Link
Reason for Modification: To bring the Mandal Hypernautics ships in line with the current Armament Rating system, to show support for the Armament Rating system, to expand upon the Armament Rating system, and to be an example for other writers that would otherwise avoid the armament rating system due to not understanding it.


Old Armament/Hanger Section
Armaments: Support (10 Capital, 40 Defense)
Hangar: Support (18/48 Fighter/Bomber, 4/4 Gunship, 8/8 Dropship)

New Armament/Hanger Section
Armament Rating: 18

The primary weapon of the Haran'uliik is a fixed, forward facing Vulcan Mass-Driver Flak Cannon that runs nearly the entire length of the ship. Supporting this weapon are a number of Deck Cannons, which themselves are also fixed and forward facing. To defend itself from flanking starfighters while the ship focuses on its primary target, several Point Defense Lasers have been spread evenly over the hull.

One and a half Squadrons of Fighters
One Squadron of Bombers, Dropships, Gunships, or Shuttles

New Submission

Credit: Babylon Five

Intent: To create a rapid response frigate that can reach and engage targets that larger ships could not catch and smaller ships could not engage.

Manufacturer: Mandal Hypernautics,
Model: Haran'uliik-class Light Frigate (Hell Beast-class in Galactic Basic)
Affiliation: Mandalorians, Hyperion Security,
Modularity: Modular Ammo; Takes half an hour to change ammo types
Production: Minor

Durasteel-Reinforced Vulcan Mounting
Glasteel Viewports
Alusteel-Reinforced Quadranium {Hull}

The Haran'uliik-class Light Frigate was a recent development from Mandal Hypernautics. Designed as a rapid response ship, the Haran'uliik is intended to intercept and destroy targets that are far too fast for larger 'ships of the line' to engage, yet too large for smaller fighter wings to risk engaging. The ship is designed to incorporate numerous large and powerful weapons into the forward sections of the ship, to take advantage of the high speed and agility of the ship as well as make the most use of the limited number of weapons capable of fitting on such a small frigate.

Otherwise too large for such a small ship, the Vulcan Mass-Driver Flak Cannon that adorns this vessel was built into the frame of the ship itself and protrudes from the prow of the vessel. Incapable of movement, the ship itself must rotate to bring the Vulcan cannon to bare on its enemies. Likewise, several large Deck Cannons were built into the hull of the ship itself and face the forward.

Classification: Frigate
Role: Support Ship, Heavy Interceptor, Light Carrier,
Height: 77 Meters
Width: 132 Meters
Length: 220 Meters
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Solar Ionization Reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: 1.5
Minimum Crew: 58
Optimal Crew: 280

Armament Rating: 18

The primary weapon of the Haran'uliik is a fixed, forward facing Vulcan Mass-Driver Flak Cannon that runs nearly the entire length of the ship. Supporting this weapon are a number of Deck Cannons, which themselves are also fixed and forward facing. To defend itself from flanking starfighters while the ship focuses on its primary target, several Point Defense Lasers have been spread evenly over the hull.

One and a half Squadrons of Fighters
One Squadron of Bombers, Dropships, Gunships, or Shuttles

Non-Combative Attachments:

Encrypted HoloNet Transceiver
Standard Communications Array
Ray Shielding
Deflector Shielding
Enhanced Combat Sensors

Passenger Capacity: 380
Cargo Capacity: 2,200 Tons
Consumables: 4 Months
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: 4 (2.0 Guide) 7 (3.0 Guide)

Submission Name: Ulu'uur-class Frigate
Link to Submission: Link
Reason for Modification: To bring the Mandal Hypernautics ships in line with the current Armament Rating system, to show support for the Armament Rating system, to expand upon the Armament Rating system, and to be an example for other writers that would otherwise avoid the armament rating system due to not understanding it.

