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Starship Submission Modifications

Submission Name: Beskad-class Starfighter
Link to Submission: Link
Reason for Modification: To bring the vehicle out of prototype status and into full production for both the Mandalorians and the LS, based on Development Threads and such.

-Description updated
-Speed updated to new guide
-Format changes
-New Development Threads; Receiving Contract, Reviewing Performance, Mining Beskar, Mining Phrik,

Old Production Information
Development Thread: NA
Manufacturer: Mandal Hypernautics,
Model: Beskad-class Starfighter
Affiliation: Mandalorian Navy, Hyperion Security,
Modularity: None
Production: Unique (12)
Material: 1/8th inch Beskar Plating, Durasteel Frame, Alusteel everywhere else,

New Production Information
Development Thread: Receiving Contract, Reviewing Performance, Mining Beskar, Mining Phrik,
Manufacturer: Mandal Hypernautics,
Model: Beskad-class Starfighter
Affiliation: Mandalorian Navy, Levantine Sanctum Navy, Hyperion Security,
Modularity: Beskar and Phrik variants
Production: Minor Production (Beskar), Minor Production (Phrik)
Durasteel Frame
Alusteel Hull
3.175mm Beskar Plating or 4.7625mm Phrik Plating

New Submission

Image Credit: unknown author, image found Here; which appears to be a play-by-post submission from 2006

Intent: Wanting to produce a new starfighter that could compete with the rare and exclusive Bes'uliik starfighter, Mandal Hypernautics set out to design one of the most deadly starfighters on the market. The company set out to create an advanced starfighter with unrivaled durability and firepower, but without sacrificing in speed.

Development Thread: Receiving Contract, Reviewing Performance, Mining Beskar, Mining Phrik,
Manufacturer: Mandal Hypernautics,
Model: Beskad-class Starfighter
Affiliation: Mandalorian Navy, Levantine Sanctum Navy, Hyperion Security,
Modularity: Beskar and Phrik variants
Production: Minor Production (Beskar), Minor Production (Phrik)
Durasteel Frame
Alusteel Hull
3.175mm Beskar Plating or 4.7625mm Phrik Plating

The Beskad-class Starfighter was an ambitious project launched by Mandal Hypernautics to provide the Mandalorian Navy with a cutting-edge starfighter that could match and exceed those of neighboring militaries. Early on in the design process, the decision was made to prioritize performance over cost. With this in mind, the company began acquiring bulk shipments of Beskar for use in the armor plating of the starfighter. However, the weight of the reinforced Beskar Armor resulted in a drastic reduction in speed and performance in the craft. Determined to keep the Beskar plating as part of the design, engineers and executives began searching for innovative alternatives to reduce to weight of the vehicle.

The decision was eventually made to sacrifice the Hyperdrive engine for larger sublight engines and increased weapons payload. Instead of following the current trend of designing the vessel with a dual ray/particle shield system, Mandal Hypernautics engineers trusted in the durability of the Beskar armor and universally agreed to forgo ray shielding in favor of extra strength particle shielding. While this combination of specialized armor and superior particle shielding has resulted in an improved overall durability to blasters, lasers, mass-drivers, concussion missiles, and a number of other weapon systems, it has left the starfighter even more vulnerable to ion weaponry.

The offensive capabilities of the Beskad includes two repeating mass drivers, a Proton Torpedo launcher with homing ammo, and a small turret on the rear-most section of the fighter's dorsal structure. Intended to compensate for the below-average speed and maneuverability of the Beskad when compared to other starfighters, this small turret houses a Repeating Ion Cannon that is capable of rotating 360 degrees and is capable of up to 45 degrees of elevation and 20 degrees of declination. The tail-fins next to the turret are capable of a great degree of articulation are can be folded up next to the wings during combat so that they do not obstruct the turret's line of sight. Built into the design of the starship is the droid-processor from another Mandal Hypernautics design. The processor is integrated into the weapon and turret that adorns the back of this starfighter and operates it independently of the Pilot and at the pilot's instructions. The pilot has a 'safety switch' that can be activated or deactivated to keep the droid-processor from firing the weapon when unwanted.