Modification: (Image was changed)

Old Armament/Hanger Section
(6) Turbolasers
(8) Mass-Driver Flak Cannons

Hangar: None

New Armament/Hanger Section
Armament Rating: 10

New Submission
Image: Here
Image Credit: Eve Online
Intent: To create a small, lightly armed frigate capable of providing advanced sensor

Development Thread: Buying Parts
Manufacturer: Mandal Hypernautics
Model: Ulur'uur-class Frigate (“Detect Silence” in Galactic Basic)
Affiliation: Mandalorian Navy, Hyperion Security, Open Market,
Modularity: None
Production: Minor Production
Material: Alusteel, Durasteel, and other common construction materials,

The Ulur'uur-class Frigate is a lightly armed and armored support ship designed to supplement the Mandalorian Navy with advanced sensor coverage during fleet actions. The ship actively and passively scans nearby space for signals and fluctuations that could alert the fleet to dangers posed by minefields, stellar anomalies, cloaked ships, enemy formations, and a number of other threats. The ship houses multiple long-range sensor systems and a several high powered sensor systems.

One such system installed on the Ulur'uur-class frigate is an advanced hyperwave signal interceptor. While any ship can detect an object entering or exiting hyperspace, the Ulur'uur Frigate can identify the mass, speed, and trajectory of any nearby ship that exits or enters hyperspace. This often allows commanders to 'guess' the origin or destination of the ship, but also provided earlier warning of large and high speed ships entering local space. The other and more important role this sensor allows the Ulur'uur Frigate to perform is that of a signal snoop. The ship was loaded with advances listening equipment, multiple protocol droids, numerous slicers as part of the crew of this vessel. The ability to overhear enemy HoloNet, Hyperradio, and subspace communications was invaluable on the battlefield.

The ship is also equipped with an advanced Dedicated Energy Receptor that passively scans nearby space for electromagnetic emissions. Like all DER's commonly found in military grade starships, the Ulur'uur's sensors were able to detect emissions from lasers, beacons, and comlink transmissions as well as actively scan a specific ship or structure for weaknesses based on energy fluctuations. Due to the high strength of the Ulur'uur's advanced sensors, the ship was able to detect metallic objects in space as passive electromagnetic fields reacted to the material. Due to this feature, the Ulur'uur is unparalleled as an early warning system against minefields.

Lastly, the frigate is equipped with the rare and expensive Crystal Gravfield Trap that almost doubles the cost of constructing one of these vessels. But thanks to the effectiveness of the gravity detecting capabilities of the CGT sensors, the Ulur'uu Frigate is an unrivalled asset in military operations and was often a fleet commander's only line of defense against stealth technology.

Classification: Frigate
Role: Surveillance Frigate
Height: 75 meters
Width: 112 meters
Length: 300 meters
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Solar Ionization Reactor,
Hyperdrive Rating: 2 (Class 10 Backup)
Minimum Crew: 250
Optimal Crew: 800

Armament Rating: 10
Non-Combative Attachments:
Deflector Shielding
Encrypted HoloNet Transceiver
Aural Sensor
Hyperwave Signal Interceptor
Dedicated Energy Receptor
Crystal Gravfield Trap
Small Medical Bay

Passenger Capacity: 200 Marines
Cargo Capacity: 2,000 tons
Consumables: 6 Months
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: Class 6 (2.0 Guide) 10 (3.0 Guide)

Submission Name: Jahaatir-class Electronic Warfare Frigate
Link to Submission: Link
Reason for Modification: To bring the Mandal Hypernautics ships in line with the current Armament Rating system, to show support for the Armament Rating system, to expand upon the Armament Rating system, and to be an example for other writers that would otherwise avoid the armament rating system due to not understanding it.

Modification: (some changes to image choice were made, a section of description was removed that involved a component not actually approved for the ship, that was suppose to be removed the last time I requested an edit for this ship.)

Old Armament/Hanger Section
ARMAMENTS (30/30, 10/10, 12/12)
4x Heavy, Long Range Jamming Beam Projectors
1x Conical Full-Spectrum Distortion Projector
10x Modular Warhead Launchers (12x Ammo each, typically EMP Detonation Missiles or Disruptor Torpedos)
2x Sensor Scrambler Turrets
2x EM Field Generator Turrets

8x Tegaanalir-class Patrol Ships
12x Cabur-class Patrol Ships

New Armament/Hanger Section

The ship primarily relies on a battery of Heavy, Long Range Jamming Beam Projectors to disrupt the weapon systems of targeted hostile ships from afar. Supporting this is a Conical Full-Spectrum Distortion Projector that enhances the effects of the Jamming Beam Projectors and plays with the sensors of ships caught in its area of effect. A mixed battery of Sensor Scrambler Turrets and EM Field Generator Turrets protect the ship from enemy starfighters and missiles, and a complement of Modular Warhead Launchers firing EMP Detonation Missiles and/or Disruptor Torpedoes protect the ship from close range targets.

Two Squadrons of Tegaanalir or Cabur Patrol Ships

New Submission
Image: Here
Image Credit: Here

Intent: To create a dedicated Electronic Warfare Frigate to fill the technological gap in the Mandalorian Navy.

Development Thread: NA
Manufacturer: Mandal Hypernautics
Model: Jahaatir-class Electronic Warfare Frigate (Deceive in basic)
Affiliation: Mandal Hypernautics, Mandalorian,
Modularity: None
Production: Limited

Durasteel Frame
Glasteel Viewports
Alusteel Hull
Quadranium Armor Plates

The Jahaatir-class Ewar Frigate was designed as an offensive counterpoint to the Ulur'uur Frigate. Equipped with a host of technologies that work together in tandem to provide a fleet with effective ECM support, the Jahaatir-class is a unique and often underestimated warship. The first and most obvious reason for this underestimation from ally and enemy alike is the complete and total lack of traditional weaponry aboard the craft. Even the standard point defense systems are absent on this vessel.

Replacing the normal weaponry found on other vessels is a battery of directed turrets that project various electronic jamming technologies. The primary offensive capabilities of this ship comes in the form of four massive and powerful Jamming Beam Projectors that are capable of effecting targets at even the extended engagement ranges of vessels equipped with Heavy, Long Range Turbolasers. An effected ship's weapon tracking and targeting systems are severely inhibited by even one of these turrets. But significantly larger ships or ships much closer to the Jahaatir-class Frigate must be targeted by additional Jamming Beam Projectors to be effectively disrupted.

Supporting these turrets are numerous internal components that perform similar roles, but offer different strengths and weaknesses. One such system is the Conical Full-Spectrum Distortion Projector. This component functions similarly to the Jamming Beam Projectors but also effects scanners. The system has a much shorter effective range than the JBP's, but covers a much wider area and is more effective at close ranges.

Lastly, numerous small turrets dot the surface of this frigate and act as a last line of defense. These turrets house Sensor Scramblers and EM Field Generators that can be used in an attempt to target and disable hostile missiles and starfighters that manage to get past the numerous other systems utilized by the ship and whatever escorts it happens to have.

To help prevent the ship from drawing unwanted attention from a hostile fleet and to prevent itself from being targeted instead of the larger and more combat oriented ships, the Jahaatir-class is equipped with a Signal Scrambler projector that it utilizes to mask its specialized equipment. When appropriately using this invaluable component, the ship can prevent itself from being identified as the source of electronic warfare from among a fleet or formation of ships.

The last and final major component of the ship is a set of ten launch tubes capable of utilizing a wide range of warheads. Typically, these tubes are loaded with numerous EMP Detonation Missiles that are capable of interfering with electronics, propulsion, targeting, and guidance systems of missiles, small ships, and the turrets of capital ships. Alternatively, these tubes are often filled with the more expensive and effective Disruptor Torpedoes which are capable of frying electronics within 20 meters of detonation, but require a physical impact before detonation. Whichever missile system happens to by loaded during a combat operation, these missiles are often the last line of defense for the Jahaatir-class Ewar Frigate when unescorted and serve as a tertiary Anti-Starfighter and Anti-Missile defense in a major fleeting engagement.

Classification: Frigate
Role: Balanced, 'Support', Electronic Warfare,
Height: 75 meters
Width: 112 meters
Length: 300 meters
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Solar Ionization Reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: 2 (Class 10 Backup)
Minimum Crew: 250
Optimal Crew: 800
Passenger Capacity: 200 Marines
Cargo Capacity: 2,000 tons
Consumables: 6 Months
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: 6 (2.0 Guide) 10 (3.0 Guide)


The ship primarily relies on a battery of Heavy, Long Range Jamming Beam Projectors to disrupt the weapon systems of targeted hostile ships from afar. Supporting this is a Conical Full-Spectrum Distortion Projector that enhances the effects of the Jamming Beam Projectors and plays with the sensors of ships caught in its area of effect. A mixed battery of Sensor Scrambler Turrets and EM Field Generator Turrets protect the ship from enemy starfighters and missiles, and a complement of Modular Warhead Launchers firing EMP Detonation Missiles and/or Disruptor Torpedoes protect the ship from close range targets.