After several years as a prototype, a contract opportunity with the Levantine Sanctum inspired Mandal Hypernautics engineers to re-review the Beskad Prototype for full-scale production. While performance reports, maintenance reports, and after-action reports all pointed to the Beskad being a success, room for improvement was found and small modifications were made from the original prototype. Additionally, due to the questionable politics of selling a large quantity of Beskar products to foreign governments, an alternative model made of Phrik was developed for use by the Levantine Sanctum.

Classification: Elite Starfighter
Role: Space Superiority Fighter,
Height: 5 meters (9 meters including tail-fins)
Width: 4 meters (15 meters from wingtip to wingtip)
Length: 13 meters
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Photon Fuel
Hyperdrive Rating: None
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 1
Hangar: NA

(2) Repeating Mass-Driver Cannons
(1) Repeating Ion Cannon Turret
(1) Homing Proton Torpedo Launcher (6x ammo)

Non-Combative Attachments:
Extra Strength Particle Shields (no ray shielding, beskar plating supplements this)
Tracking and Targeting Systems
Encrypted Communications Systems
Advanced Combat Sensors
Integrated Droid-Processor from Kebii'tra Aranar Automated Gun Platform

Passenger Capacity: None
Cargo Capacity: 20kg
Consumables: 2 weeks
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: 2.5 (2.0 Guide) 3 (3.0 Guide)

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Manufacturer Modification Request
Submission Name: XR-25 Scimitar Assault Platform
Reason for Modification: After the takeover and subsequent release of assets under Ty’rel, Saiba retained the designs and production rights of high priority technology for a fair sum of money.
Modification: Change the Manufacturer to Saiba Group

Submission Name: Barrier-class Destroyer
Reason for Modification: After the takeover and subsequent release of assets under Ty’rel, Saiba retained the designs and production rights of high priority technology for a fair sum of money.
Modification: Change the Manufacturer to Saiba Group

Submission Name: XR-12 Frontier Outpost
Reason for Modification: After the takeover and subsequent release of assets under Ty’rel, Saiba retained the designs and production rights of high priority technology for a fair sum of money.
Modification: Change the Manufacturer to Saiba Group

Submission Name: PY-11 Production Yard Station
Reason for Modification: After the takeover and subsequent release of assets under Ty’rel, Saiba retained the designs and production rights of high priority technology for a fair sum of money.
Modification: Change the Manufacturer to Saiba Group

Submission Name: Watts-class Heavy Cruiser
Reason for Modification: After the takeover and subsequent release of assets under Ty’rel, Saiba retained the designs and production rights of high priority technology for a fair sum of money.
Modification: Change the Manufacturer to Saiba Group

Submission Name: XR-20 Restoration Station
Reason for Modification: After the takeover and subsequent release of assets under Ty’rel, Saiba retained the designs and production rights of high priority technology for a fair sum of money.
Modification: Change the Manufacturer to Saiba Group
[member="Alric Kuhn"], can I get an update on the status of my modification requests? I can understand taking your time with the modifications, since I did have quite a few requests... but not one of them has been touched in 20 days while I've waited patiently. Likewise, it's been nearly a week since my latest request and I've heard nothing from you on the matter.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Captain Larraq"]

There was a misunderstanding with who was handling mod requests. I will get to all of them tomorrow when I am home.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Captain Larraq"]

That is not at all on the top of this page for me.

I did totally miss that one, my mistake, there was a lot! I'll do that when i get up in the morning.
Submission Name: YT-2000 Tiburon
Link to Submission:
Reason For Modification: Correction of typo, upgrade on the ship
Modification: First, can we change the Title to "YT-2000 Tachyon Rising"

Secondly, add the following paragraph.

After the death of Kelly Topol during the events of Netherworld, Coren Starchaser took the ship over as his primary vessel. Working with engineers in Fringe space and the Underground, he had began upgrades on the vessel, to allow himself to better explore the galaxy. This was followed by a contract with Azure Executive Intergalactic. Parts were purchased and installed, including the Silk Holdings Cap Drain Module, Countermeaure Module and Silkworm Package as well as the Iron Crown Enterprises Wild Space Kit. From here, he would take the vessel nearly everywhere he was going.
Submission Name: The Maladi Class Strike Frigate
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: [member="Alric Kuhn"] gave the designs and rights to the Maladi Class to Danger Arceneau.
Link to Dev thread:

Changing manufacturer and adding description.

Image Source:
Affiliation: Closed Market
Manufacturer: Arceneau Trade Company | Haven Shipyards
Model: Maladi-Class Strike Frigate
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Terenthium&Desh, Durasteel
Classification: Strike Frigate

Length: 460m
Width: 320m
Height: 260m

  • Ten Heavy Long-Range Quad Turbolaser Turrets
  • Ten Heavy Quad Ion Cannon Turrets
  • Ten Heavy Proton Torpedo Launchers
  • Fifteen Heavy Concussion Missile Launchers
  • Twenty Point Defense Cannons
  • 2 Squadrons
Special Features:
  • Encryption Network
  • Escape Pods
  • Holonet Transceiver
  • Long-Range Communications Array
  • Advanced Double Redundant Shield Generator
  • Reinforced Hull
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Advanced Sensor Array
Maneuverability Rating: 10
Speed Rating: 9
Hyperdrive Class: 1.0 Backup 5.0

Miniaturization: Titan Industries for nearly a decade now has been the leading Corporation in the field of miniaturization. This means that Titan is all about making bigger things smaller. This corporate design philosophy began with the ship now known as the Dark Blade. The concept and design for the vessel was that of a ship holding the length of a Light Star Destroyer with the firepower of a heavy Command Ship. This then lead into the creation of the Wyyrlok whose firepower far eclipses other vessels of its class, and then ultimately accumulated in the creation of the Immortal, a ship that could take on entire fleet when properly used. This philosophy follows into the heart of the Maladi, and all of Titans accumulated experienced in miniaturization has gone into making this small ship incredibly efficient in every capacity.

Automation: Because of its small size Titan Industries found it necessary to find an alternative means of finding space. A way was found with the idea of automation, rigging systems to be run by a series of cybernetics instead of manpower. This process was aided by the design of the clever scientists at Hegemonic Automaton. More than half of the Maladi's systems are not run by organics. This means that the crew count of the Maladi is astoundingly low for its size, sitting at a number of thirty optimum. This lack of crew means the Maladi has less of a need for crew quarters, refreshers, and other amenities normally reserved for living beings. This allows more space for weapons, reactor, shields, and ships.

Armament: What makes the Maladi so powerful is the fact that even though it is a relatively small ship, its armament is large enough to allow for engagements with much more powerful weapons. Due to the automation and the miniaturization featured on the ship it's weapon capacity was increased nearly threefold, allowing for more powerful weapons to be fitted that draw from a more powerful reactor.

Weakspot: The Greatest flaw of the Maladi Class is the fact that its Hangar is quite literally open. The location of the Hangar is situated directly on the top of the vessel. The weakness in this is quite simple, the hangar sits open, containing no doors and only having a powerful rayshield to hold back the vacuum of space as well as in comming missiles. This Hangar however is still a massive weakness as if a vessel were to get in above the Maladi they could inflict massive damage upon the ship, though doing this would be difficult.

Boarding: As stated above, due to the automation process of the Maladi class this ship has vastly reduced crew count. Though this crew count is usually strengthened by the stationing of defense droids within the Maladi the ship is still far more susceptible to boarding tactics than other ships. If a Jedi, or even a Sith, strike squad were to board the Maladi they would almost certainly succeed in taking the ship, unless met with some unknown outside form of resistance.