Two Squadrons of Tegaanalir or Cabur Patrol Ships

Advanced Communications Array
Escape Pods
Encrypted Holonet Transceiver
Standard Detention Cells
Standard Life Support Systems
Standard Navigational Systems
Standard Deflector Shielding
Advanced Sensor Array
Advanced Targeting Systems
Signal Scrambler Projector
Submission Name: Nebula-class Corvette
Link to Submission: Link
Reason for Modification: To bring the Mandal Hypernautics ships in line with the current Armament Rating system, to show support for the Armament Rating system, to expand upon the Armament Rating system, and to be an example for other writers that would otherwise avoid the armament rating system due to not understanding it.


Old Armament/Hanger Section
(2) Dual Mass-Driver Turrets
(4) Turbolaser Cannons
(4) Concussion Missile Tubes (10 each)(4) Mass-Driver Flak Cannons

Hangar: None

New Armament/Hanger Section
Armament Rating: 16- Port / 16- Starboard / 00- Fore (08 w/ Missiles)
Armament Rating: 10- Port / 10- Starboard / 12- Fore (16- w/ Missiles)

The Nebula sports a balanced mix of Dual Mass-Driver Turrets, Turbolaser Cannons, and Flak Cannons on the port and starboard sides as well as a complement of forward facing Concussion Missile Launchers.

Hangar: None

New Submission
Image: This thing right here

Credit: This Guy Right Here

Intent: To create a light, heavy hitting warship to support larger, more vulnerable assets.

Development Thread: NA
Manufacturer: Mandal Hypernautics
Model: Nebula-class Corvette
Affiliation: Mandalorian Navy, Hyperion Security, Restricted Private Sales,
Modularity: None
Production: Mass Production
Material: Alusteel, Durasteel, Duraplast, and other common construction materials,

Designed from the ground up with the goal of getting the damage output of a medium frigate at the lowest price, the Nebula-class Corvette began as a compromise. Developed at a time when Mandal Hypernautics was struggling to obtain large quantities of raw metals, the Nebula was downgraded from a frigate to a corvette early in the design process as a way to conserve resources and cut costs. The next corner cut in the production of this starship was in the chosen armament. Attempting to cut down on expensive turbolaser components and struggling to obtain a constant supply of Tibanna gas, the decision was made to substitute a number of the originally conceived turbolasers and quad laser turrets with cheaper mass-driver cannons.

Struggling to cram the weapons and secondary components of the original frigate design into the body of a corvette, the engineers abandoned the original concept of a small hanger built into the frigate and supplemented the hanger space with secondary sensor systems and an improved cargo bay. The backup hyperdrive was another casualty of the design process, but in the end the Mandal Hypernautics engineers had created one of the most durable and well armed starships in its weight class. And on a budget.

The Nebula-class Corvette remains a cheep and affordable corvette that can easily be purchased in large quantities by those with the finances to do so, yet is capable of holding its own against larger and more expensive warships due to its rugged and utilitarian design.

Classification: Balanced Corvette
Role: Heavy Corvette
Height: 75 meters
Width: 80 meters
Length: 180 meters
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Solar Ionization Reactor,
Hyperdrive Rating: 2 (no backup)
Minimum Crew: 50
Optimal Crew: 250

Armament Rating: 16- Port / 16- Starboard / 00- Fore (08 w/ Missiles)
Armament Rating: 10- Port / 10- Starboard / 12- Fore (16- w/ Missiles)

The Nebula sports a balanced mix of Dual Mass-Driver Turrets, Turbolaser Cannons, and Flak Cannons on the port and starboard sides as well as a complement of forward facing Concussion Missile Launchers.