Reactor: The reactor of the Maladi is essentially an overbuffed Frigate Reactor. The powersource of the Maladi creates a tremendous amount of energy for its many weapons. Due to this the reactor is somewhat unstable and its destruction can cause quite a bit of damage. An example of this is quite simple. If two Maladi's sit besides one another and one has a damaged and failing reactor that is about to go critical, the reactors overloading and subsequent explosion will entirely destroy the Maladi beside it.

The Maladi Class Strike Frigate is the accumulative knowledge and application of a design Philosophy that has held within Titan Industries since the construction of the Dark Blade Class Dreadnought.

The Maladi is the perfect example of miniaturization. It is a small ship compared to other vessels that Titan has Produced, topping out at only four hundred and sixty meters. Despite this however the Maladi is probably one of the most powerful vessels that Titan Industries has ever produced. The ship itself is capable of going toe to toe with most Star Destroyers, having the firepower of a much larger ship an the ability to hold its own against much bigger enemies.

This ship was created after the perfection of technology.

Titan Industries has long since believed that bigger is not always better. This idea started with the Dark Blade Class Dreadnoughts. These ships were designed as Artillery support, and were built around the facet of having a smaller ship with more powerful weapons. As a result the Dark Blade spans only a single kilometer while having the firepower of a ship that most would call far above an Imperial Star Destroyer.

This same philosophy was then taken up with the Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer. Though that ship holds a more aesthetically pleasing design and comparatively less weaponry the idea of miniaturization still holds strongly within the Wyyrlok, the ship holding much more firepower and a greater amount of support fighters than anything the One Sith had fielded before it.

The design philosophy of Miniaturization however came to a true crux when Titan Industries began to production of the titanic Immortal Class Dreadnoughts. These ships, though lumbering, slow, and greater in size than an Imperial Star Destroyer still hold a tremendous amount of firepower. The vessel has enough weapons and shield to suite half an Executor Class Super Star Destroyer and is widely believed to be one of the most powerful Ships in the entire galaxy due to the sheer amount of firepower it brings into a battle.

So, through the lessons taught by the Dark Blade, Wyyrlok, and eventually the Immortal, Titan Industries began to design of a new ship.

This ship would hold true to the same philosophy of miniaturization, and would remain small while containing more powerful.

What this design eventually brought about was the Maladi Class Strike Frigate. This ship, as stated before was relatively small, containing more firepower than one could believe would fit in such a small space. However, due to the multitude of technological advanced made in previous ships, Titan along with the aid of Hegemonic Automatons automation systems was able to squeeze more systems aboard the Maladi than most ever thought possible

The Ship itself follows in the design of the Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer. Its slim almost life like physique offered an aesthetically pleasing look to the vessel while also allowing for the proper mounting of weapon systems throughout the hull, allowing for swivel turrets and weaponry. The ship appears to be a cousin of its Larger counterpart, and comes equipped with many of the same inside features, though as stated before the ship is much smaller on the inside with much of its systems being automated.

In the end, The Maladi Class Strike Frigate is the result of well learned lessons in miniaturization, efficiency, and overall design aspects that Titan Industries has come to understand over the last decade.

Despite the estrange and strained relationship between Alric Kuhn and Danger Arceneau, the Titan CEO would gift his best friend a token for the Queen of Trade prior to his 'disappearance.' This included the design and rights to the Maladi Class Strike Frigate, stating the following:

I ask you to do something for me. There is something I have for you. Something I know you'll need. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but some day. Titan Station. You know where it is. It's yours. On it you'll find the plans for the Maladi, the greatest ship Titan ever built. Copy them, burn them, use them to destroy the One Sith's fleet. I don't care, they're yours. I know it isn't much, but I know you can use it.

Unable to destroy the fruits of his efforts, Danger Arceneau would bring the same production quality as Titan had before through her own company.

Although not immediately available, Danger would wrestle with the desire to no longer produce the Maladi or to profit from it. Perhaps, in an emotional strain at realizing that despite Alric's betrayal, he still was very much a part of her and she missed him.

Development Thread:
Maladi's Plans being Nearly captured by Pirates
The Automation System
Rebuilding of the Corellian Shipyards Where the Maladi Will be Produced
Building Of the Maladi's Primary Shipyards Outside of OS Space

Intent: To create one of the most powerful ships in the galaxy that will become a symbol of automation, miniaturization, and efficiency.

Who Can Use This: Those who buy from Arceneau Trade and Haven Shipyards through direct contact with Danger Arceneau. Very limited closed market sales.
Primary Source:


Submission Name: Titan Station
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: [member="Alric Kuhn"] gifted Titan Station to Danger Arceneau.
Link to Dev thread:


Image Source:
Affiliation: Danger Arceneau
Manufacturer: Titan Industries
Model: Titan Station
Modularity: Yes
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel, Terenthium and Desh
Classification: Defense Station

Diameter: 3800m
Height: 3500m


  • 12 Squadrons
  • 2 Vessels Below 1000m
  • 4 Docking Stations
Special Features:
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Encryption Network
  • Escape Pods
  • Holonet Transceiver
  • Long-Range Communications Array
  • Advanced Redundant Deflector Shield Generator
  • Reinforced Hull
  • Standard Detention Cells
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Shooting Range
  • Advanced Repair Stations
  • Housing Sections
  • Training Facilities
  • Laboratories
  • Storage Facilities
  • Recreational Facilities
  • Tractor Beam (x12)
Maneuverability: N/A
Speed Rating: N/A
Hyperdrive Class: N/A


Hagar & Docks: Titan Station has no armament to speak of. Instead it holds a massive amount of space for the fleet that surrounds it as well as a variable cornucopia of Fighters and bombers. The Station itself holds several small hangars in which it keeps its Fighter complement, dotted all around the station. In the center of the stations “ring” are docking components for vessels of smaller size than one thousand meters. This is designed as half a shipyard, aimed to be a repair station for smaller Frigates and Cruisers such as the Maladi Class Strike Frigate. The Station itself although not a shipyard is designed to be able to repair its fleet compliment after a battle engagement. This means the station itself has a tremendous capacity for repair droids. Along with the hangar and the inner ring components the Station also has four major docking points. These docking points can be used by larger Star Destroyers such as the Wyyrlok and the Dark Blade, allowing interface between the defense fleet and Titan Station.

Seeeekreeeeet*: Titan Station is the galaxies best kept secret. Nobody save for Alric, Silara, Danger, and the Sons of Titan know where the station is located. Though several people are aware of the vague location of the galaxy the station is it, exact coordinates have changed. The Station is located several dozen light years away from a Quasar, the galactic phenomenon emitting a certain type of radiation that makes Titan Station incredibly difficult to detect. This means Titan Station is almost impossible to find even with knowing its general location, one would require an exact galactic point.


Defenseless: Titan Station is completely and entirely defenseless. The only 'armament' that the station itself has is twelve tractor beam emitters located around the ring of the station. This is the only thing that can be classified as a weapon upon Titan Station. Aside from this, Titan Station relies on two factors for its defense. The first is its shielding and reinforced hull, giving the Station quite a bit of defense and allowing it to survive more than a few punches. The second is the Titan Industries Defense Fleet which is often found hovering around the station itself. This Fleet consists of Ten Maladi Class Strike Frigates and Two Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyers, enough to make anyone think twice about assaulting Titan Station.

Static: Titan Station unlike other space station is completely static. The only thing that allows the Station to move are small sets of maneuvering thrusters that keep the station in place while it hangs out within the deep black abyss, keeping it in the same place. This means the station cannot jump to hyperspace and it cannot relocate without assistance from several large towing vessels.

Always Cold: For some unknown reason Titan Station is always cold. Perhaps it is its location in space, perhaps its the malfunctioning air conditioning, but no matter what, if you're on Titan Station one must either be prepared to cuddle or wear socks.


Titan Station was envisioned by Alric Kuhn to be a home away from home.

This massive expansive Space Station contains everything from a gymnasium to a pool. Titan Station is quite literally a small city in it of itself. Its population? The Sons of Titan, and whomever Alric Kuhn wishes to tell about the station.