Hangar: None
Non-Combative Attachments:
  • Communications Array
  • Encryption Network
  • Escape Pods
  • Holonet Transceiver
  • Standard Detention Cells
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Particle Shield Generator
  • Standard Ray Shield Generator
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Small Medical Bay
Passenger Capacity: 125 Marines
Cargo Capacity: 600 tons
Consumables: 6 Months
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: 4 (2.0 Guide) 7 (3.0 Guide)

Submission Name: Bui'tsad-class Cargo Corvette
Link to Submission: Link
Reason for Modification: To bring the Mandal Hypernautics ships in line with the current Armament Rating system, to show support for the Armament Rating system, to expand upon the Armament Rating system, and to be an example for other writers that would otherwise avoid the armament rating system due to not understanding it.


Old Armament/Hanger Section
(1) Dual Mass-Driver Turrets
(4) Mass-Driver Flak Cannons

Hangar: None

New Armament/Hanger Section
Armament Rating: 05

Hanger: None

New Submission
Image: Here she blows
Credit: DukeaufDune
Intent: To create a cheap, easily produced ship that can serve both civilian and military functions.

Development Thread: NA
Manufacturer: Mandal Hypernautics
Model: Bui'tsad-class Corvette
Affiliation: Mandalorian Navy, Hyperion Security, Restricted Private Sales,
Modularity: None
Production: Mass Production
Material: Alusteel, Durasteel, Duraplast, and other common construction materials,

One of the oldest designs produced by Mandal Hypernautics that is still in service, the Bui'tsad was designed in an attempt to reach as wide a market as possible with a single design. Initially designed as a bulk freighter capable of transporting large scale shipments of goods across the galaxy, the Bui'tsad is remarkably under armed and armored for a corvette. What it does have going for it is a very large cargo capacity and adequate point-defense for a ship of its size. Add this to its low cost and the ease of production, and the ship becomes an invaluable addition to military supply convoys.

Classification: Light Corvette
Role: Cargo Corvette
Height: 35 meters
Width: 45 meters
Length: 107 meters
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Solar Ionization Reactor,
Hyperdrive Rating: 2 (Class 10 Backup)
Minimum Crew: 50
Optimal Crew: 250

Armament Rating: 05

Hanger: None
Non-Combative Attachments:
  • Ray Shielding
  • Particle Shielding
  • Gravimetric and RADAR Sensors
  • Communications Systems
Passenger Capacity: 100 Marines
Cargo Capacity: 1,200 tons
Consumables: 6 Months
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: Class 4 (2.0 Guide) Class 7 (3.0 Guide)

Submission Name: Yai'vhey-class Corvette
Link to Submission: Link
Reason for Modification: To bring the Mandal Hypernautics ships in line with the current Armament Rating system, to show support for the Armament Rating system, to expand upon the Armament Rating system, and to be an example for other writers that would otherwise avoid the armament rating system due to not understanding it.
Also... I've never been satisfied with this submission and I think it's only been used once...

Modification: I touched up on the phrasing in the description. Since this ship has almost never been used and starships are no longer as heavily regulated as they once were, I removed the 'footnotes' at the end of the submission in hopes that the ship will become a bit more tactically viable.

Old Armament/Hanger Section
(10) Laser Cannons (5 port/5 sharboard)
(4) Mass-Driver Flak Cannons (2 fore/2 aft)

Hangar: None

New Armament/Hanger Section
Armament Rating: 10

This ship arms itself to defend against patrolling enemy starfighters with a heavy complement of Laser Cannons and Mass-Driver Flak Cannons arranged in port and starboard broadsides.

Hangar: None

New Submission
Image: Here

Credit: Eve Online

Intent: To create a support corvette that can deploy Space Mines

Development Thread: NA
Manufacturer: Mandal Hypernautics
Model: Yai'vhey-class Corvette (“Womb full of Ordnance” in Galactic Basic)
Affiliation: Mandalorian Navy, Hyperion Security, Open Market,
Modularity: None
Production: Minor Production
Material: Alusteel, Durasteel, and other common construction materials