Spanning more than three thousand meters the Station contains repair systems, laboratories, recreational areas, housing, pools, and a full sized huttball court. These small amenities were added in simply because the Station is not functional as a Fortress or even a Research Facility. Instead it focuses its point on being a Home for Both Alric, and the Sons of Titan, as well as having a secondary purpose of being a Storage Facility for failed Titan Industries products.

Due to these functions, Titan Industries is a complete secret.

The Station itself was built under the guise of funneled money which appeared to be going to the Corellian rebuilding projects. These funds were instead used to purchase construction droids and materials which were eventually used to build Titan Station. The construction of the station took months and was completed in secrecy, eventually ending.

Once the station was completed it was moved through various means by several lightyears.

The Station itself is located half a dozen Light years away from an active quasar. Despite the danger inherit in this Alric was assured by his scientists that such a phenomenon should not harm the residence of the station. The location was deemed important due to the Stations nature, the quasars odd radiation spikes allowed for the station to remain hidden, making finding it incredibly difficult, if not impossible, without the use of direct coordinates.

Titan Station is essentially a home for Alric Kuhn. A last vestige he can run away to when it is needed.

The Station also now served as a home for the Sons of Titan. After unfortunate incidents on Coruscant Alric deemed it necessary to find them a new home. Titan Staiton serves as not only a large enough facility, but a secretive enough place to allow the Sons to train, relax, and live without anyone getting in their way.

The Stations final function is as a Storage Facility. Here on Titan Station one finds all of Titan Industries failed products and the designs for their successful ones. Nearly a fifth of the stations space is used to store weapons, walkers, and even failed fighter designs with a fifth of that fifth dedicated to detailed records of failed research and design into a multitude of products. Knowing that this information was sacred, Alric decided that instead of keeping it at various facilities around the galaxy, Titan Station would make the perfect home.

In the end, Titan Station serves as the perfect retreat.

Despite the estrange and strained relationship between Alric Kuhn and Danger Arceneau, the Titan CEO would gift his best friend a token for the Queen of Trade prior to his 'disappearance.' This included the design and rights to the Maladi Class Strike Frigate, stating the following:

I ask you to do something for me. There is something I have for you. Something I know you'll need. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but some day. Titan Station. You know where it is. It's yours. On it you'll find the plans for the Maladi, the greatest ship Titan ever built. Copy them, burn them, use them to destroy the One Sith's fleet. I don't care, they're yours. I know it isn't much, but I know you can use it.

Development Thread:

Intent: In Order to create a secret facility for Alric Kuhn and Titan Industries.
Who Can Use This: Silara Kuhn, Danger Arceneau, Alric Kuhn
Primary Source: N/A

*After the station is approved i will be creating a location sub
Submission Name: Dreadnought Cruiser Class II
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: . . . . . .I'm . . . . indecisive and like to tweak the armament again to keep with the changing designs rather than make a whole new starship. *coughs innocently*

The gun math is around the same, its less now, so no dev thread since I'm not adding more, just changing what the types are.

  • Heavy Quad Turbolaser Turrets x 12
  • Turbolaser Batteries x 12
  • Ion Cannon Batteries x 4
  • Heavy Concussion Missile Launchers x 6
  • Quad Laser Cannons x 20
  • Flak Cannons x 10
  • Point-Defense Cannons x 10
The Admiralty
Reason for Modification: The upcoming merger between the Lords of the Fringe and the Primeval makes for changes in the Factory affiliation.
Modification: Affiliation change from The Lords of the Fringe to Primeval | Iron Crown Enterprises | Closed Market
Dev Thread: [x]

Spencer Jacobs said:
[member="Captain Larraq"] I DID IT FORGIVE MEEEEE

Naw i lost internet that night and then got slammed with IRL poodoo. Its done now. Sorry for the wait.

No problem. IRL happens. I just thought I'd slide a reminder your way.

Thanks for getting it taken care of. <3

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