Lightly armed and armored, the Yai'vhey Corvette is a specialized support frigate for the Mandalorian Navy and other interested parties. The ship has a split-hull design with a flanking structure to the left and right of the main hull. To the rear of these two structures are launch bays used for the deployment of Space Mines. Once the interior crew, droids, and cargo tractor beams have managed to activate the mines and safely launch them from the craft, a series of six light tractor beam projectors take hold of the small mines and strategically position them at their appropriate place in the minefield being deployed by the corvette. Each mine deployed via this craft is armed either via a physical timer or a remote activation signal, enabling the Yai'vhey Corvette to safely deploy its payload without risk of blowing itself up. This design allows for an extremely efficient deployment and uniform placement of mines, but requires that the ship move at relatively slow speeds while deploying mines and limits the ship to deploying only 6 mines at a time. While the mines can be armed prematurely or deployed at a faster than normal rate, doing as much will often end in disaster either by risking a premature detonation or the mines themselves colliding with one another. Furthermore, simply 'dumping' the entire complement of mines out the back of the hanger bays is a terrible, terrible idea that (at the very least) results in a very poor dispersion pattern and leaves the rapidly dispersing mines hurling through space at whatever speed the Corvette was moving at.

The Vai'vhey Corvette is capable of operating behind enemy lines where it can deploy minefields in shipping lanes, thus disrupting the crucial logistical train of an enemy fleet. The ship was built to utilize any common mine, including contact mines, proximity mines, sleeper mines, seeker mines, and ion mines, but can also handle most specialty mines as well. The ship can hold approximately 2,000 standard contact mines. More powerful or more complex mines are typically larger than standard contact mines and take up more space. As such, when equipped with sleeper mines, proximity mines, or seeker mines the ship can only hold between 800 and 1,600 mines, depending on the size and type. There is a central cargo hold on the main hull of the ship that is usually used for storing food and supplies for the crew. There are two large cargo-bay doors on the port and starboard of the central hull, which allows for rapid resupply at a friendly shipyard or from specialized cargo vessels. When time is sensitive, the rear hanger doors can be opened to allow for quicker resupply of ordnance, though can quickly become more of a hassle than it is worth as hovering cargo-loaders and load-masters struggle to get every crate of supplies and ordnance delivered to the correct location and recorded as such. On more than one occasion this has resulted in a kitchen sink being deployed instead of a mine, and the untimely death of a very unlucky plumber.

Classification: Corvette
Role: Support Corvette
Height: 36 meters
Width: 105 meters
Length: 180 meters
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Solar Ionization Reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: 2 (10 backup)
Minimum Crew: 50
Optimal Crew: 250

Armament Rating: 10

This ship arms itself to defend against patrolling enemy starfighters with a heavy complement of Laser Cannons and Mass-Driver Flak Cannons arranged in port and starboard broadsides.

Hangar: None
Non-Combative Attachments:
(6) Light Tractor Beam Projectors
Ray Shielding
Particle Shielding
Short-Range Encrypted HoloNet Transceiver
Standard Sensor Suite; including Aural Sensor
Small Medical Bay

Passenger Capacity: 100 Marines
Cargo Capacity: 2,000 Tons
Consumables: 4 Months
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: Class 5 (2.0 Guide) 9 (3.0 Guide)


These all have updated speed, armament, and hanger complements. The Armament and Hangers are simpler but identical to their original values. The changes I've made to the various ship's speeds... I had a hard time picking the appropriate speeds, but the bulk of the fleet of ships was originally designed to operate at speed 6 across the board (which was fairly fast at the time, but well within normal levels), with a few ships either ranging ahead or lagging behind. I chose to go with speed 10 based on the trends I've seen in starship design lately and how I feel these ships would move in relation... 12 just seemed too slow to me. Either way, it's open for debate if you wish.

I did make a few small tweeks here and there. Nothing gamechanging or that re-balances any of the ships as a whole (with the possible exception of the Yai'vhey and the Nebula Corvettes). Mainly just fixed a few small errors here and there or chose to declare that a ship had an evenly spread armament or broadsides where there was previously no elaboration. Similarly, under-used ships like the Nynir and Nebula got a bit of love overall to bring them out of the shadows and make them a bit more interesting for those who would want to use them.

I set this up to make it as easy on staff as possible, hopefully all you need to do is /edit, /copy, /open link, /edit, /ctrl+a, /paste.
Submission Name: The Grave Wind
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: The Grave Wind was boarded and taken by the Underground in an operation spearheaded by Flint Michigan.
Modification: Affiliation: The Underground/Flint Michigan

New line in description: The Grave Wind was boarded and taken by the Underground in an operation spearheaded by [member="Flint Michigan"].

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